Goodlife Fall 2014

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GoodLife York Region is published by York Region Media Group, a division of Metroland Media. Statements, opinions and points of view are those of the sources and writers and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, advertisers or GoodLife magazine. Contents copyrighted. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph or artwork without written consent from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Submissions are welcome from writers and photographers. We assume no responsibility for unsolicited material.

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Food in jars


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Diamond in the rough


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A monopoly of rooms


BVS AQS\S Relaxing in Newmarket


1O[S`]\ 0OWZSg Playing a lead role in TIFF’s success


8cZZg 0ZOQY Canada’s Queen of R&B


>]`bT]ZW] Susan Weisz: Making her way back to art




Fall is the best time to update your outdoor space



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Feel the beet

Grodzinski Bakery: Still fresh after 126 years



2SabW\ObW]\ In Maple, growth is tradition

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Fabulous finds at your local market

Lean proteins, healthy fats



0SOcbg A^]b Too cool for school


0]Rg O\R [W\R Go for the goal

B`OdSZ Explore the Far East:

Thailand, Laos and Vietnam








30 years of performing arts in Markham

Can’t miss fundraising event


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It was five years ago, shortly after his arrival in the community, that I first met Eric Lariviere, general manager of Flato Markham Theatre. He spoke to me then about the theatre’s vision for and challenges of growing with the community. “Just as the community grows and progresses, the role and mandate of the theatre will progress,� he told me. “We are here to serve that population.� As you’ll read in our feature on the theatre, five years later that vision is the same. And it has played out in diverse, engaging and bold programming as well as outreach initiatives to introduce schoolchildren and others to the theatre and performing arts. “We believe, and the City of Markham believes, in providing culture to as many people in the city as possible. Intrinsically it involves going above and beyond the comfort zone,� Lariviere says today. “We’ve had a good response from audiences. We know that if we can convince people to come they will love it.� If you’ve never experienced a show at Markham Theatre, or haven’t seen one in a while, consider buying tickets this season. Lariviere and his team have put together a line-up that includes well-known Canadian performers and exceptional talent (musicians, dancers, singer-songwriters, acrobats, actors) from around the world. In a nod to the 2015 Pan American and Parapan Am Games, which will be held in locations in and around the GTA including Markham, the season will have a focus on the Americas— bringing in acts from Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Cuba and Jamaica, as well as the United States and Canada. In this issue of GoodLife, we also make the local connection to another important cultural institution: the Toronto International Film Festival. Artistic director Cameron Bailey shares his thoughts on growing up in Thornhill and why he still gets excited about going to the movies. On the home front, we meet one young family who ditched the formal dining room in favour of a dedicated game space and get advice from television personality and landscape expert Carson Arthur on why fall is the time to tackle your outdoor projects. We also visit the iconic Grodzinski Bakery, get advice on reinventing breakfast and share the three recipes that taught me to love beets. Finally, we travel to Far East with stops in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. We hope you enjoy this issue.




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Proudly Supporting Markham Stouffville Hospital

2104 Rio


2104 Optima

2104 Forte

5396 Hwy. 7, Markham

Woodbine Chrysler Has Been Giving You The Best Pricing For 16 Years










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We all know prepared foods can contain hidden salt, sugar and fat—but few of us have the time, skills or confidence to do it all ourselves. So, we’ve sourced some food in jars that you’ll feel good about buying, eating and even gifting. Brothers Peter and Chris Neal began their foray into food in their mom’s Aurora kitchen. Now based in Concord, Neal Brothers produces an array of organic snacks, salsas and sauces—which you’ll find at many local grocery stores including Vince’s Market in Newmarket and Sharon, the Village Grocer, Unionville and Concord Food Centre, Thornhill. ( Pine Farms Orchard in King has been a destination for apple-pickers and pie-lovers for decades. The shop on 16th Sideroad offers breakfast and lunch, baked goods, pick-yourown and ready-to-go fruit, as well as homemade preserves, sauces and dressings. (2700 Sideroad, King, 905-833-5459, Your local farm stand may very well offer preserves alongside the from-the-field produce. We found everything from honey to hot sauce at the Front Step Farms stand on Bathurst Street in Maple. (11490 Bathurst St., Maple, 905-237-2141, A newcomer to Main Street, Markham, Olive That! Features more than 60 types of oils, including regional and flavoured extra virgin olive oils, and vinegars. (107 Main St. N., Markham, 904-472-5444,

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hile looking for her next “project� in 2010, designer Jennifer Brouwer viewed more than 40 homes in the Markham area. She was searching for something unique “I wanted a diamond in the rough, something that I could mould into exactly what I wanted,� she says. She found it. “It looked like an episode of hoarders and my sister-in-law—who was also my realtor— thought I was absolutely crazy when I told her this house was the one,� she says. Despite the home’s condition, Brouwer loved the lot and the interesting exterior structure, knew her family would enjoy the pool and thought the cul-de-sac location in York Region was perfect. “I knew I had my work cut out for me, but that I could achieve exactly what I wanted,� she recalls. “I always love a good challenge.� In the end, the exterior stone was the only

thing the renovation of the 34-year-old home didn’t touch. Everything else was replaced or altered: roof, windows, insulation, cabinetry and flooring. “Renovation wouldn’t be the right word,� Brouwer says. “It was essentially a rebuild from top to bottom.� Using the same advice she gives her clients, she prioritized what was needed structurally and created her master plan from there. “Spend time and money on your construction and design,� she says. “You want to make sure the bones of your project are done right and will last. You can always buy pillows and accessories after the fact.� For the Brouwers, that meant a larger kitchen, spaces conducive to family living and more natural light. “My husband and I are family-oriented people and do not live formally whatsoever, so I wanted to make sure I created some casual and usable spaces to enjoy as multipurpose areas, nothing too fussy,� she says. 4/:: " 4/::






She decided the dining room would go and be replaced with more casual, open-concept dining. A sunroom addition was debated, but instead, four sets of double sliding glass doors were installed. The doors let in an amazing amount of natural light and offer views to the natural landscape from the kitchen, dining and family room, where the Brouwers spend most of their time. The family room shares a two-sided fireplace with the kitchen, bringing warmth to the large open space. It is Brouwer’s favourite spot in her home. “The rooms are open to each other and it’s a fresh, enjoyable place to congregate,� she says. “It just feels good.� When asked how much design input the rest of the family had in the renovations, Brouwer bluntly answers “none.� “I know my family really well, so of course the spaces are designed for them and the choices I make reflect their interests,� she explains. “I’m the expert so they all simply defer to me.� In decorating her children’s rooms, Brouwer goes with her gut and steers clear of short-lived fads and favourite colours. “Kids change their minds so quickly and are swayed so much by trends and friends,� she says. “I design rooms that I know they will like, but I would rather create something that is a bit more long lasting.� In each room, there are special details— unique accessories and accent pieces and layering of textures—that catch your eye: a picture gallery in the family room; a collection of mirrors used as a headboard in the guest room; a wallpapered ceiling in the home office; an oversized colourful painting in the front hall. The spaces have individual character yet still flow and complement one another.






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SPEND $10,000

SPEND $20,000

SPEND $30,000



















*At participating locations. Contact your local showroom for details. No Substitutions. Cambria countertop must be ordered along with cabinetry. Qualifying spend is before taxes.

Design Within Reach Vaughan | Markham | Ajax | Barrie | Ottawa | Waterloo | Niagara

“I make all of my choices at the very beginning,� she says of any renovation or decorating project. “You don’t have to buy all of your products at the same time, but making all of the decisions—furniture, accents, photographs, colour palette, favourite pieces of art or antiques to include, area rugs—at the beginning helps on the journey of completing a space and not stopping at just a couch, two chairs and a table.� Personalizing a space is important to creating a real sense of home. “I don’t think rooms look great when everything is brand new,� she says. “I introduce things that are well-loved or part of my history so I am surrounded with things that mean something to me and my family.� Paint colour—and Brouwer confesses to loving every colour of the rainbow—is usually selected nearer the end of the design process and is typically inspired by other pieces in the room such as an area rug, piece of art or fabric. In her home, the predominant colours are greys and yellows. “I had fallen in love with the fabric I used for the kitchen drapery,� she says. “I loved it and everything leapt from there.�

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The drapery may have been the inspiration, but it’s the kitchen’s custom bar stools that steal the show. Working with an upholsterer, Brouwer combined texture, sheen, three different fabrics, nail heads and a painted finish. “I love to create something that’s not possible to buy in a store,� she says. “If I don’t have time to do custom work, it simply does not bring me much enjoyment.� Brouwer says the renovation results reflect

her style—contemporary joyful. “I believe that our surroundings should uplift us. I find traditional a bit too heavy and modern a bit too stark. I need a lot of colour and when I look around I just need to be happy,� she says. “My priority is always my family first. The truth of the matter is you need to design with your family and lifestyle in mind. I like to live and work within my core values. One of them is authenticity; this is authentically us.�

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Allison and Jason Boyd and their children Cameron and Abby love family game nights. So much so that when they moved into their current home in 2011, they made some changes to the main floor to create a dedicated games room. "




