2011 Fall Alumni Connection

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Dear Gordon Friends, This issue celebrates the learning that continues for Gordon graduates outside the walls of the classroom. I think you will be proud to read about the endeavors of the alumni featured who have written books, traveled and volunteered abroad and extended their understanding of themselves and the world around them. It is only fitting to honor the most recent graduating Class of 2011 as they begin a new phase of their educational career. This September, they will enter ten different high schools in New England. Congratulations also goes out to the members of the Class of 2007 as they begin their college experiences. I do hope you enjoy this issue. As always, Gordon is enormously grateful for the continued support we receive from our alumni and their families. Stay in touch. Sincerely,

Siobhan Sheerar Welsh Associate Development Director


HIGH SCHOOL LIST FOR CLASS OF 2011 Cheshire Academy Classical High School La Salle Academy Lincoln School Middlesex School Moses Brown School Providence Country Day School Rocky Hill School St. Andrew’s School Wheeler School





Gordon held its commencement on Wednesday, June 8th. The thirty six graduates of the Class of 2011 received diplomas surrounded by their teachers, friends and families. Ben Freedman ’01 was the commencement speaker and shared how a memorable yearbook note from his humanities teacher, Lynn Bowman, inspired him to follow his convictions. In January, something truly unexpected happened. I got off the plane in Kabul. That’s right: Kabul, Afghanistan. I’m guessing Mrs. Bowman never imagined that her quote in my yearbook “do not simply be” could be translated into the local language of Dari. But, here I am, a Gordon graduate working for a Defense Department Task Force, where I assist in the development of Afghanistan’s energy and banking sectors. At the Task Force, it is about building trust with our partners, implementing sustainable and transparent solutions, and bridging cultural difference to pursue mutually desirable aims, namely building an economically sovereign Afghanistan. Without knowing it, I think Mrs. Bowman’s advice has been at the foundation of my journey all along. You see, Gordon taught me that it is not enough to passively observe the world around me. Apathy is not an option. Meaning and fulfillment result from active engagement in the endeavors we face. Gordon taught me how to explore, question and pursue adventure. After Gordon, Ben attended Moses Brown ’05 and Bowdoin College ’09. He is currently working at the Pentagon as a project analyst for the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations in the Department of Defense. Student Leadership Council co-presidents Meghan Buonanno ’11 and Ezra Rice ’11 also spoke about memories of their class and experiences at Gordon. Thank you to the teachers. You pushed us and challenged us to develop our own ideas and thanks to you, we are now graduates of Gordon School and we are ready to take on the world. Ezra Rice ’11

For years we looked at the eighth graders who came before us. Now it is our turn to be together on this stage and I still can’t believe it. Our experiences at Gordon have been incredible. We have learned from and been inspired by the faculty and staff who have worked with us during our time at Gordon. Every teacher has encouraged us to pursue our passion and pushed each one of us to be the best classmate, learner, friend and person we could be. Meghan Buonanno ’11 3

Young Alumni Reunion



Campus Notes

Class of 2001

Members of the Class of 2001 celebrated their ten year reunion at Local 121 in Providence on Wednesday, June 8th. Those in attendance were (above, left to right) Ben Freedman, Caroline Goddard, Sidra Scharff, Kelly Allen Kujawski, Sarah Pennisten, Courtney DeStefano, Sherry Romanzi ’10, (above with Ralph Wales) was among three Gordon eighth graders who

Katherine Austin Barry, Molly Pieri, Eric Lichatin, John Harwood and Andrew Stachiw.

won the 2010 Hildene-Brown Lincoln Essay

Andrew Stachiw ’01 was the alumni speaker

Competition, a joint effort of the Brown

at the annual CJ Buckley ’00 Experiential

University Library and the Hildene Lincoln

Learning Night in June. Andrew is a graduate

Congratulations to the first graduating class

museum and education center in Vermont.

of Hampshire College and received his teach-

of Gordon’s Teacher Residency Program

As the first place winner Sherry was awarded

ing certification for secondary education in

(above photo with Program Director Lynn

a cash prize which she donated to Gordon

history from Mt. Holyoke. He spent his last

Bowman). The six members of the Class of

to support music performance. Sherry was a

semester of student teaching in a tenth grade

2011 enjoyed a ceremony with their family

member of Gordon’s a cappella group and

history classroom at the Renaissance School,

and friends in the Joukowsky Family Library

designated her generous gift to support the G

an expeditionary learning school in Springfield,

this past May. Many of them have accepted

Notes, the current rendition of this ensemble.


positions in local public and private schools.

Her donation will allow the G Notes to participate in a recording session to formally document their work for the next five years. Hannah Rossheim ’11 will be recognized this October in Rhode Island Monthly’s Independent Schools Head of the Class selections. Hannah received the 2011 Isadore and Cecile Low Award from Rhode Island’s Jewish Community Center for her outstanding contributions to the Jewish community. Her leadership on Gordon’s athletic teams fueled her service to


the community as she assisted teachers at Friday

Bates College

Parsons the New School for Design

School and volunteered at the JCC, helping with

Brandeis University

Scripps College

the annual Road Race, coaching after school

Brown University

Stonehill College

basketball classes, and serving as a counselor-

Carnegie Mellon University

Trinity College

in-training at the summer camp.

