2 minute read

Courage to Write

Gò0dNews for Students

Courage to Write


by Abdiel Medina

Any of my teachers from elementary to college would agree that I have bad writing. I even used to consider writing an unenjoyable, tedious task. Despite my negative perspective on writing, it became a passion that God ingrained in my heart all the way back when I was in the 7th grade. Honestly, I was surprised when God put a passion in my heart for writing, and it would take me a while to begin to understand the impact God would have in my life through it.

For example, writing became an outlet for me to live out my faith and go into a deeper relationship with God. During my time in middle school, I was uncertain about what I should be doing as a Christian. So, during my time at lunch, I would read my Bible and write about what I read and songs of praise. My writing was not deep or profound, but it enabled me to have a platform to worship God and dig into His Word.

Because God gave me a desire to write, it also served as an outlet to express my struggles. Vulnerability has never been easy for me, and during middle school, there were some personal struggles I was going through. Writing became a way for me to be vulnerable with God about my struggles.

Finally, I want to share how writing has become a tool for me to encourage and show my appreciation for others. During my time in high school, I started trying to be intentional about writing letters of encouragement and gratitude to others. Throughout my years of doing so, the impact that it can have on a person’s life has amazed me. Sometimes, I may not know what a person may be going through, but God will use the letter I wrote to provide the person with encouragement or appreciation deeply needed. I’ve been blessed that through writing, God has enabled me the opportunity to use GoodNews Magazine as a platform to encourage and share God’s truth with my fellow citizens here in Cleveland.

Proverbs 3:5-6 declares, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” Back when I was a 7th grader, I never envisioned

that God would use my passion for writing to help me grow as a Christian, endure tough trials, and positively impact several lives. Therefore, I want to encourage you that if you feel uncertain or confused about a prompting from the Lord or where He may be leading you, do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Lean onto God beyond your own understanding, and even if it takes a couple of years, you will be grateful for where God will take you.

About The Author Abdiel Medina is a young writer working on his second year at Lee University. He loves God, his fam, and church fam at Keith Street Ministries!

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