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The Boyds’ main floor was delineated pretty typically—living room, office, kitchen and dining area—but they decided a few modifications were in order to make the spaces work best for them. The formal living room became a casual family room; table and chairs were moved to the former office; and the dining room was repurposed as a family game room. “It didn’t seem to make sense that we had to walk from our kitchen, through our dining room—a room we rarely used—to get to the family room,� Allison explains. “We decided to switch the dining room into a game-focused room that the whole family could use. It seems to flow well for our lives.� Like many of us, the Boyds didn’t use their dining room on a regular basis so it seemed a waste to dedicate prime real estate so close to the kitchen for formal dining. “The new games room is really convenient because it opens into the family room as well as the kitchen,� Jason says. “While we’re playing a game with the family, we can sneak a peek at whatever game is on or grab food and drinks from the kitchen.� The Boyds use this game-styled room much more often than they would a formal dining space. “We use the room two or three times a week as a family during the winter months,� Alison says. “But the kids use it almost every weekend with friends because it’s a great place for them to be together on the main floor, but still have a bit of privacy.� The Boyds updated and decorated the space in a way that works well for family time and adult get-togethers. The popcorn ceiling was skimmed smooth for a cleaner, more current look, the walls freshly painted in a soft grey/beige colour and custom drapery added. The traditional chandelier was replaced with a contemporary burlap drum light that lights up the table for feisty battles of Settlers of Catan, the family’s favourite game. Cabinetry provides needed storage. The family vibe in enhanced by framed photographs and inherited antiques, including a handmade game from Allison’s greatgrandfather, that hint at generations gone by and their shared love of family game night. 4/:: "





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Table and overhead lighting Allison Boyd’s great-grandfather’s handmade game Antique mirror made from church windows Large storage cabinet for games and supplies

4Od]c`WbS RSQ]` ab]`Sa UĂŠ UĂŠ UĂŠ

Niche DĂŠcor Restoration Hardware Saturday Afternoons

4Od]c`WbS UO[S bW[S a\OQYa Crackers and dip‌and the odd splurge trip to Bulk Barn


Settlers of Catan Sequence Wits & Wagers Risk Chess

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Looking for Luxury?

Dare to compare? SALES


(1/2 mile south of Steeles)



Hwy. 407 Steeles Ave E Nashdene Road Finch Ave E

Markham Road

2730 Markham Rd.


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may offend a few die-hard gardeners out there, but I am 100 per cent committed to the belief that an amazing backyard is built around the usable space. If you don’t have a spot to sit outside with family and friends and enjoy the roses, then those blooms are a wasted opportunity! Finally, the numbers are starting to back me up. Homeowners are investing in their backyards and seeing great results. But as the leaves begin to change, the blooms of spring seem far away and big outdoor projects tend to take the backburner. It’s a little known secret that fall is actually the best time to rework your outdoor space. Not only do you get to build on firm and dry ground, you also don’t have to worry about disturbing your





4/:: "

growing garden. And as stores look to clear out summer stock, you’ll see major sales on dream patio sets, outdoor accessories, and even building materials. Why not make the most of this crisp season by upgrading your space to extend your outdoor enjoyment into the cooler months and to get ahead on next year’s to-do list? Remodeling Magazine recently released a study showing the return on investment for a wood deck is 87 per cent, surpassing all indoor renovations. This means that for every dollar you spend on a deck, you’ll get up to 87 cents back. That’s really important when deciding where to allocate your renovation budget.

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I use the following guideline when describing how a potential buyer reacts to a home: The front yard is the appetizer; it gets a buyer excited. The inside of the house is the meat and potatoes of the meal. And the backyard seals the deal—just like dessert. According to the Gallup Organization (an American research and consulting company), a good deck can boost a home’s perceived value by up to 10 per cent by increasing the available living space. A

potential buyer will consider a home with a smaller square footage if they know that they have the use of an outdoor room. This is an important number for another reason as well. If you can rely on a 10 per cent increase to your home’s value by adding a deck, you now know exactly how much you can spend on improvements to your backyard. I tell homeowners not to spend more than 10 per cent of their home’s value when creating outdoor usable space. Why spend money you’re not going to get back? 4/:: "





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Decks will always be less expensive option when compared to patios. Even if you choose high-end materials, the labour required to install a deck is less, helping to reduce your overall cost. Installation is also a big benefit of choosing a deck. The way a deck is built allows you more creativity in location. Because the actual structure is built above the ground, obstacles such as tree roots, wet ground and even big slopes can be easily overcome. Even a DIYer can have great success installing a simple deck structure using one of the many easy to follow how-to videos online. Unfortunately, wood decks don’t mix as well with the elements as some other outdoor materials like stone and concrete. Sun, snow, rain, ice and hail can all deteriorate unprotected wood, reducing its lifespan significantly. If it’s not well cared for, a wood structure will last only seven or eight years. The good news is that this average is getting longer with products coming onto the market like composites and allweather stains. Pressure treated wood is among the most durable options and we’re seeing new technology appear in products

like MicroPro Sienna, which uses smaller molecules in the stain to get the rich brown colour deeper into the wood, preserving it longer. It looks like cedar, but at half the cost. And it doesn’t take much to maintain. Ultimately, we all want a backyard that looks great. When it comes to aesthetics, decks are the best option for blending with fences, pergolas and arbours, which are traditionally made of wood. With great patterns and intricate details, using wood in a backyard has never looked so good or made so much sense financially. This fall, ask yourself what space on your property could yield more use and enjoyment. And if you’re on the fence about whether it’s time to on that big project, keep in mind my 10 per cent rule. You can work on a budget while increasing the value of your home and creating a space that your whole family can enjoy. EVS\ \]b W\ bVS RW`b eWbV VWa SQ] T`WS\RZg ZO\RaQO^S RSaWU\ Q][^O\g 1O`a]\ /`bVc` abOga Pcag PcWZRW\U ^ZO\bW\U e`WbW\U ]` RSaWU\W\U Oa O TSObc`SR UcSab ]\ 1Wbg:W\S 6Wa \Se aV]e 1`WbWQOZ :WabW\U Wa Qc``S\bZg OW`W\U ]\ 65BD 1O\ORO G]c QO\ QVSQY VW[ ]cb Ob QO`a]\O`bVc` Q][

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2@3AA G=C@ 2319 0cWZRW\U O Z]e [OW\bS\O\QS RSQY Wa bVS []ab dS`aObWZS eOg b] Q`SObS O PSOcbWTcZ O\R ZOabW\U a^OQS T]` S\bS`bOW\W\U O\R `SZOfW\U ]cbR]]`a =\QS g]c` ^`]XSQb Wa PcWZb b`g bVSaS bW^a b] VSZ^ g]c USb bVS []ab ]cb ]T g]c` \Se ]cbR]]` a^OQS 0@7<5 B63 7<2==@A =CB Outdoor furniture is no longer about striped or floral pillows on a patio set. The latest outdoor furniture uses stain and water resistant knit fabrics, graphic prints and bold motifs to mimic the look and feel of its indoor counterparts. I am stepping it up on the patio this year by investing in a resin wicker and aluminum set made from recycled plastic. Stylish and eco-friendly all at the same time! 3FB3<2 G=C@ B7;3 =CB2==@A E7B6 /< 3:31B@71 7<4@/@32 63/B3@ It’s pretty difficult to enjoy your outdoor space in the fall if you’re freezing cold. An outdoor heater is a great solution. Traditional gas heaters aren’t efficient or environmentally friendly because they heat the air instead of solid objects and emit carbon dioxide and other hazardous gases. Infrared electric heaters, on the other hand, emit no hazardous gases and produce focused heat— they heat you instead of just heating the air. Many infrared electric heaters can be found for under $200. They are the most sensible way to heat an outdoor deck or patio.

CA3 1=:=C@4C: >:/<B3@A 7<AB3/2 =4 1=:=C@4C: >:/<BA B= /22 7;>/1B B= G=C@ A>/13 Plants that flower generally require more care and attention than ones that do not. The other big challenge with using plants to create colourful impact is that by fall, most of your blooms are long gone. If you want reds, blues or oranges or on the deck, choose a container that already has them and fill it with lush ferns or rich grasses. CA3 5/@23< /@B B= C>2/B3 G=C@ =CB2==@ A>/13 /<2 A=:D3 A=;3 =4 G=C@ 5/@23< 27:3;;/A Some spaces in the garden just won’t grow plants. This becomes an even bigger dilemma in the fall and winter. Why not add something that looks beautiful, isn’t seasonal and requires no care? My favourite garden art includes metal sculptures that look great when they rust and wooden obelisks (a tapered four-sided pillar) that I can grow vines on. Not only is there no maintenance, art in the garden is an easy way to have a creative space that is uniquely yours, year round.

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Feel the beet 0G :33 /<< E/B3@;/< >6=B=5@/>6G 0G 2/D72 E30AB3@

Beets and I were not friends for a long time. As a child, I recall eating them only one way—as Harvard beets, where beets are boiled, then peeled and chopped and cooked again with vinegar and sugar. It seemed a lot of messy work for a dish I didn’t really enjoy. But when I signed up for my first CSA (community supported agriculture) share a !$




4/:: "

few years ago, beets began to arrive in the weekly bins. I decided it was time to make up with the vegetable and learn a few new recipes. Now, I happily eat beets raw, roasted, pickled and baked. If you find beets with fresh greens attached, you can use those too—in soups or sautÊed as you might Swiss chard.

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Know a unique or fabulous home GoodLife should tour? Email 4/:: "






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GRODZINSKI BAKERY AbWZZ T`SaV OTbS` $ gSO`a 0G 8=</B6/< 67:BH >6=B=5@/>6G 0G </=;7 67:BH

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Tucked away in a plaza just west of Centre Street and New Westminster Drive in Thornhill is a spectacular bakery with almost as much history as York Region itself. Grodzinski Bakery traces its roots back to 1888, when Harris and Judith Grodzinski moved from Lithuania to England, bringing with them an incredible talent for breadmaking. For the next several decades, generations of the Grodzinski family found innovative ways to expand the enterprise through uncompromising quality, a keen business sense and knowing who their customers "




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were and how to access them. They moved and expanded into many areas of London and by the mid 1960s, Grodzinski was the largest kosher bakery in all of Europe. In 1999, the bakery expanded to Canada, when Daniel Grodzinski and his wife Rhona opened a location in Toronto. The bustling bakery attracted customers from around the city and into York Region, prompting the Grodzinskis to open a location in Thornhill three years later. “From my experience in London, I learned that even though an area may be extremely busy over a five-year period, for example, demographics change and life changes so it’s usually a good idea to have a presence in more than one [neighbourhood],� Daniel explains the decision to open a second location. The Thornhill bakery is entirely nut-free.

