July - September 2021
Emerging Potters – 24 Fiona Booy
They also bump the throwing off kilter making for more interesting swirls and edges. The final part is assembly stage – where she stacks, cuts and even squiggle parts of thrown pieces together. To progress her work Fiona is now experimenting with coloured clays & brighter glazes, and increasing the size of her creations. Covid made for an unexpected past 12 months for Fiona. After her teaching workshops and exhibitions were all cancelled, she created the Make-at-Home Pottery Club – which comprises the YouTube channel, St Albans Pottery, and developed various clay packs (airdry clay & firing option) for adults and children. To date she has created over 30 video projects.
FionaBooyCeramics/ St Albans Pottery/ Make-at-Home Pottery Club www.FionaBooyCeramics.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/fionabooycera mics https://www.facebook.com/FionaBooyCera mics https://www.instagram.com/stalbanspottery https://www.youtube.com/c/stalbanspottery
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