Discussion Questions for Video Excerpt 2: Then and Now by SAM MAUCERI
E. Faye Butler in “Fannie Lou Hamer, Speak On It!” by Cheryl L. West. Photo by Liz Lauren.
The following History and Civics questions were written to accompany a video excerpt from “Fannie Lou Hamer, Speak on It!“ provided to schools in the School Matinee Series. 1. Young People in Activism
“SNCC people said I did a lot for the movement, but I tell you, them young people did a lot for me, too. Gave me books to read, taught me history…” Then: Fannie praises the role of young people as organizers of the Civil Rights Movement. Think back to your history classes, or take a moment to read ”How Youth Activists Impacted the Civil Rights Movement” by Greg Timmons. When you’re done, select one example of youth activism from the Civil Rights Movement in the 50s-60s. What social and political issues did those young people rally around? What tactics did they use to protest injustice? Now: What examples of young people participating in activism do you see today? What issues do you see young people fighting for today? What tactics are they using? 2. Feminism and the Vote
“And as long as we speakin’ on the truth, I’m gonna speak to you white women for a minute. Lotta ya’ll got the vote while working to make sure we didn’t. Ya’ll aligned yourselves with any swole-headed white man in power.” 11