Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

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Growing... in so many ways


Board of Trustees Eileen Walker, Chair Diana Bondy ’05 Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair Daniel K. Chapman ’73, President, Alumni Association Kevin Durkin Deirdre Glascott Edward W. Kelly William J. Knauer, President

Charles A. Krasne, Treasurer Raymond G. Kuntz Jeffrey Lasdon Maury A. Leone, Vice Chair Vivien Levy, President, Parent Association Sandy Ogg Jane Petty Joseph Plummer

James Renwick Elizabeth Schwartz Wallace L. Schwartz David Silk Andrea L. Tessler, Vice Chair Kathleen Treat Vanessa Williams J. Eric Wise

Alice DeSomma, Emerita Barry W. Fenstermacher, Emeritus Frank A. Weil ’44, Honorary J. Michael Drude, Secretary of the Corporation


FEATURES 4 Brendan Byrne: Moving Forward with his Personal Best 10 Harvey to Faculty: We Have Your Back


14 Click, Save, Study. Growing Technology at Harvey 18 Moving Forward, Looking Back: Homecoming

DEPARTMENTS 2 Letter from the Editor 3 Message from the Head of School 22 Cavalier Clippings 34 Student Insight 36 Sports Roundup


40 Faculty Focus 42 Parent View

42 Message from Middle School Co-Liaisons

43 Message from the Parent Association President

44 Alumni News

46 Alumni Executive Council Daniel K. Chapman ’73 President, Alumni Association Frank Baratta ’84 Nanette Baratta ’82 Diana Bondy ’05 Lara Casano ’95 Pieter Catlow ’73 George Dallas ’64 Thomas E. Dodd Harvey teacher 1965–75

Philip A. Eifert ’73 Alexander P. McKown ’57 Laurel Meredith ’88 Seth Morton ’57 Teresa Neri ’06 Brian Ryerson ’05 Sally Breckenridge Director of Alumni Relations

45 Recent Events

54 Class Notes

67 In Memoriam



LETTER FROM THE EDITOR What a busy but exciting first half of our 101st year! The excitement started building in late August as we anticipated the beginning of school with a new head of school. The annual convocation signaling the start of a new academic year was unlike any other in recent memory. For the first time in 30 years, Harvey was also celebrating the installation of a new head of school. The entire school was present, along with members of the Harvey Board of Trustees and many parents, when trustees chair Eileen Walker introduced Bill Knauer to a warm round of applause. Harvey is always a busy place, so not much is new in that regard, but it dawned on me that those of us used to the “busy” count on familiarity, at least, to help get us through the busyness without a sense of dread. I can’t imagine what it’s like for our new head of school to see the jam-packed calendar of events and not have familiarity to fall back on. After each signature event— convocation, Homecoming, Monday morning meeting, Back-to-School Night, etc.—I find myself asking Bill the same question: “How was your first ...?” Remarkably at ease, he exhales slightly, smiles and nods to indicate it went well. Needless to say, our new head of school’s first year is off to a fine start! Alumni Director Sally Breckenridge and I chose “Growth” as the theme for this issue after listening to alumni at the many centennial events last year share their stories of how much Harvey played a role in helping them grow. The more we thought about it, the more we saw that “growth” defines so much of what Harvey is—the growing size of the student body and the school’s campus; the expansion of programs to include international students and a partnership between Harvey and a school abroad; the growth of Harvey’s academic reputation, thanks in part to a national robotics championship and other successes; and the professional growth of our fine staff. We hope you enjoy this winter issue as you learn about the many ways Harvey has grown over the years—and continues to grow. We also encourage you to give us some feedback on the articles within or to offer suggestions for features or future focuses. We would like to publish your comments in the “Letters to the editor” column. Please send them to Harvey Magazine, The Harvey School, 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536, or email us at harveymagazine@harveyschool.org. If you would rather receive the online version of the magazine, please email us to make the request. Sincerely,

The Harvey School 260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 914-232-3161 harveyschool.org harveymagazine@harveyschool.org HEAD OF SCHOOL:

William J. Knauer EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:

Chris Del Campo ALUMNI EDITOR:

Sally Breckenridge FEATURE WRITER:


Vinny Alexander, Joseph Bakas ’17, Lori Barletta, Brendan Byrne, Tim Cornell, Mureithi Davis ’87, J. Michael Drude, Lori Fowler, Alex Frank ’06, Susan Harris, Abigail Hassett ’13, Patrick Kennedy, Michael Lauria, Phil Lazzaro, Alex Lindquist, Oliver Little ’17, Pal Maleter ’61, Kathleen Masterson, Michelle Morris, Pat Normandeau, Ann Beattie Paul ’85, William Porter, E. Brooks Robbins ’50, Ally Rosenfeld ’15, Denise Smith, John Wahlers CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER:


Lori Barletta, John Brooks, John DePalma ’01, DLE Photography, Corey Eisenbrand ’14, Marcie Hajem, Yan Hao, Susan Harris, Greg Janos ’98, Patrick Kennedy, Vivien Levy, Alex Lindquist, Abby Luby, Howard McManus, Stephanie Metz, Sam Moise-Silberman’14, Denise Smith, John Wahlers, Melissa Zeffer DESIGNER:

Good Design LLC

Chris Del Campo, Editor-in-Chief


Printech, Stamford, Conn. 2 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017



Putting Down Roots The theme of this issue of Harvey Magazine, “Growth,” is the perfect lens through which to look back at the first months of the school year. I began at Harvey just as the school embarked on its second century of serving students and nurturing their intellectual, academic, creative, social and emotional growth. My role as the new head of school is to work with all of you to cultivate the strengths of the school, to identify areas to be trimmed or supported and to plant new seeds that will take root and grow in the years ahead. Since my arrival, I have met with multiple teachers, administrators, students and parents to learn how Harvey has evolved over the years and to understand how best to move forward into the future. At Homecoming, I had the pleasure of meeting alumni who spanned decades of Harvey’s history, and their stories were not only a testament to the powerful changes that have transformed the school over the years, but also an affirmation of the essential values that continue to be the foundation of the community. As one alumnus shared with me, “Harvey remains a part of my present as well as my past.” At the heart of growth at Harvey is innovation, a constant striving to improve and update the educational experience for our students. For change in a school environment to be positive and meaningful, it should be intentional, purposeful and sustainable, which requires detailed planning, sufficient resources and thoughtful implementation. Programs such as the ninth grade Science Trajectories, Senior Bridge seminars and the Middle School electives all grew out of the desire to engage students and expand their opportunities and experiences. A simple yet powerful change we implemented this year was the introduction of a Community Meeting each week. While the time to come together as a whole school existed in the past, we have shifted the focus onto students to involve them more actively schoolwide and to guide them to take more ownership for life at Harvey. Already this year, they have engaged in an exploration of the school’s core values, participated in “Lightning Lesson” workshops, and watched the AP English students present a dramatic reading of a Greek dialogue on democracy. I look forward in anticipation to all they have to offer in the meetings ahead! With kind regards,

William J. Knauer, Head of School The Harvey School 3

Brendan Byrne: Moving Forward with his Personal Best BY ABBY LUBY

4 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Harvey students have always been drawn to Dr. Brendan Byrne. It may be because of his affable demeanor, his ability to joke at the drop of a hat or his instinct for tough love.

or more than 16 years, Dr. Byrne, Harvey’s Middle School Head, has taken students under his wing and guided them to become responsible, independent and self-assured. His is a vocation of the heart. There is a strong bond between Dr. Byrne and The Harvey School, a connection he sensed when he first started teaching English in the Middle School in 2000. He found himself in a school whose environment supported collaboration among teachers, administrators and students. For Dr. Byrne, it was refreshing, and he embraced it. “There is a climate here for students to succeed, and Harvey does that better than a lot of other schools. There are different reasons for that, among them class size and the school’s mission,” he said. Dr. Byrne’s journey from English teacher to Middle School Head was marked by increasing responsibilities and different administrative roles, and along the way he learned what worked and what didn’t. An overall challenge for him was striking the right balance between a good education and a comfortable school climate. “Creating an

environment for people to reach their potential, both as educators and students, and stay within their comfort level, is complicated,” he said. “Some comfort zones can become a close cousin to complacency. You want educators and students to aspire to stretch themselves outside of their comfort zone.” Being out of your comfort zone conjures a particular memory for Nicolette St. Lawrence ’11, who said Dr. Byrne was one of her favorite English teachers at the Middle School. “We had to read ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ which for a middle schooler was difficult to access because of the old English. Dr. Byrne took us out of the classroom to the campus quad and had us stage part of the love scene, directing one of the boys to play the woman in the scene. It was amazing and made it all come alive.” St. Lawrence, who graduated from Cornell University in 2015 and works as a human resource consultant for Xerox in New York City, said Dr. Byrne inspired her love for reading. “He gave me that passion I didn’t know I had. Some of the books we read in his class are books I still read, like “The Outsiders,” which was a favorite of his,” she said. The Harvey School 5

Other former students came to know Dr. Byrne as an earnest mentor. Michael Goodkind ’14, who came to Harvey as an eighth-grader and is currently enrolled at Boston University majoring in broadcast journalism, remembers how Dr. Byrne dramatically changed his life: “When I first came to Harvey, I wasn’t the best of students. I came in stubborn, head full of steam, thinking I ran things. Dr. Byrne, well, he was straight up and always very to the point.” Dr. Byrne prescribed the perfect antidote that would forever change young Michael: “Up to that time, my whole life people had been calling me Mikey, but Dr. Byrne demanded I go by Mike. He said, ‘That’s your name.’ It was his way of saying, ‘It’s time for you to be an adult now.’ It helped me. I wasn’t a kid anymore. I even changed my name on Facebook.” Goodkind said Dr. Byrne’s coaching on the football team encouraged him as well. “I wasn’t a great athlete, and I remember he pushed me. In one game against St. Luke’s I got in, and I just exploded. I had a tackle and forced a fumble, and he was really happy. He didn’t expect anything but the best. I took a lot of skill sets he gave me and brought them into high school. I give him credit for my growth,” he said. Observing Dr. Byrne’s strong relationships with students was Stephanie Metz, who started teaching Latin at

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Harvey in 2004. Today, still teaching Latin, she is Middle School Dean of Students. When she first came to Harvey, Dean Metz was impressed by Dr. Byrne’s comfort level with the Harvey community. “He would be somebody that, if you had a question, you could go to him. He became a good colleague,” she said. Particularly impressive was Dr. Byrne’s coaching style and the attention he gave to students. Dean Metz said, “It wasn’t just about the wins and losses, but was Sally or Johnny having fun? Were they engaged and part of the team? That was key for me when I considered the philosophy of Harvey and what Brendan brought to the table in that respect.”

hat winning or losing was secondary to Dr. Byrne was pivotal for Greg Haas ’04, who started Harvey as a freshman and was coached by Dr. Byrne on the football field. The two developed a student-mentor relationship. “I wasn’t getting a lot of playing time, and he was accommodating,” he said. “I remember telling him I was sure I would score and he said, ‘It doesn’t matter, either way, just run.’ He made me feel good about myself whether I had the ability to score or not.” At the time, Haas was the only African-American at the school,

and he said there were some tense moments. “Brendan Byrne was someone I could go to. Anytime there was something confrontational, Brendan and Chris Kelly nipped it in the bud. In that way, they allowed a paradigm shift at Harvey,” Haas said. Today, Haas is a marketing and development consultant at Up2Us Sports, an organization that helps youngsters develop through sports activities. For Dr. Byrne, the quest to know more about what components go into a successful education started to shape his life. He received his master’s in education at Fordham and then decided to enroll at Manhattanville College to pursue his doctorate degree. In the course of his studies he straddled both sides of education: administrator by day, graduate student by night. “It’s funny,” he said. “As a middle school educator you are always talking to students about time management. Pursuing a doctorate made me better appreciate what time management was really all about.” Dr. Byrne received his doctorate last May after completing his dissertation on instructional leadership at independent schools. “The Harvey School was always very supportive and has always encouraged faculty and staff to pursue professional development, and the school totally supported me,” he said.

In 2002, the completion of a building addition, subsequently named after Harvey benefactor Charles A. Krasne, gave the Middle School six new rooms and its own identity. “It was incredible,” said Dr. Byrne. “It acknowledged that there needed to be a designated place for middle school kids. We gained a home base.” Harvey’s general expansion— with the additions of a new athletic center and arts center—saw Dr. Byrne and many others invited to have a voice in the master planning. “The wonderful thing about Harvey was when they work through some of the planning, they give all the stakeholders a chance to weigh in, and that means students, teachers, parents, everyone who wants to make sure that how we move around this campus is safe. It gives us a say in how we want this campus to evolve,” he said. Nicolette St. Lawrence’s younger sister, Natalia St. Lawrence ’12, remembers the first time she met Dr. Byrne. “My parents were immigrants, and when they brought us to the school, Dr. Byrne made them feel welcome,” St. Lawrence said. “His demeanor was quiet yet authoritative, and he had an assertive presence. My parents felt he represented the kind of education they were used to and that we would be challenged in the classroom.” As a Harvey “lifer,” a term of endearment for Upper School graduates who came to the school in sixth grade,

“He didn’t expect anything but the best. I took a lot of skill sets he gave me and brought them into high school.

I give him credit for my growth. —MICHAEL GOODKIND ’14

The Harvey School 7

St. Lawrence said that when Dr. Byrne helped her prepare for her first speech contest, it was a lesson that would go a long way. “I was 12 years old and very nervous, and Mr. B. made all of us give our speech to our peers,” she said. “I was terribly nervous and awkward. Afterward, he challenged me to improve my writing. That was a big one for me. It gave me a sense of empowerment.” Today, out in the workforce as coordinator for the communications department at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, St. Lawrence said she owes her sense of assuredness to Dr. Byrne. Another lifer, Dana Lombardi ’10, said Dr. Byrne has been a part of her family. Her mother, Joanne Lombardi, is the Middle School Director of Administrative Services and has worked with Dr. Byrne for years. “He has been there to watch me grow up since I was 11 years old,” said Lombardi. “I now have the opportunity to watch his two children grow up.” Lombardi, who graduated from SUNY Albany and now works as head of licensing and events for Maxim magazine, said Dr. Byrne helped her when she was struggling with reading. “He would sit next to me and actually read to me out loud. He read one chapter, and I would read the next, and I became more comfortable about reading and learned that reading can be fun.” When she didn’t make the girls basketball team, a sport she had been playing for years, Dr. Byrne came to the

8 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

rescue and put together a second, coed team and became their coach. “Mr. B. was an amazing coach and played with us every day during lunch. We got so good we were winning every game. And he did not hold back. We played other schools and were undefeated,” Lombardi said.

airing academics with sports has always been a solid Harvey tradition, proving that not all learning happens in the classroom. Dr. Byrne has expanded on that philosophy by creating a number of new clubs and electives. “We have a nice balance in the curriculum with traditional history, English, science, math,” Dr. Byrne explained. “We integrate electives that we think make sense, such as robotics, 3-D printing, art, fashion, dance, even meditation. The caveat is, as an educator, you always have to be careful not to subscribe to the flavor of the month or what people think is the next big thing.” About four years ago, Dean Metz says she and other faculty members supported Dr. Byrne when he wanted to offer more electives. “It’s from the early days of Brendan’s philosophy of how we want students to learn. It was an idea we tinkered with, and we all tried to move it forward. I think now, moving into this next school year, the electives are very solid and students know that there’s more to life at Harvey,” she said.

