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Michigan State Forests

In 2022, we partnered with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and The Arbor Day Foundation to replant Michigan’s state lands on a large scale.

WHY: Because these forests were heavily logged in the late 1800s, and statewide conservation efforts have been focused on bringing public lands back to their natural state.

WHICH TREES: We are replanting native stands of Jack pine and Red pine, with a small percentage of White spruce and Eastern White pine. In total, nearly 6 million trees are being planted through this partnership.

ECOSYSTEM BENEFITS: As the forests mature, the trees will provide a wide variety of ecosystem services including carbon sequestration and water filtration. This means that the air and water will be naturally cleaner as a result of the trees.

WILDLIFE BENEFITS: Forests across Michigan will provide improved habitats for a wide variety of wildlife including deer, turkey, grouse, and — most notably — the Kirtland’s warbler. These birds have only recently been taken off the endangered species list thanks to concerted tree planting efforts like this one. The birds nest in young Jack pine forest stands and rely on them for survival.

A New Wind Power Initiative

Our New Jersey headquarters and warehouse have been converted to 100% wind power. Join us as we continue on the path toward sustainable living and environmentally friendly practices at work and home.

Invasive Species Removal

The Phillip Jeffries Eco Team regularly hikes and cleans up our environment. Last year, our team partnered with the Bonsal Wildlife Preserve Invasive Strike Team to remove the invasive species, Japanese knotweed. Together, we infiltrated an area of the preserve where hundreds of newly planted trees and shrubs were in danger. These newly planted native species filled a barren area where a leaking sewer pipe was removed. The removal of the Japanese knotweed was essential to the survival of the wildlife in the area.

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