The Harvey School Magazine Spring 2015

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Small School... Big Opportunities...

Endless Possibilities.


Board of Trustees Eileen Walker, Chair Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair Maury Leone, Vice Chair Barry Fenstermacher, President Charles Krasne, Treasurer Daniel K. Chapman ’73, President, Alumni Association

Thomas E. Dodd Debbie Finkel, President, Parents Association Edward W. Kelly Raymond G. Kuntz Jeffrey Lasdon Edward Maluf

Jane Petty Joseph Plummer William B. Roberts ’51 Dawn H. Robertson Elizabeth Schwartz Wallace Schwartz David Silk Andrea Tessler

Karen Walant J. Eric Wise Mike Drude, Secretary of the Corporation Frank A. Weil ’44, Honorary Alice DeSomma, Emerita

FEATURES 4 Leaving Harvey’s Imprint 8 It’s Harvey, the Carpe Diem Campus


12 A Fond Farewell to the Starks 14 Ode on Rod

DEPARTMENTS 2 Letter from the Editor 3 Message from the Headmaster

14 32

15 Cavalier Clippings 22 Sports Roundup 25 Student Insight 26 Faculty Focus

26 Middle School Perspective

27 Upper School Perspective

28 Q&A with Faculty/Staff

30 Parent View

30 Perspective from the PA President

31 Perspective from the Middle School PA Director

32 Harvey Uncorked: Sip, Taste & Mingle

36 Centennial Celebration

36 Alumni Executive Council Daniel K. Chapman ’73 President, Alumni Association Nanette Baratta ’82 Diana Bondy ’05 Pieter Catlow ’73 Thomas E. Dodd Harvey teacher 1965–75 Philip A. Eifert ’73

Alexander P. McKown ’57 Ward Meehan ’98 Seth Morton ’57 Teresa Neri ’06 Brian Ryerson ’05 Sally Breckenridge Director of Alumni Relations

38 Alumni News

39 Recent Events

46 Class Notes

63 In Memoriam



LETTER FROM THE EDITOR It has been a very busy time preparing for our yearlong centennial celebration starting this fall, as well as launching several new initiatives: updating the school’s strategic plan, implementing new branding and marketing tactics, and paving the way for the construction of our six new tennis courts. Oh, yes, and did I mention that our students, staff and parents were fully engaged in all the academic and extracurricular activity that makes Harvey such a vibrant community during the course of a school year? The theme of this issue as presented on the cover was largely inspired by the words of so many of our alumni who attended last fall’s Homecoming Day. In speaking with graduates throughout the day and in hearing the remarks of those who participated in the Alumni Hall of Fame induction, Sally Breckenridge and I came to the same conclusion about what should be our spring issue’s theme. We heard time and again from our alumni how Harvey helped point the way in their life’s path; many said in large part and others said in at least small part. On a somewhat sad note, we say goodbye to staff who leave us for retirement. They have contributed much to the vibrancy and character of Harvey over the years: Tim and Charmaine Stark, Rod Owens, Julia Beck, Mary Powers and Susan Tannenbaum. We wish them well in their next chapter, and we thank them for their exemplary service to the Harvey community. As we end our 99th year, we hope you will join us for any of the special events we have planned for our centennial. If it’s been awhile since you’ve been here, please plan to come home. Your Harvey family hopes to see you and have you share in the celebration. In keeping with our centennial theme, we invite you to send us your recollections of Harvey to share with our readers in our next issue. Go to the Harvey website, select “Centennial Celebration,” and then provide your memories. We also encourage you to tell us what you like about our magazine, to give us some feedback on the articles within or to offer suggestions for future features or focuses. We would like to publish your comments in the Letters to the Editor column. Please send them to Harvey Magazine, The Harvey School, 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536, or email us at Also, please email us (if you have not done so already) to say whether you would rather receive the online version of the magazine. CORRECTION In the winter 2015 magazine, the photo on page 40, bottom left, with Marc Ruppenstein, incorrectly labeled Matt Seasonwein as Thomas Dunne. On page 41, 2nd row, left photo: Devin McCrossan’s name was given instead of Hadrian Gardner ’09.


Chris Del Campo, Editor-in-Chief

The Harvey School 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 914-232-3161 HEADMASTER:

Barry W. Fenstermacher EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:

Chris Del Campo ALUMNI EDITOR: Sally Breckenridge FEATURE WRITER: Abby Luby CONTRIBUTORS:

Richard Ahlborn ’55, Mark Brandon, Dan Chapman ’73, Kathy Cushman, Susie Danziger, Tracey Davies, Dennis Dilmaghani ’62, June Drude, Mike Drude, Nick Duncan ’04, Debbie Finkel, Marcie Hajem, Meredith Hanson ’07, Virginia Holmes-Dwyer, Jan deGreef Jacobi, Dave Ketner, Tom Kuntz ’88, Seth Morton ’57, Bruce Osborne, Dale Osborne, Graham Posner ’02, Denise Smith, Jeanne Schumacher, Jeff Seymour, John Wahlers, Jackie and Evan Walker ’03, Lindsey Walker ’05, Kerrie Williams ’95, Nicole Wright ’05 CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER:


Richard Ahlborn ’55, Lesley Boltz, John Brooks, Pam Connolly, Tim Cornell, John DePalma ’01, Debbie Finkel, Briana Frieri ’15, Susan Harris, Meredith Hanson ’07, Ryan Hurst, Greg Janos ’98, Abby Luby, Stephanie Metz, Rich Monetti (courtesy of, Angelika Rinnhofer, Dave Rubenfeld, Rebecca Ruberg, Jeanne Schumacher, Ramon Sender ’48, Craig Siegel, Lisa Spung DESIGNER: Good Design LLC PRINTING: Printech, Stamford, Conn. COVER IMAGE:

2 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

©Fer Gregory/



HARVEY SO OFTEN POINTS THE WAY Last week I saw a network television show. Two people in the show were Harvey-connected and the local weather break at the half-hour mark was given by NBC’s Raphael Miranda, Harvey Class of 1995. Granted, few programs on television will feature Harvey so prominently, but I see a clear example of what we say about Harvey—“Small school, endless possibilities.” Over the years I have watched Harvey students excel later in life at their chosen profession. More often than not, their first foray into what they are doing now started at Harvey. The skills learned in Model U.N., the speech and poetry contests, and our drama programs unlock verbal ability in our children that is becoming a rarer commodity these days. As the “language” of texting, Twitter and other internet chat vehicles becomes more prevalent, the ability to think and speak “on your feet” fades a bit. Harvey has produced a whole group of actors, lawyers, salespeople, teachers and coaches whose influence is surely significant. Harvey graduates invent new things, make the cover of The Wall Street Journal and create new business models to help share more information in medicine. Imaginative accomplishments are abundant in art and in writing. Brandon Harmer, Class of 2011, wrote and published his first novel while a senior at Fordham University.

I could go on. All good schools point to their successful alumni. They should do so with pride. It is at Harvey that the secrets of later achievement are intentionally sought. Through our small classes, the seeds are mutually discovered by student and teacher and become what will be built on throughout life. Building on students’ strengths is a Harvey tradition and contributes heavily to lifelong achievements. When I speak of this in public, I usually say all of us end up doing what we are good at—except for politicians. By the way, we even have a few politicians in our alumni ranks. I hope I will see so many of you at several Centennial events next year, starting with Homecoming, September 26! Best wishes to all,

Barry W. Fenstermacher, Headmaster

The Harvey School 3


IMPRINT By Abby Luby It was a slow-motion moment. The wild pitch propelled the baseball straight to Dick Ahlborn’s head and he knew he should duck. But he didn’t. “I kept my eye on the ball, put my bat in front of my face and hit the darn thing. My coach, Bill Magnan, had pitched me the ball—a real hardball—and it would have hit me right between my eyes. Coach said I scared the heck out of him. He thought the pitch would kill me.” Ahlborn ’55 says it was that very instant, when he was 13 in Fifth Form during bunting practice, when he realized he had acquired a strong sense of discipline and courage, traits that would open many doors in his future. “I was proud, but I didn’t do it on purpose. Our coach was a real leader. He stimulated positive behavior which was instilled in me and in my team players,” Ahlborn says. Ahlborn’s story and those like it are common among Harvey alumni— accounts that attest to a point in time or nuanced experience that would branch out to a myriad of possibilities and limitless opportunities. Ahlborn, who is now president of Synapse International Inc., in San Diego, went on to have an illustrious military career in the Navy and Nuclear Submarine Force. “The regimen at Harvey made for a smooth transition into the military. It was at Harvey where I learned the value of the whole team, that you are always dependent on the guy next to you, that you fight hard but fight fair. It was an ethic that made me successful,” he says.

Dick Ahlborn ’55

Harvey’s relatively small enrollment is fertile ground that opens many assorted pathways to a student’s future. When Kerrie Williams ’95 was a sophomore at a Harvey morning meeting, something clicked. A man was talking about drunk driving. “He had been drinking and driving and he caused a very serious accident,” Williams says. “His descriptions of the injuries were very graphic. He asked us to look to the person sitting on our left and then to the one on our right and told us, ‘One of these people is going to have a similar experience behind the wheel if they’re not careful.’” For Williams, it was a message she never forgot. “It was my first exposure to someone involved in a criminal act that had huge consequences,” she says. The man’s testimonial unknowingly planted a seed of interest in the field of law enforcement, even though Williams was planning to apply to a large college to pursue her passion to play basketball. But sports had to be cast aside when, as a junior, she suffered an injury on the court. “That sidelined everything I thought I was going to do. I had to revamp,” she says. The advantages of attending a small school steered Williams to Hollis University, a small college in Virginia. The indelible story of the drunk driver stayed with her and she went on to the University of Pennsylvania Law School. In 2002, she landed her first job as an assistant district attorney for Westchester County, New York, a job she still holds. Challenged by the Harvey speech and poetry contests, Williams says it was those difficult presentations that today, help her speak in public. “As a DA you have to talk to hundreds of people a year when picking a jury. I got that confidence from Harvey,” she says. In the Harvey community students have always found a reliable, social comfort zone, where the ebb and flow of connecting to teachers, coaches and fellow students makes for valued relationships. “It’s the antithesis of getting lost in the crowd,” says Dan Chapman ’73, who praises the small class size for guiding him to professional success in the large banking

Kerrie Williams ’95

corporations of Chase Manhattan Bank and JPMorgan Chase. “At Harvey, I was encouraged to reach out to a friend when I didn’t quite understand something in science or math. If it had been a larger class, I would have been less likely to either seek help or offer assistance. But as part of a smaller group, it’s like we’re all in the boat together.” Chapman, the current Harvey Alumni Association president, says befriending classmates proved the importance of knowing the people you work with. “Every banker or company has different units which are part of a much larger whole, and performance and efficiency hinges on your ability to interact with people and anticipate issues. When you are in a managerial position you’re more inclined to want to help train someone new if you get to know them. It all comes from the small class setting at Harvey.”

Dan Chapman ’73 The Harvey School 5

Raphael Miranda ’95 It was English teacher Burrett McBee teaching Shakespeare, and theatre director Dianne Mahony who tapped the performance bug of Raphael Miranda ’95. Before that, standing onstage was daunting, but that quickly faded when he studied with Mahony. “She cultivated a wonderful, intimate family atmosphere that made us feel we could break lose and act silly. It was a perfect place to make mistakes and learn that it’s OK not to be so rigid,” he says. The newly found passion to perform landed Miranda in the lead role in “The Tempest,” a role in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and assorted fun bits at Cabaret. The lessons he learned on the Harvey stage would eventually earn him two Emmys as meteorologist of NBC 4 in New York. “Theater at Harvey taught me it was OK to make a fool of myself, and on live TV that’s always bound to happen. But I’m not afraid of making a mistake, which is why I do well. I don’t get paralyzed in front of the camera.” Lindsey Walker ’05 vividly remembers English teacher Mrs. Hooton “playing a Jedi mind trick” using suggestive statements. “She’d say things like, ‘You should get an A,’ or ‘Some of you don’t do as well as you should.’ I knew she was talking to me. I was constantly underperforming in her class.” When Walker finally did get an A, Hooton was so excited, a gleeful reaction that modeled behavior Walker would aspire to in her own career as an educator. “She loved that I got an A—well, that’s an amazing teacher! She knew exactly how to make a kid be her best, and that learning is different for every child, a mantra I’ve fully embraced as a special-ed teacher.” Walker says it was Harvey’s close-knit community that enabled teachers to genuinely embrace students for who they were and give each of them tools they needed to get through trying times. It’s an approach she uses to teach her diverse group of students. “The kids I work with don’t get diplomas but need the essentials to survive. They need to have solid, good values, be able to make decisions, strategize and have skills in problem solving,” she says. In 2012, Walker, a Teach for America instructor, was selected as Teacher of the Year by the Anacostia School District in Washington, D.C., for her work with special-education high schoolers.

Walker’s tough-love attitude is buttressed by teaching how to cope—similar to what Graham Posner ’02 uses in the Therapeutic Wilderness Program in Oregon. Posner has been working for the wilderness therapy program, Evoke at Cascades, since 2013. His clients are adolescents, teens and young adults who struggle with addiction, Asperger’s and trauma recovery, among other behavioral issues. Posner says he got a good dose of stern compassion at Harvey, especially from Middle School Drama Director and Theater Technical Director Victor Whitehurst. “At Harvey it was hard to fall through the cracks because of its size,” he says. “Teachers like Victor really got to know you. His tough-love approach sent messages that said, ‘I have to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.’ Harvey left its imprint.” When Posner is camping out in the wild under tarps with his clients, he teaches wilderness skills and emotional literacy, including assertive communication and stress management. “I show unconditional, positive regard for them even when I’m telling them something difficult for them to hear. I also share one of the greatest lessons I learned from Victor: If you have a dream you can go for it. The worst that can happen is you don’t make it,” he says.

r ’05 L indsey Walke

6 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Graham Posner ’02

individual attention. “At Harvey we didn’t all excel at the same pace, and now, as a teacher, I find that I have to instruct youngsters who are on many different levels. You have to multitask in order to keep every student engaged, and if one student picks up something faster than the other, it can still work. The fact that we can learn together came straight from Harvey.”

Nicole Wright ’05 Harvey teachers made a world of difference for Nicole Wright ’05, who was, from a young age, a musical prodigy as a string player. Her talent was quickly recognized and nurtured by Susan Daily and Kathryn Cushman, and both teachers laid the groundwork that gave Wright countless ways to pursue a musical profession. “Mrs. Daily wanted me to hear different types of music, and she played me baroque recordings,” explains Wright. “She introduced me to the viola da gamba [old style cello], and sometimes I would use the music room to practice instead of going to soccer.” Cushman taught her piano and the two would perform together. For Wright, the Harvey campus was like a learning Mecca. “Harvey had so many different things in one location. I could pursue them all without traveling or time constraints.” To date, she has pursued each and every musical avenue Harvey exposed her to: getting her master’s in music from Mannes, performing as the principal violist of the Jeunes Virtuoses of New York, playing backup for Madonna and pursuing her doctorate in music at Rutgers. She also teaches youngsters at Opus 118 Harlem School of Music as well as some 40 students in an after-school program. She takes teaching cues from her Harvey experience, especially when she received

As intimate as Harvey was when it was an all-boys school, becoming coed didn’t detract from the sense of camaraderie. But for Tom Kuntz ’86, the transition taught him how to adapt to change, a lesson that has had a long-term impact. When he became the fire chief of Red Lodge, Montana, he saw that change was desperately needed in the world of fire fighting. “It was a subtle lesson from Harvey,” says Kuntz. “Things change around you and you have to adapt. I became familiar with change but also with a unique perspective that said if you wanted to survive and improve your environment, you have to look for a better way to do things. Harvey was all about that.” Kuntz was key to introducing innovations to fire fighting and became involved on a national level. In 2003, as a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Wildland Fire Steering Committee, Kuntz met President George W. Bush at the White House to mark the passage of the Healthy Forests Initiative. Kuntz says he never would have felt confident meeting Bush had he not been Harvey school president in his senior year. “I was awkward and nervous when addressing the whole school at the morning meetings, but by the end of my senior year I had transformed into someone who could comfortably speak in public. I became the guy who could have a real conversation with the president of the United States.” That Kuntz could easily adapt to change was the impetus to his switching gears altogether when he opened up four restaurants. He credits his nine years at Harvey for his ability to tackle a tough business of owning and managing eateries. “We’ve seen some tough times in the restaurant business, but we have moved through mainly because I’ve trusted other people,” he says. “Success isn’t about me, it’s about the people who do the work. A true Harvey lesson.”

Tom Kuntz ’86

When Harvey alumni recall experiences that ultimately shaped the course of their lives, each memory is borne from the school’s personable and unique philosophy: a small community means one is accessible, whether they be the deans, the headmaster, friends or teachers. These connections are easily made and ones that can point you down a path where the choices are...

it’s Harvey, the

campus By Abby Luby

8 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

They say a large part of who we are is because of our environment.

Here, the campus is a hub of activity where curiosity is inspired, ideas are energized and students are encouraged to pursue roles that may be beyond their comfort zone. Seniors acknowledge that Harvey’s small size fosters confidence and close camaraderie among students and faculty, creating the kind of environment where anything can happen. Laura Spung left a high school in Connecticut and came to Harvey in the middle of her sophomore year. “My old high school wasn’t for me, and I struggled a lot. It was very cliquey, and you were harshly judged. But when I came here everyone was nice and very friendly. I experienced what I call a ‘good shock,’” she recalls. Laura was surprised to see that Harvey had contact sports for young women. When she was asked to sign up to start a girls rugby team, she wasn’t sure, having never considered herself athletic. But here was a chance to be challenged and try something different: “I did it because I believe girls should have the same opportunities as boys, and even though I was expecting to hate it and be miserable, I absolutely loved it.” Laura upped her game during the summer at rugby camp, and this year she was captain of the Harvey varsity girls rugby team. She says rugby has transformed her: “I was an insecure, non-athletic individual who became the captain of the varsity girls rugby team. It’s an empowering thing. If someone is coming at you with a ball, you can’t just run away. You’ve got to tackle. It puts the pressure on you to act. It has made me more spontaneous in real life. Now, I’m not as timid and afraid to do something.”

