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We shalf ftght shoes in the office. We shall fight them inthe parkrthe mrrseum and the $rpermarket.TVe
ftght shoes because shoes are in league with hard surfa,ces to desGroy our backs. Alrd we shall fight them with something far $rperior to a shoe. $omething that protects your spine, Something that tones your musoles. Something that helps you starrd up straight and ruallr tlre rtray you were meant to, And if we have to step on a few toes to gain tlmt victory, then with all our might, rf,/e will. @2008VlasaiUSACorp
@ The anti-shoe.
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MoodLight'".Change and colors, functions, withthe lightsequences MoodLightRemote in difCreate Control. a colorintensities: ferent red,a stimulating blue,anencalming or a orange, forcing green. Change relaxing of thepritheintensity red,green, marycolors unllm an dbl u eto blend in each itedcombinations of thefourquadrants. interrandom Display ordisplay gradually colors, changing sequences, colorcombinations, changing or Canbewall-or ceiling-mounted, beats. withmusical in sync coloreffects to each attach Light can Mood piece. 19'/," x 19'/," Each floor asa stand-alone with TheMoodLightKitcomes otherfora largelightpanelor even3-Dblocks. Control theMoodLightRemote oneMoodLight(onelightwithfourquadrants), kit.Usewithadultsupervi(batteries andmounting supply, a power included), 'l ULlisted. sion"20volts,
BRONNLEYBADESEIFEZITRONEMIT KORDEL DieseSeifenin Zitronenformverstr0men einen krafiigen, sauberenZitrusduft.
Nebenden Seifenvon Bronnleyaus dem WarenkatalogNr. 20 (Seite127) bietenwir lhnen hier eine Badeseifemit Kordelan, welche- besondersPraktisch - an die Armaturgehangtwerden kann.2so-g-Sttjck(! 6,00 / 100 g). ! 15,00 Bestell-Nr.83367877
Almost4oo/ool Alzheimer'spatientsexperiencesignificantweightloss.A studyout of BostonUniversitysuggeststhat the weightloss is due in partto the loss of the ability to distinguishcontrastbetweencolors. Peoplewith Alzheimer'sare not ableto distinguishlightcoloredfood and drinkon or in typicallylightcoloredtableware.When usingtablewarethat offereda high contrast noticedthatthe to the food and drink(i.e.:brightred and brightblue),researchers participantsin the studyincreasedtheirfood intakeby 24"/"and liquidintakeby 84%.
Artivity Tray.An efiective alternative to standard tilt tables or easels. Hasan adjustable ledgeand non-glare durable piastic cover. Easily aoJusts to 5",20"or 75'angles. Measures 18"x 24". Latex free. 5522-25
I EXCLUSIVE 'Hookand Go' UrbanShopper carrybagsof freshproduceand othergroceries upto 70 with ease.Rubberwheelsrollsmoothlyon rough reets,wjtha rubberstopperto keepthe shopper ight.Foldsup for compacttransportand storage.
TimeTimer.Helps achieve better timemanagement byallowing people to seeelapsed timein sound-sensitive environment. Timeexercises, teaching sessions, meetings, homework, duration drills, tests, etc.Timeelapses clockwise andcanbesetat anypointfrom0-60 minutes. Uses oneAAbatterv. The8" or I2" square Time Timer can befree-standing orwall-mounted. ThePersonal Time Trainer is3" square andfeatures a protective cover, toughnyloncarrying case withVelcro' closure, andbeltloop. 9279-19Personal 9279-208" 9279-2112" NEWI 5640-958 " Audible TimeTimer. Same asotherTimeTimers butwithanaudible timer.
our,newoetcollection -
Pet Keepsake Kits NEW lmmorlalizefurry friends with a presentatjon of their prints. These clever kits each display a paw print alongside a portrait in a shadowbox frame. lncludes no-mess, nontoxic impressionmaterial;a white, acid-freemat; and glass-coveredpine frame. Kits also include wooden rollingpin, shaping rulerand double-sided tape. Mount the singleframe on the wall or let it lean; folding hinged frame rests on a desk or table, Mahoganyor black finish. A . S ingl e F r a m e 1 5 " x 1 2 " H 2 0 7 4 7 8$ 3 5 B. Fofding Frame 147/a" x 9%"H 306214 $35 C. Eco Nap Pet Lounger NEWMilledin Montana of 85% recycled plastic, Eco Nap diverts soda bottles from landfillsand converts them into soft, hypoallergenicbeds. Made by West paw Design. Personalizewith a single initial.Large offered in blue; small in oatmeal (view on website). M 308071 Large 35" x22" $60 With personalization$65 Small 24,,x 19" $38 With personalization$43
D. Jax+ Bones RopeToys uew Made of i0O% vegetable-dyedcotton, these sturdy dog toys promote dental health,A poftion of the proceeds goes to rescuetrain,org,a nonprofitorganizationfor animalsin need. Machinewash. Octopus, giraffe or lion availablein small or large; elephantonly availablein large (viewon website). 308917 Small $14 Large $16 E. Personalized Pet Bowls NEW pajnted entirely by hand, these ceramic bowls sport extra heft for stability,which means fewer splllsand no slippage. Food, dishwasherand microwavesafe. personalized with up to 9 characterson the small bowl and 12 on the medium and large bowls. (pleaseallow an additionalfive businessdays for order processing.) Handmade in the USA by Melia Luxury pets. Choose faucet or fork and knife. Small: 6" diam.; 2g o z. l\/e d iu m:8 3/+"di am.;48 oz. Large:11',di am.; 1 1 0 0 2 . M 308374 Smatl $S 0E ach Medi um $60 Each Large $70 Each
