Annual Report 2021
Rotary Club of Gosford City
Rotary Club of Gosford City Inc Rotary International President 2020-21 Holger Knaack
Assistant Governor 2020-21 Lower Central Coast Christine Owen
Board 2020-2021
President: David Bacon PHF President Elect & Administration: Paul Jones Secretary: John Walton PHF Treasurer: PP Clive Blunt PHF Membership: Mark Cleary Foundation: PP Russell Grove PHF Vocations: Robyn Parker Community: Anne Charlton International: Jeff Gay Youth: Sarah Tait
Communication: PP Francine Sultana Immediate Past President: PP Francine Sultana
District 9685 Governor 2020-21 David Clark
Board 2021-2022
President: Paul Jones President Elect & Administration: Chris Holstein Secretary: Anne Charlton Treasurer: PP Clive Blunt PHF Membership: Chris Holstein Foundation: PP Russell Grove PHF Vocations: Mark Cleary Community: PP Richard Waterhouse PHF International: Jeff Gay Youth: Sarah Tait
Communication: Peter Clarke Immediate Past President: PP David Bacon PHF
The Rotary Club of Gosford City Inc was chartered on 30 June 2008.
The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Annual Report 2021
PRESIDENT It is not possible to report on the past Rotary year without mentioning the COVID pandemic. However, for the Rotary Club of Gosford City, we emerged fitter and stronger and delivered a busy and successful year. We were able to do this in no small part due to Past President Francine Sultana, who kept the Club together via Zoom meetings through the uncertain days of the early stages of the pandemic during the previous year. We decided to resume face to face meetings at the earliest opportunity – 1 July 2020 – and, observing best practise in COVID prevention protocols, engaged in a regular weekly meeting schedule and Club activities. Clearly everyone was keen to turn out for meetings which was very high compared to previous years. The Board, however, realised the efficiency of conducting its monthly meeting on Zoom and continued this practice throughout the year.
President David Bacon PHF
The Club adopted a new five year Strategic Plan in July with an accompanying ambitious Business
community members in the Peter Turnbull
Plan. While not all short term goals were achieved,
Community Service Awards and towards the end of
there were a large number of successes, including
the year our Bob Ward Vocational Service Awards
an increase in funds raised over the past couple of
were presented.
years for distribution to local and international
Our rally, or as we renamed it, our observation
drive, was an outstanding success, supported by a
Membership remained strong with five new
number of car clubs and exceeding all fund raising
members being inducted plus two honorary
expectations. Thanks to the organising committee
members, although four members from the
of Paul Jones, Mark Cleary, Jeff Gay and Stephen
previous year did not renew, so we had a net gain
of one. We were pleased to add to our list of
The Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) was
Honorary members, Member of the NSW Legislative Council, The Hon Taylor Martin and Central Coast Council Mayor, Cr Lisa Matthews.
well supported by schools again after the year’s break with a number of schools fielding more than one team. Unfortunately, because of COVID, there
We were pleased to welcome District Governor,
would be no National MUNA in Canberra during
David Clark to the Club but only in a virtual way.
2021. Thanks to Sarah Tait, John Walton and Clive
DG Dave joined us on Zoom at our July 29 meeting.
Blunt for pulling it all together.
A number of our regular events resumed during the
The Mother’s Day flower sales extended their reach
year. We celebrated and honoured six outstanding
this year with three stalls – West Gosford, East
Rotary Club of Gosford City
PRESIDENT (cont.) Gosford and for the first time, Erina. We were able
The Australian Rotary Health Foundation was also
to sell a bigger inventory and increase the return
the beneficiary of the Club’s outstanding speakers
for the Club. Thanks to Robyn Parker for her
program during the year, thanks to the efforts of
outstanding leadership in this project.
program organiser Graeme Walters. Instead of a
One outstanding event was staged in March in support of a program to combat youth suicide amongst young Aboriginal people. The Club staged a book launch dinner for Grace Karskens’ new
thank you gift, the Club makes a donation of $50 on behalf of each speaker to the Foundation. The Club enjoyed presentations from more than 30 speakers.
book, People of the River, with proceeds from the
The Club also continued its support for the Rotary
night going to purchase materials for the Boots for
Foundation and contributed to the Foundation’s
Brighter Futures program delivered by the Cultural
End Polio Campaign as well.