Angelique Santiago came to Harvey last year as a junior from a large school and found that the smaller enrollment made it easy for her to participate in the winter musical productions. “I would not have done drama in a larger school, but the drama department at Harvey is very inclusive, and I appreciate that because I have so much fun in the musicals,” she says. Performing in front of 300 people was a big deal for Angelique, but when Ms. Gambino suggested she be involved in “Grease,” Angelique said OK—she was encouraged because she didn’t have to audition. “I gave it a try, even though I had never done anything like it before. I was a dancer in the larger pieces and, although it felt uncomfortable, it was so much fun, and a huge adrenaline rush.” Angelique also sang for Ms. Gambino, Mr. Alexander and Ms. Cooper, who offered her a singing role, either with a backup group or a solo. “That was good for me,” she says. Her onstage experience led to another, and she later performed in One Acts. “I actually had a role where I had to engage and push myself to speak louder than usual. That was totally outside my comfort zone, but I embraced it,” she says. Lacking self-confidence when he came to Harvey as a freshman was Brendan Kneitz. He never imagined that he could become class president. Over the past four years, becoming self-assured was the byproduct of positive connections with friends and faculty. “When I came to Harvey I labeled myself as a theater kid, and I didn’t really want to branch out and try anything else,” he says. “It was Mr. Lazzaro who encouraged me to come to a rugby practice, the last place I would have The Harvey School 9

imagined myself.” Brendan could see the advantage of joining some of the clubs and teams at Harvey and how it would change his self-image of being just a drama student: “I know I’m capable of so much more because I was influenced to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. Personally, for me, Harvey has been a blessing.” It was Brendan’s English teacher, Ms. Visintainer, dean of the Upper School, who encouraged him to run for class president from the time he was a freshman. “When she said that, I asked myself, ‘Why not?’ I never would have said that before,” says Brendan. “It totally boosted my confidence.” Jackson Roberts found his passion for communications when a fellow student needed help in the broadcasting club. “We didn’t know each other too well but he had a feeling that I was interested,” Jackson recalls. “We were able to cover some games and produce commentary, and by doing that we got to know the sport teams pretty well. Being part of a small community at Harvey definitely made it a lot easier for us to get to know everyone individually.” Jackson’s commentaries on games were aired on the MSG Varsity Network, a local TV channel in Westchester County run by Madison Square Garden that showcases high school sports. Pictures on Jackson’s website ( show him with celebrities from the NBC broadcasting program he attended. By producing videos for archival and school promotional purposes, Jackson discovered his love for the art of storytelling. Two years ago, he wrote a story about 10 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

the time members of the New York Knicks came to Harvey to host the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Clinic. “It was an opportunity for me to talk to some of the players and staff and their connection with Harvey.” Pursuing storytelling and broadcasting has given him a clear direction, and he is going to attend Ithaca College. “If it wasn’t for the experience I’ve had here and the passion that I’ve developed, my life would have gone in a completely different direction from sophomore year until now,” he says. After breaking her collarbone twice and undergoing extensive surgery, Ava Gurman had to live through the heartbreak of giving up sports. “I was left uncomfortable and unhappy,” she says. “Playing sports had been and still is my life and passion, but my life was shattered when I was told that I could no longer participate.” Ava had been playing on the varsity soccer team and the varsity tennis team since eighth grade. “I would’ve had the most varsity letters ever of anyone at Harvey. This was my path, but in one minute it changed. It was then that I realized there’s so much more in life than that, and I became a lot more politically conscious.” Ava, together with her older brother Adam ’14, started a Jewish culture club when she was a freshman. Although the group began outside Harvey, the school welcomed the club to the campus; it currently has 10 members at its weekly meetings. The club has become one of Ava’s main interests. “We are visited by speakers on Jewish culture issues and issues around the world regarding Israel,” Ava explains. “We learn how world events

affect us as students and also how they’re going to affect us going forward.” The club brought in a teacher from the Alexander Muss School in Israel, which Ava is planning to attend this fall. Freshman Pierce Steinberg came here two years ago from a middle school in the area. He always had many interests, which was a complicated issue at his old school, where he says he wasn’t really accepted. “If I played a sport and acted in a musical show, classmates could only pigeonhole me as a theatre person. I was sort of isolated,” he says. When he came to Harvey, being diverse was the norm. “Different opportunities presented themselves, where it was OK to do one thing and also do another. Harvey allows all of us to participate one way or the other, no matter what your strengths and weaknesses are.” At Harvey, Pierce has flourished, so much so that in a period of three days during the winter term, he was the high scorer on the basketball team, sang in the chorus and was a finalist in a speech contest. Last year Pierce’s math teacher, Mr. Rubenfeld, suggested he play varsity baseball as the starting catcher. He worked his way to team captain even though he was one of the youngest on the team. “I was able to manage a pitching staff of mostly seniors, and it was very intimidating,” he says. “But their support helped me get through the first couple of days, and I started creating bonds with the players. I gave them advice, and they gave me advice as well. We were all extremely close and many of those friends are now in college.”

It was a special connection that Briana Frieri had with her soccer coach, Amie Philips, also the math department chair, that allowed her to create Harvey’s first-ever equestrian team. “Last year I asked Ms. Philips why there wasn’t a riding team at Harvey. It was a different opportunity.” Philips knew Briana rode and asked her if she would be willing to start an equestrian team. Briana became captain of the team, which had 10 upper school girls; they rode for an hour each Wednesday afternoon at Chessfield Farm in nearby Carmel. “I was able to explore many interests and hobbies I wouldn’t have been able to at other schools. It’s really all because of Harvey’s small size,” she says. Briana also attributes the close community for making it easy to reach out to her teachers. “I can ask for help without fear or anxiety to hold me back. At Harvey I am able to form strong bonds with my fellow classmates that will last a lifetime,” she says. Testimonials about the advantage of Harvey’s unique environment and campus size tell of the ease in which students can choose unexpected roles and participate in different activities. Many are willing to become comfortable with the unfamiliar by grabbing that unique opportunity and going with it. “The cliché is that high school is a time where people never want to go back, and all they have are bad memories,” says Brendan Kneitz. “But for me, I wouldn’t change a thing about the past four years. I’ve made great friends, I was taught by great teachers, and I learned new things about myself. And the food isn’t half bad.” H The Harvey School 11


The Starks By Bruce and Dale Osborne

here are situations where one does not feel equal to the role. Particularly, when you are asked to summarize and accurately portray the 38 years of service that Tim and Charmaine Stark have given to The Harvey School. The Starks are dedicated and unpretentious, and the only things they do to excess are serve our school and love their family. Tim and Charmaine are both Midwesterners—Tim born in Wisconsin and Charmaine in Ohio. Tim and Char met at Ashland University. Upon graduation, Tim received a full fellowship to the doctoral program at the University of Colorado to study classical languages. Uncle Sam had other plans, though, and drafted Tim during the three-month window before he resumed his education. The options were (1) learn to carry a rifle for two years, or (2) enlist in a language program for which he qualified but required a four-year commitment. Well, it was off to Southern California for 10 months of intensive training in order to learn Russian, then six months in Texas learning security measures and protocol. Finally, deployment in West Germany, several miles from Soviet-controlled East Germany, intercepting and interpreting transmissions, all the while maintaining a long-distance courtship with Char. During leave, he returned to Ohio, where they wed. The young couple returned to West Germany, where Tim completed his military service. From there it was on to Colorado to begin work on his graduate degree. When Tim took employment as a manager of a fast-food restaurant and did overnight inventory work in order to support Char, then pregnant with their first child, she told him that the time had come to find full-time work and a real career. “I knew I wanted to be a teacher since I was 5 years old and never really considered any other career,” says Tim. When The Harvey School advertised three openings for Latin teaching positions in 1977, Tim traveled east and interviewed with John McMahon, then chairman of classic languages. When Tim accepted an offer to teach, he and Char were also to become dorm parents for the fall term. 12 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

When they arrived, McMahon was on a yearlong sabbatical, and Assistant Headmaster John Burbank was the acting department chair for Tim and the two other new language teachers. By this time, a second child was on the way. The Starks, who occupied an apartment in Lower O’Malley, were responsible for 16 eighth- and ninth-grade boys in the then–seven-day boarding program. Char took on much of the dorm supervision, acting as dorm mom. Early on, Tim had an experience that briefly led him to believe his career might end before it really took off. While teaching a class, a colleague entered and said that Headmaster Dawe wanted to see him immediately after class. Tim tried to stay focused to the end of the lesson, all the while trying to figure out what he might have done to draw the wrath of the headmaster. At their meeting, Mr. Dawe spoke of this and that for almost 45 minutes while Tim was waiting for the ax to fall. Finally, Headmaster Dawe said, “Tim, I have an interest in existential philosophers, particularly Kierkegaard, and thought we might discuss their ideas. We need to get together again soon.” End of crisis. Char took a position as head of the bookstore, coordinating book orders and dispensing supplies to the needy. Other than taking maternity leaves for sons Andrew and Jonathan,

she has maintained order in that domain throughout her time. More recently, additional responsibilities have included managing attendance and student arrivals and departures. If they laid every pen and pencil Char has handed out end to end, they would easily reach between here and their new home in North Carolina. Besides Tim’s teaching responsibilities, he has served as coach to countless Harvey athletic teams, including basketball, football, soccer and lacrosse. Tim assumed the role of athletic director in 1991, and was integral to the planning and development of the new athletic center. Tim stepped down from that role in 2011, turning the reins over to the capable hands of Mark (Left to right; Bruce Osborne, Brandon. Additionally, Tim former faculty members has served as head of the Rich Beck and Bob Schmitt, Char and Tim. languages department at various times (at a time when the chair position rotated through the department), and chaired the foreign languages department continuously until his retirement at the end of this school year. In their spare time, the Starks have raised four fine young men: Matthew (’92), who returned to teach middle school Latin and history; David (’96); Andrew (’98); and Jonathan (’07). Matt and his wife, Erica (Hassel), also a former Harvey faculty member, have two children, Madeleine and Ethan, while David and his wife, Jeanette (Brant ’96), have three boys, Christopher, Gabriel and recent arrival Benjamin. All five grandchildren will be conveniently close to their grandparents at the new Stark compound in North Carolina. Our relationship with the Starks developed through (1) our mutual friendship with former Harvey science teacher and Middle School head Rich Beck, (2) the fact that Jon Stark and our son Bradley were born one month apart and became campus compatriots, and that (3) Stark progeny have worked for us at the rink in various capacities for nearly 25 years. What will we miss when Tim and Char depart? StarkRyerson-Osborne end-of-the-school year picnics, evening trips to the King Buffet, our after-dinner faculty room conferences with Char holding a legal pad containing her “agenda items” (which Tim refers to as “post-prandial discussions” while I think of them in Pope’s terms as a “feast of reason and flow of soul”). It will seem strange not having Tim maintaining his post at the corner faculty room table, providing counsel,

countenance and perspective to various faculty, staff and administrators. It will seem equally odd to walk by the bookstore, knowing that Char will not be at the window to greet us as we walk by. What do we find most remarkable about Tim and Char? How about 38 years of exemplary service to countless Harvey students, all done with dignity, integrity and good humor. While most of us are relieved to reach the end of each school year, within three weeks of the end of our school year, Tim and Char are in New Hampshire, where Tim has for every summer taught various academic courses at The Wolfeboro School, only to return within two weeks to

38 Years OF EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO COUNTLESS HARVEY STUDENTS, ALL DONE WITH DIGNITY, INTEGRITY AND GOOD HUMOR. begin the next Harvey school year. If there were a record for academic endurance, Tim would certainly hold it. Tim’s departure closes an unbroken chain of long-tenured Harvey Latin teachers spanning 75 years [ John Shea (1945–67), John McMahon (1962–2001) and Tim Stark (1977–2015)], three-quarters of the school’s existence! While a profound feeling of melancholy comes upon us when we think of campus life without Tim and Char, at the same time we are excited for them, recognizing how much they desire to be closer to family, particularly those five grandchildren. We also know that despite the physical distance that will separate us, we will remain lifelong friends. Along with the entire Harvey community, we thank you for everything. Here’s to a long and enjoyable retirement. H The Harvey School 13

Rod Owens, beloved English teacher, colleague, friend and troubadour spirit, leaves Harvey after 15 wonderful years of selfless service to students. His friend and colleague, Jeff Seymour, chair of the English department, pays tribute to Rod in verse.


ROD Thou still unvarnished mate of awesomeness, Thou foster-child of Wit, Wisdom and Whimsy, Sixties historian, who can more sweetly express A lesson than my rhyme, which is flimsy. What are ze woids for our loss? When I’ll no longer see homework as homeplay, Or Converse sneakers and a crazy tie? But as I envision retiring someday, I’ll think of you always as my one-time boss Who hired me, mentored me, until the day I die.

Rod Owens performing with students at the Poetry Contest.

Always offering options, your teaching is student-centric; Authentic, genuine engagement is your goal. And you might sing a song or seem eccentric, But who could possibly fill your role? “He values each of us,” says student Brendan Kneitz, “For our uniqueness and our strengths.” Pumped up with a passion for co-learning Along with his students and going to greatest lengths, Rod leads the charge, along with his white knights; Mr. Owens, I’ll miss you, with the deepest yearning.


Harvey Strategic Plan: Small Changes… Big Advances… Unlimited Future The ultimate objective of the Harvey Strategic Plan, developed by a group of parents, administrators, teachers and trustees and passed by the board of trustees in 2014, is to create a road map that will guide us to Harvey’s brightest future. Several sub-committees implementing the plan have made dramatic strides this year in upgrading Harvey’s systems and procedures to reach that goal. One sub-committee in particular is the marketing committee, led by Susie Danziger. Tasked with optimizing Harvey’s marketing efforts, this sub-committee is making great strides to increase the school’s visibility and to ensure that media dollars are spent wisely. The committee’s initial efforts are focused in two key areas: word-ofmouth and the school’s web presence. A team of “brand-ambassadors” has been helping to increase awareness of the school in key demographic regions and to clarify any misperceptions about the school’s mission. This is being accomplished by hosting morning coffees and evening get-togethers with prospective families. These events have directly led

to several inquiries with the Admissions Department. By partnering with an SEO (search engine optimization) agency, the school’s website is now easier to find when searching the internet, and soon we will be seeing more dynamic video and photographic content created entirely by students. Talk about a small school with big opportunities! Another exciting front is the creation of the sub-committee on master campus planning. Led by trustee Philip Bowers, this group is working with the school community and a team of architects to develop a comprehensive master plan for the Harvey campus. The master campus planning sub-committee is canvassing students, teachers, staff, alumni and parents to collect data that will give the architects a road map to develop ideas for campus needs. The master campus plan will not only include facility expansion but also address safety and security concerns, pedestrian and vehicular traffic patterns, athletic field space and technology needs, and address deferred maintenance.

It is indeed an exciting time to be at Harvey! Please stay tuned for more updates about the strategic plan in the coming months and keep a lookout for exciting opportunities to be involved in the planning of Harvey for the next 100 years.


Students, faculty, alumni, board governance, enrollment, accessibility, communications and community

» PROGRAM: Curriculum, the arts, athletics and technology


Current upgrades and future needs

» RESOURCES: Financial

resources, endowment needs and people-power

The Harvey School 15

Robotics Class a Winner in First Year Something truly extraordinary happened this year when Harvey offered students the opportunity to invest their time, talent and energy into building programmable robots. It was an almost mercurial rise for the fledgling robotics team, formed in January but nearly a state champion in only its third competition two months later. Harvey’s Team A, collaborating with a team of students from Farmingdale High School, came ever so close to winning the state title, finishing second at the regional Vex Robotics State Championship held in March in East Rockaway, N.Y. With technology director John Wahlers and math and science teacher Chris Kelly serving as advisers, Harvey had three robots qualify for the state championship, resulting in three teams competing in six preliminary round matches each. Representing Harvey on Team A were Jared Finkel, Dillon Singleton and Will Gaynor. Team B members were Mark Siegel, Hannah Herrera and Lauren Suna. Team C featured Charlie Albert, Marshall Euchner and Jarrod Waner. While Teams B and C more than held their own in competition, Team A, choosing to collaborate with students from Farmingdale High School, went on to compete in the semifinals against another team from Jericho and the Masters School. The first of the best-of-three matches went to Harvey and Farmingdale, 42–16. Jericho and Masters rallied for a 47–29 win. The 16 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

rubber match went to the Harvey and Farmingdale team in a close 45–35 win. In the finals, Harvey and Farmingdale competed against the very strong alliance of Malverne and Massapequa, which had eliminated Harvey’s Team B and Team C earlier. Harvey and Farmingdale lost the first match 59–39 and the second match by a much closer 48–41, making the Harvey and Farmingdale team the runner-up for the state championship. Harvey’s Team B, meanwhile, won a judges award by winning the skills challenge and for having great design, match scores and documentation. Junior Hannah Herrera, who just completed her first year at Harvey, appreciated getting the chance to take the robotics class. “I love STEM education, and robotics gave me a way that I could explore my interest in a possible career of engineering,” she said. Hannah enjoyed participating in the VEX competitions. “I loved the opportunity to be a part of Harvey’s first robotics

Members of robotics class busy at work on their creations

team. It was one of the best experiences for me, especially being a new student at Harvey,” she said. Lauren Suna said being in the robotics class helped spur her interest in computer science and new technology. She said being able to build a robot and successfully program it to function as planned is “an incredibly rewarding experience.” Lauren, a junior, added that the class teaches some important intangibles. “Being on the robotics team has taught me that in order to be successful in whatever problem you try to solve, it’s going to take some dedication and hard work,” she said. “Every person plays a critical role in how well your team does, because every aspect of the engineering process is judged and means something to the competition.” Hannah and Lauren look forward to more opportunities to participate in robotics competitions in their upcoming senior year.


Harvey’s robotics team with advisers Chris Kelly (rear) and John Wahlers (far right).