H. ltalian Herb Garden NEWA deliciousgift for the gardeneror chef, this kit featuresorganic soil, and seeds for basil,oreganoand chives lncludes three glazed earthenware containers and a tray. Optionalplaque may be personalizedwith two lines of 10 characterseach. Pots: Small 4" x21/2"x3"N; Medium 4" sq. x 4%"H; Large 6%" x 31/e"x 51/s"H. frav:71/a" x8"L. EXcLUslvEM 207439 S40Jll!_-
E. AromatherapyGrowingKit rupwSoothe the spiritand satisfythe greenthumb.As the lavender and lemonbalmof our garden chamomile, grow,theiraromascombineintoa naturalmood trayand lifter.Comeswitha mattewhiteporcelain threepots,plusseedsand organicsoil,Pots:3%" 207421$42 x11%"L. ExcLUStvE sq.Tray:41/r"W -
opening canseasyandeffortless. Works for right-or left-hand use.Locks ontocan. Includes griphandles. comfort Madeof AB5,Santoprene andstainless steel. s615-05
SafetyI CanOpener.Ratchet design easily removes lidswithnosharp edges, Works forrightor left-hand use. This opener removes lidswithout dropplng them intothecanandthetouchless system keeps hands offthelid.Lidgripper opens the moststubborn of cans. Nocleaning necessaryasthewheelnever comes in contact withthefood.MadeofABSwithSoftcrip coating andstainless steel. 5615-06
CanOpener. Wall-mounted canopener designed forone-handed operation. Canis placed onstand, whichisraised byrotating handle untilit engages opener mechanism. For cans1%"to 6' highandupt0 4%"indiameter. Mounting screws included. Latex free. AA51-40
EZSqueeze'" One-Handed CanOpener. TheEZSqueeze removes lidsquickly and easiiy withonlyonehand. Pierce thelid withthecutting wheelandsimply squeeze thehandles to openthecan.Magnetized tipof handle thenliftscutlidsafely and easily. Latex free. 9205-78
One-Handed KitchenHelperKit.These products specially selected helpanyone whofunctions withtheuseof onlyone hand. The4pckitincludes a Rocker Knife (14 11,page1159),a Zi mJarandB ottl e (3086, page1202),a Hi-DParing Opener (3099, page1198),andanEZ Board (9205Squeeze One-Handed CanOpener 78,above). Latex free.[Dl 5571-52 Savewhenyou buythis kit.
GizmoCordless CanOpener.Features a mountable base, or it canbestored in a drawer or ona counter. lt "walks around" thecanandshuts offautomatically. At full charge, theGizmo canopenupto a month's powerworthof cans. Removable pierce bladeisdishwasher safeforeasy cleanup. Lidrelease foreasy, safedisposal intoa wastebasket. Latex free. 5571-63
Ergo Cordless CanOpener. Lightweight, rechargeable unittakeslittlespace. Nopressureisnecessary afterthe"Power Pierce" cutterhasbeenactivated - theopener goes around thecanbyitself andautomatically shuts 0ff.Forone-handed use,trya piece of (seepages11521o plastic non-slip 1154)beneath thecanto steady it.0penerhas removable cutting assembly andcleans easily. U nimeasures t 8' L x 3% ' Wx 4 "D.Forr ightor lefthanded use.Latex free. 3047
Ergo'" CordlessCan Opener Black & Decker Lids Off'" Autornatic far Opener
Lightweight, cordlessdesrgnis comfortableond eosyt0 use.
Easy-to-push button/oosenseventhe most stubborn/id in seconds.
Thiscompactcanopenerrecharges in its storage ergonomic handleprovides base,Thecontoured, in the hand. a securegripandfeelscomfortable Openscansof allsizesand
jaropenerrequires Thiseasy-to-use. elecLric no strenuous twistingandis idealfor absolutely peoplewith limitedhandstrength.Opensjarsof in diameter all shapes andsizesup to 4/2"(11cm) in height.Openingjarsis andup to 8" i20cm; qulckandeasyJustlift theergonomic handle, placethejar on theturntableandIowerthe handleuntiltheopenerrestson thelid. Press andrelease thelargeon/offbuttonuntil thelid is TheLidsOff" AutomaticJar Opener loosened. collapses to a heightof 10"iz5cmlfor easy manufacturer's warranty storage. One-year
shutsoff automatically The removable "Power-Pierce" cutting blade is dishwashersafe. NC2821327.t0
farPop! No rnoretwistingond stroiningto openjors! jarswith UseJarPop! to opentight,vacuum-sealed is necessarylirtleeffort.Notwisting or turning vacuumpressure simplylift up andpop to release andfreethe lid. tids remainresealable. 6.25 NC26781
Gizmo'" CordlessCan Opener Onehond is oll you needto usethis lightweightcon opener. to operateoncethe Thelightweight, rechargeable Gizmo'"Cordless CanOpenerrequiresno pressure "Power-Pierce" Theopener"walksaround"thecan,thenshutsoff automaticutterhasbeenactivated. a lid release for easy, safedisposal. Canbestoredin thecountertopchargeror callyOpenerfeatures in a drawer.Forright-handed mountedasanunder-cabinet opener.Smallenoughto fit conveniently "Power-Pierce" bladeis dishwasher safe. useonly Removable NC2822745.95
Good GripsoJar Opener Loosenseyenthe trghtest,hord-to-openiids. Patented GoodGrips'handleprovides a flexible,nonslipgripfor easyopeningof twist-offlids.Openslidsranging from/2"to 3%"113mm to9.5cm). Dishwashersafe.Lifetimewarranty NC281999.95
the independence kitchen
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Designedby AKW MediGare for accessibiltty by all membersof the familyincludingpersons with reducedmobilitY. many lifeenhancingfeatures,the Incorporating Kitchencombinesusability Independence AKW with remarkablevaluefor moneY. This high qualityproduct has a full range of of options and sizesto suit the requirements most kitcheninstallations. The overallresultis an attractivekitchenthat will enhanceany home as well as providingusers with a functionaland efficientwork space.
