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In This Issue
Gospel 4 U
May/June 2014
Gospel 4 U Magazine Gospel 4 U Magazine is an evangelism tool that is designed to reach the hearts of our readers who have no knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
ON THE COVER: Prophetess Maria Palmer Pastor Mazine Johnson Prophetess Nadine Bowie Evangelist Azizah Morrison
Executive Publisher Gospel 4 U Publishing Joanna Birchett
Jeffrey Sedwin SedwinCreative
Author Veronica Dixon Cover Design
Author Cynthia Jackson
CTS Graphics
Missionary Jennifer Marlowe Stylist Odinae Fisher Pastor Mechel Phillpotts Author Dennean Handfield First Lady Allison Mahon Pastors Dwayne & Linda Davis Minister Christina Morgan SCAN ME
raise the Lord and thank
you Lord for allowing Gospel 4 U to publish another issue. As we all know Sunday, May 11th is Mother’s Day and because I am a mother myself, I have taken the time to celebrate the life of some wonderful women who have set the pace for many of us. Every day is Mother’s Day because a mother’s job is never
“One Mind, One Body & One Spirit”
Gospel 4 U believes in
done. So, as you take the time this month to celebrate your mom, whether she is single, married, divorced, or passed on to glory, remember that she is a jewel and a blessing. Gospel 4 U is designed to share the Good news of Jesus Christ, so we pray that every article that you read will minister to your heart. On the cover we have featured four mighty women of God. They
all want to share with you that as people of God we have to be faith walkers and that we are destined for greatness, and the only way we will make it is by trusting in God and walking in faith. We value your feedback, so send us an email at God Bless! Pastor Joanna Birchett CEO/Founder
Gospel 4 U Network TV AND MAGAZINE
Check out our website for updates and information
By Pastor Joanna Birchett
is nothing like a Mother’s love. My
mother lives on the beautiful and sunny island of Jamaica. There is so much that I can say, but in this article I wanted to take a minute to honor her, Muriel Bernice Ottey. My mother was not as educated as some of the other mothers growing up, but I can truly say that she instilled good moral ethics in us. She was a dedicated woman and I have learned so much from her. There were times that I believed that I failed her, but she never gave up on me and, because of that, it gave me so much motivation to keep pressing on.
Mommy, let me say that I love you for who you are. No matter what we had to endure, the love I have for you is unexplainable. I thank you for always being there for me. You were my greatest cheerleader. You covered me, took care of me, looked out for me, and I can never repay you for the things that you have done, so I publicly want to tell you I love you. May the Lord continue to keep you in perfect peace as you keep your mind on Him.
I remember getting pregnant at a very early age. I am so glad that even though she was not saved then, she never allowed me to commit myself to abortion. She chastised me really hard but I see now that it was all worth it.
Celebrate your Mom
A Mother’s Love never ends
Single Saved & Patiently Waiting By Dennean Handfield
Growing up as a little girl, I remember being captured by the Cinderella story. The idea of having a prince come to rescue me because I was the correct shoe size was fascinating. What made the story even more beautiful was that Cinderella wasn't desperately looking for her Prince Charming, she was pursued by love. Although Cinderella is a fairy tale, I wasn't aware of the ache in my heart that would follow me into my teen years. It was the need to be rescued. My teen years were filled with the need for acceptance and the search for love. I soon learned that not knowing your value and the desire of wanting a relationship was a dangerous combination. You begin compromising yourself and the person your in relationship with will not treat you as you deserve to be treated. The relationships that I entered in never seemed to fill the gaping hole in my heart. The gifts I received didn't help and romantic dinners were fleeting. I wanted so badly to have my own Cinderella story, but always felt something was missing. After graduating college, I threw myself into a career and became an over– achiever. Surrounded by a culture of Independent women who also had the same aching heart became the "not needing a man syndrome," something I never developed. I still desired a companion to share my day with and my dreams. Now, girlfriends getting married and having their own families only have made the gaping hole grow deeper. The twists and turns of looking for love is when I began being pursued by Jesus Christ. He began to show me my true value in Him. It was then that I realized that I was in my own Cinderella story, rescued by the One who died for me; who knows the number of hairs on my head; who knows my ending from the beginning; and who accepts me because He thought of me before the foundation of the earth. I no longer have to prove my worth. I am worthy of the One who died for me. My painful experience also taught me that the gaping hole we as women feel everyday is not for a man to fill but for God. We don't realize that as women we are royalty and are not searching for our Prince Charming but our King of Kings. All we're mandated to do is, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and wait patiently on Him to send the one that is made for us.” The God who meticulously created all things hasn't forgot about singles. He is shaping, molding, and preparing the one He designed for us. So, of course, I desire a husband to share my life with. But this time I want a man who understands my purpose and for whom I can be a help mate for his purpose to build God's kingdom. Until that time comes I will be patiently waiting on The Lord. His timing is perfect.
