Survival of the Fastest

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Survival of the Fastest Digital insights and tools to help you speed up in the slowdown

Contents Introduction: Matt Brittin, Managing Director, Google UK Foreword: Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School

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Insights Digital is more mass market than ever Soundbyte: Sir Martin Sorrell, WPP Success Story: PurelyGadgets Marketing tools: Insights for Search

4 6 7 8 9

Agility Follow your consumers online and make real-time decisions Soundbyte: Michael Ross, eCommera Success Story: Schuh Marketing tools: Website Optimiser

10 12 13 14 15

Efficiency Turbocharge your marketing spend: getting more bang for your buck Soundbyte: Rory Sutherland, Ogilvy Group UK Success Story: Ford, Motorola and GM Europe Marketing tools: Conversion Optimiser and Ad Planner

16 18 19 20 22

Pace Technology is not slowing down so neither should you Soundbyte: Don Sull, London Business School Success Story: Marketing tools: Google Analytics

24 26 27 28 29

Learn more about our products and free tools Visit today


Contents Introduction: Matt Brittin, Managing Director, Google UK Foreword: Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School

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Insights Digital is more mass market than ever Soundbyte: Sir Martin Sorrell, WPP Success Story: PurelyGadgets Marketing tools: Insights for Search

4 6 7 8 9

Agility Follow your consumers online and make real-time decisions Soundbyte: Michael Ross, eCommera Success Story: Schuh Marketing tools: Website Optimiser

10 12 13 14 15

Efficiency Turbocharge your marketing spend: getting more bang for your buck Soundbyte: Rory Sutherland, Ogilvy Group UK Success Story: Ford, Motorola and GM Europe Marketing tools: Conversion Optimiser and Ad Planner

16 18 19 20 22

Pace Technology is not slowing down so neither should you Soundbyte: Don Sull, London Business School Success Story: Marketing tools: Google Analytics

24 26 27 28 29

Learn more about our products and free tools Visit today


Introduction As businesses work to come to terms with the economic slowdown, digital insights and tools can offer you real assistance. We observe that, whether your business is mainly online or ‘offline’, using these technologies can provide a real advantage. Digital insights can provide up to date views on the behaviour of your consumers and competitors; a range of tools bring agility allowing your business to test and learn rapidly and very cheaply; digital marketing and online tools can bring efficiency and together these can help your business move at a greater pace. In a world of rapid change and much uncertainty, it is vital to build these capabilities. Emerging from the slowdown, the ability to move faster than competitors will become a long term advantage, enabled by these technologies. We encourage you to experiment - it’s easier than you think and can help your performance now.

— Matt Brittin Managing Director, Google UK Ltd


Introduction As businesses work to come to terms with the economic slowdown, digital insights and tools can offer you real assistance. We observe that, whether your business is mainly online or ‘offline’, using these technologies can provide a real advantage. Digital insights can provide up to date views on the behaviour of your consumers and competitors; a range of tools bring agility allowing your business to test and learn rapidly and very cheaply; digital marketing and online tools can bring efficiency and together these can help your business move at a greater pace. In a world of rapid change and much uncertainty, it is vital to build these capabilities. Emerging from the slowdown, the ability to move faster than competitors will become a long term advantage, enabled by these technologies. We encourage you to experiment - it’s easier than you think and can help your performance now.

— Matt Brittin Managing Director, Google UK Ltd


Foreword Every recession is shaped by its own unique circumstances and proceeds in somewhat unpredictable ways. But our understanding of macroeconomics improves each time, so we can still make some useful generalisations about how things are likely to take shape in the years ahead. As Churchill might have said, we are not yet at the beginning of the end, but we are perhaps at the end of the beginning. And this means we can draw on our experience of previous recessions to map out the challenges facing companies at the moment, and to offer some ideas about the appropriate ways forward. Most companies have been through, or are in the middle of, a major round of cuts – typically involving layoffs, some plant closures, and big cuts in discretionary spending. Some will have to go through a second round. The challenges executives face in such times are substantially different from the challenges faced in boom times. How do we make cuts that will allow us to work smarter and better in the future? How do we keep morale up while we are making layoffs? How can we continue to invest in long-term priorities like innovation at times like these? There are no easy answers to these questions, but neither is it all down to gut feel and luck. Survival of the Fastest provides you with the up-to-date ideas and insights from leading thinkers and practising executives from around the world. Get reading – there’s no time to lose…