> Features include: to all familYmembers. Accessible
I a a
Attractivedesign,superiorstrengthand qualtty' Suppliedflat pack/knockdown for easy storageand installation. transportation, Cupboardswith pull-outand pull-downbasketsfor easyaccess(oPtionalextras).
Riseand fallunitsfor multi-userkitchens.
Cam fasteningsfor easYassemblY.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Open EndWallUnit WallUnit- SingleDoor
7. 8.
Highline BaseUnit- SingleDoor Riseand FallUnit
Open CornerWallUnit WallUnit- DoubleDoor
CornerUnit 10. MobileCart- DoubleDrawer
Open End BaseUnit Base Unii - 3 Drawers
11. TallSingleOvenHousingUnit 12. PanIry/BroomUnit
Light N/aple
. Pull-downbasketshowingclosedto fullyextendedpositions. . Wallcupboardswith pull-downbasketsare suppliedwith 90o The pull-downbaskets for the shelving, hingesto allowclearance havea gas strutfittedto ensuresmoothoperation" . Metalboxdrawersystemwith metalsidesand runners,nylon / I5mm base. wheelsandsze" c 3rq"/ 18mm thick materialwith cam fastenersfor easy assembly, strengthand rigidlty, t 1ta"/ l.Smm PVCedgingon door and drawerfronts.
. Cupboardfittedwith pull-outbaskets.
. Threeouartercarouselsuitable for "L" shapedcornerunits.
. Halfcornercarouselsuitable for straightcornerunits. Cornerunitcarouselsallow easy accessto difflcultto reacnslorageareas.
. Mobilecad maximizesspace that also provideswheelchair ACCESS,
. All wall cupboards h^,,^ Idvu
^ii, ,^+^hl^ ouJuorqurv
fastenersto allow accuratealignment.
' Pull-outpantryunitwith height adjustableshelvingfor flexible storagespace.
. Suppliedwith toe kicksand legs 117/8" /30Ommhighwhichcan ho rcel rnod aq ronr rireclOn Sitg.
Cupboarddoors are fittedwith wide opening 170ohingesas standard (9Oowhereapplicable).
Shelvingis adjustab and fitted with anti{il dCVICES.
. Suppliedwith attract handlesin a brushed stainlesssteeleffect.
'': . . . , . : . : : : - . . . : .- :'.. 't : : : : ' : '. . : : . .:- -. ''..t( $ 1 4 0 ; 0 o) n t o r miso y o u rb o d ya n d d i |\lmlre ex|rat r ips f * r f or golt ent niI k or c of f ee- j r r s I s p e a k i n t o t h e 'i ', .y,l.j]L, .l r: : 'i ] . ] '] . ': . :tribiltes : . : . . . , ' weightevenlv,sc it's kind to bad backs .:.:..:.,, . , . . . . .,..:. . , ' . ,. . ' : ' : . : : ' . .' . . . : { $145:e l d e r l u xceo m i t o l e c 0 r c l ilornesin 13 colors,too. lis1" i'tems,Llrenpresta i:uitont0 ilrinLa rategorized
. . :..::':::,::. easyand accuraleThe handies In nrakenteasuring whirh h)rsbrighIycoloredn'rnrbers spoon3ei i$5.!g;, il4rasuring l-lanrlletl h;lv+softgripstnr cxtia{lomfort
Silicone MiniMitts Fiexrble frngermittsprotectagainsthot pots and lids.Heatresistant up to 500"FDrshwasher safe.5Vz'x 5'. Sets oftwog19.50 Red#479139 Btack#485904 Btue#594523
E)i[0]-l,,Sl]ViE Fagor Induction Burner P reci se,effi ci ent,fast, rel i abl e_a favori te of professl onalchefs. Easytouch control s w i th si x temperaturesetti ngs.Features ti mer and control pad l ock. Wtpe cl ean. l 300w o','. t4' x l _ t.2 q . #582437 $199.95 . Efficent: Uses90% ol energyproduced. . Fast:Quck heatng response as pTecse as gasw l th50% l esscooki ng ti me. . Prectse: Mel tchocol ate w thouta doubl eboi l er . Safe:Surfacestayscoolto the toucirwrthno fl amesor smoke.Automatrc safetyshutoff. . Easyto cl ean:Spi l l sw i pe up easi l ysi nce l heydon'tgetcookedontothegrass.
'n.-' /'-\ I rtlL,r- t i.l i.: ( r Flowing designfitsthe hand tnary for extraord f lawlessly rocking. balance and efforlless Fasyg, p PaktaWoooha^des 8" ShunKenOnionChef's #450627Value$250.00 Sae l i a r[ $ n 9 9 . ! r5
lncludes convenient carrying handle and cord wrap.
