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Book Review Earth & Fire

by Kylie and Tiffany Johnson
Earth & Fire by Kylie and Tiffany Johnson
Publishing on 24 August in UK by Thames & Hudson
£40 RRP available at bookshops and at: https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/earth -fire -modern -potterstheir-tools-techniques-and -practices -tiffanyjo hnson/7417460?ean=9781760763527
ISBN 9781760763527

This is a comprehensive and large book looking at the work of individual potters in Australia working today. It looks at the studio and driving forces behind each maker and is a fascinating insight. Anyone looking for different ceramic influences this book is a must.
In the introduction Johnson recalls, “To create a book like this is no small task, particularly when deciding whose work to profile. ..” our aim is to celebrate ceramics and show how these artists create, why they work with clay, and where they pursue their craft”.

The two sisters selected artists from all backgrounds, ethnicities and locations around Australia. Many of the makers they have known for many years, and others they have admired from afar. They talked to career potters whose work has spanned decades and to those who have only been working for a short time.