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NCAA Tournament Records
Points: Field Goals: 35; Vicki Link vs. Mississippi, 3/13/87 15; Vicki Link vs. Mississippi, 3/13/87
Field Goal Attempts.: 28; Alex Bentley vs. Dayton, 3/19/11
Field Goal Pct. (min. 5 att.): 1.000; Three Times; last: Nikki Greene (5-5) vs. Cal Poly, 3/24/13 3-Point Field Goals: 6; Kelly Mazzante vs. FIU, 3/17/02 3-Point Field Goal Attempts: 12; Maggie Lucas vs. Florida, 3/25/14 3-Point Field Goal Pct. (min. 4 att.): .800; Jess Strom (4-5) vs. Connecticut, 3/23/02 .800; Lisa Shepherd (4-5) vs. Louisiana Tech, 3/14/99
Free Throws: 11; Maggie Lucas at LSU, 3/20/12
Free Throw Attempts: 13; Three Times; last: Helen Darling vs. Virginia, 3/12/99 Free Throw Pct. (min. 5 made): 100.0; 12 Times; last: Maggie Lucas (11-11) at LSU, 3/20/12
Assists: Steals: 16; Nikki Greene at LSU, 3/26/13 16; Helen Holloway vs. Kansas, 3/19/94 *19; Annie Troyan vs. NC State, 3/19/83 6; Four Times; last: Carla Coleman vs. Fordham, 3/19/94
Blocks: 6; Amanda Brown vs. Hampton, 3/21/04 6; Andrea Garner vs. Auburn, 3/19/00
Points: Field Goals: Field Goal Attempts: Field Goal Pct.: 3-Point Field Goals: 3-Point Field Goal Attempts: 3-Point Field Goal Pct.: 98; vs. North Carolina, 3/17/85 40; vs. Clemson, 3/12/82 83; at Old Dominion, 3/16/84 .661; vs. NC State (39-59), 3/19/83 11; vs. Alabama, 3/26/94 30; vs. Alabama, 3/26/94 .636; at Louisiana Tech (7-11), 3/14/99
Free Throws:
27; vs. Virginia, 3/12/99 Free Throw Attempts: 42; vs. Kansas, 3/19/94 Free Throw Pct. (min. 10 att.): .928; at Old Dominion (13-14), 3/16/84 Rebounds: 54; vs. Fordham, 3/16/94 Assists: 34; at NC State, 3/19/83 Steals: 16; vs. Hampton, 3/21/04 Blocks: 11; vs. Hampton, 3/21/04
* - NCAA Tournament record
Penn State By Round
NCAA 1st Round Record: NCAA 2nd Round Record: NCAA Regional Semifinal: NCAA Regional Final: NCAA Final Four: Record Breakdown
Penn State By Site
Home: Away: Neutral:
16-3 11-9 4-9 1-3 0-1 32-25
19-5 4-8 9-12
Individual (Opponents)
Points: 43; Barbara Kennedy, Clemson, 3/12/82 Field Goals: 20; Barbara Kennedy, Clemson, 3/12/82
Field Goals Attempts: Field Goal Pct. (min 6 att.): 32; Barbara Kennedy, Clemson, 3/12/82
100.0; Sandra Giddins, Cheyney (6-6), 3/24/83 3-Point Field Goals: 6; Leslie Majewski, Youngstown State, 3/17/00 3-Point FG Attempts: 12; Twice; last: Tamicha Jackson, Louisiana Tech, 3/27/00 3-Point FG Pct. (min. 2 att.): 100.0; Five Times; last: Rima Margeviciute, Liberty (2-2), 3/20/05 Free Throws: 11; Angela Aycock, Kansas, 3/19/94 Free Throw Attempts: 13; Katie Feenstra, Liberty, 3/20/05 Free Throw Pct. (min. 6 att.): 100.0; Nine Times; last: Alex Harden, Wichita State (6-6), 3/23/14 Rebounds: 18; Sharon Stewart, Auburn, 3/20/88 Assists: 12; Sheila Wall, La Salle, 3/16/88 Steals: 6; Le’Tania Severe, Notre Dame, 3/27/04
Blocks: 6; Robyn Mayo, NC State, 3/19/83 12; Anne Donovan, Old Dominion, 3/26/83
Team (Opponents)
Points: Field Goals: Field Goal Attempts: Field Goal Pct.: 3-Point Field Goals: 3-Point Field Goal Attempts: 3-Point Field Goal Pct.: Free Throws: Free Throw Attempts: Free Throw Pct. (min. 10 att.): Rebounds: Assists: Steals: Blocks: 96; Alabama, 3/26/94 39; Auburn, 3/20/88 77; Louisiana Tech, 3/27/00 .560; Clemson (35-63), 3/12/82 12; Youngstown State, 3/17/00 29; DePaul, 3/21/11 .600; La Salle (3-5), 3/16/88 24; Twice; last: Liberty, 3/20/05 35; Liberty, 3/20/05 100.0; Auburn (10-10), 3/19/00 56; Auburn, 3/20/88 31; Old Dominion, 3/16/84 16; Louisiana Tech, 3/14/99 15; Old Dominion, 3/26/83
Did You Know
- Penn State’s 25 NCAA Tournament appearances are tied for fourth-most by any Big Ten team. - Penn State has won at least one game in the NCAA Tournament in 19 of 25 appearances. - The Lady Lions have 13 Sweet Sixteen appearances and four Elite Eight appearances in school history. - The 1999-2000 squad advanced to the Final Four.
NCAA Tournament Tidbits
- The NCAA Tournament began in 1982 with 32 teams. - The Tournament expanded to 48 teams in 1989. - The NCAA field expanded to 64 teams in 1994.