GMR Zine for June 2011

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A zine for Free!

GMR is a progressive and evolving group. It was founded in Grand Rapids late 2008 as a response to the huge reaction to the Really Really Free Markets. The emphasis is on community empowerment. The organizers of the free markets want to create other events that encourage social change, mutual aid, and community building. Thus we created Good Morning Revolution. This zine will help us stay informed about similar events, and share our endeavors. Looking around Grand Rapids it’s hard to ignore the surplus of forward thinking people doing interesting things. With the advent of social networking you'd think there would be more connection and collaboration. Although cyberspace is a helpful place to network, too often it’s a distraction from action and from each other. This zine exists to be a hub for radical happenings, something you can cling to when you’re overwhelmed by the flood of the event invites in your inbox, something you can doodle in, something to stimulate creativity in a physical and tangible way. Let’s hear what you’re doing, share what you’re working on. Submit your writing and drawing to We need you! You’re a valuable part of a radical community and have skills that can be shared, host a workshop, organize a Really Really Free Market or another event and tell us about it, we’ll try to help you get the word out and find the resources you need. Times are tough, but together we are tougher. Created by the people in the interest of the people to energize our community in a more sustainable way from the bottom up.

Seedbombs! Originating in Japan, Seedbombs can be used to reseed our urban wasteland anywhere plants can grow. There are many recipes for Seedbombs, the important ingredients are seeds, compost, and clay in a 1:1:5 ratio. Josie Jeffery, author of Seedbombs: Going Wild with Flowers, offers this Seedbomb Base recipe which you can add your own mix of seeds to. • • •

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5 tablespoons of seed compost 4 tablespoons of terracotta clay powder 1 teaspoon of seeds [Note: Base this on poppy seeds as a size guide and add half a teaspoon more as the seeds go up in size.] 1 teaspoon of chili powder as a pest deterrent [optional] Sprinkles of water at intervals [the geek in me worked out it was about 20ml!] Liquid fertilizer, if NPK [Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium] is absent in the compost [Makes six sizable seedbombs.]

She also gives these tubular guidelines:

THE DOs • •

Is the site protected as a conservation area? Is the area privately owned? Make sure the land isn't used for agricultural puposes; you don't want to interfere with food crops. Is the site abandoned and will it benefit from being beautified? Ensure the site is not due for imminent construction and that the plants will thrive there. Do foster orphaned land and fill urban voids with flowers. Do attract wildlife.


Don't throw seedbombs at people or windows. Ensure that nothing or nobody will be damaged or harmed by your flying seedbombs. Don't throw them on land with inadequate growing conditions. If there is insufficient light and no obvious soil for the plants to anchor themselves, they will eventually perish. Don't use seedbombs as a form or aggression or vandalism.

Bread & Roses by James Oppenheim As we come marching, marching in the beauty of the day, A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray, Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses, For the people hear us singing: "Bread and roses! Bread and roses!" As we come marching, marching, we battle too for men, For they are women's children, and we mother them again. Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes; Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses! As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead o crying through our singing their ancient cry for bread. Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew. Yes, it is bread we fight for -- but we fight for roses, too! As we come marching, marching, we bring the greater days. The rising of the women means the rising of the race. No more the drudge and idler -- ten that toil where one reposes, But a sharing of life's glories: Bread and roses! Bread and roses!

Memory migrates by Jesicka Crunch I can’t speak for you, but I ain’t tryin’ to trade my sanity for my squish for a 4.0 & dirty lungsa bag of bird bones. Last week I found myself stripped of my own meaningfulness of my humanity, divorced from things like staring off into space, slacking off, mocking myself, living lucidly, dancing. Like running up steep flights for months only to forget what for when you get there. Now there are dumpstered doughnuts in surplus- so naturally my sweet tooth is on hiatus, I want whole foods, I want to sleep in sweet lands where sound hearts play out the rhythm of their own sacred congregation. I want to want less. Days tumble onto days migrating out of selfish apathy, There are things and I’m remembering them


We found this somewhere on the internet but felt it was too important to keep it trapped there.