— Julian Birkinshaw Professor of Strategic and International Management, London Business School


Foreword Every recession is shaped by its own unique circumstances and proceeds in somewhat unpredictable ways. But our understanding of macroeconomics improves each time, so we can still make some useful generalisations about how things are likely to take shape in the years ahead. As Churchill might have said, we are not yet at the beginning of the end, but we are perhaps at the end of the beginning. And this means we can draw on our experience of previous recessions to map out the challenges facing companies at the moment, and to offer some ideas about the appropriate ways forward. Most companies have been through, or are in the middle of, a major round of cuts – typically involving layoffs, some plant closures, and big cuts in discretionary spending. Some will have to go through a second round. The challenges executives face in such times are substantially different from the challenges faced in boom times. How do we make cuts that will allow us to work smarter and better in the future? How do we keep morale up while we are making layoffs? How can we continue to invest in long-term priorities like innovation at times like these? There are no easy answers to these questions, but neither is it all down to gut feel and luck. Survival of the Fastest provides you with the up-to-date ideas and insights from leading thinkers and practising executives from around the world. Get reading – there’s no time to lose…


— Julian Birkinshaw Professor of Strategic and International Management, London Business School


Insights In a recession consumer behaviour changes faster as people make different choices about their holidays, investments, entertainment and the weekly shop to name but a few. Consumer perceptions of what brands are saying and how relevant they are also change. Brand perceptions change to match – see for example the recent rise in brands like Aldi which represent value for money (Millward Brown’ 2009 Brandz survey: Aldi +49%). The internet facilitates these changes as consumers are quick to research alternatives and seek out the best deal online. It also allows you to keep track of these changes more directly and in ways which did not exist even a few years ago. Today search trends and online behaviour have become leading indicators of consumer attitudes and interests; blogs, forums, video sites and Twitter also act as barometers for consumer sentiment. Businesses can get immediate feedback based on customer purchasing patterns, just as they can keep track of competitor behaviour in real time. The digital world offers a rich vein of free, up to the minute insights.

Insights In a recession consumer behaviour changes faster as people make different choices about their holidays, investments, entertainment and the weekly shop to name but a few. Consumer perceptions of what brands are saying and how relevant they are also change. Brand perceptions change to match – see for example the recent rise in brands like Aldi which represent value for money (Millward Brown’ 2009 Brandz survey: Aldi +49%). The internet facilitates these changes as consumers are quick to research alternatives and seek out the best deal online. It also allows you to keep track of these changes more directly and in ways which did not exist even a few years ago. Today search trends and online behaviour have become leading indicators of consumer attitudes and interests; blogs, forums, video sites and Twitter also act as barometers for consumer sentiment. Businesses can get immediate feedback based on customer purchasing patterns, just as they can keep track of competitor behaviour in real time. The digital world offers a rich vein of free, up to the minute insights.

Digital is now more mass market than ever

71% of the UK population is now online.

— Internet World Stats, March 2009

More people are spending more time on more activities online There are 1.6 billion people online worldwide, representing nearly 24% of the world’s population..

— Internet World Stats, March 2009

Over 30% of our leisure time is now spent online.

— TNS, December 2008

In January 2009 in the UK, 30 million people - around 80% of internet users - watched online videos.

— Comscore, March 2009

93% of Brits are making major financial cutbacks in the home to survive the economic turmoil. The top 5 ways to beat the downturn are; ‘buying cheaper food (65%), ‘Savvy initiatives to keep fuel bills down (65%), ‘cutting down on takeaways/eating out (50%)’, ‘switching energy suppliers (39%)’, ‘shopping around for cheaper home insurance’ (32%).

“In five years’ time, I’d expect our company to be more outside traditional media, and more focused and more thoughtful on those areas of consumer insight which are critically important in these recessionary times.” — Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP 3 areas for focus in a downturn

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— Legal & General Report, November 2008



Digital is now more mass market than ever

71% of the UK population is now online.

— Internet World Stats, March 2009

More people are spending more time on more activities online There are 1.6 billion people online worldwide, representing nearly 24% of the world’s population..

— Internet World Stats, March 2009

Over 30% of our leisure time is now spent online.