Choice Association. The event was an initiative in the new strategic plan to deliver a project to address Aboriginal disadvantage. Thanks to Anne Charlton and Clive Blunt for their efforts.
A fun night towards the end of the year was our trivia night as a social event with the Brisbane Water Breakfast Toastmasters Club. We also raised some money to enable a donation to the Chertsey Primary School Breakfast Club. I was proud to serve as President during the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Rotary in Australia. We have changed and evolved as a service organisation since the first club was established in Melbourne on 21st April 1921 but our motto of service above self remains just as relevant today as when it was first introduced. To mark the occasion, our Club joined with all Central Coast clubs in contributing to a new plaque in an old Rotary
Another important initiative from the new plan was to stage an annual breakfast in support of an important health issue. We were honoured to
welcome as a guest speaker at our meeting in November, The Hon Jim Lloyd, former Minister in the Howard Government and now an ambassador for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.
project, the Puddle Garden at Mt Penang Gardens, Kariong. This was fitting as the old project marked the foundation of Rotary in 1905.
I extend my thanks to the Board and members who have supported me so well this year. We have an active and vibrant club and I wish incoming President Paul Jones and his Board the best of
Thank you to all of our guests who supported the
Yours in Rotary
We again had some fun supporting a serious issue when we all wore silly hats (and raised some funds) to a meeting in October in support of Australian Rotary Health’s campaign to Lift the Lid on Mental
Annual Report 2021
CHANGEOVER Changeover this Rotary year was very much a hybrid event due to COVID. The key players, the outgoing and incoming Presidents, were able to gather to ensure that the formal act of passing the chain of office from outgoing President Francine Sultana to incoming President David Bacon took place. Francine and her partner Brad along with Youth Director, Sarah Tait, gathered at the home of David and Samantha for dinner to mark the occasion. We were honoured to be joined, via Zoom, by District Governor David Clark. Club members held individual social gatherings and joined the official party via Zoom. Changeover 2020, while a little unconventional, was a big success. Below are some memories.
The Chain of Office is passed over
President David & Past President Francine
President Francine reflects on her year
President David presents his plans for the year
The Zoom event
The official party
Rotary Club of Gosford City
TREASURER Our Club has had another financially successful year despite the Pandemic inhibiting our usual fundraising ventures. The Club continues to have all our financial affairs independently audited (not mandatory) and is solvent with a reasonable cash reserve if ever required. We can pay our bills as and when they arise and we provide full transparency of our financial affairs to our members. We seem to have settled upon a few reliable projects that engage Club members and raise much needed funds for local and International charitable causes and we expect to continue to grow the scope and reach of these activities in 2021/22.
PP Clive Blunt PHF
As always, prudent financial regulation and oversight will be the determinant as to our continued commitment to Service above Self.
FUNDRAISING Observation drive Christmas raffle
$ 5,000 600
“People of the River” launch
District Grant
Trivia night
Mothers’ Day flower stalls
Bunnings BBQ
Prostate Cancer Breakfast
ALLOCATIONS ET Australia Secondary College scholarships Fiji Cyclone appeal
$ 1,400 500
Cultural Choice Association youth suicide program
Rotary Foundation
Rotary Foundation End Polio Now
Clem Renouf End Polio Now Club
Australian Rotary Health Foundation
Chertsey Primary School breakfast club
Top Blokes Foundation
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
Central Coast Bipolar & Schizophrenia Fellowship
Science & Engineering Challenge
Annual Report 2021
OBSERVATION DRIVE As Club projects go, our Observation Rally/Drive was a great success in many ways. The weather was not kind at the start with heavy rain ensuring the starters got a good soaking. However, the weather did not deter participants or their enthusiasm. Financially we raised more than $4,500, over 40 cars participated and more than half the Club’s members were involved, either as participants or organisers. A huge thank you must go to our sponsors, Central Coast Lexus, Allpoint Security, Bambi Enterprises and Bursons Autoparts. Through these sponsorships we were able to double our fundraising capacity and provide great prizes to the winners. As it was not a race, time to complete the course to Killcare and back was not important, so a number of participants answered all the questions correctly. The organisers then decided to decide the winners with a draw from the hat. The winners of the best car competition was a dead heat between and Oldsmobile Cutlass and the Triumph Dolomite. A big thank you to the organising committee of Paul Jones, Mark Cleary, Jeff Gay and Stephen Lloyd. The success of the raffle was due to our enthusiastic ticket sellers Chris Holstein, Antje Kemety and Stephen Marks. Thanks also to Paul’s son Will who acted as Marshall at the start.