To contact Dennean Handfield Visit her website
Shopping on A Believable Budget Jennifer Marlowe & Odinae Fisher
F om Fr Hiigh h End to Low Lo L ow En End. d.. Th hat at’s ’s how we doo the he S Sal ae
thin th ing g
Ev verything ery Unde Under $1 100.00 00.
A da dash d ash of of color, color co lor, lo r, iitt d do doesn’t oe oes esn n’’t matter the e age ag ge or or the th he e gender.. gen g nde der.. It’s It’s Spring It’ Sprin ng time tiime me - Use Us se your yo ou u ur r colors
To reach the Mother & Daughter team Email: Jennifer Marlowe Email: Odinae Amoi Fisher Web: Instagram: NothingToWearToo
Photog Photography by Ashley Clarke, Perfectly Flaw'd
It’s Springtime: Is Your Spiritual House in Order?
Rev. Evelyn Barnes, member of Star of Hope Baptist Church, located @ 7137 Hegermen St., Philadelphia, PA 19135. Her husband, Rev. Hubert B. Barnes, is Pastor.
Proverbs 4: 20-27 By Reverend Evelyn Barnes
some point during the
springtime and holiday season many homes undergo a thorough house cleaning. This is the time when we look at our living spaces with a critical view of dirt and clutter, and make needed changes that lend to the physical, emotional and psychological well being and satisfaction of our family. If we do all that we can and all that is necessary, we will live with contentment and peace in a clean, refreshed, and revitalized environment. Though we spend sufficient time making our physical dwelling places acceptable, many of us have spiritual houses that remain in chronic disrepair due to a neglected relationship with God. When we experience spiritual disorder, no one is more aware and impacted than our family. It seems that we can master church jargon well enough to speak the language of the most saintly saint during church services, but what about when we return home? We can even go through all of the well known church-like motions, thus walking in a manner that impresses our pastor and fellow congregants. However, it’s our spouse and children who see and are most harmed by our inconsistencies and any breach in our Christian conduct. Regardless of how well we blend with the saints on Sunday, if our hearts are not right before God, the poor relationships we cultivate within the family, unwise decisions we make regarding finances, and the sinful coping mechanisms employed during troubled times, are signals to those closest to us that our spiritual houses are in a state of sinful disarray. It is in and among our family that our hypocrisy is exposed, duplicity is detected, impatience is
manifested, bad language is unleashed, and our poor spiritual condition most telling. The wisdom writer in Proverbs 4:23 informs, “out of our heart flow the issues of life,” meaning that our values, attitudes, and habits show the true fiber of our Christian character, and our behaviors become visible symbols of what we think, believe, and feel. Thus, when our hearts are polluted with sinful motives and perspectives, it becomes readily apparent to the individuals with whom we interact, especially those living in the same house. Sometimes we ignore the fact that it is in the home among our family that we first prove whether or not we “love from a pure heart … and from a sincere faith.” (l Timothy l: 5) The people who should most benefit from our ministry are those who God has given to us as family. Yet, when our relationship with God is suffering, family members are more negatively affected than all others in our lives. Simply stated: We can fool some of the people some of the time, but rarely do we fool our spouse and children any of the time.
Today, let’s follow the path of righteousness and guard our hearts by surrendering our bodies, souls, and minds to the hand of God Almighty for His cleansing and refreshing. When we truly yield to The Spirit of the Living God, He will clean our spiritual houses, and free us to experience the joy, satisfaction, revitalization, and peace that comes from living in concert with His will and in the power of His might. The man and woman of God who walk in the Light of the Most High God (1 John 1:7-9) will bless his/her family by secreting the clean fragrance of holiness and displaying the pristine image of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory.
TIPS for EVERY Women in Ministry
It’s the 21st century and the role of women in Ministry has changed as much as technology or medicine has transitioned over time. The Bible teaches us about women of that age such as Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Debra, to name a few, who today, still impact the lives of women worldwide. Women in Ministry sill strive to maintain a positive stance on their successful functioning in the Body of Christ. Here are seven tips that I hope will be helpful for women as they strive to succeed in Ministry. •
Humility – Recognize that it is God Himself who called you to serve. As much as you respect His leadership and authority, Respect those under whose leadership He has placed you and also the people that you serve. “….for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 1Peter 5:5-6 • Integrity – “Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.” (Proverbs 19:1) Be honest at all times Always adhere to the principles of the Word of God. • Self Confidence – Be pleased with who you are in Christ. Personal application of the Word of God to your life is paramount. As you serve, always remember that you are unique and special in His sight. There is only one you. “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) • Consistency – Walk the walkas much as you talk the talk. Lives are depending on your Ministry and you can either break or make individuals. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.” (2Timothy 4:3) • Prayer – Maintain open and honest communication with God. After all, He saw it fit to select YOU! He’s you best advocate. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16) • Giving – Without aseed there is no harvest. As your ministry is established and grows, be willing to sow, not only into your own but into the ministry of others. You will reap the good fruit that it will bear. “ But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. (2Corinthians 9:6-8) •
Hospitality – It is ok to go out you way to make someone comfortable. Whether in the church facility or in your living room. A genuine and enthusiastic attitude sets the tone for a good relationship and encourages others to return love and kindness.