▴ In February, Headmaster Fenstermacher keeps the Founders Day tradition alive by serving the first pieces of cake to the youngest girl, sixth-grader Zara Hume, and youngest boy, seventh-grader Rion-Mark McClaren. CREDIT: RICH MONETTI

(top) The Japanese students from Miyoshi High School pose with their Harvey hosts when they visited Katonah for 10 days in March. (left) Visiting English teacher Shingo Nakamoto, along with 11 Japanese students from Miyoshi High School, presents Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher with a calligraphy scroll called a “kakejiku” inscribed with the saying, “Hibi kore kojitsu,” which means “Every day is a chance to accomplish something.”

Students from the Class of 2015 take to picks and shovels to help break ground April 26 for construction of their gift to the school, the addition of a patio in front of The Walker Center for the Arts.

Harvey Presents: Harvey Fierstein with Pat Collins: (top) Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher meets four-time Tony Award-winning Broadway star Harvey Fierstein and Emmywinning film and theater critic Pat Collins in the green room prior to Harvey Presents in March; (bottom) Pat Collins interviews her old friend, Harvey Fierstein.

◂ Seventh-grader Abigail Sirota and senior Matthew Tuckner were the winners of the annual Michael Lopes Poetry Recitation Contest in March.

The Harvey School 17


(above) Actorcomedian Martin Short enjoys a playful moment with Harvey parent Paul Shaffer during a segment of Harvey Presents in May. (right) Headmaster Barry Fenstermacher poses in the green room with Martin Short and Paul Shaffer before the two performers share their extraordinary talents onstage.

Sonia Tay, owner of Snoozer Loser, a whimsical clothing and accessories brand of hand-printed textiles, shared her experiences with Harvey students in April as part of the Visiting Artists series.

18 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Local hydroponics supply store owner Tom Myers visited Dr. Jeanne Schumacher’s science class to demonstrate the method of growing organic food without using soil.

(left) Student volunteers Jaeden McKenzie and Michael DePass pose with New York Mets mascot Mr. Met, whose appearance was just one of the many attractions at this year’s Children Carnival for Charity in February. (below) Carnival goer Adam Hajem, son of Middle School teacher Marcie Hajem, tries to hook a fish with encouragement from Mr. Met and student volunteer David Solano.

▴ Eighth-graders Alex Breitenbach, Shaun Morelock, Alexander Ogg, Andrew Lebowitz and Sanath Kumar won 19th place, finishing ahead of 53 other teams in the first year Harvey has competed in the History Bowl in Louisville, Kentucky, on May 24.

▴ Mitchell Gilman, Patrick Murphy, Henry Oliver, Ryan Villano, Sebastian Wallach and Luisa Waldstein-McCabe survey the progress of their Markerspace project, a miniature replica of the school campus that will feature the addition of a model train line.

◂ Senior Julia Chatzky (left) and seventhgrader Emma Spada were the winners of the 56th annual Wells Speech Contest in December.

(above) This year’s student director of the Fashion Benefit Show, senior Baily Hersh, gets her makeup applied before the she walks the runway in the third annual Fashion Benefit Show for Ubuntu in March. (top right) Headmaster Fenstermacher (foreground) and Assistant Head Dick Wyland wow the crowd. (below right) Harvey sophomore Ryan Gross and freshman Liz Kavounas enjoy the runway experience. (far right) International student Giana Yang enjoys a trip down the runway.

The Harvey School 19

Cast of Godspell

◂ One Acts play: “Envy” Written by Bridget Bojic Back row, left to right: Emily Walsh (stage manager), Andrew DeRose, Sophia Nahon (director), Julia Slater, Josef Nardi, Ally Silk (lighting board operator), Ricky Hicks (running crew); seated, left to right: Claudia Ziser, Samantha Danziger, Kylene Groff ▾ Matthew Tuckner’s One Acts play: “What Happens When the Moon Frowns” Left to right: Sasha Fox, Josef Nardi, Matthew Tuckner (writer and director); seated: Jared Peraglia

(left) Max Edelman on bass. (above) Brian Alvarado, Melissa Shaw-Patino, Mary Martinez, Julia Frisch, Ian Macari, Kevin Zhang.

20 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

(above) Seniors in the Spring Choral Concert recognized for their service. (below) Combined Upper School and Middle School Chorus.

▴ Bilbo Baggins (Elizabeth Mahony) appears (center) before The Elven Queen (Tillie Glucksman) as Gandalf (Zoe Lewis) looks on in a scene from the Middle School spring production of “The Hobbit.” Alice (Lexi Wierdsma), Tweedle Dum (Mitchell Gilman) and the cast of the Middle School production of “Alice in Wonderland.”

The Harvey School 21

▴ Senior Ricky Hicks joined the exclusive 1,000 career points club in the 2014–15 basketball season.




« Most Valuable Player | t Most Improved Player | l Sportsmanship Award | n Coaches Award

▴ Senior captain Keith Lambert set a new school hockey record by scoring 109 points in one season.

The winter sports season was made memorable this year by two seniors reaching history-making milestones: First line forward Keith Lambert of the hockey team scored 100 points on the season on 53 goals and 47 assists, and basketball’s leading scorer, guard Ricky Hicks, entered the 1,000-career point club. In varsity competition, both the boys and girls basketball teams advanced to the semifinal round of the Housatonic Valley Athletic League playoffs before suffering seasonending losses. The hockey team enjoyed a terrific regular season, securing a #2 seed in the Fairchester Athletic Association championship tournament, but losing in heartbreak fashion, 5–4 in double overtime in the semifinal

22 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

against the eventual FAA champ St. Luke’s, a team the Cavaliers had beaten twice in two prior meetings. At season’s end, the following athletes earned recognition on their respective teams:

UPPER SCHOOL Varsity Hockey (14–8) (FAA All-League) Keith Lambert, Connor Wilson, Theo Rattner, Mark Siegel and Drew Homola, (FAA All-League Honorable Mention) Adam Levy, (Corsano Cup) Joe Sorrentino, t Alex McLean, n Mark Siegel, « (Offense) Theo Rattner, «(Defense) Connor Wilson, « Keith Lambert

Varsity Boys Basketball (14–10) (HVAL All-League) Ricky Hicks, « Ricky Hicks, n Austin Forman, l Mike DePass and Jovell Forsythe, t Zaire Elleby JV Boys (10–8) « Nick Reber, « (Defense) Josh Markowitz, l Sam Shapiro, t Ryan Alpert, n Jason Shi JV “B” Boys (8–8) « Anzel Vasquez, n Matt Drude, t Pierce Steinberg, « (Defense) Colin Nardi, l Joe Bakas

Varsity Girls Basketball (12–6) (NEPSAC All-Star) Hannah Paul, (HVAL All-League) Julia Frisch and Hannah Paul, « (Offense) Hannah Paul, « (Defense) Alexis Palmer, t Nikkita Johnson, l Olivia Lindsay, n Julia Mallon

The Harvey School 23

MIDDLE SCHOOL MS Girls Basketball (2–7) « Courtney Warren, t Louisa Waldstein-McCabe, l Tulsi Gopalakrishnan, n Tillie Glucksman Boys Navy Basketball (1–4–1) « (Offense) Ryan Horowitz, « (Defense) Mason Rice, n Patrick Murphy, t Jack Hutchings Boys Maroon Basketball (8–7) « (Offense) Max Kesicki, « (Defense) Dylan Zink, n Tyler Cox, l Colin Glascott, t Hudson Insolia




Middle School Hockey (8–1) « Austin Weiner, n Sebastian Wallach , Alex Breitenbach

TYLER LEVY & JASMINE BROUWER 24 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015


We thought that the students who have attended for all seven years, the “survivors” as we affectionately call them, share a unique perspective of all that Harvey offers its students. We thank seniors Skye Bell and John Cunningham for their contributions to this issue.

SKYE BELL I’ve spent the last seven years of my life a part of Harvey, and after so much time I can say without hesitation that this school has become a second home to me. The community here on campus is created by the close-knit bonds that form between students and faculty members, no doubt fueled by our modestly-sized campus. However, being a smaller school simply gives teachers a better chance to form good relationships with their students, but to find a school where teachers are passionate about their jobs and about a young person learning is distinctive to Harvey. Middle school and high school are times for selfdiscovery and, the way I see it, self-validation of your own thoughts. Many kids see teachers as the bearers of all the right answers, but most of my teachers have actually taken the time to face the class as students themselves. Being able to think for yourself can be difficult, but it’s the only way new ideas form. To get an essay back with the words,

“You made me think differently,”

in the white spaces is something I treasure and would never give back.

JOHN CUNNINGHAM Being at The Harvey School since the sixth grade, I have had many opportunities to explore my interests, which would have never been possible if I did not attend a small school, as well as get the encouragement from the staff to explore new interests. Due to my music teacher’s encouragement, I joined the Early Music Ensemble. I was able to travel to Austria to perform, where I grew close with peers not only in my grade, but with those all the way up to 12th grade as well. After having my fair share of the performing arts, I decided it was time to explore my other interests and began to play rugby. I started playing in eighth grade and continued through senior year. Due to the excellent coaches I formed a love for rugby, and that is why I plan to play in college. Off the field, Harvey furthered my passion for the study of mathematics and science. Being able to work with such dedicated math and science teachers, I decided to study engineering in college.

”The Harvey School has given me the chance to explore many different interests that not only opened my eyes to a whole new world but made me who I am today.” The Harvey School 25




Middle School Perspective By Brendan Byrne Despite attending a middle school that might not compare in size to larger independent schools, and certainly most public schools, students at Harvey continue to benefit from the opportunities that abound. As a faculty, we are always interested in providing students with experiences that allow them to showcase their talents and be challenged. Recent accomplishments in academics, athletics and the arts are reminders that Harvey’s students emerge from our small, engaging environment ready to take on big challenges. Over the Memorial Day weekend, five middle school students participated in the national history bee that took place in Louisville, Kentucky. After spending hours tackling challenging questions that would have tested the most accomplished history scholars, the five—Shaun Morelock, Andrew Lebowitz, Alex Breitenbach, Sanath Kumar and Alexander Ogg finished 19th out of 72 schools. It should not be surprising that our middle school students were able to perform so well in front of a large audience. After all, each of them has participated in events such as the speech contest and the poetry recitation contest. This year’s poetry recitation contest in March once again showcased the public speaking talents of six middle schoolers who emerged from their classrooms to recite their poems in

26 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

the Arts Center in front of nearly 400 people. The middle school winner was seventh-grader Abigail Sirota, who recited “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. Beyond the academic realm, every year some middle school athletes are ready to compete at the varsity level, and with the approval of coaches and the safety of our athletes taken into consideration, eighth-graders may participate at the varsity level. This year featured eighth-graders who not only made varsity rosters but also made important contributions. The girls varsity tennis squad included Brooke Dodderidge and Nicole Warshaw. Both consistently contributed to the varsity girls tennis team, with Nicole playing as the team’s top player. Sara Hoffman was an eighth-grader on the girls softball team, and Sophia Scarsella and Jane Kelleran made an impact on the 2015 HVAL champion girls varsity lacrosse team, with Sophia recognized with a “game ball” for her performance against Watkinson. Max Kesicki was a starter on the varsity boys lacrosse team and was also recognized for his offensive output. Oliver Davies, who played on a rugby club outside of Harvey, was also on the Harvey rugby team. Whether it be in the classroom or on the athletic field, we always want to ensure that our students are challenged to reach their potential. This philosophy will better prepare them for what lies ahead in school and in life.

Upper School Perspective by Phil Lazzaro Throughout the course of an academic day I have the opportunity to interact with many students in a variety of ways. At times I find myself in a position to offer academic advice, usually centered on the theme of our college process at Harvey. Whether I am speaking with parents of incoming freshmen, sophomores eager to learn about college possibilities or a junior or senior student strategizing about a college admission, one tenet I hold dear is a question I often ask: “Have you taken advantage of our school in a positive way?” As I write this article we are in the midst of planning course offerings for 2015–16. Academic departments and administrators continue to meet to discuss positive changes and offerings for our student body. These meetings will lead to the production of a new coursebook, which will provide our student body, returning and new, with a myriad of opportunities to explore. When I meet with prospective

students and incoming ninth-grade families, they are amazed at the options available. Next year our ninth-grade students will finally have true electives from which to choose, ranging from coding and stagecraft to model building and TedTalks. This year, five new English electives were offered to our students, and the success of these classes has spurred discussion for additional offerings in the future. We are doubling the offerings of our computer science courses as well as robotics. I am hard-pressed to find any students in our Upper School who are unhappy with the choices they have to fill their schedule. The only complaint I receive, besides the frequency of my assigned analytical book reviews, is that students wish they could take more courses than are offered. From the abundance of course offerings to the wide range of after-school experiences, our students are naturally pushed to explore. It is my hope to continue to think out of the box and provide our student body with useful, engaging and rigorous offerings both in and out of our classrooms.

The Harvey School 27

Q&A with Faculty/Staff We asked two teachers with a wealth of experience in seeing students make the most of the opportunities Harvey offers to share their perspectives on our theme. Chorus teacher Kathryn Cushman, with 13 years at Harvey teaching both Middle and Upper School music and chorus, directing musicals in both divisions, as well as serving as a student adviser, has seen her share of student successes in the performing arts. Mark Brandon, as athletic director, history teacher and community service club adviser, has borne witness to wonderful things that happened for young people both on and off the field since arriving at Harvey in the winter of 2002.

We often hear alumni say that Harvey provided them with transformative experiences that have helped them find their career path or discover talents and interests they might not have found in a large school setting. What is it about Harvey that allows students to find their paths?

Kathryn Cushman: Small class size and individualized attention to students are the largest contributors to helping students find a passionate area of learning. Having worked at several other private schools, I realize these are hallmarks of all private education, but at Harvey the teachers truly take extra help and individual instruction very seriously. Mark Brandon: Harvey provides the opportunities to participate in amazing programs that are led by motivated and dynamic faculty and staff. Our small size and emphasis in providing opportunities for all to participate in programs is difficult for larger schools with the high level of competition for a finite amount of spots in a given program. Our welcoming faculty and staff have the skill to work with students of varying ability and provide a positive experience for all. It is the combination of the drive to create and instruct as faculty and staff that encourages our students to discover new interests that can have a profound impact on their future lives as healthy, happy adults.

28 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

From your years at Harvey, you no doubt have seen several students who were encouraged to try an activity and then discovered a particular talent because of that opportunity. Is there one story that comes to mind?

KC: In April, I attended the Alumni Reception at the Cornell Club in the city, where I met a man who was a Harvey alum from 1957. He told me about his years at Harvey when it was an all-boys school. He said that as an adult, the skills he learned at Harvey enabled him to become a coach. He spoke of how he loved coaching, and he described it as “seeing sparkles” from students when they had successes. Immediately I related this to my being a musical director and how the same “sparkles” can be observed from watching students find parts of themselves that they did not know existed through music. MB: Although I try to be impartial, I am always amazed by the new recruits for the boys and girls rugby programs. Rugby is a high-impact sport that can push the limits of physical and mental toughness. Despite the rigorous demands of the sport, many student-athletes who have no experience with contact sports join these teams every spring and fall in love with the game. Seeing these young men and women grow in confidence is an incredible experience for me personally every spring. All of our coaches could share similar stories about their particular sport.

What role do you see Harvey faculty playing in giving students opportunities to explore their talents and interests?

KC: Sometimes all you have to do is invite a student to try something new. If the atmosphere is comfortable for them when you do this, students are much more likely to try new things. The teacher’s role is to try to find that comfortable moment to encourage students to try new things. Another one of the hallmarks of Harvey is that students can find friends and be accepted in ways that might not have happened for them in larger schools. Being comfortable makes not only learning but stretching out of the comfort zone more possible. MB: Dynamic instructors that are passionate, patient and welcoming are the most important part of encouraging students to participate in opportunities provided at Harvey. Without strong leaders to guide and ignite student interest, our athletic, fine arts and academic programs would not enjoy the success they do. As a veteran teacher who enjoys connections with students well beyond their time at Harvey, what do you learn from them about what Harvey meant to their growth and maturation when they return for a visit?

KC: Honestly, what I have found is that the more decades that go by since the end of high school, the more alumni are likely to address this topic. Students who are, say, up to 10 years out of Harvey have not really arrived at the place where they will talk much about this. It is the older alumni who really have begun to consider this subject. A student might say, “If it hadn’t been that day when you talked about how to sing in a falsetto voice, I would not have become so interested in singing and joined the choir in college.” MB: At a recent alumni event I spoke to a number of graduates who spoke with me about appreciating the Middle East elective I taught. They shared with me how the class enables them to make sense of the present conflicts and have educated conversations about current events from the region. They emphasized how important they thought offering elective courses like Middle Eastern Studies was to young adults in understanding the world around them.

What impact does it have on you personally and professionally when students return to tell you how much their time at Harvey served as a positive influence in their lives?

KC: A former student stopped by a year or so ago and handed me a vinyl record album of the Vivaldi “Gloria,” saying he remembered it so well from his years in chorus at Harvey. This really touched me. Students are always lobbying to sing more “popular” music. You will always see popular (ish!) music on our concerts, but not a steady diet of it. Students need to learn music from different time periods and cultures. They are not as comfortable with them because these are not songs they already know. But during one rehearsal in the year we sang that Vivaldi “Gloria,” I was feeling really bad because I just felt like they weren’t enjoying it and didn’t get it. One person in the choir waited until the very end of the period until after everyone else left the room. Next came the quiet statement: “The Vivaldi is really the best piece we are learning.” That person went on to complete a degree in music. These small but not-so-small things give teachers more stamina to face the day-to-day frustrations, knowing how important what is said and done in the classroom can be. MB: At a recent Harvey rugby match I ran into a wonderful former student-athlete whom I had coached back in 2002–03. He is a lawyer and presently living in Vietnam with his wife, who took a job there. In addition to practicing law, he has continued to pursue his passion for rugby. Joining a rugby team abroad allowed him to create strong friendships in a very short period of time. He is living an exciting, happy and healthy life, which is all a coach and teacher can ever ask for. (right) Music alumna Nicole Wright ’05, who credits her success to Kathryn Cushman and her Harvey teachers. (below) 2009 alums Tim Carpenter (left) and Ben Shapiro (right) pose with their former history teacher, Mark Brandon, at the NYC Alumni Reception in April.