The number of new clubs in the Middle School has also increased, which Dean Metz believes makes for an easy segue from middle to high school. “They are truly in the spirit of the Harvey community. One club resurrected the old school newspaper, The Rambler, and it’s truly come back to life. There’s a good group of kids who have taken ownership of the paper, so much so that it’s going to be an elective because they need more time to get the publication off the ground,” she said. Whether it’s inside the four walls of the classroom or outside in the outdoor learning space, Dr. Byrne strongly advocates for students and teachers to take risks. “We want people to appreciate what this school is and that there are opportunities to take risks without feeling that you might be a failure. We want kids to try something they’ve never done before, but the teachers need to bring that out in them, especially now as they are experiencing a unique time in their development,” he said. Dean Metz, who is also working on her doctorate in instructional leadership, fully supports risk-taking. “I’d rather try something, and I think Brendan would rather try something, and if it doesn’t go well, reflect on why, and if it’s not worth moving it forward, move it aside and forget it,” she said. Creating a supportive, educational landscape where middle schoolers can freely exchange ideas is an essential

It’s from the early days of Brendan’s philosophy of how we want students to learn...

part of the school environment and one that Dr. Byrne encourages; he wants students’ voices to be heard. “If you have an idea about a new class, club or activity, you will be supported and may see it become a reality, as long as we continue to have a diverse enrollment of students,” Dean Metz said. Dean Metz laughs when she tells about playing with Dr. Byrne in the annual faculty-student hockey game before winter break: “There are two good, legitimate, players on our faculty, Doug Plaskett and Kyle Delaney ’04— they skate circles around us—and we wait until one of them gently passes the puck to Brendan so he can score. If we don’t score at least three goals, the game keeps going until Brendan has at least made one goal.” The faculty has a 15-year winning streak, and Dr. Byrne admits that the holiday hockey game shows his competitive side. “In this case,” Dr. Byrne said, “winning is number one and trying to score is number two. We’ve been playing this game at Harvey forever, and it’s a fantastic tradition.” Ultimately, Dr. Byrne’s more serious goal is preparing young people to be comfortable when they leave Harvey for college and to become a part of society. “In the Middle School and in the school as a whole,” Dr. Byrne said, “our role is to teach our youth to develop skills in communication, collaboration and critical thinking, and to apply those skills in this constantly changing world.” H

...the electives are very solid and students know that there’s more to life at Harvey.” —STEPHANIE METZ, MIDDLE SCHOOL DEAN OF STUDENTS

The Harvey School 9

: y t l u c a F o Harvey t

“Over the past three or four years our professional development has really focused on curiosity-based learning and how to engage students.� 10 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

By Abby Luby

The landscape of education reinvents itself on a daily basis. For teachers, navigating the new and shifting classroom terrain means temporarily shedding the instructor’s cap to become pupils seeking to inspire youngsters to be lifetime learners. Today, staff development programs that help our teachers grow in their profession are multifaceted and vast— programs that Harvey has always encouraged its faculty to explore. “Over the past three or four years our professional development has really focused on curiosity-based learning and how to engage students,” said Harvey Director of Educational Technology Susan Harris. “We’ve had some wellknown educational minds speaking here at Harvey, piquing our own curiosity, giving us new ideas and new

energy. As a school community, that’s one area of professional development we’ve engaged in.” Featured speakers at Harvey appear during the year on days designated for faculty development. Guided workshops usually follow the presentation. Michael Lauria, an Upper School Spanish teacher who started at Harvey five years ago, said he has seen a definite growing trend of professional speakers at Harvey talking about exploring new ideas in education. “We start the year off with a staff development day and then midway through the year, when it gets tough and you’re just trying to find the strength to keep going, we bring someone in and it invigorates us,” he said. Last year’s speaker was Susan Engel, a psychologist and widely published education professor at Williams College. “Engel’s educational contribution is that children are obviously driven by curiosity to learn,” said Ms. Harris. “But that begins to diminish as we age, and Engel spoke about how we can continue to foster and tap into that curiosity so students continue to be learners. It was a phenomenal presentation.” Melissa Zeffer, an Upper School science teacher, said Engel was inspiring. “She motivated us to think about how to spark curiosity and reach our students. It very much resonated with us as science teachers. It also made me re-evaluate how I The Harvey School 11

approach my teaching and challenged me to go the extra step,” she said. Mr. Lauria said the ideas voiced by the speakers help him fight the urge to be complacent. “You don’t want to do the same thing over and over again because you get burned out. We’re here for the kids. If we burn out, they burn out. Staying current means mixing it up,” he said. He added that he was thrilled to hear the new school head, Bill Knauer, “speak about why he loved the beginning of the school year. He said it was because you can start over every year and you have a chance to improve, to make things better and to do things differently. That’s really meaningful to me and, as teachers, we should strive for that.” A few years ago Will Richardson, a known speaker on innovative learning, came to Harvey and presented a thought-provoking talk about the ways students consume information and the need to break away from traditional styles of presentation. Upper School mathematics teacher Michael Rubenfeld found that Richardson offered some great ideas. “He was the first educator I started following on Twitter, and ever since then he’s been posting great articles. When he re-tweets other people’s articles, it’s like one big tree and everyone branches off each other,” Mr. Rubenfeld said Ms. Harris said that social media give teachers the ability to access professional development 24/7. “About five years ago I began to encourage teachers to develop their own personal learning networks using social media. Being on a list-serve, using Twitter or blogging lets you access like-minded teachers or educational innovators who may have a new idea that might work in your classroom.”

12 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Before hearing Richardson, Mr. Rubenfeld said he had never considered social media for sharing teaching ideas. “But it turns out to be a very positive educational tool if you use it the right way,” he said. Head of School Bill Knauer says using social media means teachers don’t have to wait until the next teacher conference to connect and get new ideas. “Social media is huge. Now you have a list-serve or a Google group where you can ask, ‘How have you dealt with this problem?’ You can create

and personalize your own professional learning community,” Mr. Knauer said. He added that he is being drawn into the very vibrant Harvey Twitter core. “I see how effective it is to follow Harvey on Twitter. It’s fun to watch, and even though I’m not a fully active participant, it does help me to get a better sense of what is going on here at Harvey,” Mr. Knauer said. But teachers often crave that face-toface interaction at teacher conferences and workshops, which are a mainstay in the education field, and Harvey has always encouraged its faculty to attend. Mr. Lauria says his foreign language department is part of the New York State Association of Foreign

“We’re here

Language Teachers. “They offer workshops and conferences and they have one big conference a year and several smaller ones,” he said. “Our department chair always recommends we attend, and the school really supports us to do that.” Harvey also encourages professional development workshops and conferences offered by the New York State Association of Independent Schools. “They have a phenomenal program from conferences on just about everything, from a couple of after-hours workshops to several-day retreats,” said Ms. Harris. “There’s a fantastic one every spring called ‘Teaching with Technology,’ which is usually hosted at a school in Manhattan. These are mini workshops on how to use technology in the classroom and are all teacher-led. We always encourage several of our teachers to go.” Harvey faculty saw a less traditional but more creative approach to staff development when the Connecticut-based Roundabout Theatre Company visited Harvey earlier this year and showed

teachers some original and inventive teaching methods. Ms. Zeffer said that Roundabout Theatre at Harvey was a different experience: “They had us think about novels or plays we were drawn to and what drives the plot of those stories. Then we had to look at our classrooms as a plot in a novel and incorporate the idea of inciting incidences in our classroom. It was challenging but fun.” A key theme in the Roundabout Theatre presentation was how to hook kids from the moment the class begins. “They wanted us to understand the ways you can get kids interested and keep their focus,” said Mr. Lauria, who later tried some of those techniques by engaging his students in a conversation as soon as they walked into class. “I didn’t even give my students a chance to sit down and get lost in space, but rather asked them, ‘What did you do this weekend? Tell me about this, tell me about that, and then I gave them a couple of commands in Spanish right off the bat to keep them focused. If the commands seem a little too difficult, I might repeat the same question again in English to reinforce it,” he said. Overall, Ms. Harris said that professional and staff development programs are all about how to reach students. “What the faculty learns about is student-centered and student-driven learning versus delivery of content, and how we can best help children learn about things in ways that will be authentic and lasting.” H

for the kids.

If we burn out, they burn out.... up.” Staying current means mixing it 13

Growing Technology at Harvey


14 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

For a teacher, the magic comes when a student “gets it.” There’s that gleam in the eyes because the world just opened up a bit.

ducators live for that moment of discovery, but it can be elusive as a student’s attention. Often help comes in the form of teaching tools. Just as pedagogy has evolved over the years, so have the tools available to teachers, with major leaps from traditional teaching aids to those of today: from the abacus to the calculator, from quills to ballpoint pens, from parchment to paper, from chalkboards to interactive whiteboards. Now, in the 21st century, technology is playing an ever-increasing role in engaging students. Teachers connect with and instruct students using SMART Boards, computers, digital textbooks, high-tech microscopes, tablets, smartphones, the internet, social media and more. Educators at Harvey see the array of these new tools as a great benefit, but using technology in the classroom is a relatively recent development. In the course of Harvey’s 100-year history, teachers in the pre-digital age made do with lectures and textbooks. “We didn’t have computers; it was straight book learning,” said Peter Duncan ’65, who returned to Harvey in 1973 to teach math when the hottest new tool on the market was the calculator. “It wasn’t used very much because teachers were afraid the calculator would make it less likely for students to learn their multiplication tables or solve problems manually. I told my students if they used a calculator, they’d better be sure the number they got made sense.” When Duncan made copies of math tests, he used an updated version of the 19th-century mimeograph machine. “Kids loved the smell of the paper—the printed tests had a wonderful, petroleum-type odor from the liquid used in the machine,” he recalled. “Using the mimeograph was laborious,” said Sherry LaRue, who taught French and Spanish at Harvey from 1978 to 1985. “Most of us had to type our worksheets onto a purple mimeo stencil and run them through the mimeograph machine. If you made a mistake in typing, you had to carefully scrape the erroneous letter off with a razor blade and make the correction on the original before making copies.” LaRue remembers Harvey acquiring one Xerox copier, but

copying tests and handouts was painfully slow. “It made copies on shiny paper that were not very legible,” she recalled. Spanish teacher Peggy Stephens (1986–92) remembers writing grades “in a three-ring notebook and taking it to Ted O’Connor’s office where they typed out the grades. When I think about it, anybody could have gone in and changed a grade, but it was a time of trust, and you didn’t worry about anyone doing that,” Stephens said. Bruce Osborne, who started teaching life science in 1982, jokes about his early days of connecting to faculty and administration: “We communicated with smoke signals and semaphore flags.” The first science department computer was an Apple IIGS. “It had a track-wheel printer and had its own desk just outside the chemistry room. It used three and a half yards of printer paper to answer a basic math problem,” he said. Mr. Osborne’s good friend Marty Pietsch, the technology coordinator from 1987 to 1997, programmed and installed software that had a “Sesame Street” character sing when sending items to the trash folder. “Oscar would come out of a garbage can and sing, ‘I love trash,’ and then close the lid,” recalled Mr. Osborne. “We used to delete documents just so we could see Oscar rise up and sing to us. Pretty heady stuff.” In 1991, SMART Technologies invented the first interactive whiteboard to be used in classrooms countrywide. Educators realized that the SMART Board not only could enhance teaching styles but could change how students learn. Nine years ago, when Susan Harris was hired as the school librarian, she already had her finger on the pulse of educational technology. As the go-to person for teachers and administrators wanting to learn about new classroom technology, Ms. Harris took on a second job title, director of educational technology. “For the past few years we’ve been focusing on how we can best help students learn about things in ways that will be authentic and lasting while trying to pique that curiosity that will make them want to continue to learn more. At the same time, we are reinforcing the technology as just one tool to be used in the classroom,” she said.

The Harvey School 15

Just before Harvey purchased its first SMART Boards in September 2008, Ms. Harris and a few Harvey teachers visited SMART Technologies in Manhattan for a private workshop. Subsequently, the teachers shared their knowledge with other faculty members. Today, Harvey owns about eight interactive whiteboards. Each Harvey department has embraced new forms of technology in its own way. A history teacher recently started to use The New York Times virtual reality site in order to engage students more actively in the study of key historical events. The school lends out Google cardboards, an inexpensive cardboard 3-D viewer used with a smartphone, so students can experience the Times videos in 3-D. A plethora of software and apps is used in the math department, allowing students to click in and answer questions through their cell phones. Harvey Upper School biology

16 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

teacher Melissa Zeffer uses four Vernier probes in her classroom; these mini computers connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, enabling students to record real-time data during experiments. “These are the same probes used in the field by scientists doing real science and research,” said Ms. Zeffer. “For the students it’s a first-hand learning experience from out in the field. I can also put microscopic images on the SMART Board, record it, do time lapses of an experiment over time. It’s really great because we can zoom into an image and discuss it.” Not all new programs are for disseminating information. Some are socially geared and offer students, especially the quiet and shy ones, a private way to “talk” to their teachers and parents. Ms. Zeffer uses a digital portfolio app called Seesaw that allows students to keep a journal about what they’ve learned using images, video, text and audio. “If students aren’t


happy with a grade on a quiz, they can have a private conversation with me,” Ms. Zeffer explained. “We can talk about how they prepared for the test and how they can do better next time. I can track their growth as science learners.” Language teachers at Harvey have the option of using an online, interactive version of their textbooks that students can access from their tablets, smartphones or computers. Both seeing and hearing new vocabulary words help those who are more visual or more aural; kinesthetic learners can interact with the course material through a touchscreen. Digital textbooks are also easier to carry. Head of School Bill Knauer supports new technologies for students and teachers, but he says there needs to be a balance between being sustainable and innovative. “It’s not a matter of what new technology we should be getting, but rather how does that technology allow us to do something

better or different,” he said. “We need programs to be systemic, not just a flash in the pan. We have to know what the purpose is for anything we add.” For Mr. Knauer, getting knowledge and support to students when they need it is paramount, but he is cautious about giving up one program just to move something else in its place. “You don’t want to be in a situation where there’s so much innovation and change that good ideas die on the vine due to a lack of time and other resources,” he said. Harvey teachers have their own unique approach to reaching students, and technology is just one of those ways. For Mr. Osborne, the technology needs to prove itself. “It took me some time to recognize the value of technology, as well as the best ways for me to utilize it. After a long period of reflection, I look at all this as something that enhances what we teach. It cannot change who you are or your style.” H

The Harvey School 17


looking back

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Growing into Tradition It might be too soon to call it a tradition, but the 5K Fun Run on Homecoming Day is on course to becoming one. When Harvey published this year’s homecoming program for Saturday, Oct. 15, the 5K Fun Run at 10 a.m. topped the list of scheduled events for the fourth consecutive year. When you think of what makes an event a tradition, what comes to mind is some custom or belief that is passed on from generation to generation. While not enough years have passed for the 5K event to be officially designated a tradition, it seems it will soon be there, especially when participants from the Middle School come to be Upper Schoolers and reflect on their earliest memories of testing the course. Ian Lewis, father of Harvey students Zoe, a sophomore, and Jake, a senior, will remember his first 5K Fun Run. He was the first to finish. “It’s a tough course,” he said. “The hill’s a killer.” Seventh-grader Johnny McMahon, the first student to finish, came in second overall. Johnny, who plays soccer and had never run a 5K before, said, “I just ran it cold. It was much tougher than running up and down the field in soccer.” Johnny surprised himself with his second-place finish. “I was just hoping for 10th,” he said. Sophomore Daniel Pope, the first Upper School student to finish, came in third. Junior Sabrina Huang, an international student from China, was the first Upper School female runner to finish. Seventh-grader Erin Phillips was the first female Middle School student. Bethany Durkin, mother of sixth-grader Lucinda and eighth-grader Olivia, was the first female adult to cross the finish line.

This year’s 5K will hold a special memory for two runners who are new to the school community. Freshman Michael DiVestea, a member of Harvey’s varsity coed cross-country team, ran the race with his dad, Joe. Father and son are used to sharing a run together near their home, but the 5K Fun Run was a first for the DiVesteas. They kept a steady pace to stay close the entire race, but Michael finished just ahead of his father. “I couldn’t beat him,” said Joe of Michael. “Just finishing strong is the goal, though,” Joe said. “This was fun.” Director of Marketing and Major Gifts Susie Danziger, a long-distance runner herself, would like to see the Fun Run continue as part of the Homecoming Day activities. “It would give me great pleasure to see the 5K race grow into the status of a tradition,” she said. “In the brief time we’ve had the 5K Fun Run on Homecoming Day, it has already produced special memories for those who have participated.” New Head of School Bill Knauer also ran the course. This reporter likes his job, so he won’t reveal where Mr. Knauer finished. Let’s just say he was the first Head of School to finish. Top (left to right): Seventh-grader Johnny McMahon, first student and second-place finisher overall, with first-place winner Ian Lewis; seventh-grader Erin Phillips, first female middle schooler to finish; Joe and Mike DiVestea, father and son running together in the 5K. Right: Head of School Bill Knauer, wearing No. 1, finishes the race just a step behind another participant.