PowerLink30ControlUnit Set.The Powerlink 3 control unitgives students the mostelectric appliancel tools ability to control andtoyswithsingle switches. Alsogives stuthepower to taketurnsoperating dents 2 devices insequence orexdevices, activate perience of choice making when thefreedom Provides four deciding bewveen 2 activities. modes of control; . Direct ononly Modekeeps theappliance whiletheswitchisactivated . Timed appliance to Seconds Modeallows runfora setamount oftimefrom1-60seconds . Timed to run Minutes Modeallows appliance fora setamount oftimefrom1-60minutes . Latch Modeturnsappliance onwithone press of a switchandoffwithanother. Latex free. 4189 Switch plugs in here
switch everlCordless flexibility allows Airlink Cordless Switch.Themostversatile Unit(below) fromupto 20feetaway. A student to activate thePowerlink 3 Control activation easier. Whenpafticipating in other comfortably angled basemakes successful justaddtheincluded 5{ootcord. A detachable mounling activities using battery devices, youto movetheAirlinkto wherever youneedit most. baseallows 5501-35
l^'.rToTfl,'i#:': nrssaiad
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(12'7cm)Extension DoorKnobExtender' intoa doorlever a doorknob converts handle withlimforpeople providing extraleverage Forleft-or right-hand itedhandfunction. and doorknob use.5" Fitsovera standard a Insert to keyholes. access allowscomplete slot handle theunique through cordorstring for to access easier to makedoorknobs installed be Can reach. limited with oeonle - nospecial tools onlya screwdrlver using to clean. Easv required.
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Leverdoor handlesin some ways symbolizeaccess.In contrast to the typicaldoorknobthere are many ways to open the door with a lever handle.You can use your hand, but you can atso use your elbow,your foot, or a towel. The simple extension allowsmany usersto find many ways to open the door. If you can't open the door you don't have access.The Ironmonoer
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Clean height adjustableis our latest addition to the Clean family. The height can be adjusted to fit perfectly over the toilet, or to simplify transfers.Every detail of the chair is designedto make it functional, safe and easyto use for both users and carers.
HingedArm Supportsond Grob Rqils ondgrcbroilshoveo Otto Bock'shingedormsupports (150 kg),ore modeof powderweightcopocityof 330 lbs, coloris white,buttheyconolso cootedsteel.Ourstondord be speciolorderedin sixothercolors,
Gotu KolaAftershave Helps Heal, Hydrate and Soothe Just Shaved Skin - Oil Free Finally, an aftershavethat doesn't sting, smell too strong or feelgoopy. Botani cali ngredi enrsmake for
soothes the skin. A lanolin-derived moisturizer leavesskin feeling soft and prorected.Women like this gel, too. Very concentrated. M00908-8o2.
a product that really does what it says
healswith vitamins A,
C & E antioxidant liposomes and soothes with gotu kola extract.This aftershaveis ideal as an everyday Our porcelainShavingMugs are
moisrurizerevenfor very sensitive skin (use it with confidenceunder
speciallymadefor us by a localponer.
the eyes).
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Using an old-fashionedshavingmug makes the entire shaving process
.: !i l . r.,t
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complete.Variouscolorsavailablepleaseask for specifics.Weincludea free glycerin shaving soap in eacnmug. 5 6 1 A- M u g with Un sce n te dSo a p $ 1 7 .00 6 6 1 8 - M u g with L e m o n Gr a ssSo a p $ 1 7.00 6 6 1 C- M u g with Sa g e b r u shSo a p $ 1 7 .00
\ f u* f uX[ N
M00601-1.2o2. pump $18.00
Aloe VeraShavingGel For All Skin Types Many men preferou r shavinggel as an altemativeto shavingsoap.It can be appliedwithout a shaving brush and its lubricating action helps the razor glide smoothly over the face. Aloe veraaddsslipperinessand
PureBadger ShavingBrush One hundred percentpurebadger brisde shavingbrush. Badgermakes for a soft feelon the skin andlors of lather! The old-fashioned way to shave is sdll the best.Tryour shavng mug and shaving soaps for a real treat. F66s1-
MeetsTheAmeican DisabiIitieiAct (aDA) Specificotions..,
RefresherBody Mist and RoomFreshener' This lightly moisturizing body mist comes
scentedwith the fragranceofyour choice, iri a convenient non-aerosol spray-pump bottle. Mist over your body (except face,to avoid
possible eye irritation) after bath, shower or any time to leaveyourselffeeling
refreshedand invigorated. T0 0 108-8o2 . $ 11 .50
;i 1?Y*1-"-
seca 760 - mechanical personal scale in four different colors The precisionmovementof this scalewith circulardisplayguaranteesexactresults andthe designwith a lot of whiteandchromegivesthe scalea fresh,timelesslook. . Capacity:320 lbs 1 lbs , Graduation: , Optional:Transportcaseseca421
