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Closing of shopping center entrance concerns business
Several local businesses in the Courthouse Commons Shopping Center are continuing their e ort to convince a local shopping cen- ter owner to reopen one of the two entrances to the complex, which is located at the intersection of Sandy Hook and Fairground roads.
The entrance located on Fairground road has been closed for
several weeks, blocked o by a sign informing drivers that the closure is being implemented to keep customers and employees safe.
The sign also indicates that the entrance will remain closed until the roundabout currently under construction at the nearby intersection is completed.
The March 16 vote came after Republicans took control of the board, despite some fears that the new majority would abolish it. The board did make one change, deciding to move the o cial date for Sunday voting to the first Sunday of the 45-day early voting period.
Opposition to Sunday voting seemed to settle on three main issues: religion, the number of actual voters and the cost. Officials say it cost about $200 to run the polls on Sunday, which is mainly to pay the election officers.
Supporters, however, contend the option is important to ensure everyone has the chance to vote. “There are many people who work on Saturday or