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▴ Jacob Hellinger and Dominick D’Onofrio examine the classroom ant colony.

English teacher Virginia Holmes and Head of School Bill Knauer join students at Freshman Fest.

▴ Middle Schoolers at Sharpe Reservation

22 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Justin Tebbutt works with the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) lent to Harvey for the week.

◂ Top: Monet Sze and Marina Man enjoy Halloween with their host, Jacqueline Rupert Anderson, and her friend, Ralph Ristaino; bottom: Chris Liu (Haobo) and his uncle/host, John Law, enjoy a meal together.

Harvey’s newest international students: (left to right, back) Chris Liu and Frank Fan, (front) Coraline Xin Yi, Monet Sze and Marina Man

ISP Profiles: In Their Own Words Coraline Xin Yi (Xinying) Coraline is a new international student to Harvey this year. She is from Hefei, China. She likes to listen to music, sing and play badminton in her spare time. Coraline is a very athletic girl. Cross-country is her after-school activity. She joined the Musicology Club because she learned to sing when she was 6. Every weekend, she watched her favorite American TV show, “Big Bang Theory.” Coraline is a social girl and has made many friends who are local students in America. She thinks Harvey has a big campus and that the teachers and students are really nice. She is looking forward to her future life at Harvey. Monet Sze (Yuming) Monet is a freshman at The Harvey School as a new international student. She comes from Hong Kong, China. Monet enjoys dancing, especially jazz hip-hop, so she joined the dance company. She lives with Ms. Jacky on weekends. She likes dancing, watching YouTube videos and going shopping when she is free. She says that she is especially interested in romance novels, clothes and makeup. Also, action movies are her favorites. She likes Harvey and has made a lot of friends here. In addition, she does well in math, but does not like the hills on the campus. Frank Fan (Heyu) Frank is from Shanghai, China. He is a sophomore at The Harvey School this year. He loves swimming, golf and football. He has been swimming since he was 5 years old. He also likes eating steak and food which is spicy. In his

spare time, he loves playing the saxophone, swimming and playing video games. During weekends, Frank is living with the Tragni family. For the first year at Harvey, he wants to improve his English and takes part in sports activities so he can keep fit. Marina Man (Zhirui) Marina is from Chengdu, China. Currently it’s her first year at The Harvey School. She is a freshman. Her interests include dancing, painting, K-pop and sewing. She likes playing tennis and basketball, and tried soccer this fall as an after-school activity. Marina especially likes to eat spicy food. Everything that is spicy fits her appetite quite well. During her spare time Marina loves watching different types of TV series and designing clothes for Barbie dolls. She can cut off a part of old socks and turn them into delicate, tiny clothes for the Barbie. For the first year at Harvey, Marina wants to improve her English skills, make some friends on campus and achieve great progress in her academic subjects. Chris Liu (Haobo) Chris is an international student from China. He is 17 years old and this is his first year studying in America. Chris loves science classes in school, especially chemistry. He likes to read books about history, and he is also a big fan of Japanese animation and J-pop music. As a new junior student at Harvey, Chris hopes he gets used to life here as quickly as he can. All in all, he enjoys the experience here and wants to learn more about American culture while attending The Harvey School. The Harvey School 23

Harvey Installs New Head at Convocation The Harvey School opened its new academic year on Sept. 6 the same way it has done every fall for the past 100 years, but the traditional convocation included something the school had not featured since 1986: the welcoming of a new head of school. At an all-school assembly that included current parents and school trustees, Chair of the Board of Trustees Eileen Walker officially installed William J. Knauer as the new school head, succeeding Barry Fenstermacher, who retired in June after a 30-year tenure. In welcoming Harvey’s seventh official school head (there were two interim heads) in its 101-year history, Ms. Walker said Harvey is the beneficiary of Mr. Knauer’s “broad experience and exposure to different educational settings, learning models and leadership styles.” She added that Mr. Knauer’s commitment to lifelong learning “makes him the perfect role model for Harvey students and faculty.”

Representatives from the student body, the faculty, parents, alumni and trustees presented the new head with special gifts. The installation was official when the board chair presented Mr. Knauer with the academic mace, the ornamented rod engraved with the names of Harvey’s six previous school heads. Ms. Walker told the audience that the mace symbolizes the new school head’s authority and the responsibility he holds in protecting the mission of the school. In accepting the mace, Mr. Knauer addressed the trustees, saying, “Thank you for entrusting me with the care and leadership of Harvey.” He expressed his joy at being a part of the Harvey community. He said, “Harvey is a special place. Magic happens on this campus. That magic is born in community, nurtured through relationships and fed by dreams—the dreams we have for our children, ourselves and the school.”

Mr. Knauer comes to Harvey after spending the past four years as the head of the Benjamin Franklin International School in Barcelona, Spain. See next page for the poem written for the convocation and installation of Mr. Knauer. The poem’s author, English teacher and Associate Director of the International Student Program Alex Lindquist, presented the verse as a gift from the faculty to Mr. Knauer at the installation ceremony. To see a livestream recording of the ceremony, visit https://livestream.com/ accounts/1598834/events/6264022.

Board Chair Eileen Walker, Student Council President Oliver Little, Head of School Bill Knauer and eighth-grader Andrew Ortiz

24 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017


Together we stand on Our threshold that is here. Built on a century of history We are about to cross through this moment Because this— This is the beginning. It’s the push off point, The opener, the kicker, the prelude, the preface The page 1 of our chapter 1. The starting point to a finish line in our future. Focused on the finale With eyes on the prize We don’t realize That we are just a moment in time. A blink of many, in a century to come. So while this is the beginning and Our future is our focus, I’d like to ask you to stop. Because it is the now we most often forget to notice We need to slow down and really hold it As if we can see the time before it slips through our fingers Look at the unnoticed. Smile and enjoy the moment. For there is importance in the present. Let’s appreciate that we are in this place together And commemorate the people we are with, Facilitate a community of learners Let us be in it. Mindful of the present. The here and now. For we all know how quickly a year can slip by And become the new sands of another century in time. POEM WRITTEN BY ALEX LINDQUIST • ILLUSTRATION BY JOSEPH BAKAS ’17

The Harvey School 25

‘Harvey Builds’ Growing Awareness By Abby Luby Harvey students swapped out their usual academic environment in early October for a different type of learning space—the streets and parks of Stamford, Connecticut. Marking the fifth annual day of service called Harvey Builds, Upper School students and faculty used old-fashioned elbow grease to help out at Neighbor’s Link, Childhood Learning Centers, East Side Partnership and the Mill River Park Collaborative. Ninth to 12th graders pruned overgrown brush, painted fire hydrants, planted springtime bulbs, entertained preschoolers, painted a mural and built a miniature golf course. The 300-person Harvey entourage split into dedicated groups for each location. “This day also serves as an opportunity for everyone in the Harvey community to get to know each other better by working side by side,” said Pat Normandeau, the Upper School’s dean of students. At the Mill River Park on Washington Boulevard, students decked out in rubber fishermen waders sloshed through the river scouring the water for trash. “We’ve found a lot of plastic packaging,” said junior Ian Macari, as he and sophomore Amir Gidden made their way down the middle of the river holding large black plastic bags in one hand and trashpickers in the other. “This has been interesting and very different from being in the classroom,” said Amir.

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“I like getting a hands-on experience like this. It also shows me how important streams and rivers are.” Guiding the students were teachers Mike Rubenfeld and Christine Cahill. “It’s nice to see the younger students interact with the older students and not be intimidated by them,” said Ms. Cahill. Working in tandem along the river was a dogged team of students going after the pervasive weed, mugwort. Directing them was Trent McCann of the Mill River Park Collaborative, a nonprofit group. He was enthusiastic about the work Harvey students were doing. “We do rely heavily on volunteers,” said McCann. Junior Noah Bailey was reaching down to the ground as he grabbed a clump of the weeds. “We have to cut it off at the base in order to kill the roots,” he said. About 20 students and teachers brushed bright-colored paints onto wooden structures slated to become, by the end of the day, a permanent, six-hole mini golf course in the park. “Last year we asked the Mill River community what they really wanted to have here at the park and they said a mini golf course,” said Susan Harris, the advisor to the Community Service Club, who was working on the golf course. Ms. Harris said that Vinny Alexander, the chair of Harvey’s performing arts department, had put his stagecraft crew to work days before, cutting wooden pine board

into the major components of the golf course. “We have lots of themes for this golf course,” said sophomore Annabelle Kavounas. “That includes themes on food, Alice in Wonderland and robots.” Painting the platforms was performing arts teacher and choreographer Melanie Gambino. “This gives us all a chance to know each other while creating a memorable experience,” she said. At the Childhood Learning Center, students helped put on a carnival for the preschoolers. Ninth-grader Julian Camargo was face-painting a Batman figure on a youngster’s cheek. “It’s great to be here and focus on the kids, and it’s easy to be happy around them doing this and also playing games with them,” he said. Also enjoying face painting were senior Ashley McKenzie and sophomore Katie Kavounas. “These kids have been coming in all morning from different classes,” said Ashley. “It’s nice to see the joy on their faces.” Outside at the Childhood Learning Center, Harvey students were painting a mural to cover 52 feet of wall. “This is a great experience for novice

mural painters,” said Richard Price, chair of the art department. “This entire day gives kids a chance to see things from a different angle,” said Michael Lauria, language teacher in the Upper School. “You see shy kids open up so much that they become the teachers and they guide us.” The day was documented in full by the Harvey publicity team, including Upper School math teacher Chris Kelly and students Ryan Hurst, Jared Peraglia and Ben Kabakow. Ryan flew a drone camera for a “fly-by” shot of the park and the river while Jared shot video. A TV film crew from News 12 CT captured Harvey’s efforts in Stamford, and both the Stamford Advocate and the online news network Daily Voice featured articles that included photos of students at work and comments from some of them.

The Harvey School 27

Harvey Admissions Seeing Growth in Many Areas By William Porter, Director of Admissions Schools by their very nature are progressive institutions: we are educating young people of today for an uncertain tomorrow. In the Admissions Office, we are constantly striving to find the students of tomorrow, so anticipating and adapting to change are essential ingredients in the work that we do. In recent years, we have faced change and, by extension, growth in a number of ways—most notably in the numbers we see, in the diversity of our student body, in the time we spend, in the marketing we do and in our use of available technology. Gone are the days when admissions work was concentrated in a seven-month period between October and April; our activities take place throughout the school year and during the summer as well. As I begin my ninth year as the director of admissions at Harvey, perhaps the most noticeable change has come with the growth of the overall enrollment. Program advances accompanied by an uptick in the number of interested applicant families have led to an era of record enrollments at Harvey. Following the uncertainty caused by the economic downturn of 2008, our applicant pool has steadily grown, our attrition has declined, and our overall enrollment has increased about 10 percent. The percentage of students from historically underrepresented backgrounds has nearly doubled from 15 percent in 2007 to 28 percent today. The number of students from overseas has grown from the occasional exchange student to a robust group of almost 20 students as a result of a thriving International Student Program. While many of these “pioneer” ISP students have come to Harvey from China, the possibilities for expansion as well as additional international travel and study seem limitless. As we look at the modern admissions office, applicants are no longer expected to “beat a path to our doorstep,” if they ever were. While upward of 90 percent of our applicant families still cite word-of-mouth as the main factor that steered them to Harvey, we now market the school through a combination of traditional media outlets, such as magazines, newspapers and radio, along with a diverse collection of 28 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Admissions Director Bill Porter with his team, left to right: assistant Lori Fowler and associates Susan Kalicharan-Garcia and Allison Zakre ’08

online resources. With a student body that comes to us from more than 100 different ZIP codes, we also attend dozens of school fairs throughout the tristate region. In the realm of technology, the one constant, of course, is change. Two years ago we moved our application process to an online platform, greatly reducing the amount of paper that changes hands. Families complete online applications that can be accessed through our website, and the admissions committee reads folders that are increasingly comprised of electronic transcripts and recommendations. Even our re-enrollment of current students is now done through the use of electronic contracts. Throughout this era of growth and change, however, we continue to emphasize the primacy of human contact. Three years ago, an on-campus apartment opened up in Sylvan Hall, and we were able to relocate the admissions office to a more spacious and more gracious setting, with offices for each of the interviewers and a waiting area for the applicants’ parents. The interview remains the single most important aspect of the Harvey admissions process, and the visiting day continues to be the most enjoyable element for our candidates. So, in some respects, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Head of School Bill Knauer presenting his first State of School address. To view Bill Knauer’s State of the School Address use this link: https://youtu.be/o15DBVhNp8w

Eighth-graders Gabrielle Levinger-Louie, Cordelia McKenna, Joseph DiGrandi and Mia Cornell pose under the P.R.I.D.E banner in the hallway of the Middle School’s Krasne Building.

Harvey senior Halle Paredes (seated far right) and fellow members of women’’s advocacy ensemble, G!rl Be Heard, respond to student questions following the group’s singing performance in December in the Lasdon Theater.

▴ Construction underway for the new softball field behind the arts center on the upper campus. ▸ Community Service Club members Liz Kavounas, Ryan Gross, Eve O’Brien and Sebastian Wallach (in the bus) delivering donated holiday food for the clients of the Community Center of Northern Westchester.

The Harvey School 29

â–´ Students finding their lockers during Orientation.

Vanilla Fudge pose with Head of School Bill Knauer, Chris Del Campo and Vinny Alexander.

Middle Schoolers enjoy a field trip to Outhouse Orchard.

Knauer family poses with Hey Jude Tribute Band.

30 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

â–´ Community Service Club members display the new game table purchased for the Blythedale Children's Hospital's recreation room with the funds they raised last spring.

Ben Kabakow, Jared Peraglia and Cayla Smith lead the cast in a scene from “Pippin.”

Chloe Savitch

Alex Breitenbach

Janice Cai

Zoe Lewis and Hana Cornell share a scene in “Pippin.”

Pierce Steinberg as Charlemagne with “Pippin” cast.

(left to right,) Mya Turner, Luis Waldstein-McCabe and Andrew Baron perform in the instrumental concert in December.

Members of the drum ensemble perform in the instrumental concert in December.

Eve O’Brien and Noah Bailey in “Pippin.”

The Harvey School 31

Contemplating Changes to Harvey’s Campus By J. Michael Drude, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations A little over a year ago, a committee of parents, trustees and administrators began the task of examining Harvey’s campus to better understand what our students and teachers need in order to best carry out the school’s mission. Partnering with the architectural firm Perkins Eastman, we began a process of reimagining Harvey’s campus. The committee’s role was not to create the campus plan, but rather to facilitate a learning exercise that allowed the architects to get to know the school and its culture and develop a conceptual study that would address the school’s space issues and safety considerations. Phil Bowers ’70, the committee chair, said, “I found the clarity of purpose with which we approached the issues was instrumental in creating the collaborative atmosphere that allowed us to efficiently and creatively address our many needs.” The architects interviewed members of the community and visited the campus to see the school in action. The team learned quickly what makes Harvey special. Tina Greco, lead architect, shared her observations: “We were all struck by the genuine

32 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

gratefulness and care that everyone shares for the Harvey community. Across the full spectrum of the Harvey community, everyone—students, administrators, teachers, trustees, alumni and parents—appreciates and respects the community of people who they are with and the beautiful

“disconnection” between the two campuses—likely in part, because the Upper Campus is home to important buildings such as the library, dining hall, art center and athletic center. From these discussions an idea was born to re-create usable space for both divisions in the Woolsey Building, the facility we

“Across the full spectrum of the Harvey community, everyone— students, administrators, teachers, trustees, alumni and parents— APPRECIATES AND RESPECTS THE COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE WHO THEY ARE WITH AND THE BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS WHERE THEIR COMMUNITY LIVES.” campus where their community lives.” During this process, a major theme emerged surrounding the pros and cons of the distance between the Upper and Middle School classroom buildings. The discussions revealed that many Middle School parents are pleased to have a separation between buildings as it provides needed “space” between the divisions, but students and teachers dislike the amount of time it takes to travel to and from buildings. We also learned that there exists a perceived feeling of

commonly refer to as the “Red Barn.” Located in the heart of the campus, the Red Barn is currently home to the school’s maintenance department. A relocated maintenance facility would clear the way for a new central dining hall and student center. The new building would honor the beauty and history of the old red barn while providing modern architecture and conveniences—all while creating a physical and metaphorical “bridge” between the Middle and Upper School campuses. In addition, a centrally located commons area/student center would serve the boarding population quite well,

free up space in Carter Hall that could be repurposed for classrooms, and create safer roadways, as deliveries would be rerouted to a new facility. The committee challenged the architects to ensure the needed changes were properly addressed while honoring Harvey’s history and keeping the school’s culture intact. Recognizing that Harvey’s “community character allows for student growth and the growth of teachers,

administrators and parents,” Greco said her firm’s plans include ways to design facilities that “foster encounters” and offer more “Commons-like areas.” The process of reimagining Harvey’s campus has been a rewarding experience. Committee member Kathy Treat enjoyed being a part of it. “I had never appreciated all of the details and challenges that go into planning facilities for a campus such as Harvey,”

Treat said. “I look forward to how these changes will positively affect the school and take it into the next 100 years.” A draft of the study will be shared with the community this year. It is important to note that a master campus plan is one that looks well into an institution’s future. This initiative is only the beginning of an evolving process that will take a number of years to come to fruition.