Mechel Phillpotts Associate Pastor Miracle Worship Center Bronx NY
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Dapibus neque lacus vel elit Offenses - We have the Power to Overcome! By Cynthia B. Jackson Matthew 24: 10 says, “Many will be offended, have to know that discretion always serves a greater purpose. betray one another, and will hate one another.” It prevents us from exposing the sins of others and allows the Lord to bring healing to a situation where an offense has occurred. hen I read this scripture it really grieves my spirit. Proverbs 17:9 (NKJ) says, “He who covers a transgression Although this chapter in Matthew is speaking of what is to seeks love, but he who repeats the matter separates friends.” come in the last days in which we are living, it still hurts to Because there is power in unity, it is imperative that we not know that many believers are being offended and betrayed by allow the spirit of offense to separate us. God is love and, each other every day. Some offenses are intentional while because we are His children, we need to others are unintentional. demonstrate His love towards each other. Nevertheless, it is happening to the The Lord may release us from relationships people of God and we are allowing where offenses may have occurred, but even these offenses to keep us from in that, love should be our focus in the divine relationships and moving release. We don’t know what others are going deeper into the things of God. through, so it is best that we release the As believers, we are supposed offense to the Lord and allow His will to go to be a representation of Jesus forth in the relationship. I know from Christ in the earthly realm, experience that offenses will sometimes arise demonstrating to the world how in relationships to either reposition the offenses should be dealt with. The individuals in their walk with Christ or to word of God has many scriptures expose what is true, real, and authentic. But that instruct us on how to handle even in the exposure of what is or isn’t true, offenses when they come. One of real and/or authentic, love should be the scriptures that the Lord demonstrated. highlighted to me was Proverbs It is so easy to become offended and 19:11 which says, “A person’s sometimes we don’t want to let go of the wisdom yields patience; it is to offense. But God has not designed us to hold one’s glory to overlook an offense.” on to offenses. Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your The wisdom that Christ has given burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain us should be enough for us to you; he shall never permit the righteous to be overlook an offense. His word says moved.” An offense is a burden. And in this that we can overlook an offense, scripture, He is telling us to give Him the and if God says it I am sure we offense. He is able to keep us even in the can. I am not saying your feelings will not be hurt. It may even midst of the offense. Not only will He sustain us, but we will take some time to overcome the offense, but God has given us not be moved. This means that we will not be moved out of the power to eventually overcome an offense and move into our position of authority and power in Christ. the assignments that He has ordained us to complete. As I challenge you this month take the offenses that come believers, we should desire to walk in the Peace of God so that into your life as an opportunity to demonstrate the fruits of when offenses do come, we can apply the word of God to the spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “The fruit of the Spirit is them and have the victory. love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Again, offenses may come into our life, intentionally or gentleness and self-control.” Against such things there is no unintentionally, but we have a responsibility as children of law. God to learn how to release the offense to the Lord and allow One of the most rewarding things that I have experienced Him to heal us. I know that we may be tempted to share with with God was when He used an offense to teach me how to others what has happened to us, but I believe that it is not love someone who had hurt me. God’s Power allowed me to God’s will for us to spread the offenses among other believers, love in spite of the offense and I am encouraging you to do the or for that matter, with non-believers. As mature Christians we same.
Pastor Maxine Johnson
Unstoppable Faith be resolute in that belief only because of my unstoppable faith t is with the joy that only in our God who according to the Apostle Paul. “…is able to do Jesus gives that I thank you for exceedingly abundantly above all giving me the opportunity to that we ask or think, according share in this magazine. For the last 10 years or more, my mantra to the power that works in us.” That power that works in us is of life and ministry has been, unstoppable faith. “There is nothing that will You have heard and received happen to me today that I and the Gospel message. You have the Lord cannot handle.” I can
put your faith and trust in Jesus as Savior. You are trying to do your best. In fact you are trying really hard, but it seems that for every two steps you take forward, you are then pushed three steps back. You read your Bible and go to church, but still feel like you are not making any real progress.
