Pere cotte nel vino rosso con crema e salsa di vino - A Traditional Tuscan Recipe from our Blog

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Pere Cotte nel Vino Rosso con Crema e Salsa di Vino Pears cooked in red wine and served with vanilla custard and reduced red wine syrup

Ingredients for pears and syrup (serves 4) • 4 williams pears • 1.5 L red wine (un-oaked) • 1 tsp cloves • 2 cinnamon sticks • 300 g sugar

Peel the pears with care and leave the stem on top. You can either leave them whole or cut in half and eliminate the seeds. In a large saucepan add the wine, sugar, cinnamon, and the cloves. Stir and then add the pears so they are completely covered. Cook over a gentle flame for approximately 20 minutes until they are soft but still quite firm. The time depends on the size and maturity of the pears. Stir occasionally if they are not completely covered. Turn off the heat and let them sit in the wine for approximately 20 minutes. Remove the pears with a large slotted spoon and set aside carefully. Strain the wine to remove the cloves and then boil until the sauce reduces to approximately one third or the desired consistency.


Ingredients for the custard (serves 4) • 375 ml whole milk • 3 egg yolks • 50 g sugar • 10 g flour • 1 vanilla bean, split • the peel of half a lemon

Mix the flour, egg yolks, sugar and a bit of the milk together in a bowl. In a saucepan (preferably copper) heat the milk with the lemon peel and vanilla until it reaches near boiling point. Slowly add the milk to the egg mixture, stirring constantly, and put back into the saucepan over a low heat, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens. Serve the pears with the cream and a little of the wine sauce.


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