PHASE 1 SITE • Main Campus Entry & Driveway (Lighting, Widening, Traffic Calming, Banners & Planting) • Triangle improvement • Parking at Sylvan Circle • Middle School Drop-Off • New Maintenance Service Drive • Site Improvements for Red Barn • New Connector Roads to Evarts BUILDING • New Maintenance Building • New Red Barn & Dining Hall • Renovations & Addition to Carter Hall • New Duplex Residence • New Single Family Residence COMMITTEE MEMBERS Eileen Walker, Philip Bowers, Ed Kelly, Sandy Ogg, David Silk, Kathy Treat, Deirdre Glascott, Marcy Olsen, Barry Fenstermacher, J. Michael Drude

The Harvey School 33


OLIVER LITTLE Student Council President The year following Harvey’s centennial celebration has found itself filled with opportunities for its faculty and student body to grow. To kick the year off, Harvey began construction of a new softball field to accommodate the growth of our six-time HVAL championship-winning softball team. Earlier this year we also saw Harvey participating in volunteer work during our annual day of service. Harvey students and faculty could be spotted in Stamford cleaning out the Mill River, painting a mural alongside the Children’s Learning Center (CLC), or painting dilapidated fire hydrants. These activities, along with others such as the CLC carnival that Harvey hosted, helped bring a smile to the community of Stamford.

Students were not the only ones bonding on this day; teachers were integrated into every group. The day of service was perfectly summed up by faculty member Jacqueline Kelm, who said, “It’s nice working with kids; some of them are in my class and others aren’t, so I get to know them a little bit better when we get to share this experience.” Spirit Week, however, is where the school really grew. At one of the most spirited pep rallies in recent memory, we witnessed students bursting with pride coming to school dressed in colors to represent their grades. During the pep rally, the student body cheered on their sports teams as each was showcased, with performances by members of the Dance, Step and Hip-Hop clubs that made the crowd go wild. The Homecoming Dance also found tremendous success, with a third of the student body attending. Harvey has always been a tight-knit community, consistently providing its students with opportunities to grow and become closer, and this year is no exception.

Harvey’s Hives Thriving John Wahlers, Harvey’s director of technology and resident beekeeper, said the honeybee population in the Northeast faces some of the same threats that their endangered Hawaiian relatives do, especially from the use of pesticides. “Residents often use pesticides on their lawns or trees, seriously reducing bee populations and weakening hives,” Mr. Wahlers said. Another factor is the prevalence of parasites, but Mr. Wahlers does not opt to treat the hives to ward off parasites. He

explained, “Treating the bees weakens them and strengthens the pests. Instead, I let weaker hives die and keep the ones that effectively handle the pests.” Last year Mr. Wahlers saw four of his five hives survive. He maintains three on campus, housing them in standard 10-frame Langstroth hives in the center of campus behind Shea House. Harvey’s bees have produced more than 100 pounds of honey that Mr. Wahlers himself bottles and sells to offset costs. Mr. Wahlers set up shop in the Spirit Wear tent at Homecoming and sold a number of his jars of raw and unfiltered honey, free of chemicals and antibiotics. Each jar sells for $8.

But producing a bumper crop of honey is not the only benefit of housing bees on campus. Students and other faculty have started their own hives, and Harvey’s bees have been brought into classes to serve as examples of sustainability, animal behavior and even evolution. Mr. Wahlers pointed out that another benefit of raising the bees is to release some into the wild each spring to help the local bee population grow. “When bees swarm in the spring, half stay behind in the existing hive while the other half head out to create a new home. It’s how they procreate. Several swarms have occurred over the years, aiding a decimated wild bee population,” he explained.

Harvey’s ‘Screenagers’ Forum Proves Fruitful By Abby Luby “When you take away your kid’s cellphone, it’s like wrenching their arm off. That’s how connected they are,” said tween/teen clinical psychologist Dr. Jennifer Powell-Lunder, addressing about 200 people who had just watched the film “Screenagers” Nov. 29, in the Lasdon Theater of The Walker Center for the Arts. Harvey hosted the screening of the hard-hitting documentary about the dangers to youth who spend too much time using digital devices and social media. The event was part of the school’s community-outreach program “Harvey Presents.” The 68-minute film, produced in 2016 by Dr. Delaney Ruston, exposes her own dilemma of her teenage son and daughter’s obsessive use of cell phones and video games. Her camera found youngsters on digital devices in households, schools and playgrounds from Los Angeles to New York City and captured stressed-filled interactions between parents and children arguing about the number of hours that the teens spend immersed in the digital world. The message—tech addiction is real. Research backs up that message: teenagers spend an average of 6.5 hours a day looking at screens, not including schoolwork; 70 percent of boys play video games about 2.5 hours a day; 80 percent of those games have violent content. Research also shows that video games can cause permanent brain damage. After the audience viewed the film, a panel of professionals answered questions in a forum moderated by Harvey junior Jared Peraglia. Joining PowellLunder on the panel were pediatrician Dr. Allison Nied, attorney Sherry Levin Wallach, Principal of Mahopac

Middle School Vincent DiGrandi and Associate Director of First-Year Programs at Marist College, Colin McCann. Panelists Powell-Lunder, Nied, Levin Wallach and DiGrandi are parents of children who attend Harvey. The panel took questions that ran the gamut from how to set limits on youngsters who binge on digital use without straining the parent-child relationship, to how educators control the growing use of digital books and devices in school. DiGrandi praised the use of Chromebooks at his middle school of about 1,000 students who use the digital devices as part of the curriculum. “We use what we call ‘digital citizenry,’ DiGrandi said. “Teachers are very clear about what the expectations are when using digital devices,” he said. “For example, when we took a field trip to Ellis Island, students could take a picture while there, but if they took a picture on the bus, their cellphone was taken away. There has to be a balance in school.” DiGrandi said his school has color-coded designated areas for cellphone use: green is for open use, yellow for calls that are absolutely needed and red for areas where the school prohibits phone usage. Suggestions from panelists to use at-home included parents’ having a techfree dinner to be able to engage with their children. Nied spoke about balance and watching for any signs of depression. “As parents we can set limits with them on board. We can also make sure our children are involved in other activities that build self-discipline and encourage their positive qualities. It’s important for parents to understand who their child is and praise them for their achievements.”

▲ Colin McCann, associate director of the First Year Student Program at Marist College, Vince DiGrandi, principal of Mahopac Middle School, attorney Sherry Levin Wallach, pediatrician, Dr. Allison Nied and clinical psychologist Dr. Jennifer Powell-Lunder lead a panel discussion on the issues raised by the film “Screenagers.”

Levin Wallach, whose law firm handles criminal defense cases, offered perhaps the most disturbing information of the evening. “What happens when teens take selfies of themselves and that picture goes viral without intending to, those teens in the picture can become victims of the person or teen who shared that picture on social media,” she explained. “That can be seen as a criminal act which can be prosecuted.” Levin Wallach also talked about the perils of using such apps as Snapshot. “A picture doesn’t go away and any picture, words or video out there about someone can be a form of bullying. We have to teach them they can’t do that.” DiGrandi agreed. “I tell my students ‘If you send it, you own it.’” Powell-Lunder said, “Today’s parents are of a different culture than their children, and the cultural divide means parents have to understand their children in order to communicate effectively with them.”

The Harvey School 35




« Most Valuable Player | t Most Improved Player | l Sportsmanship Award | n Coaches Award

While Harvey’s soccer, volleyball and football teams had their share of highlights this fall season, it was the Upper School and Middle School cross-country teams that found the greatest success. The two coed track squads earned championships and produced some outstanding individual performances. The girls on the Upper School team won the 2016 HVAL championship while the Middle School boys won the sixth-grade championship, and finished in 1st place overall for the season. The seventh-grade boys tied for 1st place overall, and the eighth-grade boys captured 1st place in the championship race and took 2nd place overall. At season’s end, the following athletes earned special league and team honors:

36 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

UPPER SCHOOL Varsity Football (0–7) (HVFL All-League) John Sullivan, Theodore Little, Ryan Park, Dajour Fisher and Treshawn Felder, « (Offense) Theodore Little, « (Defense) John Sullivan, (Iron Man Award) Dajour Fisher, n William Shaffer, (“The Bear” Linemen Award) Peter Lombardo

Boys Varsity Soccer (7–5–4) (WNEPSSA All-Star) Isaac Cullity Vieux and Jared Ellis, (WNEPPSSA All-Select Team) Isaac Cullity Vieux, Jared Ellis and Kevin Dorf, (HVAL All League) Isaac Cullity Vieux, (HVAL Honorable Mention) Kevin Dorf, n Colin Nardi and Ian Macari, (Best Offensive Player) Isaac Cullity Vieux, t Jared Ellis, (Leadership Award) Rafael Tapia, « Kevin Dorf Boys JV Soccer (6–6–1) « (Offense) Josh Shapiro, « (Defense) Quentin Schubert, n James Washington, t Ryan Horowitz

Girls Varsity Soccer (6–9 ) (HVAL All-League) Charlotte Levy, (Honorable Mention) Morgan Chapman, « Morgan Chapman, « (Offense) Charlotte Levy, « (Defense) Courtney Warren, n Sadie Albert, (Harvey Pride Award) Kelly McMorrow

The Harvey School 37

Varsity Volleyball (4–11) (HVAL All League) Sara Steinberg, l Jordan Carnan-Raimey, n Kat Pantginis, « (Offense) Sara Steinberg, « (Defense) Sasha Fox, t Tille Glucksman JV Volleyball (5–11) « (Offense) Chanel Thomas, « (Defense) Mackenzie Rendo, t Sierra Calhoune, (Most Dedicated) Heidi Lee and Lily Koenig Varsity Cross-Country (HVAL All League) Hannah Klein, Daniella Lippman and Julia Mallon, « (Male) Nathan Ward, « (Female): Hannah Klein, (Leadership Award) Jake Lewis, (Cavalier Spirit Award) Daniella Lippman, (Competitor’s Award) Justin Tebbutt

38 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle School Coed Soccer Maroon (6–5–1) « Johnny McMahon, n Sophia Silverman, l Patrick Murphy Middle School Coed Soccer Navy (4–3–1) « Juliet Jaques and Karli Thea, « (Defense) Sammy Alexander, n Cristian Triay and Scott Nicholson Middle School Coed Cross-Country « Clayton Collum, n Joe DiGrandi, (Best Female Runner) Lauren Siegel, (Best Male Runner) Everton Browne, (Competitor Award) Mitchell Yurko


The Harvey School 39




Upper School Perspective By Phil Lazzaro The artist Paul Klee once noted, “A single day is enough to make us a little larger, or another time, a little smaller.” Klee’s words resonate at our school on a daily basis as students and faculty grow in numerous ways inside and outside of the classrooms. To kick off our year, the Upper School faculty participated in a professional development experience with the Roundabout Theatre Company. Educators encouraged our faculty to enhance their practice and deepen student learning through the exploration of theater, and introduced strategies designed to create an “inciting” incident in their classrooms. Roundabout challenged our faculty to develop curriculum using theatrical experiences as a way to engage students and explore universal themes. The Senior Bridge curriculum continues to strive to develop independent, collaborative learners. Our community

filled the bleachers of the Fenstermacher Athletic Center for a spirit-filled pep rally in October. Led by enthusiastic Senior Bridge students, the rambunctious crowd clapped and cheered in celebration of our teams. Homecoming Weekend was an opportunity to welcome alumni to Harvey events. My conversations with past graduates shared a common theme: our alumni feel an undeniable connection to our faculty. They remembered teachers and often mentioned specific programs and events that shaped their Harvey experience. I was able to personally witness the effects of our academic and extracurricular program as I caught up with engaged, motivated and thoughtful alumni. I believe every single day at Harvey encourages growth, for every day we deepen connections and expand our thinking we grow a little larger.

Mr. Lazzaro chats with rugby players from 2004–2006.

40 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Middle School Perspective By Dr. Brendan Byrne As educators we are constantly being challenged to consider what we are doing to prepare students for a world that continues to change technologically and globally. The terms “global community,” “digital citizens” and “lifelong learners” have become widely used in educational circles. The meaning behind these terms has prompted schools to examine approaches to curriculum and instruction. Clearly, the students we are working with today are growing up in a world that is very different from just 10 years ago. Therefore, as educators we must adapt accordingly. Cultural literacy continues to be relevant and important, but we must also teach kids how to learn and understand what motivates them. Even in middle school, it is important to provide students a platform to voice their Middle School students conduct a mock presidential election. opinions and discuss the events happening in the world around them. This year has served the election’s outcome. In the Middle School, we expected as a powerful example of how our students are consumers students to be respectful of one another’s opinions and in a world where news and technology are colliding. As in ensured that discussions were constructive. Students were other schools, our teachers encouraged students to follow encouraged to consider how they could actively participate the presidential campaign, which many of the students in political processes moving forward. Though the election were already doing as a result of its highly publicized and had taken many unexpected twists and turns, it undoubtedly polarizing nature. Students were encouraged to focus on garnered the attention of our Middle School students. the policies being discussed, rather than on the mudslinging This increased awareness of the political process has to that was taking place during the debates and in social media. be considered a positive. Our role as teachers was to help This, however, became increasingly difficult to do, given the students make sense of how this volatile campaign fit into the controversial headlines that kept grabbing our attention. context of our American democracy. Though this was chal On Election Day, our seventh-graders ran a schoolwide lenging, I believe it was important that our school was willing mock election, and when the votes were tallied it was a to give students a voice and support them through these landslide victory for one of the candidates. Of course, as experiences. As one eighth-grade student reflected, “This the evening unfolded, it became clear that the real election election has taught me to realize how big America is and how would be far from a landslide, and for many the outcome different all of our experiences actually are. It’s made me want was surprising. Upon arriving at Harvey the next day, we to learn more about the people in our country.” found that students needed time to discuss and reflect on

The Harvey School 41



Middle School Parents Perspective By Kevin Durkin and Lydia Hellinger, Middle School Liaisons As our Middle School children began their journey of learning about themselves and the world around them, going to a new school and making new friends, our new head of school and his family took the same journey. We welcomed Bill Knauer and his wife, Eileen, and their daughter, Emiliana, who joined the sixth-grade Harvey family. Together, we welcomed new and returning students who were eager to start off the school year. We began our year with two fantastic Parent Association meetings that not only gave parents an opportunity to meet the new head of school, but also provided a window of opportunities to volunteer and get involved with the Middle School. From joining the Parent Association or becoming a class parent, to volunteering in team sports or connecting with teachers and staff in organizing breakfast socials, Harvey quickly became the place everyone wanted to be! Homecoming was no exception. We began the homecoming celebration in October on Friday of Homecoming Weekend, cheering on the Middle School’s maroon soccer team. Looking into the crowd you could see and feel the Harvey spirit coming alive as students, teachers, family and friends all gathered to support our team. It was a weekend filled with smiles for all to see.