— TNS, December 2008

In January 2009 in the UK, 30 million people - around 80% of internet users - watched online videos.

— Comscore, March 2009

93% of Brits are making major financial cutbacks in the home to survive the economic turmoil. The top 5 ways to beat the downturn are; ‘buying cheaper food (65%), ‘Savvy initiatives to keep fuel bills down (65%), ‘cutting down on takeaways/eating out (50%)’, ‘switching energy suppliers (39%)’, ‘shopping around for cheaper home insurance’ (32%).

“In five years’ time, I’d expect our company to be more outside traditional media, and more focused and more thoughtful on those areas of consumer insight which are critically important in these recessionary times.” — Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP 3 areas for focus in a downturn

To view this video and see others go to:

— Legal & General Report, November 2008



Success story: PurelyGadgets In 2005, Alan Lim, Managing “We grew about 700% over the past Director of PurelyGadgets, used two years, without using Google we Google search statistics to uncover would not have grown this rapidly” a demand trend in the digital camera market. By identifying a significant shift in demand from a low in late summer and autumn to a high in December, PurelyGadgets were able to capitalise on the trend, accumulating stock at lower prices and taking advantage of higher prices during the Christmas rush. It’s this sort of market insight that has led to extraordinary growth for the young company. Since their creation in 2004, PurelyGadgets have relied on online advertising, turning to Google AdWords to assist them in creating an online presence. In a competitive market PurelyGadgets has to be dynamic and responsive, they use a range of Google tools including AdWords and Analytics to stay on top of trends “We change our prices every day, sometimes hourly, only Google allow and in front of their competitors. us to have that sort of flexibility.”

Learn how your brand is faring v.s competitors and which services or products are hot


Google Insights for Search allows you to compare search volume patterns for your keywords across specific categories, time frames and regions: • Narrow data to specific categories, like finance, health, and sports • Anticipate demand for your business so you can budget and plan accordingly • Know where to find your customers and see how search volume is distributed across countries, regions and cities Try this today:



Success story: PurelyGadgets In 2005, Alan Lim, Managing “We grew about 700% over the past Director of PurelyGadgets, used two years, without using Google we Google search statistics to uncover would not have grown this rapidly” a demand trend in the digital camera market. By identifying a significant shift in demand from a low in late summer and autumn to a high in December, PurelyGadgets were able to capitalise on the trend, accumulating stock at lower prices and taking advantage of higher prices during the Christmas rush. It’s this sort of market insight that has led to extraordinary growth for the young company. Since their creation in 2004, PurelyGadgets have relied on online advertising, turning to Google AdWords to assist them in creating an online presence. In a competitive market PurelyGadgets has to be dynamic and responsive, they use a range of Google tools including AdWords and Analytics to stay on top of trends “We change our prices every day, sometimes hourly, only Google allow and in front of their competitors. us to have that sort of flexibility.”

Learn how your brand is faring v.s competitors and which services or products are hot


Google Insights for Search allows you to compare search volume patterns for your keywords across specific categories, time frames and regions: • Narrow data to specific categories, like finance, health, and sports • Anticipate demand for your business so you can budget and plan accordingly • Know where to find your customers and see how search volume is distributed across countries, regions and cities Try this today:



Agility Insights are worthless unless you can act on them. Even if you don’t sell online, the internet can be a huge, rapid and low cost focus group. Test your messages, or pricing before committing to expensive traditional marketing costs. The internet allows you to react quickly to changing consumer behaviour by adapting your online store front and marketing messages and by targeting custom offers to individual consumers based on their preferences. You can make daily changes to featured products and promotions based on what your customers are asking for. You can change your pricing in real time in line with the competition. And you can take control of your marketing spend, messaging and targeting. All of these changes can be tested and accurately measured so that you know in real-time what’s working.

Agility Insights are worthless unless you can act on them. Even if you don’t sell online, the internet can be a huge, rapid and low cost focus group. Test your messages, or pricing before committing to expensive traditional marketing costs. The internet allows you to react quickly to changing consumer behaviour by adapting your online store front and marketing messages and by targeting custom offers to individual consumers based on their preferences. You can make daily changes to featured products and promotions based on what your customers are asking for. You can change your pricing in real time in line with the competition. And you can take control of your marketing spend, messaging and targeting. All of these changes can be tested and accurately measured so that you know in real-time what’s working.

