Google Creative Canvas

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Some of the best creative ideas take shape from a blank canvas. This book contains a collection of innovative executions that use the Google platform as a canvas. Organised by digital trends that have emerged and are continuously evolving, these campaigns explore new possibilities, reinvent the way brands communicate with people and each other, and transform technical elements into emotional interactions. We hope you’ll discover how you can use Google as your own blank canvas to bring ideas to life for your clients and their customers. And above all, we hope you’ll be inspired. We were.

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Tell Stories 4–19 Share your message in a novel and engaging way

Empower Users 20–31 Transform your brand into a valuable resource

Evoke Emotions 32–43 Raise awareness, educate and emotionally involve your customers

Start Conversations 44–59 Create a community and initiate a dialogue with your customers

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Tell Stories Express your brand, mission or point of view creatively. By sharing your message in a novel and engaging way that invites people to participate, you can bring your story to life and create a richer experience for users.

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Did you know? 20th Century Fox’s homepage takeover ads for Wolverine: X-Men Origins created a 15% increase in brand awareness in the UK.

Capture users’ imagination on entry Execution: Movie Studios like Fox and Disney have fine-tuned the art of using the Homepage Masthead to launch blockbusters. With rich visuals and interactive elements, Mastheads have created a dramatic uplift in brand metrics to generate mass awareness and purchase intent. Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Did you know? In just 6 weeks Foot Locker drove 250,000 clicks across five countries to their contest channel by promoting their videos at only €0.04 cost per click.

Provide a creative outlet Execution: Together with OMD International, Foot Locker developed a fresh approach to their online activities that focused on stimulating user-generated content in five European countries. With YouTube they were able to create an exciting contest channel which gave users the opportunity to “Win Sneakers for Life.” To ensure the channel reached its core audience, OMD leveraged innovative new ad formats such as “Promoted Videos” which helped them achieve over one million channel views during the life of the competition. Building Blocks: YouTube, Google Content Network, Promoted Videos, Google Analytics, Google AdPlanner Developed by:

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Did you know? London’s Metropolitan Police came up with an innovative way of using YouTube’s video annotations for an anti-knife crime campaign.

Create an engaging, interactive platform Execution: H&R Block used the Video Annotations feature in YouTube to showcase a tax game that allowed users to customise their experience by clicking on different windows within the video—such as right, wrong, show me, and next. Users were shown very similar images side by side and asked to identify the correct image. By identifying the correct image, they entered the next level of the game showing a relevant tax message from H&R Block. Building Blocks: YouTube Video Annotations Developed by:

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Did you know? Consumers engaged with 17,000 hours of Volvo branded content on YouTube in 24 hours.

Launch a new channel Execution: To support the launch of the XC60 model and its auto-braking feature, Volvo started a conversation with consumers online. It created an engaging and informative rich media campaign using expanding ads that included videos, photos and an interactive game. Volvo’s YouTube brand channel featured videos with stories to help bring the new car to life for customers. Users could also follow the car’s demo tour and read consumer feedback through a live Twitter feed. Building Blocks: YouTube, DoubleClick Rich Media, Google Maps Developed by:

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X XC60 tweets from the N Y Auto Show:

@dbreakenridge You can read all about the New 2010 Volvo XC60 here: It's the car that stops itself! Wednesday, May 6th, 2:37pm LIVE feed via Twitter. Follow us

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Did you know? At age 23, Olly became the youngest person to successfully row solo eastbound across the North Atlantic, completing the epic voyage in 124 days.

Bring your story to life Execution: To share Olly Hicks’ world rowing expedition, Virgin Global Row launched a multimedia campaign. As Olly’s 24-foot boat traversed the oceans, people could follow him using Google Earth. They could keep up with his journey and life on the boat through blog posts, video updates, photos, community dialogues, and more. Building Blocks: Google Earth, YouTube, Maps, Friend Connect, Blogger, Picasa, Moderator, OpenSocial, Checkout Developed by:

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Did you know? Users can choose from over 100 artist-created themes to personalise their homepage.

Add the personal touch Execution: To encourage users to personalise their iGoogle homepages and Chrome browser, Google launched themes developed by world-class artists and designers to create a customised, inspiring background. Building Blocks: iGoogle, Google Chrome, YouTube Developed by:

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Did you know? The channel has had over 60,000 views and is the 7th most subscribed sponsored channel.

Support your offline activity Execution: Following a very successful cinema and online advertising campaign, the Royal Marines created a YouTube channel targeted at 16-24 year olds to drive traffic to their recruitment site. Rich video content in four sections illustrated the challenges and rewards of a career in the Royal Marines and emphasised the Marines’ unique state of mind, which sets them apart from the other armed forces. Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Empower Users Transform your campaign into a valuable and useful resource by helping consumers personalise their experience with your brand, stay up to date and ďŹ nd information they need.

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Did you know? Nike 5 tapped into the YouTube community— Smivadee, a super user, produced a 10 min. minifilm, users contributed video mash-ups, and even a special music track “show your five”!