42 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Friendships are built at Harvey. Teachers are in constant communication with students and are always willing to lend a helping hand. Teachers and staff alike make themselves available. Whether it’s in the classroom, in the hallway or on the field, Harvey students and teachers are always networking. We know we’ve reach the middle of the year, but there’s a lot more ahead. Let’s keep up the momentum by getting involved! Join the PA website. Come to PA events! We’d love to have you take this journey with us!

(left to right) Back row Juliet Jaques, Justin Jaques, Josh Sestito, Rhys Jones; Front row Emi Knauer, Jacob Weisberger, Lucy Durkin, Emma Galgano

“Harvey Parent Association gifted our new head of school with an acorn to symbolize our wish for Harvey not only to continue to create deep roots, but also to branch out and grow strong like an oak under Bill’s new leadership.” Parent Perspective: All About the Acorn By Vivien Levy, President, Harvey Parent Association At Bill Knauer’s installation ceremony, the Harvey Parent Association gifted our new head of school with an acorn to symbolize our wish for Harvey not only to continue to create deep roots, but also to branch out and grow strong like an oak under Bill’s new leadership. Innovative morning meeting ideas such as “Lightning Lessons” (yes—ask your students about it), events like the State of the School evening and the addition of the special Harvey Presents screening and panel discussion of the film “Screenagers” are just a few examples of how Harvey is already blossoming and branching out under Bill’s headship this fall. As the school enters its 101st year, our Parent Association is poised as an integral part of Harvey’s roots and an important part of its future growth and development as well. The members of our community—and especially parents—are the best Harvey cheerleaders. Just this fall, many parents hosted meet-and-greets in their communities to allow everybody to get to know Bill. Many more have been parent ambassadors at Harvey Open House events where the community at-large gets to see us in action, and yet another group has attended events in their local community carrying the Harvey flag high and sharing their Harvey stories. We are so fortunate to have strong parent participation at our PA meetings, on our committees and at our events, and this high level of parent involvement continues to set Harvey apart from other schools. From special events like Homecoming and HarveySpeaks to monthly teacher breakfasts and weekly booster parent volunteering, our parent community is not only warm and welcoming but always willing to roll up their sleeves to help Harvey develop. This is a true testament to the extraordinary power of our diverse and talented Harvey community.

This spring Harvey will host many unique PA events and activities, so mark your calendars: • Wine & Trivia Night—Friday, Feb. 10, is a fun night out for Harvey parents to test their trivia knowledge against a quizmaster and have some laughs along the way. BYOB—parents only. • HarveySpeaks—Wednesday, March 1, will focus on the craft of storytelling. This will be a unique evening when students, parents and extended family come together to learn what it takes to tell a story in front of an audience. The evening will feature The Moth storyteller, Tracy Rowland. Don’t miss it! • Spring Benefit—Saturday, April 29, is our biggest fundraising event of the year and a spectacular evening of entertainment, auction, dinner and dancing. Stay tuned for exciting details and mark the date to come out and lend your support! To find out how you can volunteer and to keep up with everything happening at Harvey, please come to the PA meetings or watch them live-streamed or recorded on the Harvey website. Please check the Harvey website and Harvey School Parent Association’s Facebook group frequently for news and updates. On behalf of the Parent Association, I thank you for attending, participating, volunteering and simply being such an incredibly dedicated group of parents. You help keep Harvey growing strong every year! Hope to see you on campus soon.

The Harvey School 43



Letter From Our Alumni President Dear Harvey Alumni, It is hard to believe that over a year has passed since Harvey’s Centennial Kickoff in September 2015. The Harvey class of 2016 has graduated, wrapping up the school’s first 100 years, and Barry Fenstermacher has retired after 30 years of inspired leadership. On Sept. 6, Bill Knauer was installed as our new head of school, and Harvey embarked on its second century, a seamless transition. On Oct. 15, the Harvey Alumni Association welcomed Bill at our reunion, which included a sit-down lunch and alumni Hall of Fame awards for Jim Wood ’41 (75th reunion!), Diana Cook ’01 and Jeremy Kosbob ’01. The day concluded with an alumni-inspired dinner at Westmoreland Sanctuary, a nearby nature preserve, where Frank Baratta ’84 prepared a restaurant-quality meal for Harvey alumni and faculty. Funds raised went to support the partnership program on the environment and sustainability between Harvey and the sanctuary. Special thanks to Executive Director Ann Paul ’85 for making it possible. You can read more about this event on page 52.

The theme of this edition of Harvey Magazine is “growth.” From an alumni perspective, Harvey symbolizes a time in our lives when we were growing up and “learning the ropes.” Harvey teachers were the cornerstone of the school and remain so today, with a broad understanding of their students’ goals and aspirations. Under Bill Knauer’s leadership, Harvey alumni can look forward to following our school’s progress in the years ahead while maintaining the educational excellence that is Harvey’s stock in trade. In the meantime, I encourage Harvey alumni to support our alma mater and position our school for the next 100 years. Best regards,

Dan Chapman ’73, Alumni Association President

Do You Like Planning Activities?

2015 Alumni Executive Council (missing members Frank Baratta ’84, Lara Casano ’95 and Laurel Meredith ’88)

44 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Join the Alumni Executive Council. Contact Dan Chapman ’73 (dkchapman@earthlink.net) or the Alumni Office (alumni@harveyschool.org).


Veterans Day Celebration Harvey’s Students Serving Soldiers Club planned for more than a year to find an appropriate way to honor all those Harvey students and faculty who served in our military. The planning turned to action with a program on Veterans Day in which a plaque was installed by the flagpole in front of Sylvan Hall. The plaque displays the emblem of each branch of military service. A reception was hosted by the students for area alumni veterans who could attend. Those attending were

Alex McKown ’57, Bob Sullivan ’77 and Alex Kosbob ’04, all who served in the Navy. Speaking was Harvey teacher Doug Plaskett, a veteran of the Coast Guard. The next phase of the program is to mount two large plaques inside the school inscribed with the names of every Harvey veteran. Student fundraising is under way, and the plaques should be installed by Memorial Day.

The Harvey School 45

Jim and Twink Wood ’41

Class of 2006 Alex Frank, Nate Jacobs, Schuyler Eldridge

Alumni Reunion


Class of 1973 Dan Chapman, Phil Eifert and Pieter Catlow

Class of 2001 Diana Cooke, Jenn Vogeney, John DePalma and Jeremy Kosbob

Gordon Hard ’66, Bill Knauer and Robert Hard ’66

46 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

The reunion events for this year celebrated our new Head of School Bill Knauer. He attended the reunion luncheon and program in order to catch up with and get to know some of our alumni. The special five-year reunion classes were those ending in 1 and 6, but everyone is always invited to attend. This year’s 50-year reunion class was the class of 1966. The class with the largest number of alumni attendees was the class of 2006, and the earliest class was 1941, represented by Jim Wood, who celebrated his 75-year reunion. Reunion agents were recognized for their efforts in getting out their classmates for the event. (photos continued on following page)

The Cooke family

The Kosbob family

Evan ’03 and Eileen Walker with Elyse

Megan Taylor ’09 and Brandon Harmer ’11


Class of 2006 Nate Jacobs, Josh Sorell, Teresa Neri, Nick Martirano, Greg Jurschak, Alex Frank, Schuyler Eldridge

Catching up on more than 50 years

The Harvey School 47

Alumni Reunion (continued)


Outdoor buffet

Julian Risetto ’12 and Chris Del Campo

Nick Martirano ’06 and Brian Ryerson ’05

Justice Koonce ’11 and Assistant Head Dick Wyland

Dan Chapman ’73

Toby Milne ’56, Seth Morton ’57 and George Dallas ’64

48 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Joanne Lombardi and Effie Afentoulides welcome alumni at registration

Class of 1966 Robert and Gordon Hard and John Winkhaus

Class of 2006

Rachel Dimowitz ’11

Charlotte Arbogast ’12 and former Harvey teacher Vickie Weissman

Recognizing Reunion Agents: (left to right) Greg Jurschak ’06, Teresa Neri ’06 and Jim Wood ’41

Phil Lazzaro and Nick Duncan ’04

Bill Knauer and Toby Milne ’56

The Harvey School 49

Alumni Hall of Fame Inductions




Jim Wood ’41 has been a class and decade agent for a number of years and responds to our many requests with unfailing good humor. He’s passionate about the environment, justice and integrity in government and about education starting at an early age. Passion turned to action as he served on boards at Bryn Mawr and Haverford College, the Jewish Foundation for Educating Women, the American Bible Society and the Howard Memorial Fund. Locally active in the Mount Kisco Child Care Center, the Bedford Free Library and the Interfaith Food Pantry, among many others, Jim has been honored with numerous awards for his outstanding service.

Diana Weisholz Cooke ’01 is a dedicated Harvey supporter, even coming to the school to give a forensic science class while she was with the NYC Office of the Medical Examiner. Additionally, she met with Harvey’s juniors and seniors to help them understand her field. Currently, Diana is a senior research associate at the Orentreich Foundation for the Advancement of Science. Diana was valedictorian and earned the scholar-athlete award at her Harvey graduation. She was MVP for her softball team, played field hockey, soccer and basketball and was lead delegate for the Model UN. She is the proud mom of Braydon, Abigail and Madelyn.

50 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017


Jeremy Kosbob ’01 has been active in rugby since his Harvey days under coach Phil Lazzaro; he also played football under coaches Mike Drude and Chris Kelly. He continued rugby for all four years at Alfred University (captain). Then after college, Jeremy joined the semi-professional American National Rugby League with the New York Knights for three years (selected for national team) and the New Haven Warriors for three years. Adding CrossFit® to his skills, he won a place at national competition and his team finished 11th out of 75 teams. In 2016, Jeremy went back to rugby with the New York Knights. Jeremy works at DOMUS, a human services nonprofit for struggling youth, where he is director of the juvenile review board. He received the Greek prize at his Harvey graduation. Jeremy delivered his Hall of Fame acceptance speech, which he gave with his characteristic dry humor. As a closing gesture, he presented his rugby trophy to coach Lazzaro, who, he said, could more appropriately display it in his office.

Celebrating Harvey’s 100 Years READ ABOUT OUR FIRST CENTURY This school year is the final one of our centennial celebration as we celebrate the beginning of our new century of The Harvey School. We continue to collect memories from our alumni, so let us know about your stories and years at the school.

We continue our Neperan–Pocantico fundraising contest. To get the latest results, go to the school website under Alumni/Donate Nep–Poc. The thermometers track the number of donors as well as the donation amounts. The goal is to double the

number of alumni donors by June 2017 and to raise $500,000. Support your team! Be on the winning side. A centennial book contains stories and featured events of interest to alumni from all decades. Those who donate at least $100 will receive a copy.

Consider Becoming a Class Agent or Reunion Coordinator

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A WAY TO RECONNECT WITH YOUR CLASSMATES? WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET INVOLVED IN HARVEY’S COMMUNITY? Class agents provide an important link between their classes and Harvey. They assist the school in updating class rosters and locating “lost” classmates. They also share information about school events, local get-togethers and news from campus and the current student body. Each class agent decides how best to communicate with his or her class. Some write periodic class letters and/or emails, establish a class group on Facebook or use a combination of these methods. Some classes have more than one person sharing these duties. To be a class agent, you need only to have an interest in helping classmates stay connected with each other and with Harvey.

There are currently vacancies for class agents in the classes of ’62, ’67, ’72, ’87, ’92 and ’97. Even if you think you cannot take on a long-term class agent post, please consider volunteering to serve your class as a reunion coordinator. Experience has shown that those classes with an involved class or reunion agent (or both) have had more successful reunions with a higher turnout. If you are able to volunteer or have questions about being a class agent or reunion coordinator, please contact alumni@harveyschool.org or Sally Breckenridge at (914) 232-3161, x123.

The Harvey School 51

Class of 2011 Kayla Mogrovejo, Nicolette St. Lawrence and Carly Glenn

Laurel Meredith ’88 and Frank Baratta ’84

Toby Milne ’56 and Gordon Hard ’66

Westmoreland Sanctuary Reunion After-Party


HARVEY SCHOOL ALUMS AND WESTMORELAND SANCTUARY TEAM UP TO EXPAND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES FOR SCHOOL (Record Review, October 2016, Collaboration Creates Unique Environmental Science Programs for In-Class & Field Study) “Mount Kisco, NY (Oct. 24, 2016). Westmoreland Sanctuary and Harvey School Alumni partnered on October 15th to raise money for Westmoreland Sanctuary to further support Harvey’s Environmental Science Programs. As a result, Westmoreland will be able to provide newly developed programming and work with Harvey students both on campus and in the field. “The collaboration began when Frank Baratta, Harvey Class of 1984, and Laurel Elkind Meredith, Class of 1988— both members of the Harvey Alumni Executive Council— visited and saw the potential of Westmoreland Sanctuary as a unique venue for their upcoming alumni fundraiser. Ann Paul, director of Westmoreland and Harvey Class of ’85, was thrilled with the opportunity to host the Harvey alumni event. It was then agreed that funds generated at the alumni event

Class 2011 Alexa Marconi, Will Carroll and Brandon Harmer

52 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

would go to Westmoreland for the express purpose of designing new environmental science programming for Harvey School students to participate in and enjoy. Those classes will take place not only in Harvey classrooms but in the woods of Westmoreland for real hands-on experience. “It was a true team effort. Thatcher Krasne, Class of ’86, helped sponsor the event and round up classmates to attend. Frank Baratta cooked (and cooked, and cooked). Ann Paul and Laurel Meredith helped organize. Westmoreland provided full use of its Nature Museum to hold the event, along with manpower to help make the event possible. Harvey Head of School Bill Knauer and Dan Chapman, Class of ’73 and president of the Harvey Alumni Association, were also in attendance with fellow alumni and Harvey supporters.”

Class of 2006 Teresa Neri and Nate Jacobs

Nick Pantano ’10 and Class of 2011 Joe Fraioli and Justice Koonce

UpcomInGEVENTS Recent Alumni Talk about Transition after Harvey

Alumni College & Career Mentoring Friday, April 7

Thursday, Jan. 5

Thatcher Krasne ’86, Head of School Bill Knauer

Annual Alumni Basketball & Hockey Scrimmage Friday, Jan. 6

NY City Alumni Networking Reception TBD: Early April

Reunions & Homecoming Saturday, Oct. 14

Schuyler Eldridge ’06

Dan Chapman ’73 and chef Frank Baratta ’84

Laurel Meredith ’88 and Executive Director of Westmoreland Sanctuary Anne Paul ’85

Joe Allan ’86 and Adam Disick ’86 catch up with classmates

Alumni Portal: GET CONNECTED

The Harvey online alumni networking community site is a great way to stay connected! If you haven’t done so already, register as a member of the alumni community and start connecting and networking with fellow Harvey alumni across the country and world. The alumni portal section of the website aims to link alumni with each other based on common professional backgrounds and interests. To get started, go to the school website at harveyschool.org. In the upper right corner, click on the lock icon. A dropdown box will appear and will ask for your username and password. If you were registered on the previous alumni website, you will be able to sign in using lastname_firstname as your ID (upper/lowercase don’t matter), and a password of Harvey1234 (note the capital H). Anyone who was not registered previously should email alumni@ harveyschool.org and request access. You will receive an email back indicating that you have been authorized, and your username and password are the same as above. Once you have registered, you will be able to search for other alumni using the alumni directory, by name, class, town, etc. Or you can view your own class by selecting Class Homepages/Directory. Only those members of your class with be visible here. Please try the various tabs and links on this new alumni portal, and send us any suggestions to make it a welcoming and robust site for Harvey alumni. You can send your comments to us at alumni@ harveyschool.org.

The Harvey School 53


Lute C. Thompson: “I spend the HOT time in Indianapolis with my lady friend (she spends winters with me in Phoenix). Both of our spouses have died. I would like to meet somebody from Harvey—never have. My life, after Harvey, was spent in the Far West— Hawaii—to be exact. Then prep school at Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. World War II had me flying P-38 airplanes in Italy, then on the G.I. Bill in engineering school in California. Work sent me to Phoenix, retired there in 1987. Here I am!”


Spring 2016 Magazine, page 53: Former teacher Jay Gaspar left the Air Force as a Lt. Col.