Great event branding
A wet start
Hard working ticket sellers
Equal best car winner—the Cutlass
Equal best car winner—the Dolomite
Lexus guys—the sponsors
The Mustang
The Falcon
PE Paul briefs the field
Rotary Club of Gosford City
BOOTS FOR BRIGHTER FUTURES The Rotary Club of Gosford City as part of its strategic focus on youth support held a combined book launch featuring Emeritus Professor Grace Karskens and the launch of her book 'People of the River'. The dinner was well attended with a COVID safe maximum of 102 people. The proceeds of the event contribute to Cultural Choice Association Inc's 'Boots for Brighter Futures' project which raises awareness for the prevention of Aboriginal Youth suicide. The Club saw an opportunity to engage the Cultural Choice Association's ambassador and NRL 1st grade player, Connor Watson, to address the audience about the wonderful work the Association does with Aboriginal kids at risk and helping them to have a better story to tell. The project centres on exceptional Aboriginal artwork - in most cases an NRL indigenous players story of their Country - painted skilfully onto the players boots which then feature in the Koori and Indigenous NRL football rounds in May each year. The boots are then cleaned and auctioned with proceeds split between the artists and the charity to further support the program. It was a fantastic night of culture, awareness and doing good in the community with a combined total of $6,000 raised with the assistance of a Rotary Foundation matching grant . The dinner started with a heartfelt 'Welcome to Country' by Aunty Bronwyn Chambers and was skilfully MC'd by Rotarian Anne Charlton with our President David Bacon as the official auctioneer on the evening selling up a storm with boot and jersey auctions. In addition, we had a bespoke didgeridoo painted by Casey Natty that was raffled raising a significant portion of the funds for the Charity.
Annual Report 2021
STUNNING SUCCESS Our Mother’s Day flower stalls were again a stunning success. All 400 bunches of flowers were sold before midday on the day. Three stalls were mounted, West Gosford McDonalds, Appliance Centre East Gosford and for the first time the old O’Brien Glass site at Erina. The first sales were recorded before the official opening time of 7am and the last couple of bunches left the buckets just before noon. Each site recorded a steady stream of customers, although West Gosford was the busiest. Thanks to all of the members who volunteered to set up, sell and wrap. A special thank you to Robyn Parker who led the project and Jeff Gay who collected the flowers from the Sydney markets and kept the stalls supplied. The proceeds from the day were $4,000.
Rotary Club of Gosford City
AWARDS PETER TURNBULL COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS Community service comprises varied efforts that community members make to improve the quality of life of those who live within this club’s locality or municipality. Our awards are named in remembrance of Charter Member, Peter Turnbull, who epitomised the purpose of the awards. During the year we acknowledged five members of our community who all contribute to making where we live and work a better place. What they do is exceptional and enhances our society. Sometimes the efforts of volunteers go unrecognised.