Clemson University

Tufts University

Colby College

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Several Gordon eighth graders were chosen

Dickinson College

Union College

to be part of WRNI’s This I Believe

Elon University

University of California, Berkeley

series. Their writing for this segment was

George Washington University

University of Chicago

initially done as a seventh grade humanities

Gettysburg College

University of Colorado

assignment. Their recording sessions at WRNI

Hobart College

University of Michigan

included expert coaching from the series’

Hofstra University

University of Rhode Island

producer Frederic Reamer, and a tour of the

Ithaca College

University of Richmond

studios. The first segment is scheduled to air

Loyola University

Washington University in St. Louis

on Thursday, October 27th.

Macalester College

Wesleyan University

Ohio State University 5


In the summer of 2007, I organized a trip with

Students gain insights into the challenges and

Sustainable Harvest and was joined by Anna

also the beauties of life for subsistence farming

Mack ’05, her mom Sandy and brother, Joe ’08.

families. They gain confidence in themselves

Every year since then I have been joined by

due to some of the challenges of the trips; lots

several Gordon alumni.

of physical labor, the heat, different food, being immersed in Spanish language, no indoor

Since that first trip we have traveled to Honduras,

plumbing, etc.

Belize and Panama. These trips always go to the regions where Sustainable Harvest International

Students on these trips help out with whatever

is working. The program’s mission is to provide

projects the community needs assistance with.

farming families in Central America the training

Some are projects at individual homes, and others

and tools to preserve the planet’s tropical forest

are community projects, say, at the local school.

while overcoming poverty. This year we worked on two school gardens in For many students, this is their first service

the two communities we lived in, San Juanito

related trip in the developing world. While

and Pagua. The San Juanito school garden is

many have traveled on vacation to resorts in

very advanced, having won numerous awards

Students also appreciate the opportunity to be

developing countries, they may not have had

from the Panamanian government.

immersed in the language and while speaking

the opportunity to get to know local families and see their daily lives intimately.

Spanish all the time can be challenging and The students get pretty familiar with the pick

frustrating, students say how much that immer-

axe as it is the tool of choice for most of the

sion helps them when they get back to their

gardening projects. They also learn how to use

Spanish classes in the states.

an A-frame (made of some sticks, a string and a rock) or preparing level terraces. Students

There are many students who have been so

have also helped build wood-conserving

impacted by the experience they continue to

stoves, chicken coops, solar latrines and simple

come back multiple times. This year, we had

cisterns, and gravity-fed irrigation systems.

several students returning to live with their host families from the previous year.

Among the techniques taught by SHI’s local above: Mel Bride with Peace Corps Volunteer, Jake Steiner; below: Mackenzie Cater ’07 says goodbye to her host family.

agricultural extension agents are: permaculture

It is always amazing to see the reaction on the

(always having something in the soil) crop

faces of the families when they see the students

rotation to enrich the soil with different nutrients;

again. The children come running out and shyly

multistory cropping (having a variety of crops

wait to see if they will be remembered by the

growing at different levels in the same small

students. The last day in the communities is

plot) biointensive agriculture (concentrated

always the hardest; in just five short days,

organic growing in a small area to increase

students and families have bonded and saying

yields from soil enhancement) organic fertilizers

goodbye is really hard.

and pesticides and composting. One student this year said of the experience, The students enjoy spending time with the chil-

“I had never felt as welcomed into a new


dren in the communities we visit. They also

family besides my own as I did with my host


help the families prepare meals, make tortillas

family in San Juanito. Ever.”


and in some cases wash dishes and do laundry. 6

▲ Josiah Tolbert ’11



What did you enjoy about your experience?


I enjoyed helping out the children and families in

I learned about the program in my fifth grade

the community we lived in. During our time in

Spanish class. I also heard a lot of the stories

Panama, they celebrated National Panama Day.

from other Gordon alumni who went on past trips. It sounded really worthwhile and I knew

We visited a local school and got to

a lot of the people going on this year’s trip.

organize races and activities with the children. You could tell how much pride they had in

What was Panama like?

their country as they were all dressed in

It was much different than I thought it would

Panama’s national color of red, singing and

be. It was very hot and humid and there wasn’t

celebrating with excitement.

any running water. The city was extremely

Gordon teachers, alumni and families

crowded, much more so than I anticipated.

I appreciated being so welcomed into the

There was also not a lot of English being

community even though we were only there

who have participated in the Sustainable

spoken so I had to rely on my Spanish speaking

for a few days. We would gather together

Harvest International Program

skills that I learned at Gordon.

before dinner and everyone wanted to talk

Cendhi Arias, teacher

with us. This is where my Spanish came in

Sam Adrain ’07

What was some of the work that you did?

handy! I also loved everything we ate. I was

Corrine Barrett ’08

We helped to plant a vegetable garden at the

able to help my host family cook rice and

Alexa Bourque ’08

local school—resoiling, fertilizing and planting

beans, and homemade soups. It was delicious.

Alix Bowman ’05 Mel Bride, teacher

seeds. It was hard and physical work and it was quite hot out. A lot of the work we were doing

Even though we worked for three days farming

Mackenzie Cater ’07

was helping the townspeople replace their soil

and assisting the families we stayed with, I still

Malcolm Chace ’09

with compost. We also helped take out the

wished I could have done more. There were

Ami Coulibaly ’10

weeds in family gardens.

volunteers from Sustainable Harvest and the

Assi Coulibaly ’08

Peace Corps that live in the community for two

Connor Courtney ’11

years and really help make a difference.