54 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017


Stanley F. Dodd requested a class list. “I enjoyed reading the centennial issue and, in fact, read every word of it. I hope that in the future a reunion of all the alumni living in the South might be arranged, either in Charleston or New Orleans.”


Gilman W. Ordway was honored in 2016 by the Jackson Hole Land Trust (emeritus board member) for his efforts to provide long-term open spaces. Gil’s participation in the work of the Land Trust has been valued for many years. He first joined the Land Trust board in 1982, two years after the Land Trust was founded, and has served as a board or advisory council member every year since that time. After graduating from the University of Colorado Law School, Gil moved to the valley in 1953; he and his wife, Marge, own

the spectacular Fish Creek Ranch, most of which was protected in 1975 by one of the first conservation easements in Wyoming. The Ordways’ dedication to land preservation has been an inspiration to all associated with the Land Trust.

41 75th Reunion

Donald K. “Pete” Luke, Jr.: Jim Wood and his wife, Twink, are in regular contact with Pete and his wife, Joy (not Joy Carter Luke), and recently met for lunch at the New Canaan Country Club.


Sanford E. McCormick noted that he doesn’t remain in Phoenix in July and August. “Too hot, over 120 degrees. I have fond thoughts of Harvey and would enjoy meeting with you at some other time.”


Anthony F. Essaye was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP). “Tony Essaye’s life and professional career have been both distinguished and eclectic. He was born in London, England, arriving in the United States at the age of six after the outbreak of World War II. He graduated from Georgetown University in 1955, where he was a member of the Boxing Club, and then served as an officer in the United States Infantry in Japan where he was on his unit’s football team. Thereafter, prudently deciding to forego formal athletic endeavors, he attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 1961. “Early in his career, Tony signed on to the recently created Peace Corps, where he started as a member of the legal staff and quickly became associate general counsel and then deputy general

counsel. This experience immersed him in the myriad legal matters posed by the training and placement of some 16,000 Peace Corps volunteers around the world. One of his more challenging assignments was helping to defend a volunteer in criminal trial in Tanzania. His experience with the Peace Corps also influenced his desire, still some years in the future, to bring the spirit of global volunteerism to life through ISLP. Tony returned to private practice with a strong international emphasis, eventually serving as managing partner of Rogers & Wells’ Paris office, where he practiced law as a conseil juridique. When he returned to Washington, he served for 20 years as managing partner of the firm’s Washington office, contributing as one of the firm’s Executive Committee members for a portion of that time. After Rogers & Wells merged with the British firm Clifford Chance, Tony became a partner in the combined firm until his 2002 retirement. “With that change on the horizon, Tony and Bob Kapp met for lunch one day in 2000 and conceptualized a worldwide

corps of volunteer lawyers whose expertise could be used to help address the world’s most pressing problems. The two founded and became co-presidents of ISLP shortly thereafter. Public interest activities are fundamental for Tony. He has provided legal assistance on various Democratic presidential campaigns, starting in 1972 when he assisted Sargent Shriver, the former director of the Peace Corps, in his vice presidential campaign. Tony also helped to defend the The Washington Post in the infamous Pentagon Papers case. He has also been a devoted alumnus of Georgetown, serving as a vice president of the Alumni Association and returning to the campus gym as a coach in the undergraduate boxing club. “Tony has shared many special gifts with ISLP, including his broad vision, his exemplary character and judgment, his inclusive nature and his deep-seated commitment to justice. Tony and his lovely wife, Eileen, reside in Washington, D.C. They have two children and two grandchildren.” (http://islp.org/15thanniversarygala/ Honored%20Guests)

LOST ALUMNI & FORMER STUDENTS The following are those for whom we have no mailing address. Please contact alumni@harveyschool.org if you have information about any of them. 1931 Charles Colby, 1929 Livingston B. Keplinger, Jr., 1929 W.C. Lawe 1936 Walter R. Arnold Harry D. Graves, 1934 Richard P. K. Hunter Macleod A. Ross Cameron N. Rougvie, 1932 1941 Seth H. Baker, Jr. Keene C. Brown, 1937 Carleton Chadbourne Robert C. James, 1940 Peter B. Welles Robert F. Young, 1936

1946 Jean F. Cattier, 1945 Phillips Clark Robert Cluett IV Thomas E. B. Sopwith, 1943 G. Harding Thompson Nicholas Tritton, 1942

1966 Robert M. Inglis Michael D. Nelson, 1964 Charles W. Shipley, 1963 Phillip S. Smith Hamilton M. Sporborg Wilbur B. Stark, Jr.

1951 David E. Gerli William T. Gosset, Jr., 1947 James H. Wallace, Jr.

1971 Steven L. Boyette, 1969 Moore P. Huffman, Jr., 1970 Richard Lamb Ronald A. McLean III John J. Wagner

1956 Walker G. Buckner, Jr., 1955 John C. Davis Robert M. Haig III John E. Mannion, 1954 Jacques L. Moxhet, 1955

1976 B. Noland Carter, 1973 William J. Florence III, 1973 John N. Hall, Jr., 1972 Mark A. MacKenzie, 1975 Scott B. Meyer Wilson R. V. Newlon, 1973 Edward N. Ross, 1975

1981 Herbert Morash 1986 Matthew S. Kurtz Lisa G. Varnberg 1991 Christopher T. Appel Scott A. Cochran 1996 Daniel A. Casarella William W. O’Neill Taulbee E. Randolph 2001 Natalie L. Sultan 2006 Alyssa M. Nardozzi

The Harvey School 55


Rufus Marsh enjoys walks with his dogs, hiking, swimming laps, low impact exercise, and most of all, the company of friends. He welcomes his Harvey classmates to come visit him in Connecticut. E. Brooks Robbins: “A lovely issue honoring Harvey’s long serving head—nobody today serves that long, unheard of.” Brooks added more names to the photo of the 1950 First Baseball Team, at right, published in the spring 2016 Harvey Magazine. 1. John Davis became a catcher at Harvard. 2. Scott Tully—a very brave boy. He was on crutches permanently carrying his books in a bag slung over his neck, always positive never asking for help— a remarkable fellow. 3. Rufus Marsh—fluent in French. A translator/interpreter for a big pharmaceutical company. 4. Mike Hard—an Arizona banker. 5. Brooks Robbins—teacher, coach, athletic director.

51 65th Reunion

Class Agent: Michael Adair, 860-535-9099, MAdair412@gmail.com

David Wagstaff III: “Good luck to the new head of school.”


From jackparsonsdigital.com: Photographer Jack Parsons has spent almost 40 years investigating the light, landscapes and cultures of the American Southwest. In September 2006, New Mexico honored his unique career with the Governor’s Award for Excellence and Achievement in the Arts. His new book, “Dark Beauty,” collects the unique images from Jack Parsons’ life as a New Mexican artist. His experience in cinematography and

56 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

1950 first baseball team (from page 53, spring 2016 issue): Back row—Bill O’Brien, Alan McQuiston, Mr. Doughty, ?, Pete Stanley?,Bill Cochran, Scott Tully. Middle row—Nick Hoppin?, Gordon Wright, Mike Duncan, David Dandrow?, John Davis, Jock Edgar, Rufus Marsh, Joe Fabrizio. Front row—?, Brooks Robbins, Buzzy Diamond, Roberts (Bill or Pete?), ?, Mike Hard

film production helped hone an eye that now specializes in the facets of regional beauty. Parsons lives in and works from Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is perhaps most famous for his elegant book photography in volumes such as the groundbreaking “Santa Fe Style,” “Santa Fe Houses” and “True West.” However, his work in photographing Europe, Latin America and Southeast Asia is equally well-known. Today he maintains a huge library of stock photography that is used by clients around the world. This atelier reflects Parsons’ two great passions: one, the creation of beautiful books, and, two, the richness of digital prints. Carried out on a range of papers, the latter enhance the power of every image. The galleries here consist of curated series that can be printed individually or as groups. Each print is individually signed, dated and identified.


Ezra W. Hunter*: Kim ’60 and Bruce Moss ’55 reminisced about Ezra and described him sitting during a final end of year test, looking out the

window. Mr. Shea came to see what he was doing, and Ezra pointed to a spot on the hill and said, “Look. Do you see the deer?” Mr. Shea, for once, was speechless, Ezra’s father was the official school doctor while Bruce was there.

56 60th Reunion

Class Agent: John Crawford, 540-247-8810, celect@comcast.net

Nicholas Firth performed in December with the Six of Club at a cabaret performance of songs from the Golden Age of Hollywood as a benefit to support the Bedford Playhouse, of which Nick is a board member. Nathaniel R. Norton III has suggested repurposing the Norton Cup, to go each year to the class agent who raised the greatest dollar amount. He said that St. Marks has this type of award and that it encourages very active competition among the class agents.

Anne. I always hoped to reconnect with him. He is the grandson of a famous Old Lyme painter.” Can anyone provide more information about Alexander Smith?

61 55th Reunion Kim W. Moss ’60 and Bruce Moss ’55


Class Agent: Alex McKown, 718-392-1373, alexander.mckown@gmail.com


Class Agent: Dick Willard, 207-596-7968, twittler@msn.com

Kim W. Moss and brother Bruce ’55 met with the Alumni Director in early fall. They recounted many tales of Mr. Shea and Mr. Stafford during the mid-1950s. Kim attended for two years, in the third and fourth grades. They recalled Mr. Stafford grabbing a boy’s chin saying, “You creeeture” and Mr. Shea’s stare, quiet nature and strict discipline. They recalled Ezra Hunter, who attended for a year, and remembered Woolsey House, with classrooms on the second floor and art, activities and school presentations on the main floor. “It was fun to recollect old times at Harvey, to know that it’s alive and well, and alumni are all cradled in your capable hands.” Alexander G. Smith From Kim Moss: “I found him [Alex] on a site some years ago but it wouldn’t give me more info unless I joined. It did give two addresses, one in Riverside, California, and one in Woodstock, New York. And the birth date, which was correct. He had a son named Cody (I believe), and a second marriage that may have produced more children. He had sisters named Carol and

Pal Maleter, Jr.: “I am hanging in there, but spend most of my time being wheeled around various medical specialists before I, and other participants in the 1956 uprising, die. The Hungarian-American Memory Project is interviewing us geezers about life as a refugee. It is a visual archive of Hungarian Americans who immigrated to the United States after WWII and the revolution of 1956. On this 60th anniversary of the 1956 revolution, in-depth interviews with subjects in cities throughout the United States are being made public in both Hungarian and English. The project began in early 2015 with the generous funding of the Hungary Initiatives Foundation, and is ongoing. Maleter’s father, General Pal Maleter, was defense minister in the Revolutionary Government of Imre Nagy. He and Nagy were executed for their role June 16, 1958, and given a proper burial June 16, 1989 as part of the fall of communism.”


Theodore P. Haebler called to correct names on page 55 in the spring 2016 magazine. Peter Schaaphok ’63 and Ed Prentis ’63 are the correct spellings of the names. The alumni director met Jeffrey M. Yates in Bozeman, Montana, for an alumni meeting in the fall. “This certainly seems like an exciting time for the school with the new head of school providing a fresh perspective. I will get together with Sandy [Close ’65] soon, and I did find out that Whitney Tilt is the Yale graduate that I met at the Yale Club here. I will explore the Harvey connection with Whitney and have sent an email to Larry Gerschel in an effort to reconnect. You certainly do a wonderful job of inspiring us to connect with fellow graduates.”


George Dallas continued his competition in the chili cook-off contests this fall at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center. He is trying to move from second to first place.

Richard G. Yates, Jr.: “I am glad to hear that everyone is challenged and enthused with the new headmaster. It should make for a great year at Harvey.”


Earl E. McEvoy asked for a list of colleges for our graduates. He was interested to see how many we had in engineering and small versus large schools.

George Dallas ’64 handing out his special chili.

The Harvey School 57

66 50th Reunion

Michael S. Alexander asked for a class list for 1965 and 1966. He said he is contemplating writing about his time at Harvey The alumni director met with W. Robert Kreger in Santa Fe in the fall. He has kept in touch with David Achelis, both of whom went to Wooster School after Harvey. Bob lived in Wilton and was bused to school. When he arrived, he often had headaches. Afterward, he reflected that it was from carbon monoxide from the bus. Bob attended Williston Academy for the eighth grade, then Wooster for grades 10-12. He remembered Mr. Shea: “Latin is what I got from Harvey. It has helped me enormously.” He fondly remembered the Good Humor truck coming Friday. “David Achelis was very musical. This was the beginning of the rock movement and the Who had just performed (smashing guitar, then setting it on fire). David and group were set to play at school. He played, then smashed his guitar onstage. The faculty was not amused.” He also fondly remembered Denis McKeon. Does anyone have current information about Denis McKeon? Bob has been in Santa Fe since the early 1990s. He came from Boston, where he had worked as an architect. He loved the new Albuquerque airport and his week in Santa Fe, moved from Boston, and has been in Santa Fe ever since. He has volunteered as a mentor in two Santa Fe schools; now he is working at ECO magnet school and reports that the students there are very motivated. Bob is passionate about society’s impact on the world and builds energy-efficient homes/structures. He says he is semiretired, in that he selectively picks the clients he wants to work with, which is those interested in spending the money to provide for energy-efficient homes.

58 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017


Thomas A. McGraw, Jr.: “Alive and well. Hoping to retire in two years and spend time in currently notfrequently-used studio space doing what I actually went to school for.” Jonathan E. Timme*: George Dallas ’64 reported that he and Jon went to Camp DeWitt in New Hampshire together, that Jon lived in New Hampshire and was building houses there. He had one younger brother and two older sisters.


Class Agent: Alexander Edwards-Bourdrez, 631-327-3301, alexeb2@gmail.com


Whitney C. Tilt is the director of Land and Wildlife Conservation at the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation/Mountain Sky Guest Ranch.


Peter R. Ehrlich, Jr. was elected to the Midtown Miami Community Development District Board in the November election.


Class Agent: Phil Eifert, 914-232-6489, peifert@yahoo.com


Paul J. Zabriskie: “When I remember the great teachers, the secure learning environment and the support of all of the administrators the memories fill my mind and my heart with warmth. The other notion that fills me is the notion that The Harvey School is the engine that made me the person that I am today. From public school, The Harvey School was a step into a parallel universe of

Lisa Dowling ’88 and Bob Sullivan ’77

opportunity and framework. I learned that I thrived in the ordered world of The Harvey School. As a side note: We always write The Harvey School. Mr. McMahon drilled this into our minds all through the 1970s. Three words, The Harvey School, remember that. And so I have. My thoughts are with the school and long may she thrive.”


Class Agent: Larry Baschkin, 914-764-3220, offtobali@aol.com

Robert W. Sullivan, Jr. bid at the spring benefit and won a two-night stay at the Loews Caesar Hotel in St. Pete Beach. On checking in, he noticed the nametag on the concierge giving North Salem as her town. They chatted and discovered a few people in common. The next day, Bob saw Lisa Dowling ’88 again, and in chatting, discovered that she attended Harvey. He had a photo taken of the two of them (above).


Class Agent: Patrick Peterkin, 203-655-9917, p_peterkin@yahoo.com

Frank Baratta ’84 and Laurel Meredith ’88 pitch in with serving.


Class Agents: Melinda Frey Arkin, 914-241-2134, bentleyshop@aol.com; Josh Rosenthal, 970-385-4723, weplay@bresnan.net


Class Agent: Herbert Sloan, 203-438-0051, hjs1988@yahoo.com

Frank Baratta provided his chef services for the reunion after-event at Westmoreland Sanctuary, with poutine, chicken Madeira, pasta, polenta, stuffed pork sliders and sauces and more. It was a wonderful spread for our alumni to enjoy and a labor of work, work and more work from Frank.


