May 2022

Page 42

Gò0dNews for Everyone

May Flowers Bring God’s Faithfulness


by April Engstrom

nd which of you by being anxious can add

Faith. Jesus lays it on pretty hard, “O you of little faith!”

a single hour to his span of life? If then you

I know each year I can count on one thing time will pass,

are not able to do as small a thing as that,

seasons will come and go. Often in the chaos of getting

why are you anxious about the rest? Consider the lilies, how

ready for school in the morning, I have to remind my 6-year-

they grow: they neither toil nor spin…But if God so clothes

old son that we cannot get wasted time back. If he chooses

the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is

to spend his time not getting ready, then I cannot give him

thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O

more time. Time will pass, we cannot change that. We can

you of little faith!” (Luke 12:25-28, ESV).

anticipate what will happen in the future, school will end

One of my favorite things about spring is the flowers.

and Mom will no longer have to drag him out of bed, but

The roads, once surrounded by dead branches and brown

that doesn’t change the truth of today. God has given us

leaves, are slowly crowned by fresh blossoms of life.

the gift of today. He has a plan for your today and a calling

My personal favorites are the daffodils, dogwoods, and

for your life. He wants you to know Him intimately so that

redbuds, as they are the first indicators that spring is

He can get the most out of your todays. I think that’s why

officially here.

He’s so harsh in His admonishment of our wasting time.

I wrote previously about how we can be called out of

He who is outside of time knows just how fleeting our

our winter. How sometimes it takes the roar of a lion, but

time on this earth is. He knows how much He needs all of

we need to look to spring and the new growth God has for

our todays, and that’s why it hurts Him when we worry

us. Now, I want to address the anxiety that comes with new

about tomorrow. He is calling you to a life of faith, full

life and new growth.

dependency on Him and His truth in your life.

Anxiety. A word that plagues so many people, both

By the time you read this, the daffodils will have

believers and non-believers alike. I remember when I was

withered away for another season, the dogwoods will

first diagnosed with anxiety, it literally felt like my world

have lost their blooms, and the colorful redbuds will have

was closing in. One of the worst things to tell an anxious

turned green. Seasons change, time comes and goes, yet God

person is that they have anxiety. I have struggled, prayed

continues to provide. This is the truth that you can cling to

for forgiveness, and full-on battled with God over the verse

no matter what the season of life you are in brings you. Even

above. Why God, why when you promise a way without

though the lilies and the grass die, God still provided for

anxiety does it continue to be such a deep struggle?

them in their time, and He will provide for you too. Trust

42 // May 2022

About The Author

Him with your today and lay your anxiety down at His feet.

April Engstrom resides in Bradley County with her husband and two boys. She loves her family at the Church at Grace Point and exploring God’s creation. You can follow April’s blog at

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