Erin Courtney ’08 Allie Fuller ’10 Manny Guerzon ’09


Izzy Ingendahl ’07

Today we woke up at 7 a.m. for breakfast. Then we had to hike an hour to our work site. Once at

Vivian Liu ’08

the site we started pulling weeds to prepare the school’s garden. But since there were about 12

Anna Mack ’05

of us, the work was completed quickly. After that we started tearing up some little plots that we

Joe Mack ’08

had to resoil. We did this so the soil would produce better crops. This was extremely physically

Sandy Mack, parent

straining. Every other time I would shovel or pick axe the ground, I would hit an enormous root

Jonah Parker ’10

or rock which would hinder me, for a little while. Once we finished digging out the plot we

Arden Morris ’11

started putting compost down. We put about three layers of compost down. After completing

Owen Morris ’11

this task, we had lunch. For lunch we had rice, beans and soup. On the way home, some of the

Morgan Rainey ’08

villagers showed us a beautiful river perfect for swimming. Walking home felt like nothing com-

Christine Rhodes, parent

pared to the day’s work. When we were halfway there it started to rain. This was welcome relief

Holden Rhodes ’09

because it was so hot, even though it meant we had to eat dinner under a tent. It was a beautiful

Adrian Stone ’08

night though, and that night I had no problem falling asleep, due to the intensive work day.

Josiah Tolbert ’11



Above: Theoline in Providence, August 1939


Above: RHI Goddard with his father, also RHI Goddard, at Indian Rock in Narragansett in the 1920s, shortly after he was a student at Gordon Below: The Lucy Evelyn in Providence, May 16, 1941, unloading a cargo of granite from Maine

Tom Goddard ’57 and Caroline ’01 sailing aboard the Adventuress with their family

Was Robert a collector by nature?

Tom: My father had a lifelong interest in any-

Tom: I never thought of him as a collector, but

thing that floated and took extensive photographs

he did keep meticulous log books for every

of all manner of ships, yachts and other vessels.

facet of his life, from his gas mileage log to a

He was particularly drawn to coasting schooners

sheet where he recorded his wins and losses at

because he sensed that they were not going

solitaire. He also clipped shipping articles from

to survive and photographed them in their

the newspaper and carefully filed them into

declining years. His earliest images were taken

volumes of the Merchant Vessels of the United

when he was a teenager and so he became

States registry.

interested in pursuing this avocation early on. Caroline: As I was searching through my

Late in his life, my father would visit my office

grandparents’ house for material relevant to

bringing me catalogued lists of all his ship

the project, I discovered an entire file cabinet

photography files and images, explaining in-

drawer full of postage stamps. He saved letters

depth what they were, and asking me to take

too, only all their envelopes had big square

care of them and “do something with them.”

holes in them where he’d cut away their stamps.

Our goal as a family was to make my father’s

What was the process for writing the book?

collection permanent and accessible to sailing

Tom: In addition to the photos themselves,

historians and enthusiasts. We wanted this

we started with the articles that my father

book to contribute to a greater understanding

wrote about the ships he photographed, as

of and appreciation for these vessels, the sailors

well as contemporaneous records that he

who worked on them, and the commerce

saved. The entire process was a collaborative

that they were engaged in. There have been

effort. We worked with Captains Douglas

a number of books written on coastal sailing

and Linda Lee, who were close friends of my

schooners, but they all picture the schooners

father’s, to produce the interpretive captions

at sea. My father’s photographs, by contrast,

in Fly Rails. At the same time, Caroline and my

are primarily of the vessels in ports and focus

brother, Moses replicated and digitally restored

on the details of the deck and the rigging, the

the images in preparation for their publication.

crew at work, and their cargo. 8

Fishing schooner Columbia, summer of 1926, taken when Robert Goddard was 17. The Columbia sank just one year later with all twenty-two hands.

Caroline: The whole project evolved into

What was the best part about putting this


something bigger than we had anticipated.

book together?

My earliest recollection of my father was of a

Moses and I worked with the collection, which

Tom: The very best part was a dad’s opportu-

man who was passionate about ships and the

consisted of almost 500 negatives, 200 lantern

nity to work with his daughter on such a neat

sea. I remember, after leaving our customary

slides and countless prints, articles and scrap-

project. The same goes with working with my

Sunday lunch at my grandparents’ house, my

books, for three and a half years. We shot and

brother, Moses. I also enjoyed discovering this

father would drop my mother at home and take

edited each image three or four times before

motherlode of images, rescuing them from

us kids straight to the city wharves. There we

we were satisfied with the results, and even

probable oblivion, restoring them and placing

would walk up and down while he would

now we talk about how we would do things

them side-by-side with my father’s extensive

describe the ships, what they had on board,

differently for volume two! The process of

notes to complete this book. My father asked

where they came from and who the crew might

photographing rather than scanning negatives

that I do something with his collection and

be. Then he would climb the gangplank and

is relatively new in the world of digital

I think this is a very suitable response to that

ask the captain for permission to come aboard.

archiving, so experimentation and continuous

wish. Moreover, the goal from the start was

Invariably, this would result in a tour of the

evaluation of the results was an essential part

not to create a vanity piece, but to capture his

holds, engine room, and bridge, which would

of our work.

real legacy, which is the historical data that he

end with ice cream or hot tea in the galley.

recorded, and make it accessible to enthusiasts


Our biggest challenge as archivists, though,

and serious scholars.

was in deciding how to represent the photos

I have never been an enthusiastic sailor myself,

once digitized. I wanted the photos to pop on

Caroline: The entire process made me wish

but I think that Dad taught me to appreciate

the page, but heavy contrast can often compete

I had been older when my grandfather was

the incredible difficulty of building and operat-

with the historical readability of a photo. We

around. He passed away when I was fifteen.

ing huge sailboats full of cargo on the open

knew that we’d have maritime historians pour-

I would have liked to have known what he was

ocean. Now as I go through these photographs

ing over our book with a loupe, trying to see

thinking when he took all these photographs.