The Harvey School 29



Reflections and Farewell:

Small School… Big Opportunities… Endless Possibilities. By Debbie Finkel, President, Harvey Parents Association Never before has a phrase hit so close to home for my entire family. In the fall of 2009, my husband and I were looking for a school that would match our daughter’s learning style and personality. Harvey fit the bill (Small School). Chelsea was not thrilled at the idea of leaving public school, but the Harvey community worked their magic and soon helped her to thrive. In addition to academics, Chelsea did many things during her four years at Harvey. As a freshman, she played lacrosse. (The girl had never picked up a stick before.) She played soccer all four years and was a captain her senior year. She honed her photography skills, learned how to produce videos, participated in fashion shows and was encouraged to go on Senior Project, working for Fashion Week in NYC (Big Opportunities). The solid education she received prepared her for the Business School at Syracuse University, her number one college choice. Midway through her sophomore year in college, though, Chelsea realized that studying business wasn’t what she wanted to focus on and took it upon herself to apply and transfer to the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. She was accepted and enrolled in January. If it were not for all Chelsea learned at Harvey, she would not have had the confidence and ability to make her dreams a reality. (Endless Possibilities). 30 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

My son, Jared, arrived at Harvey in January of his freshman year. He was very unhappy about being pulled out of his public school midyear. Once again, Harvey worked its magic and helped him adjust and acclimate quickly. He played baseball and football for three years and was asked to be a captain of the football team as a senior (Big Opportunity). Jared was also awarded Defensive MVP for the season. Scholastically, Jared needed to be challenged in high School. Harvey offers Honors and AP classes in which Jared was able to participate. My son enjoys languages and music. Jared was able to take two languages at Harvey and had a Jazz Improv class his junior year with a teacher and one other student. (Small School). The three of them jammed often, making the environment perfect for Jared to excel and blow off some steam. He was also offered the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica with the Spanish Department and Wide World of Sports at Disney with the baseball team (Big Opportunities)—all of which he likely wouldn’t have had if he had stayed at the public school with 2,000 other students. Once Jared started attending Harvey, it was easier for me to find more ways to volunteer and give back to the Harvey community. I have always enjoyed getting involved with my children’s schools. We moved quite a bit, and volunteering was a way for me to meet new people. I enjoyed attending

all the PA meetings and signed up to help the Parents Association on various committees. I was impressed by how dedicated Harvey parents were and the amount of time and energy they gave back to the school. The other thing I noticed was that Harvey parents liked to have fun! I continued to find more ways to get involved. I was asked to be the Class Parent for Jared’s sophomore class and at the end of that year was shocked when the former PA president asked me to take her place. (Talk about Big Opportunities!) I met with our Headmaster, Barry Fenstermacher, to explain how there really was no way I would be able to take on the position. “I’m great with organization and events,” I said, “but petrified of public speaking. How could I possibly make this work?” Barry assured me that he, along with the Harvey faculty and staff, would support and coach me through any rough patches I might encounter. He was true to his word. I amazed myself with how much I’ve grown personally over the past six years (Endless Possibilities). At Harvey, my children had the opportunity to be the captains of their respective sports teams. I’d like to think of myself as having been the captain of the Parents’ Association

for the past two years. I’m honored to have had the privilege to serve this wonderful school and experience the benefits of its smallness, its great opportunities and its endless possibilities. I will always treasure the time I’ve spent and the lifelong friends I’ve made along the way. This small school called Harvey has offered my family and me so many big opportunities to thrive and grow. I continue to be amazed at how this little enclave in Katonah, New York, has created (and continues to create) Endless Possibilities for my family and so many others. Thank you, Harvey!

The Middle School Parents Perspective By Tracey Davies, Director, Middle School Parents Association

Being part of the Middle School Parents Association for the past three years has impressed upon me the sense of community within the school. One of the hidden secrets of being a small school is its ability to be flexible and accommodating to new ideas and opportunities, and to involve everyone in these experiences. The Parents Association’s HarveySpeaks event each fall is a great example of this. It was the mastermind of a school parent who saw an opportunity to involve the whole school in a themed, fun-filled educational experience while embracing and enhancing a sense of community within the Middle and Upper schools for both children and parents. The 80-plus children in the Middle School all took part in various forms of community service during the afternoon of this event, from writing letters to the troops, to visiting a local rehabilitation and nursing residence for senior citizens to play bingo and socialize with them, to learning how to care for animals. For the Middle School parents, the Parents Association has been able to instigate new social forums like the Trivia/ Quiz Night and a holiday party for all of the Middle School parents, hosted at a parent’s home. This was a great opportunity for the parents to socialize in an informal venue. There is something for everyone in a small school like Harvey. Every child and parent has a voice and is listened to. It is a school where new ideas are encouraged, embraced and acted upon, further promoting a great sense of community. I wish everyone a wonderful summer and look forward to September when Harvey will begin to celebrate its centennial in a year filled with many opportunities for us to enjoy being a part of this wonderful school community. The Harvey School 31

Harvey Uncorked S I P, TA S T E & M I N G L E :

A Celebration of Community By Linda Wiener

t was another success story to go into the history books at The Harvey School. The Parents Association’s Annual Spring Benefit, this year titled, Harvey Uncorked, brought together the Harvey community for a magical night in the Napa Valley. On April 25, the Harvey gym doors, framed in winding grapevines, welcomed parents, alumni, staff

32 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

and administration for an evening of friends, food, wine, dancing and fundraising—or should I say, FUN-raising. Headmaster Fenstermacher told me, “It’s a celebration of our school, our parents, our staff and our faculty. Tonight we celebrate our shared responsibilities toward Harvey and the kids. The Parents Association does a wonderful job putting on this event as well as so many others throughout the year.” No argument here. The PA Auction Committee did a stellar job transforming Harvey’s gym into a night under the stars in a Napa vineyard. Long tables draped in white linen and burlap runners, with lavender-colored flowers in mason jars, gave the room that casual yet elegant country-chic feel. Yards of grapevines ran along every table, and clusters of juicy grapes on wooden cheese boards made for creative edible centerpieces. The finishing touch, though, was the array of hundreds of small light bulbs, strung romantically above, providing that outdoor “warm evening in the vineyard feel.” Harvey Uncorked was truly a Napa wonderland, and parents throughout the evening shared Headmaster Fenstermacher’s appreciation for the PA Auction Committee’s hard work.


Judy Shapiro (Sam, grade 10) concurred:“It’s magnificent. I feel that I’ve been whisked away to Napa.” Steven Warshaw (Nicole, grade 8) described his feelings upon entering the event. “I walked into an enchanted vineyard with beautiful lighting, delicious food, and jazz music in the background. But the best part really to me,” he said, “was having this opportunity to meet the many parents of my daughter’s friends and feeling a part of this community.” This was Steven’s first year as a Harvey parent; however, he is not new to the Harvey family. Steven’s brother Stuart was a Harvey parent when his son, Jake, graduated in 2010. Steven said that when he saw his nephew flourish at Harvey, he knew it was the right place for his own daughter. Singing Harvey’s praises was a common theme. Virginia and Johnathan Blum (Brinkley, grade 6), perhaps the newest parents in the crowd, arrived at Harvey only a month earlier. Virginia was quick to say, “Harvey had the entire package from a wonderful fine arts program to top-notch academics all within a small, supportive environment.” As for Harvey Uncorked, her words were “lovely ambience, good time, great food,” and she added, “My

husband is going home with a full stomach, which is a huge compliment to the party planners and caterers.” Johnathan Blum happily added that “not only did we have a great time meeting new people and tasting the many different wines, but we even ordered a case of our favorite wine.” The Blums, like so many others, jumped on the special opportunity that Thierry Pradines, proprietor of Best Wine Purveyors and the evening’s wine host, offered Harvey families: order your favorite wines from the evening’s wine tasting and 15 percent of the sales will be donated back to Harvey. Liz Ziser (Claudia, grade 10) was thrilled with the wine arrangement: “What a great idea! I love that the wine tasting offers me the opportunity to order the wines I like tonight.” The hard job, of course, was choosing among the many wines offered, but I didn’t hear anyone complaining about having to taste a wine more than once to help with the decision making. Nor were there any complaints with the food: tortellini in a truffle sauce, beet salad with goat cheese, chicken tamales, mushroom crostini, potato samosas, Chef Lee’s carving station, poached salmon, truffle tea, fruit crèpes, mini cupcakes and more. The tastings from the list of The Harvey School 33

local restaurants were delicious. Susan Lippman (Daniella, grade 10) was delighted. She said, “This is a wonderful way for us to add new restaurants to our list of places to go in the area. It’s a win-win situation for the restaurants and for Harvey parents!” Evette Murtha (Skye Belle, grade 12) confessed that in spite of all the great restaurants present at the event, her favorite chef is still Harvey’s own Lee Robinson. Evette’s husband, Emmett, added that he appreciated the room setup allowing for “great elbow room.” Gerilyn and David Park (Ryan, grade 10) concurred, applauding, “The new setup with the one large open room works very well.” In spite of the crowd of nearly 300 people, the room had an easy flow to it, allowing everyone a place to sit, sip, chat, bid, taste and dance. The silent auction tables were brimming with exciting opportunities and the jazz band, Current Affair, kept the sounds at just the right pitch, allowing for comfortable conversation. Lori Peraglia, ( Jared, grade 9) who has been the Auction Chair the previous three years, enjoyed the opportunity to relax this time, saying the benefit “is just fabulous from top to bottom.”

34 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

“To support Harvey tonight is to support our children. Tonight’s benefit has been fantastic. I’m looking forward to next year’s Centennial Celebration.” —Kamele McLaren

Halfway through the evening, a hush fell over the room as Headmaster Fenstermacher and Auction Co-Chair Debra Alexander kicked off the live auction with a handmade cedar wood picnic table made by the Harvey buildings and grounds team and Michael Scarsella. The 100-year-old cedar wood was taken from Harvey’s old wooden water tower—clearly this wasn’t just any old picnic table, but rather a piece of Harvey’s history. Perhaps a parent, Barry Tebbutt, ( Justin, grade 9, and Gemma, grade 11) said it best in his sophisticated British accent, “This picnic table carries a piece of Harvey provenance.” Indeed it does! The live auction continued with great excitement and generous participation as Harvey supporters bid high on reservations at Rao’s, a Fourth of July cruise and a week’s stay in Cape Cod, to name a few highlights. In addition to the silent and live auctions were two raffles and the Giving Tree (supporting Harvey’s new tennis courts). Debra Alexander (Courtney, grade 9) who co-chaired this year’s Auction Committee with Suzanne Pope, expressed her gratitude saying, “It’s an amazing night. I really want to thank the Harvey parents for supporting the kids and helping to raise the money for such a fabulous school.” Once the live auction was over, it was time to hit the dance floor, and the band gave the crowd what they wanted by pumping up the volume. It seems that as impressed as parents were with the benefit, they were even more impressed with the Harvey community! Kamele McLaren (RJ, grade 7) summed it up by saying, “To support Harvey tonight is to support our children. Tonight’s benefit has been fantastic. I’m looking forward to next year’s Centennial Celebration.”

So let’s raise our wine glasses for a final toast to the Harvey PA Auction Committee and the Harvey community as a whole for such a successful benefit. Everyone went home a winner, with the biggest winners of all being, without a doubt, the Harvey students! H

The Harvey School 35

Dear Harvey Community:



Homecoming 2015 and the Centennial Kickoff, September 26, is only three months away! We are truly excited about commemorating Harvey’s 100 years of educational excellence with a fantastic celebration. Fun, free activities will take place throughout the day and into the evening. There will be athletics, special exhibits, campus tours, and the centennial celebration, the school’s reunion of alumni, faculty and friends. The centennial celebration is the ideal time to remember what makes our Harvey experiences memorable. The celebration will provide an opportunity to look back on our time at Harvey and to witness firsthand the remarkable changes that have taken place since graduation. Please plan to attend. Register on the Harvey website.

Tell your Harvey story! Share your memories with us on our centennial webpage through words, photos or video! For a story, go to Harvey’s website, select “Centennial Celebration,” then “Memories of Harvey.” And add your memory. Pictures and video may be shared via Dropbox, Google Drive or email at If your Harvey experience had a positive impact on your life, please consider making a gift to support one of our three centennial celebration fundraising goals: • The Barry Fenstermacher Fund to support financial aid programs • The Centennial Future Fund to impact the school’s unrestricted endowment • The Centennial Annual Fund which supports the school’s current daily operations. Most important, we invite you to be present in person to help Harvey Celebrate the Centennial! Whatever your Centennial contribution—participating in a Centennial event, volunteering, contributing services or making a financial contribution, large or small, you are making a meaningful difference to the beginning of The Harvey School’s next 100 years! Sincerely, Dennis Dilmaghani ’62, Jackie Walker ’03 and Evan Walker ’03 The Harvey School centennial co-chairs

36 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

You Are an Important Part of Harvey’s 100 Years

5 Ways To Get Involved With Harvey 1. ATTEND Harvey alumni events (especially the Centennial Kickoff on September 26.) 2. FOLLOW Harvey on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) 3. UPDATE your contact information on the Alumni Portal ( > Alumni Portal). 4. VOLUNTEER your time to mentor current Harvey students or host a field trip. 5. SUPPOR T Harvey financially, for any amount will make a difference to Harvey.

neperan vs. pocantico ALUMNI GIVING CONTEST

The rivalry continues, as all alumni centennial donations are credited to either the Neperans or Pocanticos. Any unassigned alumni, those in even class years are assigned as Neperan, odd class years as Pocantico.

goal $250,000

alumni donations




The Harvey School 37



Go to the “Centennial Celebration” webpage, select “Nep/Poc Contest/Donate,” and select the fund you wish to support.


Letter From Our Alumni President Dear Alumni, The Harvey centennial is rapidly approaching. For alumni, the cornerstone event is the September 26 kickoff. On that date we’ll be hosting the biggest Harvey alumni shindig that the school has ever witnessed. All graduating years are invited—think of it as a massive reunion to celebrate the founding of the school. The date coincides with Harvey’s homecoming, so the school will be alive with activities and sporting events. We will have Alumni Hall of Fame awards, class reunions, an evening party and the dedication of the Rose Baldwin Reading Room, not to mention reconnecting with classmates and faculty. Meanwhile, on April 7 we hosted our annual alumni networking reception at the Cornell Club in Midtown Manhattan. The room was packed, we were pushing 100 attendees, we even raised money for the endowment through a raffle, and the centennial buzz was palpable. The three centennial committee co-chairs attended: Dennis Dilmaghani ’62, Evan Walker ’03 and Jackie Walker ’03. They are working hard to ensure that Harvey celebrates in style, along with alumni “ambassadors” and class agents who are helping to maximize attendance by reaching out to classmates. Let me take this opportunity to introduce our new Young Alumni coordinator, Maria Neri ’04, who will be

38 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

working with the class agents and alumni in the 2000’s. We had a great turnout from this group at our April 7 reception, and we look forward to a robust attendance at our kickoff event. I hope to see many of you in Katonah on September 26. Let the festivities begin! Best regards,

Dan Chapman ’73, Alumni Association President

recentEVENTS Alumni Sports

Following the Christmas break was a winter homecoming in which the alumni again challenged the faculty in basketball, while the annual alumni hockey scrimmage took place in the rink. The alumni were able to claim victory once again and look forward to the next rematch. Later, everyone joined forces for social time at the rink, with a drawing for two hockey hoodies to cap off the evening.

Alumni versus Faculty/Coaches

Chris Hard, Harry Solomon, Erica Cheyne, Zach Schwartz, Silvana Alarcon, Jahbari Taylor, Dante Palminteri, Will Leventhal, Charlie Seider, John Spadafora and Rebekah Skovron

Taylor Robinson and Mr. Alexander

Alumni Returning to Campus Alumni who graduated last year were invited to talk to the seniors over lunch. They described their transitions in the months since leaving Harvey. Afterward, they took turns making short videos that recounted a formative Harvey experience.

Math teacher Doug Farshty, Shelly-Ann Pitterson, Brittany Smith and Harry Solomon

The Harvey School 39

Alumni Art Show by Angelika Rinnhofer


The Harvey School hosted its inaugural alumni art show this winter, with 14 alumni contributing to the success of the event by submitting works in a variety of media, including photography, painting, sculpture and drawing. Some of the pieces came from as far away as San Francisco, covered in bubble wrap and secured in heavily padded containers. Others were personally delivered, in some cases by alumni parents. Freeing the art of its encasing revealed the diversity of submissions, and by the time of the opening reception, the works had transformed the wall space in the Walker Center for the Arts into a mesmerizing display of artistic talent. Many of the participants came to the opening on February 27, which was a great success. Seeing old friends, comparing their lives after high school, and remembering important and everyday events during their years at Harvey, alumni came together to celebrate their creative achievements. In many cases, they credited their art teachers at Harvey for offering them a chance to express themselves in an artistic medium and to flourish as artists. Harvey’s creative alumni proved that art has the power to bring people together and enforce old and create new friendships. The Art Department at Harvey is looking forward to next year’s submissions, themed around Harvey’s centennial celebration.

Meredith Hanson ’07

James Gagliano ’03

Dennis Dilmaghani ’62

Parents of Jes Muse ’92 beside her sculpture

Molly Orell ’11 and Upper School Assistant Head Beth Visintainer

40 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Rod Owens and Jackie Walker ’03 enjoy the exhibit

Fiona Magliari ’13

Anna Walant ’10

Sally Breckenridge, Philip GIles ’00, Josh Linder ’03, Bill McMorris ’04, Alexis and Carmelina Thompson ’82

Bill Parsons ’60 pointing to his Harvey crest

Vin DeSomma ’77

Pam Parsons ’87

Regional Gatherings The spring months saw Harvey on the road to meet alumni in their home areas, with visits to Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles. Visits are being planned to other locales, including the Boston and Richmond, Virginia, areas, and others still in process.