Follow your consumers online and make real-time decisions

Online sales grew +31% year on year compared with High St sales which declined -1.3%.

— OC&C Christmas Trading Index 2008, (as published in Retail Week 30 Jan 09)

e-Commerce. Home shopping has grown threefold in a decade - from £9.7bn to £26bn. Growth fuelled by internet, accounting for 74% of the market, compared with 4% in 1998.

— Verdict Research UK Remote Shopping 2009, December 2008

In the UK the latest figures show that 17p in every £1 is spent online. This is roughly equivalent to half of all supermarket sales and larger than all retail sales for clothing and footwear.

— IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales index, July 2008

Nearly 45% of European Internet users say that in the past three months they have researched a product online and then bought it in a shop.

“As many look to online as their only source of economic growth, the online channel is getting much more competitive. You have to look a lot harder at your online proposition.”

— Forrester ‘Western European Online Retail and Travel Forecast, 2008 to 2014

— Michael Ross, Director, eCommera Online channel: not just another shop

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50% of shopping carts online are abandoned.

— Coremetrics, March 2009

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Follow your consumers online and make real-time decisions

Online sales grew +31% year on year compared with High St sales which declined -1.3%.

— OC&C Christmas Trading Index 2008, (as published in Retail Week 30 Jan 09)

e-Commerce. Home shopping has grown threefold in a decade - from £9.7bn to £26bn. Growth fuelled by internet, accounting for 74% of the market, compared with 4% in 1998.

— Verdict Research UK Remote Shopping 2009, December 2008

In the UK the latest figures show that 17p in every £1 is spent online. This is roughly equivalent to half of all supermarket sales and larger than all retail sales for clothing and footwear.

— IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales index, July 2008

Nearly 45% of European Internet users say that in the past three months they have researched a product online and then bought it in a shop.

“As many look to online as their only source of economic growth, the online channel is getting much more competitive. You have to look a lot harder at your online proposition.”

— Forrester ‘Western European Online Retail and Travel Forecast, 2008 to 2014

— Michael Ross, Director, eCommera Online channel: not just another shop

To view this video and see others go to:

50% of shopping carts online are abandoned.

— Coremetrics, March 2009

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Success story: Schuh

Use science to improve your customer’s experience and your profitablity with Website Optimiser

Schuh is at the leading edge of the UK fashion footwear industry, widely recognised as one of the most innovative independent footwear retailers, on the high street and online.

“Website Optimiser is free, easy and allows me to quickly set up a test to improve conversion on our site”.


While planning a complete redesign of their site, Schuh web developer Patrick Timmons was able to use Google’s free Website Optimiser to test a variety of layouts for their product categories.


Variation 1

Variation 2

During testing, Variation 2 improved the number of consumers adding shoes to their shopping baskets by 10% in comparison to the original and offered a 6% overall improvement in site conversion, clearly indicating the direction for the new design. “The new design improved ‘add to baskets’ by 10% in comparison to the original and an overall 6% improvement in site conversion.”

As Patrick Timmons says “the great thing about testing is it allows me to make the right decisions in making site changes.” - 14 -

Website Optimiser allows you to increase the value of your existing website’s traffic without spending a penny. Using Website Optimiser to test and optimise site content and design, you can quickly and easily increase conversions and return on investment. • Direct feedback allow your site visitors to influence design • Improve conversions improve site effectiveness and visitor satisfaction • Prove the case reports eliminate the guesswork from redesigns Try this today:

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Success story: Schuh

Use science to improve your customer’s experience and your profitablity with Website Optimiser

Schuh is at the leading edge of the UK fashion footwear industry, widely recognised as one of the most innovative independent footwear retailers, on the high street and online.

“Website Optimiser is free, easy and allows me to quickly set up a test to improve conversion on our site”.


While planning a complete redesign of their site, Schuh web developer Patrick Timmons was able to use Google’s free Website Optimiser to test a variety of layouts for their product categories.


Variation 1

Variation 2

During testing, Variation 2 improved the number of consumers adding shoes to their shopping baskets by 10% in comparison to the original and offered a 6% overall improvement in site conversion, clearly indicating the direction for the new design. “The new design improved ‘add to baskets’ by 10% in comparison to the original and an overall 6% improvement in site conversion.”

