5 minute read
My Messed Up Money Story
by Brittnay Hoogenboom
Irepeatedly messed up my finances for years and filed bankruptcy by 20, and now I own a multiple 6 figure business. My money story continues to be an insane journey. Whew where to even begin. This money story is one for the books. I wasn’t raised with a healthy mindset around money. My mother and bonus dad were on welfare and carried a lot of debt when I was younger. No one taught me about finances, not how to save, not about debt, or investments, nothing. I grew up with drug dealers’ as friends, and money was an evil backstabbing thing to me. I am a lightskinned black woman who watched the “rich white man” do evil things with money, and that’s how I looked at it, MONEY IS EVIL. I denied myself anything luxurious for a long time because of that mindset. At 20, I filed for bankruptcy by 24; I was 17K in debt again.
I couldn’t save a penny if my life depended on it; I had such a lack mindset that I spent my money as quickly as I received it. Let’s backtrack just a bit. At the age of 17, I battled drug addiction and begun this journey of awakening and remembering who I was and why I was here. I began to see my connection to Spirit, The Universe, Olodumare. I started to tap back into my prophetic medium gifts, and so it began. Ok, let’s fast forward now. By the age of 28, I had done self-healing work for 11 years and also had started a Spiritual healing side business that was all donation-based, but something was still missing.
I had not connected to my root, my foundation, in the ways I had thought I had. It dawned on me in December of 2017 that I had significant healing to do around money and wealth, wealth being a vibration, not just financial. I graduated from college as a physical therapist. I remember having conversations with one of my patients about how money was evil, and he would always say, “How are you going to grow your business if you think money is evil.” It clicked; he was right. I didn’t even charge for my services that HEALED people’s lives and bodies because I thought money was evil. I was suffering badly, only having just enough money to pay bills and a bit more. I had dreams of being a millionaire. Isn’t that funny even though I disliked money? I was creating resistance for myself with the energy I had around money and wealth.
In January of 2018, I rebranded my company called Bloom with Boom to Synergy Soul and began charging for my services. Undercharging, that is. Often with the money wounds comes self-worth wounds, and I did not know my worth, what so-ever. As the year went on, I started to see how to make money with ease, yet I could still not hold on to it that well because I had major work to do around my money beliefs. Between being a physical therapist assistant and owning my own business, I also did ambassador and influencer work on social media. With the combination of the income from being an influencer and my own business, I quit my job in May of 2018 and worked from home full time doing things I love. In 2018 I made six figures for the first time in my life. Here comes my lack mentality hardcore. As a PTA part-time, I made around 35k a year. In 2018 I made 110k, and I blew all of it because a lack mindset creates fear around being able to hold on to something without thinking it will be taken away. By the end of 2018, I had nothing to show for the money I had made. Now here we were in 2019, and I came face to face with my money wounds when I had to pay taxes on my own for the first time and saw how horrible I was at managing money. My husband had been telling me that for years, but the stubborn Aries sun that I am refused to listen to him. In May of 2019, I hired Sherri Richards to be my money coach. I remember having so much anxiety in our sessions when we would look at my money management in the face. I had to step up and hold myself accountable. After a few months of facing my money wounds head-on spiritually and materialistically, things began to shift. In October of 2019, I decided to let go of any income that was not funneled through Synergy Soul, and at that time, Synergy Soul was only making $2500 a month. I dove into my faith around receiving. I now know that I am always provided for. Most people won’t take the time to look at the energy they emit because it seems crazy to them.
Good thing I know better. Haha.
I watched my energy shift around the vibration of wealth, my self worth, and money. I watched my root chakra heal day by day. In January of 2019, I hit my first 10k month and was led by Spirit to rebrand my company again. I wanted to help other Spiritual healers or spiritualbased business owners level up and have breakthroughs with their money wounds. The money wound is very heavy in the Spiritual community. This year, I created several courses that assist people with business basics and create a foundation for building a successful 6 figure business, breaking through their being’s shadows to elevate in greatness and heal their money wounds. I hit six figures by April of 2020 and doubled it in September 2020. The more I tap into my wealth and allow myself to receive what I desire, the more I release and breakthrough my colonized mindset of lack; the more I heal my wounds around wealth, the more wealth I experience and recognize around me.