GospelNow Magazine September Edition

Page 1

also inside: Family Affair

Oct. 16th

Mary Mary Live

Remember 9-11

Student Athlete Robbie Mercier

Angel Louis Saved By Faith


2011 GospelNow Fest Featuring Mary Mary Live In Concert Sunday, Oct. 16th @ The Central Florida Fairgrounds

IMG's Top 10 and Espa単ol Top 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Skin Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Make It Count by Farris Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 GHATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The X-Change - Get Dirty, Eat Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Back To School Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hebni - Diabetes: The Heat Is STILL On. . . . . . . . . 18 Fashion - with Karen Agramonte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cover Story The Legacy of Dr. Zachery Tims, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Top 10 Things To Avoid While Going Through a Divorce . . . . 31

Labor Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 GospelNOWChef

Spaghetti with Garlic Sauce & Tomatoes . . . .37 ImmigrationTALK Acquiring US Citizenship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Student Athlete of the Month Robbie Mercier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Angel Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 9-11 Poem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Church Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49

GOSPELNOW does not take responsibility for unsolicited materials, misinformation, typographical errors, or misprints. The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or its advertisers. Ads appearing in this magazine are not an endorsement or validation by GOSPELNOW for products or services offered. All photos and illustrations are copyrighted by their respected artists. All other content is copyrighted to GOSPELNOW, all rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any way without the written consent of the publisher. Printed in the USA by AGP (407) 532-4777.


Email your events to: gospelnow1@gmail.com The Soulfunny Radio Show 1140AM - Every Sunday 3pm Chan’s CD Release Concert.

SEpt.3 @ 7pm

Dear Readers, GospelNOW is a monthly publication that is distributed throughout all of central Florida. GospelNOW distributes over 20,000 magazines monthly and can easily be found at multiple locations at no cost to the reader. Placing an ad with GospelNOW will provide your place of business or event with premium exposure throughout Central Florida for a nominal fee as we touch over 20,000 hands monthly. GospelNOW Magazine

The Awaken Concert

Sept.9 @ 8pm Bethlehem H.O.P. 2921 S. Orlando Dr. Sanford FL

Dr. Sheila J. Spencer 25 yrs. In Ministry Silver Anniversary

Majestic Life Church 6782 North OBT. Orlando FL

SEpt. 25 @ 10:30am Time Of Refreshing 7919 Magnolia Homes Rd. Orlando FL

Vernice Parkerson Intl. M inistries

2011 GospelNOW Fest

Miracle Service Sept. 2 @ 7:30pm

Orlando North Hilton 350 N. Lake Blvd • Altamonte

Night of Hymns

Sept. 25 @ 6:30pm The Hope Church 3032 Monte Carlo Trail Orlando FL

It's a Family Affair

OCT. 16th @ 3pm The Central Florida Fairgrounds

Tom Joyner Family Reunion

Gospel Explosion Sept. 4. 2011 @ GayLord Palms Resort

editor-in-chief Mert managing EDITOR Rhielle Davis, Pastor Sharon Riley associate editor Terri Brown art direc tor jASON tORRES graphic DESIGNER Donell Butler III SALES/MARKETING Jay turner, Will Covington, Ms. Keesha Rivers CIRCULATION 7-Eleven, Churches, Urban Trust Bank (Inside Metrowest Wal-mart), Book Stores, CHRIS ROCTONE, jay turner, IMG, Fla'vor productions

PUBLISHER All graphics & printing DESIGN & PRINTED BY agp (407) 532-4777 Photographer ronnie garmon, Pablo Studios Contributing Editors / Writers Anthony-Smith Law P.a., shannan Lewis-Blair, Patricia J. Heligar, Bakari f. Burns, Gail S. Seeram, Farris Long, Dr. Corlis R. Johnson, Will & Gwen covington, Hebni Nutrition Inc., GHates

2011 GospelNow Fest Featuring Martha Munizzi Live In Concert

Sunday, Oct. 16th

@ The Central Florida Fairgrounds www .G ospel NOW. net


Advertise With Us! GospelNOW Magazine is a FREE monthly magazine that is distributed all over central Florida. We print 20,000 magazines monthly! GospelNOW is available at 7-Elevens, Winn-Dixies, churches, schools and businesses, and is also available to the readers by subscription. GospelNOW Magazine serves to inform the reader about the Christian community and to further express our praise and love for God. Our readers can pick up the magazine and see all of the events, shows, speakers, artists, musicians and congregations that central Florida has to offer. We captivate our readers with informative and entertaining articles and interviews. GospelNOW is the one and only source necessary to find who in central Florida is bringing glory to God.

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Now Your Music Can Be Heard On Over 5,000 Gospelnow Mix Cds

Mix CD Vol. 3 OCTOBER 16th

Call NOW For Music Placement






Thomas Ware


Toi Lee

Minister Ed Brown



Alonzo T. McClain Sr.

Gwen Covington

The Gospel Daytonaires

1. Jacob Ramos – Si acaso me olvida 2. Janet Aponte – Espiritu Santo 3. Lily Cruz – Te seguire siempre 4. Ricardo Rodz – Calma 5. Redimi 2/Lucia Parker – Estoy Aquí 6. Ezequiel Colon – Todo se lo debo ael 7. Eric Lopez – Nuestro Dios 8. Cristine D`Clario – Como Dijiste 9. Abraham – Gracias 10. Angel Louis – Porque te amo Contact: Will 305-761-2914



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Care By: Camille Hazlewood


e wear our faces every day, and our faces are with us for a lifetime. However, we would easily spend $50.00 on a garment, but not on a face cream. Why is that so? The garment only gets worn a few times, and then we toss it or give it away; but our faces we wear every day, and are with us for a lifetime. Our skin should be one of our biggest priorities and investments. It does not matter what we are wearing, if our skin does not look good, and especially to our satisfaction; we will not have the confidence we so desire. Here are a few basic tips that you can implement on your own to help you take optimal care of your skin, and to aide you in aging gracefully. The first one is, be an informed consumer. Know what you are putting on your skin. Read labels, and if you are not sure, ask a professional who is in the skin care field. One of the main problems with aging skin is dryness. Therefore, stay away from any ingredient which contributes to drying the skin. A major offender is alcohol. Alcohol is very drying to the skin. It takes away all of the moisture that we are trying to keep in our skin. Moisture is what makes our skin appear and feel supple and youthful. So tip #2 is, stay away from alcohol in your products. Tip #3 is, get a good eye cream. The eyes are one of the first places that show signs of aging. It is a very delicate, thin-skinned area, and is often neglected. However, do not wait until you get wrinkles around your eyes, implement using an eye cream into your skin regimen today. Tip #4 is, the sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! The sun is one of the biggest agers. It does not matter what your complexion is; you should wear sunscreen on a daily basis. The sun is the main culprit that contributes to wrinkles and age spots; so apply that sunscreen today and every day. Also, remember if you are going to be in the sun for an extended period of time, you need to reapply. Implement these tips today, so that your inner beauty radiates to the outer. For more tips, or for a complimentary consultation, contact: Camille Hazlewood, Licensed Esthetician and Beauty Consultant 321-356-7814 skintosoulbeauty@gmail.com


