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Faith Is An Action
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Faith Is An Action
by Sharyl Sieh
It takes faith to receive answers to prayer. You can’t hope something into being.
Every student knows that sitting in your room, hoping to get good grades, will not bring you to a successful graduation. You may have a sharp mind and be able to figure well, but you can’t expect to graduate without going to class, studying, and taking exams. You have to do something.
When we are born again, faith is awakened in our spirits. It is the gift of God. When the Lord made us, He made us with the capacity for faith. God made us like Himself, and Adam was to watch and care over the earth. Man lost the capacity to be God’s ambassador when Adam sinned and took on the nature of the evil one.
The Apostle Paul states in Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” We cannot manufacture that initial faith. The Lord makes that first deposit. Then faith grows by absorbing the Word of God into our lives and using it as a manual for life.
Faith is an action. Faith goes beyond the natural and brings all the promises we read in the Bible into our lives.
It is possible to gain knowledge or a mental concept of the promises without actually experiencing them in our lives. Many times, believers have come to me and said, “Why don’t I get answers to my prayers? I’ve prayed and confessed Scripture, but nothing happened.”
There are no shortcuts. Faith is developed. Our minds and mouths need reprogramming. It takes time to reprogram years of wrong thinking and doing. Faith develops by increments.
A new believer cannot believe for millions of dollars. Perhaps developing faith to pay monthly bills should be the 44 // July 2020
first step. Then work toward bigger things. But remember, faith doesn’t work with selfish motives; faith works by love. Hebrews chapter 11 tells us what faith is by showing how Old Testament saints worked out their faith.
Develop a relationship with God. Set aside time to know Him, talk to Him, and listen for His voice. He will tell you what to do. Believe God and trust in His Word. As you read the Scriptures, begin doing what they say. Develop faith through obedience. Tell others about the goodness of God.
Watch what you say. You can’t confess Scripture and then speak contrary things later. You are destroying your faith for the promise you desire.
There will come a moment when it all clicks into place. Then you know you have the promise no matter what you see, feel, or hear. Let your actions show your faith. Faith becomes the substance of the thing you desire. The promise of God comes alive in your life.
Faith is not an idea. Faith is not hope. Faith doesn’t sit idle and wait. Faith is an action.
About The Author
Sharyl J. Sieh is the founder of ACTS Ministry, a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit mission that ministers to the poor in Burkina Faso. Sharyl is an ordained minister with Faith Ministries Alliance. When not in Burkina Faso, Sharyl and her husband, Dennis, live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and are members of Dwelling Place Church International (DPCI).