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FeltedSoap? YE S , TH A T' S R IGH T: FE LTE D S OA P Theselusci*usbarsarewreppedin wcol to createa soapand rvashclctrr all in one Wool hasnaturaiantifungaiproperties and will retain itsfreshness. Th* felt shrinksak:ngwith the soapds you useit, snd the casingmay b* reused by slittrng alongihe edgeandinsenirrg any ber*f saapthet fits. Theicng lastingsoapis handcraftedusirrg a naturaivegetableoil base,essential *ils for jay, botanicais, aron'ratic with nn syntheti( fragrances, dyesor preservativcs. h,4ad*by Nancywha livesin f\arthernf ali{*rnia. Thesealsomakea niftygift. Scapscomescentedin Lavender or CalenrJula Citrus.We chocsethe woa! cclcr,ycu chocse the scent. ,l 12" f6 9: * ,A baut 3 di ameter$18.00
I iti
n. Microcotton Towels Thesewi[[ be yourfavoritetowels.Long-stapte, quick-drying, fine 100%combedcottonis silky-soft,super-absorbent, friendty(no additives),and ["usit stayssoft environmentatty after repeatedusesand washes.Thirstyterry with wovenborders,eachis a 13" square;handtowe[ 16" x 28"; bath Washcloth experience. true pampering Brown,Paprika,0at, Straw.Ivory,White, towel 30" x 54". SpecifyChocotate Aqua.Smoke,BambooGreen,or MossGreen.(Colorsshownfrom top to bottom.) 51421 $6.00 Wa s h c l o t h H a n dT o w e l5 1 4 2 0 $ 1 2 . 0 0 B a t hT o w e 5 l 1419 $22.00
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Eose of Use Usingthe Akkulifi'is simple.In its upper position the seotondsideflopsoreon the somelevel,mokingit eosyio get ontothe seotondslideintothe bothtub. ,..-@ffi: ;ih{d
, . : * ti
Justpressthe bluebutton,ondthe bothlift willgentlyloweror roiseyou intoor out security, of yourboth,And,for odditionol there unless descend will not Akkuli{t the is enoughpowerfor liftingyouup when yourboth,Afterbothing, youhovefinished just pressthe yellowbuttonon the monuol controlondthe Akkuliftwillgenilyond liftyouup ogoin. securely v
Deluxe China Rain Sampler > gift for the ChinaRainLoveron yourlistlFouroz. eachof China A special RainVitamins A, D & E Morsturizer, ChinaRainBodyShampoo, China RainLiquidPowder, ChinaRainBubbleBathand 1/3oz. ChinaRain PerfumeOil in roll-onbottle. GO7202- $46.00
< China Rain Sampler Twooz.eachof ChinaRainBodyShampoo, ChinaRainBubbleBath, ChinaRainVitamins A, D & E Moisturizer and a 3 oz. ChinaRain Glycerin Soap.TB12- $19,00
Relaxing Sampler > Twooz. eachof Lavender Mint BodyShampoo,Lavender Moisturizer with VrtaminE,SweetAlmondMassage and BodyOil and a 6 oz. barof Lavender Aromatherapy OliveOilSoap. TB15- $22.00
< Body Time Canvas Bag Thisoversized bag is madeof thick,sturdycanvasand will lastfor years.Perfect for lotsof grocieries or to packevefihing you'll needfor the beach.We think gift wrap. Giveone with your nextgift. this bag is a greatre-usable 100% cotton.21" x " 17." F7542- Whiteor Black$10.00
Lavender Dryer Sachets are back! >
Theseuniquesachets,stuffedwith driedFrenchlavender, are actuallydesignedto go in the dryeras a naturalalternative to the syntheticfragrances in commercial dryersheets. Throwtheseunbleachedmuslinsachetsin the dryerto leavea subtle,cleanfragranceon all your clothes,sheetsand towels.Eachsachetlastsfor approximately 20 dryerloads. F4845- Three per pack $'14.00
+=H+EF++Fii+=;+ffi l t,
LOWERBODY i i lif i;l lil :t{ 1,
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yo urwa lkin gco unt . lV la ke c lr ar t ,largeeasy-lo-read display,and strong f eature sa ca inrieca nsunr pt ion allig etoclip r .
Boosiyourhraiirpowerwith trainingprograrfls f r o m l . . : : ': . . , . . . (. r$'.i 9' . 9 5a r n c n t l r l;u m o s i t y .co m ) . T h e 1 0 'm i n u i em e n t a w l o r k o u t cs a n l e a dt o / : e d r c td r r Jq u i r k e rl l r . t ) k :Bi . i q - f n ; S e da l c , l ,.e S.. sharpermemory,and evena bettermoad.
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with r",,, , $ay good-bv*to old-fogiereadingglasses hip frarnesand rr:lorfulstyles.Readersunglasses, toa. {$6[J;
elderlu xe .co m] can re s w it h a t r owel,c Lr lt r v at or and , t r ans pl a n l . ' n o ' r ni l o
l V '. l o r,n,. sl.,..r le!
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gei-g riph an die s, th e to olsar * id* aif or eas ylif t ing.plant in g , aniJv,ieed rng"
W$ DigitalTwo-Piece Healtho meter@ PlatformScalewith RemoteLCD - (30cm) heavy-duty square 12" Display. platform mat.Nine-foot withnonslip steel of the safepositioning easy, cordensures onwallortable.1/2"LCDdisplays disolav one9V weighion lb & ozor Kg.lncludes on 120VACadapter. alsooperates battery; capacitv Weiqht . 400lbs.x 2oz(182k9x
oosig). B 5 616- 19
Optionol Swivel Sent for Ecrce of Entry
REXTM Totcl Body RecumbentEllipticol
s s s s
bwdy exertiss ondlower hlemd ofuBper $ptlmired of enfry sest foreqss Swive{ toptionul} reqru muscle forreeiprocmi ffif-direstionni ffiCIvsment sofety undeom nuhber {solbeds ferodded ffic,ersiesd,
Step-through designandswivelseat