A State of Emergency! by Jesicka Crunchers On March 16th, Public Act 4, a.k.a. The Financial Accountability Act, was passed by the leaders of this lovely mitten. It is an affront to our democracy. Before this legislation passed, Emergency Financial Managers existed to help local governments revive a suffering economy. With the new legislation, Snyder can declare any school or town to be in economic shambles, he can strip all the elected local officials of their power. Puppeteer Snyder then inserts an Emergency Financial Manager chosen not by the citizens, but by him & his cronies. Do you remember the (biased) History and American Government classes from Kindergarten through 12th grade when we were taught that what was great about this nation was that it is “for the people and by the people”? Well, as of March 16, our democratic voices can mean little to nothing at the whim of Rick Snyder. Additionally, he’s cut public education budgets (while giving tax breaks to corporations that ship away our jobs!), increasing economic volatility. It’s imperative that we repeal Public Act 4. For more information about getting rid of this act, and sending the governor back to his Ann Arbor mansion check out and

a devil drawn by Case Michielsen.

The Great Tradition

by Case



Feeling Creative? This is a zine to facilitate social cross pollination among radical thinkers. Embracing the bad-assery of the Really Really Free Markets, we want to create a forum for spreading information and creating similar events and groups. Tell us about what you’re doing, share your events, write a rant, or draw a comic. Or just help us distribute these things. Get a hold of us by emailing: Or find us on Facebook: xoxo GMR

"...Let's go, Revolution" ―Langston Hughes

the Free Calendar for June/Junie/Qershor/Junh/Xunu/Juny/Junee June 5th: RRFM @ MLK Jr. Park 12-5 pm [Corner of Franklin and Fuller] June 6th: Lead Safe Painting Class & DIY Home Repair Class @ Home Repair Services 6-7:30 pm [1100 S. Division Ave.] June 7th: Mixtape Swap @ the DAAC 7-8 pm [115 S. Division Ave.] Sustainability in the Studio @ the DAAC 5:30-7 pm [115 S. Division Ave.] June 11th: RRFM @ the DAAC 4 pm [115 S. Division Ave.] June 16th: Cointelpro Film Screening @ IATSE Labor Hall 7 pm [931 Bridge St. NW] June 18th: West Michigan Pride Festival @ Riverside Park 1 pm [2001 Monroe St. NE] June 18th: Radical Potluck—Picnic & a Movie @ Garlic House 7 pm [407 College Ave. SE] June 22nd: FLOW Film Screening & Discussion @ The Wealthy St. Theatre 7 pm [1130 Wealthy St. Se] June 24th: Critical Mass Monthly Ride meets @ Veteran’s Park at 4:00 pm [2001 Monroe St. NE]

June 25th: Grand Rapids Slut Walk meets @ Veteran’s Park 12:30 pm [2001 Monroe St. NE] June 26th: RRFM @ The Bloom Collective 12-5 pm [651 Davis Ave] June 29th: Not your Average Speaker Series: Bike Friendly @ The Wealthy St. Theatre 6 pm [1130 Wealthy St. Se] June 30th: Informed Consent: Genetic Testing @ The Public Library 7 pm [111 Library St Ne]

Reoccurring Events Mondays: Peace Presence Vigil @ NE Corner of Division & Fulton 4:30-5:30 pm Mondays: Comedy Improv @ Dog Story Theater 10-11 pm [7 Jefferson SE] Monday-Friday: the Art Studio is open @ Heartside Ministries 9 a.m-3:30 pm [54 Division Ave S] Every day [except the 1st Friday of the month]: Free Lunch @ God’s Kitchen 2:30-4 pm [303 Divison Ave S] Sundays: Free Dinner @ Degage Ministries 7:30-9 pm [144 Division Ave S]

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