Align online and offline in one seamless experience Execution: Nike Football’s Show Your 5 pitted regions and cities against each other in 5-a-side football tournament. Nike launched the TV ad with a YouTube Homepage takeover during half-time of a key Champions League game. The campaign used YouTube and Display ads across the Google Content Network to drive registrations for the tournament and showed match highlights on the Nike Football YouTube channel, with a tool allowing players to edit the videos. Building Blocks: YouTube, Google Content Network Developed by:

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Did you know? eBay users worldwide trade more than $1,900 worth of goods on the site every second.

Deliver contextually relevant, precisely targeted brand messages Execution: 100,000 variations were used in an innovative rich media gadget ad, contextually targeted across the Google Content Network. The ad was perfectly tailored to eBay’s needs, enabling viewers to search products within the gadget itself. With detailed performance tracking of all sizes and interactions (as a result of outbound links) the campaign continues to deliver hundreds of thousands of clicks for eBay each week. Building Blocks: Google Content Network, Rich Media Developed by:

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Did you know? Lenovo provided 100 Olympians with laptops and video cameras to blog about their Olympic journey.

Showcase sponsorship and provide a daily online starting point for fans Execution: The 2008 Olympics sponsor Lenovo created a personalised Olympics-themed iGoogle homepage called the Lenovo Olympic Podium. Fans could ďŹ nd venue details, competitor information, and Olympics-related news in various gadgets. Lenovo Olympian blogs were hosted on Blogger and fans received content updates in their gadgets through feeds. Building Blocks: YouTube, Picasa, Blogger, Google News, AdWords, Maps, Gadgets, Calendar Developed by:

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Did you know? Google Maps is the number 1 mapping site in the UK .

Bring a traditional brand online in a fun and interactive way Execution: Monopoly created an interactive online game that turned the world’s cities into a giant real-life board game. This immersive experience gave players a chance to experience the thrill of negotiating and building ďŹ rst hand. Building Blocks: Google Maps Developed by:

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Did you know? The Android Boom: There are already over 15,000 Android applications in the market and an estimated 65% of the applications are free to download.

Create innovative applications that are useful and relevant to users in real time Execution: Android application IBM Seer was designed to change the way tennis fans kept up to date with all the action at Wimbledon 2009. IBM Seer features location-aware visualisation built for the T-Mobile G1. Using augmented reality, it works as a real-time guide and interactive map, providing users with up to the second scores. Like other augmented reality applications, IBM Seer Android Beta uses the phone’s camera and lays content and map tools on top. Building Blocks: Android Developed by:

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Evoke Emotions Raise awareness, educate and inform. Create community. Do these things and more to evoke emotional responses and reach consumers around the world.

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Did you know? T-Mobile followed its campaign success with a second phase “Sing-Along” in Trafalgar Square with 13,000 people participating.

Create consumer buzz around a brand message Execution: T-Mobile created a YouTube brand channel to feature dance videos aggregated from across YouTube. Its dance hall of fame included videos of celebrities doing the “T-Mobile Dance.” Users were invited to join the dance by creating their own—jive with a bear, dance on the moon, or rock like a robot. Extending the interaction with the campaign T-Mobile staged a “flash-mob” dance at the Liverpool Street Station and promoted the video through YouTube and AdWords, turning it into a viral hit. Building Blocks: YouTube, Google AdWords Developed by:

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Still St S til ill nne need eed ed a cclose lloose se uup p ssh shot hoott hhere eerre

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Did you know? Evian ‘roller babies’ made The Guinness Book of Records as the most viewed online ad to date with 45 million online views, the majority coming from YouTube.

Win word of mouth with the world’s biggest ever viral video Execution: Danone Waters decided the heart of its campaign would be viral. They chose YouTube to power it, debuting the ‘roller babies’ ad on the homepage in 6 key markets worldwide. The result is history—with more than 62 million views, it is now the most viewed ad online, ever. A recent Nielsen study found clear evidence that YouTube was the catalyst behind the campaign’s viral success. As Michael Aidan, Evian Global Brand Director, puts it “people click [on a video ad] because they want to see it. If they then pass it on, that goes far beyond just exposure.” Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Did you know? There are over one million page views daily of sneakerhead content on the Google Content Network.

Sell out a special collection in hours Execution: Levi’s® partnered with the Nike Jordan Brand to sell its limited edition t-shirt and jeans collection branded as 23:501. Levi’s ran display ads on the Google Content Network targeting niche sites where “sneakerheads” gather. Building Blocks: Google Content Network Developed by:

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Did you know? Geopursuit was a winner at the 2009 RAD Awards.

Recruit and engage young talent through online gaming Execution: Conceptualised by JWT, Shell Geopursuit™ is a lateral-thinking based adventure game hosted on Google Earth. It is designed to attract creative thinkers at university to consider a career at Shell and features challenging clues based on stories about Shell’s most spectacular innovations. The more students play, the more they learn about Shell as a business. Students from more than 170 institutions in 22 countries registered to play. Over a third asked for more information about working for Shell. Building Blocks: Google Earth Developed by:

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Did you know? Lesson plans have been developed with teachers in the United Kingdom to help integrate this project into the curriculum.