As Patrick Timmons says “the great thing about testing is it allows me to make the right decisions in making site changes.” - 14 -

Website Optimiser allows you to increase the value of your existing website’s traffic without spending a penny. Using Website Optimiser to test and optimise site content and design, you can quickly and easily increase conversions and return on investment. • Direct feedback allow your site visitors to influence design • Improve conversions improve site effectiveness and visitor satisfaction • Prove the case reports eliminate the guesswork from redesigns Try this today:

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Efficiency Online technology can help you get ahead in the downturn with lower cost ways to compete and by assisting with smarter decisions about where to invest to get the best returns. Cloud computing solutions now allow companies to focus more time and money on their core business and less on their IT. New online tools allow easy sharing, access and collaboration which in turn drives productivity and innovation. Digital remains the best place to invest in a downturn to drive ROI. It’s here that demand is growing as consumers move online. Online marketing is more measurable – results can be tracked in real time and it’s relatively cheap and easy to test campaigns. It’s also very targeted allowing your business to reach the right audiences in the right markets and in the case of search marketing, at the precise moment when they are looking for you and your products.

Efficiency Online technology can help you get ahead in the downturn with lower cost ways to compete and by assisting with smarter decisions about where to invest to get the best returns. Cloud computing solutions now allow companies to focus more time and money on their core business and less on their IT. New online tools allow easy sharing, access and collaboration which in turn drives productivity and innovation. Digital remains the best place to invest in a downturn to drive ROI. It’s here that demand is growing as consumers move online. Online marketing is more measurable – results can be tracked in real time and it’s relatively cheap and easy to test campaigns. It’s also very targeted allowing your business to reach the right audiences in the right markets and in the case of search marketing, at the precise moment when they are looking for you and your products.

Turbocharge your marketing spend: getting more bang for your buck

In a recent study, search in combination with other media makes that media more efficient in increasing brand values: Up to 10% more efficient Radio + Search vs Radio alone.

— Unilever, Mindshare and Google, Flora Xmos Study December 2008

Leading players are working out how to get better results for less spend Although overall media spend is set to decline by 8.7%, digital media in the UK is estimated to grow by 2.3% in 2009, representing 18.8% of total media spend.

— ZenithOptimedia, ‘Advertising Expenditure Forecasts’, March 2009

According to a case study by Coke Oasis, 3 out of 4 of the top media vehicles for increased brand fame are online.

— Coke Oasis, March 2009

Over 1 in 3 (34%) UK adults have researched a brand that they have seen advertised online.

Whereas marketing budgets generally get cut in bad times, ... the time to spend on marketing is precisely during these moments of consumer volatility, where people are significantly reassessing where they spend their money.

— Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman, Ogilvy Group UK is marketing the new finance?

To view this video and see others go to:

— TGI Net, Q109

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Turbocharge your marketing spend: getting more bang for your buck

In a recent study, search in combination with other media makes that media more efficient in increasing brand values: Up to 10% more efficient Radio + Search vs Radio alone.

— Unilever, Mindshare and Google, Flora Xmos Study December 2008

Leading players are working out how to get better results for less spend Although overall media spend is set to decline by 8.7%, digital media in the UK is estimated to grow by 2.3% in 2009, representing 18.8% of total media spend.

— ZenithOptimedia, ‘Advertising Expenditure Forecasts’, March 2009

According to a case study by Coke Oasis, 3 out of 4 of the top media vehicles for increased brand fame are online.

— Coke Oasis, March 2009

Over 1 in 3 (34%) UK adults have researched a brand that they have seen advertised online.

Whereas marketing budgets generally get cut in bad times, ... the time to spend on marketing is precisely during these moments of consumer volatility, where people are significantly reassessing where they spend their money.

— Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman, Ogilvy Group UK is marketing the new finance?

To view this video and see others go to:

— TGI Net, Q109

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Success story: Ford

Success story: Motorola and GM Europe

Ford wanted to understand the impact that search has on their brand and the choices they make about advertising media. A test group of 5,000 consumers was formed to measure and compare the impact of different media combinations.

Motorola, its agency Mindshare and General “I really like it. You notice it Motors Europe partnered with YouTube on but it doesn’t get in the way.” an innovative study into branding and user Male, 22, UK engagement on this platform. The study demonstrated the value of YouTube as a brand advertising platform where users are highly engaged with both content and ads.

