Newborn session guide

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a teensy weensy bit

about us... First of all, congratulations on the new bundle of joy you are expecting. Becoming a parent is truly the most important and rewarding job you will ever have! Newborn sessions are our joy. Those sweet brand new little angels make for a breathtaking muse. You will never forget the first moment you laid eyes on your daughter or the first time you heard your son cry. These are truly magical moments. As much as we hope and pray they will stay little forever, they grow up anyway. We are both moms, so we get it. You are overjoyed at having a new member in your brood, and you want to have those images that you will reminisce with for a lifetime.

we babies As newborn photographers, we strive to capture those first few weeks and turn the resulting images into a work of art to be treasured forever. Newborn photography requires a large amount of planning and an insane amount of patience, and you’ll be happy to know we are good at both :)

oh  so cute

why you should hire a

professional photographer These images will be the first introduction of your baby to the world! They will be the photographs that you reach for when you’re feeling nostalgic, and they will be the legacy your child has to show where his story began for generations to come. A professional photographer can help you tell the story you want with your style and personality.

Both Good Juju Photographers attend each newborn session. We do this for two important reasons. The first, and most important, is Baby’s safety. Having an extra set of hands to make sure Baby is safe and comfortable is paramount to success on a newborn session. We have invested in special industry training to ensure ensu we are up to date on the safest ways to pose, soothe, and relax Baby during the session. The second reason is to allow Mom a moment to breathe as we know just how exhausting those first few weeks can be, and Baby usually responds better if Mom relaxes and lets us work with Baby.

We work to make each newborn session unique consistenly rotating in new ideas and props, and we never stop pushing ourselves to grow in our craft and perfect new concepts in newborn photography to bring you the images you see and love. We spend many hours perfecting your images to create a unique gallery that truly makes our clients’ personalties shine through; a gallery that will preserve an incredibly important memory in your lifetime.

what to


SUHSDULQJ IRU \RXU VHVVLRQ Once you decide to schedule a session with us, we will set a tentative date based on your due date. We understand that babies rarely come when predicted, and we will accommodate their personal plans for arrival. The due date will give us a base line. Once your infant is born, please get in touch with us, us and we will firm up our date and time. We recommend photographing in the morning as babies are typically more relaxed.

“ Babies are best photographed in the first 10 days of their new little lives. ” We recommend photographing between 5-10 days after birth. This allows enough time for breastfeeding moms’ milk to fully come in without missing that magic time when Baby sleeps most soundly, which allows us to get those darling sleeping shots everyone loves. However, don‘t fret if you are outside that timeframe because, let’s be honest, babies are adorable models at any time. We have also provided an easy to follow checklist on Page 7 to make for a smooth session.

during your session The day of the session, we will come to your home, so that you don’t have to pack 15 bags just to leave the house. We typically have Mom wait to feed until we arrive to set up, so that Baby is full and happy to start the session. We will bring blanket and prop options based on what we know about your style, color preferences, and personality for you to choose from. A newborn session averages about two hours depending on Baby.

after your session We will edit your images, and we will notify you when your gallery is available on our website for download. Your session fee includes the edited digital images for you to print where you choose. However, in your online gallery, you will see we also provide print, canvas, and newborn announcement options through our professional print lab in the event you prefer to go ahead and have these shipped directly to your door. In the event you choose not to print with us, we recommend choosing a professional print lab that offers color correcting and calibrating to ensure your images return exactly as we intended without color casts, etc.

newborn session

checklist for parents Have any hats, bows, headbands, blankets, props, family heirlooms or other items you may want in the shots ready. Make sure the room or rooms are warm. ( If we do the shoo.Your baby will usually have their clothes off for most of the session, so it needs to be extra warm. We recommend around 75-80 degrees F.. We recommend feeding Baby upon our arrival while we set up. This will ensure Baby is full and sleepy slee for the session.. Before beginning this feeding session, undress Baby down to diaper, loosen diaper., and wrap in a blanket. This will make it easier to transition Baby after feeding. Also make sure to get in a good burp. If you are breastfeeding, try to stay away from spicy foods and citrus the night before the session, so Baby will have a gentle tummy for the session. RELAX! Baby will respond best if Mom and Dad are relaxed during the session. Don’t worry about cleaning your home, we had newborns at one time too. We remember all to well what those first few weeks were like. We promise we are not looking at your house. We can’t take our eyes off your beautiful Baby! If you have spaces in your home that you know you will want to order canvases or prints for, show us the space, so we can make sure to get images that will look spectacular in that specific space.


DYDLODEOH SURGXFWV Birth announcements Fine Art Canvases Gallery Wraps Albums and Books Metals and Acrylics Prints and Boxes and Lots More! Mo

WKH VHVVLRQ Includes the session design and prep, the actual photography session, studio props, 20 digital images online gallery, and photo print release.

oh sooooo sweet

raves and reviews Melissa Says ... “ They are just beautiful! I love them all ”

Monica Says ... “ I am so pleased with our pictures. Thank you so much for doing such a great job and being so patient with us as we tried to get a toddler and a newborn to cooperate. And I loved that you basically setup a studio in my home so it was as easy as possible on us.”

Kristen Says ... “ Thank you so much for your patience! The pictures are beautiful, and you made us feel comfortable and special the entire session! ”

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