There are over 100 alphabets in the world that represent the Latin A-Z. The characters in this book are just some of the alphabets that do not utilize the symbols we normally see. Merging together, they are dissimilar yet share the same communicative goal.
LEGEND J / Wingdings 1
R / Mandalorian
B / Ath
K / Braille
S / Morse Code
C / Deseret
L / New York Point
T / Pitman Shorthand
D / Gregg Shorthand
M / Klingon
U / Leet
E / Moon Type
N / NATO Phonetics
V / Baudot Code
F / Webdings
O / Coptic
W / Sign Language
G / D’ni
P / International Maritime Signal Flags
X / Wingdings
H / Blissymbol I / 1 Aurebesh
Q / Esperanto
9 M |_| Y3W L| µ √ & (_+ C(γ,
A / Shavian
Y / Flag Semaphone Z / Voltaics