Thermoskino Gloves Worm,evencompression for orthritispoinrelief'
belowfle fronJotuna *,t Potm osindicoteo' knuckfes
upto PersonalPagelSystem'Transmits obany through outdoors, 100feet,insidlor Can chime discreet a emits Receiver stacle. to wall wornonbelt,hooked le conveniently ideal is receiver Vibrating oi pfur.Oontable. people for or difficulty hearing forihot.with n0 Requlres in loudenvironments' working 1 2-volt on operates Transmitter installaiion. ontwo operates (included); receive.r batterrr free' Latex (not included)' AAbatteries
3 VELCRO KEYHOLDER JOR GA D A MAN D DOMINIK HARBORTH, 2005R emi ni scentofthe EamesHang-lt-All, thiskey holderis an idealsoiutionfor keepingkeysin a single,easy accesslocatlon. Thissteel wall-mounted unitfeatures f ivecolor-coordinated Velcro circlesandloopfastenerkey is assembled in Germanyin a workshop staffedwithphysically challenged people. IOt/i'hx8lz"w x3/+"d. #65731 975 MEMBERS$6250
i I i f i i i l
i,'{UU ryvLetiU' 5?a(f:
CTS symptoms 19"handlealleviates
BioCurve@Hammers Whenthehandmovesoutof a neuffalposition,asit doeswhengrippinga straighrhandled andgrip strengthis tool,thecarpaltunnelis compressed Damageto thecarpaltunnelcanresult' reduced. featurea patented19' benthandle BioCurveHammers of thehandwhilepositioningthewrist contours fits the that forceto large in neutral.Thishandledesigndistributes steel High-carbon fatigue. worker musclegroups,reducing strength, for handles wood hickory oval-shaped with heads longlife, andcomfort.Pickthestyleto suitthejob'
Straight handk, bent wrist
BioCurve@ hanille, staight wrisi
Hammers BioCurve HeadWt. Overalllength bricksor drilli Idealfor Hammerfor usewithcoldchisels. Hand ea(3+) $49.25 ea $56.25 10" A. #J270051 HandDrilling 48o2. ShortSledgeHammer Double-Faced 143/4' $63.25ea 48o2. B. #1210052 Engineer's BallpeenMachinist,sHammerfor metalformingor usewith chisels. C. #J270048 BaIlPeen 4lJ5 ea 14' ?Aoz. C. #WI004g Ball Peen A'l"llea 14' 32o2, BallPeen C. #1270050 C arpenterH ammers D. #1270044 CuwedClaw SnaightClaw E. #IAM45 i,. +lzlogp1e Str6lntcuw F. #1ZJ70047dlr4illedFace
ea(3+) $55.25 37'75ea(3+) 40'75ea(3+) =: t ==
20oz. 16oz. 22o2. 22o2.
13" 12" l3t/'" 13y'z"
58'25ea 50'75ea 58'25ea 66'50ea
52'25ea(3+) M'75 ea(3+) 5-l'25ea(3+) 57'50ea(3+)
..:.'".-*. .
ffi *ii"lnil*l;:l*ri: major muscle groups
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Safeq,.grab bar ideal for a1loutdoor areas - provides addittonal safetl' entering and leaving. the house especiallvfor those who mav be unstead,vand would benefit ftom a little extra he1p.New 2ttractive soft gtip bar is comfottable and easv to hoid. Ribbed surface pror,'idesadditonal support. Concealed screws remove an,v sharp edges. Can be positioned horizontall), or l'erticalhi Ptoduct has UV stabilizets and has been tested for temperature ranges from - 40o to + 40o. N{aximum uset rveight 350 lbs (1601<9).
oids Portoble
Ideal for postural training while seated
330- 455mm
430- 550mm
Balance Disc Promotes upright posture, improves balance andisideai support forthesquat position. Canbeusedforstanding balance aswell.Inflates using a regular basketball needle andbicycle pump.
cushions canbeusedonthefloorfor balance training, proprioception and strengthening of thelowerextremitie 9 2 5 3 -9 61 5 "b l u e 9278-7213" red
16H158SAFETYTREAD Recluce the risk of slips, trips and falls with the use of safet,vtape. Provides safer footing, an excellent solution for slippetlt steps' stairs' r'vheelchairfoot tests, poolside or in the bathtoom' Self adhesive' Si zc 2" x 60" ( 5 x I 5 2 c m;. I s rri p /p k g '
ffi 1e\eskoP
t ;t+
LET'SPREVENTFALLS ear ly 2 m i l l i o n Ame ri c a n e l d e rs a re treated A bout hal f of al l seri ousfal l s happen at home and can be prevented if your home (or your loved one's home) is in hos p i ta le me rg e n c yro o ms e a c h year for injur ie s re s u l ti n g fro m fa l l s . A p p ro xi matel y made safe.H ereare some usefulhi ntsfor i ncreasinghom e safetyand preventi ngfal l s.P l easecl i p thi s arti cl et o useas 5, O O Od i e ; fo r m a n y p e o p l e ,a fa l l marksthe beginningof a long,gradualdeclineinto frailty. a checkl i stas you makeyour home a saferpl aceto live. S TA IR S o Alwayskeepobjectsoff stairs o Fix looseor unevensteps;repair/replace looseor torn carpet. . lnstallworkingoverheadlightsat top and bottom of staircase.lvlakesure bulbsare not burnedout. . I ns t a l sl o l i d( n o t l o o s eo r b r o ke nh) a n d r a ils on both sidesof stairway. . Paintcontrastingcoloron top edgeof all steps.
BAT HROOMS . Pla ceo r instal lnon-sl i prubbermat or sel f-sti ck stripson floorof showeror tub. o In sta llg r abbarsi n show er, i nsi detub and next to th e to il et. KIT CHEN r Pla cea ll f requentl used y i temson l ow er,more r e a ch a b lshel e ves. . Useonlythe best,mostsolid stepstoolwith h a n db a rto hol donto.D o not standon a chai r to reachitems.
