Table of Contents Goodyear Mission, Vision, Purpose, and Values
City Strategic Focus Areas
Parks and Recreation Purpose
Parks and Recreation Department Pillars and Goals
Employee Engagement
Community Engagement
Quality of Life
Strategic Planning
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Goodyear Mission The city of Goodyear will provide the finest municipal services and promote a quality environment to enhance our community’s prosperity through citizen and employee participation. We are committed to the stewardship of resources and fulfillment of the public trust.
Goodyear Vision The city of Goodyear will be…
a great place to live, work, and raise a family a city with healthy lifestyles and commitment to the environment a growing community that provides quality opportunities and lifestyles
We will be known as…
a destination place for regional shopping, dining, and entertainment a destination for higher education designed for workforce needs a place for diverse job opportunities and an inventory of industries an incubator for entrepreneurs a hub of arts and culture in the West Valley
Goodyear Purpose With unified leadership, a talented workforce, and an involved citizenry, Goodyear is on the leading edge of tremendous growth and quality development opportunities. By eliminating barriers and staying adaptable, we will take calculated risks to maximize the community’s potential. We deliver services to meet the needs of our city so that Goodyear continues to be a thriving sustainable community for all.
Goodyear Values The city of Goodyear and its employees serve residents according to SIX core values:
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
City Strategic Focus Areas Goodyear’s Strategic Plan uses the city’s vision and the five City Council focus areas described below as its roadmap for action. Goodyear City Council has adopted city-wide goals to advance each area by fiscal year 2027. The Parks and Recreation Department Strategic Action Plan aligns the goals through each pillar with the City Strategic Focus Areas listed below. Fiscal & Resource Management - The city of Goodyear will maintain a transparent, adaptable, and forward-looking fiscal position that aligns with community priorities to provide an outstanding quality of life for our residents. The city will implement innovative, efficient, and responsible policies and financially sustainable business practices to effectively manage its fiscal and human resources Economic Vitality - The city of Goodyear will maintain its unique character while seeking diverse and high-quality development that supports the community’s economic sustainability. The city will foster economic development strategies that invest in public amenities and infrastructure to enhance our community. Safe & Vibrant Community - The city of Goodyear will provide programs, gathering places, and events where the community can come together to participate in opportunities for an engaged, healthy, safe, and active lifestyle. Innovative & High Performing Organization - The city of Goodyear strives to be a preferred employer by fostering an inclusive culture and a safe working environment that attracts and retains a highly performing and engaged workforce. The city is committed to providing outstanding service to the community at an exceptional value. Infrastructure - The city of Goodyear will strategically plan, implement, and maintain current and future infrastructure and facilities to support the community’s quality of life, economic viability, and protection of the environment.
Parks and Recreation Purpose Through quality programs, services, and facilities, the Parks and Recreation Department enhances the quality of life and fosters a sense of community for Goodyear residents. Programs, activities, and facilities instill a sense of community pride by providing opportunities for Recreation Programs & the community to gather, recreate, and develop lasting Services relationships in a well-maintained and attractive city. The department is responsible for operating and maintaining public parks and rights of way, recreation and aquatic programs, library services, and arts and culture. The department also operates Goodyear Ballpark and associated state-of-the-art baseball facilities. These facilities host Major League Baseball Spring Training as well as public/private events year-round. Working with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission and the Arts and Culture Commission, the department provides safe parks and diverse programs that promote active lifestyles and community events.
Administrative Services
Library Services
Parks & Recreation Ballpark Operations & Maintenance
Arts, Culture and Special Events Parks & Right of Way Maintenance
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Parks and Recreation Department Pillars and Goals This Strategic Action Plan is an integral part of Goodyear’s Performance Management system, which is inspired by City Council and Leadership, resident engagement, and emerging needs and priorities as identified by staff and the community. This departmental Strategic Action Plan encompasses both the strategic priorities and the day-to-day operations of the department. This plan, while department specific, aligns with the city-wide two-year Strategic Action Plan that is updated and adopted by Goodyear’s Mayor and Council.
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Employee Engagement Employees are our greatest asset and the heart of making Goodyear a wonderful place to live, recreate and work. Employee engagement is crucial for organizational success as it enhances productivity, fosters a positive workplace culture, and contributes to employee retention and innovation. Goal
Fiscal Year
1.1 Increase Employee Satisfaction
Gallup Survey Results • Engage teams in creating and completing action plans based on the Q12 survey results
1.2 Enhance Work-life Balance
Department will: • Monitor, solicit, and support staff requests that foster a healthy work-life balance • Extend opportunities to maximize work-life balance whenever possible • Expect leadership team to actively encourage work-life balance initiatives in their work groups • Leadership will lead the way by example • Encourage alternative work schedules (where possible) • Employees have a voice in decisions that impact their work • Employees at all levels are engaged in identifying annual budgetary needs • All levels of leadership are responsible for deliberate actions to create a work environment and relations that provide for employee feedback and psychological safety
1.3 Empowered Employees
Focus Area
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Safety Goodyear Parks and Recreation believes that NO JOB OR TASK IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WORKER SAFETY. If a job presents a potential safety threat, every effort will be made to complete the task in a safe manner, as every job duty must be performed safely. Every employee is entitled to a safe place to work. Goal
Focus Area
Fiscal Year
2.1 Implement Velocity
Implement Velocity by module in alignment with the 3-year citywide initiative
2.2 Maintain (VPP) Designation