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Make It Count H B.U.

istory books do not give place to those who simply follow trends, but to those who create them. We fly around the world today because the Wright brothers believed that manned flight was possible. Black people can ride the bus today and sit anywhere they want because Rosa Parks dared to be a trendsetter. We drink milk that is much safer now because Louie Pasteur created a new process that we call pasteurization. God created each of us to be unique. When we do not celebrate our uniqueness, we are doomed to repeat the sins of Adam and Eve. We will believe the lie that we are less than who we are. Satan told Eve, in his effort to tempt her, “by eating this fruit you will be like God.” The truth is, when they were created, the bible says that they were created in the image and likeness of God. In fact, as proof of their Godlikeness, Genesis 1:26 says that they were given dominion over the earth. How much more like God can you be? When we are not convinced of our identity, we run the risk of being defined by cultural externals.

the most up-to-date clothes was not a huge priority for me. And by all means, $60 sneakers were not an option. The only way I got Nikes or Pumas or Converses, was if they were handed down to me from my older cousin or my older brother. The same thing went for clothes. In middle school, when my dad first developed the disease, I either had to wear highwater pants and too-small shirts to school, or wear the one thing I had a lot of that fit... Church Clothes. Because the kids picked at me harder when I wore high waters, I opted to wear my church clothes instead. Yea, I got picked at and talked about; but it wasn't nearly as bad. I will admit it did hurt. It hurt a lot. I cried many days asking God why I couldn't have what the other kids had. When my older brother (step-brother) moved in the latter part of my junior high years, he empowered me in a way that I have never shared before until now. I pray he reads this article, because I want to pause and say thanks for what he did for me (unknowingly).

Jacob was given that name because he grabbed his brother's heel on the way out of the womb. One innocent, but infamous act left him labeled for most of his life. Because people reinforced the nature every time they called his name, he spent a good portion of his life living up to what they called him. Each time he was summoned, they were summoning the trickster... the con man… the heel-grabber. It wasn't until his encounter with God that he was empowered with who he REALLY was. “You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for as a prince, you have prevailed with God.”

My brother was so different. His style of dress was amazing. He didn't wear what everyone else wore. His style was a smooth dressy, casual look. He didn't look like everyone else, but people ALWAYS admired how clean his look was. I admired him so much, that sometimes I went into his room when he left for school and borrowed his clothes. I wanted to be just like my big brother. Before long, it gave me the courage to wear my church clothes with pride. I had started playing the piano for churches at the age of 12 or 13, so I could have money to eat lunch each week and get my clothes. I bought clothes like his. I no longer wanted to look like the other kids. What started as ridicule turned into respect, because I carried a new confidence in who I was. It is so amazing to me when I go on Facebook® from time to time, and people from high school share with me the respect they had for me over the years. One person told me, “Yea, I picked at you back in the day and called you church boy. But the truth be told I couldn't help but respect you. I didn't understand it back then, but you dared to be different. Now look at where you are in life.”

So often in my travels both as a motivational speaker and as a preacher, I hear people say that they want to be “The Next…” (the next Kirk Franklin, the next T.D. Jakes, the next Juanita Bynum, the next Noel Jones etc.) God never created you to be a stereotype. Each of us was created as a prototype. Being a prototype means being a trendsetter. Being a stereotype may be easy and comfortable, but it doesn't allow you to leave a mark. One key component for becoming a trendsetter is a willingness to deal with ridicule. Too often we take the pathway of least resistance. It is easy and comfortable, but it doesn't cause you to leave a mark. I remember back in high school, my step-dad developed diabetes. His sickness caused him to lose his job, and the weight of all of the bills fell on my mom. She had to use all of her resources to keep the lights on and a roof over our heads. So naturally, having 8

With Farris Long

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This article is for everyone who has been told you have to live your life dancing to the beat of the drum. I am challenging you to create your own band-your own sound that has its place in this symphony called life. It may be hard sometimes; but, I am telling you today, it's okay to B.U.

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Ginel Themosy’s Birthday Celebration


ast month, GHATES introduced you to Ginel Themosy, a Haiti Earthquake survivor, whose spirit for life is winning the battle against cancer. This month however, Ginel is putting his worries to rest to celebrate his birthday!

Ginel would like to thank Mert Smith, from GospelNow Magazine for gifting him a wonderful, adventurous day in the sun, jet skiing at Chains of Lakes with his parents; both flown in from Haiti to the U.S. by Project Medishare to enjoy what could be their son’s last birthday. As you can see from the photos, both father and son look like pros on the skis, and momma Thermosy was there for support. To complete Ginel’s birthday celebration, GHATES treated him to a friendly bowling competition, where he displayed his natural athletic prowess and proven ability to knock down all the pins for a winning strike. GHATES can be contacted at: Global Haitian Advancement Through Education & Sports P.O. Box 683545 Orlando, FL 32868 Email: ghatespr@gmail.com http://www.ghates.net/ www.facebook.com/ghates2010

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Get Dirty, Eat Clean

By: Antonio D. Gibson


hat ever happened to P.E. and snack time, when you were guaranteed 30 minutes to an hour of outside play time during school hours, and then a balanced lunch with those little cartons of white or chocolate milk? Many of you are already tired of packing lunches or shelling out lunch money and realizing that your child’s lunch selections are better than yours, rivaling a mall’s food court.