BOB WARD VOCATIONAL AWARDS Our Vocational Service Awards acknowledge our former member and Gosford City Councillor, the late Bob Ward. The awards recognise vocational excellence of the highest order and honour outstanding contributions by individuals or small
Robert edits and designs a local community
As the Convenor of the Central Coast
newsletter – Matcham-Holgate Hall News –
Amnesty group, Hale developed the Human
which is published three times a year and is
Rights in an Age of Climate Change writing
delivered free to more than 700 properties in
competition, open to high school students
the Matcham and Holgate valleys. This
across the Central Coast with 350 students
newsletter helps to keep valley residents
participating over three years. Chair of the
informed about community events, topics of
Central Coast Environment Network, Hale
interest and historical articles about valley
has organised letter writing events at the
life, as well as spotlighting notable
monthly plant sales at the CEN office in
individuals, community groups and local
Ourimbah, developed CEN Youth and sat on
businesses that make up the diverse
the board of the state based Nature Council
community living in the Matcham and
of NSW.
teams of individuals. This year we celebrated with and acknowledged
employees of some of our sponsors. Sometimes the efforts of dedicated employees who go above and beyond expectations are unrecognised. Our award presentations were a chance for our members to pause and say, “thank you”.
Holgate valleys.
Vocational Awards Group
The awardees this year were; Michael Trimblett Loyal I.T. Solutions. “…his energy and positive attitude, along with a strong customer service focus have made him a respected and valuable part of the Loyal team.” Michele Davis - Allpoint Security. “…Michele has
Community Awards Group
proven that she is indispensable in every aspect of
For the past 16 years as a Justice of the
Margaret Pearce has been accurately
Peace, Carol has been very involved with the
described as an instigator, infatigable
NSW Justices Association Central Coast,
fundraiser and efficient deliverer of a range
serving as secretary for many years and
of community projects across the Central
working as the volunteer coordinator for the
Coast over many years. Over the past eight
community desk for Erina and Kincumber.
years Margaret and her Lions Club Wyoming
Ryan Barrow – Kwik Kopy Gosford. “…Ryan now
Carol is a tireless and dedicated worker as a
East Gosford Centennial has been
‘owns’ the production process in the business.
member of the Gosford Hospital Auxiliary
instrumental in establishing the Elsie’s
With his own initiative, he has become an expert in
raising vital funds for equipment and patient
Retreat Committee for the purpose of
operating some very complex machinery.”
care. Carol is also an enthusiastic member of
creating a stand-alone Palliative Care facility
the East Gosford Community Garden Group.
on the Central Coast.
VAL THORSBY Val has worked tirelessly for many years with both Community Transport and ADSSI as a social support worker, helping out with social outings, morning teas, bingo days and shopping trips. Val also helps Meals on Wheels with the Bateau Bay community restaurant, serving meals and
entertaining attendees.
her employment and she is appreciated”. Terri Rutherford - Bendigo Bank. “…Terri’s experience, people management and banking
knowledge shone through and she ably dealt with all issues on a daily basis.”
Heidi Cregan – Bambi Enterprises. “…She has an eye for detail and expects good work from our cutters and sewers.” Daniel Smith – Lexus Central Coast. “…Through hard work, dedication … and being a true gentleman in customer service, Daniel has quickly
progressed from apprentice to a qualified technician …”
Annual Report 2021
Winners South Korea - Central Coast Grammar School
Second & Peace Prize Winners Botswana - Gosford High School
Third China - Central Coast Grammar School
Best Costume Rwanda - Lisarow High School
The annual regional Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) was held at the Hub, Erina Fair in May organised by the Rotary Club of Gosford City on behalf of Central Coast Clubs. MUNA was pioneered in Australia by the Rotary Club of Lake Cargelligo in 1980. The concept is to provide a forum for youth to discuss international Issues and to encourage, peace, goodwill and dispute resolution. MUNA is now conducted in each of the 518 Rotary Districts around the world and is supported by the United Nations itself. 15 teams participated this year, representing 14 public, private and independent secondary schools (mostly years 9,10 & 11). This was the 23rd occasion on which MUNA was staged on the Central Coast. It had to be cancelled last year because of COVID and unfortunately early decisions had to be made about National MUNA in Canberra this year and because of the uncertainty regarding the pandemic, it was decided not to proceed in 2021. The winning team this year was from Central Coast Grammar School (Team 2) representing South Korea. Gosford High School was second representing Botswana with Central Coast Grammar School (Team 1) in third. The Peace Prize was taken out by Gosford High School representing Botswana. School teams appear in the traditional/national dress of their Country of representation. Lisarow High School representing Rwanda was judged the best dressed team.
