In the last year, G&AI has invested over $5M in cutting-edge data collection technology, geospatial software, hardware, and software development to provide efficient and turnkey-geospatial solutions for municipalities. Our municipal experience spans over a quarter century.
Comprehensive Solutions Gorrondona & Associates, Inc. (G&AI) has more than 25 years of experience managing complex projects across the state of Texas. G&AI is a client-focused firm with a proven track-record of delivering excellent results on time and within budget. We take pride in our ability to provide practical solutions by leveraging the experience and expertise of a diverse staff against a suite of integrated technologies.
Municipal Capabilities
Personnel Municipal Experience
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Asset Management Pavement Engineering and Management Geotechnical Engineering Construction Materials Testing (CMT) ADA Compliance Mapping and Modeling Aerial Mapping Professional Land Survey Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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Over 12,000 miles of mobile LiDAR acquisition, processing, and feature extraction Over 300,000 miles of pavement management experience Digital orthoimagery and aerial LiDAR projects across 26 states 15 registered surveyors with 20 crews across Texas GIS development team has extensive experience with 3D geodatabase design and development Over 25 years providing geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing on projects for public and private agencies
Mobile LiDAR: 1.1 million survey grade points (centimeter accuracy) per second with synchronized georeferenced imagery for semi-automated asset inventory collection.
ASTM Class 1 Profiler
3D imaging system to capture pavement cracking and distress data.
G&AI’s unique integrated solution combines subcentimeter mobile LiDAR technology with pavement condition survey equipment, on a single vehicular platform, to provide municipalities with comprehensive pavement and asset management solutions.
Mobile LiDAR »» »» »» »» »»
Design Grade Mapping Asset Inventory ADA Compliance Mapping and Modeling Curb/Sidewalk Assessments Finished Floor Elevations
»» »» »» »» »» »»
Airport Surveys Tree Inventories As-Built Surveys Shoreline Assessments Vertical Clearances Haul Routes
Pavement Engineering »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
ASTM D6433 PCI Ratings ASTM E950 IRI Ratings Rutting Measurements LRS Development Asset Inventory Pavement Management Structural Testing Road Surface Profiling Pavement Design
Geotechnical Engineering »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Foundation Design Expansive Soils Slope Erosion Protection Retention Structures Excavation and Utilities Pavement Design Failure Investigations Forensic Studies
CMT »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Auger Cast Pil Fireproofing I Moisture/Den Strength Insp Structural Ste Post Tension Special Labor Masonry Insp Concrete Cori
le Inspection Inspection nsity Testing pection/Testing eel Inspection Inspection ratory Testing pection ing
GIS »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
3D Geodatabases Spatial Data and Metadata Spatial Data Conversion Asset Data Implementations Interoperability Solutions Data Hosting Cloud Solutions
Professional Survey »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Right-of-Way Topographic GPS Control Boundary Aerial Control Design Surveys As-Builts Planning Route A.L.T.A Hydrographic Survey
Aerial Mapping »» »» »» »» »»
4-Band Digital Orthoimagery Fixed Wing/Helicopter LiDAR Photogrammetric Mapping (Planimetrics, DTM, Contours) Volumetric Calculations UAV for Planning/Monitoring
Municipal Department Geospatial Applications
Planning and GIS »» »» »» »»
Digital Orthoimagery/Aerial LiDAR Photogrammetric Mapping (Planimetrics, DTM, Contours) 3D Modeling and Visualizations Asset Inventory with 3D Geodatabase
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Pavement Assessments with Reporting Professional Survey UAV for Planning and Monitoring GIS Development and Consulting Services
Engineering »» »» »» »»
Professional Survey Design-grade Mobile Mapping Terrestrial Scanning As-Builts
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3D Modeling and Visualizations Pavement Engineering and Management Pavement Assessments with Reporting Finished Floor Elevations
Public Works »» »» »» »»
ADA Compliance Mapping and Modeling Asset Inventory with 3D Geodatabase Pavement Assessments with Reporting 3D Modeling and Visualizations
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Digital Orthoimagery/Aerial LiDAR Photogrammetric Mapping (Planimetrics, DTM, Contours) Professional Survey GIS Services
Water and Wastewater »» »» »» »»
Capacity Analysis Flood Plain Mapping and Analysis Storm Drain Assessments Change Detection
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Asset Inventory with 3D Geodatabase As-Builts Fire Flow Tests 3D Modeling and Visualizations
Utility »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Digital Orthoimagery/Aerial LiDAR Photogrammetric Mapping (Planimetrics, DTM, Contours) Capacity Analysis Fire Flow Tests Water and Sewer Line Studies Professional Survey Utility Pole and Tower Inventories Power Line Swag Measurements
Parks and Recreation »» »» »» »»
Tree Inventories Shoreline Assessment for Bank Erosion Control Trail Infrastructure Mapping Park Infrastructure
»» »» »» »»
Asset Inventory with 3D Geodatabase Professional Survey Temporal Analysis Parking Lot and Roadway Mapping/Condition Assessments
Fire and Police »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Traffic Accident Investigation Data Collection and Feature Extraction Temporal Analysis Liability Assessments Capacity Analysis Fire Flow Tests Fire Investigation Data Collection and Feature Extraction Professional Survey Emergency Route Planning and Mapping
Legal and Finance »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
ADA Compliance Mapping and Modeling Curb/Sidewalk Assessments Building Scanning and Modeling Asset Inventory with 3D Geodatabase As-Builts Accident Investigation Data Collection and Feature Extraction 3D Modeling and Visualizations Professional Survey
Fort Worth 7524 Jack Newell Blvd. So. Fort Worth, Texas 76118 817.496.1424 p 817.496.1768 f
San Antonio 2118 Mannix Drive San Antonio, Texas 78217 210.824.6301 p 210.824.8017 f
Dallas 1701 North Market Street Suite 450 Dallas, Texas 75202 214.712.0600 p 214.712.0604 f
Austin 4201 W. Parmer Lane Building A, Suite 150 Austin, Texas 78727 512.719.9933 p 512.719.9944 f
Houston 11710 North Freeway Suite 700
Lubbock 2732 82nd Street Suite B
Houston, Texas 77060 281.469.3347 p 281.469.3594 f
Lubbock, Texas 79423 806.748.4027 p 806.748.3934 f