O THE RS A F E T YT I P S . Keepemergencynumbersin largeprint near eac np n o n e . . Placephonenearfloor in caseyou or your loved onef a l l sa n d c a n ' tg e t u p . . B uya w e a r a b l a e l a r md eviceth a t will su m m o n hel pi n c a s eo f a f a l l . . Ma k es u r em e d i c a t i o ndo s n ' tca u sed izzin e ss. . Havevisioncheckedby a doctorat leastoncea year. . G et u p s l o w l ya f t e rs i t t i n go r lyin gd o wn . . W e a rs h o e so r s l i p p e r sw ith r u b b e r n, o n - slipso le s. o lnst a l lb r i g h t e lri g h t s( o r m o r eiig h ts)th r o u g h o uht o u se
FLOORS . l\4ove furnitureto makea clearpath. . Add rubberbacki ngto throwrugsor el i mrnate throwrugsaltogether. . Pick up objectsfrom floor. . C oi lor tapecordsand w i resnextto wal l ; i ns tal l newoutletsif necessary. B E D R OOMS . Placeor installeasy-to-reach light nearbed. . Instal ni l ghtl i ghtto i l l umi natepathfrom bedroomto bathroom.
16K021FOLDING POTSTABILIZER For use by the one handed cook. Holds onto the pot h andle while y o u s ti r th e c o n te n ts . Constructed of aluminum with rubber suction cups. Folds up for easystoragewhen not in use. r...,
: :,,
Our cutting boardson page38 makegreatsinglehandedsolutions. ,
Dycemo -Prurt objects' secure sofely pod,ondmotting
secureobjects'yetpeelsoff surfaces Thisnonslipmaterialgripson bothsidesto cutlery,fromslidingor pensand and plates easilyUseon traysandtablesto keep and cushions for aclhering Ideal O.".Utfr"t rollingofftabletops' insertsto wheelchairs. is avallablein rolls of matting that can be Dycem@ red' or cut to sizeasneeded.Availablein blue' people yellow- an idealcolor choicefor
in withpoorvision.Alsoavailable or Round blueor red,Rectangular
is nontoxic and can precut pads,Dycem@
with soapywaterto reuin its propertles' be cleaned whenwetandmustdrybeforeuse it is not effective
CutDycemomatung' to creote withscissors customshoPes.
safeTelement helps prevent
coonng fires before they staft
Sa fe-T- elem ent is engi n eer ed t o help p feve nt s t ov et op cooking fires before they s t ar t . A c c or din g to dre NFPA, cooking accounts for 42o/' 42oh of all household and apartment fires. Seniors are at dne highest risk to have a fire. Unlike other products which suppress the fre ot alert you to the fire, the Safe-T-element cooking systern helps prevent fites from starting by maintaining a constant temperature of 350.C more than enough for efficient cooking, while not (60'4 allowing household mateial to ignite. The system is easy ro install but must be done by a qualified service technician.
16K100XSAFE-T-ELEMENTfor 30"(76cm)stove
2 small and2large elements 16K102X SAFE-T-ELEMENT fot24" (61cm)stove 3 small and1,largeelement
"T" Turning Handle Perfeaforpersons withreduced hand strength. Thisuniquetool gripsaround knobs,keys, faucets and otherirregularly shaped handles . The3Vz"(8.9cm) long, "T':shaped easy-to-grasp handleprovides anda securegrip.Thesteel lreverage prrongs areembedded in a durable plesticbase.Accommodates itemsup (3.2cm) in diameter. b 11Y1" 19.95 NC2r3283
ffiffiwrw*&wffiew&.w&wwryw&wv, Illustration by Timmy Kucynda rHEREAREMORETHAN400,000residential flres the United States, and someone dies in one of these flres every 134minutes. More than 14,000are injured annually. Americans over the age of 65 have a flre death rate nearly twice thenational average,andforpeople over75,thisjumps
to three times. Most of thesefires could be prevented,but too many of us live in an unsafe home, and we have some unsafe habits. Seehow many of Lhe 32 flre hazards you can spot and check off in this illustration. For a printable version of this chart, go to
playing Child with matcnes pronged Three plug, two slotoutlet U Worn-out oven mitt ii Frayed electric cord ,i Fl a m ing bar becue under eave LJ Unattended stove . Gas canstored withrags U D an gling escape ladder rf Pothandles sticking out rf lVicrowave installed too hi gh Smoke alarm withweak battery J Bulb toolarge forsocket tr A l uminum f oilin microwave lf Wrong signnearelevator u Overstuffed outlet rl Window stuck rJ Defective lightswitch .j Fioor heater nearcurtains iJ Unsafe fireplace tr Floor heater near bathtub Q Ground-floor window wrthbars rJ Lintintoroom from clothes dryer rJ Squirting starter fluidon flames lJ Inadequate plan escape rl IV j amm against ed t he wail ! Unreachable fire exti nguisher li
potholder Iowels, on SIOVC
Cords running underrugs
rf Fire escape door locked INCASE OF FIRE
i , , 'li
It-61 g
t-.1Sleepy grandpa with cigar Fireescape needing repa irs Water boiling onfront Durner
Peaches& DreamsFruit Mix
a. Hot Ftash Pajamas and Nightgown Staycoo[and dry from a fabric whileyou sLeep-evenduring"powersurges."f.4ade absorbsmoisture this soft, prettysLeepwear usedin athleticcLothes, quickLy instantty.Mint greenjammieshavea tankand driesaLmost drawstring waist.LiLacnightie styLetop and shortswith eLastjc trim the knee).Georgette measures 38" from shoulder(just beLow fabricis cottonon the edging.PatentedDri-ReLease and Lettuce inside,poLy on the outside.Sizes5(4-6), M(8-10),L(12-14),XL(16). wa sh .Imp orte d. Machin e Pajamas 50072 $59.00 Nightie50618 $s9.00 andthinking.This Brightenyour mood;well-being, n. Happylite UVrays. withoutharmfuL naturatsunshine unit simutates space-saving bulbdetivers5,000LUXof pure, Thepatented36-watt,10.000-hour fuLlspectrum Light.Perfectfor treatingSAD(Seasonal therapeutic it can alsohetprelievejet Lagandinsomnia:or AffectjveDisorder), officespace.Buzz-free, useit a[[ yearroundin your windowless on a desktopor it fits easiLy f[cker-free.compactand portabLe, Useit for 20-30 mjnuteseachmorningandfeel more tabLetop. controL. 5'/,"w x motivated,and a[ert.2-waybrightness energized, 1.2" hx 4"d: 2 lb . 57257 $89.9s
-tr'.trffiffi ffi#ffi$ffiry ffiffiWW$ildffi dhffiffiffi,ffim,ffiffiffih-$'-ff.-ffi ffitr._ffiffitrffi: Illustration by Timmy Kucynda FIFTY PERCENTOFTHE ADULTSliving in the industrialized world are chronically sleep deprived. Over 30 percent of adult drivers polled admit to falling asleepat the wheel at least once.Roughly 24,000people die eachyear in North America and Europe in accidents causedby sleepydrivers.