“There is now an increasing demand for nut-free products and we wanted to be able to service that market,� Daniel explains. “We knew we would take one of the stores nut-free and at the time when we opened, my wife pointed out that there was nobody offering that service in Thornhill.� The bakery offers many different kinds of breads including traditional Jewish challahs, bagels, a sea of gingerbread and shortbread cookies, pastries and chocolate “buffalo� buns. Staff also make personalized birthday cakes and platters for breakfasts and light lunches, with sandwiches including cheese, fish and vegetables. Grodzinski also has a wholesale division, providing nut-free products to schools and baked goods to Second Cup. Daniel attributes much of the bakery’s local success to the talent of its staff.

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What do a giant fake mountain, a massive propane explosion and sprawling farm fields have in common? They’re all part of the history of Maple. The town, which today is defined as a “high-growth suburban community,� is centred at the intersection of Keele Street and Major Mackenzie and part of the City of Vaughan. Its founding families, the Nobles and the Ruperts, arrived in the area in the early half of the 19th century. Not surprisingly, the town over the years was known first as Noble’s Corner and then Rupertsville. It is believed the community eventually became known as Maple because of the numerous maple trees that once lined Keele Street. CN Rail bought the local train station in the early 1900s and renamed it Maple Station. For decades, Maple was mainly an agricultural community with large cattle, chicken and vegetable farms dominating the area. The centre of the original village still retains some its earlier character, with 19th and early 20th century buildings, including many 1-1/2 and two-storey brick and clapboard homes, as well as two churches and some commercial buildings, lining the streets. In the early 1960s, housing developers arrived and with them new families. Newlyweds Fred and Sydell Cook were among the first buyers to move into the young subdivision. “They were a lot of money back then, $14,900,� Fred says of the purchase price of their house. The Cooks did not live in Maple long before the area began to blow up—and not in a good way. In August 1962, a massive explosion at Superior Propane Ltd. rocked local residents and destroyed several homes, killing one person and injuring many others. “I was sitting in the front room and my wife was

having a bath. The explosion occurred and I went out on my lawn and saw a fireball and I felt the heat on my face,� Fred recalls. Soon after, police arrived to evacuate the town. Several years later, Fred, who worked in the electrical trade for decades, was involved in another major milestone in Maple: the construction of Canada’s Wonderland. “We got a contract and I actually wired the mountain,� he says. He recalls the rumours that circulated in the 1970s prior to the park’s construction. Debate and criticism came from both local residents and cultural institutions in the City of Toronto. But plans went ahead; shovels were in the ground in June 1979 and the park opened its doors in 1981. “When [Wonderland] first opened, we all received free admissions,� Fred says. “They were good corporate people and over the years they helped all the local charities and they still do.� When the Cooks kids were old enough for summer jobs, they headed to Wonderland along with many other local youths. “Our youngest son was a supervisor and he eventually met a girl there and a few years later we had a daughter-in-law,� Sydell says. Fred says the expansion of Maple has helped make it a great place to stay, raise a family and grow old. He appreciates how newcomers have contributed to the diversity and culture of the community within a city. And Maple continues to grow. More families are settling into the area as new housing developments pop up, but the colourful history of the town and its unique landmarks have made the neighbourhood what it is and is the reason why so many people have come to call Maple home.

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In many ways a farmers market is wonderful and welcoming in its predictability—asparagus in the spring, berries through the summer, squash in the fall. But look past the produce and you’ll find a variety of treats and trinkets to tempt you. It’s an easy stroll through the communitycentred Newmarket Main Street Farmers Market, where kids splash in the wading pool, a very young and very talented twosome plays on stage and scads of people wander from booth to booth filling their produce bags—and their bellies. At Uncle Jack’s Meat Pies, you can choose from seven signature deep dish pies and patties of Cornish butter pastry with fillings such as jerk chicken and tourtiere. “We think the population of Newmarket love and support their market because they trust the quality of the products and the vendors that produce them,� says Denise

Cavan of Uncle Jack’s. “The market has a splash pad and entertainment and it is just plain fun.� 100 Acre Bakery owners Simon Silander and wife Danielle Hampton handcraft artisan loaves with local organic ingredients and offer varieties such as whole-wheat multigrain, walnut, sundried tomato and dill or Moroccan black olive sourdough and French baguette. “People love our bread because it reminds them of the bread their grandmother used to make,� Hampton says. “The superior health benefits are pretty appealing too from the fermentation process of the sourdough and

organic non-GMO flour.� At Ella’s Oven, named after owners Rob and Theresa Johnson’s eight-year-old daughter, the popular breakfast pizza (eggs, hash browns, bacon and cheddar) usually sells out by 9:30 a.m. But late-risers can always try the market feature, topped with seasonal ingredients from farmers at the market. A fun and out-of-the-ordinary city activity is to hitch a ride with Mark Fairbarn on his Belgian horse and wagon rides. “The people love it because most of them have never been around horses,� Fairbarn says. “It brings them a little taste of times gone by.� 4/:: "





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Stop at Captain Kettle Corn for a stillwarm bag of the freshly popped, sugary, salty snack. “People love coming to the Newmarket Farmers Market,� remarks owner Gary Johnson as I munch away. “It’s the experience of coming with their families to relax, while listening to music or taking a horse and wagon ride, as well as meeting friends and neighbours. It’s become a tradition on Saturday mornings.� The Aurora Farmers Market and Artisan Fair, tucked away on a leafy side street, is a gathering place where neighbours reconnect and exhibitors greet customers with questions about how they liked last week’s purchases. Crepes from La Brehandaise Catering are a delightful way to kick off the morning. Owner Pascal Poilbout hails from Brittany, France, where eating savoury crepes is a weekly ritual. The crepes are made to order and stuffed with a variety of choices, including chicken, ratatouille, fresh seasonal fruits, sea salt caramel, homemade chocolate or Nutella. Gillian Freedman and her husband Nick Vannan, (along with a dozen family members) run The Family Kitchen at both the Aurora and Newmarket markets. They have jars and jars of homemade glutenfree soups (50 flavours to choose from #




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including vegetable quinoa, carrot coconut curry and potato lovage). Their piping hot pulled pork sandwiches (smoked for eight hours with Jack Daniels whiskey chips and smothered in tangy sauce) can be followed up with gooey chocolate brownies, creamy lemon bars or oatmeal jam squares. “The weekly farmers market is a place that members of the local community can go to catch up with old friends or meet some new ones,� Freedman says. “Just behind the market is a bandshell with live music on special event days. There is also a baseball field, playground and splash pad. If you haven’t been to a farmers market, you are definitely missing out.� For a treat to take home, visit Sasha’s Sweets for old-fashioned fudge, lollipops and jellies. “I use only ingredients you would find in your grandmother’s kitchen, meaning I just use plain old milk, butter and sugar,� says owner Sasha Haughian. “There is nothing special about the ingredients I use. It’s all about what I do with them.� Captain Ted’s Knick-Knack-A-Tory is a father-daughter partnership. Ted does the woodworking, while Kalea, 15, paints and selects the fabrics. You’ll find toys, puzzles, secret compartments, animal bandanas and matching aprons and chef hats, all geared to kids up to 12.

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Ontario has relaxed the rules around wine tastings, which means you may have the chance to taste new and different wines at your local market. Pillitteri Estates Winery is marketing its wines, which include pinot grigio, gewurztraminer riesling, cabernet franc and cabernet merlot, at several area markets. Get a head start on your weekend shopping list at the Stouffville Country Market, open Thursdays, 2 to 7 p.m. You can find gluten-free products at Abbot Farms, all natural body lotions and soaps at

Spaket, handmade jewelry at Joie de Bead, Korean barbecue as well as fruit, vegetables, hormone free beef products, fresh preserves, pies and bread, offered up for the most part by vendors from the Stouffville area. “Our market has a number of people that attend each week before they head out to the cottage for the weekend,� says Anna Rose, downtown coordinator for the Town of Stouffville. “The vendors are very friendly and have created a social family atmosphere. The market is in a new, more centralized location, with the vendors set up

along Stouffville Creek. This has brought a new energy to the downtown area.� There are side benefits to shopping your local farmers markets, including the cultural experience of getting to know neighbourhoods better, engaging the kids in fun activities, discovering local talent and supporting and investing in local farmers, artisans and small business enterprises. “Supporting local markets, vendors and merchants is important,� Rose says. “The dollar spent at a local business has a greater and more positive impact overall.� 4/:: "







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Discover the cultural spectacle and culinary delights that characterizes our Town. Uniquely situated in the heart of York Region and the Oak Ridges Moraine, visitors are invited to stimulate their visual senses at an art exhibit at the Latcham Gallery or take in a performance by the eclectic dance troop Motus O at the Lebovic Centre for Arts & Entertainment - Nineteen on the Park. #"




4/:: "

Afterwards, why not tantalize your taste buds at one of our eateries along Main Street, Stouffville or visit one of our award-winning wineries. Grab a latte and fresh baked treat with friends, buy farm fresh foods from local growers and epicurean meats and delectable pies from our local butcher. We’ve got lots to offer throughout WhitchurchStouffville!

