selectedworkby HOCHUN GORDON AUYEUNG twentytwentytwo
Chung King Matrix
1. Chung King Matrix
Ghetto in the centre of the world
Chung King Mansion, a building that is deeply intimidated by the locals and refered as a ghetto and microscopic world of an globalised system.This research will focus on the contrast of formal architectural space definition and the self-developed domains or the residence, as well as the phenomenologic understanding to the mental state of inhabitants.
The investigation start by looking at the tendency of spatial expandtion of territory in the lower level markets. The occupying of public space are found in every corner due to the overcrowding of the place and circulation is heavily interupted. The design intend to use the tendency of expansion and apply it into a co-living space system in the upper floor.
3 undergraduateproject|2022|universityoflincoln Interpretation of the film Chung King Express (1995)
Supervisor: Mr. Trevor Elvin Date: Fall 2021 Module: Outline Design-Individual project
Site Location
Photo showing the interior by Alexander Synaptic
Poster of the Mansion in 1961
Ariel render of the mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui
Expansion and Interuption
The tendency of expanding territory
Partial Plan - G/F, Occupance of public spaces by tenants
G/F-5/F Section
Proposing a Dynamic Threshold
Releasing spatial boundary
Chung King Mansion, a building that is deeply feared by the locals and refered as a ghetto and microscopic world of an globalised system. This research will focus on the contrast of formal architectural space definition and the self-developed domains or the residence, as well as the phenomenologic understanding to the mental state of inhabitants.
Existing - Lower floors
The boundary of spatial right is clearly defined
Adaptation - Lower floors
Territories expand upon the overloading density
Existing - Upper floors
Spatial boundaries restricted by the architecture
Proposed - Upper floors
Liberate spatial boundary to establish co-living space
An architectural Solution
on dynamic boundary system
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An Urban Artifact
The void is found to be a place for potential expansion in the domestic spaces. A scaffolding is proposed as a base for the construction work for the demolision of the external wall of the existing building. The material of the removed building skin will aggregate the production of slabs and facade for the artifact. At last, a movable membrane system is installed for occupants to freely adjust their level of expansion and privacy. The scaffolding is then used as a common platform where occupants can reach out to with the membrane system.
Process of construction
scaffolding for self initiated co-living
Erect Scaffolding Removing window
the potential space for intervention
Developing the design
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window and wall Installing membranes
The Common Ground
A co-living prototype
The intervention encourage the expansion of one’s own territory and uses the intersection between public and private to stimulate interaction, creating a harmonic neighborhood which juxtapose with the chaotic habitate in the existing environment.
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Common platfrom Balcony from dwelling
Reusing the waste
Incorporating waste into design
In order to minimize waste and symbolize the reborn of the building, the material that are taken down from the building during the construction is reused to consrtuct the design. The wall removed is reused as aggregate for the slab in the scaffolding, and the window fram is used in the facade of the entrance.
Parapet reused as aggregate,
window frames reused as entrance facade
undergraduatefinalproject|bachelorofarchitecture|universityoflincoln|studiob|edgecondition|mentoredbymrtrevorelvin 2.
An Attempt on Exhausting an Apartment
An Attempt on Exhausting an Apartment
Supervisor: Mr. Trevor Elvin
Date: Summer 2022
A intentional decay of a residential tower
This project, as an investigation of edge condition and leftover spaces in an urban environment, looked at the vanishing of old districts and communities under the urban renewal procedure in the city of Hong Kong. The process of gentrification has resulted in the migration of the lower class communities from district to district to seek for affordable sanctuary. Project background being set in To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong, which is a district the government plan to renew within 20 years, has a rich cultural and historical background of being an industrial neighborhood with a lot of heritage of pre-war Hong Kong.
Module: Detail Design-Individual project
To facilitate the regeneration of communities after the gentrification, the architect performed an architectural shenanigan where he introduces a luxury apartment design to the Urban Renewal Authority, but implement hidden design gestures that allows the building to be hijacked and decay into a total autonomy state for the locals.
Ultimately, this proposal aims to regenerate lost communities after gentrification, provide sanctuary for those cannot afford to leave, and to be a monument that display the negative consequence of urban renewal and proves the failure of gentrification.
