6 minute read
Braggin’ on the District
By Kristina Ackerman
The ATL Airport District spreads the word about the Southside
Many major cities have a tourism board or CVB (Convention and Visitors Bureau) responsible for promoting hospitality and enticing visitors. These marketing organizations turn an ordinary dot on the map into a destination—so much so that even those unfamiliar with the industry will recognize some famous campaigns, such as the iconic “I ❤ NY” and the oft-imitated “What happens in Vegas.” But did you know that Atlanta’s Southside has a CVB of its own? The ATL Airport District CVB was formed ten years ago by the City of College Park. It now serves the cities of Hapeville and Union City as well, strengthening each city’s e orts to stimulate the local economy via business and leisure travel. With under a dozen people on sta , this little powerhouse has been behind the curtain on everything from booking conferences to placing magazine ads and participating in international trade shows. It’s all in service of a singular goal: raising the area’s profi le as an appealing destination. “We are passionate about the work we do to bring in visitors from near and far,” says ATL Airport District President Cookie Smoak. “We’re committed to showcasing the area in a positive light to achieve that goal. I believe that dedication has been integral to our success.” The ATL Airport District approaches its goal in two primary ways: directly, by courting visitors and event planners, and more abstractly, by elevating the reputation of the area. In major cities worldwide, popular prejudice drives suspicion of areas “around the airport,” but our CVB works hard to show the world that Atlanta’s airport is surrounded by a safe and vibrant community—which, to the astonishment of passing travelers, is separate from the City of Atlanta, despite o ering unparalleled access to its airport and attractions. Because these e orts generate hotel revenue, the organization is funded by a special hotel tax, the yearly net total of which has more than doubled since its inception in 2012. That’s a clear mathematical testament to our CVB team’s success in attracting out-of-town customers each year.

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The team highlights local hospitality businesses, targeting consumers who are a drive or a flight away with a variety of advertising, public relations, and out-of-the-box creative campaigns. When a favorite local restaurant is featured in popular media like Atlanta Eats, the ATL Airport District is usually behind it, sending out leads and arranging for coverage. And when a group of visitors convenes in the District for an event at the GICC (Georgia International Convention Center) or one of our event hotels, it’s our CVB that coordinates room blocks, tempting packages, and customized guides to help direct attendees to our restaurants and retail establishments—all free of charge to the visitor. Speaking of the GICC, the CVB team is instrumental in many of its large event bookings. In recent years, they’ve welcomed the popular Cricket MEAC/SWAC Challenge Kickoff (an annual HBCU football game), as well as volleyball, gaming, weightlifting, and wrestling tournaments that bring players, fans and families into the District. Of course, the fun doesn’t end at sports groups. The CVB books high-profile arts and community events, too. For instance, the Atlanta Black Theater Festival takes place annually at the Kimpton Overland Hotel, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority hosted its 69th South Atlantic Regional Conference at the GICC in April, generating an estimated $6 million economic impact for the area—and resulting in a $5,000 donation from the AKAs to College Park Elementary’s art program. In addition to bringing private events and attendees to the District, the CVB also extends its masterful marketing prowess to the promotion of year-round public events hosted by each city, like Hapeville’s Sunday Variety Series at the Academy Theatre, College Park’s Kids Fest, and Union City’s Pinktober charity 5k event. These festivities draw folks out to support local businesses while showing off our cities at their best. Another way the ATL Airport District shines a beautiful light on the area is by putting on Spin the District, a multi-part cycling series. Each city hosts one of Spin’s annual events, attracting thousands of fans and cyclists from the far corners of the globe. It pulls participants from nearly three dozen states and 14 countries while bringing the local community together for family-friendly festivals. “Spin the District is such a fun event and has put our three cities on the map as a premier cycling destination,” says Smoak. “We joined the acclaimed Speed Week with our two criteriums, and have since quickly become the secondlargest event in the state of Georgia.” The positive ramifications of Spin the District extend beyond its direct economic impact. These events place an exciting social media spotlight on the area several times each year and create a lasting impression that grows wider and more influential with each event. All in all, the ATL Airport District does much more than what can be seen on the surface or measured in hotel/motel tax revenues. Each time a traveler makes the smart choice to book their stay near the airport instead of downtown, the ATL Airport District triumphs. This CVB has flourished right alongside its cities these last ten years, from enriching local culture through community events to drawing tourism dollars into locally-owned businesses. Their efforts will persist through future decades, continuing to build the District’s up-and-coming reputation as an internationally-recognized destination in its own right. Learn more about our CVB at ATLdistrict.com.