David Coburn ’64 and Matt Fierstein ’04

Eighth-Grade Letter Writing to Alumni Again this spring, the eighthgrade English classes wrote letters to the Neperans and Pocanticos in the Class of 1965 (their 50th year since leaving Harvey). Students described their experiences in the eighth grade and asked about those of the alums. Students have already received some interesting alumni responses to the letters.

Bill Parsons ’60, Susie Danziger, Laura Prichard, Jessica Ajello ’98, Geoff Potter ’04 and Kristen Totonelly ’98

Career Talks The alumni speakers series continued in February, when James Gagliano ’03, Meredith Hansen ’07 and Alex Pugliese ’07 joined a group of seniors for lunch in the study hall and talked about how they got to where they are now. Informal discussions and Q&As helped the students better understand some of the paths that our alumni have taken.

In order to help you, our alumni, please take a moment to send information to the Alumni Office on your profession/field of interest so that we can respond when asked for contacts in various professions. The Harvey School 41

New York City Networking Reception

Class of 2008 with John DePalma ’01: Katie Winn, David Rome, Josh Suna and Allison Zakre


Ward Meehan ’98 and Greg Presseau ’98

Andrew Heitner ’03 and Germane Williams ’00

Bruce Kraus ’68 and Carl Wild ’60

Sean Daily ’98 and Tim Stark

Max Ross ’98 and Max Weinstein ’98

Sara Fleisher ’05 and Diana Bondy ’05

42 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

The annual alumni networking reception took place April 7 at the Cornell Club. Partially underwritten by a generous alumnus, this event provides an opportunity for alumni to share their experiences, catch up with alumni and teachers, and network. Alumni Association President Dan Chapman ’73 urged the attendees to reconnect with the school, their teachers and classmates; Dennis Dilmaghani urged participation in the Centennial Kickoff in

Josh Sorell ’06 and Brian Zeman ’06

Carly Glenn ’11, Assistant Upper School Head Beth Visintainer, Molly Orell ’11

Class of 2003: Michael Gillman, Jackie Walker and Evan Walker

Noelle McKoy ’09 and Doni McKoy ’07

Assistant Upper School Head Beth Visintainer, Anna Walant ’10 and Nick Pantano ’10

John DePalma ’01 and Nick Pantano ’10

Upper School Head Phil Lazzaro, Jon Peters ’05 and Maria Neri ’04

Athletic Director Mark Brandon with Mike Aronsson ’07

September, and Headmaster Fenstermacher noted the importance of time in everyone’s life and how sharing time brings us all together. He also encouraged everyone to contribute monetarily to the school—no gift is too small. As an added “nudge,” a raffle was held following the remarks. Every gift counted as a contribution as well as a raffle entry. The drawing winner was Tom McManus ’70, with other winners Robbie Spielman ’06, Nicole Wright ’05, Peter Vasey ’05, and Max Weinstein ’98. Any donor giving $100 or more will also receive the not-yet-released centennial history book. Recipients included Bob Sullivan’77, Rob Spielman ’06 and Jared Weinstein ’09.

Jay Hill with Class of 2005: Travis Talmadge, Peter Vasey, Eric Rall, Mike Barefield and Brian Ryerson

Tom Dodd, Phil Bowers ’70 and Tom McManus ’70

Bob Sullivan ’77

Claire Wunderlich ’07 and Headmaster Fenstermacher

Seth Morton ’57 and Pieter Catlow ’73

Joe Lombardi ’08, Joanne Lombardi and Dana Lombardi ’10

Cuyler Mitchell ’06 and Laura High ’06

Dennis Dilmaghani ’62 and George Dallas ’64

Class of 2006: Stephanie Michaan, Zach Rosenthal and Sara Mearsheimer, with Peter Vasey ’05

The Harvey School 43

counting down to

100 years

Harvey 100-Year Celebration: September 2015–June 2016 Sat., September 26: Centennial Kickoff

The day will start with a 5k fun run and vendor booths on the field along with outdoor activities for children. Homecoming games—soccer, volleyball and football—will take place, with campus tours and unearthing the time capsule that was buried at the 75th-year celebration. Former faculty will return to reminisce with their students and For all the latest details, colleagues. The Rose Baldwin Reading Center will be dedicated, and all go to and our 100 years of Hall of Fame recipients will be honored. Upper School click on Centennial Celebration Head Phil Lazzaro, Academic Dean Dianne Mahony, and alumni Dick Ahlborn ’55, Sandy Close ’65 and others will be inducted. There will be activities for all ages and class years as we celebrate reunions—all 100 years of them, and special mention for the 60th-, 50th- and 30th-year reunions already in progress. Then the evening party starts, with special music by alumni musicians, a photo booth, food and beverages, and reconnecting centers for each decade or class. Already planning to attend are former Headmaster Harry Dawe, Frank Perrine, Jan Jacobi, Hoge Caswell, Bob Schmidt, Jock Burbank, Rich Beck, Tim Stark and many more. Alumni on the planning committee will have surprises as well, so check out the latest details and names of attendees on the school website centennial pages at (click on “Centennial Celebration”).

Save the Date

Preparing for Centennial Harvey has been preparing for the centennial in many ways, but one very visual way includes adding signage to Sylvan and Carter Halls. A new plaque has been installed inside each building with a photo of the Weil and Carter families hanging directly above each plaque. Check them out when you are on campus.

44 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

A History of The Harvey School Our wonderful Harvey centennial book has just been completed and is ready for distribution. Everyone will want to enjoy reading about the founding of our school and the many outstanding faculty and alumni throughout our 100 years. A book will be sent to anyone who makes at least a $100 donation.

upcomingEVENTS September 26 Centennial Kickoff Activities • 5k fun run • Farmer’s market • Indoor/outdoor alumni activities • Varsity games • Campus tours • Time capsule recovery

3:30 pm: Dedication of the Rose Baldwin Reading Center 5 pm: Hall of Fame Celebration honoring entire Hall of Fame community and inducting Dick Ahlborn ’55, Sandy Close ’65, current faculty Dianne Mahony and Phil Lazzaro and others.

Send Us Your Current Email Address! Help us keep our database accurate. The best way to reach our alumni is through email. Send your updated information (and a quick note or photo) to

Check out who’s coming and all the latest details at by clicking on “Centennial Celebration” then “Kickoff Event.”

The Harvey School 45

classNOTES The theme of this issue is “Small school… Big opportunities… Endless possibilities.” Many alumni submitted stories about their experiences in Harvey plays, which are included below.


John S. Hoyt: “I was the onstage narrator of a play by Maxwell Anderson called ‘High Tor.’ Other than that, none were memorable productions.”

45 70th Reunion

Woodbridge ‘Woody’ D’Oench: “Regrettably, the name of the play in which I appeared in 1943 to 1945 has escaped me. It was a western. My remembrance is that my classmate, the late John (Jack) Kerr,

46 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

was also on the boards that night in the gym. Jack, of course, went on to Hollywood stardom with leading roles in ‘Tea and Sympathy’ and ‘South Pacific.’ “Another remembrance was brought back by Ramon Sender’s mention of the Toy Symphony in the most recent issue of Harvey Magazine. It was my honor, being hopeless playing any instrument, to conduct the symphony in my senior year. Ramon has gone on to be a notable composer. So Harvey presumably gave a good start to those two worthy careers. And finally, vivid memories remain of life in the house of Headmaster Lev Smith: cider and doughnuts, listening to his reading of ‘Pigs is Pigs,’ learning the words to Lord Jeffrey Amherst. He was a guiding influence and a father figure to many of us, I am sure. He certainly was to me.”


John French III: “I was in one [a play] that took place in the far north, and we all were dressed as trappers, a Mountie, an Indian, etc. A gun was fired at some point. ‘Crime in the Northwest.’ Great fun, in 1946 or 1947. I think I was a trapper.”


Ramon B. Sender: “I’m basically the guy who, after being ‘political’ at Harvey, discovered one day that he couldn’t run for the U.S. presidency because he wasn’t native-born, and decided instead to discover the universal panacea. Over the years I’ve put samples of various exercises up on YouTube, among them: Resonating to Nirvana (

and Touching Nirvana ( watch?v=ZpVqhRJul_E), and a short essay on the same topic attached. “As the exiled Emperor ZERO II, I appear annually in my Sonoma County kingdom of Occidental, Calif., for the Fools Parade in full clown regalia. And that’s probably the most conservative of my various planetary manifestations. My ongoing research into embodied well-being (Somatics) I summed up recently in a small pamphlet, ‘Touching Nirvana,’ available online at touching%20nirvana%20singles.pdf. “In the 1946 play, I forget the name but it was something like ‘The Idol’s Curse’ about a stolen jeweled eye from a Far Eastern (Hindu?) temple. I played the temple guard, and in my theatrical thrashings-about when attacked, I brought all the scenery down with me. For the next year’s play, I was merely a stagehand. Was it Gilbert & Sullivan’s ‘Ruddigore?’”


Richard H. Sheldon: “I appreciate your forwarding the copies of two photos of me as a student at Harvey. It was good to have some news of Ramon Sender. We both took piano lessons from Mrs. Clark at school. Ramon was very talented on the piano. Mrs. Clark was a marvelous person as well as a patient teacher with young boys at the piano. I never knew her first name, but I think of her often. I would also like to thank the Alumni Association for keeping me up to date on events. The notices make me feel as though I were a part of the Harvey community. “

50 65th Reunion


Class Agent: Michael Adair, 860-535-9099,

Michael H. Adair: “Thanks to all of you at Harvey. I had a ball on my birthday when four of us flew to Guatemala for a week of fishing for big bill fish (mostly sailfish with a few dorado and yellowfin tuna thrown in). On my birthday I got serenaded by the motliest bunch of mariachi band folks you ever saw, followed by chocolate on chocolate cake. Great fun.” Email to David Wagstaff ’51: “David, I thought you were in the Smith house when I was, but wasn’t sure. My mind is getting soft! After Exeter ’55 and Harvard ’59, I went into the Marine Corps and got out about 1964 or 1965 as a captain, then went to Columbia for an MBA and spent the next 50 years in consumer goods marketing or advertising agencies. I always said I wanted to teach, so at the age of 50 I got another degree from Columbia, changed my résumé a bit and got a teaching job at Greenwich Academy (Conn.). I taught U.S. history, economics and a bunch of elective courses, coached varsity tennis and loved every minute. I should have made the change earlier. I taught 11th and 12 grade girls (although we had a brother school next door—Brunswick School), so my classes were all coed. I retired after 15 years there and moved from Bedford, N.Y., to Stonington, Conn. We live right on the harbor. “We have five kids from age 30 to 52, and I lost track of the grandchildren. Two of the younger ones are unmarried, but one of those is in love and that might change. We have taken vacations in Montana and love it, but I doubt if we will ever make a drastic move—only because we are lazy and stuck in a comfortable rut.” Jerard E. Tanner: “Thank you, Harvey School. I don’t think a school ever sent me a birthday notice. I live in San Francisco and regret your centennial

Ramon Sender ’48 in the Fools Parade

Richard Sheldon ’49 and Mr. Taylor

Richard Sheldon ’49 and Bob Pomery ’49

is too far for me to go. However, I congratulate Harvey for 100 years! I graduated in 1951, so I was there for your 35th.” David Wagstaff III To Mike Adair ’51: “It has been a long time since we last met, but I have been drawn back to Harvey with a granddaughter attending. I was also in the same house at Harvey as you. I have lived in New Orleans for 15 years, having moved here to run a company. I am now retired and summer in Montana.”

The Harvey School 47




1955 Fifth Form


5 6



55 60th Reunion The Class of 1955 celebrates its 60th-year reunion this year. So we have included the Fifth Form and faculty photos from 1955 (left and above).



1955 Faculty 1. Mr. Howes 2. Mr. Stewart 3. Mr. Shea 4. Mrs. and Mr. Lyon 5. Mrs. Baldwin

David’s granddaughter is Alexandra Wierdsma, a seventh grader, and he is a proud grandfather: “My granddaughter was looking for a new school and after looking at Harvey, Lexi Wierdsma and her family decided that they liked the school. We have visited several times and were very happy with Harvey as well as Lexi’s performance. As you know, she has been on the Headmaster’s list since she started there. We are very proud of her performance!”


6. Captain Parks 7. Mr. Lynch 8. Mr. Stafford 9. Mr. Welch 10. Mr. Magnan 11. Mr. Jacoby

48 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

E. Richard “Dick” Ahlborn: Dick is being inducted into the Hall of Fame in September. “It would have been 1954 or 1955, and we put on a play that was controversial at the time, about four men in a lifeboat. They were either facing death or in denial, and the interaction was pretty intense. I was the hard guy, and I got comments from some people, including my mother, that they were concerned about my having used the word ‘damn. ‘Oh, for the good old days.”

Dick Ahlborn ’55

We include here excerpts Dick sent previously about his early years: “It is an overused and hackneyed expression to say that someone or something ‘saved my life,’ but at least Harvey changed it fundamentally. I was typical of a large number of kids with a combination of intellect and imagination who were totally bored within the public school systems of the early 1950s. Like many of that description, I was often in some minor scrape or another, and my parents were greatly concerned at what might befall me in the larger and more dangerous environs of the local White Plains junior high school system. Then my mother saw an article in the paper that my most effective elementary school teacher had been elected to the local school board, and she picked up the phone and requested a meeting. A short time before that Mrs. Carter, who I believe was the last remaining member of the family that founded Harvey, had died and left enough money for one

scholarship to the school. As you will already have gathered, I was the recipient of that scholarship. There is no telling what course my life would have taken if fate had not stepped in at just the right moment, but what did happen was that Harvey provided just the amount of intellectual challenge, a sense of teamwork in its sports programs and well-aimed discipline to turn me into a dedicated student. “Because I did well at Harvey, I was accepted by Kent for secondary school. Because I did well at Kent, I was accepted by Yale for college. Because I needed significant financial aid to pay for Yale, I applied for and was accepted into the NROTC program, which simply agreed to pay my tuition for four years in exchange for four years of service as a naval officer. It’s absolutely one of the best deals going, because the payback of those four years of service gives a young adult more exposure to more of the world in a setting that develops leadership skills, useful for a lifetime, than could ever be found as a junior cog in the machinery of the business world. In my

case, the Navy certainly got a significant return on its investment, because my EE major led to my entry into the Nuclear Submarine Force, in which I served for the next 26 years. I spent 20 of those years on sea duty in eight different submarines in the midst of both the Cold War and the Vietnam War. “What follows are a few vignettes of that period in my life, which I offer for your entertainment: “1. On my first watch as a newly qualified Officer of the Deck (Submerged), in the dead of the mid-watch, I mistook the running lights of a line of ships I was crossing, and ended up taking an 8400-ton ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) at periscope depth across the tow line between a tug and the barge it was towing. I have no idea how close I came to hooking that tow line with my rudder, but it had to be inches and I got away with it. Since it was dark in the control room, and I was the only one who could see through the periscope, no one else had any idea what had happened—and I never told a soul.

“2. In my next tour, I was the missile officer on another SSBN, transiting submerged through the Strait of Sicily between Italy and North Africa, when a Soviet nuclear submarine came up from astern, where we could not hear him coming and collided with us. We recovered from the impact and simply kept on course and speed. I spent two days running my missiles through their maintenance checks to prove we were still effectively covering our target package within the USSR. The other guy panicked and blew his ballast tanks to surface. He returned through the Atlantic and up over Norway to his base near Murmansk on the surface and badly damaged, monitored by our maritime patrol aircraft. We learned later through intelligence channels that on his return to port, the GRU met them on the pier and shot the commanding officer in front of his crew. “3. During the early 1970s, President Nixon wanted to know who among the Eastern Bloc was supplying the Viet Cong by sea through the Hainan Strait, across the northern reaches of the Gulf of Tonkin, and

PHOTO QUIZ In our last magazine (winter 2015) this photo was featured on the Table of Contents. Some of the boys have now been identified by Brooks Robins ’50 and Mike Adair ’51. All are class of 1950 unless noted. Can anyone identify more of the boys? l-r: David O’Brien, Jimmy Wallace ’51, Mike Hard ’51, Eric Swenson ’51, Mike Adair ’51, Brooks Robins, Buzz Diamond, Bill Bixler, Alan McQuiston, Terry Dobson ’52 (holding coat).