To contact Pastor Maxine Johnson please visit
There are those that will say, I dream, I plan, I work hard, and I do everything I am supposed to do. I try to live by the Word of God. Then suddenly, seemingly without warning, life’s events come crashing in and everything you hoped for, planned for, worked toward, prayed about, comes crashing down around you and goes up in smoke. It is in this times when you need to know the God you serve, and to have the solid belief that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose. The key to unstoppable faith is, knowing the purpose(s) that God has for our lives. Someone once said, “Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, a victim into a victor.” I strongly encourage you to really get to know God’s plans for your life. He has already told us in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The key is to know what His plans are. The only way to get to Him is by seeking Him. In fact, He tells us in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” I encourage you today, that in the midst of life, life happens. At the same time, I encourage you to stir up the power inside you and be steadfast, unmovable, and always abound in the work of the Lord. Keep your unstoppable faith in the forefront of your mind and in all you do, and I can say to assuredly to you, as Paul did to the saints in Philippi, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
14 1 4
Her Spirit Still lives
Jenny’s Journal
By: Jennifer Marlowe Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10
My sister walked in the room asking, “Do you want this top to wear to church?" Looking up, I saw that she was wearing one of mother’s blouses from one of the suits she used to wear to work. It was then that reality hit me. She was packing away mom’s things. It's been five months since mom has gone home to glory and her clothes have remained in their same place, still hanging in the closet, still neatly folded and the drawers, her shoes still arranged in boxes on the closet floor. Mom always cherished the garments she owned. Carefully keeping them only showed how she appreciated having them. Over and over again my sister has asked me to help pack away her things, but subconsciously I always made excuses about why I couldn’t. I’m tired, I’m a bit busy today, or, selfishly, even ignoring her, never letting on that's it's the hardest thing I can fathom doing. To me, this would be like packing the last remembrance, the tangible presence of my Mama. Oh, how I want everything to stay the same. I want to hold on her things. I want to grab hold of everything she owned, clutch everything in arm’s grasp and squeeze it as if I held it long enough her presence would fill me. If it's all gone, then what will I have? What do I do? If I packed her things away, I wouldn't be able to go into her room and see the pictures of her granddaughters’ special moments and accomplishments she had once so carefully positioned over her bed. I wouldn't be able to see the little things she had collected from her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, weddings, baby showers, graduations and other special occasions. If we were to put her things away, I wouldn’t be able be appreciate her Oil of Olay skin moisturizer cream so delicately sitting at the front right side of the dresser. My heart can remember how she would move gracefully and at her own pace to sit at the edge of her bed. Then looking in the mirror, she would take her own time applying the face cream to her beautiful, still wrinkle–free face. Oh, how simple her beauty was. Her routine was not complete without her wig. Oh, how she loved her wigs. Tidily placed on the other side of her nightstand, all her wigs were sitting on their wig’s heads. A smile started to visit my face. I gave in to remembering how my mom would offer one of her wigs to me when I didn't feel like going to the hairstylist. My heart tittered with delight. Oh, the memories. Now they are all being packed into a box to be stored away. Then it hit me: All those things are material stuff that can be replaced. Mom has left me with so much more. She left me all of her – her faith in God , her armor of a prayer warrior, her giving spirit, her listening ear, her sweet–natured self, her willingness to always speaking her mind with love, her loyalty to her friendships, and even more things of our human existence that I have not obtained yet. It's my goal to be more like mom. To be a blessing to people proves to me that mom is gone, but not forgotten. She has left pieces of herself in all five of her children. So I find solace that, whenever I feel the need for mom, I have all my older siblings to run to experience that her spirit is still alive. Happy Mother's Day, Myrtle Cox, affectionately known most as Mother Cox, but to me always you will just be my mama!
Evangelist Azizah Morrison
Faith Works Faith Works. Everything that happens to us supernaturally happens by faith. Faith must be released for the supernatural to take place in our lives. Just as it was through our prayer of faith for salvation that we came to be born again, it is that same faith that will grant us access to the things of God. Perhaps it was by someone else’s faith that you came into the kingdom of God. The point is that faith must always be released on our behalf for a supernatural event like salvation to happen in our lives. Whether it is becoming born again, avoiding financial ruin, having a supernatural healing or protecting our children from harm, faith must be released. Someone’s faith must be in operation. In other words, someone’s faith is working.