Class Agent: Thomas Jaffe, 925-200-4391, thomas.jaffe@sbcglobal.net; Kelly Wheeler Olson, kellyann829@hotmail.com

Ann B. Beattie Paul is the new executive director of the Westmoreland Sanctuary. She and Harvey’s science department chair, Jay Hill, developed a

partnership program around conservation and sustainability. Ann donated the sanctuary and staff for a reunion after-party, with all proceeds going to the joint programming. Nearly $6,000 of in-kind donations were received, with the program itself raising more than $1,000. Ann has been a member of the Westmoreland Sanctuary board since 2001 and is passionate about “all things outdoors.” She served as a member of Westmoreland Sanctuary’s board of directors through 2015, and during that tenure served as chair of the Nominating Committee for four years and then became president of the board for two years. Ann is also a member of the Bedford Garden Club and St. Matthews Church where she enjoys volunteering for both organizations. In addition to her not-for-profit work and strong commitment to the environment and conservation issues, she has a strong background in fiduciary management. Ann spent 15 years at JPMorgan Chase in its private wealth management and estate trust division. There she worked with clients from across the country, most of whom had assets in excess of $50 million. Ann is a native of Westchester and lives in Bedford Hills, New York, with her husband and three daughters. Robert P. Tallman III stopped at Harvey on a visit to the area, saying he hadn’t been back in 30 years. He was interested in reconnecting and inquired about several of his Harvey classmates (Peter Castelucci, Anthony Green and others). He wanted some Harvey gear, and he left with a centennial mug on his way for a walk around the campus, particularly to the new athletic center and arts center.

86 30th Reunion

Class Agent: Lisa Cantrell, 813-672-3642, lmc246home@gmail.com

Lisa M. Rogers Cantrell reported that she injured her back and was out of work for a few weeks. She reached out to some of her classmates about their 30-year reunion events in the fall. “I hope its a fabulous event and introduction of the new headmaster.”


Mureithi A. Davis: “Calling the school brought back great memories. I have been living on the West Coast (California, Washington, and British Columbia) since 1987. I haven’t been back to the campus since then, but I always have positive memories associated with my years at Harvey. When I started, they were the days when the school was divided into two clubs, the Neperans (my club) and the Pocanticos, who fiercely competed against each other in all aspects of campus life. We started our day with an inspirational assembly hall and didn’t leave until we bowed our heads and said prayers from different faiths. (Mr. Fenstermacher, when he was brought on as headmaster, led some great assembly halls where you left feeling uplifted.) “We worked hard in our classes and had some ruthless teachers that pushed you to the limit: Mr. Shattuck, Mr. McBee, Mr. Lopes, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Wilson, Mr. O’Connor, Mrs. Nitcher and Mr. MacMahon, to name a few. They also had a demerit system. You had to ‘mind somebody’ or, after 20 demerits, you had to come in early Saturday morning and spend half the day in a room with no talking to serve your detention time. I spent quite a bit of time in detention when I started as a fourth former (seventh grade). “We played hard in athletics as the school was small in numbers, so rest times and substitutions were a luxury. We trained

The Harvey School 59

hard and became accustomed to playing multiple positions on both offense and defense in football. Brunswick was our rival school, and we could always boost our stats playing against Wooster Academy in any sport. Everyone was expected to play on a team, including the girls, when the school became coed. (We were glad they came, but it took years before their numbers picked up.) “I am grateful for that solid academic foundation the school provided. My freshman year at Stanford was a breeze, as most of the core required classes were a repeat of the AP classes I took my senior year at Harvey. In addition, there was a spirit of camaraderie and unity amongst the students. That was one of the advantages of attending a school like Harvey; you never got lost in the crowd. Everyone knew you whether you liked it or not. I doubt if anyone there was around when I was there from 1981 until graduating in 1987. I was the co-president of the student body with Darren Rigger. If someone does remember me, tell them I send them best wishes and more.” Noah Zeiler continues traveling the world and fundraising for worthy causes. You can check out his most recent adventures on his Facebook page.


Class Agents: Wylie Blake, 203-526-4089, wyliesmithblake@yahoo.com; Charles Collin, 860-877-4463, collin_charles@hotmail.com

A request came in from a sportswriter with CNN International in London who was working on a profile of Edson C. Nascimento, one of the top coaches in the Brazilian soccer league. (Edson also happens to be the son of legendary soccer star Pele.) The reporter wrote, ”I recently saw Edson in São Paulo, and he recalled with fondness his days of playing baseball, basketball and hockey at Harvey, and credited the school with giving him his first introduction to organized youth sports.”

60 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017


Christian R. Minnick Camargo: “I am so sorry but I won’t be back east until the end of November. Such change! But all the best and I do look forward to coming to campus again soon. “ Heather A. Donohue Durst is a new board member of the Northern Westchester Hospital Foundation. She has lived in the Northern Westchester community for more than 13 years. “In 2015 Heather very successfully cochaired the hospital’s gala, helping to raise more than $1 million, and also co-hosted a very well attended Speaker Series event focused on early childhood development. “Ms. Durst attended The Harvey School and the University of Hartford. Following her graduation, she worked in advertising sales at Nostalgia Television, now known as Good Times TV, eventually rising through the ranks to account executive. She went on to open the New York office of a Chicago boutique agency, Zephyr Media Group, and ultimately retired from Zephyr as vice president of the firm in 2007 to raise her son. Since retiring from the corporate world, she has focused her time on taking classes at Stone Barns for organic agriculture and continuing her pursuit of dressage riding. Ms. Durst has coordinated events for the Katonah Museum of Art and is currently co-chair of its annual spring gala. When not immersed in her volunteer activities, Heather can be found riding her horse at Sunnyfield Farm in Bedford and taking care of her family’s farm, where they raise chickens, alpacas and soon, ducklings.” (http://nwhc.net/ckfinder/userfiles/ files/2016_05_Heather%20Durst%20 NWH%20Foundation%20Board%20 Member%20FINAL.pdf)

Christopher S. Greene: “Chris Greene took over as head coach of the Martha’s Vineyard boys’ lacrosse team in 2008, and his tenure at the school ushered in a new era of success for the team. But last week, Coach Greene announced his decision to retire. He said he came to his decision during a spring practice just a few weeks ago. “Coach Greene was a former lacrosse coach at Williamsville High School in Amherst, N.Y. He started as an assistant coach at MVRHS in 1997, and as head coach surrounded himself with an elite staff. I remember [Tom] shaking my hand and saying ‘Hi, I’m Tom Keller, I don’t want your job’ and me saying, ‘I’m Chris Greene and I want to build a program.’ Coach Greene granted him the autonomy he needed to transform ordinary practices into college-level competitions. “When [Tom] came in at the beginning, how you practiced that week determined how much playing time you had,’ Coach Greene said. The accountability Coach Greene set for his players maximized the talent available within the small Island community. Results occurred on and off the field. The program produced Division I college caliber lacrosse players, and Army, Notre Dame, Holy Cross, Bryant, UMass and many top NCAA Division III programs recruited dozens of former players. The team won 29 games over a three-year span from 2014 to 2016. “Win or lose, Coach Greene held you accountable as a man,’ said former MVRHS lacrosse player Liam Smith. Coach Greene feels confident handing over the program he built from scratch. And with a young family at home to take care of he will remain busy, despite not having to plan practices anymore.” (https://vineyardgazette.com/news/2016/ 06/09/lax-coach-retires-after-successful-run, Lax Coach Retires After Successful Run, Mike Kotsopoulos, June 9, 2016)


Class Agent: Peter Hall, 518-369-1991, pevh1@msn.com

Jessica H. Black Madlener met with Harvey’s alumni director in Santa Fe in the fall. Jess came to Harvey from Taos, New Mexico, where she lived with her father, in the 11th grade because of her cousin Randy Brill ’88. She stayed with an aunt and uncle while at Harvey and loved and played field hockey. She went on to the University of Colorado, and earned a B.A. in sociology with an emphasis on women’s studies. For the last 11 years, she has worked for the state of New Mexico, primarily with at-risk youth as a juvenile case worker. She recently moved to the Department of Health evaluating New Mexican institutions, so she travels around the northern part of the state with questions about the Medicare/ Medicaid facilities. She would like to see how Harvey is exposing our students to the realities of modern society, as well as the arts. She has a daughter, Miriam.


Karin B. Rosenberg Gold (from mom): Karen is now creative art director at Disney in California and managing a large team. “Thanks to Harvey for seeing her talent and ability.” David B. Taylor: “We recently moved to Florida; however, for the time being still have our Wilton house. The move was career driven. I recently opened a new office for Fortify Insurance Group. Definitely miss the Northeast, though! Hope you are well.”


Class Agents: Ian Lichtenstein, 609-895-0609, i.lichtenstein@yahoo.com; Adam B. Sharon, 914-967-8738, adam@adamsharonhealth.com


Class Agent: Russell Stamm, 781-329-3004, rcstamm@rcstammco.com

Marc R. Ruppenstein is the regional membership director at The Hermitage Club, which donated a one-year membership for the annual benefit. Marc met with members of the Development Office to talk about ways of supporting the hockey program, in which he was very active during his Harvey years, as well as making Harvey’s presence more noticeable in Ridgefield. David Shapiro and Charlie Piccoli were his hockey coaches, while Zach Dargaty and Mike Bonelli started after Piccoli left.


Class Agent: Lara W. Casano, 347-539-7301, lcasano38@aol.com;

96 20th Reunion

Class Agent: Kevin Harrigan, 412-853-9392, kh1843@gmail.com; David and Jeanette Stark, 336-771-5303, jmarib@aol.com


Class Agent: Blayre Farkas, 561-929-1802


Class Agent: Max Weinstein, 917-515-8531, maxdanielweinstein@gmail.com

Tiffany S. Richberg (from LinkedIn): Tiffany is a Clinical Trials Assistant II with the Duke University Health System.

Luis Nunez ’99 and son Victor

Lindsay and Brett Masterson ’01


Class Agent: Amy Albert Morello, 845-621-2120, papillia@hotmail.com

Luis R. Nunez, Jr.: “My wife, Jessica, had a baby boy, Victor on Nov. 12, 2015, and is now pregnant with baby boy No. 2, due January 2017.”

01 15th Reunion Brett Masterson (from mom): “Brett married Lindsay Howard of Ridgewood, New Jersey, at The Barns at Wesleyan Hills in Middletown, Connecticut, on July 1, 2016. Brett graduated from the University of Vermont in 2005. He has a successful career at Indeed.com in Stamford,

The Harvey School 61

Connecticut, in sales management. He is a website entrepreneur and enjoys playing music and creating artwork. His work has been featured in art shows around the Northeast and resides in many private collections. Lindsay earned her master’s in education at the University of Connecticut and is a third grade teacher in the Fairfield Public School District in Connecticut. They honeymooned in Italy, France and Spain. Brett and Lindsay live in Stamford.”


Class Agent: Tiffany Franqui, 845-612-9858, travelsize84@gmail.com

Joanna M. Schiff Garren: “I was married in September 2014 to Seth Garren in Greenwich, Connecticut. Seth has recently accepted a postdoctoral position at Massachusetts General Hospital in cancer diagnostics. I have been working the past few months as a dental technician, creating teeth molds as preparations for the creation of crowns and dentures. I paint in my free time and currently have a number of pieces showing at the Whetstone Station Restaurant & Brewery in Brattleboro, Vermont.” Robert C. Len: Elena June Len was born on June 11, 2016. “Everyone is happy and healthy, and I couldn’t be more proud.”


Class Agent: Jackie and Evan Walker, 914-319-1699, JaclynMarisaWalker@gmail.com

Michael B. Gallagher reports that he is the coowner and head trainer of CrossFit Strongtown.

62 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017


Class Agent: Andrew Pape, andy.pape80@gmail.com; Mallika Raghavan, mallika.raghavan@gmail.com

Malika Raghavan: “I am still in Liberia; I serve as a technical advisor with the National Community Health Systems team at Last Mile Health in supporting the Liberia Ministry of Health in launching the first community health assistant program in remote Liberia.”


Class Agents: Diana Bondy, 203-834-0764, bondydiana08@gmail.com; Brian Ryerson, 914-329-6863, ryersonb@gmail.com

Rachel L. Nodiff Commrade: Francis (Frankie) Bradley Commrade V was born on July 4, 2016, to Rachel and husband Francis. They were married Oct. 26, 2013.

senior director of client services. Kaitlin studied communication arts at Ramapo College in New Jersey and graduated in 2009. She is working for the American Cancer Society as a senior community manager organizing Relay for Life fundraising events. They reside in White Plains.” Travis S. Talmadge (from mom): She said that Harvey changed Travis’s life and that he owns his own company in New York.

06 10th Reunion

Class Agents: Greg Jurschak, 914-260-8155, gjurschak@gmail.com; Teresa Neri, 914-462-7440,teresa.neri12@gmail.com

Schuyler Eldridge: “I finished my Ph.D at Boston University in August 2016 and after 10 years in Boston, I’m pleasantly surprised to be back in Westchester, where I’m working as a postdoc at IBM TJ Watson.”

Alise Masterson Curran (from mom): “Ali married Brian Curran of Valhalla, in March 2015. They took a belated honeymoon to Italy and Croatia. Ali graduated from the University of Delaware in 2009, earned a dual master’s degree from LIU in 2013 and has been a special education teacher for seven years. Brian is a graduate of Marist College and has an MBA from Pace University. He is a CFA and is currently the assistant vice president of an insurance company in Purchase. They currently live in White Plains.”

Brian Curran and Ali Masterson ’05

Laken Masterson (from mom): “Laken married Kaitlin Chieco of Brick, New Jersey, at the Rock Island Club in Sparta on Sept. 2, 2016. They enjoyed a honeymoon traveling throughout Europe including stops in Montenegro, Venice, Rome and Barcelona, among others cities. Laken graduated from the University of Delaware in 2009. She has enjoyed a career at Indeed. com for seven years and is currently the

Laken Masterson ’05 and Kaitlin

alumniACCOLADES Harvey Magazine highlights alumni accomplishments or upcoming events for our alumni. This can be in any of the many artistic endeavors or as recognition for service or awards. Send your stories or events, or those of another alumnus, to alumni@harveyschool.org. In this issue, we feature Alexandra Frank, Harvey Class of 2006.


lexandra J. Frank ’06 has started a new job as a senior program associate at the Vera Institute of Justice within its Center on Youth Justice, where she focuses on promoting racial equity and ending mass incarceration. At Vera, Alex leads national work with young adults who come in contact with the adult prison system. Her work aims to eliminate the correctional/punitive prison model of youth justice and replace it with a model that prioritizes restorative justice, community-centered practices, family partnership, education and healing. Prior to Vera, Alex worked at the Annie E. Casey Foundation in its Juvenile Justice Strategy Group, where she partnered with state and local juvenile corrections agencies across the country, including courts, probation, parole and prisons, to transform the way in which they work with young people who come in contact with the justice system. She also developed and led a national strategy to partner with currently and formerly incarcerated youth in policy reform, including creating a national advisory council of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated young people. Previously, Alex had been with the New York City Department of Probation in its juvenile operations division on policy and research as a foster care prevention case manager.

In college, Alex learned about the realities of prison conditions, including the harm they cause to young people, families and communities, the absence of meaningful and relevant programming, and the pervasive structural racism across justice systems. This propelled her into the field of prison reform and racial justice, and she joined the movement to end mass incarceration. In addition, she became focused on the importance of approaching reform in partnership with people who have been directly affected by mass incarceration. Alex earned a bachelor’s degree in holistic psychology from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and a master’s degree in social work from New York University.

Left: Alex and co-workers celebrate after wrapping up a presentation on Collaborative/Participatory Research with incarcerated youth in prisons at the National Council on Crime and Delinquency conference in California. Right: Alex heads into a meeting with colleagues at the federal Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to discuss ending the use of solitary confinement for youth.

The Harvey School 63

Teresa Neri married Bryan Scheblein on Sept. 17, 2016, They are living in Bedford Hills, in the former Neri home. Elyssa Respaut moved to Oregon from Brooklyn after completing a cross-country bike ride. “I had actually started a freelance project management position for a web development company based in D.C. before I left and will continue to do so while I’m out here.”


Class Agents: Brandon Brooks, 203-524-5800, brandon@brooks123.com; Doni McKoy, 914-960-9375, donimckoy@yahoo.com

Katharine Z. LaVacca (from father Michael to Vinny Alexander): “Katharine is now a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, a graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. She completed her clinical year at Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine hospital in Ithaca, New York” Doniella N. McKoy was a 2016 NextGen Public Service Award recipient. Samuel T. Powers works for Dataminr, a company that scans and monitors social media looking for unusual activity (e.g., tracks of ISIS). He expressed interest in becoming more involved with Harvey.