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Map of To Kwa Wan Evolution
Common Ground
A co-living prototype
The strong bonding between people which cultivated an abundant of influential cultures to the city. The process of gentrification, however, is feared by the local as it will potentially remove places that incubates those culture and communities. Shops and organisations are forced to leave the district because of the rent and lack of compensation.
After gentrification, the district with a strong sense of self initiative with small shops, mechanics, public spaces, informal settlements are foreseen to be replaced by tall luxury residential and chained commercial.
The culture, soon to be artifacts, inspired the architect to create a place for the reformation and regeneration of such intangible, but valuable asset.
14 Impression of TKW’s Renewal and Resistance (Author’s Own) Upper) Cultural
Artifacts around site KC-011 (Author’s Own) Lower)
An Architectural Shenanigan
The brief being one of the many renewal plans in the district, is commissioned by the antagonist Urban Renewal Authority. The site of KC-011 is used as a testing ground for the architect to propose a luxury apartment tower according to the authority’s instruction, but in fact an attempt to design a building that intentionally decays and liberate spatial boundaries for self-initiated use, and ultimately leads to a autonomy state where communities, cultures, and self-governed state is formed.
The building is composed with a rigid structural skeleton, as well as fragile partitions and facade which allows people to remove and reform into other uses. This gesture aims to strengthen connection between flats, advocate use of common spaces, and encourage negotiation of spatial rights. To develop a system where the user can undergo self-initiated program, the informal around the site is investigated. These spaces which are often used as common living rooms, resting area, storage, shops, and even construction workers office are found to be parasitic to the surrounding built environment. The use of simple and readily available materials like bamboo sticks, canvas, abandoned furniture, and corrugated metal sheet forms a flexible, impromptu, and program specific space that accommodate the users need and the environmental constraints This study is later used to develop a skeleton system which allows spaces to parasite on.
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The Brief
Architect implament hidden features of exagerated residual spaces.
Locals and expects moves into the building. The lower class dwells in a dense environment.
The lower class take over the services spaces and infiltrate the other building parts.
Facade, partitions, and residuals start to be alterated by the users.
The building is exhausted into a state of autonomy and total freedom. Spaces and architecture is liberated for the sake of the diversity of program initiated by the resident.
T -
IV. Alteration III. Infiltrate II. Overload I. An architectural shenanigan
Autonomy T - 2050 T - 2030 T - 2025
- 2080
A Servant’s Network
A co-living prototype
To facilitate the connection between people to form community, the service and servant spaces in architecture is studied with reference of Louis Kahn’s philosophy on such.
The service spaces, in the form of a wall, is intersected between flats which allows the wall to become a common room between flats. The wall is designed to be cut open and be accessed through flat to flat. Vertical connection can also be done through the service ladder. The garbage room podium in between blocks can be accessed and act as a communal platform or an extension of domestic space.
1.Lift lobby 2.Lift 3.Fire escape stairs 4.Garbage room
7 8
7.E&M room 8.Meter closet 4 1 2
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1:30 sectional axonometric
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competitionentry|youngarchitectscompetition|artcathedral|personalwork 3.
Pilgrim in Making
3. Pilgrim in Making Ireland Art Cathedral
Type: Competition (Joined indipendentlay)
Name: Young Architect Competition - Ireland Art Cathedral
Date: Fall 2022
Result: Pending
Founded in 1193 and dissolved in 1540, the Kells Prior in Kells Ireland sits silently in the breath taking landscape surrounded. The brief challenges the introduction of art to this ancient and sacred site, and to incorporate a modern program in a historic place.
The competition titled Art Cathedral, poetically translated art into a journey of pilgrim. A worship and admoration of not only art itself, but also the making of art. As a art museum that emphasize the relationship between object, artist, and preciever, the proposal was developed.
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Chung King Matrix
Ghetto in the centre of the world
This proposal accept the challenge of an architectural solution of blending two typologies of cathedral and museum. The design start by looking at the relationship between object, artist, and viewers. The design emphasize the dialogue between the three through spatial formation. It also draws inspiration from gothic architecture and generate a plan that present the spatial heirachy.