I am continually drawn to thinking about the

every little detail of a shadowy hull or sunny

lives of the men that worked on the vessels.

deck, but we also wanted the book to look

All sale proceeds of Fly Rails and Flying Jibs:

I’m struck by the unbelievable monuments

artistically considered. Finding a balance be-

Coasting Schooner Photographs by Robert

to human effort that those enormous wooden

tween these interests in each photo was a big

H.I. Goddard will benefit the Mystic Seaport

hulls and intricately laced rigging represent.

part of my job. A conservative archivist might

Museum, also the publisher of the book.

find our methods controversial, but ultimately,

To purchase a copy, visit the Mystic Seaport

it was about interpreting my grandfather’s

Museum Online Store at www.mysticseaport.

In the end, we are pleased to present these

wishes to the best of our ability, and I think

org. All photos in this article are from Fly Rails

digitally restored photographs and feel strongly

he’d be pleased.

and Flying Jibs ©Mystic Seaport, Inc. 2011.

that my grandfather would have been thrilled


to see that the restoration of his work has made the documentary content within each photo more available to the viewer than ever. CAROLINE GODDARD ’01 9

Carlin O’Donnell ‘03


London was also located so central to many

Did you watch the Royal Wedding?

of Economics?

of the places that I had always wanted to travel

I actually was able to find a spot the night

The academic program at the London School

to. I was always interested in the aesthetic

before the wedding right by the wedding

of Economics (LSE) offered courses that focused

beauty of the architecture and land of Scandi-

procession route to Buckingham Palace. My

on the science, history and philosophy of eco-

navia. During one of my school breaks, I took

friend and I went outside that evening and

nomics. They also had one of the most diverse

a backpacking trip around Scandinavia which

there was a quiet hum in the city as the street

student bodies of all the study abroad programs

had been on my list of places to visit ever since

that we lived on was shut off to traffic and lit

I was considering. LSE has students from 145

I was young. I spent several days in a hostel

up by street lights. People had already started

countries living and studying on their campus.

and visited with a family friend while hiking

bringing chairs and camping out. We were not

and exploring each day. It was truly a remark-

intending to stay throughout the night but it

able experience.

became quite entertaining sitting in the crowd

My application along with 200 others was selected for the General Course Year Long Study

and meeting new people. We ended up staying

program and I left in the summer of 2010 to

What was one of the most challenging

up the entire night and watching the entire

begin my studies. I would be living in a dorm

aspects of your study abroad program?

Royal Family pass by us the next morning.

suite, sharing a kitchen with seven other LSE

The academic structure at LSE included three

I was able to get some great photographs.

students, that was located on the corner of

ten-week trimesters with the final exams being

Trafalgar Square and was only a five minute

the culmination of the entire year of classes.

What do you hope to do in the future?

walk from Buckingham Palace.

At Fairfield, I was accustomed to the final

In my English classes at PCD I noticed that I

exams being taken after each semester, not

enjoyed writing essays that stated an opinion

What did you enjoy the most about your

an entire year’s worth of material. Preparing

or found an answer to an argument. They had


for year-long final exams forced me to focus

the same aesthetic structure that I found with

I was definitely inspired by my professors.

on understanding class material in its entirety

drawing. With analytical writing, you need

The entire faculty community at LSE is at the

—not just the memorization of facts but

to state the issue, share your opinion and

forefront of their disciplines. For instance, my

thinking analytically and critically about the

surround it with supporting information. It all

philosophy professor was also the President of

information I was learning.

began to make so much sense to me and as

the Philosophy of Science Association. It was

I look to the future I can see myself becoming

great being exposed to such talented teachers.

I felt that at LSE there was a real sense of

passionate about the law, making decisions

Instead of reading articles about economic

learning in its truest form, not just focusing on

and proving arguments.

policy we were surrounded by many of the

passing classes to get the degree. It reminded

primary sources who either wrote articles or

me a lot of Gordon, in that Gordon is a very

I am looking forward to returning to Fairfield

advised the government on economic policy.

welcoming learning environment that encour-

for my senior year and beginning the applica-

It was hard not to be excited to attend class

ages students to explore their interests, and re-

tion process to law school. I appreciate that the

every day.

ally learn. LSE was similar in the sense that it

study of economics and law provide different

was open to anything—any dialogue, opinion,

perspectives into understanding reasoning and

etc. was fair game, and encouraged a critical

social theory.

awareness of what you are being taught. 10


As part of the course we visited many Dublin

I also enjoyed living in an international dorm

My decision to attend Elon University was

museums and historical sites. Of all of my

with students from around the world. I found

largely based on its recognized study abroad

travels and activities through this course, my

being immersed in a diverse learning environ-

program. Over 70% of Elon students study

favorite was our weekend spent in Galway, as

ment gave me a greater understanding of others

abroad at least once before graduating. Arriving

it gave me the opportunity to explore a different

perspectives and experiences. Many of my

at Elon freshman year, I made a goal for myself

part of Ireland rather than the city atmosphere

friends abroad lived just with other students

saying that I would study abroad at least three

of Dublin. After all of my travels throughout the

from their universities, or even with local

times in three years. I’ve always loved to travel

semester, Galway is the most beautiful place

families. I found that I managed to get the best

and I appreciated that Elon offered so many

that I visited, and is the town to which I am

of both worlds—it was still a dorm atmosphere

different options for studying abroad including

most eager to return.

with international students my own age, allowing me to meet people that otherwise I would

full semester, winter break and summer programs. I also fell in love with the people of Ireland.

not have had the opportunity to befriend.