Our nation is facing an epidemic that can be only described as tragic. About one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese. Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese. (http://www.cdc. gov/obesity/data/trends.html) We as a society have become accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle in which everything can be done faster and/or more conveniently; yet, in our quest to simplify our lives, we have neglected to maintain a healthy balance of diet and exercise, especially in the eyes of our kids. Most of the mannerisms, habits (good or bad), and ideals our kids have developed, started in the home, including the way they view food and exercise. We all have come up with a million and one reasons why we cannot exercise today or why we choose fast food over preparing a meal; but, what about your child who cannot cook or is not allowed out of the house until you get home? Unfortunately, there is not a simple solution to childhood obesity, because there are so many variables or reasons why a child could be obese. Since doing nothing is not an option, communities, schools, and families will have to work together to make changes in the way food and exercise is looked at. Hopefully, these ideas will start you in the right direction:

Get Dirty Set aside some outside time for your kids…

• Take a walk, jog, or drive to the park and play a game. You only need about 30 minutes. • Join the kids in the back or front yard as the run around. • Ride bikes around the neighborhood or on the bike trails.

Get the kids involved in programs…

• After-school martial arts, sports, or something that has them active; then help them practice

Group activities

• Look for cause walks, like Breast Cancer, or Diabetes. • Work with other families or organizations and create an exercise group.

Eat Clean Breakfast – Balanced and Nutritious (at least 3 of 5 groups): Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Dairy and Meat Why? –


• Studies show that eating breakfast everyday is important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Starting your child’s day with a healthy breakfast will also make them less likely to eat high-calorie snacks during the morning. • Eating a well-balanced breakfast improves their www .G ospel NOW. net

intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, especially iron and vitamin C; these nutrients are essential in a balanced diet. In fact, a good breakfast provides one-fourth to one-third of the day’s energy and nutrient needs. • Children who eat a healthy breakfast tend to show improved academic performance, longer attention span, better attendance, and decreased hyperactivity in school. • Skipping breakfast will often make your child feel tired, restless or irritable by mid-morning. By eating breakfast, your child will have energy throughout the morning and help him/ her concentrate better in class. This also means fewer trips to the school nurse’s office. • http://www.nourishinteractive.com/parents_ area/healthy_family_nutrition_newsletter/ healthy_breakfast_tips_kids_nutritional_needs_ important_breakfast_foods

Lunch – Sandwiches, fruit, snacks Warning!!! --

• Limit the sugary side items - This could cause fatigue once the sugar has worn off . • Provide enough food – Hard for kids to concentrate when they are hungry. • Not too much food – Hard for kids to concentrate when they are too full. • Pre-made lunches or snacks normally have large amounts of salt.

After-School Snack – Fruit and/or sandwiches Ideas! -

• Be creative with snacks – Creativity will help kids look forward to snack time. • Stick with the basics – Example: Peanut Butter, Celery, or Cheese. • Avoid chips and cookies as the primary snack.

Dinner – Balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats Keep it Simple! • Look for recipe ideas that will put a smile on your kids face – Foods that look fun , or are appetizing, will increase the odds of being eaten. • Plan your meals in advance – This will allow better choices or selections with food. • Do not over-season the food – Excess salt can cause bloating. These ideas should help your family take the first steps towards making a healthier family. Remember, to fight childhood obesity takes a whole family effort, and the kids will follow the parents lead.

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Mary Mary LIVE IN CONCERT @ Central Florida Fairgrounds

Sunday Oct. 16th

More Artists TBA


ore than 4500 residents of Central Florida and surrounding regions will attend the first annual Gospel Now Fest hosted by GospelNOW Christian Lifestyle Magazine in celebration of community and in support of the modern family, featuring chart-topping, award-winning sister duo, Mary Mary, live in concert. Orlando, FL – August 26, 2011 – GospelNOW Christian Lifestyle Magazine (Gospel Now), Central Florida’s fastest growing, faith and family monthly promotional medium, reaching more than 20,000 readers per month; will host the first GospelNow Fest 2011, featuring national and local artists, and a host of community agencies. The afternoon’s festivities will commence at 3:00PM at the Central Florida Fairgrounds, located at 4603 W. Colonial Drive, with a diverse representation of gospel talent and entertainment for the entire family. Grammy award-winning, superstar duo, Mary Mary, Central Florida’s nationally acclaimed, multiple award-winning Martha Munizzi, gospel powerhouse, Madelyn Berry, Radio Personality Monica May, BET’s Comic View personality, Steffon Vann, Orlando’s own, comedian Rod Z, and artists and dancers from around the state will grace the stage during “GospelNow Fest 2011.” GospelNow Fest 2011 will unite a demographically and culturally diverse body of Central Floridians for family fun, entertainment, inspiration, and empowerment. Appearances by local and state elected officials and candidates for the 2012 election, along with information booths from community resource agencies will empower families, fostering community cohesion throughout Central Florida.

About GospelNOW:

The fastest growing monthly, family and faith publication, GospelNOW Christian Lifestyle Magazine, provides a platform fostering the facilitation of community awareness, the engagement of corporate and community partnerships, and the presentation of diverse opportunities for community cohesion. GospelNOW connects businesses, churches, families, and communities; educating, empowering, and inspiring, while motivating through civic participation, humanitarian involvement, and philanthropic endeavors with the singular intention of improving the quality of life and strengthening the bond of community, throughout Central Florida.


GospelNow Magazine (407) 293-3331 • Gospelnow1@gmail.com • www.gospelnow.net 14

For Tickets & Vendor Info


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Back to School Tips


By Dr. Corlis Renee Johnson

hildren who eat nutritious foods do better in school; but coming up with healthy back-to-school ideas that children will actually eat, can be a challenge for many parents. A healthy school lunch combines nutrient-rich foods from several food groups to supply protein, fat and carbohydrates to sustain energy and concentration for several hours. The choice of foods makes a difference in how long it will sustain a child throughout the day, while providing energy and preventing a blood sugar drop. Below are healthy school lunchbox tips that are balanced, and will keep a child energized throughout the day.

1. 2.

Stockpile healthy recipes that taste good and are easy to prepare. (see easy recipes below)

Pack less, and select better meat. Not all meat is created equal. Americans eat far more protein than they need- kids get a whooping three to four times the recommended amount. Here are examples: ( A) Avoid processed meats (sliced lunch meats, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, sausage, and the like). ( B) Avoid meats treated with antibiotics or hormones. (C) Stick with chicken and turkey; they are low-impact and low-fat. (D) Try alternative proteins such as hummus, nuts and whole grains.