It is also the design’s objective to protect the ruins. In the main indoor gallery, strutures are suspended above the ruins and was supported by the structure of the atelier spaces on the sides. The openings which draws form and order from the windows of the old structure connects with the atelier and became a temporary display of work in progress. The overall journey seporates the object, artist and viewer with new and old materials.
An artist studio Gothic flying buttress
Museum Art Studio
Museum Art Studio
Nave Choir Nave Sructure Sructure Gallery
Gallery Artisan Artisan
undergraduatefinalyearproject|2022|universityoflincoln 25 1. Foyer 2 Atelier (Sculpture) 3. Atelier (Painting) 4 Atelier (Performance) 5. Outdoor Exhibition 6. Indoor Exhibition 7. Artist Residence 8. Theatre 1. 2. 3. 2. 4. 6. 7. 5. 8.
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Museum of Solitude 4. Museum of Solitude
Space and time dimensions in daily journey recording
4. Musuem of solitude
A experiment with proxemics
The term “proxemics”, introduced by anthropologist Edwaard. Hall, has defined the way human being identify others and position their distance. Through a time-space projected drawing, this project first explore the means of spatial confinment and the affection of such to one’s emotion
Supervisor: Mr. Henry Chan
Date: Summer 2021
Module: Graduation Project -HKDI
The project esculated into implementing the personal sphere into a tangible threshold and be further developed into an art museum located in Blake Garden, Hong Kong. This porject aims to give users a objective perspective to view the existance of other beings, and to achieve solitude during art viewing.
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Finding the Hidden Dimension
A Literature Review - Hidden Dimension, Hall, 1992
The anthropologist Edward Hall introduced the term proxemics in 1992, which basically conceptuallize the natural definition of social distanced by human. This behavoiur is related to ones five senses and how they precieve space and the presence of other individuals.
P r oxem i c s (n )
-St u d y of p r ox i m i t y of m en a n d s p a ce -I nt r o d u ce d by Ed wa rd.T.Ha l l i n 1963
The Hidden Dimension, Edward. T. Hall
Hall’s definition on the four social dimensions
Sp a ce Ter r it
y D s
I nt i m at e Per s
Vi s ua
Ol fa c t
r y T h er
Ta c t
e K i n
i r o n m ent Hu m a n Cu l t u r e -A n a lgo r t h m t o s t r u c t u r e ex t er na r e a l i t y
o r
ta n ce r e cept o r
m m e d iat e r e cept o r
o na l
o cia l
u bl i c
l&Aud it o r y
m a l
e s t h et i c
A site natural divided with contour
The site on Blake Garden, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, has a unique feature of topography where it was situated on hill and has a massive general level difference. on this site, pedestrian walkways was divided into landings and each landing is corrispondent to a space or shopfront
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Blake Garden
An architectural experiment
Proxemics embodied
The design is an art museum in the site. It attempt to visualise the personal spheres through a negative space casted by spheres and densly packed. The concept is to allow the visitors to be seperated from each other and to visualise the distance between people.
Assorting points on a 3d grid.
Expand points to sphere with the social distance dimension - 3.2m
Create a fluid threshold between two layers
Adjust form to the topography and create contours.
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modelexercise|universityoflincoln|personalwork 5.
Solid Dynamics
5. Solid Dynamics
Modelling exercise
Specific Heat Capacity: 4187 J
Melting point: Density: 0.9 g/cm3
Specific Heat Capacity: 2100 J
Melting point: Density: 0.997 g/cm3
The brief challenges the use of specific materials and to express the best of the material themselves. Wax was choosen and compared against water for its physical properties. The idea is to allow the two materials to create a form by their properties.
Supervisor: Mr. Trevor Elvin Date: Fall 2021
Module: One week modelling exercise
The difference between their density and melting point is used. It started with the attempt to mix hot wax and cold water and the wax solidifies into a fluidic form.
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1. Hot water added
System temperature: 95 degree C
2. Hot wax added
System temperature: 95 degree C
3. Small amount of cold water added System temperature: 70 degree C
4. Add cold water until the wax floats
System temperature: 60 degree C
5. Add water to max capacity/until wax solidify
System temperature: 30 degree C
6. Take out wax from cast
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Controlling the path
Usage of 2D printer to control the water flow
Arduino control panel
Water tank
Water dispenser
Printing Canvas - 250 x 200
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