Flan di Patate e Tartufo - A Traditional Tuscan Recipe from our Blog

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Flan di Patate e Tartufo Potato Flan Flavoured with Truffles

Ingredients (serves 6) • 800 g potatoes • ½ L liquid cream • 4 eggs and 4 yolks • 150 g grated parmesan • 8 tbs of olive oil • salt and pepper • 2 small black truffles

Preheat oven to 160°C. Shave the truffles. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes, add to saucepan with the olive oil, cover and cook for around 15 minutes. When they are cooked, pass the potatoes through a potato masher or better a food mill ('passatutto'). Add all ingredients apart from the truffles and mix well with a mixer/food processor until you have a creamy consistency. Then add the shaved truffles. Butter well a mould (ring moulds are nice for this flan) or make smaller individual portions. Fill ¾ full and cook in a 'bain-marie' for 40 minutes in a moderate oven. You can easily do this by taking a roasting tray then placing the small moulds (even the disposable aluminium ones are great for this purpose) evenly, then filling with water to about two-thirds full. The creates the correct 'environment' in the oven to cook them properly without them getting too dry.


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