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Making friends after 50 can prove challenging
The early years of midlife are a hectic time for many people. Around the time many people reach their late 30s and early 40s, they’re balancing the responsibilities of a career and a family. But as people enter their 50s, some of those responsibilities tend to be less significant, leaving more time for recreational pursuits.
Hobbies and other pursuits outside of work are often more fun when enjoyed with friends.
People over 50 undoubtedly recognize that it’s not always so easy to make new friends, even though it’s undeniably beneficial to have supportive relationships into your golden years. A 2017 study from researchers at Michigan State University found that valuing friendships was a stronger predictor of health and happiness among older adults than valuing family. Those results align with an earlier Australian study that found Australians age 70 or older tended to live significantly longer if they had more strong friendships.
Making friends after 50 might not be as simple as it was during your school days, but these strategies can help men and women in midlife build new friendships.
Identify your interests. Fiftysomethings who have spent the last couple of decades building a career and raising a family can give some serious thought to their interests office and Mailing address: 8460 Times-dispatch Blvd. Mechanicsville, Va 23116
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Caudill remains best choice for Goochland CA
Dear Editor, I want to share that any time I have met Sheriff Creasey or needed a deputy because of a fire in my home or alarm going off I have been met with caring employees.
I would like to take a section from the Vaprosecutors.org site because I feel we are missing the point in this community.
criminal justice system. Virtually every official action that prosecutors take is done in open court so that any member of the public or the media can see. Prosecutors are heavily scrutinized by courts, the media, the Virginia State Bar and defense attorneys. The penalties prosecutors would pay for misconduct range from dismissal of their case, loss of their law license and even imprisonment.”
The outside of work or passions they hope to pursue now that they have more time to commit to such pursuits. The more interested you are in a given activity, the more likely you are to stick with it. And the longer you stick with something, the more likely you are to meet like-minded individuals (i.e., future friends) willing to make similar commitments.
Utilize social media. In years past, men and
“Under the law, Commonwealth’s Attorneys have many responsibilities in addition to seeking the truth and pursuing justice. Commonwealth’s Attorneys work on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Under the law, they must protect the constitutional and legal rights of both those accused of committing crimes as well as victims of crime.
“That can mean charging someone for a crime, dropping a case or reducing the charges in a case, for example. Pleasing everyone is an impossible task, so they are charged with doing the right thing, even when that’s an unpopular thing to do.
“The truth: Commonwealth’s Attorneys are more accountable than any other actor in the
I have not read or heard any professional misconduct reports on our current Commonwealth’s Attorney. In fact I hear from many lawyers he is very efficient in his job. The petty behavior over this race is unbecoming in this community and further serves to divide instead of unite. Unfortunately wind of this has gone beyond our borders and reflects poorly on our name as a county. We are better than this. I know if an unfortunate criminal situation happens to me or my family on Nov. 15, I want a seasoned criminal prosecutor to be by my side. I support Mike Caudill in this race. John Lumpkins is a fine supervisor. This just is not the job for him.
Debra Arnold Manakin Sabot
Va. 23116 Fax: (804) 344-8746 e-mail: editor@goochlandgazette.com