The Harvey School 49

LOST ALUMNI & FORMER STUDENTS The following are those for whom we have no mailing address. Please contact if you have information about any of them. Christian G. Gunther Esq. ’34 David Moorhead ’34 James W. Ryan, Jr. ’34 George M. Baekeland ’35 Alfred L. Gregory ’35 William M. Mansbach ’35 Joseph D. O’Sullivan ’35 Walter R. Arnold ’36 R. Peter Knapp Hunter ’36 Macleod A. Ross ’36 C. Convers Goddard ’37 Stewart G. Tuttle ’38 Donald G. B. Erskine ’39 William S. Jordan ’39 John N. Snider, Jr. ’40 Seth H. Baker, Jr. ’41 Peter B. Welles ’41 Gerald S. Edgson ’42 Robert R. Hopps ’42 George R. Pinto ’42 Anthony G. Shanley ’42 Alexander M. Stroumillo ’42 Pierre C. K. B. Cole ’43 William MacCowan, Jr. ’43 William E. Quimby ’43 Peter B. A. Stockton ’43 Julian F. Walker ’43 Paul West, Jr. ’43 Robert D. Abraham ’44 Charles J. Winter ’44 Bertram Work, Jr. ’44 Phillips Clark ’46 Robert Cluett IV ’46 G. Harding Thompson ’46 Henry L. C. Trowbridge ’47 Theodore M. Lightner ’48 Joseph N. Fabrizio, Jr. ’50 Mr. David E. Gerli ’51 Mr. Howard R. Swanson ’53 Mr. Austin H. Brown ’54 Carlos E. Cardenas y Janinet ’55 Clarence B. Coane ’55 Thomas A. Roberts ’55 Philip Davidson Walker ’55 John C. Davis ’56 Robert M. Haig III ’56 Antal M. P. De Bekessy ’57 Christopher C. Cooke ’59 John D. Charlesworth ’60 Robert J. Parker ’60 Michael A. Bell ’62 Peter M. Ebel ’62 John E. Reid ’62 Michael W. Chen ’63 Edmund A. Prentis ’63 William X. Shields ’64 Miner Washburn Matier Wilcox ’64 R. Sterling Mueller ’65

50 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Bradley E. Tyler ’65 Robert M. Inglis ’66 Phillip S. Smith ’66 W. Bradley Stark ’66 George Josh Ainsworth III ’67 James W. Aubrey ’67 Enis V. Moran ’68 David C. Rhodes ’68 Mitchell B. Strohman ’68 Jonathan D. Agnew ’69 Jeffrey C. Fairchild ’69 James Ricketts ’69 Robert B. Firestone ’70 Peter C. Hodgins ’70 Thomas M. Hughes ’70 William P. Hutchings ’70 Nicholas W. Landa ’70 William M. Richmond ’70 Richard Lamb ’71 Ronald A. McLean III ’71 John J. Wagner ’71 Richard A. Avery ’72 Christopher L. Roach ’72 Robert W. Roberts ’72 Mark E. Taylor ’72 J. Timothy Craig ’73 David P. Hotz, Jr. ’73 Peter R. Carpenter ’74 Christopher N. Hurd ’74 James A. Thayer IV ’74 Marc B. Brindisi ’75 William R. Johnson III ’75 Wayne M. Kass ’75 Claude R. Roland ’75 James F. Donohue, Jr. ’76 Cornelius Gallagher, Jr. ’76 Scott B. Meyer ’76 Eric S. Hotung ’77 Robert E. Hotung ’77 Charles A. Lazansky ’77 Peter W. Loomis ’77 Christopher N. Newall ’77 Edward C. Thurber ’77 Thomas Y. Gaston ’78 Aaron W. Greenburg ’78 Clay A. Griffith ’78 Eric Kurts ’78 Simon R. Newall ’78 James A. Wiegert ’78 Hugh J. Gelfand ’79 Scott C. Goble ’79 Sean E. Hotung ’79 Edward O. Oliver ’79 Daniel J. Ackell ’82 Andrew M. Braten ’84 William G. Murphy ’84 S. Michael O’Hare ’84 Roland A. Asp ’85 Adam E. Gerber ’85

Kenneth C. Hadad ’85 Graham R. D’Alvia ’86 Mureithi A. Davis ’87 Sean E. Deeks ’87 Jarrod I. Pittelli ’87 Noah Zeiler ’87 Jennifer L. Fagen ’88 Anthony Franco ’88 Craig R. Jacobson ’88 Julie E. Koopmann ’88 Paul C. McCormick ’88 Michelle E. Organ ’88 Joshua R. Pinney ’88 Tiffany C. Shafer ’88 Christophe Mathieu Cormeau ’89 Matthew P. Ramone ’89 Alison Rein ’89 Tamika Tonge ’89 Michael C. O’Grady ’90 Daniel J. Ribera ’90 Ari B. Schenker ’90 Daryl L. Young ’90 Christopher T. Appel ’91 Scott A. Cochran ’91 Robert Lattarulo, Jr. ’91 Christian S. Bazie ’92 Jessica Costello ’92 Shiron L. Jarrell ’92 Amanda L. Strang ’92 Nikolas Zanetti ’92 Nikhil M. Bhandarkar ’93 Josh R. Hall ’93 John J. Walsh ’93 Noah C. Abeles ’94 Raymond Adams ’94 Justin Fox ’94 Vincent L. Keane ’94 Hasana S. Mosley ’94 Michael Paoli ’94 Lamont A. Rhem ’94 Eduardo C. Saponara ’94 Benjamin D. Wilson ’94 James P. Palamara ’95 Daniel A. Casarella ’96 David A. Datny ’96 William W. O’Neill ’96 Justin F. Hochgesang ’99 Natalie L. Sultan ’01 Evan C. Fitch ’02 Benjamin G. Spiegel ’02 Matthew M. J. Weisholz ’03 Shane L. Fierman ’05 John Borelli ’06 Alyssa M. Nardozzi ’06 Alyssa L. Goldberg ’08 Marcella C. DeLaPaz ’09 Constance F. Koeper ’09 Ross B. Glickman ’10 Elliot M. Greenham ’10

into the port of Haiphong, despite Nixon’s having mined the channel. The nuclear attack submarine (SSN) I was then serving as navigator and operations officer and was assigned to patrol off the approaches to the Strait and report each night the name and port of registry of all the ships that passed during the day. One day during my watch, I recorded two North Vietnamese coastal merchants and reported their passage outbound. It turned out the NV had dredged a side channel to get around the minefield, and these two were part of the almost 200 ships supposed to be interred for the duration by our mining operation. On receipt of my message, the president ordered the remining of the harbor, shortly after he had won a second term on a platform of getting us out of the war. The hue and cry among the American public of this belligerent act almost drove him out of the White House a couple of years before Watergate. “I ended my Navy career in command of one of our largest technical training commands, where, in a role equivalent to the president of a technical college, I put 75,000 teenagers through 163 different courses in two and a half years. Since, on any given day, I had a student body of about 4,000 hormonal kids that went on liberty onto the streets of sunny San Diego, I got to know the sheriff, the chief of police, even the mayor really well. I took my Navy years of going around the globe a number of times, making friends among our allied navies, learning cultures and smatterings of languages, and gaining an overall understanding of how this poor old world works to launch my own business development company—taking U.S. defense companies into naval markets both foreign and domestic. I will say that, as challenging as dealing with foreign customers can be, it’s much more fun than wandering the halls of the FiveSided Funny Farm, dealing with our own Pentagon bureaucracy. The neuroscientists among you will understand why I named my company Synapse International, when I tell you our motto: ‘We put the spark in

your network.’ It’s been a great life, and I repeat my understanding of the fundamental role Harvey played in both its inception and growth. “ Bruce W. Moss: “I vividly remember the performance of ‘Cyrano de Bergerac’ on the stage in the old gym at the Hawthorne campus. “

and the very serious play turned into a comedy in short order. At that point, we were almost finished with the play, so we mustered on and the orator got a standing ovation after he suffered through the rest of the soliloquy. At any rate, we amateur thespians had a great time with the theater and that ‘quivering Caesar’ was the talk of the school for a good while.”



George V. K. Waldron: “It was probably 1954 or 1955, the play was ‘Julius Caesar,’ and I was Caesar. After the customary ‘Et tu Brutus?’ I fell dead on the stage floor, which was at the end of the gym. Then came the most important part of the play—the soliloquy where Mark Antony states his case for the murder: “Friends, Romans and countrymen lend me your ears,” etc. This play was a much abridged version of the real play suitable for younger players, but that soliloquy was probably the most important passage in our play and quite understandable, since it’s the most famous. The player who had the Mark Antony part had practiced his rendition for weeks, and he thought he was prepared. Come performance night, the gym floor was crowded with parents and friends, and when the scene came for the famous soliloquy, he and I were the only ones onstage. I was lying on the floor with a sheet draped over my body. No more speaking parts for me then—I was dead-stabbed by Brutus and his cronies. So he started, and he was doing fairly well until he got to a more complicated part, and he made some humorous mistakes. The crowd twittered a bit, and I started laughing under the sheet, and the sheet started quivering with my laughter, and that made the crowd laugh even more (you’re not supposed to be quivering when you’re dead), and soon the orator started laughing too. All decorum was totally lost,

Richard M. Marshall III called with an update. He has moved to Portland, Ore., to be near his son after spending some time in Germany and in NYC with classmate with Alex McKown ’57. He moved his things from Maine to Oregon. He has a six-month lease, lives on a fifth floor overlooking the mountains in downtown Portland, and may drive back east after his lease is up.

Class Agent: John Crawford, 540-247-8810,

Class Agent: Alex McKown, 718-392-1373,

60 55th Reunion

Class Agent: Dick Willard, 207-596-7968,

61 Pal Maleter, Jr.: “I was familiar with Stephen Greene’s painting ‘The Burial’ at the Whitney Museum in New York before I signed up for his painting class at Columbia University in 1967. I was in the college at the time, with the rank of Lance Corporal serving in the Marine Corps Reserves, and I fancied myself an artist looking for an easy A. Greene was an abstract painter whose ‘sensuous brushwork and half-buried symbols synthesized elements of several postwar movements into a distinctive style’ according to his 1999 obituary in The New York Times. He had several surveys of his work, beginning at the Corcoran Gallery

William F. Spalding, Jr. ’61

of Art in Washington in 1963, and is represented in numerous public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Tate Gallery in London. All the above is just to confess that I was devastated when I didn’t get an A in Stephen Greene’s painting class, and then gave up on that career path for one as an architect.” William F. Spalding, Jr.: Berkshire School named Bill the Berkshire Alumni Volunteer of the Year in a ceremony in June. He was also honored last fall with a volleyball award named after him—the William F. Spalding ’65 Spirit Award, and he presented the first one. Volleyball coach Meade called Spalding to the stage and said: “If you’ve ever been up to the gym, you know that coach Spalding bleeds green. He brings a level of passion and positive energy to practices and games that few people can match. In honor of his years of service to the volleyball program, and his dedication to getting the best out of every single player and the team—because ‘team’ is his mantra—we are renaming the Berkshire Volleyball Bowl the William F. Spalding ’65 Spirit award.”

The Harvey School 51

1965 Faculty: First Row: Mrs. Baldwin, Messrs. Shea, Howes, Richardson, Perrine, Moore, Mrs. LaRue; Second Row: Messrs. Stone, Phelps, Martin, Mrs. Coburn, Messrs. Dana, Burbank, Coe; Third Row: Messrs. Longbotham, Shattuck, McMahon, Doyle (Absent—Mrs. Ristorcelli).

Richard G. Yates, Jr.: “I always wished Harvey had a tennis team when I was there. It is such a wonderful sport in many ways, helping your studentathletes develop both physically and mentally. The problem solving in a singles match is off the charts, which will help in the classroom. The team dynamic is also there. I can remember playing tennis on the one court on both the old and new campuses. Good luck to Harvey Tennis!”


Earl E. McEvoy: “I am so impressed with the Harvey Magazine and with the direction of the school. I find it hard to imagine the change since I graduated in 1962, when Harvey only had a middle school. My experience was so different, and yet I enjoy seeing such a positive development. I am so impressed with you and your headmaster. Congratulations.”


Steven B. Binder: “Somewhere between 1961 and 1963, we did ‘The Importance of Being Earnest.’” Thomas L. Dean and his wife, Bonnie, have lived in Maine for 40 years. They built a homestead in the western mountains

52 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Class of 1965, in 1960.

of the state using and developing their own skills in the process. They raised their children, horses, practiced organic gardening, and Tom managed a 175-acre woodlot. In 2000, they moved to the Blue Hill Peninsula to enjoy the music and fine arts that characterize the area, as well as the wide variety of recreational opportunities. Tom and Bonnie enjoy their summers on Toddy Pond in Penobscot.


David M. Coburn: “Responding to your request about plays produced at Harvey during our time: The one play I remember was during Third Form year (1961–62). We put on a version of ‘Oliver’ without music. Greg Morton ’64 played Mr. Bumble and Myles McGough ’64 played Oliver. That’s about all I remember (except that my mother always felt Daniel Denny ’64, who was much scrawnier than Myles McGough, should have been cast as Oliver). “Sometimes we would have a talent night called ‘Hook Night,’ where Harvey boys as well as faculty would present their talents. A large hook, made out of cardboard, would yank them off the stage if they failed to win over the mostly skeptical audience. I remember Mr. Dodd doing some sort of pantomime. Lev Smith served as Master of Ceremonies.”

Gregory S. Morton: From brother Seth: “Greg’s Band, Duke and the Drivers, is controlled and funded by Joe Lilly (Eli Lilly). Since the band doesn’t play regularly, getting them together is really hard. Joe spends most of his time with his other band, The Mystix. The only way we could get Duke and the Drivers would be if they were out playing and could throw Harvey on the tour. Pretty remote. “Greg is launching a new restaurant in Chicago, Q-Tine, bringing BBQ and Poutine to Logan Square’s late-night scene The team consists of Greg Morton, a BBQ expert and chef with more than 20 years of experience; Harvey Gladman, a Montreal native, former semi-pro hockey player and restaurateur; and Ron DiNella, a longtime leader in Chicago’s restaurant scene, according to the announcement.

65 50th Reunion

The Class of 1965 celebrates its 50th-year reunion in September. To jog everyone’s memory, we are publishing the 1960 and 1965 photos of the class and the 1965 faculty (above). Alexander D. “Sandy” Close: Sandy is being inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame in September. He had an outstanding athletic record at Harvey—MVP of two years undefeated varsity soccer;

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Class of 1965: First Row: Duncan, H. Brown, Willets, Muir, Steppacher, S. Bontecou, Cocks, Close, Starring, Rorabaugh, MacLaury; Second RowL L’Hommedieu, Kriser, M. Williams, Carlebach, Martin, Fischer, Read, Calder, Dean, Haywood, Paskus, Browning, Minck, Shafer, Patterson; Third Row: Stelle, Ted Congdon, Haley, Niedringhaus, Preston, McVicar, Grover, Kinnaird, Collins, Tyler, Wagenseil, Mueller, J. Leonard, Gray.

four years lettering on varsity wrestling, where he lost only one match. He was the president of the Neperans and an outstanding artist—designed a logo for Harvey. He has outstanding character. Sandy graduated from Exeter Academy and Cornell University. Sandy’s sister is Glenn Close, the actress. Peter Duncan ’65 and Sandy roomed together at Harvey. Charles D. Fischer, Jr.: “Looking forward to our 50th reunion! Our daughter, Morgan, is getting married in September at Misselwood at Endicott College, Beverley, Maine. Our son, Cole, lives in Chicago. Had Christmas there this year and had a blast. All my best to my fellow classmates. P.S. I am executive director at the Montclair Foundation, Van Vleck House and Garden.” James P. Sheldon-Dean: “I remember ‘HMS Pinafore’ back around 1964, and despite my conviction that I was a great acting talent just waiting to be discovered, I wound up in the girls’ chorus. I shudder today at the recollection! (Maybe that’s why I still don’t enjoy Gilbert & Sullivan even today…)


Class Agent: Alexander Edwards-Bourdrez, 631-327-3301,

Check out the Centennial Celebration on the Harvey website. We can use your help in many areas, from decorating to reaching out to former faculty. Or contact us at

70 45th Reunion

Thomas M. McManus: “‘Androcles and the Lion’ (GB Shaw), directed by JP McMahon around 1969 (someone had to play Lavinia!); ‘The Andersonville Trial’ (S. Levitt), directed by ____ (cannot remember his name, but he was also faculty adviser to the ‘Rambler’). We had a falling out over the pace at which we were memorizing lines, and I found some other activities to occupy my time. It was the year after ‘Androcles’ in my Sixth Form year (the first class of Sixth Formers, I think there were 12 or 13 of us). I think we saw a bunch of great plays on Broadway on Wednesday afternoons, 1970–71—‘Sleuth.’ Some others I will have to think about. Cheers!”


Stuart H. Clement III: “I was the voice of the dragon in the play ‘The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew’ (or something like that) in the spring of 1972. I don’t really remember anything else about the play. I don’t remember any other plays in my time at Harvey 1968–72.”


Class Agent: Phil Eifert, 914-232-6489,


Nicholas E. Thaw is an independent consultant and program officer of the International Music and Art Foundation of Vaduz, Liechtenstein (, which was established with the belief that the greatest legacy to future generations is art. The International Music and Art Foundation makes grants to facilitate the improvement and dissemination of the visual and performing arts, as well as the study and preservation of art and culture from the past. With a background in philanthropy, theatre management, architecture and business consulting, Nicholas has served on the Executive Committee of the National Council of Glimmerglass Opera and was a vice-chair of the Council of Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library and many other boards. Nicholas served as President of the Jury of the Second Annual International Theater Festival at the Albanian Theater in Skopje in 2008, and the OSTEN World Gallery of Drawings Competition in 2012 and 2014. He is currently the president of the Assembly of Ambassadors of OSTEN Museum of Drawing in Skopje.

The Harvey School 53

75 40th Reunion

Peter H. Bailey: “I was the Lamplighter in a production of ‘The Little Prince’ directed by Jan Jacobi. It was a great show! Thanks, and I’m excited for the celebrations! “


Peter K. Merrill: “I can remember ‘The Little Prince’ (1974?) and ‘A Mid Summer’s Night Dream’ (1976?), both directed by Jan Jacobi. The latter was exciting because it included girls from Rippowam playing the female leads!”


Class Agent: Larry Baschkin, 914-764-3220,

Laurance E. Baschkin: “I remember in 1976 we did ‘The Inspector General.’ I was in charge of set design, and it was quite a learning experience. The


backdrop we produced was so good the school kept it, but the fire several months later had that going up in smoke. Hopefully I may be able to locate some pics.”



85 30th Reunion

Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, 203-655-9917,


Robert J. Spence: “‘The Tempest,’ Mr. Jacobi directing, Cham Giobbi as Caliban, and me as Prospero. Must have been 1977 or 1978. It had a brief run at Harvey (one performance) and then took the production on the road to a nearby school (name forgotten) for one performance, where Joseph L. Mankiewicz (“Mankie-who?” my 13-yearold self enquired.) was in attendance. He and I were so unimpressed with each other that my career in management consulting remains unperturbed. All the best for the centennial!”


Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, 914-241-2134,; Josh Rosenthal, 970-385-4723,

Anyone who wishes to participate in four annual meetings to help plan alumni activities, please contact Dan Chapman ’73 ( or the Alumni Office (alumni@

54 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Class Agent: Thomas Jaffe, 925-200-4391,; Kelly Wheeler Olson,


Class Agent: Lisa Cantrell, 813-672-3642,


Jonathan S. Friedman and Sandi Friedman welcomed the birth of their daughter Blake Everly on March 2. Susan L. Moore: “I remember we did ‘Arms and the Man’ my senior year. Chris Camargo was my love interest. I played the maid who stole him away. Darren Rigger and Gillian Holt also were in the play. I still have a card from a teacher who congratulated me and told me I should go to acting school. I instead chose to teach figure skating at Harvey. What was I thinking… hahaha. Victoria Wyndham directed the play, and it is one of my favorite Harvey memories.”