Search was also found to be more than 7x more efficient in impacting campaign awareness than television and 4x more efficient in impacting Top Of Mind Awareness. “Overall, search increased the efficiency of all media, turbo charging the entire campaign.”

Efficiency (Effectiveness/Budget) Without search

With search





Users are 1.5x more attentive on YouTube than TV and are more engaged with ads on YouTube, both positively and negatively. YouTube also delivers a halo effect, with viewers attributing qualities such as ‘innovative’, ‘not boring’ and ‘dynamic’ by association even if they are not part of the campaign itself. “Engagement levels on YouTube are amplified to around 140% over TV (both positively and negatively).”



YouTube adverts have a significant impact on brand metrics - multiplying the effect over TV ads. For both GM Europe and Motorola, watching a video ad on YouTube alone significantly increases ad recall and attribution (up to 14% higher than watching the same ad on TV).


Online Display

Biometics: Attention levels on TV and YouTube

Intensity (attention)

The results were impressive, with Search positively impacting brand metrics across the Fiesta campaign, delivering a 20% increase in brand association with the terms ‘Stylish’ and ‘Desireable’. “Search proved 7 x more cost effective than television in driving campaign awareness.”

YouTube TV

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Time (seconds)

Success story: Ford

Success story: Motorola and GM Europe

Ford wanted to understand the impact that search has on their brand and the choices they make about advertising media. A test group of 5,000 consumers was formed to measure and compare the impact of different media combinations.

Motorola, its agency Mindshare and General “I really like it. You notice it Motors Europe partnered with YouTube on but it doesn’t get in the way.” an innovative study into branding and user Male, 22, UK engagement on this platform. The study demonstrated the value of YouTube as a brand advertising platform where users are highly engaged with both content and ads.

Search was also found to be more than 7x more efficient in impacting campaign awareness than television and 4x more efficient in impacting Top Of Mind Awareness. “Overall, search increased the efficiency of all media, turbo charging the entire campaign.”

Efficiency (Effectiveness/Budget) Without search

With search





Users are 1.5x more attentive on YouTube than TV and are more engaged with ads on YouTube, both positively and negatively. YouTube also delivers a halo effect, with viewers attributing qualities such as ‘innovative’, ‘not boring’ and ‘dynamic’ by association even if they are not part of the campaign itself. “Engagement levels on YouTube are amplified to around 140% over TV (both positively and negatively).”



YouTube adverts have a significant impact on brand metrics - multiplying the effect over TV ads. For both GM Europe and Motorola, watching a video ad on YouTube alone significantly increases ad recall and attribution (up to 14% higher than watching the same ad on TV).


Online Display

Biometics: Attention levels on TV and YouTube

Intensity (attention)

The results were impressive, with Search positively impacting brand metrics across the Fiesta campaign, delivering a 20% increase in brand association with the terms ‘Stylish’ and ‘Desireable’. “Search proved 7 x more cost effective than television in driving campaign awareness.”

YouTube TV

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Time (seconds)

Use technology to maximise profitable customer interactions online

Be found where your target audience is


Conversion Optimiser is an AdWords bidding feature that manages your keyword cost-per-click (CPC) bids around specific conversion goals. So you can get as many profitable clicks as possible while saving money when a conversion is unlikely to occur. • Increase profits increase conversions and decrease costs • Easy to use spend less time managing bids manually • Free use it with your AdWords account - at no extra cost


Google Ad Planner is a research and media planning tool that connects advertisers and publishers. • Target customers through demographic and behavioural information • Site specific visitor demographics and search data is available • Aggregate statistics combine statistics for multiple sites in your media plan Try this today:

Try this today:

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Use technology to maximise profitable customer interactions online

Be found where your target audience is


Conversion Optimiser is an AdWords bidding feature that manages your keyword cost-per-click (CPC) bids around specific conversion goals. So you can get as many profitable clicks as possible while saving money when a conversion is unlikely to occur. • Increase profits increase conversions and decrease costs • Easy to use spend less time managing bids manually • Free use it with your AdWords account - at no extra cost


Google Ad Planner is a research and media planning tool that connects advertisers and publishers. • Target customers through demographic and behavioural information • Site specific visitor demographics and search data is available • Aggregate statistics combine statistics for multiple sites in your media plan Try this today:

Try this today:

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Pace By spotting changes in consumer behaviour, acting on them quickly and investing efficiently businesses can get ahead in the downturn. In responding to insights available online, businesses can become more agile offline too. Rapid changes to product, pricing and marketing driven by changing customer demand will have an impact both online and off. The businesses that can move fastest to capitalise on new opportunities will emerge strongest from the downturn. They will be the winners.