Pack more fruits and vegetables, with minimal pesticides. The government’s new “ My Plate “ nutrition guidelines recommend that half your plate (or lunchbox, in this case) consists of fruits and vegetables. Pineapples, mango, cantaloupe, watermelon chunks or kiwi slices are great additions to kid-friendly lunches. Sweet corn and frozen peas make a great hands-on lunch and have the lowest levels of pesticide residues. Conventional carrots are also lower in pesticides than conventional celery.


Buy organic whenever possible…especially for kids. Their neurological systems are still developing, and they eat more fruits and vegetables than adults, relative to their body weight. Recent studies of organophosphate pesticides used on some fruits and vegetables have found that children with high exposures are at risk of impaired intelligence and neurological problems.


Junk juice. Instead of sugary juice, soda or bottled water, send your child to school with filtered water or organic almond milk, rice milk, soy milk etc.


Select non-toxic, reusable containers, like stainless steel lunchboxes. If you choose plastic containers, pick them carefully (plastics marked with a #1, 2, 4, or 5 don’t contain BPA and may be better options). Try to avoid soft-sides plastic lunchboxes.

7. 8.

Send tableware from home and save the environment of unnecessary waste.


Skip the straws….or go to reusable if you must.

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Here are some examples of school lunches you may consider for your kids: Almond butter and jam on bread (millet, rice, sprouted wheat) Organic cherry tomatoes Organic watermelon wedges and blueberries Fruit leather Brown rice and bean chili in a thermos Organic sliced carrots Tortilla chips and fresh tomato salsa Organic apple slices Peanut butter and jelly on toast Handful of cashews Organic sweet corn Organic peach Tomato soup in a thermos Small chicken or turkey wrap or sliced cooked chicken Organic cucumber slices with lime and salt Organic grapes mixed with carrot slices Easy Chocolate Pudding 3 to 4 ripe bananas (peeled), 1 avocado (skin and pit removed), 1-2 tablespoons raw carob powder Blend until smooth and creamy. Chill in refrig for a few hours, until it gets firm. You can add a little water or apple juice and make a chocolate sauce. Easy Vegetable Wrap 1 wrap, non-soy casein vegan cheese, sliced tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, grated carrots, etc, add dressing of choice. Lay all items on wrap and roll/wrap tightly. Cut diagonally and enjoy! Easy Trail Mix Add a variety of dried fruits, nuts, shredded coconut in a bag and enjoy! Easy Hummus Spread 16oz can garbanzo beans drained , 3 tbsp of almond butter, ¼ lemon juice fresh , 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 2 medium garlic cloves (peeled), 1 tsp celtic or Himalayan salt, ¼ tsp cumin, pinch of cayenne, chopped parsley leaves and shake of paprika (optional). Process or blend and serve in pita bread, on a wrap, inside a tomato, celery, etc. Enjoy! For additional recipes and or suggestions, contact: Dr. Corlis Renee Johnson at www.mynaturesdelight.com

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The Heat Is



s we wrap up the summer, we need to realize that we still have to contend with the warmer weather for a few more months before we get a respite from the heat. We want you to be reminded that we still have to be extra careful with managing our diabetes.

The warmer weather combinations can have a profound effect on your glucose control, so be sure and check your blood glucose on a regular basis and always check anytime you feel different or "funny." This might be a sign of hypoglycemia which can become serious. If you have hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, you may have to adjust your medication regimen. Consult your physician, diabetes educator, registered dietitian or pharmacist if you have any questions. • Signs of hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar): Feeling shaky, becoming sweaty, feeling tired, hungry, fast heartbeat, becoming crabby or confused, blurred vision, and sometimes there can be no symptoms at all. • Signs of hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar): more hunger or thirst than usual, having to urinate often (especially at night), dry, itchy skin, feeling tired or run down, blurred vision, frequent infections, and slow-healing wounds.

Contact your physician, emergency room or health care professional immediately if you notice these symptoms. We also know that people use this time to make travel plans as hotels and resorts are less crowded and have more deals. If you do have travel plans, make sure you pay special attention to your medications and supplies before you travel. Laws vary greatly from state to state and other countries, so picking up an emergency supply while traveling might be harder than expected. Make plans and pick up extra supplies ahead of time. Also, if you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, you may have to take extra precautions in storing your insulin while traveling. The inside of an automobile can easily reach 130F (especially here in the south) and this will ruin your vial of insulin. Travel with an insulated travel bag or cooler for long trips. This is a great time of the year and we want you to enjoy it and be prepared.

For more information or assistance with managing your diabetes, please call Hebni Nutrition Consultants, Inc. at 407-872-1333 or visit our newly re-designed website at www.hebninutrition.org

2009 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32805 407-872-1333


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This message is sponsored by Hebni Nutrition Consultants, Inc. and the State of Florida, Department of Health – Closing the Gap Program

Gospel Music Workshop of America National Conference

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Fall in love with Stripes T

he ultra hot trend that took the summer of 2011 by storm is still very much “In” this autumn.

Every now and then you want to add some extra spice to an outfit. We want to be bold, but don’t know how. As a result, many of us go overboard; whether it’s with the bling, the polka dots, the prints, or with Stripes (my favorite by the way). It’s okay to want to be unique and stand out, but it’s another thing to stand out for over doing a trend! This is for the person who wants to do a bit more without doing too much. ~ Using stripes as an accent: Accents should be used very sparingly, in an effort to make things a little more interesting. The ultra hot print this season is stripes, so don’t be afraid to embrace this trend and allow it to kick your outfit up a notch! However, use these stripes in moderation. You don’t want to end up looking like a complete fashion fail. Try using a scarf tucked in under a blazer for example, or even out with a plain t-shirt and jeans. How about bold-colored pumps with a striped heal? Love it! If you’re feeling really bold, maybe a striped blazer will tickle your fancy. You can always count on a great blazer to bring your “almost there” outfit that’s “missing something,” into complete harmony. Let’s not forget the basic ways to incorporate stripes into an outfit. Striped earrings, hair accessories, and even nail polish have the potential to take an outfit from frumpy to fierce, as long as you wear things in moderation, of course. There comes a time in a woman’s trajectory of outfits where we realize just how many bad choices we’ve made. From this point on, let’s not make stripes a complete horror story in our wardrobes! They’re meant to be fun, so make a statement! Most importantly be yourself.