My sophomore year I traveled to India. I lived

They are so welcoming and friendly and wanted

in the city of Kirela and spent an entire month

to share their culture. I remember getting lost

How did Gordon prepare you for this

teaching science to children in several rural

on my first day of classes, and asking a man


schools. My favorite memories from that trip

for directions. Not only was he happy to help,

I reflected on my Gordon experience often as

were riding an elephant and being asked to sign

he walked me most of the way and was eager

it was the first place that taught me how to take

autographs because we were the first white

to point out some of the lesser-known Dublin

in the full perspective. My teachers at Gordon

students that the children had ever seen.

activities while providing great advice and tips

encouraged me to not just look at things for

for my semester there. Things like this would

what they are, but to question and think critically

When looking at programs this past year, I was

happen as a daily occurrence— the people

about what is presented before forming my

drawn to Ireland for several reasons. The

were more than willing to go out of their way

own conclusions and opinions about situations.

Dublin Business School offered a great program

to help us get acclimated and comfortable in

through Elon’s communications school.

this new city.

I am eternally grateful for my Gordon education

I was excited about the connections between

—not only did its teachers and curriculum

the courses they were offering and my major

What did you learn from living in Ireland for

encourage me to think objectively, they also

in strategic communications. With Ireland’s

the semester?

supported the process by which I reached a

central location in Europe, I knew I would have

Living abroad brought me a great deal of

conclusion. This has allowed me to be a confi-

more access to travel. During my breaks, I took

independence as I felt more confident traveling

dent and active participant in the classroom

excursions to Norway, London, France, and

by myself and exploring different areas of

and in the world around me. It seems like almost

Spain. Ultimately, my decision was based on

Ireland, as well as Europe on my own. There

every day I am approached by a situation or

my family’s strong Irish roots and my desire

were several instances where a flight was

conflict where I instinctually turn to the lessons

to explore my ancestry.

cancelled or a train delayed, and I had to think

that I learned at Gordon. I wouldn’t be the

and act quickly (once using the only eighth

person that I am today had it not been for my

What did you enjoy most about your

grade Spanish I could recall), in order to make

Gordon education.


it to my location. Being able to think on my

I loved all of the classes that I took in Dublin,

toes, and to make quick decisions was probably

What are your plans for the future?

especially Irish Culture and Society. It was a

the best thing that I learned while traveling.

Last summer I interned for Senator Jack Reed

full one-month course on Irish culture, while

in Washington, DC. I would love to return to

understanding the history, conflict and politics

I’m so glad that my parents encouraged me

Washington to pursue a career in corporate/

of Ireland. It gave me a better understanding

to take many photographs and keep a travel

political speechwriting or political public

and appreciation for the country.

journal so that I can remember all of my and

relations. I am looking forward to enjoying my

experiences abroad.

senior year at Elon and traveling to Vietnam for a month in January. 11


What brought you to travel to Tanzania?

What did you enjoy the most about your

and respecting your elders. Each student began

My mom is a professor of anthropology at

experience in Tanzania?

their letter addressing President Obama as their

Wheaton College and this summer she was

After our home stay, we would visit the local

elder. I was amazed that such respect for the

running Education and Development, a three

secondary schools to help teach the students

United States President could extend as far as

week course in Tanzania. I joined her along

English. In Tanzania, primary school is taught

a small village in Tanzania. Even in the market

with an assistant and twenty undergraduate

in Kiswahili and English is taught as a subject.

we visited they had local cloth (khanga and

students from Wheaton.

When students go to secondary school (grades

kitenge) for sale that was decorated with

8-12) all of their subjects are taught in English.

President Obama’s picture. The students were

The course began with us arriving in the

Most students are not prepared to study in

thrilled when we shared that we would be

northern international city of Arusha and then

English when they begin secondary school and

sending the letters to the President upon our

we went on to the Kilimanjaro regional capital

yet the government has passed a law that all

return to the United States.

city, Moshi for a week of lectures and site visits

students must go to secondary school. I worked

to schools, coffee cooperatives, local industries,

alongside the Wheaton students, one who

What did you learn?

hospitals, and development projects. Our next

was ESL certified to develop lesson plans and

Education is hard for the villagers because

stop took us to our base on Mount Kilimanjaro,

activities in English instruction.

access to resources is minimal. They rely solely

a cultural heritage site and the only snow-

on teacher instruction and don’t have the funds

capped mountain that straddles the equator.

One memorable project we did together was

to purchase textbooks or other classroom

Our home for the last two weeks of the course

helping the students in the village write letters

materials. That is why every year, I want to stay

was Rongai, a town located in national forest

in English to President Obama. Tanzania is a

longer and teach for a month or two.

conservation territory.

society that puts great emphasis on revering


The people of Tanzania place great emphasis on family. They have no boundaries when it comes to family lines in their small villages. Children and adults were passing through the home I was staying at and I had a hard time determining how many children my home stay mother actually had. There is also great respect for the elders in the villages. Children address their elders with the phrase “Shikamoo” which means “clasp your feet,” translating to “I bow down before you.” When elders speak the villagers gather to listen. I began to appreciate this level of respect the villagers had for their elders and their families. I have a much stronger appreciation for my own family and realize the importance of being together. How did Gordon prepare you for this experience?

