2 minute read
Indoor Winter Party
Gò0dNews for Kids
Indoor Winter Party
by Brenda Dedmon
When January brings wintry weather, it is difficult to find fun things to do. Ask your parents if they would help you plan an “Indoor Winter Party” and invite your friends to come for a fun event. The following are activities that would make a fun party!
Pin the Nose on the Snowman
To play this game, you will need to draw three circles for a snowman on a poster board. Draw a nose on the snowman. Cut out noses from orange construction paper. Print the name of each person on the noses. Secure a blindfold for the game. Blindfold one person and lead them to the board to place their nose on the snowman. Continue until everyone has had a turn. The winner is the one that is the closest to where the nose should be.
Candy Dice
To play this game, you will need a dice and a bag of assorted miniature candy. Give each player four pieces of candy and place the remaining candy in a pile on the table. Each person will take a turn rolling the dice. The following are the instructions for the number rolled: 1 Pick one piece from candy pile, 2 Give a piece to the person to your left, 3 Pick two pieces from candy pile, 4 Skip your turn, 5 Take a piece from someone, 6 Put one piece back to the pile. The winner will be the person who gets ten pieces of candy first.
Ice Sculptures
Before the party, freeze water with various food colors in assorted sizes and shapes of plastic cups, bowls, muffin tins, and cake pans. Minutes before doing the activity, have your parents remove the ice from the containers by running warm water on them. Place plastic tablecloths on the tables. Allow each child to use the ice to make ice sculptures. Be sure to take pictures of the sculptures.
Donuts on a Stick
You will need the following items: miniature powered white donuts (3 per child), black jellybeans (6 per child), orange jellybeans (1 per child), strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups, (1 per child), paper candy sticks (1 per child). Have each person place the donuts on the candy stick. The black jellybeans are for buttons and eyes. The orange jellybeans are for the noses. Fruit Roll-Ups are for the scarf and mouth.
Strawberry Hot Chocolate
You will need to ask your parents to make this to enjoy with your donut snack. The following are the ingredients: 1 cup of sliced strawberries, ¼ cup sugar, 2 cups of milk, ½ cup of white chocolate morsels. In a small bowl, place the sugar over the strawberries and set them aside for 10 minutes, then puree in a food processor. Heat the milk and chocolate over medium low heat until the chocolate has melted. Add strawberries and cook for 2 more minutes.
We read in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “God has made everything beautiful for its time.” Even on cold, dreary days, we can still enjoy fun times with friends.
About The Author Rev. Brenda Dedmon is the retired director of the Children’s Learning Center, First Baptist of Dalton and an avid Roll Tide fan.