Pace By spotting changes in consumer behaviour, acting on them quickly and investing efficiently businesses can get ahead in the downturn. In responding to insights available online, businesses can become more agile offline too. Rapid changes to product, pricing and marketing driven by changing customer demand will have an impact both online and off. The businesses that can move fastest to capitalise on new opportunities will emerge strongest from the downturn. They will be the winners.

Technology is not slowing down and neither should you

39% of UK broadband users (aged 16-55) watch TV programmes on the Internet.

— TNS/YouTube Media & Audience Study, December 2008

33% of 12-24 year olds globally are contactable at all times, even in their sleep.

— Reuters, March 2009

20 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

— YouTube

Nearly three in five (57%) of youth consumers logged on to YouTube to watch a music video in the last 12 months, compared to 56% who watched a music TV channel.

— Ipsos MediaCT, March 2009

In the UK, 55% of iPhone users and 34% of smartphone users have used web search, as opposed to 12% of total mobile phone users.

— ComScore, eMarketer, March 2009

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“The worst of times for the economy, can be the best of times for firms to create economic value.”

— Professor Don Sull,

London Business School

Could now be the best time to create economic value?

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Technology is not slowing down and neither should you

39% of UK broadband users (aged 16-55) watch TV programmes on the Internet.

— TNS/YouTube Media & Audience Study, December 2008

33% of 12-24 year olds globally are contactable at all times, even in their sleep.

— Reuters, March 2009

20 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

— YouTube

Nearly three in five (57%) of youth consumers logged on to YouTube to watch a music video in the last 12 months, compared to 56% who watched a music TV channel.

— Ipsos MediaCT, March 2009

In the UK, 55% of iPhone users and 34% of smartphone users have used web search, as opposed to 12% of total mobile phone users.

— ComScore, eMarketer, March 2009

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“The worst of times for the economy, can be the best of times for firms to create economic value.”

— Professor Don Sull,

London Business School

Could now be the best time to create economic value?

To view this video and see others go to:

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Success story: Directgov

Optimise your marketing and your site


When building campaigns which communicate essential information from the UK government to the population, the COI often has to act fast. One recent example of this was the swine flu outbreak, where an online strategy needed to be implemented literally overnight. For many concerned Britons the internet is their first port of call, so it was important that the NHS and Directgov, the Nation’s official website, ensured they directed people to the “The search marketing campaign correct information online. ensured that citizens could easily find i-level, COI’s digital agency, essential Government information, regarding swine flu, in a timely manner were able to use Google Adwords to great effect, adding from both Directgov and NHS Choices.” specific keywords, creatives and appropiate landing pages to a newly created swine flu campaign. This ensured both the NHS and Directgov were highly present on all searches related to the swine flu outbreak.

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Google Analytics is a free tool which can show you which sites, search engines and keywords refer your traffic and how visitors interact with your site. • Drive ROI create targeted marketing campaigns • Optimise improve site design and content for better results • Combine for more AdWords integration allows keyword level reporting Try this today:

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Success story: Directgov

Optimise your marketing and your site


When building campaigns which communicate essential information from the UK government to the population, the COI often has to act fast. One recent example of this was the swine flu outbreak, where an online strategy needed to be implemented literally overnight. For many concerned Britons the internet is their first port of call, so it was important that the NHS and Directgov, the Nation’s official website, ensured they directed people to the “The search marketing campaign correct information online. ensured that citizens could easily find i-level, COI’s digital agency, essential Government information, regarding swine flu, in a timely manner were able to use Google Adwords to great effect, adding from both Directgov and NHS Choices.” specific keywords, creatives and appropiate landing pages to a newly created swine flu campaign. This ensured both the NHS and Directgov were highly present on all searches related to the swine flu outbreak.