My teachers at Gordon gave me the confidence to be comfortable in who I was especially as a new student in sixth grade. Mr. Newbold was my advisor and he was also new to Gordon. The students in Rongai worked so hard to grasp

We shared our thoughts about being new and I

What do you hope for in the future?

what we were teaching them, enough to write

felt his support as I put aside my worry about

Anthropology has always been a big part of my

an entire letter in English. I really appreciated

being the new student. Even now when I begin

life but I never thought I would want to pursue

how dedicated they were to their schooling.

anything new, I think about Mr. Newbold and

it. But recently I was having dinner with one

When we arrived to the school each morning,

tell myself there has to be someone else out

of my mother’s colleagues and we were having

they were always so excited and eager to

there that is feeling the same way.

a conversation about how I dealt with a particularly challenging pilgrimage we made

get started and you could tell how much they appreciated having the opportunity to learn

Mrs. Spence and Mrs. Bowman were two

this summer up near the Serengeti and she said,

from us.

teachers who helped me find my voice. In

“you are the daughter of an anthropologist.”

their classes we had many conversations about

That remark has stayed with me and I noticed

It also made me realize that I continue to have

social issues and both of them found ways to

in Tanzania that I was asking a lot of questions

great opportunities put in front of me from

make me feel comfortable with sharing my

of the villagers and the students at Wheaton.

attending Gordon to attending Wheeler, and I

thoughts. At the end of eighth grade, I felt confi-

I enjoy learning about other cultures and

realize now more than ever how fortunate I am

dent with speaking up in class and sharing my

understanding the history behind them.

to have access to such a great education. I am

perspectives and opinions with my classmates. I also think about becoming a lawyer one day.

also grateful for how hard the students worked when we were teaching them. I want to carry

My entire Gordon experience taught me to

During my Civil Rights Trip at Gordon, we

their dedication to my academic work this year

realize who I am, how far I can go and how

visited the Southern Poverty Law Center and

at Wheeler.

much further I can continue to push myself.

one day I hope to be able to contribute to their work on racial equality and social justice.


s e t o n s s cla G O R D O N



teenth- and twentieth-century Latin America and the Caribbean, with a particular focus on Cuba in the 1920s and 1930s; also the history of U.S. radicalism and labor. Nick Foley ’96 is living in New York and is a lawyer at Cravath, Swaine & Moore. Ben Chace ’97 and his brother Nathaniel ’00


played at AS220 in Providence this summer

Andy Arkway ’74 (photo above) passed

inspired by American artists of the late sixties

away unexpectedly from complications from

and seventies—Otis, Aretha, and Dylan as well

encephalitis on July 8th. Andy was involved

as old school African, Latin American, and

with the Aquidneck Land Trust and helped to

Caribbean influences.“

with their band BirdDog. Their music has been described as “raw unprocessed, soul, roots—

fund the Sakonnet Greenway Trail in Middletown, RI. Donations can be made in Andy’s

Andrea Weisman ’97 writes: “I received my

memory to Aquidneck Land Trust at 790

independent social work license in March of

Aquidneck Avenue in Middletown, RI 02842

this year, so that will hopefully open up a lot

and the Providence Animal Rescue League

of new exciting doors for me in the future. I

at 34 Elbow Street in Providence, RI 02903.

am loving my job as a clinician in an outpatient mental health clinic in Taunton, MA. I got

Nick Wall ’99 is a Senior Associate at Metropolitan Real Estate Equity Management, a private equity real estate firm based in New York. He just finished his two year term as President of the Brown University Club in New York and is Co-Chair of the Brown 5th Reunion Gift Campaign. Nick stays connected to Gordon by serving on the Head’s Advisory Council.


Erik Urdang ’76 (in above middle photo with

engaged this past May and will be getting

his children) writes: “For the past four years,

married next September. Much of my free time

Isaiah Osofisan ’00 is living in Providence

I have been the Technical Director for LEGO

has been occupied by wedding planning! My

working for Merchant Card Services, a small

Universe, a multi-player online game (MMOG)

fiance, Ben Russell, is originally from Vermont

business consulting firm focused on credit card

being developed by LEGO. We released the

and is a network engineer.”

transaction efficiency.

game last year and are getting ready for a free to play version this fall. Here is the website:

Emily Glinick ’98 continues to live in Brooklyn

Courtney Spellman DeStefano ’01 is teaching


and works as a freelance stage manager for

ninth and tenth grade world history at the

theater companies in New York City, frequently

Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, NY. She is a

with Lincoln Center Theatre. She still spends

dorm parent and will be coaching varsity field

her summers in Chautauqua, NY working

hockey, basketball and lacrosse.


with the Chautauqua Theatre Company. Emily Christine Isidoro ’94 just completed her MBA

remains close with fellow Gordon classmates

Noel Barlow ’03 graduated from Harvard

at Bryant University. She is looking forward

Zara Serabian-Arthur ’98 and Edith Palmieri

with an English degree and minor in Film

to putting her new knowledge to use at her

’98, who are also living in the New York area.