Access Granted A power principle of faith is that it gives God an opening and grants us access to Him. Scripture tells us in Romans 5:1-2, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Verse 2 tells us that we have “access” by faith to the grace of God through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. It is our faith that allows us access to God’s grace. This is an astounding truth, but what does it really mean? Let’s look at verse 2 in The Amplified Bible. “Through Him also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace—state of God’s favor—in which we [firmly and safely] stand.” What a blessing! What the Apostle Paul is telling us is that faith gives us access to God’s favor. Our faith gives God an opening through which He can pour all of His favor into our lives. The moment you and I received The Lord, we gave God an opening into our lives. Our faith gave Him entrance to come in and save us. By faith, we gained access to the favor of God to be born again. But that was just the beginning. There is still much more of God’s favor for us to receive and experience every day of our lives. Faith requires that we continually receive the Word of God to lay hold of all of God’s goodness. Faith is kept alive and working by taking God’s Word into our hearts. Faith is believing God’s Word concerning any area of life and acting in line with that Word. The force of faith is activated by hearing and believing God’s Word. It is a spiritual force produced by the abiding Word of God in the heart. It begins to work when we speak only those things that are aligned with The Word of God. That’s why what we confess verbally is vitally important. I believe that, more than most of us, Satan, the enemy of our soul, knows The Word of God more than the believer. As such, he is well acquainted with the truth of Mark 11:23 that says, “… whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in His heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Did you read that? “He shall have whatsoever he saith.” That is a power statement and a statement that the enemy understands works for the believer who aligns their confession of faith with the Word of God. Whatever we say by faith must come to pass!
Faith Comes By Hearing
There are approximately 6,000 promises from God recorded in the Bible, and each one was carefully written down for us. If you and I were to take each of those promises and read them, speak them out loud, and keep them before our eyes, in our mouths and in our ears, eventually faith would rise up within us. Why? Because faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing the promises of God. You see, faith is simply believing what we hear. It’s believing what we read and what we say. If we believe what we hear, say, and read, and we let it get deep in our hearts, soon faith will rise up within us and see to it that everything we hear, say and read comes to pass. The faith that rises within us gives God an opening to bring His promises to pass. God operates by promise. He gives His Word. If you believe and obey it no matter what, He brings that promise to pass in your life.
Faith Works Whatever situation you are facing in your life today, I encourage you to search the scripture, find out what God has already declared for you regarding that area, and begin to declare the promise and power of God over your life and your situation by faith in His Word. The enemy is raging against The Body of Christ. However, we know that the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord (Revelation 11:15). In other words, everything in this world belongs to our God and He has ensured us by the life, death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, that we are victorious. He only needs for us to work our faith, trust His Word, believe in His finished work, and move forward.
To Contact Evangelist Azizah Morrison, please visit her website at
I’ m
facing motherhood again after 16 years. If someone had told me that I would have another child, I would have laughed in his or her face. As a matter of fact, after my husband and I got married, many people insinuated that we were going to have a child, and I laughed and rebuked them. Here I am in the prime of my life. My business is thriving; our ministry is growing; my children are becoming men and calming their independence; and my m a r r i a g e i s a m a z i n g, especially at the thought of a "empty nest" in plain view. A baby was not in our plans. But even as I’m writing this I am reminded that before the foundation of the world and before I was even formed in my mother’s womb, He knew me, He called me, and skillfully planned out my life. The irony in serving God is that even knowing this spiritual truth, we still try and plan our own lives without including God. It feels like I'm starting all over again, but I have confidence in God to help me every step of the way, and what a relief that is for me. I never planned my pregnancies, so it always seemed to be an interruption. But, thanks be to God, it isn't so this time. I know that all things work
Motherhood Again By First Lady Allison Mahon
together for the good. I truly believe with my whole heart that God is the giver of life, and therefore the fruit of my womb is blessed. Instead of thinking about whether the time was right or wrong, I threw up my hands and said, "Lord, I need your help to understand your plan for this child's life so I can align my self with your Will for him that I may train him in your Way.” I am truly grateful that God doesn’t always give us what we want, but He promises to always supply our needs. I am learning to trust in God ever the more, because I am fully persuaded that He knew my son, Josiah before he was formed in my womb, and that He has a plan for his life. I have embraced this
truth, allowing this same faith to transcend for my life, causing me to trust God’s plans for me. So how is Motherhood working for me? I'm growing in God's grace daily. I find myself in continuous seeking, to not only train this child in the Way, but also for me to not deviate from the Way as I was taught. This has to be one of my life's greatest experiences. What a God! I stand in awe of Him, even I rejected His plan. He never gave up on me and, Beloved, He won’t give up on you. So be encouraged He does all things well.
“Catch The Foxes”
Song of Songs 2:14-17 (ESV)
14 O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the crannies of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely. 15 Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom. 16 My beloved is mine, and I am his; he grazes among the lilies. 17 Until the day breathes and the shadows flee, turn, my beloved, be like a gazelle or a young stag on cleft mountains.