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Google Analytics is a free tool which can show you which sites, search engines and keywords refer your traffic and how visitors interact with your site. • Drive ROI create targeted marketing campaigns • Optimise improve site design and content for better results • Combine for more AdWords integration allows keyword level reporting Try this today:

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Advertising your business alongside Google search results is efficient and targeted using Google AdWords. And it is easy to display your ad across the Internet using the world’s largest contextual advertising network, the Google Content Network. For news, information and tips on Google AdWords, visit the Google AdWords blog: To learn more about how Google AdWords works, visit the Google AdWords Learning Centre: To get started visit:

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Google Products and Tools

Learn more about Google AdWords

Google AdWords Advertising on Google and the Google Content Network YouTube Advertise on the world’s largest video website DoubleClick Serve and manage your ads at scale Googe Apps Focus on your business, not your I.T. Business Solutions Browse all of Google’s business solutions

Advertising your business alongside Google search results is efficient and targeted using Google AdWords. And it is easy to display your ad across the Internet using the world’s largest contextual advertising network, the Google Content Network. For news, information and tips on Google AdWords, visit the Google AdWords blog: To learn more about how Google AdWords works, visit the Google AdWords Learning Centre: To get started visit:

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What do the analysts say? “Google is setting a new price floor on email and archiving costs. For a typical organisation of 5,000 seats, Apps is 151% cheaper than Exchange Online Std. Ed. and 229% cheaper than traditional on-premise email.” (Source: Forrester, 2009) “The amount of enterprise mailboxes using the SaaS model will grow from 1% of enterprise seats in 2007, to 20% in 2012, an almost unprecedented rate of change.” (Source: Gartner, 2008) Who’s using it already? • More than 1,000,000 businesses using Google Apps • Over 3,000 more signing up each day Try this today:

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Earn more revenue from your website

Google Apps: save 66% on business email services Apps

What is it? Google Apps lets your business save time and money by outsourcing email, calendar and desktop publishing to Google. This provides your employees with business applications on any web enabled device in a way that enables greater collaboration and increased productivity. Google Apps costs £33 per user per year, and includes: • Google Mail, Google Calendar and Google Talk (instant messaging) • Google Docs; including documents, spreadsheets, presentations and video • Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam protection • 24/7 phone support for administrators • 99.9% service level agreement (SLA) Google AdSense matches ads to your site’s content and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them. Try this today:

What do the analysts say? “Google is setting a new price floor on email and archiving costs. For a typical organisation of 5,000 seats, Apps is 151% cheaper than Exchange Online Std. Ed. and 229% cheaper than traditional on-premise email.” (Source: Forrester, 2009) “The amount of enterprise mailboxes using the SaaS model will grow from 1% of enterprise seats in 2007, to 20% in 2012, an almost unprecedented rate of change.” (Source: Gartner, 2008) Who’s using it already? • More than 1,000,000 businesses using Google Apps • Over 3,000 more signing up each day Try this today:

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Find out more about Google products, insights and online marketing best practices. The Ad Toolkit is a one-stop Google resource for advertisers and agencies providing a wealth of information on Google’s products, consumer behaviour insights and online marketing best practices. Try this today:

Subscribe to UK Insights, tips and tools for planning marketing campaigns from the Google Barometer Blog Our blog features details of trends, consumer Vox Pops, exciting campaigns and information on future events.

Try this today: Survival of the Fastest business channel Google, in partnership with London Business School and the Daily Telegraph, have launched the UK’s first business advice channel on YouTube. The channel provides you with bite-sized insights and inspirational ideas from some of the best business brains in the UK.

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Visit today

Find out more about Google products, insights and online marketing best practices. The Ad Toolkit is a one-stop Google resource for advertisers and agencies providing a wealth of information on Google’s products, consumer behaviour insights and online marketing best practices. Try this today:

Subscribe to UK Insights, tips and tools for planning marketing campaigns from the Google Barometer Blog Our blog features details of trends, consumer Vox Pops, exciting campaigns and information on future events.

Try this today: Survival of the Fastest business channel Google, in partnership with London Business School and the Daily Telegraph, have launched the UK’s first business advice channel on YouTube. The channel provides you with bite-sized insights and inspirational ideas from some of the best business brains in the UK.

Watch, Engage, Debate: - 34 -

Visit today

Survival of the Fastest Digital insights and tools to help you speed up in the slowdown

Looking for more? To download this booklet and for much more information, visit the Google UK Advertising Toolkit: Š Copyright 2009. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. 1415698-uk-bro-adtoolkit

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