Rotary Club of Gosford City
Rotarian Peter Witney from Bambi Enterprises
Our Bunnings BBQ for the year was a big success.
gathered up some of his factory seconds for the
Despite a very wet start that threatened to scupper the whole event, the early crew bit the bullet and fired up the hotplate. 65kg of sausages were cooked along with 20kg of onions.
Rotary Club of Gosford City to distribute as part of their community support program in 2021. As long time supporters of Coast Shelter, we called Michael Starr CEO at Coast Shelter to distribute the much needed bedding supplies among their clients.
Quilts, pillows and dooners were all gratefully accepted. Thanks so much Peter and Bambi - it’s great to know that our Coasties take care of each other.
A total of $1,850 was taken on the day with costs of $875, making a net profit of $975.
President David, Peter Witney and Michael Starr load the van
Thanks to everyone in the three crews which worked during the day, especially Clive Blunt, who did all the work behind the scenes to ensure a very successful day.
Our trivia night in April was a roaring success. The event was planned to promote the alliance between Rotary International and Toastmasters International and more than 80 trivia fans from our Club, Brisbane Water Breakfast Toastmasters Club plus our friends and neighbours joined in the fun. Despite an "Oscars moment" from the quizmaster, the Rotary team from our Club plus Kincumber Club were declared the winners. The Chertsey Primary School Breakfast Club will benefit to the tune of $1,000 from the evening.
This year has seen a concentration on building our Communication through Social Media. Posting weekly updates on our club Facebook page ensured that our Club members and local community were kept well informed of our weekly guest speakers and other happenings in our club. We were able to promote our events and fundraisers through the year, which all proved to be a success for our Club and ensured that much needed funds were raised for
distribution to our chosen charities for the year.
Annual Report 2021
AUSTRALIAN ROTARY HEALTH Australian Rotary Health is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia. It also provides funding into a broad range of general health areas, provides scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Australian Rotary Health is a project of the Rotary
Districts of Australia and is supported by Rotary Clubs.
HAT DAY Jim Lloyd with President David and Member for Robertson and Honorary Member, Lucy Wicks
In October we had a bit of fun with Hat Day.
A very special occasion in November with a focus
Foundation to raise funds for mental health research.
Hat Day is a promotion by Australian Rotary Health
on men's health.
Proceeds of the meeting's fine session will be donated to
In Australia, prostate cancer is the most commonly
the Foundation.
diagnosed cancer in men with almost 20,000
Below are some memories of the meeting.
diagnoses and close to 3,500 deaths each year.
More men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer. Our guest speaker, former Federal Member for Robertson, The Hon Jim Lloyd, is an Ambassador for the Prostate Foundation of Australia. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) is a broad based community organisation and the peak national body for prostate cancer in Australia. They are dedicated to reducing the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners and families, recognising the diversity of
the Australian community. They do this by: Promoting and funding world leading, innovative research into prostate cancer; Implementing awareness and advocacy campaigns and education programs for the Australian Community, health professionals and Government; and Supporting men and their families affected by prostate cancer through evidence-based information and resources, support groups and
Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses.
Rotary Club of Gosford City
CHRISTMAS Club members and partners turned out in force for our Christmas Party in December. The celebration was held at Julie’s Place, the restaurant and cookery school run by Masterchef winner, Julie Goodwin and a festive spread was served) Some memories or the night are below.
Annual Report 2021
SPEAKERS The quality of our speakers program was demonstrated in the enthusiastic attendances we had at meetings during the year. Subjects as diverse as the arrest of drug smugglers off the coast to the region’s water supply were among the topics. We also heard first hand of the health system’s process in managing the COVID pandemic locally, a heart-warming story of a young boy’s escape from communist China, the opportunities from a more considered system of waste disposal, the challenge of flying a Qantas jumbo over the Pyrenees after an engine failure, the encounters of an Australian Army doctor on duty in Afghanistan and the journey through year 12 of two outstanding young school leaders. And the District Governor joined us via Zoom.