F a s h i o n Co n s u l t a n t


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The Legacy of

D r. Zachery Tims, Jr. & New Destiny Christian Center


r. Zachery Tims, Jr., (April 18, 1969 – August 12, 2011) founder and Sr. Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center, had a proven track record for turning destiny into reality for 7,000+ members. The 60 acre west-side “City of Destiny” campus is located at 505 E. McCormick Rd. in Apopka, FL., and a new East Side location is located at 6000 E. Colonial Blvd. near Rt. 436 in Orlando. Dr. Tims, who grew up a troubled youth in the inner city of Baltimore, Maryland, was miraculously saved, instantly delivered from drug addiction, and soon called into ministry. He determined to make his young life count by simultaneously earning two Bachelor’s degrees, in Accounting from Towson State University, and another in Theology from Maranatha Bible College, in Baltimore, Maryland. He now holds two honorary Doctoral degrees from Vision International University and St. Thomas Christian College for the tremendous work he has accomplished in ministry. In 1996, being sent out from his Baltimore church, Pastor Tims and his family moved to Orlando, Florida, where, on the 3rd Sunday in June of 1996, New Destiny Christian Center held its first service in a hotel. The charter members of the church: Marla Arrington, Lawrence and Ada Barrett, Renee Pitt, and Geri Shand all joined the Pastor in obedience to God and relocated from Maryland to help this young Pastor begin this great work in Orlando, FL. They began a ministry that was based on outreach as its cornerstone, feeding the lost at any cost. God rewarded their faithfulness and the Ministry was able to move from the hotel into a storefront facility. As the Ministry began to grow, God planted another vision into the heart of the Pastor to purchase the first building. In May of 1999 they stepped out on faith and began a building fund campaign. The members rallied behind the young Pastor and over one short summer, the young church was able to raise enough money to purchase a church building on 14 acres of land. The Sanctuary seated 800 and contained a fellowship hall, many classrooms, and even a gymnasium.


In November of 1999 the church began to experience a supernatural increase in its membership and doubled in size. In January of 2000 God once again laid a vision on the heart of Pastor Tims to build a city. A new building fund campaign was started for the City of Destiny and God once again showed Himself awesome to this young ministry. In June of 2001 New Destiny broke ground on the City of Destiny. Twenty-one acres of property dedicated to the work of the Lord. New Destiny celebrated another milestone on this day; they burned the mortgage for the land they were about to build the City on, setting the pace to build the City on land that was “debt free.” In May of 2002 God once again showed himself real to this young ministry as the City of Destiny officially opened for its first service. The new 2,000 seat auditorium was completed ahead of schedule, and a 5-year old church proved that age does not matter as long as God is on your side. Dr. Tims’ personal testimony of deliverance became his driving passion to build a legacy of hope and expectation for the next generation of youth. In April of 2004 the New Destiny family took another step in faith and broke ground on Phase 2, the City of Destiny's G-Next Youth Building. In June of 2005 New Destiny celebrated its 9th Year Anniversary. Along with Mayors of Orlando and Apopka and other city officials, they dedicated the three-floor, 34,000 square foot Generation Next Youth Building; the vision of Dr. Tims, who is the proud recipient of Florida's MLK Freedom Award for Distinguished Community Service. This community safe haven is a positive alternative “hang-out” for teenagers. Dedicated to Recreation, Inspiration

and Education, it features a state-of-the-art cyber café, a literacy laboratory, a full size gymnasium with six basketball hoops, a video arcade, a bowling alley, a full scale cafeteria, a fitness center, and a chapel. A variety of youth programs are offered to motivate young people toward building a better quality of life. G-Next is open and free to all the youth of the community. New Destiny continues to be one of the fastest growing churches in Central Florida. Dr. Zachery Tims’ mission of “Building a People of Purpose, Prayer and Power”, and his vision for a ministry based on outreach as its cornerstone, continue to serve the community with ministries including the “Table of Love” and the “Tree of Love.” During the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, these ministries provide food, clothing, haircuts, toiletries & medical attention to those in need, free of charge. The “Hope for Destiny” ministry also serves the community by transporting those living in local homeless shelters to the City of Destiny for Sunday worship as well as a hot meal at Café Destiny. A weekly food pantry providing fresh & canned foods is also available to families in need, free of charge. In keeping with Dr. Tims' commitment to the community’s youth, two annual outreach events for children include “Hallelujah Night,” NDCC’s Christian alternative to Halloween, offering a free evening of carnival rides, pony rides, a petting zoo, face painting, food, candy & bounce houses; as well as the “Back To School Bash,” that provides 1,500+ free back packs filled with school supplies to children in need. Dr. Tims’ daily television broadcast, “No Limits”, delivers the Word of God and a message of deliverance, restoration & hope in a simplistic manner so that you can apply it in your everyday living. “No Limits” is aired locally and seen in over 240 million homes globally.


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Top 10 Things to Avoid While Going Through a Divorce

BY Conti J. Moore, ESQ.


ivorce is a difficult and emotionally-draining process. Tensions run high, and couples often make poor decisions in the heat of the moment. Given the pile of financial, practical and emotional details that have to be sorted, it is not surprising so many couples wind up making serious mistakes on the road to divorce. Here are the top 10 tips on what to avoid when filing for divorce.





Don't Increase Your Debt Divorce can be costly. In addition to legal fees, you will need money to set up a new household. Your legal bills and court costs will probably come due before you receive your share of any marital property. Therefore, it is crucial that you get accustomed to living on a reduced income. While it may seem stressful, the freedom you will enjoy down the line will be well worth the struggle. Don't "Settle" Early Do not settle just because you want out of your marriage immediately. At the very minimum, you should consult with an attorney to learn about your rights before you sign any documents pertaining to a divorce. If you fail to learn about your rights, you may give up more than you need to. Don’t Spend Money on Your New Love Interest Don't buy or spend any money on a girlfriend/ boyfriend while going through a divorce. Bank records are discoverable and you do not want to look like you are spending or wasting marital funds on another person. This can be considered marital waste and can prevent you from receiving an equitable share of the marital assets. Don't Wait Until After the Holidays You already know the holidays are going to be difficult. So why wait? Divorce filings increase before, during, and after Christmas. If you wait and fight through the holiday season, you may destroy any chances for an amicable split and wind up hashing out all of your differences in court. Don't Refuse to See a Therapist Seeing a therapist can help you get through the range of emotions that you will experience during your divorce. It is a good idea to get help before you become extremely depressed or angry. A therapist is not just someone to talk to. They are also a professional who can show you how to relax, how to talk to your kids, and how to cope with the new changes that you are experiencing in your life. Most importantly, a therapist can help you figure out how to become self-sufficient.