Class Agents: Wylie Blake, 203-526-4089,; Charles Collin, 860-877-4463,

YOUNG ALUMNI GROUP Maria Neri ’04 is coordinating young alumni for the Centennial Kickoff in September. If interested, please contact her (

Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, 203-438-0051,

90 25th Reunion Wylie Blake ’88 and her co-chair for the Fairfield University Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee with the 2015 convocation speaker, Clarence B. Jones.

Class Agent: Peter Hall, 518-369-1991,


Jes Muse completed a successful Kickstarter campaign in the spring to help fund her metalworking studio. Pictured at right are three bottle openers and an oyster knife. She also submitted a metalwork for the Harvey alumni art show in February. You can find her work at David B. Taylor: “I am excited to announce I recently joined Lenox Advisors Inc., an integrated wealth management firm and corporate benefits provider, as a vice president in their Stamford and New York offices. In making this change, I focused on finding the right long-term fit for both my clients and me. Not only is the personal chemistry just right, but their team-based, client-centric approach will better allow me to take a holistic approach to you and your firm’s planning needs.”

Jes Muse ’92 metalwork


Class Agents: Ian Lichtenstein, 609-895-0609,; Adam B. Sharon, 914-967-8738,


Class Agent: Russell Stamm, 781-329-3004,

On February 11, 2015, Alexander Carmichael and wife, Jolie, welcomed their fifth son, Phillip, to the family. He joins brothers Erik, 7, Christian, 6, Nicholas, 3 and Luke, 18 months. Jeremiah K. Conboy commented about teacher John McMahon: “I probably had the closest relationship with John that I’ve had with anyone. He was my mentor, my roll model, my strength and my guardian angel. I miss him everyday. Harvey was my home from 8–12th grades, and he is the main reason

Will O’Neil, Rebecca Monroe, Gary Ajello, Amy Albert, Angelina Spicer. Middle Row: Mr. McBee, Mrs. Mahony, Andrew Most, Sean Daily, Alice McBee, Becca Langer, Meredith Brandt, Robert Duboff, Mrs. Saily. Front Row: Evans Rhodes, Jeanette Brandt, Kim Camarata, Emily Chamberlain, Raphael Miranda ’95, Andrew Stark, Blaire Lent, Jeff Branwell in “The Tempest.”

I actually made it! He was like a father to me. He changed my life and made me who I am today.”

95 20th Reunion

Class Agents: Lara W. Casano, 347-539-7301,; Alice Pinheiro-Fontana, 914-263-9834,

Raphael Miranda: “My involvement in the theatre department of Harvey was THE highlight of my middle school/high school career. In ‘Crimes of the Heart,’ my first experience in Harvey theatre, I was stage manager. My fondest

memory was the cake we got to eat at the end of every dress rehearsal! Best week ever! Watching Chrissy D’agastino (Flaherty) ’92, Amanda Strang ’92, Ingrid Jordan (Nkongho) ’94 and Larissa Mooney ’93 was great, they were powerhouses and taught me a lot about acting ‘out.’ I played Oberon in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and a shirtless Caliban in ‘The Tempest.’ I have fond memories of playing Ricky Ricardo and Elvis in the Cabaret as well! I think dealing with all of that stage fright helped prepare me for my eventual career in broadcasting. I also still do my Mrs. Mahoney mouth stretching exercises if I think I’m mumbling. ‘Weeeeee- oooooohhhhh - Weeee –ooooooohhhhhhhh. Budda Gudda Budda Gudda....etc.’ ”

The Harvey School 55


Class Agent: Kevin Harrigan, 412-853-9392,; David and Jeanette Stark, 336-771-5303,

Steven Masiello and the Manhattan Jaspers won the MAAC tournament championship for the second year in a row, which gave them an automatic bid to join the NCAA national tournament for two straight years. They lost the play-in game, missing an opportunity to face Steve’s alma mater, Kentucky, in the first round.


Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, 561-929-1802,


Class Agent: Max Weinstein, 917-515-8531,


Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, 845-621-2120,

00 15th Reunion

Nicholas J. Cosentino and his family attended the Winter Carnival at Harvey in February. Germane Williams: An award in honor of Germane’s grandmother, Nina J. Chin, is made each year. Germane said, in the 2015 awards presentation, that his grandmother cared a great deal about Harvey. Germane said, “She believed that Harvey gives you all the tools you need to make it in life and to be a better person.”


Steve Masiello ’96 with Jaspers (top) and Harvey’s Tim Stark (bottom).

Nick Cosentino ’00 and family at Winter Carnival.

56 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Jeremy G. Kosbob: “The only time I attempted to do theater at Harvey was when I had the pleasure of performing in the play ‘Into The Woods.’ Under the influence of other friends at the time, I was talked into trying out for the play, not having much acting experience prior. I went in, read some lines and thought, ‘That’s that, I have no chance.’When the day came for everyone to look at who got what part posted

Germane Williams ’00 and his mother.

outside of the teacher’s lounge, I saw my name and the character Baker next to it. I asked a few people, ‘That’s a small role right?’ only to hear back, ‘No, that’s like the lead role.’ I was terrified. Not many people know this, but Ms. Mahoney had to sit with me about two to three weeks prior to the play and help me read through lines as I tended to pay more attention to the other roles (the Prince’s, which I wanted) than my own. It was terrifying and awesome and worked out. “ Jeremy and Nicole Kosbob are expecting a baby boy with a due date of July 1. Joseph G. “Jesse” Spiegel, Jr. recently updated Harvey on his life. He is currently involved in a project that can be found at “The Big Vision”: How you do anything is how you do everything! We believe by facilitating one transformational journey, we can foster many. This documentary is the stepping stone toward the creation of Rewilding’s alternative-living adventure retreat for formerly incarcerated young adults. Our group from Boulder, Colorado, is developing this concept. A place where people can come to immerse themselves in outdoor adventure activities and yoga as well as natural building, permaculture and sustainability education. The objective is to create the conditions for experiencing the interconnected nature of all things: between each other, nature, and our mind and body.


Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui, 845-612-9858,

Graham Posner recently started as assistant field director with Evoke at Cascades (the new name for Second Nature Cascades). He is thrilled about this exciting opportunity. Graham has worked as a field instructor for over two years with the wilderness therapy company already and truly believes in the program. Great things are happening at Evoke Therapy Programs, and Graham is excited to be a part of it and to work with a

team that is at the top of the industry. On another note, this new job has led Graham to choose to postpone his Alaskan kayak adventure, kayaking several thousand miles from Seattle to Anchorage. The expedition is now tentatively slated to launch in March 2017. For more information on Evoke Therapy Programs, please visit For more information on Graham’s kayaking expedition, visit


Class Agent: Jackie and Evan Walker, 914-319-1699,

Melissa Offenberg Baron married Jordan Baron on August 31, 2014. They had a honeymoon during the winter and are residing in New York City. Amanda M. Ruzicka: “I finished my M.A. in community psychology (program development) in 2012, worked at a community action agency (TEAM) in Derby, Conn., doing database management, grant reporting, and planning for a year and a half, moved to Maine in 2014, currently work in Bar Harbor in the development office at College of the Atlantic, and will be marrying Alan C. Mogridge on June 20 of this year! Lots of great changes :) Hope all is well at the old stomping ground! I love reading through the magazine about all the great stuff going on! Please tell Leslie Boltz and Mrs. Mahoney (and all the other wonderful teachers/mentors I had that are still there) that I say ‘hi’!”


Class Agent: Andrew Pape,; Mallika Raghavan,

Sara Mearsheimer Branchflower and husband Todd welcomed son Jax Peter on May 16, 2015. He arrived at 7 lbs., 15 oz., and 19.5".

Melissa Offenberg Baron’03

Matt Fierstein ’04 winning a Golden Trailer Award.

Matthew Fierstein won three Golden Trailer Awards (GTAs) for his work on trailers and spots for the Disney film, “Big Hero 6.” The GTAs are the Oscars or Golden Globes of his profession, and we understand that it’s unprecedented to win three in a single year.

“South Sudan was incredible (I was working on Guinea Worm eradication) and Liberia will be quite a challenge, but I am loving this work I do. While it takes me to the ends of the earth, and I don’t get to see family and friends here so much, I can’t imagine doing anything else, and I am lucky to be working with such amazing people around the world.”

Geoffrey Gates helped find a place for the alumni gathering in San Francisco in April. Geoff works for an ad agency that represents Fortune 100 companies on social media. He is a copywriter (does not write the ads). He attended Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada, and got his degree in 2013. He keeps in touch with a few in his Harvey class. Maria Neri is heading up Harvey’s Young Alumni Committee and is looking for volunteers. She has been actively taking and posting photos on Instagram, writing notes to class agents and classmates, and generally creating buzz about Harvey. Mallika Raghavan: “I just finished up in South Sudan after two years and leave soon for Liberia. I will be working with an organization called Last Mile Health. They are working on long-term health system strengthening in Liberia coupled with Ebola response, so I will be overseeing a big scale-up of the organization. I would encourage you to Google them and learn more.

05 10th Reunion

Class Agents: Diana Bondy, 203-834-0764,; Sara Fleisher, 914-584-7048,; Laura Heumann, 914-234-2093,; Brian Ryerson, 914-329-6863,


Class Agents: Greg Jurschak, 914-260-8155,; Teresa Neri, 914-462-7440,; Allison Shuchat, 914-384-4134,

Laura High is working hard in New York City and continues to perform stand-up comedy nightly, including at Comic Strip Live, Caroline’s on Broadway, Broadway Comedy Club,and Greenwich Village Comedy Club. She’s very excited that this year she is gaining some momentum in the TV world and landed her first lead role

The Harvey School 57

alumniACCOLADES Harvey Magazine highlights alumni accomplishments or upcoming events for our alumni. This can be in any of the many artistic endeavors or as recognition for service or awards. Send your stories or events, or those of another alumnus, to In this issue, we feature Nicholas Duncan, Harvey Class of 2004.

Nicholas Duncan ’04: Peace Corps writer Nick published a book, “Tales from A Muzungu,” about his experiences in the Peace Corps from 2010 to 2012. His book was published by Peace Corps Writers in December 2014. Excerpts below are from a review by Richard M. Grimsrud (India, 1965–67): “Nicholas Duncan’s entertaining memoir of his experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uganda after 9/11 presents a fascinating picture of his host country during his service. I found ‘Tales from A Muzungu’ (a muzungu is a ‘traveler’ or ‘someone with white skin’ in East Africa) an enjoyable and informative read. Mr. Duncan’s fine sense of humor, an indispensable ally of any Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV), is exhibited throughout the memoir and continuously lightened the chronological rendition of his in-service tenure in Uganda. All in all, ‘Tales from a Muzungu’ is a well-paced and well-written account of a PCV’s service in eastern Uganda in the early 21st century. I unqualifiedly recommend reading it.”

58 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

on an upcoming TV show titled “I Love You...But I Lied.” It premiered April 8 on the Lifetime Movie Network. This was her first SAG job and got her closer to joining the actors union. The show does not have a continuous plot; it’s a different story every week and her episode is titled “Hired.” What she is most excited about this year is that she married her college sweetheart, Adam Andrianopoulos, on May 16 in Gulf Shores, Ala. Harvey classmates Alex Castleton, William Van Steen, and Sean Zackrison were all in her bridal party, with Cuyler Mitchell her maid of honor.


Class Agents: Brandon Brooks, 203-524-5800,; Doni McKoy, 914-960-9375,

Jackson P. Adolph: “I am a member of DuPont’s Application Technology Group, a research, development, and product support team that, in addition to our role in the product pipeline, provides support to sales, marketing and operations. During my time at James Madison University, I conducted my capstone research in the field of algal biofuels, interning for the Valley 25 x 25 and gaining funding from the Department of Energy in the form of grant #DE-EE0003100. I was a member of the JMU men’s rugby team, serving as captain my senior year.” Brooke Callaghan is now working at Deutsche Bank in Greenwich, Conn. Meredith A. Hanson came back for the alumni art show in February (see page 40), and then spoke to students about her career path (see page 41). “Great to be back down here with my family! At Wheaton College, I majored in studio art with a minor in art history. I am currently an artist and a private art instructor at the Westmoor Club (Nantucket) and a volunteer art instructor at the Nantucket

Lighthouse School. I am also the owner and founder of Mer’s Anchored Artists. “As a full-time resident on Nantucket since 2011, I have enjoyed getting to know this incredibly warm and welcoming community. Having the opportunity to paint with so many wonderful and talented artists on the island has been an exciting journey! I am also extremely honored to be officially represented by the Old Spouter Gallery. I have found great inspiration while living on Nantucket as an artist. I love experimenting with color, technique, moods, style and subject. Nantucket has definitely helped me grow as an artist and as a person. “In the spring of 2013, my fiancé, Nick Addeo,and I opened and ran our very first art gallery/boutique on the Old South Wharf of Nantucket called The Anchored Artists. The gallery was a great success and we cultivated hundreds of new clients, many of whom were vacationing on the island. “Toward the end of the season, children were coming into the gallery to watch me paint and asked if they could paint with me. I began teaching from the gallery and all of a sudden, I realized I had created an exciting new business! Teaching art to aspiring young artists turned out to be my true calling. I founded Mer’s Anchored Artists, a company focused on my new career path, and never looked back! Throughout the winter of 2013, I focused on planning art lessons and preparing for a summer of teaching, which included visits to many different parts of the island that I thought would be fun places to paint with my students. During the 2014 spring-fall season on the island, I taught over 70 students. Mer’s Anchored Artists was a huge success, and I am now in the planning stages for another fun and exciting season ahead! As an artist represented by both the Artists Association of Nantucket and the Old Spouter Gallery, I spend my winters working on my portfolio and finding creative inspiration from all over the island. This winter I have transitioned to painting large works of art and am focusing on an alla prima approach. Onward! “

Laura High ’06

Chia Hudson ’07 at the Children’s Winter Carnival for Charity with her daughter.

Katharine Z. LaVacca: “Hey Mr. Lazzaro, thought I would check in. I attend Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and am going into my final year, which is my clinical year in the United States. The school that accepted me is Cornell. So as of May 28, I will be attending Cornell vet school to finish my clinical year and complete my degree in veterinary medicine. I thought you might like to know I made it to Cornell after all. Things are going well, I just completed my second full surgery and am more than excited to come back to New York for a year. Would love to catch up when I am in town and thanks for all of your help!”


Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, 914-523-2498,; Dylan Hackley, 914-482-5318,; Scott Oltman, 904-424-6610,

Margot Connolly was the winner of the 2015 Jewish Playwriting Contest for her play “Belfast Kind.”

The Harvey School 59

Margot’s play takes place in Northern Ireland in the heart of the troubles, 1983, as 12-year old Tzippy struggles with her friends, her parents, and her bat mitzvah. How do you come of age when the stakes are life and death? What is Jewish identity in a place so consumed by the clash of other cultures? Margot’s play will be the Featured Workshop of OPEN: Festival of New Jewish Theater!! at the 14th Street Y— June 26–28. “I was a ‘lifer’ at Harvey, attending grades 6 through 12, 2001–08. I was involved with the theatre program from my first day of school when I auditioned for ‘You Can’t Take It With You.’ “I started taking playwriting the fall of my sophomore year with Mrs. Mahony and proceeded to take it six more times—seven times total. Don’t know if that’s some kind of record but it sure felt like one! I think Harvey’s playwriting program is really unique—I don’t know a lot of people who left high school with 7(ish) completed plays, plus the opportunity to have them produced through the student-written and -directed One Acts in the spring. “Playwriting classes at Harvey helped me find a passion I didn’t know I had, and being able to take the class so many times with Mrs. Mahony, who was always there with awesome feedback and unconditional support, really showed me this was something I could do and wanted to do for the rest of my life. While at Harvey I was lucky enough to have two plays produced in the One Acts, “Still Frames” in my sophomore year and “Keys” in my senior year. A (much revised!!) version of my play “Keys” was presented this past winter as part of the Frigid Fringe Festival in New York City. “After graduating Harvey, I went to Bennington College in Vermont, where I studied drama and playwriting. While there, I was a resident at the Early Stages program of the Berkshire Fringe Festival and a Core Apprentice at the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis. Since graduating college, I’ve been living in New

60 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

York, interning at theater organizations dedicated to new work, including New Dramatists, New Georges and the Debate Society. I will begin pursuing my MFA in playwriting at the University of Iowa this upcoming fall.” Clara B. Lefton wrote an article about the new Harvey girls rugby team, which appeared in the April edition of Rugby Today. harvey-school-adds-girls-rugby Yulia Josiger just received her master’s degree in liturgy from the College of St. Rose in Albany, N.Y.