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S SAVE $10 ! * Save $10 off 3-hour Individual rate tours at Treetop Trekking Stouffville. Valid until October 31, 2014. Can not be combined with any other promotion or special rate.

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Setting the stage

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As Flato Markham Theatre celebrates its 30th anniversary this upcoming season, general manager Eric Lariviere is understandably proud of the cultural hub the theatre has become. “It was a bold vision to create this theatre,� he says. “Now, 30 years later, our programs are bar none the leading performing arts programs in York Region.� Thanks to the lobbying of town council by community groups such as Markham Concert Band, Markham Little Theatre and Markham Men of Harmony, Markham Theatre for Performing Arts opened its doors in October 1984. The inaugural gala performance featured renowned Canadian artists Hagood Hardy and Moe Koffman, among others. At the helm of the now renamed Flato Markham Theatre for five years, Lariviere says what was once an anchor site for travelling shows, is now host to 365 events per year, including 300 performances, 60 of which are presented by the theatre itself. The remaining performances arise from community groups renting the space. With a significant shift in Markham’s demographics over 30 years, Lariviere says providing a service that connects with the community is top priority. “As a public entity, it’s our role to evolve as the community does,� he says. “Our main goal with that is to connect with our diverse community and bring people together from Markham and throughout York Region.�

With that goal comes an element of risk. “We’re not only staying in the obvious and conservative realm of programs,� Lariviere says. “There’s a risk in engaging new community members. They don’t really know you. And there’s a chance the shows might not connect.� The theatre balances well-known acts like the Jim Cuddy Band, coming to Flato Markham Theatre this October, with performers from around the world who are perhaps lesser known to Canadians. “We believe, and the City of Markham believes, in providing culture to as many people in the city as possible. Intrinsically, it involves going above and beyond the comfort zone,� Lariviere says. “We’ve had a good response from audiences. We know that if we can convince people to come, they will love it.� Markham resident Kamal Lee has been coming to the theatre on average 20 times a season since moving to the city in 2006. “With each passing year, I become more adventurous and open to new experiences,� she says. “This year, we have tickets for 31 performances. With the wide variety of entertainment offered at Flato Markham Theatre, there is little need to travel anywhere else to satisfy my desire to experience the performing arts.� Lee and her husband Michael attend shows of all genres of music, dance, comedy, theatre, circus and magic acts. 4/:: "





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“I love the overall experience I have at the theatre, with its intimate setting, appreciative audiences, cultural diversity, learning opportunities with the after-performance talks, as well as a chance to speak with the performers,â€? she says. “I have never been disappointed by any of the performances as there are so many incredibly talented people with interesting cultures and stories to share through their music and dance.â€? For the 2014-2015 season, Flato Markham Theatre’s Diamond Series includes a significant tribute to the 2015 Pan American and Parapan Am Games, which will bring close to 7,000 athletes from across Latin America, South America, the Caribbean and North America to Ontario next summer. “We decided to give a taste of Pan Am to our audience,â€? Lariviere says. “Our program for the season is highly focused on artists from the Americas.â€? The eclectic range of performers represents countries including Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Hawaii, Cuba, Jamaica, the United States and Canada. The season opens Sept. 26 with Cuban performer Chucho ValdĂŠs, one of the world’s most important jazz pianists. It’s an exclusive solo concert that Lariviere says “sets the toneâ€? for the season. Another highlight is Gimme One Riddim, a dance-theatre production set to ska music, considered Jamaica’s soundtrack to freedom. The performance celebrates Jamaica’s independence from the United Kingdom in 1962. The season will also continue to feature topnotch performing artists from around the world. Among the performances Lariviere expects to be popular are the Russian National Ballet Theatre’s presentations of Cinderella and The Sleeping Beauty in March and April. “Ballet for our community is very popular,â€? he says. “There are more than 50 dancers in the ensemble. People are going to love the performances.â€? The theatre is in its fourth year of providing Discovery programming—opportunities to engage the community, particularly youth, with the performing arts. In addition to offering a select number of matinĂŠes for school groups, the theatre has created the Every Child, Every Year program to allow children in Markham schools to attend one matinĂŠe performance each year at no charge. Every Child, Every Year was offered to students in grades 1 and 2 last season and will expand to include Grade 3 this season. The theatre is raising funds through grants and private sector donations to expand the $




4/:: "

program to all elementary students. “Eventually the program will serve 25,000 elementary students annually,� Lariviere says. “It’s very important for us to reach our diverse community when they are young, to get them engaged with live performing arts.� A French teacher at Markham’s Highgate Public School, Lee says the students there have been fortunate enough to attend several performances at the theatre over the years. She began taking her own daughter to public performances at two years old. “I believe that the performing arts allowed her to experience and learn about the world in a unique way. Through song, dance and theatre, she learned about nature, different

cultures, self-expression and general life lessons,� Lee says. “As an audience member, she learned to be attentive, appreciative and well-mannered. When she attends a performance now, she has a greater understanding and appreciation of the artistry and talent before her.� There are three available performances for Every Child, Every Year next season, including one from Inti-Illimani, a Chilean group featuring more than 30 wind, string and percussion instruments. The theatre’s Discovery programming also incorporates community outreach, including master classes, workshops and “informances� in public spaces, such as the Pacific Mall, libraries and seniors centres.

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In practice that means performers like Inti-Illimani won’t just appear before Flato Markham Theatre audiences and school children. They’ll also teach workshops and master classes and visit public libraries, reaching out to grab community members who might not be regular theatre-goers. Flato Markham Theatre also offers youth camps. “Those programs have become so popular that we sell them out in a week,� Lariviere says. “There seems to be an appetite from young families to send their children to

quality arts programs.� With the Diamond Series now offering 60 performances (up from 40 just a few years ago), Lariviere says the Discovery school programs and camps will be Flato Markham Theatre’s areas of growth in the future. “In a different way than the founders, we have adopted a bold vision,� he says. “We really take pride in engaging our community in our success. Partnerships have become our cornerstone. You need to be relevant if you’re going to be a cultural entity for the city.�

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Celebrate hope Chocolate tastings, one-of-a-kind bras to bid on and the chance to support an important cause are just three reasons to attend this year’s Celebration of Hope. For more than a quarter of a century, women from Markham and area have come together to support breast cancer research— and have a fantastic time doing so. Started in 1988 by a group of local women to raise funds for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Celebration of Hope is now hosted by the Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation in support breast health and cancer care at the hospital, including the construction of the new state-of-the-art cancer centre that opened in January. Always a fun and educational event for women, the celebration includes an elegant lunch, top notch fashion show, live entertainment, boutique shopping and exciting prizes through a raffle, including,

a luxury car. Over the years, dozens of speakers have shared their stories of struggle and survival, and experts have spoken about advancements in research and treatment. Since 2009, the foundation has presented Hope Awards, which recognize people who have shared their personal cancer experiences meaningful and public way. This year’s event, scheduled for Oct. 26 and dubbed Chocolate Sunday, will have few new treats for attendees, says spokesperson Anita Wright. Chocolatiers will be on hand to offer samples and sales—from a spectacular fountain to decadent truffles. Emmy Award winner Christian LeBlanc, known to soap opera fans as Michael Baldwin from the Young and the Restless, will do a meet and greet. And, to top it all off, will be the TA TA Bra design auction. Local and not-so-

local celebrities— including fashion personality Jeanne Beker, radio host Erin Davis, NHLers Wendel Clark and Darryl Sittler, Markham mayor Frank Scarpitti, Olympian Natalie Spooner, CityTV’s Kevin Frankish and LeBlanc—have been given bras to modify and embellish. Mounted for display in plexiglass cases, the bras will be awarded to the highest bidder at the event. “We’re pretty excited about it,� Wright says. “We’re expecting some unique and creative designs.� BVS 1701 1SZSP`ObW]\ ]T 6]^S eWZZ PS VSZR =Qb $ Ob bVS 6WZb]\ B]`]\b] ;O`YVO[ AcWbSa 1]\TS`S\QS 1S\b`S A^O 4]` W\T]`[ObW]\ O\R bWQYSba dWaWb QSZSP`ObW]\]TV]^S W\T]

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A community of traditional and contemporary homes. Double car garage elevations on 34’, 38’ and 44’ lots.

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nspired by heritage and commerce, the vibrant community of Aurora has grown to be an integral part of the cultural and economic vitality in southern Ontario. The town’s evolution continues as Lindvest, leaders in the development of stylish contemporary homes, introduces a new residential opportunity in this rapidly growing community. Aurora Glen is the perfect neighbourhood for the design-minded new homebuyer.

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AURORA GLEN Register NOW to get in on the ground floor of Lindvest’s hottest new community, Aurora Glen, at


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Ideally located, Aurora Glen is mere minutes away from an abundance of amenities. Five golf courses, 25km of nature trails and 700 acres of parkland complement The Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex, offering fitness opportunities for active lifestyles. Nearby, the 520,000 sq.ft. SmartCentres Plaza provides a convenient and varied shopping experience while quaint events like the weekly Farmers’ Market in summer are local favourites. Aurora’s downtown, a charming destination with over 45 shops and restaurants surrounded by its distinctive preserved architecture, supplements the local amenities.

All of this comes to you from one of Ontario’s finest builder/developers. Toronto-based Lindvest is part of the well-respected award-winning H&R family of companies, which has been building with excellence for more than 60 years. Lindvest was founded in 1998, and since that time has built successful communities across the Greater Toronto Area, all designed with beauty and function in mind. Over the years, Lindvest has been recognized for excellence in planning, progressive urban design and superb construction standards. Attentive customer service is a cornerstone of the company’s corporate philosophy, which embodies approachability, honesty and integrity. The firm is known for selecting established, up-and-coming locations that appreciate in value over time, and Aurora Glen certainly bears out that commitment.