In a marriage communication is a key tool. When there is no communication it is safe to say that something has crept in. V: 14 “O my dove” means He’s trying to get his dove to open up to him as he is accustomed to, He speaks carefully and caringly. “Clefts of the rock and crannies of the cliff ” are the hard places in life. V: 15 “Catch the foxes for us” tells us to come back together again in unity, as one. “The little foxes” are kids, money, sex, people, insecurities, etc. “The foxes” are the things that the enemy uses to kill steal and destroy the vineyard. “The vineyards” symbolize marriage. “Our vineyards are in blossom” means that everything is going so well. Our vineyard has a sweet aroma, we can’t let the foxes in to destroy the aroma in the atmosphere. V: 16 “My beloved is mine, and I am his” is reassuring each other by getting rid of all insecurity foxes. “He grazes among the lilies” stresses that through communication they know that even though he is around pretty lilies his heart belongs to her and her heart belongs to him.
V: 17 “Until the day breathes and the shadows flee [the distractions of the day] turn, my beloved” tells us that when the day ends turn your attention to the vineyard. “Be like a gazelle or a young stag on cleft mountains” instructs us to be sure footed like the gazelle and to not let distractions cause us to fall amongst the lilies. Staying connected with one another through communication keeps the little foxes away, communication reveals the foxes hiding places and weapons used in the vineyard. Catch the foxes so that your vineyard can blossom and produce good Godly fruit.
By Pastors Dwayne and Linda Davis
Join us again in the next issue of Gospel 4 U Magazine!
GOSPEL 4 U MAGAZINE 412 E. North Street Carlisle PA 17013
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First Time Mother By Christina Morgan-Diaz One evening in April 2012, I laid beside my spouse. My 14 year old cousin, who we had taken into our home for a time, was asleep in the next room. While getting ready to call it a night and get some shut–eye for church the next morning, I suddenly heard the name Joshua being called. My husband was fast asleep, I thought, “I must be going crazy and hearing things.” A moment passed by and I heard the name called a second time. I thought, “Okay, maybe I’m thinking about Joshua because I read from the chapter on Joshua recently.” Then I realized that I had been reading the New Testament in the last few months. I wondered, “Is the Lord speaking to me?” A third and final time, I clearly heard the name Joshua called again. I knew then deep inside my spirit, the had already spoken the name. I Lord had spoken, and my son, remember getting so angry wh o h a d n o t eve n b e e n because after only 4 weeks of conceived yet, was to be called “As the Lord had pregnancy my Mother-in-law Joshua. You see, for a while now, my spoken it, we were looked at me and said, “You’re husband and I had been having a Joshua” having a boy.” I guess I knew she was right. Several weeks planning our last big trip before later our doctor confirmed it. new parenthood. By faith, we Christina Morgan-Diaz As the Lord had spoken it, we had decided on Israel. We had were having a “Joshua.” not started to plan for children After two years of marriage, I yet and certainly were not planning on any names yet either. I think I knew can’t say that we felt one hundred percent ready that for me, there was no point in picking a to be parents. However, we decided we had a name out because I figured the Lord would choice. Either allow the human flesh to fall into most likely choose the name. Little did I know fear, or we could trust in God, and in His Word in Phillipians 4:19, “And my God will meet all He would select the name a year in advance! That same year, upon our return from your needs according to the riches of His glory Israel, we decided it was time and received the in Christ Jesus.” (NIV) Thankfully, we chose good news that I was pregnant. I was hesitant to plan B. guess if it was a boy or a girl even though God
Seven months into my pregnancy, my heart broke as I received a call at 4:30AM that my beautiful Mother has passed away. It was only one week after Resurrection Sunday, and we had never in our wildest dreams imagined that the Lord would take my mother so soon. She was only 62 years old. As an only child, you can imagine how my Mother was my world. Now with a new baby on the way, I was truly in despair and had no idea how I would manage without her. Thankfully, the Lord brought many spiritual mothers to my aid as they truly came from the north, east, south and west. In fact, two of my spiritual mothers, Reverend Gina Logan and Minister Bilqis Ibrahim, agreed to be at my side along with my husband in the delivery room. After 30 hours of labor, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I am happy to say that my son is now 9 months old and the Lord’s timing could not have been better. God has used baby Joshua to bring so much healing not only to me, but to our entire family. The Lord has brought my husband and me through the ďŹ re as we grieved the loss of my Mother and held on tight to Him for strength while becoming new parents. With much help from our family, friends, and our beautiful church family, we are learning how to trust in God more each day and believe on His Word that He would do what He said He would. He has truly come through for us. We look forward to having our next child in the future, and trust that the Lord will continue to provide. He is Jehova Jireh, our provider, and if He did it for us you can trust that He will do so for you too. God bless you! Christina Morgan-Diaz Mental Health Therapist/Worship Leader Evangel Church, Queens, NY
Prophetess Maria Palmer
In Due Season Sometimes this goes on for When we don’t years. acknowledge the life–changing capacity of the Word, we are merely existing. In fact, we are living beneath our privileges. It’s just like when something is broken in your house like a toilet or a drawer, and you have the means to get it fixed, but you just keep doing everything you can to keep it going. That is, everything but get it fixed.
