A Timeline of Fannie Lou Hamer’s Life by NEENA ARNDT Originally printed in Playbill and Onstage+
October 6, 1917 Fannie Lou Townsend is born in Montgomery County, Mississippi. She is the 20th and youngest child of Ella and James Townsend, who eke out a living as sharecroppers. 1924 Fannie begins to attend a one-room schoolhouse, open only between cottonpicking seasons. She excels at spelling bees and reciting poetry. When not at school, she works in the fields. 1930 Fannie’s formal education ends at 12 years old, when she leaves school to work full time. She continues to develop her reading skills by reading the Bible. 1944 Fannie marries Perry Hamer, a fellow plantation worker. 1961 Fannie undergoes surgery to remove a uterine tumor. The white doctor removes her entire uterus without her consent. Fannie and Perry would later adopt two daughters. Summer, 1962 Fannie attempts to register to vote, but fails the registration test, which was crafted to keep Black Americans from voting. Upon returning home, her boss fires her for attempting to vote.
Continued on Page 15 1964 Fannie helps found the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which served as a counterpoint to the all-white Democratic Party and aimed to empower Black voices. She represents Mississippi at the Democratic National Convention, giving a televised speech in which she questions why, in the “land of the free,” not everyone can register to vote. Additionally this year, Fannie runs for a seat in the Senate, but does not win the election. Fall 1963 Fannie attempts to vote, but is told she needs two poll tax receipts. She obtains them, but is dismayed by the continuous obstacles. Spring, 1963 While traveling by bus, Fannie and other activists stop at a café. They are refused service, and a patrol officer asks them to leave. Fannie and others are arrested and taken to a jail in Winona, Mississippi. Fannie is confined to a cell and beaten with a blackjack. She never fully recovers from her injuries. Winter, 1963 Taking the voter registration test for the third time, Fannie passes. Around this time she becomes involved with activism, becoming a field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).
Fall, 1962 White supremacists shoot at Fannie, having heard of her voter registration attempts, but they miss. Fearing further retaliation, Fannie and her family temporarily move to nearby Tallahatchie County. 14