Soufflé di Parmigiano - A Traditional Italian Recipe from our Blog

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Ingredients (serves 4) • 150 g grated parmesan • 60 g potato starch • ½ L milk • 4 egg whites • butter to grease the souffle moulds

Soufflé di Parmigiano Parmesan Souffle

In a bowl mix together the parmesan and the cold milk. Place the potato starch in another bowl and dilute with just a little bit of milk to make a creamy sauce. In a pan add both the starch mixture and the parmesan and mix well. Place on a slow flame and cook for about 20 minute stirring continuously. When the creamy mixture is at room temperature, add the eggs whites and beat very well. Take 4 individual small moulds and fill to three-quarters full. Bake in bain-marie for 20 minutes in a 140°C oven.


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