Known as “The Heart of York Region,� the Town of Aurora is part of the Greater Toronto Area, at the north end of Southern Ontario’s “Golden Horseshoe�. A rich history dating over 200 years is a point of pride for Aurora’s active and forward-thinking residents who have a sense of small town camaraderie not found in many places. The population is expected to grow from 53,000 to 69,000 by 2020, indicating a time of prosperity and opportunity for this growing town just 20km north of Toronto.

Architecturally, Lindvest’s elevations offer a mix of traditional brick, brick and stone, and spectacular contemporary design. Modern style details and stone accents combine with brick and glass to create truly stunning exteriors while sleek, modern interiors offer contemporary layouts with open-concept designs and high-quality features and finishes. Keeping with their fresh approach to building communities, Lindvest has added unique value to all of their homes by introducing high-end technological features like learning thermostats; convenience in the form of smart locks; and the energy efficiency of LED lighting.





t’s located in Barrie’s thriving south end; minutes from the Go Train and all the amenities you need for your active lifestyle.

Yonge Station is the only development in Barrie to feature landmark art installations from a world renowned artist. Ron Baird, creator of Barrie’s famous Spirit Catcher created the Spirit Clock which currently rests at the corner of Yonge Street and Madelaine Drive. Pratt Homes expects to install the third piece of art, known as Wheelie, this fall. Wheelie is a large kinetic sculpture that moves in the wind and will sit in central park inside the Yonge Station community. Yonge Station’s first and second phase release included

a four-storey 56 unit building called the Union, four 8-plexes named after Monopoly railroads and six sets of townhomes named after Canadian railways. The building names and art possess a train theme to compliment Yonge Station’s proximity to the GO Station as well as promote Barrie’s steam train heritage which dates back to the 1800’s. Yonge Station promotes that size does matter when it comes to your home. Currently, you can get their smallest 800 sq. ft condo for $204,990 or their largest 1454 sq. ft condo for $317,990. In some parts of the GTA those same sizes can run you anywhere from $400,000 to $1 million.

Pratt Homes is releasing their third and final phase of Yonge Station on Saturday September 27th. They will be releasing The Grand Central which is a 4-storey, 72 unit condo building featuring large units with oversized balconies, underground parking and two elevators. Prices and floor plans for this building will be released mid-September. Register for the release of the final phase of Yonge Station online at

PRATT HOMES Sales office Located at 39 Madelaine Drive, Barrie





ooking for a well-priced townhome in a natural setting close to all the conveniences of the city? Located in an established neighbourhood north of Finch, just off Bathurst on Antibes Drive, Bloom Park Towns is a masterplanned community by Menkes adjacent to the verdant Antibes Park and G. Ross Lord Park lands system. Construction is well underway for the first phases and the final phase of freehold townhomes is now available for sale. Act now for an affordably priced and smartly designed townhome in North York’s bestselling townhome community. You know your location is ideal when you’re surrounded by all the great amenities North York has to offer. Green spaces abound in the neighbouring sporting fields. The G. Ross Lord Park network of interconnected walking trails leads all the way to Earl Bales Park. Modern day conveniences await at Bathurst and Finch, just north $&




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along Steeles and the Promenade Shopping Centre. Take the TTC bus along Drewry right to the Yonge Street subway line for access anywhere in the city. There’s shopping, dining, movie theatres and the North York Civic Centre close by on Yonge. The Antibes Community Centre is just down the street and all the offerings of the Sherman Campus UJA Federation of Greater Toronto are just a few blocks south on Bathurst. Discover a cornucopia of three-bedroom townhome designs in the newly released Prestige Collection, with brick, stone and stucco exteriors and classic portico entrances. Sizes range from 2,039 to 2,087 sq. ft. and prices are from the mid $600’s. These design-forward homes feature private backyards to relax and enjoy the outdoors. The homes at Bloom Park Towns feature brick, stone and stucco exteriors set along a harmonious, pedestrian-friendly streetscape. Interiors boast open

concept living spaces with 9’ ceilings, laminate flooring in living/dining areas, European styled kitchens with granite counters and premium appliances and much more. Every townhome has its own single car garage with a driveway and direct access from the garage to the home (as per grade). The main floor, actually the second floor from grade, provides an open-concept living/dining room with family room. Kitchens are well designed to optimize space with a spacious island, breakfast counter and pantry. A convenient powder room is also located on this level. Upstairs on the third floor, there are three spacious bedrooms with a walk-in closet and private ensuite in the master bedroom.

BLOOM PARK TOWNS 7077 Bathurst Street, Unit 1; one block north of Steeles Ave. in Thornhill Monday – Thursday from 12 noon to 7 pm, Friday By Appointment Weekends & Holidays from 12 noon to 6 pm. | 416-730-1600

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nce in awhile you discover a new community that offers something special. Woodbridge Crossing is a premier collection of only 53 luxury townhomes in an exclusive private enclave with landscaped public square. Located in one of the GTA’s most sought after neighbourhoods, enjoy a wealth of amenities of Market Lane & charming downtown Woodbridge -everything within walking distance.

The luxurious exterior appointments have wonderful brick accents with covered entrances. There are various three bedroom designs that range from to 1616 sq. ft. up to 2200 sq. ft. with spacious main living areas, well thought out kitchens, bright sunny breakfast rooms and first floor laundry rooms. The master retreat boasts a beautiful ensuite. The option of an access door from the garage is a plus.

Sales have been brisk for this fine community and construction has started. The much anticipated Phase II New Release Event is on now, showcasing the well appointed floorplans & articulated architecture blending historical Victorian with modern designs. New home buyers can take advantage of the great upgrade bonus package. This community has expectations of being move in ready for late Spring of 2015!

These fine homes are well priced from $499,990. The visionaries of Woodbridge Crossing are proud of their long history of providing innovative yet timeless designs. You can be assured that their continued pursuit of excellence creates for you a measurable difference in your buying experience and ensures an excellent financial investment.





hat if you had the chance to make beauty a part of your everyday life, the backdrop to the moments that make memories and the memories that make a life? Your home at ‘Allure at the Gates of Aurora ‘by Castel Homes can be that beauty. With the craftsmanship and refined eye that have become the hallmarks of the custom homes Castel builds, Allure offers this truly grand luxury. The spacious family homes, from 4,850 square feet to over 6,000, with their ample grounds lend themselves to leisure, to slowing down to take it all in. The exteriors of these homes will have historical resonance in this architecturally controlled community. Each of the Homes at Allure will be built to the specifications of its Owners. Working with Castel’s design team will allow you to customize your entire %




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Home. You can also choose to bring in your own designers to collaborate w ith our team to make your home precisely the way you envision it. For a private viewing of our recently BILD awarded 2014 BEST MODEL HOME, please call 905-727-6122 or visit us at 30 Da Vina Circle, Aurora.


30 Da Vina Circle, Aurora


Discover for yourself why this special community enjoys Posizione Perfetta! The Presentation Centre is located at 8204 Kipling Ave. in Woodbridge. Open: Sat & Sun 11am - 5pm Mon to Thurs 1pm - 7pm. Call 905 605 5155 or visit

WOODBRIDGE CROSSING 8204 Kipling Ave. in Woodbridgel Open: Sat & Sun 11am - 5pm Mon to Thurs 1pm - 7pm

905 605 5155

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ou may not be a princess, but you can live like one!

North Star Homes is building a limited collection of royal estate homes in the prestigious Oak Ridges neighbourhood of Richmond Hill. This limited collection, inspired by French Chateau architecture offers impeccable residences up to 5 bedrooms. With luxurious features like sweeping grand staircases, turret rooms, vaulted ceilings, French doors, great rooms, libraries, parlours and ensuite bathrooms with freestanding tubs, this magnificent estate collection is ideal for families who are seeking a truly regal lifestyle.

pageant. Just a half hour GO train ride from Richmond Hill to downtown Toronto, this community is the perfect choice for commuters. North Star Homes has been building exceptional communities throughout the GTA and beyond for over two decades. The North Star name has been proudly displayed in Barrie, Brampton, Markham, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, North York and more, and in community after community, the confidence of satisfied homebuyers has resulted in the enviable reputation North Star Homes enjoys today.

The homes of the Chateau Collection are priced from over $1 million and are sited on spacious lots, backing onto a protected nature preserve. Here your little princes and princesses can grow up surrounded by beautiful nature, fresh air, parks, excellent schools and amenities.


Located in the Bayview and Bloomington neighbourhood, The Chateau Collection retains a small town ambiance but with all the conveniences of the city nearby. Surrounded by golf courses and conservation lands, the natural beauty of this area is showcased in a year-round

Open: Mon - Thurs 1:00 – 7:00 pm, Sat & Sun and Holidays 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, Fridays Closed.

11300 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill

905-737-8899 |




est Shore Beach Club by Summerhill is the perfect choice as a year-round home. This gated community with over 300’ of wide, sandy beach provides the convenience of a maintenancefree lifestyle within a fully-serviced community with high speed internet, cable, gas, water and sewers. Priced from the mid $300,000’s, home choices include Muskoka - style detached bungalows and bungalows with lofts - with master bedroom and ensuite bathrooms on the main floor. Most models have a finished media room on the lower level. Each home features unique architectural detailing, board and batten heritage siding and some with traditional fish scale accents. One model type features a delightful interior courtyard, open to the elements and visible from the home’s kitchen/great %$




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room. Some homes have huge rooftop decks and trendy lofts.

rich history and heritage, Orillia is a unique place to experience and explore.

