4 minute read
Goochland conservation director announces bid for District 5 BOS seat
Community Report
Jonathan Lyle, a conservation director for Goochland and current Chairman of the Monacan Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors, has announced his candidacy for the 5th District seat on Goochland’s Board of Supervisors.
“Since 2012, Goochland has been fortunate to have Ken Peterson serve as the fifth district supervisor,” Lyle said. “With Ken’s announced retirement, I hope to continue serving Goochland, but in a different role, via service on the Board of Supervisors. Ken – and his fellow board members – have set a high bar for the board members who will be elected in November. Goochland’s finances have never been stronger. Our schools have made tremendous advancements in academic performance. Goochland has made continuous investments in public safety these past twelve years. Ken cannot be replaced, but his hard work and efforts can be continued.”
Lyle noted that, if elected, he will work to see county government focus on three fundamental deliverables: public safety, traffic and roads, and public education.
“There is a bona fide role for government in our daily lives, but I do not believe that government can meet – or try to solve – every life challenge an individual faces,” Lyle said. “I believe Goochland’s budget outlays should begin with those services that benefit the county’s residents as a whole.”
Lyle said that he considers public safety to be about more than law enforcement. “It is also our fire-fighters and emergency medical services providers,” Lyle said.
“While the County can’t park an ambulance and fire truck in every homeowner’s driveway, there is a need to measure and enhance
Goochland’s evolving First Responder services as practicable.”
Lyle also commented on the need to manage growth in the county, especially as it impacts traffic and the county’s road system.
“I am an advocate for ‘growing gracefully’ in Goochland” Lyle said. “I do not believe Goochland’s growth should occur by seeing undue disruption and a degrading of services to current Goochland citizens. When new developments and rezoning requests are presented to the board, a fundamental question I will ask is: ‘Will Goochland as a county be better off if this rezoning or new development is approved?’ I believe in property rights: I recognize growth will occur, but a request for a change in zoning does not guarantee approval.”
Lyle also emphasized his interest in seeing Goochland broaden its business tax base.
“In 2023, 85% of the tax revenue received by the county comes from residential real estate and personal property taxes,” Lyle said. “I would like to see growth in business tax revenue so that the county’s revenues are 30% business based and 70% residential based. That will decrease the burden on homeowners to fund needed county services.”
Lyle also noted his support for balanced funding for Goochland’s schools.
“Goochland’s schools have done a brilliant job in ‘doing more with less’ the past decade,” Lyle said. “Sixty-three percent of Goochland schools’ $40 million annual operating budget comes from the county. That is almost $10,000 in local funding per year per student in Goochland’s schools. That’s a significant number. But done properly, that $26 million will be an investment that pays dividends” Lyle said.
Lyle and his wife Larisa have lived in Manakin Sabot, where they raised their three children, since 1991. Sons Duncan and
Courtland reside in Binghamton New York and Indianapolis, respectively. Daughter Jane lives in Sydney, Australia.
Lyle is an Army veteran, having enlisted in 1972 after graduating from high school and served with the 194th Armored Brigade. Upon completing three years of active duty, he enrolled at Bridgewater College where he received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration.
His career path includes working with Southern Bank/Jefferson Bancshares and with North American Communications Group. In 1986, he was a co-founding partner in Response Marketing Group (RMG), a direct marketing agency that grew to 120 employees and 10 offices across the United States, with satellite offices in Australia, Russia and Canada. After the sale of RMG, Lyle started Metis/ American Marketing in 1996, and
Community Report
GoochlandCares is currently among the 11% of non-profits nationwide that have achieved the distinction of both integrating volunteers in meaningful and strategic ways and creating a welcoming and supportive experience for the volunteers themselves.
As a Service Enterprise, GoochlandCares can fulfill its mission to provide basic human services and health care to Goochland neighbors in need. “Because volunteers and staff work side-by-side we can effectively increase our impact in our client’s lives,” said Dominic Alexander, GoochlandCares volunteer engagement director.
GoochlandCares is recognized for an exceptional culture of volunteer engagement, as evidenced by the 200 regular volunteers who come week after week to ensure that clients get the food, clothing, health care, and support they need. Furthermore, GoochlandCares relies on volunteers in leadership roles like training new volunteers, supervising group projects and providing special skills. Sincere thanks and congratulations to GoochlandCares’ fantastic volunteers, staff members, and Board of Directors. Questions about volunteering should be directed to the GoochlandCares website, GoochlandCares.org or to Dominic Alexander at (804) 556-0400, dalexander@ goochlandcares.org.
Community Report
Hurricane season is June 1 to Nov. 30 each year. Now is the time to get ready. See the Hurricane Preparedness Checklist below to know what to do before the storm, during the storm, and after the storm. Resources to help prepare are provided at the end of the checklist.
Before the storm
Review or create your emergency plan.
Put together a family communication plan.
Sign up for Goochland’s Code Red alerts at www.goochlandva.us.
Build an emergency kit.
Check or get flood insurance.
Remember the needs of your pets.
During the storm
Keep in mind impacts can be felt far from the coast.
Secure your home.
Continue to follow alerts and warnings.
If safe to do so, check on your neighbors.
After the storm
Continue to follow alerts and warnings.
Don’t drive through roads covered in water – “Turn Around, Don’t Drown!”
Practice generator safety.
Protect yourself while cleaning up and wear the right gear.
Save your phone battery for emergencies. Text instead. Planning Resources
https://www.floodsmart. gov/
https://hurricanestrong. org/
http://www.ready.gov/ animals
https://www.redcross. org/
Contact Goochland County Fire-Recue and Emergency Services (804-556-5304) if you have emergency preparedness questions.
—Submitted by Goochland County Fire-Rescue