In like manner, we just accept broken situations in our lives and those around us, rather than appropriate the Word in prayer and fasting, and believe in God for change. There comes a time in our lives when the Lord will be ready to address some of these situations. It may come in the form of a chastisement, a
rebuke, a still small voice gently encouraging us to move forward, a confirmation of what we sensed in our spirit, or even a disaster or calamity. All are intended to get our attention, and to shift the atmosphere so that we can be propelled into our next season. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
At some point in your Christian walk, perhaps the next season won’t be just any season. It will be your season – a season of much purpose, and one that you have no doubt been waiting for. Two years ago, I began to hear the Holy Spirit saying to me on an almost daily basis, “Walk into your season. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) It was a still small voice, gently prodding me along. At that time, I had been co-pastoring for 16 years with my husband. As such, I was preaching, teaching, equipping, and administrating a number of ministries. It has always been important to me to hear the voice of the Lord, so I spent lots of time listening for His voice. On numerous occasions He would speak to me as soon as I awakened in the morning. “He wakeneth morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.” (Isaiah 50:4) Like many of you, I had heard many prophecies about what the Lord was going to do in my life. In addition, the Lord had personally spoken to me on numerous occasions concerning my calling. I have kept extensive journals over the years, so I regularly recorded what the He said, and bathed it in prayer. So just what does it mean to, “Walk into your season.” Well, for years I’ve known that I’ve been called to be a Prophetess. In fact, I’ve prophesied from time to time over the years, and if no one ever gave me the title of Prophetess, I’ve always said it would not matter to me, because I know what I have been called to do. However, there does come a time when you must fully embrace the purpose that God has prepared you for. If it’s your season, you must take full ownership of that season. You must focus your full attention on all God wants to say to you and do in you in your season. He has molded you, shaped you, tested you, and tried you for such a time as this. Just as Esther was planted in the king’s palace at a specific time, in order to save her people, the Jews, we are strategically planted in ministries, and called to particular giftings for kingdom purposes. As I walk into my season I have been extremely observant. If you are also being prompted by the Holy Spirit to walk into your season, the following may be of benefit to you: 1. Acknowledge that you hear the Lord speaking, and that you are listening. “Speak, for thy
servant heareth.” (1 Samuel 3:10) 2. Say yes to what the Lord is calling you to do, and embrace it with your whole heart. 3. Be willing and ready to learn from others who have and are walking in the season you are
walking into. 4. Know that walking in your season may mean being inconvenienced, but be willing to make
the sacrifice. Recently when I was vacationing with my husband in the Caribbean, a Pastor friend asked if I could preach at his church early one Sunday morning. My husband, and I both insisted that we were on vacation, and we came to rest. That same day the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Good proving ground” in relation to the Pastor friend’s church, so I knew I had to be obedient preached.
5.Just as certain fruits grow during certain seasons of the year, when it’s your season there will be accelerated growth and much fruit will be manifested. Fruit begins as a seed planted that develops into a tiny plant before even producing fruit, so walking in your season also includes different stages of development. 6. Just as the fruit of a plant is enhanced through nutrition like fertilizer and plant food, so your gifting in your season will be enhanced and will grow through much prayer and fasting. In fact, you will feel the need to increase your prayer time. (Isaiah 58:6) 7. You will carry an anointing that will break yokes. “The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” (Isaiah 10:27) 8. Others will know that you are in your season. Recently when I preached, and afterwards ministered to the people, I had another Prophetess say to me, “Oh my goodness. You’re walking in your season, too.” For those of you who know your season has not yet come, be encouraged, “And let us not be weary in well doing: For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)
A Godly Mother By Veronica Dixon
Today I would like to speak about what God says a Godly mother is. When I looked into this and prayed, God showed me He wants a Godly woman to be a purposeful mother. God wants us to find purpose in everything we do. He wants us to find ways to teach and direct our children in Him. He calls us to be passionate mothers. Being a Godly mother means we have to be dedicated, and in that dedication to have passion and to strive for the best in all we do as mothers and women – and to love what we do. When I think about these things, I think about my own mother. She was a single mother (my father spent 18 years in prison) and one thing I do remember is that she was passionate. She taught my brother and me to make sure we do everything with passion and with the best of our ability. She taught us to make goals and to not allow anything to discourage us from what God has called us to do. I also believe a Godly mother should be fruitful. One way you can teach your child is by the fruit in your own life. We should have the fruit of the spirit in our lives. Galatians 5:22-23 speaks on this, “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, against such there is no law.” My mother had this, and I know for me as a single mother I was passionate about showing my fruit to my daughter and having faith in all I did. I did not know it, but she was watching me and saw my fruit. Because of that she is bearing good fruit. Motherhood is a journey and there is no such thing as a perfect mom. We make mistakes; we all fail; and we all have weaknesses. But each day our goal should be to strive for Godliness. We will achieve this when we rely on God’s wisdom, His strength, His Word. I challenge you to be the mom that God calls you to be. Love always.