Production and is working on producing a

position at AT Cross and is enjoying her free time with friends and family.

short film in Boston. The film is an adapted Ben Foley ’99 lives in Delray Beach, FL and is

screenplay of a one woman play, a short quirky

a film editor at CustomPlay.

independent comedy. Noel is looking forward

Ariel Lambe Mercik ’95 is pursuing her Ph.D

to moving to New York this fall.

in Latin American Studies at Columbia

Gregory Katzen ’99 recently moved to New

University. She is currently working on her

York City and spent the summer working at a

Sarah Engle ’03 graduated magna cum laude

dissertation “Cuba’s Generation of the Thirties

newly created rehabilitation farm in Western

from Brown University with a bachelor’s

in the Spanish Civil War.” Her research


degree in Psychology.

interests include political movements in nine-



2 0 1 1

Heather Liu ’03 is teaching high school biology

Susannah Wales ’05 spent her summer working

Michael Eden ’07 a recent graduate from

for Teach for America in Chicago this year.

with Hamilton College’s assistant professor

Wheeler School will attend the United States

of anthropology, Nathan Goodale, and visiting

Naval Academy as a member of the Class of

Jamie Macdonald ’03 (photo to left) graduated

instructor of anthropology Alissa Nauman

2015. He was nominated by U.S. Senator Jack

from the University of Denver in May. He

in British Columbia, Canada. Susannah

Reed. Michael earned his private pilot license

played four years of Varsity Men’s Lacrosse as

interviewed members of the Sinixt First Nation

as part of his senior project at Wheeler.

midfielder and served as the captain of the

to study their struggle for legitimacy through

team this past year. His team played in this

archaeology for the project “Building a

Ben Fine ’07 graduated in May from Moses

year’s NCAA Division 1 Men’s Lacrosse Final

Community Around Archaeology.”

Brown and received the Secretary of State

Four game against the University of Virginia.

(Ralph Mollis) Civic Leadership Award. This Avery Stone ’06 was a featured byline writer

award recognizes senior students who take

Justin Straus ’03 (above) passed away suddenly

in the CNN/Money/Fortune Magazine website.

the principles of civics and put them into action

May 30th. Justin came to Gordon in fourth

Avery’s article was focused on Cambridge,

through their community, school and civic

grade and is remembered for his intellect,

Massachusetts HubSpot, a new startup that

involvement. Ben also received the Fletcher

creativity and independent spirit.

gives small businesses affordable ways to

Award and earned a Twelve Season Athletic

market to new customers the way much larger

Award for his dedication to the cross country,

businesses do.

basketball and tennis teams. He earned the

Hannah Fine ’04 graduated in May from the University of Chicago with honors. She will

MVP award for his performance on the Varsity

be working at the Civic Consulting Alliance,

Sharkey Weinberg ’06 performed in the play

a non-profit organization affiliated with the

My Way or the Highway at the Perishable

city of Chicago.

Theatre in Providence this July. The show

Noah Fox ’07 a recent graduate of Wheeler

was produced by the Manton Avenue Project,

School, Mackenzie Cater ’07 a recent graduate

Rachel Litwin ’04 writes: “I recently completed my Associate Degree in computer graphics design and new media at Johnson and Wales University. This fall, I will complete my

tennis team.

which brings elementary-aged playwrights

of Wheeler School and Andrew Sgarro ’07 a

together with theatre professionals for inspiring

recent graduate of Portsmouth Abbey, were


all named as candidates for the Presidential Scholar Award.

Bachelors of Science degree in computer

Mackenzie Cater ’07 (photo above with Vivian

graphics and new media.”

Liu ’08) was profiled in the Barrington Times

Caroline Frishman ’07 a recent graduate

this summer for her experience on volunteering

of Wheeler School was the recipient of the

for Sustainable Harvest International in

Community Service Award during Wheeler’s

Panama. She is headed to University of

Academic Awards celebration.

Stephanie Perez ’04 is a senior at Tufts University this year and co-captain of the Women’s Lacrosse Team. This past spring her lacrosse season ended with Tufts second showing

California, Berkeley this fall. Seth Gilbane ’07 a recent graduate of St.

in the NCAA’s. She was voted MVP for Tufts.

Jack Christie ’07 a recent graduate of

Mark’s School was inducted into the 2011

She was the recipient of First Team NESCAC

Wheeler received the Priscilla Wolff Award

Cum Laude Honor Society.

honors and was selected as an All-Region

for Excellence in Writing.

player for the second year in a row and has

Eric Glickman-Tondreau ’07 a recent graduate

received Second Team All-American honors

Katie DiPrete ’07 a recent graduate of Moses

of Moses Brown received the Religion and

this year.

Brown earned a Twelve Season Athletic Award

Philosophy Award at the school’s Academic

being a member of the Varsity cross country,

Awards Day in May. He also placed third in

Coby Unger ’05 was featured in the Providence

swimming and lacrosse teams all during all

the state on the National Spanish Exam, level

Journal this summer working at Keesh Studio in

of her four years at Moses Brown.

5, earned National Merit Scholarship program

Providence, where he has worked for the past

National Hispanic Scholar Recognition and

two summers.

received a Senior All-State selection for flute from the RI Music Educators Association.


Lauren Rosalanko ’07, Anna Mack ’05 and Heather Liu ’03 returned to Gordon as speakers for the Class of 2011 Induction Luncheon

Vivian Liu ’08 spent the summer volunteering with Sustainable Harvest International and interning with the Rhode Island Supreme Court. She is looking forward to starting her senior year at Middlesex this year. Joe Mack ’08 a senior at St. George’s was named to the Independent All-Stars Spring 2011 Sports team for his performance on the Varsity Lacrosse Team. He was one of the top defenders in the Independent School League, Liza Green ’07 a recent graduate of Moses

Arianna Riva ’07 a recent graduate of Moses

and earned a First Team ALL-ISL for his

Brown received the Sophia L. Pitman Prize

Brown received the John Milton Prize for

All-Conference selection, he also was named

awarded to a student who has shown

excellence in English. She was also inducted

the team MVP.