Help people make a difference Execution: The Carbon Footprint Project used gadgets to raise awareness of climate change. To make information accessible in one place it allowed people to measure their own carbon footprint, compare their results on a map to the progress of others, ďŹ nd related news, and join a discussion group to learn new statistics on climate change. Building Blocks: YouTube, iGoogle, Google Maps, Gadgets, Groups Developed by:

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Start Conversations Initiate a dialogue with your audience online by providing an opportunity to interact with your brand. Create community, encourage user participation and celebrate self-expression and creativity through your campaign.

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Did you know? The competition by Barclaycard to create and upload YouTube spoof versions of its popular Waterslide received over 43,000 votes.

Get people talking by deepening the engagement of your TV creative Execution: The Barclaycard YouTube ďŹ lm competition launched to capitalise on the popularity of its Waterslide ad campaign. The dedicated YouTube channel, Barclaycardcreate, not only helped Barclaycard step away from traditional ads and build an online community, it also attracted 192,000 unique views throughout the competition and received more than 400 subscribers. The campaign was also supported by an expandable autoroll homepage takeover, the ďŹ rst of its kind outside the US. Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Did you know? If YouTube was a country, it would be the 3rd biggest country in the world with 450 million active users.

Open up and let users take control of the conversation Execution: E.ON wanted to provide a forum where people could debate the major energy issues of our time. The Talking Energy channel on YouTube enabled E.ON to raise the challenge of the energy ‘Trilemma’—the need to produce affordable, reliable and low carbon energy. The channel provides an open and transparent forum for debate about the future of energy generation in the UK. This was a first for an energy company and a bold attempt to tackle a difficult subject that the energy industry has typically avoided discussing openly with the public. This campaign was supported by press, radio and online activity. Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Did you know? The 2007 winner, Adriana Falcao of Brazil, debuted her film “Ties” at Sundance while attending as the guest of Hewlett-Packard.

Promote self-expression and creativity Execution: Hewlett-Packard partnered with YouTube to create the first international film festival online as part of its “What Do You Have to Say?” campaign. Filmmakers from 7 countries submitted over 650 videos and were judged by acclaimed director Jason Reitman, and received votes from the YouTube community. Using gadgets, filmmakers could design customised posters and t-shirts to promote their films. Building Blocks: YouTube, Google AdWords, Content Network, Rich Media Developed by:

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Did you know? 20 hours of video are uploaded every minute on YouTube.

Enter users’ social world and get them involved Execution: Coke produced an original web series for YouTube following the story of an upcoming British musician trying to make it in New York. Fans could get involved in her journey on her interactive YouTube channel powered by the Sprite brand, leaving her comments, downloading her music and even influencing her actions! The channel has recieved 2.5 million views to date, many coming from the Facebook integration which amplified buzz around each ‘webisode’ release on YouTube. Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Did you know? Visitors who use Google maps with Street View spend on average 30% more time exploring content on the website.

Get customers talking Execution: The Chemical Brothers have been involved in dance music for over a decade. They wanted their website to provide not only useful information but also to involve their fans in something that reflected their world of music. Their site uses Google Maps to clearly show where all the upcoming gigs are and also integrates user-generated content into the concert placemarks. This allows the fans to tag relevant YouTube videos or Flickr photos and add comments about a concert to its “shoutbox.” Building Blocks: Google Maps Developed by:

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Did you know? By integrating the YouTube API, the Spore brand channel now hosts over 175,000 videos of creatures.

Build an interactive gaming community where members can share their creations Execution: Electronic Arts and Maxis integrated YouTube technology into their new video game, Spore, enabling players to seamlessly share their creature creations with the world and explore inďŹ nite galaxies created by other gamers. The Spore Creature Creator used the YouTube API, which allowed users to quickly upload videos of their creations to their YouTube accounts. The Spore YouTube brand channel then housed all user uploaded video creations using the API. Building Blocks: YouTube, Google AdWords Developed by:

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Did you know? The initiative received over 333,000 unique visitors in three days, 3,600 subscribers and has had 800,000 channel views to date.

Help users connect with their interests and passions Execution: T-Mobile teamed up with The Outside Lands Music Festival and YouTube to stream live performances from Dave Matthews Band, Jason Mraz, Thievery Corporation, The Dead Weather, Silversun Pickups, Raphael Saadiq, Cage the Elephant, Atmosphere and other acts at the 2009 Outside Lands Music Festival. While about 60,000 fans attended the concert in San Francisco, over 1.2 million live streams were served on YouTube, exceeding previous YouTube records for live events. The sponsorship of the Outside Lands Music Festival launched T-Mobile’s mJourney competition, in partnership with Lonely Planet on YouTube. Users could submit films sharing their passions for the prize of a lifetime—the opportunity to film a series for Lonely Planet about their passion. Building Blocks: YouTube Developed by:

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Ready to bring your ideas to life? To learn how Google can help accelerate your business, visit If you have any questions or feedback please email us at

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Š 2009. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

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