West Shore Beach Club offers year-round living; swimming, sailing, canoeing, fishing, windsurfing, hiking, cross country skiing, skating and more. Landscaped grounds, a community Marine House on the beach and gathering area make West Shore Beach Club as fun as it is beautiful, and with every homeowner sharing a private beach, there really is no place like it anywhere.

Visit the Sales Centre and beautifully decorated model homes located at 9361 Hwy. 11, Severn, open daily from 11 am to 5 pm.

The location is just ten minutes from Orillia, where stores, entertainment, restaurants and medical services abound. From festivals to live theatre, Casino Rama, shopping in the quaint, historic downtown, wonderful architecture, and monuments that speak to Orillia’s

SUMMERHILL HOMES Sales Office: 9361 Highway 11 Severn, Ontario Located ten minutes north of Orillia

705.689.0001 | 416.322.3300

Once upon a time, there lived a Princess who dreamt of living in a Castle Own the chateau of your dreams in a storybook setting in the prestigious Bayview and Bloomington neighbourhood. Wake up to the gentle breezes whispering through the protected Nature Preserve in your backyard. Live like royalty in your magnificent home with striking French chateau-inspired architecture and luxurious finishes. You may not be a princess but you can live like one at The Chateau Collection.

French Chateau-style Luxury Detached Homes Priced From Over One Million

Registration has its privileges OAK RIDGES Bloomington Rd.

Conservation Area

Wilcox Lake

Bay view Av e.

Yonge St.


Bloomington Downs Golf Course

Stouffville Rd.

Leslie St.

Worthing Ave. ton

Briarhill Blvd Snively St.

Register to receive your personal invitation to our


905-737-8899 416-291-9666


Actual Site Photo

Model Home

A COTTAGE LIFESTYLE AT THE BEACH WITH THE COMFORTS OF A NEW HOME West Shore Beach Club is looking fabulous! Phase One is sold out and families are moving in. Come experience life at the lake. Unlike many other nearby resort communities, you can live here year round, or just enjoy it whenever you like. Tour two designer Model Homes. Feel the soft sand, dip your toe in the crystal clear water and be captivated by the lake views. Join the families who already call West Shore Beach Club home. $ Fully-serviced, 4-season, maintenance-free gated community $ Private 300’ sandy lakefront $ Central boulevard with park and gazebo $ Exclusive lakeside Marine House $ Free 1-yr golf/ski/boat/dine SkyLife Resorts membership













9361 HWY 11 N., SEVERN


FROM THE MID Visit our Sales Office & Model Homes Today Open Daily: 11am - 5pm Ą Ĉ ð.Ü é Āéð Ú¢¢ ÚÚ



Prices & specifications subject to change without notice. Illustration is artist’s concept. E.&O.E.


Relaxing inNewmarket 0G </<1G 0=27

@SZOfObW]\ Wa O\ O`b It can also be a gift, a gift of time, place and mind. The ability to relax and capture the moment is essential to the good life. One early morning this past July, I looked out my kitchen window in Newmarket to find a relaxed fox sleeping in my back garden. As much as I was surprised, I found the image of the sleeping fox serene and delightful and not in any way threatening. With coffee in hand, I quickly snapped the image on my iPhone and posted it to my Facebook page. The image provoked an immediate, joyful response from my Facebook friends. One international friend commented, “What a wonderful feeling to see a wild animal relaxed in your territory. That says a lot—just lovely.â€? This fox inspired me to share how one can relax and enjoy the lifestyle in Newmarket. As a relative newcomer to Newmarket, I have discovered that this community has a lot to offer for those seeking relaxed outdoor or cultural experiences. There are many more ways to relax in and enjoy Newmarket that I have not included on this list. But I have shared my personal favourites. It is no surprise to me that in 2013, Newmarket was named as one of the best places to live in Canada by Money Sense Magazine. Newmarket is also a great place to visit. If you like to hike, dine out or take in live music, I highly recommend you check out my favourites. 4]` []`S W\T]`[ObW]\ OP]cb bVW\Ua R] OQ`]aa G]`Y @SUW]\ dWaWb g]`YaQS\S Q][ P`]cUVb b] g]c Pg G]`Y @SUW]\¸a ^O`b\S`a W\ b]c`Wa[´bVS G]`Y @SUW]\ /`ba 1]c\QWZ bVS @SUW]\OZ ;c\WQW^OZWbg ]T G]`Y ;Sb`]ZO\R ;SRWO 5`]c^ O\R 1S\b`OZ 1]c\bWSa B]c`Wa[ <O\Qg 0]RW Wa bVS SfSQcbWdS RW`SQb]` ]T bVS G]`Y @SUW]\ /`ba 1]c\QWZ

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;g TOd]c`WbS bVW\Ua b] R] W\ <Se[O`YSb AV]^ S\X]g O Q]TTSS ]` RW\S ]\ ;OW\ Ab`SSb Main Street Newmarket offers a range of high quality restaurants, coffee shops, bookstores and shops. It is a destination for those who enjoy authentic dining experiences. It only takes me 10 minutes to walk to this part of town from my home, which is a real treat.

0`]eaS bV`]cUV bVS TO`[S`a [O`YSb W\ bVS @WdS`eOZY 1][[]\a Rc`W\U bVS U`]eW\U O\R VO`dSab aSOa]\a Every Saturday morning from the first weekend in May to the last weekend in October, a band of farmers, vendors and volunteers create a hive of activity that includes horse buggy rides and live entertainment. I thoroughly enjoy shopping for fresh produce or homemade baking while listening to the great music on the Riverwalk Commons stage.

! EOZY ]` QgQZS bVS B][ BOgZ]` B`OWZ The Tom Taylor Trail, named after a former mayor, is Newmarket’s portion of the Nokiidaa Trail system that extends through Aurora, Newmarket and East Gwillimbury. The trail follows the Holland River and Fairy Lake downstream to link up with the Rogers Reservoir Trail in East Gwillimbury. If you enjoy walking in the forest as much as I do, you will find this trek quite pleasant.

" EOZY bVS b`OWZa Ob 4OW`g :OYS >O`Y Fairy Lake is a man-made lake maintained by a dam on the East Holland River in Newmarket. Originally a millpond, it is now used for recreation. This beautiful park is open year round. It is bustling with people, events and those walking their dogs. You will always be greeted by smiles as you walk the pathway.

# 1ObQV a][S ZWdS [caWQ There are a number of venues that feature live musical artists in Newmarket, from local pubs and restaurants to the Newmarket Theatre. I am a bit of a folkie, so I particularly enjoy the concerts put on by the Newmarket Folk Society.

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Every September, the Toronto International Film Festival attracts some of the most notable movie stars and filmmakers from Hollywood and around the world to the city. Playing a leading role in the success of the festival is former Thornhill resident Cameron Bailey. As artistic director, Bailey oversees all programming for one of the world’s most respected and influential film festivals, running this fall from Sept. 4 to 14. Taking a moment to reflect on his journey, Bailey says his humble beginnings in the Thornhill and Markham areas played an important part in building the foundation for his current professional success. “My sister and I were raised by our mother, a single parent who immigrated &




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to Canada from the Caribbean and worked long shifts as an emergency room nurse‌. She believed in hard work and trained us to do the same,â€? says Bailey, who lived on John Street in Thornhill during his teenage years in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Following his mother’s example, young Cameron took on a number of part-time jobs, including one delivering the Markham Economist and Sun door to door. “We volunteered and worked part-time jobs during our school years, looking for every opportunity to learn something new and contribute to the community,â€? he says. He also made time for expanding his mind—something he stresses is key to his success. “One thing you can never overstate is

the importance of learning,� he said. “As a teenager, I spent hundreds of hours at the Thornhill Community Centre and Library, reading up on whatever interested me that day. It opened up the whole world to me.� Bailey went on to study journalism at the University of Western Ontario in London and then established himself as a thoughtful and insightful film critic and talented film programmer, someone charged with vetting, selecting, obtaining and often introducing films at festivals or other venues. It was in this capacity that Bailey joined the TIFF organization in 1990. Today, the festival is one of the world’s largest, screening more than 300 films from more than 60 countries each year— and Bailey is at the helm.


Seating is limited! Get your tickets today!

Meet Michael Baldwin from The Young and the Restless!

Tickets only $125 FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION 905.472.7373 ext. 6606 #

Fashion Show & Entertainment Prizes to be won — including a 2014 MINI Cooper generously donated by MINI Markham, a division of Town+Country BMW


The Chocolate Sunday— A chocolate lover’s smorgasbord


Over 50 boutiques to choose from and live and silent auctions


Proceeds benefit the Breast Health Centre and Chemotherapy Clinic at Markham Stouffville Hospital

Emcee: CHFI’s Erin Davis, co-hosted by Allan Bell Sunday, October 26, 2014 Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites Conference Centre & Spa 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Boutique Shopping 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Luncheon

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The excitement of spotting worldrenowned movie stars and the opportunity to take in world premiere screenings of a stunning variety of films are just a couple of the reasons TIFF attracts more than 400,000 film enthusiasts from around the world each year. Despite the impressive attendance numbers, TIFF’s artistic director says the doors are always open for new attendees. For those who have not taken in the TIFF excitement previously, Bailey says there’s something for every movie-goer. “Every year we have free screenings of film classics, we have movies from 70 different countries to suit every taste and there are many, many films that don’t have the red carpet pandemonium you see in the media,� he says. “Of course, if you’re looking for red carpet pandemonium, we have lots of that, too.� Bailey is quick to credit the more than 2,500 volunteers for playing a key supporting role in making TIFF one of the most anticipated and audience-friendly film events each year. “We couldn’t put this festival on without volunteers, who now number 2,500. They do essential work in making the festival run smoothly,� he says. “We depend on their