8. 7.


Don't Take It Out On the Kids Children need a supportive environment to deal with divorce. Minimize talking about the divorce process with your children. The point of a divorce is to relieve stress on you and your family; and children should not be in the middle of the madness that is going on between their parents. Don't Vent on Social Media Websites Information that is posted on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or other social media websites can be used against you in the court of law. Don't Dismiss Mediation Mediation is a great tool that can help you and your spouse reach an agreement. Keep an open mind during this process. Don't Forget to Change Your Will Divorce does not automatically revoke a will. If you want to prevent your soon-to-be-ex-spouse from receiving the monies and privileges granted to them in your will, you need to update your will. Don’t Threaten Your Spouse. It is common that clients can say and do things they later regret. Moreover, comments made by the other spouse are admissible in court and can have a negative impact on your case.


2. 1.

Conti J. Moore, Esq.

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Labor Day T

he official signal for the end of summer is often summed up in two words…LABOR DAY. While the fashion-conscious interpret it as the cessation of summer whites, and the sports fanatic rings it in as the beginning of the NFL and college football season, the party-forany reason crowd says “fire up the grill, and let’s get this party started.” Unfortunately, these events were not on the top of the agenda for New York’s Central Labour Union when the first Labor Day Celebration was held on September 5, 1882. Instead, it was an opportunity to say “thank you” to the American worker. Labor Day has become the only federal holiday dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. The annual national tribute praises the contributions workers have made to posture the United States as the premier global economic power that it has become. It is the sacrifice of the American worker who has borne the burden of raising a nation, yielding strength to ensure the prosperity and welfare of our country. As we take the time to rest, let’s also take a moment to reflect on the fortitude and spirit of the American worker; the man or woman who rises each morning to go to work, when conditions and compensation are not the most favorable. It is the personal constitution and conviction of the American worker that has shaped our communities, and supported our country. Salutations and commendations to the garbage collector, the mail carrier, the landscaper, the banker, the barber, the stylist...the American worker. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Psalm of Life from Voices in the Night

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TICKETS ON SALE JULY 5, 2011 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND Babyface, Kevon Edmonds & Keith Sweat. Plus. . . . . After party with DJ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3RD Jennifer Hudson, Sinbad & Paige Bryan Late-Night party with Ladies of Hip Hop Monie Love, Da Brat and Lil Mo SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH Gospel Explosion featuring Kirk Franklin







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Easy Meals on a Busy Schedule


Recipe of the Month

Spaghetti with Garlic, Herbs, and Tomatoes Ingredients • • • • • • • • • •

1 pound spaghetti 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 tablespoons olive oil salt to taste ground black pepper to taste 2 cup grape tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup dried basil 1 tablespoon dried marjoram 1/4 cup white wine 1/4 pound grated Parmesan cheese

Advertise In GospelNOW Magazine For as Low as $20 Per Month

Nutritional Information Amount per Serving Calories: 364 Total Fat: 11.8g | Cholesterol: 10mg


1.In a large skillet over low heat sauté the garlic in the olive oil. Continue to simmer and stir for approximately 15 minutes, or until light brown. Be careful to not burn the garlic. Set pan aside to cool. 2. In a large pot with boiling salted water cook spaghetti until al dente. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup of the cooking water and add it to the pan with the cooked garlic. Season with salt and ground black pepper. 3. Put drained pasta into garlic pan and incorporate tomatoes, dried basil, white wine, and spice mixture. Transfer pasta dish to a heated serving platter. Top with grated Parmesan cheese and serve immediately. www .G ospel NOW. net



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By: Attorney Gail S. Seeram, Gail@Go2Lawyer.com, 1-877-GAIL-LAW, GailLaw.com

Acquiring U.S. Citizenship through Birth to a U.S. Citizen Parent


his past week, the question of deriving U.S. citizenship from a U.S. citizen parent arose more than once, so I wanted to educate my readers on this sometimes confusing law. We all know that if you are born in the United States, then you are a U.S. citizen by birth under the Fourteenth amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Note, if you are born in the United States, your parent’s immigration status is irrelevant in determining whether you are a U.S. citizen by birth. If you are born in the United States, your birth certificate is proof of your U.S. citizenship.

In certain cases, a child born outside the U.S. where one or both parents are U.S. citizens may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth. The child may still acquire U.S. citizenship where born out-of-wedlock. The U.S. immigration laws require the U.S. citizen parent to reside or be physically present in the U.S. for certain periods prior to the birth of the child, so that he or she may “transmit” citizenship. The specific requirements depend on the law in effect at the time of the child’s birth. A child born outside of the U.S., who acquires citizenship, is a citizen at the moment of birth and does not need a certificate of citizenship. In the situation where a child is born abroad to a U.S. citizen, it is recommended to report the birth to the local U.S. Embassy, and submit required evidence to prove the child is a U.S. citizen. Further, a child born outside of the U.S. may become a U.S. citizen by virtue of his or her parent’s naturalization. One becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen when they apply for U.S. citizenship after residing as a permanent resident for five years (three years if married to a U.S. citizen), pass a reading/writing test and government history test, and demonstrate good moral character. A child could be a derivative U.S. citizen through their parent’s naturalization while the child is under age 18 and the child resides in the U.S. after lawful admission as a permanent resident (green card holder). The law before June, 2001 required both parents, or the parent

with legal custody to be naturalized U.S. citizens before the child’s eighteen birthday. The prior law required proving which parent had legally custody where the child born out-of-wedlock or parent’s were legally separated or divorced. The law since June, 2001 allows for a child to derive citizenship as long as one parent is a citizen by birth or naturalization, the child is under age 18, the child is residing in the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident, and the child is in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent. A child deriving U.S. citizenship in this manner may apply directly for a U.S. passport. Also, the child can apply for a Certificate of Citizenship with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Lastly, step-children of a U.S. citizen are precluded from deriving or acquiring U.S. citizenship from their step-parent, because a step-child is not within the definition of a “child” for purposes of automatic citizenship. Again, these rules are quite complex and the IMMIGRATION question of whether a child ATTORNEY is a U.S. citizen through Green Cards ¥citizen Family/Marriage Petitions ¥ Business/Investor Visas in birth to U.S. parents depends on the laws Removal/Deportation ¥ Citizenship ¥ Work Permit ¥ TPS ¥ Waivers effect when the child was born or the laws in effect Law Offices of Gail S. Seeram when the parent became a naturalized U.S. *citizen. *Free Initial C onsultation with exceptions