Thanks to Graeme Walters for our outstanding program. Here are some of the faces.
From the top, l to r: Keven O’Donnell, PDG Harold Sharpe, DG David Clark, Pauline Wright, Geoff Tilden, Barry Henwood, Sarah Tait, Scott McMullin, Stuart McMinn, Dr Kane Lavender, Duncan Coles, Cr Lisa Matthews, David Smith, Andrew Smith, The Hon Jim Lloyd, Andrew Kwong, Robert Bacon, Taylem Barnard, Peter Moore, Brendan Rogers, Jamie Loader, Christian McLean, Gabby Bowles, Phillip Sinclair Hobbs, Dr Chris Trethewy, Lloyd Bromfield, Caine King, Michael Starr, Edgar Adams, The Hon Taylor Martin, Craig Giles, Graeme Sheldon, Michael Adams.
Rotary Club of Gosford City
AGM The Club conducted its Annual General Meeting at it first regular breakfast in December. The major outcome was the election of the Board for the 2021-22 Rotary year. Gosford architect and long serving member of the Club, Paul Jones, was elected to take over the Presidency from current President David Bacon. The new Secretary would be current Community Director, Anne Charlton. Other new faces elected to the Board were Chris Holstein, who takes over as Membership Director and is President Elect and Peter Clarke who has assumed the role of Communications Director. Mark Cleary moves from Membership Director to Vocations Director. Towards the end of the year Richard Waterhouse was nominated to join the new Board as Community Director. Other positions remained the same. (Full Board listed at the front of this report)
PE Paul Jones
Anne Charlton
Chris Holstein
Peter Clarke
GRAEME WALTERS PHF The Club was pleased in September to celebrate with Graeme Walters his award of a Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF). Paul Harris Fellow Recognition is both an award for exemplary work in community service or helping those in need, or a method of recognising a substantial donation to The Rotary Foundation. Graeme has been a Rotary Centurion for more than a decade. Centurions make a personal contribution of $100 (hence centurion) to the Rotary Foundation every year. The Rotary Foundation funds humanitarian and educational programs around the world. Those programs include an array of projects that save and invigorate the lives of people and enhance international friendship and understanding. These projects are funded, implemented, and managed by Rotarians and Rotary clubs around the world. President David Bacon also received a sapphire pin for his PHF in recognition of his contribution.
Foundation Director Russell Grove presents Graeme with his PHF pin
Foundation Director Russell Grove presents Graeme with his PHF certificate
Mark Cleary
Annual Report 2021
100 YEARS OF ROTARY In 1921, four Rotary Clubs were created in Melbourne, Auckland, Wellington and Sydney. From there, Rotary and Rotaract clubs were created everywhere across Australia and NZ. Today there are more than 1,000 Rotary Clubs in Australia, New Zealand and surrounding island nations with more than 30,000 members. The Central Coast has 15 Rotary Clubs, stretching from Umina Beach in the South to North Lakes Toukley in the North. The Rotary Club of Gosford is the oldest Club on the coast, being established in 1945. All Clubs on the coast can trace their roots in some way back to the Gosford Club. To mark the centenary of the establishment of Rotary in Australia, local Clubs, apart from their own individual projects, came together to install a plaque at the Mount Penang Gardens at Kariong. The plaque was installed adjacent to another one, placed to mark the formation of Rotary International in 2005. On that occasion Rotary Clubs contributed to the construction of the Puddle Garden, which remains today and the burying of a time capsule to be opened in 50 years. The plaque was officially unveiled at a ceremony in June by the Governor of District 9685, David Clark and attended by local parliamentary representatives and Presidents and representatives of Central Coast Clubs.