Class Agents: Gretel Coleman, 914-523-2498, sgccoleman@aol.com; Dylan Hackley, 914-482-5318, dhack@me.com; Scott Oltman, 904-424-6610, sdoltman@email.msmary.edu

Abigail Y. Hunt stopped by the school to catch up with teachers. She is living and working in Israel.

64 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Young alumni gather for an after-work get-together.


Class Agents: Andy Jamieson, 203-273-3884, andrew.jamiesonct@gmail.com; Erika Osborne, osborne7937@gmail.com; Pete Sorenson, 914-438-7486, peter.sorenson@nichols.com; Megan Taylor, 914-274-0069, megan.kerrytaylor@gmail.com


Class Agents: Jenna Spiwack, 845-519-4367, js245043@muhlenberg.edu; Anna Walant, 203-947-4543, awalant@gmail.com; Jake Warshaw, 914-772-5793, jwarshaw@gmail.com

Bianca Stone: “I graduated with my master’s in social work this past May. Then I took some time off, and now I am looking for a job in that field.”

Brett Lake and Chad Yvon, class of 2011

11 5th Reunion

Class Agents: Victoria Shaffer, 914-400-6446, victoria6839@gmail.com; Adam Slater, 914-874-7436, adamjslater@aol.com; Nicolette St. Lawrence, 914-707-0414, n.stlawrence@yahoo.com; KC Testwuide, 914-953-9006, ktestwuide@gmail.com

Brett H. Lake stopped by Harvey in the spring. He was looking for work as an intern in the D.C. area and was temporarily back at his parents’ looking for a job.

Milestones BIRTHS Luis R. Nunez ’99, a son, Victor, born Nov. 12, 2015, to wife, Jessica.

Nicolette St. Lawrence organized a second New York City event for Harvey young alumni. More than 30 Harvey alumni joined in the party. Charles S. “Chad” Yvon stopped by Harvey with Brett Lake He is working as a carpenter in a local theater/playhouse, Moore Stagecraft, building sets.


Class Agents: Brandon Hickey, 845-270-8670, bhickey93@aol.com; Brett Marks, 914-8151686, bmarks13@aol.com; Maya Sank, 203-803-5850, mayasank7@aim.com; Dan Schonning, 203-788-6811, danny.schonning@yahoo.com; Natalia St. Lawrence, 914-707-0406, natalia.stlawrence@hws.edu; Mikhyle Stein, 914-419-4615, mick909@mac.com

Charlotte B. Arbogast is an assistant in the Stamford school system, which is also where her mom, Vicki Weissman, works. Jason M. Ecker is a first-year student at Boston University Law School. He was selected as a member of the BU Law School mock trial team and is a captain of the BU Law School softball team.


Class Agents: Gaby Kahn, 914-419-5954, gabrielleevekahn@gmail.com; Karina Lambert, 914-844-9123, karinalambert13@ gmail.com; Sharif Koonce, 914-920-1074, skoonce82@hotmail.com; Ben Walant, 203-947-4541, bwalant@gmail.com; Will Walant, 203-947-4542, wwalant@gmail.com

Chinasa G. Nwokocha is studying in London for the fall semester.

Jenny R. Fleisher Fishman ’01, Gemma Abigail born April 27, 2016, to Jenny and husband Russell.

Abby Hassett ’13 plays DIII women’s lacrosse as No. 26 at the attack position.

Robert C. Len ’02, a daughter, Elena June, born June 11, 2016, to Rob and wife Tara.

(Photos from DLE Photography.)

Abigail Hassett: “Last spring we were 6–2 in the conference but 8–10 overall; we lost in the CCC championship. This is my senior year on the lacrosse team. Playing a varsity sport in college has been a challenging but rewarding experience.”


Class Agents: Christian Artuso, cjartuso@aol.com; Erica Cheyne, lile8730@aim.com; Emily Silk, ejs2204@barnard.edu; Harry Solomon, hsolomon18@aol.com; Jahbari Taylor, jahbarit@gmail.com

Corey Eisenbrand: “This past weekend the Endicott Roller Hockey Team played our first games! We went 7–3–1 in league play and competed with some of the top teams in our league. It has been a process getting this program started and we have impressed a lot of people by our performance this past weekend. We are looking to hopefully go to the national championships which are in Fort Myers, Florida, in April.”

Rachel L. Nodiff Commrade ’05, Francis (Frankie) Bradley Commrade V, on July 4, 2016, to Rachel and husband Francis.

WEDDINGS Brett Masterson ’01, to Lindsay Howard, July 1, 2016 Joanna Schiff ’02 to Seth Garren, 2014 Alise Masterson ’05 to Brian Curran, March 2015 Laken Masterson ’05 to Kaitlin Chieco, Sept. 2, 2016

Corey Eisenbrand ’14

The Harvey School 65

TELL US WHAT'S NEW WITH YOU! To submit Class Notes: Send notes and/or images to alumni@harveyschool.org. For short milestone info (weddings, engagements, births), please include full name and dates. Sam Moise-Silverman ’14

Samuel L. Moise-Silverman plays golf at Hobart & William Smith College. “It is a young team, with four freshmen, improved from last year. As an upperclassman, my leadership roles have grown. I will be the captain next year. Currently I am the rep for the Statesman Athletic Association.”


Ally J. Rosenfeld: “I’ve got to say, as a sophomore in college [at Quinnipiac University], I couldn’t have thanked you more for preparing me for some of the most intense times of my life. Being in the five-year Master’s of the Arts in Teaching (MAT) program is stressful, but since being a student at The Harvey School and having such amazing and inspirational teachers, I’ve wanted to become an educator myself. In particular, teachers such as Dr. Schumacher and Mr. Loiola have had an immense amount of confidence in my abilities and all that I have to offer to this world. They saw within me the strength I have to succeed in life and achieve my goals. The endless hours of tutoring and studying with me, making sure I had a full understanding of the work I was given, have given me enough confidence to successfully do my work in college. Here at Quinnipiac University, I am thriving in various ways, such as my classes, school involvement activities and my social life. Once again, I just want to thank all of The Harvey School staff for giving me the confidence, determination and power to succeed both inside and outside of the classroom! I can’t wait to see what the future holds in store.”

66 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

Photo tips: • Set your camera to best setting • Photo size 4 x 6, in 300 dpi • Save files as .jpg or .tiff • Identify people in the picture • Attach file to email Dillon Singleton ’15 with the rugby team

Dillon Singleton: “I play rugby at Lafayette College where I am the hook. Last year, the team went undefeated, and we are currently headed to playoffs this weekend.”


Theodore W. Rattner (from mom): “He is doing well at the University of Maine and made the club hockey team.” Jack H. Taylor (from mom): “Jack is majoring in economics and minoring in computer science at Whitman College.”

Harvey Communication Director Chris Del Campo enjoyed a visit at the Marist College writing center from Harry B. Albert, a freshman at the Poughkeepsie college. Harry says he’s liking Marist and wants to say “hi” to everyone back at his high school alma mater. Harry plans to attend Fordham University in the spring.

Rebecca C. Tuteur (from mom): “Rebecca is really enjoying Indiana University and would be thrilled to get a package from Harvey.”

Rohan D. Cassells, Jr. (from mom): “Rohan has settled in well. Hasn’t called home or visited since he left; he is very self-sufficient.”

The Alumni Director met with Constance H. Decker over the summer. Connie remembered Harvey as being tough some days, but she said she was strict on discipline. She came from part time in a city school when one of the trustees saw her there and asked if she’d like to teach at Harvey. She remembered Jock Burbank and John Clark, and recalled Rich Beck as nonconformist (bringing coffee to class, which students weren’t allowed to do). She said girls made a huge difference in the atmosphere of the school. Lars Reierson was training for the Olympics, swimming every day before

Dylan A. D’Onofrio (from mom): “Dylan has adjusted very well to St. Bonaventure University campus life and has made great friends and loves it!” Jackson A. J. Hammerstein (from mom): “Jackson is currently spending nine weeks in Peru, Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands. He reports that the stars are amazing there. He will begin Elon University in the spring.”

News from Faculty, Staff and Friends

school in lower Westchester County. He made it to the nextto-the-last selection for the team. Connie organized the first prom held in Tarrytown— probably in 1983. She has grade books with a photo of each class. “I left Horace Mann and started at Harvey in September 1979, because my daughter

was a senior in high school, and I wanted to spend more time with her before she left for college. I’m proud to be a part of The Harvey School.” Frank M. Perrine: “Your new head sounds just terrific. I have read every work of all the stuff sent out; it looks like a wonderful match. I do want to meet him. I will try to get down sometime this school year, but do want to wish him well.”

Harvey teachers in the 1980s,Connie Decker front row right

inmemoriam alumni Thane Asch ’42 Jan. 18, 2016 “My husband, Dr. Thane Asch, died Jan. 18, 2016, after a long illness.”

William F. Herrfeldt ’55 Oct. 27, 2015

John S. Hoyt ’44 Aug. 14, 2016 From daughter Christina Vanderlip: “John ‘Jack’ Hoyt passed away after a brief illness on Aug. 14, 2014. Jack was born on March 23, 1931, in Patterson New Jersey. His adoptive parents, Sherman Reese and Hayes Blake Hoyt, predeceased him. He is survived by his four children, Christina Vanderlip, John “Jack” (May Bloomer), Kai Audett Holden (Kent) and Rob (Michelle Robert), and ten grandchildren. His sister and two first cousins, with whom he was happily reunited after a successful search for his birth family, also survive him. I know my father very much enjoyed and looked forward to his Harvey reunions. We miss him!”

Molly B. Kronick ’08 May 22, 2016 “Beloved daughter of Alice Brodie and Richard Kronick and sister of Sam Stark ( Jemma Stait). Also survived by grandparents Sydney Kronick, Shirley Cohen, Frank Brodie and many uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. Predeceased by grandmother Annice Fript Kronick, grandfather Al Cohen and uncle Michael Kronick. With many thanks to the NYU Langone Medical Center, 15 West Medical ICU for their extraordinary care.”

Linda Kropp ’00 May 29, 2016 “Linda died at home in North Carolina on May 29, 2016. Linda was born in Sleepy Hollow, New York, and is survived by her mother, Stella Kropp, father James Kropp, sister Diana ‘DJ’ Williams, and nephew, Charles Hudson. In high school, Linda excelled on the basketball court for

the varsity team of The Harvey School. She received a B.S. degree in criminal justice from York College and attended Widener University School of Law. Always dedicated to helping others, Linda was employed as a parole/probation officer in Greenboro, North Carolina, and previously in York County, Pennsylvania, where she received numerous awards and commendations for her outstanding achievements. Linda will always be remembered for her quick wit, humor, knowledge of movie quotes, and her love and devotion to animals, particularly her dogs, Fiona and Roo. Linda was the keeper of many of the family’s memories, often recalling conversations, places and people that might otherwise have been forgotten. Her affectionate cuddles will be sorely missed.” http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/lohud/ obituary.aspx?pid=180273837

The Harvey School 67

inmemoriam Ward E. Meehan III ’98 May 24, 2016

Ward was a former member of Harvey’s Alumni Executive Council and an Athletic Hall of Fame member. He actively supported the alumni events, skated in the alumni hockey scrimmages, and provided many ideas on how to actively engage our alumni. Of particular interest were events that had a community service aspect. He remained very close to many of his Harvey classmates from 1998. Remarks given by wife Jennifer: “On Tuesday we lost my partner in crime to a two-year battle with bipolar disorder. What I struggle with, and I am sure most of you do, is, Why? “Both of our families, friends and I worked tirelessly to help him with the struggle of bipolar disorder and unfortunately the grip of this was too great to handle. Most of us cannot imagine, given Ward’s perseverance and strength, the hardship that Ward endured during these past couple years, but the struggle was real. I may not ever fully understand why, so the more and more I think about how to find peace in this impossible time, I turn to who Ward was. “Charismatic, intensely passionate, brilliant, influential, open, ridiculously fun and hilarious. He was a ring leader, a teacher and adventurer. An amazing husband, father, son and friend. He loved people—he would talk to anyone! He brought people together with his infectious energy. He was so handsome and lit up my life and everyone around him. 68 Harvey Magazine Winter 2017

“We have traveled everywhere together, every other weekend of our lives together for 13 years, as Ward’s dad said, “like our hair was on fire.” The zest for life that we shared was unparalleled. Skiing, skydiving, hiking, kayaking, biking, squash, tennis, paddle, golf, hockey, yard sports, beach, you name it, our garage looks like the inside of sporting goods store! “Ward was an innovator and a leader. Creating and building businesses and always full of big ideas. He taught me to think beyond the realm of possibility. Anything, I mean anything, triggered a business idea. … Creativity ran through his veins. There are countless hours I have tallied with him on our front porch that I cherish. If these were billable hours, I would be a multi-millionaire. What he didn’t always see at times was that we were rich, truly entrenched in living in the moment and creating something new. “Ward was a teacher. He had a special gift and an effortless and giving soul. He was a coach and would help anyone he knew. “Ward was an amazing father. The first few weeks after Madison was born he stayed up with her all night; she was his late-night silent partner for Canvas. He gave her so much love and she returned it. He dedicated a year to cultivating the most wonderful daughter and gift I could have. They had a very special bond with one another and even at an early age he taught her the sense of adventure. Bike rides, business plan competitions, taking her to the top of Snowbird Mountain

at 11,000 feet, and dropping into a half pipe at the skate park with Madison in between his legs along for the ride. “Ward was a collector, which is an understatement! Patagonia’s, vintage bikes, stickers, sunglasses, retro ski gear, long boards, T-shirts, jackets. His passion and level of enthusiasm for the smallest things was awesome. His 20th vintage ski hat find was just as important as the first. “Now comes the WHAT. What to do when you have lost the love of your life and the most amazing father I could imagined for our daughter Madison. What to do?? This is where all of you come in. What Ward did best was bringing people together with love and energy. I need for you all to keep him alive for me but most importantly for Madison. She deserves to know what a kick-ass guy he was and carry on the WEM III we all know. “So when you see an America flag blowing in the breeze, OR you see a crazy guy with zinc on his nose at the beach, OR a guy bike riding to the beach in the middle of the night, OR a guy playing the sickest air guitar and air drum solo, OR a guy wearing flip flops no matter the season, OR when you are buying your first rope bracelet of the season, OR you see a St. Lawrence sticker, OR when you are mixing up dark and stormy’s or drinking a Magic Hat #9, he’s there.” The Meehan family created a page for daughter, Madison. Go to https://pages. giveforward.com/remembrance/page-vp2td9/

Remember Harvey You can do it in many ways!

Herbert Carter Legacy Society All who have made provisions in their will for The Harvey School will be included in this listing going forward. These generous bequests provide financial security and ensure the long-term health of the school.

Partner with Us » A designation in a will or trust costs nothing » » »

RECENT MEMBERS: Pieter Catlow ’73 John G. Davis ’50 Peter Duncan ’65 Ronald Duncan Rowena and Barry W. Fenstermacher John French ’47 Paul A. Hollos ’52 Gene S. Lasdon Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon Patrick O. Peterkin ’78 Gerald J. Pollack


during your lifetime and is easy to establish. An annuity agreement can provide you cash flow and guarantee funds for life. A life insurance policy can have Harvey named as a beneficiary or can be donated directly to the school. A simple remainder trust can provide tax-free assets to Harvey. Tax-free retirement funds can be directed to the school.

Benefits to You » Reduce income tax. » Get income back from the gift (annuity). » Give an asset but keep on enjoying it. » Reduce estate tax. » And more. FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Laura Prichard at 914.232.3161 x145 or lprichard@harveyschool.org.

Neperan vs. Pocantico Alumni Giving Contest

The rivalry continues, as all alumni donations are credited to either the Neperans or Pocanticos. Any unassigned alumni in even-numbered class years are assigned as Neperan, odd-numbered class years as Pocantico. The goal is to raise $250,000 from each club, for a total of $500,000. To date, more than $200,000 has been raised.* 124 DONORS




Go to the Harvey homepage and select “Alumni” from the top bar, then select “Donate/Nep-Poc.” *as of 12/1/16


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