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1013 N. Pine Hills Rd, Orlando, FL - Admitted to the NY & CT Bar

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Law Offices of Gail S. Seeram *C onsulta Inicial G ratis *con excepciones

1-877-GAIL-LAW 407-292-7730

Gail@Go2Lawyer.com  www.Go2Lawyer.com El Pago Planea  Hablamos Espanol 1013 N. Pine Hills Rd, Orlando, FL – Admitida por NY & CT Bar

La contratacion de un abogado es una decision muy importante que no debe basarse solo en los avisos publicitarios. Antes de decidir solicite gratis el envio de informacion sobre nuestras cualificaciones y experiencia.

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Back To School Drive @ Amway Center

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Student Athlete of The Month

Robbie Mercier Eastridge High School


ndurance and perseverance frame the constitution of Clermont’s Eastridge High, Robbie Mercier. This 6ft, 240 pound, lineman is making his mark and grabbing the attention of recruiters. Gospel Now salutes our student athlete of the month…..Eastridge High’s number 78, Robbie Mercier! Gospel Now takes great pride in introducing a new section providing well-deserved recognition to area high school student athletes. The accomplishments of our students are commendable and worthy of celebration as they perfect their gifts and soar to prominence. If you would like to nominate a student athlete for recognition in Gospel Now, email the student’s name, school, athletic involvement, academic standing, and civic participation to 42

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Anuciese con Nosotros! GospelNOW Magazine es una revista que circula mensualmente por todo el centro de la Florida. Reproducimos sobre 20,000 revistas mensuales! Gospel Now esta disponible en: 7Elevens, Winn Dixies, Iglesias, escuelas y negocios, tambien esta disponible por subscripcion. GospelNOW Magazine en espanol sirve para informar ala comunidad Cristiana y para expresar de nuestro amor por Dios. Nuestros lectores pueden optener informacion sobre eventos, musica, anuncios, artistas y congregaciones alrededor de la Florida Central. Le llevamos a nuestros lectores informacion y entretenimientos con entrevistas cristianas. GospelNOW es la unica revista que trae lo necesario para la Gloria y honra de nuestro Dios.

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Angel Louis




Singer/Songwriter Angel Louis invites you to praise a with his Faith”. While listenin Oct. 16th @latest The album Central“Saved FloridabyFairgrounds presence in every song. Angel was born in San Juan and moved to Kissimmee, Florida with a backgroun singers. He recorded his first album in 2000 named “T I feel” with the label AS Productions & Records. After n for over 10 years he found inspiration and encourag listening to a worship Pastor. With the support of this P recorded his second album “Saved by Faith” that inc songs written by him.

Live In Concert

One of these songs, named “Because I Love You” was real life experiences. First, the attack on the Twin Towe Columbine High School tragedy, following Hurricane Singer/Songwriter invites you to praise worship with his the Virginia Angel TechLouis tragedy. It took himand nine years to fin latest album “Saved by Faith”. While listening, fell God’s presence in every song. after seeing all these tragedies. Angel wants people t Angel was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and moved to Kissimmee, Florida with a no matter how bad or how bad background of family singers. He things recorded may his first seem, album in 2000 named “The you love that Iisfeel” with the there label ASbecause Productions &he Records. After not recording God always loves “Us”.

for over 10 years he found inspiration and encouragement while listening to a worship Pastor. With the support of this Pastor, Angel recorded his second This“Saved is what Angel says: three thatsongs God is always album by Faith” that includes written by him. Oneinofcontrol these songs, named I Love has You” was inspired been by real life experiences.inFirst, the loc loves“Because us. Angel always involved the attack on the Twin Towers, then the Columbine High School tragedy, following Hurricane Katrina one way or another. He was also a professional baseb and the Virginia Tech tragedy. It took him nine years to finish this song after seeing all these tragedies. Angel wants some time. business man, continues to pre people to know that no matter how bad things may seem,Now or howa bad your situation is, Godhe is always there because singer toinworship the Lord. wife an he loves “Us”. This is what Angel says: as that a God is always control because he lovesHe us. has Angel a haslovely always been involved in the local church in one wayful or another. He was also a professional baseball player for some time. Now a family of seven children. business man, he continues to prepare himself as a singer to worship the Lord. He has a lovely wife and a wonderful family of seven children. Cd availible at Amazon.com, CDBaby.com, CDUniverse.com & Itunes

More Info: www.AngelLouis.com • youtube.com/user/angellouismusic

Debut Song

"Here I Am"

Featuring Angely Louis


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Attack! Rack a Tack The seeds of yesteryear Allow the disaster In our Alabaster Birth out in the realm As we touch the hem of God’s garment Poverty just a novelty So Pharaoh let God’s people go Because I owe so off to work I go As I sow to release my debt as a concept of the past Oh no more glass ceiling but a paradigm shift as we realize Our purpose to know the secrets of attacks as God reveals His secrets to his Prophets who dare to call on Elyon(God) Who is water and fire to destroy the works of the enemy As we labor because a man is worthy of his labor As we add the flavor of love and savor purpose As we realize we can have whatsoever we saith No longer coveting another’s man’s possessions But realize the sensation of obsession In whatever state we are in let us be content So we can bless others and realize We are our brother’s keeper So when one person goes down We all will go down with the 911 We are connected as members of one body Because our labor is not in vain No longer in pain As we aim to birth out our purpose And realize when one person hurt We must work while it is day until that person heals Then we will walk in unity and possess our Garden of Eden Because together we will stand and divided we will fall By Author Patricia J Helligar, President Positively Yours, Inc (03/30/2012) "Positive Beats with a Royal Treat" www.positivelyyours.tripod.com www.positivelyyours.blogspot.com *A field study corporation* Letters cards poems and plans for all occasions Member of Koinonia Ministries of Central Florida, Inc. 407-982-9879

As the 10-year anniversary of what has simply become known around the globe as "911" approaches; worldwide support is swelling once again, in recognition of the sacrifices made, the families whose lives were eternally changed, and the country whose fiber has been strengthened by the catastrophe designed to weaken it. Ten years later, transformation continues; but one thing has remained constant...the pursuit of terrorist regimes and those who lead them. The death of Saddam Hussein, the capture of participants in terrorist cells within our own borders, and the overthrow of mid-stream terrorist plots, bear witness to our country's commitment to avenge the innocently shed blood of 911's victims. In commemoration of the day the world shook, a nation pauses in remembrance of it's fallen, it's faithful, but never forgotten. Ten years later, we ask God again, for protection, peace, and prosperity; and for God to continuously Bless America.