Lack of sleep contributes to heart diseaseand weight gain. Sleepingpills might provide a short-term solution, but they do not provide the kind of sleep you need to operate at your optimum level. To help you get more sleep, we've devised the following tips.
i' Get rid of TV " 2. No phone ' 3. Keep bedroom cool . 4. Close curtains . b. Keep door $hut . 6. Avoid clutter . g . H a v e a f i r m m a t t r e s s . l 0 . U s e a n e c k p i l l o w . l l . D o n 't s m o k e . 1 2 . D on 't T.Trywh iten ois e' E. Us equalit y bedding. drink ' 13. Skip the caffeine ' i4. Bathe or shower before bed . 15.Try nreditation '|6"Avoid stress . 17.No arguments ' before bed ' 18. Read before sleeping . 19. Do deep breathing . 20. Try melatonin . 21. Keep pets out ELDR:: Summer 2008 ::
ffiffiYTffiffi -oD r)Ln EasYRoutinesto
Boost Your Sex Drive, Enha n c e
P l e a s u re '
a n d SPi ce U P
Your Bedroom
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FriskyGanBeRiskY AtAnyAge Safersex is safersex-no mauer whatageYouare,and it'snever ,. too lateto lcarnto protectyourselr' to the seniorsexuat Thedownside is an increasein the revolution incidenceof AIDSand othersexually transmitteddiseases.Accordingto the Centersfor DiseaseControland age50 and iCDCl,PeoPle Preveniion 15 uP make Percentof new older transmitted HIVcases.And sexually diseasescan oftengo undetected *no pr"iutu rhaiolder ;;;;'; active'lf you are natients no[sexually the datingworld havelust reentererj to havesexor trave unO,* Planning moreihan one sex Partner,talk to yourdoctoraboutgettingtested'
M assager b
Mini Massager. Compact butpowerful massager includes three heads forconcentrated massage of specific areas, Capcanbelefton for massage overlargerareas. Battery-operated massager vibrates at perminute. approximately 5500cycles Battery included. A 811-1 5562-47Reolacement Heads
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-ffi-' l. Sun-Kissed Bed Dressing Is it a bed,or is it a painting? Botdco[ textures.stitching,and yarnscombineto createthe centerpiece ofyour bedroom. Stripedquilt and matchingshamare to soHdbrown.90/10 cottoncotton, linen, and corduroy;reverses on shamfeaturesboucl6Leaves linen;machinewash.LindenLeaves stitching.100%cotton with sitk embroidery; a groundof basketweave ftora[accentpi[[owis 50/50cotton-[inen, 18" square; dry-ctean. Cream has contraststitching. 55/45 linenmachinewash.Robin'segg pil"l.ow Imported. cotton,14" x 20"; spot-clean. StripedQuilt 51085 T w in $2 75 .00 Fult / Q ueen King $39 5 . 0 0 $335. 00 StripedStandardShamEach51086 $50.00 LindenLeavesShamEach51087 $50.00 CreamFtoratAccentPi[[owEach51088 $55.00 Robin'sEggAccentPillowEach51089 $40.00
Two-Speed HeatMassagerKit. A deluxe, dual-speed massager witheightattachments. Amplitude at lowspeed is 1mmwith60vipersecond; brations at highspeed, 1mmamplitude and120 '120 persecond. plug. vibrations V Two-prong Weighs 1.2lbs.UL listed.
c. Five Good Minutes with the One You Love Book and Love 0i1 Turnfive mjnutesinto quatitytime. Dr.JeffreyBrantleyand writer WendyMittstinedescribe100 mindfut practicesto do on your own and with your partner.Funactivitiesbring you closer;meditations fostertrust, empathy,and toving kindness.Softcover,264 pages.Treatyour sweetieto a retaxingmassage with a fragrant,aphrodisiacbtendof apricot,jojoba. and esientjaIoi[s. 4 oz. Boo ka n d 0 i 1 5 1 3 0 9 $ 2 6 . 9 5
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speech outputdevice TalkingPhotoAlbum.Easy-to-use per R ecords upto 10seconds hol ds standard 4" x 6" photos. books, step-by step communication Great forstories, eachof 24 pages. photos Insert or information. memory books andpersonal instructions, picture/text corresponenvelopes andrecord cards intothetransparent playbutton speech. TwoAAA to activate dingmessage. User squeezes batteries included, ,,,.=*eii*:*,.
There'sno confusionabouttime zoneswith a stylishclock alongfor the ride Producedby Anita Sarsidi
Leather duat-time clodk
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.' Greenvi/ich alarm clock bY Li nk s of" London.
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T,tsKLrcHTrr{c CO L L E CT I O N Precisionhardwarefor easyadjustment. Hand-applied,richly platedfinishes. 3-wayswitches.