4 minute read
A Divinely Appointed Visit Luke 1:39-56
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A Divinely Appointed Visit: Luke 1:39-56
by Jonathon Wright
Mary went into hyperdrive, throwing her stuff together. She had to know if the angel’s words were true. After all these years, was Elizabeth going to have a baby? Mary’s journey from Nazareth into the hill country of Judea was uphill, but she didn’t seem to mind. As each hill passed, Mary was getting closer to seeing her relatives and friend. The closer she got, the more excited she became. Mary was a woman on a mission and could not wait to see Elizabeth.
Mary finally got to the house and knocked on the door. She had no idea what was about to happen. The very moment she came into the house, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth was in the kitchen, but her words echoed through the house. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”
Elizabeth knew she was pregnant without Mary having to say a word. The timing of this great blessing overwhelmed Mary’s heart. And further confirmed the truth she held deep inside.
Shortly after this, the women sat down to talk and share a meal. “It is so good to see you, Mary! I have not felt God’s presence like that in a long time. You have no idea how good it is to have someone to talk to. I have been in seclusion for five months after getting pregnant. And my husband Zechariah has not said a word after the angel Gabriel told him we were going to have a child.”
Mary quickly replied, “I know Gabriel. He’s the same angel that told me about my child and your pregnancy. That is the reason I came.” Both women were amazed by all the great things that God was doing in their lives. Elizabeth reaches across the table to give Mary some bread and asks, “How long are you staying?” “Well, I had not given it much thought, but as long as you will have me. I was hoping to help in any way I could and see the baby.” Elizabeth told one of her servants to prepare the extra room upstairs and said, “It will be a joy to have you.” The two women had a great time reminiscing. Mary was a tremendous help and blessing to Elizabeth and their family. Mary’s visit was a special blessing from the Lord that lifted Elizabeth’s lonely heart. But the Lord used both of them to comfort, help, and encourage each other. And in the midst of it all, God’s Spirit showed up mightily. Mary stayed with Elizabeth through the rest of her pregnancy, and it was a Godsend.
I hope this Christmas, you and your family will have a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior. May we all love, serve, and encourage each other for God’s glory. May we all pray for more of God’s Spirit to help. And may we all be more like Mary and Elizabeth, true servants of God that believe in the promise of God’s Son.
About The Author
Jonathon Wright currently lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, and has been a member of the Church of God for about twenty years. He is a graduate of Lee University and Beacon University where he earned a BA and MA in Biblical Studies. He loves studying the Bible and has done so for over thirty years, but only now has God given him a desire and the opportunity to be a writer. Jonathon hopes to encourage people to read the Bible and take notes. You can find more from Jonathon at amazon.com/author/everydaynotes.
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