For a complete list of central Florida churches, visit

church directory


House Of Refuge Church Faith Bible Ministry-Trinity 1011 S Sanford Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Faithful Word Ministries 320 E Commercial St Sanford, FL 32771 Family Worship Ctr 2462 S Park Ave Sanford, FL 32771 First Baptist Church Lake Mary 106 Satsuma Dr Sanford, FL 32771 First Baptist Church-Sanford 519 S Park Ave Sanford, FL 32771 First Pentecostal Church 203 E 16th St Sanford, FL 32771 First Presbyterian Church 301 S Oak Ave Sanford, FL 32771 First Shiloh Baptist Church 700 S Elm Ave Sanford, FL 32771 First United Methodist Church 419 S Park Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Frist Christian Church 1607 S Sanford Ave Sanford, FL 32771


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Sanford, FL 32771 Grace Apostolic TeMple 1712 Southwest Rd Sanford, FL 32771 Grace Fellowship Congregation 2401 S Park Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Greater New Deliverance Gospel 2750 Midway Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Greater New Mount Zion Baptist 1720 Pear Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Holy Cross Episcopal Church 410 S Magnolia Ave Sanford, FL 32771 House Of Christ Ministries Inc 1405 Valencia Ct W Sanford, FL 32771 House Of Prayer Baptist Church 505 E 3rd St Sanford, FL 32771 Jordan Missionary Baptist Chr 920 Upsala Rd Sanford, FL 32771 Kingdom Hall 1502 W 3rd St Sanford, FL 32771

Full Deliverance Church-Jesus 1101 W 13th St Sanford, FL 32771

Lakeside Fellowship Umc 305 S Orange Blvd Sanford, FL 32771

Full Gospel Church-God-Christ 1826 Jerry Ave

Macedonia Primitive Baptist 1714 W 13th St Sanford, FL 32771

To be listed in the GospelNOW Magazine church directory and on GospelNOW.net, go to www.gospelnow.net/churches to submit your church's information. You have the choice of our FREE listing or select from one of three premium spots.

Gold Member $50 Men Women & Youth In Action 540 Pecan Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Morning Glory 2600 E State Road 46 Sanford, FL 32771 Mount Sinai Mb Church 1800 Jerry Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Mt Moriah Primitive Baptist Ch 1101 S Locust Ave Sanford, FL 32771 New Bethel Ame Church 3615 Main St Sanford, FL 32771

Silver Member $35 Bronze Member $20

New Life Apostlic Ministry 750 W 9th St Sanford, FL 32771

New Zion Primitive Baptist Chr 2390 Green Way Ave Sanford, FL 32771

New LIfe Word Ctr Church 1311 S Oak Ave Sanford, FL 32771

Paola Wesleyan Church 5650 Wayside Dr Sanford, FL 32771

New Mount Calvary Baptist Chr 1115 W 12th St Sanford, FL 32771

Progress Missionary Baptist 2850 Midway Ave Sanford, FL 32771

New Salem Primitive Baptist 1500 W 12th St Sanford, FL 32771 New Tribes Mission Hdqrs 1000 E 1st St Sanford, FL 32771

Refuge Church Of Our Lord 3750 Washington St Sanford, FL 32771 Reinaldo Colon Ministries 1536 Old England Loop Sanford, FL 32771 Rejected Stone Full Mission 300 S Mellonville Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Rescue Church Of God 1700 W 13th St Sanford, FL 32771

Providence Missionary Baptist 4561 Douglas St Sanford, FL 32771 Q T Wallace Sr MinisTries Inc 1100 S Scott Ave Sanford, FL 32771

Rose Hill Mb Church 1161 Moton Ave Sanford, FL 32771 Safeharbor Christian Church 730 Upsala Rd Sanford, FL 32771

www .G ospel NOW. net



Recovery Month

Prevention Works • Treatment is Effective • People Recover


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Join The Orange County Drug Free Coalition in partnership with the Multi-Cultural Addictions Network, Inc.

Step in the Name of Love 3K Walk/5K Run

7:30 A.M. - 12:00 Noon Barnett Park

Event is Free!

4801 West Colonial Drive Orlando

For more information contact

You will enjoy Family Activities, Food, and Entertainment

or visit our website at www.drugfreecoalition.org

Please Register at http://recovery2011.eventbrite.com

Dr. John Robertson at 407-297-1185 or

Orange County Drug Free Office at 407-836-7335

Orange County Coalition


Communit y www.drugfreecoalition.org


September 10, 2011 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (a free event)


P A N E L I S T S Take the Stress Test Has your giving decreased? Is your loan maturing in the next 12 to

Dr. Richmond McCoy will host the event and serve as moderator of a panel of industry experts, including Roland Hairston, former COO of Potters House and Berry L. Beard, CPA and former Controller of World Changers Church International. Other invited guests are attorneys and bankers who specialize in church mortgages.

24 months? Are you current with your existing loan? Has the church property lost value? Is your interest rate adjusting up? Are your reserves dwindling?

If any of these apply to your church, don’t miss this opportunity to meet the experts who are turning it around one church at a time…





Full seminar materials can be downloaded at: w w w . u r b a n a m e r i c a . c o m To RSVP for the seminar and for instructions on making reservations at the hotel, please contact: Faith Brown UrbanAmerica Advisors 469.341.2803 fbrown@urbanamerica.com

UrbanAmerica Faith-Based Business Services is a proud member of the

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