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courtesy, their professionalism and their good humour in maintaining our reputation as the world’s best public film festival.� According to Richmond Hill’s Justin Ingraldi, who manages the TIFF volunteers, the star power present at the festival every year makes it an attractive and exciting event for volunteers. In 2013, among the A-list Hollywood stars present to premiere their films at TIFF were Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt. “The fact that you’re just doing your job and you run into someone who is pretty notable when you open the door is pretty cool,� Ingraldi says. “I like to say that it’s part of the festival magic because every day is so unexpected.� While Bailey works with his team year-round to build and promote each September’s festival, as a long-time film enthusiast, he admits to feeling the buzz himself during the festival. “The best part is always introducing a film that I love to its very first public audience,� he says. “I’ve been fortunate enough to have that experience now with filmmakers who’ve come to Toronto from Mumbai, Istanbul or Montreal. Always a thrill—I’m excited to do it again this year.�

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Today two-time Juno Award winner Jully Black is recognized by many as Canada’s Queen of R&B. While the journey toward royalty status on the Canadian music scene has been a rewarding one, the Markham resident is now looking ahead to the next big step—the international release of her much anticipated new album Made In Canada. Having enjoyed a number of hits since starting out in 1995, Black is perhaps best known for her track Seven Day Fool. Released in the summer of 2007 as the lead single to her album Revival, the top10 hit played an important role in securing Black’s album the Juno Award for R&B/soul recording of the year in 2008. Longtime producer YoungPete Alexander is quick to point out the qualities that have contributed to Black’s success. “Her voice is so powerful and she’s so passionate in all her performances,� the Atlanta-based producer says. “Jully’s so talented and a true professional, and she’s deserving of all the success and recognition that she’s received.� That recognition includes a first Juno win when she was just 19, the 2005 Canadian Urban Music Award and the unofficial title, bestowed by music insiders, Canada’s Queen of R&B. “I’m humbled,� said the 36-year-old singersongwriter. “But I use it more as motivation and to remind myself to stay on course. “It takes a lot of dedication and will power and faith,� adds Black, who had her debut album in 2003 delayed by two years because the record label went out of business.





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While most people see the glamorous side of the music business, they often don’t realize the level of personal investment that has to go into making it a career, she says. “The music business has changed so much, it’s no longer that the record label gives you a big fat cheque and asks you to go in the studio or go on tour,� she explains. “You’re financing your own dreams, so if you don’t love what you do, then it will eat you up.� She made music her priority—and was fortunate to have the backing of her family. “My mom worked really hard until her retirement and funded every dream that I had,� she says. “My entire family has supported me in every way. I wouldn’t be here without them.� Black’s passion, dedication and raw talents have given her the opportunity to share the stage with some of the music industry’s biggest names, including Jay-Z, Alicia Keys and Celine Dion. She reveals one of the highlights of her career came in 2012 when she was asked to open for Dion at the Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival in celebration of Jamaica’s 50th anniversary of independence. “Being of Jamaican descent, it was a fullcircle moment for me,� she says. “There’s deep history in that for me and my family, and it was very special and a huge honour to be part of it along with Celine Dion.� Having lived in Markham for close to a decade, Black was eager to show her love and support for the city by taking part in Markham’s Canada Day celebrations at the

Milne Dam Conservation Park in 2012. The event had an added significance because it was also included the ribbon cutting to officially recognize Markham’s status as a city. “On Canada Day, I’ve performed downtown or in the nation’s capital in Ottawa, so doing Canada Day in Markham and being a resident was very special for me,� she said. “There were thousands of people there, including the mayor. It was an amazing day.� Black also speaks with excitement when talking about her upcoming project—the soon-to-be released Made In Canada. “The album has great music and we brought in a lot of live instruments and awesome musicians and writers,� Black says. “We just have to make sure the time is perfect before we release it.� Inspired by her life experiences, including relationships with friends and family, the upcoming album is expected to be her first to be released internationally. “We’ve been working on this album for about four years,� she adds. “So it’s very special to me and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with my fans.� Having received recognition from the industry, Black says this next big step in her musical journey will be all about the music and her fans. “I see each accomplishment representing a checkpoint in my life,� she says. “And I’ve spent a lot of time subconsciously going after awards, but the focus now is to really nurture my art and enjoy the journey.�

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If ever you’ve suspected that creativity can’t be suppressed, abstract artist Susan Weisz may just prove the point. Growing up in Quebec, Weisz had the opportunity to do a drawing and sculpture course through her studies at CEGEP (secondary school). In university, she took a class in art history. While she would later move to Toronto and work in health care for more than 20 years, it’s clear those early influences never left. Though she worked as a registered dietician, she also had a natural talent for

baking. It gave her a sense of freedom and play. “Cooking and baking are always about experimentation,� she says. Her creativity peeks through in other ways as well. “If you ever get a gift from me, it’s usually wrapped in some special way,� she laughs. Weisz, now devoted to her art full-time, has been painting for the past 10 years. Though she has taken several courses and workshops, she is largely self-taught. Working primarily in acrylics and mixed media, she leans toward bold, brightly

coloured geometrics, though many of her paintings are fluid and free flowing. She paints on board and canvas, as well as yupo (a waterproof synthetic paper), TerraSkin (stone paper) and occasionally watercolour paper. Her studio is in the basement of her home. When she first tried her hand at painting, she dabbled, experimenting with different styles to see what interested her most. She did some figurative work and continues to enjoy landscape. Weisz admits she never used to care for abstract art. “I could actually show you the painting that sparked the whole thing for me,� she says of a large piece by American artist David Kupferman. Her Thornhill home is open and airy. It boasts a varied selection of contemporary North American art, a notable portion by Ontario artists. Weisz has no interest in lining her walls with only her own work. She is a passionate fan and collector who

is happy to support fellow artists by buying their work and showcasing it in her home. Each piece has a story and special meaning to her. “I’ve always loved artwork, in any form— sculpture, painting, glasswork or drawing,� she says. “I have eclectic taste. My father was particularly fond of Inuit art, mostly sculpture, but now I’m also drawn to a lot of the felt wall hangings. My interests tend to change and grow over time.� Recently Weisz was one of five artists to take part in a public art initiative by the City of Markham and the Varley Art Gallery. A large-scale mural on Henderson Avenue in Thornhill gave her the opportunity to work with artist-mentor Katharine Harvey and fellow artists Andrea End, Robin Hesse, Matthew Moloney and Glen Ou. Together, the artists created a gorgeous 21-panel panoramic scene. At its centre is a representational image of the sun; moving outward the images become increasingly

abstract. The work is colourful and features pine and birch trees, even a Canada goose. As our neighbourhoods grow and urbanize so quickly, the installation serves to remind us of the importance of nature in our daily lives. Weisz isn’t one to be idle. She’s quite active in the local arts community. A member of the Markham Group of Artists and the York Region Arts Council, her work has been shown at numerous venues and events. Her paintings can be found in private collections throughout North America and Europe. “I sometimes regret that I don’t have a formal art education,� she says. “Some artists think that’s a benefit and others think that you need it. But I wonder, if you always follow the rules, do you risk compromising your artistic style?� 4]` []`S W\T]`[ObW]\ ]\ AcaO\ ESWah O\R VS` O`b dWaWb acaO\eSWah Q][ 4/:: "






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A new regular feature publishing quarterly in Good Life Magazine.



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Reinventing breakfast :SO\ ^`]bSW\a VSOZbVg TOba 0G B@/1G A;7B6

You only get one chance to start a day off right. When it comes to breakfast, it’s not only grabbing a bite that matters, what you choose to fuel yourself (and your kids) with is just as important. “It’s best to include protein and healthy fats at breakfast,� says Dr. Susan Slipacoff, naturopathic doctor and clinic director of Kleinburg Integrative Health. “Healthy fats and protein provide the body with long-lasting energy, control your blood sugar and keep you feeling full until your next meal,� adds Katie Hammill, a certified nutritional practitioner and sports and family nutritionist. The ubiquitous bowl of prepared cereal doesn’t make the cut. “Most cereals have added sugars and are highly processed,� '




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Slipacoff explains. “Even the ‘healthy’ and ‘organic’ cereals have high amounts of sugars, so don’t be fooled.� Instead look for whole foods. There are many good choices for quick-to-prepare breakfasts to suit every member of your family. Try hummus and thinly sliced avocado on toasted rye or spelt bread; plain Greek yogurt with fresh berries and nuts; a hard-boiled egg and a banana; rolled oats topped a sprinkle of cinnamon, unsweetened applesauce, yogurt and chopped walnuts; or, perhaps the ultimate breakfast on the go, the smoothie. (See recipes, page 94.) For stress-free mornings, Hammill suggests boiling a dozen eggs for the week while you’re preparing dinner Sunday, layering yogurt, berries and nuts in a mason jar to take to work or blending smoothies the night before and refrigerating.