Class Agents: Andy Jamieson, 203-273-3884,; Erika Osborne,; Pete Sorenson, 914-438-7486,; Megan Taylor, 914-274-0069,

Nicole B. Patrick was featured in a recent article in WAG, written by Mary Shattuck. Excerpts are included below (www.wagmag. com/actress-nicole-patrick-helps-dogs-findgood-homes). Photograph by Bob Rozycki.) “There’s no denying Nicole Patrick’s love of dogs. A kind manner and a firm-yetgentle authority are more than evident on a recent morning when WAG catches up with the New York City-based actress. On

Nicole Patrick ’09

this day, Patrick—and her three dogs—just happen to be visiting her parents’ home in Pound Ridge. We’ve stopped by to hear all about Chic Chien Chateau, one of Patrick’s passions and a venture she launched in 2014. Patrick both founded and funds the nonprofit agency that she has described as ‘a virtual animal shelter specializing in designer and teacup dogs that need adopting.’ The featured animals, she adds, are the same you might find at a breeder or pet store but, because of circumstances, are truly in need of good homes. ‘I want to save dogs, first and foremost, that don’t have a chance.’ Rescue animals, she says, have a special bond with their new families. ‘They’re happier because they know that you saved them. They’re more loved.’ Chic Chien Chateau grew out of Patrick’s longtime love of animals and her own experiences. “Patrick’s credits include the Woody Allen film ‘Whatever Works”’and TV series ‘Gossip Girl’ and ‘All My Children.’ Recently, she appeared in ‘The Rewrite,’ starring Hugh Grant, and a short film that she hopes will debut at the Sundance Film Festival. ‘I started acting when I was about 10,’ Patrick says. ‘My parents are both in the film business so I kind of grew up on sets.’ “Patrick, who has also modeled in Ibiza and Saint-Tropez, is looking into further study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. ‘As long as I’m working, I’m happy,’ she says. On the Chic Chien Chateau front, she has plans for a major fundraiser this year and would also like to build a network of volunteers and foster families. ‘I would like to eventually get my own space and really have a shelter, (one) that’s really a boutique shelter.’ In the meantime, she focuses on the day-to-day successes. Since Chic Chien Chateau’s July launch, Patrick has placed six dogs with new families and now has four families she is working with on ‘finding the perfect dog for them.’ ‘I put a lot more time in than most people have to spend looking for dogs,’ she says. But clearly, it’s a labor of love. For more, visit”

10 5th Reunion

Class Agents: Jenna Spiwack, 845-519-4367,; Anna Walant, 203-947-4543,; Jake Warshaw, 914-772-5793,



Class Agents: Gaby Kahn, 914-419-5954,; Karina Lambert , 914-844-9123, karinalambert13@; Sharif Koonce, 914-920-1074,; Ben Walant , 203-947-4541,; Will Walant, 203-947-4542,

Victoria L. Shaffer (from mom): Victoria was named the Outstanding Student in Theater at Lang College at The New School in May. Sarah’s works include: a Sarah Jessica Parker series pilot (HBO); a pilot for CBS similar to “Grey’s Anatomy”; a scholastic show for kids (HBO); and the Tony Awards. Over the summer, she will be in Los Angeles working on the “Jimmy Kimmel Show.” She still auditions via a NYC agent and records her own Pet Life Radio Network show called “Tails from the City,” where she interviews celebrities and interesting people who own pets. So she is busy! And she still aspires to be a talk show host. For her college thesis she interviewed Robin Roberts from “Good Morning America” and Roma Torre from NY-1. She graduated from The New School with honors in December 2014.

Karina Lambert: Barnard announced the 2015 Global Symposium Student Fellows, which included Karina Lambert, a sophomore majoring in economics and human rights. She is co-president of the Barnard Human Rights Alliance and a member of Design for America on campus. Karina is studying Portuguese and is drawn to Brazil because of the cultural, economic and human rights matters that define the country. This year’s Global Symposium Student Fellows represented the college at the 7th Annual Global Symposium, Women Changing the World. Throughout the semester, the 12 student fellows worked to develop a leadership workshop for high school students, which they facilitated first in New York in early March. Following the symposium, they traveled to share the Young Women’s Leadership Workshop with high school students in Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro and Paris.



Class Agents: Victoria Shaffer, 914-400-6446,; Adam Slater, 914-874-7436,; Nicolette St. Lawrence, 914-707-0414,; KC Testwuide, 914-953-9006,

Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, 845-270-8670,; Brett Marks, 914-8151686,; Maya Sank, 203-803-5850,; Dan Schonning, 203-788-6811,; Natalia St. Lawrence, 914-707-0406,; Mikhyle Stein, 914-419-4615,

Class Agents: Christian Artuso, cjartuso@; Erica Cheyne, lile8730@aim. com; Emily Silk,; Harry Solomon,; Jahbari Taylor,

Michael Goodkind: “I will never forget the production of ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ It was so well done. I also

FOLLOW HARVEY on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and on other social media sites as our community embraces them. During the spring, Harvey has posted challenge contests on Instagram, awarding prizes to the first three to correctly identify the people in the photos and the year.

Honorable mention for “Waiting for Spring” by Andrew Schwartz ’14

thought that putting on a play like ‘Death of a Salesman’ would be fantastic.” Dante Palminteri has had a very active time since leaving Harvey and was recently seen in one of the “Law and Order: SVU” episodes. Andrew Schwartz is working this summer with a former TIME photojournalist— filming a documentary in Gloucester, Mass., on the plight of fishermen. He won an honorable mention in the feature category by the Boston Press Photographer’s Association college contest. This contest was judged by top staff photographers from the Associated Press and The Boston Globe. (

The Harvey School 61

Milestones WEDDINGS 2003

News from Faculty, Staff and Friends

a vintage cast: Keats Gallagher ’76, Billy Kraus ’76, Peter Merrill ’76, Mark Loomis ’77 , Cham Giobbi ’79, and Billy Mitchell ’76 were the leads ‘The Inspector General’ ‘The Tempest’ with another vintage cast: Bob Spence ’79 and Chris Dawe ’78 were the leads ‘The Apollo of Bellac’ (presented at Harvey, Rippowam, and Brunswick) Scenes from ‘Spoon River Anthology’

Melissa Offenberg to Jordan Baron on August 31, 2014.


Brooks Bromley, Jr. (Harvey 1967–68): Former Harvey teacher Chris Robbins mentioned that Brooks lives in the Philadelphia area. Brooks taught math and Latin for one year in 1967–68 and attended the same college as Mr. Robbins (Defiance College).

1977: 1978:

Cornelia J. Skiff Readinger Jones Carew (Harvey 1982–87): “I have taken a teaching job for one year in the history department at New Roads School in Santa Monica, Calif. I am a finalist to be high school director. I still keep my home in Maine. But I love the sun and palm trees! “

“My memories are of easy casting (because I had so many naturals), hard work in rehearsals (the students were always focused), wonderful support from the art department and faculty for scenery, lighting, sound effects and costumes, and wellreceived performances. Directing those plays prepared me for a career as an independent school administrator that lasted 30 years.”


Christopher Robbins (Harvey 1965–69): Chris started and ran an Outward Bound course for two years while he was at Harvey and said he has many fond memories of the school. He remembered John Dougherty as raising greyhounds, lived in the dorm, and had several while he was at Harvey.


J.M. ‘Hoge’ Caswell (Harvey 1975–86): Hoge noted his occupation as retired assistant headmaster. Harry A. Dawe (Harvey 1969–84): “I have read over the history [centennial book], I think for the first time the entire text, and so have a good sense of its scope. It is a masterful blend of reach and detail; I would change nothing. Thanks for giving me a preview. Also, I do plan to attend the festivities in the fall.” Charles “Jay’ Gaspar (Harvey 1965–69): From former teacher Chris Robbins: Chris and Jay were drafted on the same day in March 1969. Jay went into the U.S. Air Force as a 2nd Lt. and then stayed in as a pilot and navigator. Jan deGreeff Jacobi (Harvey 1973–82): “Vinny and Dianne, I actually directed the plays for several years. Here they are.. 1974: ‘The Little Prince’ (starring Marshal Read ’74 and Cham Giobbi ’79) 1975: Scenes from ‘Beyond the Fringe’; ‘The Reluctant Dragon’ (starring John McMahon) 1976: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ with

62 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

1979: 1980:

Steven Ujifusa (Harvey 2001–03): Steven ran into Tyler Jackson ’06 who enabled him to reconnect with the alumni office. Since leaving Harvey, Steven has focused on research and historical writing, publishing “A Man and His Ship” in 2012 about the ocean liner SS “United States.” Positively reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Publishers Weekly (starred review), and “Meet the Press.” Steven has appeared on National Public Radio and CBS “Sunday Morning.” My next book, tentatively titled “Chariots of Glory: The Great Clipper Ship Race of 1851,” will tell the story of the great clipper ships through the famous 1851 race between “Flying Cloud” and “Challenge” from New York to the gold fields of California, ‘round treacherous Cape Horn.

Laura High to Adam Andrianopoulos on May 16, 2015

BIRTHS 1987 Blake Everly to Sandi and Jonathan S. Friedman on March 2, 2015

Phillip to Jolie and Alexander Carmichael on Feb. 11, 2015

2004 Jax Peter to Todd and Sara Mearsheimer Branchflower on May 16, 2015

To submit Class Notes: Send notes and/or images to For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates. Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi • Save files as .jpg or .tiff • Identify people in the picture • Attach file to email

It will not only recount the story of the great ships and the people behind them, but also will be an examination at the creative, yet often violent nature of mid-19th century American capitalism. Steven Ujifusa and ‘A Man and His Ship’ have been featured in the many media outlets, including: CBS “Sunday Morning, “ NBC’s “Meet the Press,” The New York Times Style Magazine, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal WHYY’s “Radio Times.”

inmemoriam alumni Hans T. Andersen ’61 July 2011

John G. Davis ’50 Nov. 21, 2014 John G. Davis of Charleston, S.C., died November 21, 2014, surrounded by family and friends. John Gay Davis was born on September 11, 1936, in Southampton, N.Y., to Dwight Filley Davis, Jr. and Dorothea Gay Davis. John was educated at The Harvey School and St. Marks School and graduated from Harvard in 1959, where he captained the baseball team and was an All-American catcher. After graduating from Harvard, he was rated top ten on the USA National squash circuit. John was drafted into the military services as a speechwriter in the Pentagon for the Undersecretary of the Army, and then went on to work in the international trade business in D.C. In the late 1960s, John returned to New York where he started a family and took over a graphics design firm as CEO. He pursued his passion for hunting and fishing with his uncle, Phillip Gay, and his Chesapeake retrievers on Long Island. He spent numerous early mornings in duck blinds, digging for mussels, chumming for sharks and

reeling in stripers. John has always been an outdoor enthusiast and has passed this love on to his family. His passion for racquet sports led him to the International Tennis Hall of Fame, where he was the principal designer for the Davis Cup room and eventually became vice president. It was while in Newport, R.I., that he undertook the publishing of the America’s Cup Magazine and then continued in publishing by purchasing a weekly newspaper in New Hampshire, which earned him a first place award for outstanding design and typographical excellence. John spent a few years in Switzerland in the mid1980s, where he was able to share his love of baseball by coaching a beginners team, thus introducing baseball to the Swiss. John moved to South Carolina in 1992 to follow his good friend, John Winthrop. He settled in the historic Four Corners downtown area of Charleston. John engaged his new community on a philanthropic level for over two decades with the charities Darkness to Light, the Concert Association, Kids with Cameras and the Miracle League. John started a company called Celebration Books where he created many fine brochures, annual reports for the Fresh Air Fund in New York as well as many other charitable marketing materials, all pro-bono. John was also a Coastal Community Foundation’s Malcolm Haven

Award for Selfless Community Giving recipient. He was co-owner of the Hatfield Gallery in downtown Charleston, which demonstrated his love for the arts. John is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Ian and Karen Davis of Bozeman, Mont., and their children Hillary, 11, Maggie, 9, and Sophie, 7. —Charleston Post & Courier, Nov. 23, 2014

William B. Eddison, Jr. ’37 Dec. 13, 2014

Stephen K. Galpin ’35 April 3, 2015 Stephen Kellogg Galpin, 93, of Southport, Conn., died April 3, 2015, of cancer at home with family at his side. Father of four, grandfather of 10 and great-grandfather of six, he was a sailor, paratrooper, newspaper reporter, OSS intelligence agent, humorist, local politico, business executive and renowned dog lover. Born February 2, 1922, in New York City, he was the son of Perrin C. and Stephanie E. Galpin, and grew up in Pelham Manor, N.Y. He graduated from The Harvey School, The Hotchkiss School and Yale University, Class of 1943. In World War II, he served in the Galapagos Islands in an

The Harvey School 63

anti-aircraft battery and in Southeast Asia as an intelligence agent with the U.S. Office of Strategic Services. He was honorably discharged from the Army as a first lieutenant. He joined the Hartford Courant as a reporter and later The Wall Street Journal, first in NYC and then in Washington, D.C., covering labor, Congress and the White House. In 1950, he married Ruth Bliss Schwab. She was his beloved wife for 58 years, predeceasing him in 2008. They moved to Rye, N.Y., in 1955 when he joined General Electric at its NYC headquarters, first as a speechwriter, then manager of public affairs. He retired after 26 years with GE. In Rye, he indulged his long interest in sailing and local government, serving as city councilman, deputy mayor and on various commissions. He was chairman of the Rye United Fund and a trustee of the American Yacht Club. When GE headquarters moved to Fairfield, Conn., Galpin and family moved to nearby Southport. He served as Fairfield Town treasurer and on several town commissions. He was commodore of Pequot Yacht Club and a regular contributor to the Pequot Pilot newsletter. Galpin led the creation of Southport Harbor’s annual Blessing of the Fleet, a multidenominational event that caps a parade through the village. As a tribute to him, the state of Connecticut declared June 16, 2007, as Southport Blessing of the Fleet Day. He was grand marshal of the 2012 Southport Annual Street Parade. Galpin is survived by his four children, Stephen K. Galpin, Jr. of Bernardsville, N.J.; Mary G. Barnes of Guilford, Conn., Priscilla G. Twombly of Easton, Conn., and Susan G. Knowlton of Old Tappan, N.J., as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He is also survived by a sister, Lucy G. Moorhead of Westwood, Mass. His other sister, Anne Perrin Judson, died in 1990. —The New York Times, April 9, 2015

64 Harvey Magazine Spring 2015

Frederick B. Hard, Jr. ’47 Feb. 15, 2015 My older brother, Fred Hard, Jr., died of cancer on February 15, 2015, in Sarasota, Fla. He is survived by his first wife, Gretchen, and three of their four children. He is also survived by his second wife, Lorna. I would be pleased to forward messages to his family if sent to me electronically at or at my home address in Tucson: Michael Hard, 2037 E. Miraval Quinto, Tucson, AZ 85718. —Michael Hard

David L. Luke III ’37 Dec. 13, 2014 David L. Luke III a retired business leader prominent in the U.S. paper industry, died at his New York City home on December 13, 2014. Fanny C. Luke, his beloved wife of nearly 60 years, predeceased him in October. A brother, John A. Luke, and a sister, Priscilla Vail, also predeceased him. A sister, Melinda, as well as many nieces and nephews survive him. Mr. Luke attended the Hotchkiss School before entering Yale University, but left after Pearl Harbor for Naval Aviation Flight Training. He received his Naval Aviators Wings and a commission in the Marine Corps in June 1943. He saw combat in the Pacific over the Marianas and Okinawa. After military service, Mr. Luke returned to graduate from Yale in 1948, and then joined American Research and Development Corp. Three years later he returned to New York City where he began a distinguished career with Westvaco Corp., steadily advancing through the executive ranks to become president in 1962 and also chief executive officer in 1963. He became chairman in 1980, retiring from that position in 1996. Mr. Luke’s other board memberships included service on the boards of B.F. Goodrich, Bank of New York, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Grumman Corp. and the New York Stock

Exchange. He also served on the board of the American Museum of Natural History and as a trustee of the Hotchkiss School and the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where he was named chairman from 1992 until 1998. See more at www. obituary.aspx?pid=173483087#sthash. FZ0eGOkG.dpuf.

Peter V. Struby ’39 July 22, 2014

Staff Isabelle V. Conklin Jan. 2011 (Harvey staff 1972–79)

Condolences Our condolences go out to John (2007) and Chris (2012) Camuto on the passing of their father, Vincent Camuto, in January. We also offer condolences to Justin Brunelle ’88 on the passing of his father, Charles Brunelle, in March.

HONORING OUR VETERANS The Students Supporting Soldiers Club is preparing a memorial honoring all Harvey veterans, faculty and students, from our 100 years. They will have the memorial dedication as part of our centennial celebration. If you have not yet let us know that you or someone you know is a veteran, please send the information to us at

Waysto TheofHarvey Giving School Centennial Fundraising

With your meaningful support, together we can honor Harvey’s vibrant past, support the school of today and secure its bright future. The goal is to double the overall number of alumni contributors and to raise $1.5 million to celebrate Harvey’s Centennial. The Centennial campaign runs from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2017, and gifts can be allocated to support one of three extraordinary opportunities: Barry Fenstermacher Centennial Fund In honor of our Headmaster’s 30 years of service and his personal commitment to diversity, these endowment gifts will be used to support Harvey’s financial aid program and provide opportunities for more students to attend who would not otherwise be able to afford a Harvey education.

Celebrate the Future Fund Unrestricted endowment gifts to the Celebrate the Future Fund have great impact to the school, as accrued interest will benefit that which the administration deems most important. These are the “gifts that keep on giving” and will help to secure Harvey’s future for the next 100 years.

Centennial Annual Fund The Annual Fund supports the operating budget, which consists largely of faculty and staff salaries. Gifts to the Centennial Annual Fund will allow us to keep compensation packages competitive and provide invaluable professional development opportunities.

Remainder Trust Donation

John G. Davis loved Harvey, noting, “I received an outstanding education and have always felt beholden to the spirit and guidance of the school. The Harvey experience remains far more important to me than my later schools and shaped who I have become.” He established a Charitable Remainder Trust with Harvey as one of the beneficiaries. Upon his death, the school was notified that his bequest amounted to a six-figure donation to Harvey. With the Davis family’s love of and involvement in tennis, his bequest was used to fund the six new tennis courts at the school. Harvey is exceedingly grateful for this very generous bequest. This is an easy way to help fund the school. For more information about wills and trust options, contact your lawyer for specifics, or the Development Office for general advice.

To donate, go to the Harvey website and click on “Supporting Harvey,” then “Donate Now,” and select the particular project or fund you wish to support. Or call Laura Prichard at 914-232-3161, x145. Harvey students and faculty benefit directly from your generosity. Many thanks for your support.

260 Jay Street Katonah, NY 10536

“The past 9 years have flown by! I can’t wait to catch up with the Class of 2006 at the Kickoff and celebrate our upcoming 10-year reunion!”

“Can’t wait to celebrate Harvey’s birthday with my classmates.” Tom Cocks ’65

Teresa Neri ’06

“I’m looking forward to catching up with friends from the Class of ’85!” Kelly Ann Olson ’85




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.