Maintaining VPP status by focusing on continual improvements to the safety program
2.3 Employee Incentive Program
2.4 Incident Processing
2.5 Implement the Excessive Heat Plan
Maintain a department-wide incentive program for Hazards Identification Develop and implement a department-wide incentive program for “near miss” incident reporting Implement an 85% standard of completing and closing assigned tasks associated with incidents on time. Initiate reporting standards for leadership and develop mechanisms to communicate to employees when hazards have been corrected (i.e., “find and fix”) Implement division specific excessive heat plans, including proper PPE, changes to schedules, and modification of work tasks
2.6 Continuity of Operations Planning
Ensure the department COOP Plan is current and in coordination with Maricopa County Emergency Operations Plan
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Community Engagement The department will continue to foster an atmosphere of community engagement. This will be conducted through various engagement opportunities such as boards and commissions, surveys, social media, and marketing campaigns, as well as being actively engaged in the community. Goal 3.1 Engage the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission 3.2 Digital Marketing of Programs and Events
3.3 Engage the Arts & Culture Commission
3.4 Engage the Community through Surveys
Focus Area
Fiscal Year
Commission will: • Provide outreach, input, and support for the department’s planning efforts • Generate interest, support, and attend various city events • Actively solicit and present community feedback for department consideration Department will: • Provide timely and relevant social media communication regarding all department activities/initiatives • Provide accurate and engaging digital media content for the community to receive • Monitor and quickly respond to community digital media interactions with the public Commission will: • Recommend an Annual Public Art Plan for Council approval • Engage with residents through Arts advocacy at events and programs • Develop strategies to promote and educate the public through the city's public art collection • Consistently engage participants through surveys to ensure the department is offering quality programs, events, activities, parks and meeting the needs of the community
Annually Continuous Annually Continuous
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Operations Through efficient operations, maintenance, and administrative services, the Parks and Recreation Department will provide quality facilities, parks, right of ways (ROW), programs, and experiences to the Goodyear Community. Goal
Focus Area
Fiscal Year
4.1 Ballpark Sponsorship Renewal Rate
Achieve a 75% renewal rate for sponsorships
4.2 Facility Audits
Ensure facility audit scores are maintained at 90% or above (facilities, parks, and ballpark)
4.3 Right of Way Audits
Ensure right of way facility audit scores are maintained at 90% or above
4.4 Program Relevancy
Ensure programs are relevant to the community by achieving 90% attendance
4.5 Customer Satisfaction
4.6 Asset Management
Ensure we are providing high quality events, programs, and services by receiving a 90% satisfaction rating (Ballpark, recreation programs, Goodyear Recreation Campus, arts & culture, special events, parks, and library services) Ensure assets are replaced by established deadlines
4.7 Bullard Wash
Explore opportunities to acquire the MCFLOOD property between McDowell and I-10 at approximately 150th Avenue to continue the Bullard Wash trail to I-10 Utilize the Bond Initiative to begin design of the Bullard Wash Trail from McDowell south to Goodyear Ballpark Evaluate phasing the Bullard Wash Trail south of McDowell Explore opportunities to connect trail users from Rio Paseo Park to the north side of the Roosevelt Irrigation District Canal
• • •
FY25 FY25 FY25
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Operations (cont.) Goal
Focus Area
Fiscal Year
4.8 Ballpark Tourism
Attract at least 60% of "out-of-town" attendees annually to capitalize on the economic impact of spring training
4.9 Recreation Software
4.10 Goodyear Community Park (Design)
4.11 Goodyear Community Park (Renovate) 4.12 Budget
Benchmark Fusion software against other software and conduct a pros and cons analysis to streamline transactions, management of programs, and for overall effectiveness and efficiencies Design renovation projects for Goodyear Community Park to include: park lighting, tot lots, splash pad, dog park, ramada areas, and general site improvements Complete renovation projects to include: park lighting, tot lots, splash pad, dog park, ramada areas, and general site improvements
Evaluate, analyze, and monitor budget for maximum efficiency and operational effectiveness
4.13 GRC Phase II Design
Design Phase II Recreation Campus
4.14 CIP Projects
Deliver projects outlined in the FY25 and FY26 CIP Plan on time and within budget
4.15 Continuous Improvement
Continue to grow an atmosphere for continuous Continuous improvement opportunities for processes, software, systems, etc.
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Quality of Life The Parks and Recreation Department strives to establish a vibrant active community through programs, special events, arts, and access to healthy physical activities. Goal
Focus Area
Fiscal Year
5.1 Recreation Programming/ Events
Ensure the recreation offerings and events are meeting the community's needs
5.2 Participant Surveys
• •
Respond to survey results Consistently review programs to ensure participant satisfaction
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27
Strategic Planning As the city continues to grow in population, land use, and programming, the department must keep pace with the ever-changing needs of the community. By developing Master Plans, Feasibility Studies and implementing Asset Management Schedules, Capital Improvement Projects, and Bond Initiatives, the department will be prepared to continue to provide critical services to the community. Goal Focus Description Fiscal Year Area 6.1 Implement Begin implementation of the 2023 Parks and Continuous the 2023 Recreation Master Plan: Parks and • Identify staff responsibilities for each action item Recreation in the plan Master Plan • Distribute the implementation tracking sheet to all department leadership • Update the progress quarterly 6.2 Update the Annually • Implement and execute the department’s Department FY25-27 Strategic Action Plan Strategic • Ensure the FY27 plan is updated before the end Action Plan of FY26 6.3 Performance Annually • Evaluate performance measures on an annual Measures basis and ensure they are providing useful information to staff 6.4 Sports and Tourism
Evaluate sports and tourism strategy
6.5 Public Art Plan
Implement and execute the FY25 and FY26 Annual Public Art Plan
6.6 Library Master Plan
Complete the Library Master Plan
6.7 GRC Phase II
Complete the Conceptual Plans for GRC Phase II
6.8 Sports Complex Study
Complete a sports complex feasibility study for the I-10 basins
Goodyear Parks & Recreation Strategic Action Plan through FY27