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EWZR /`UO\ =WZ @]cUV AQ`cP Exfoliate to wash away the dry sunburnt skin of summer with the nourishment and protection of argan oil. (The Body Shop)

DWQVg 7RSOZWO 00 1`SO[ !% This BB cream packs a strong punch with properties that illuminate, even out your complexion, moisturize, smooth fine lines, reduce dark spots and protect with SPF 25. (drugstores)

;Waa ;O\UO Pg :¸=`SOZ D]Zc[W\]ca Inspired by the Japanese animation trend, this new volume mascara with a 360-degree flexor brush amplifies your lashes for a larger than life look. (drugstores)





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;/1 >]eRS` 0ZcaV W\ <Sfb b] AYW\ $ All you need is a light swipe of this nude powder blush to revive that summer glow and carry it into the fall. (MAC stores)

;OgPSZZW\S <Se G]`Y 0OPg :W^a 1`gabOZ ;]Wabc`WhW\U 0OZ[ # The newest release from this lip balm collection features six shimmering shades that leave a glistening finish as the balm quenches your parched pout. (drugstores) ;OgPSZZW\S <Se G]`Y ;OabS` 9OXOZ AbWQY :W\S` This cream non-sharpening stick liner is concentrated for a bold line of colour and goes on smooth and precise thanks to its creamy formula. (drugstores)

:O A]c`QS 6O\R BVS`O^g As the weather turns cooler, you’ll be reaching for this antioxidantrich cream to shield your hands from impending winter woes. (Crabtree & Evelyn)

@SdSOZ 1OZdW\ 9ZSW\ 3Oc 2S >O`Tc[ A^`Og [: Fall is about new beginnings, and that includes selecting your new signature fragrance. May we suggest this sexy new CK scent? (Hudson’s Bay)

</@A <OWZ >]ZWaV W\ AQVWO^ ! This new line of nail colours with a high-gloss finish and specially designed application brush will give you the paint strokes of a professional. (Sephora)

9]``Sa 0ZOQY >W\S 3gS 1`SO[ $" From Korres’ new antiaging line, this eye cream will reduce puffiness and dark circles caused by even the most sleepless nights. (Shopper’s Drug Mart)

0W]`S 1VO`Q]OZ 1ZSO\aS` Activated charcoal is the beauty ingredient of the moment and for good reason. This cleanser draws out twice the dirt and impurities of a basic cleanser after just one use. (drugstores)

8]V\ 4`WSRO 1]Z]c` @ST`SaVW\U 5Z]aa ! Repair the effects of the days spent poolside with this refreshing gloss that will hydrate and nourish even the most stressed out hair. (drugstores)

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I have to admit, I am a master “listmaker.� My intention is to keep the “todos� in one book; but the reality is, they wind up a jumble of scraps of paper that leaves me feeling frazzled. The request to write a piece on goal-setting couldn’t have come at a better time. There is a new twist to an old favorite on planning and setting goals. The answer is in daily goal-setting. Although there are many methods for goal-setting, the new trend is for quick-planning, action-word strategies. Action words are powerful verbs that describe the effort you use to complete a task. Some examples are plan, create, prepare, organize, determine, solve, list, arrange and group. Your words become your actions. When creating your top goals for the day, use the word “I� to establish ownership of the tasks you wish to complete. This shift to first tense creates a psychological responsibility to the goal at hand whereas a generic list has no personal attachment to the writer. Use the standard A;/@B formula to hold yourself accountable. A>317471: Your goals must be very specific so you will know the goal has been achieved. ;3/AC@/0:3: Goals should be quantified, so that progress toward a goal

can be evaluated and managed. /1673D/0:3 /1B7=< =@73<B32: Use action words and steps. Steps attached to goals indicate what will be accomplished. @3/:7AB71: Ensure the goal you set in the morning is appropriate to the day you have planned and that it can be accomplished. The goal should stretch you, but not be out of reach. B7;3 A3<A7B7D3: What are the time parameters around the personal goal? Can this goal be accomplished in five minutes or five hours? A goal must have a final deadline, and possibly interim deadlines by which key actions will be completed and benchmarks will be achieved. Tracking the progress on both action steps and outcome is important as they help you know whether you are on track to achieve the goal. Goals will vary depending on each day. One goal may take the entire day and that is OK! Plan accordingly and don’t take on too many goals at one time. The habit of goal-setting needs to become a part of your daily lifestyle in order to feel real accomplishment. Small steps are most effective and have a longer lasting effect. Happy goals to you! /c`]`O `SaWRS\b 8S\\WTS` 3bbW\US` Wa O ¿ b\Saa O\R abgZS Sf^S`b 4]` []`S W\T]`[ObW]\ dWaWb ¿ bg]c`abgZS Q][

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Rooms Gone Right

Sail Away


Work of art

People to know, places to go, things to try, taste or buy!


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Explore the Far East BVOWZO\R :O]a O\R DWSb\O[ AB=@G /<2 >6=B=5@/>6G 0G 0/@B 1/@2

There are few places on Earth today that still seem exotic and mysterious. Laos and Vietnam are two of those places for me.




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I received an invitation to visit Laos, Vietnam and Thailand and jumped at the opportunity. I’ve been to Thailand many times before, but always relish an opportunity to return. It would be my first time visiting Laos and Vietnam. Using Bangkok as a point of entry, I flew Toronto to Chicago, Chicago to Japan and then on to Thailand. I decided to book a seat in economy plus on United Airways, another first for me. The four extra inches of room were well worth it on the long flight. Upon arrival in Bangkok I was met by a

representative of Royal Silk Holidays and taken to the St. Regis Bangkok Hotel. The St. Regis incorporates all the splendour of Bangkok and is located near the city’s elite business institutions, superb restaurants and fine boutiques. The hotel is a few steps away from the Skytrain station, from which two favourite Bangkok sites can be accessed, Siam Square Shopping Centre and the Chatuchak Weekend Market. Food in Bangkok is very reasonable, as are hotels, with a range of accommodations that will cover every budget.

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After such a long journey the first order of business was a famed Thai massage at the Oasis Spa. Then, feeling revitalized, I decided to brave the markets for some shopping. As a lover of all things open-air market, I relished the street upon street of goods and was surprised that they weren’t more crowded. The perfect reintroduction to Thai culture. The next day, I further immersed myself in the culture, with visits to the Grand Palace, the official residence of the Kings of Siam since 1782; the Emerald Buddha and Wat Pho Buddhist temples; and Arts of the Kingdom exhibit. By the end of the day, I was exhausted and enjoyed a casually elegant dinner at the hotel. We set out for Chiang Mai the next day. Chiang Mai is the most culturally significant and largest city in northern Thailand. Located among the country’s highest mountains, the city is encompassed by a water-filled moat and large walls, creating a sense of history and culture. Tourists from all over the world visit this beautiful city for its festivals, open air markets, cooking schools and, my personal favourite, elephants.


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The highlight our visit was painting with the elephants at Elephant Life Experience. Situated just outside of Chiang Mai, it allows visitors the opportunity to interact with one of the most interesting and awe-inspiring animals on the planet. Although tame and trained, the elephants are in their natural habitat set in the beautiful and tranquil hills surrounding the city. I was able to step into the river with the elephants, spend time with their trainers (manhout) and learn about their rewardbased approach to encouraging the elephants to paint. Each elephant is different and has a different style of painting. I came home with a beautiful souvenir, an elephant painting. A wonderful experience and a must for anyone lucky enough to visit northern Thailand The following morning, I departed on Lao Airlines for my first trip to Laos. Laos, bordered by Burma and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Thailand to the west and Cambodia to the south, is the only landlocked country in southeast Asia. With a rich political history, Laos has recently become a popular destination for tourists, specifically students taking a year off to travel.


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Ground arrangements in Laos were hosted by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism. I was picked up at the airport and went directly to the Villa Santi Resort and Spa. I had dinner and did some shopping at the Luang Prabang Night Market, where hundreds of vendors display and sell their handmade crafts. I also took the opportunity to have another massage; it cost me $10 and was one of the best massages I’ve had in all my years of travel. The following day, I took a boat trip to visit Pak Ou Caves, which overlook the Mekong River, and Whisky Village as well as Wat Visoun, the site of the impressive That Makmo Stupa. With its beautiful rounded &




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domes, That Makmo Stupa was originally constructed in the early 16th century and is filled with hundreds of small Buddha images made from precious metals and crystal. If you’re looking for a holiday, a place to get away from it all and just relax, this is the place. Laos is laid back, with fantastic and friendly people, great food and amazing architecture. The sense of history and the vibrancy of the country blew me away. Next on the itinerary was a flight to Hanoi, Vietnam. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Vietnam, but I was nicely surprised. The country was exactly as I had pictured it: rice patties with people wearing oversized straw hats to block

the sun and ox carts pulling goods. Although similar in certain ways, Laos and Vietnam are vastly different. The streets of Hanoi are an adventure; with no stoplights, you take a chance as soon as you step out on to the road. The food in Vietnam is excellent, the shopping amazing and the people friendly and welcoming. The country offers beautiful beaches, gorgeous lakes and vast mountain scenes. I spent the first evening at the Emeralda Resort and was impressed by the size of the rooms and the first class service. While in Vietnam, I visited caves that had been used as a hospital and to store ammunition during the civil war.

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I also took a day-long boat trip to visit Ha Long Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This unique bay has breathtaking views of crystal blue water and limestone pillars jutting out from the sea. The unique environment of the area creates a biodiversity that includes greenery, ocean and sea shore systems. Wildlife, birds and sealife are abundant here, making it a popular tourist destination. After a whirlwind and wonderful trip to Laos and Vietnam, it was back to Bangkok for a night at the Sukhothai Hotel, which I couldn’t leave without having one last massage. Thailand is very safe and has great restaurants and five-star hotels with everything a traveller would need, including world class golf courses. As a destination or stepping-off point, the country has so much to offer. If I was to do it all again, I would do it the exact same way: beginning in Thailand, continuing on to Laos and then ending with a relaxing holiday in Vietnam. @Sa]c`QSa( B]c`Wa[ /cbV]`Wbg ]T BVOWZO\R 1O\ORO " $ $ " $ # b]c`Wa[bVOWZO\R ]`U 3ZS^VO\b :WTS 3f^S`WS\QS SZSZWTS Q][ DWSb\O[ B]c`Wab 0]O`R dWSb\O[b]c`Wa[ Q][ :O]a B]c`Wab 0]O`R b]c`Wa[ZO]a ]`U

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