Prophetess Nadine Bowie
Destined To Win There was a time in my life when I viewed people based on their outward projections of peace, happiness and having an "all-is-well attitude." However, my experience, along with the insight gained by doing full time ministry, has allowed me the opportunity to see first–hand the pain that God’s precious people go through from deeply embedded wounds. I see their masquerades. They are unable to share their conditions or positions with anyone, because they can't risk the chance of being judged or looked down upon.
They struggle under the weight of betrayals, molestations, rapes, heartbreaks, lies, affairs, and family secrets. Having no outlet, they experience an internal breakdown, bleeding on the inside with no external evidence of their internal hemorrhages. They wish that someone would identify the crisis on the inside. They are therefore left to perform, going through the rituals. Preaching, teaching, singing, ushering, and dancing – it has all become a "Grand Performance." After the show has ended and the curtains have closed, they go home and cry until they have no more strength left to do so. This is the picture the Lord showed me of a large percentage of the congregation. Thus, He said, “I will begin to raise up the voice of the prophets and a great apostolic movement to bring healing to these, my people. I will raise up authentic prophets in the face of the counterfeits, as I did in the days of Pharaoh, to bring forth restoration to my people. I will overthrow the tables of the money exchangers who have come for monetary gain, and tear down the altars of false preachers, prophets, and priests.” This is the hour of great restoration. He is about to make the exchange: beauty for ashes; the oil of joy for mourning; the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; righteousness for unrighteousness; and holiness for unholiness. The Kingdom of Light will overthrow the kingdom of darkness, and though we are in the midst of crisis, this is the finest hour in the body of Christ. The word “crisis” originates from the Greek word krisis which means decision, or krinein to decide. Crisis therefore denotes a turning point. We are entering the greatest turning point ever seen in the body of Christ, an unprecedented move of God. I am humbled and grateful that God has selected me for such a time as this to be a part of this great movement. I thank The Lord for the prophetic insight that enabled me to see past the masquerades. I have seen the wounds of His precious people, and He has given me the privilege to aid in their restoration through the ministry of deliverance. I encourage you today because your best days are ahead of you. It's not how you start it's how you finish. Never ever be afraid or ashamed to tell your story, because someone might be going through the same thing as you and needs to hear your story in order to get to their glory. "We overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies." God’s mercy is getting ready to rewrite your story, because you are destined to win.
To Contact Prophetess Nadine Bowie, Please visit her website at
EEggo Freedo Fre dom Mooddeelss
Kyrene Marie, designer/CEO of Ego Freedom has always had a passion Kyrene for fashion ever since a little girl and Marie now that passion has been birthed into reality. Her line consists of women’s ready to wear pieces. And caters to the Juniors otherwise known as young adults. To order or contact the designer, visit her website at : or email at
Gospel Recording Artist Mr. Conrad Miller
Mother’s Day is one of the most beloved holidays of the year. Flowers, special dinners, and songs about Mom pepper the popular day. For Philadelphia-based Gospel Artist Conrad Miller, Mother’s Day is special as well. The songwriter was inspired to write about it with a song called “Momma Prayed For Me.â€? “A few years ago, on the day before Mother’s Day, I was helping with spring cleaning at my church,â€? recounts Miller. “One of the mothers of the church asked me, ‘Brother Miller, did you write a song for Mother’s Day?’ I told her ‘no’ since I hadn’t thought of writing something for the occasion.â€? But the thought stirred in him and a few hours later, he had written “Momma Prayed For Me.â€? He premiered the song at church the very next day! With a catchy hook and a memorable chorus, listeners ďŹ nd “Momma Prayed For Meâ€? a rousing and celebratory tune. The beat-driven song is a reminder to all who are grateful for a praying mother. As the lead single from the singer’s debut release, the song was played on hundreds of gospel radio stations nationwide and hit the national Gospel charts. Since its initial release, the song has become a Mother’s Day staple on radio and in churches. Since that time the accomplished singer, composer, arranger, and choir member has released a second CD called, “Keep Pressing.â€? Filled with traditional and contemporary Gospel music, the 10-track CD contains uplifting tunes like “I Need Youâ€? and “Lift Your Voices.â€?
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