DG David Clark
Liesl Tesch MP, DG David Clark, Adam Crouch MP
Adam Crouch MP
David Bacon, Max Pittolo, DG David Clark, Adam Crouch MP, Liesl Tesch MP
Rotary Club of Gosford City
NEW MEMBERS We were pleased to induct five new members and two Honorary Members during the year. Unfortunately, four members did not renew from the previous year, but we did grow our overall numbers of ordinary members by one. RUSSELL GROVE AND STEPHEN MARKS In July we welcomed two new members, Russel Grove and Stephen Marks. Both Russell and Stephen are Rotarians transferring from other clubs. Russell comes to us from the Rotary Club of Woy Woy and Stephen from the Rotary Club of Goondiwindi. Russell was formerly Clerk of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly and in his
Rotary life is very active at District level being Administration Director for D9685. Stephen is a retired dentist now living at Point Clare. He has a keen interest in mentoring high school students and working with the homeless.
President David inducts Russell & Stephen into the Club
MIKE TATOLLI Mike Tatolli was officially inducted into the Club in November. Mike was introduced by Steve Lloyd. Originally from Sydney, Mike moved to the Central Coast more than 30 years ago. After a substantial career with Telecom Australia (Telstra) he formed a security company, consulting to some of Australia's major corporations. Mike then worked in the risk management area of local government in Sydney and the Central Coast.
After taking early retirement, Mike is now concentrating on his vices of cars, motor President David inducts Mike into the Club as sponsor, Steve Lloyd looks on
cycles, good food and the combative arts.
LLOYD BROMFIELD Lloyd Bromfield joined us in the Club in December. Lloyd is the CEO and Principal Consultant for Citadel with a planning, operational and technical skillset and experience developed over 40+ years in major security projects in numerous parts of the World. Lloyd is an accomplished security risk management practitioner, with a background in intelligence collection, and threat, criticality and vulnerability analysis. He is also a tutor and mentor to Security and Risk Managers.
President David inducts Lloyd into the Club as sponsor, Peter Clarke looks on
We were delighted to induct Christian Mclean in April. Christian is the principal of Wastepro, a business that assesses a company’s waste and recycling needs and professionally delivers the best possible solutions for the waste it generates. Christian is a waste & recycling professional with multi-industry experience working with large and smaller organisations.
President David extends the hand of Rotary Fellowship to Christian
Annual Report 2021
MEMBERSHIP 2020-21 PP David
Bacon PHF
PP Clive
Blunt PHF
PP Monique
In October we inducted the Mayor of Central Coast Council, Cr Lisa Matthews.
PP Michael
PP Russell
Holstein OAM
PP Robert
Pryke PHF
PP Francine
In April we were thrilled to induct as an Honorary Member, The Hon Taylor Martin MLC.
Taylor grew up on the Central Coast and was the first member of his family to study at
PP Graeme
Walters PHF
university, studying Finance, Commerce, and Economics at University of Newcastle
Walton PHF
PP Richard
Waterhouse PHF
Taylor was appointed to fill a casual vacancy in the NSW Legislative Council in May 2017
age of 26, he is still the youngest member of the Parliament of New South Wales. Taylor
was re-elected at the 2019 New South Wales state election and is currently serving an eight
HONORARY MEMBERS The Club was pleased to add two new Honorary Members to its roster during the year.
Lisa has lived and worked in the community for more than 20 years. During this time she has worked in both paid and volunteer roles to champion gender equality for women of the Central Coast. Lisa was elected to Wyong Shire Council in 2008 and appointed as Deputy Mayor in 2011. She remained on Council for the past 12years. Lisa was then re-elected to the newly merged Central Coast Council in September 2017. In September 2019 she was elected Mayor of Central Coast Council.
COVID at the time eliminated the welcome handshakes, so the “bump” filled the void. President David “bumps the Mayor.
and was the youngest member of the New South Wales Legislative Council. Elected at the
-year term set to expire in 2027.
* Honorary Member
Handshakes were back when Taylor joined us
SPONSORS The Rotary Club of Gosford City thanks its corporate sponsors for their generous support during the year. This sponsorship enables the printing of the Club’s Annual Report. These sponsors have also provided in-kind support throughout the year for which the Club is extremely grateful.
Rotary Club of Gosford City Inc ABN 41 908 571 723 PO Box 304 Gosford NSW 2250 Australia Rotary International Club Number 79691