excellence and dedication in the visual arts.

in the Moses Brown chapter of the National

Jesse Handler ’07 was recognized by the

Cum Laude Society and was a candidate for

Lily Ardente ’09 a junior at Moses Brown

the Presidential Scholar Award.

received a Wind Ensemble Award at the

Providence Journal this summer for her ability

Academic Awards Day this past May.

to find the right balance between sports and

Lauren Rosalanko ’07 a recent graduate of

academics. At Cranston East, Jesse graduated

Moses Brown received the Lt. Governor

Manny Guerzon ’09 a junior at St. Mark’s

as the class valedictorian and earned twelve

Leadership Award. One student from every high

School received the National Spanish Exam

varsity letters.

school in Rhode Island is chosen to receive this


award. Lauren has been the leader of Moses Isabella Ingendahl ’07 a recent graduate of

Brown’s Community Outreach Committee for

Maddie Berkson ’10 was named to the

Moses Brown received the Prize for Excellence

two years. She has helped to organize commu-

Providence Journal All-State Girls Track First

in Russian Language.

nity fundraisers and managed the Community

Team. A freshman last spring at Classical High

Service Day each spring at Moses Brown.

School, Maddie was the indoor state champ at

Janie Lupica ’07 a recent graduate of Moses

both 1,000 and 1,5000 meters. She was named

Brown received the Charles, Elliot and Lyman

Alexa Bourque ’08 a senior at Moses Brown

Co-Distance MVP with LaSalle’s Molly Keat-

Brown Prize for Good Citizenship. She was

received the Ben Tre Award for Excellence

ing, winning the 800 outdoors with a time of

also inducted into the 2011 Cum Laude Honor

in the Visual Arts at the school’s Academic

2:13:18. Maddie also placed second at the

Society and received the Prize for Excellence

Awards Day this past May.

New England meet in 2:12:06.

pants at this year’s Cystic Fibrosis Walk in

Zoe Foulkes ’08 a senior at Wheeler won

Nate Bresnick ’10 gave a talk this past year at

Pawtucket’s Slater Park. Janie’s brother, Will

the Junior Award for positive contributions

Milton Academy that was one of the five

Lupica ’10 was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis

to the community and significant academic

chosen as best in his class. A requirement for

when he was an infant.

achievement this past May.

all freshman, the Class IV talk is a five to seven

in Spanish Language. Janie addressed partici-

minute speech on a subject of each student’s Dylan Neel ’07 a recent graduate of Moses

Jessica Litwin ’08 a senior at Moses Brown

Brown was named a Presidential Scholar of

received the Junior Faculty Award at the

Rhode Island. Dylan is one of 141 high school

Academic Awards Day. This award is given

seniors from across the country to receive

to Moses Brown juniors and seniors in

this award. He was honored this past June at

recognition of their special qualities or

the Presidential Scholar recognition events in

contributions to the school community.

Washington, DC. He also received the Senior Faculty Award and the Prize for Excellence in Mathematics. 16



Gordon is saddened by the passing of Governor Bruce Sundlun ’36, a towering figure in Rhode Island politics and culture. Sundlun remained connected to Gordon, remembering his years at Gordon as happy ones, writing in 1995, “I liked it there, did well academically, and made friends who last until today.” He later recalled with pride that his paragraph about a trip through the Green Mountains, which appeared in the November 1927 Gordonian, was “the first thing that I ever wrote that made publication anywhere.” Throughout his life, when recounting the antisemitism he experienced on Providence’s East Side, he would cite an incident at a Gordon Field Day as “his first consciousness of antisemitic discrimination against me personally.” Anecdotes like these helped fuel the first efforts, in the 1930s, to expand the demographic of Gordon’s student body. This work continues at Gordon today, and Sundlun’s willingness to serve as vocal witness to antisemitism should count among Gordon School Angell Street Campus, 1930

his many contributions to life in Rhode Island.


It is with great sadness that Gordon recognizes the passing of former Board Chair and alumnus, Malcolm G. Chace ’48. Throughout the school’s first one hundred years, the history of Mr. Chace’s extended family has been interwoven with that of Gordon School. His father, Malcolm G. Chace ’17, was a member of the school’s first graduating class. The school also welcomed other members of the Chace family during this time when founder Helen West Cooke and her small team led the school. Mr. Chace and his sisters were members of Gordon’s second generation when Margaret “Poggy” Langdon took on the leadership of the school. In 1978, Mr. Chace returned to Gordon when his daughter enrolled. He was nominated to the Four generations of Malcolm G. Chaces. Malcolm G. Chace ’48 is on the far right.

Board of Trustees in 1980, serving on the Finance, Executive and Nominating Committees and eventually becoming the Chair of the Board in 1983-1984. These were the years when the school’s leadership transitioned from Larry Miller to Darcey Hall. Looking back on those years in 1991, Darcey Hall wrote to Mr. Chace: You have seen us through thick and thin, you have known the school when it was a small and dearly loved institution in Providence which had a very special place in the hearts and lives of many families. You have seen it through those really dark days in the early 1980s when it seemed that its very existence was threatened and that its seventy-fifth year might be its last. Mr. Chace’s grandchildren have followed in his footsteps by attending the school that he helped to build and sustain. His leadership, support and advocacy for Gordon will be greatly missed.

Gordon class of 1948

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together! The 2010-2011 Annual Fund raised a total of $335,131 for Gordon School. Thanks to the 725 alumni, parents and friends who pulled together and participated in our efforts this year.

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