The Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation has been in default on over $30 million worth of bonds since 2019. e bonds were issued in 2013 to build seven new dormitories at the Dryden campus of Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3). ere was approximately a million dollars of bonds due July 1 of each year beginning in 2017, ratcheting up to larger amounts due in 2027.
e Ithaca Times reached out to the TC3 President’s O ce as well as to other representatives of the college but as of the time this issue went to press we have received no comment.
Michael Lachman recently told e Ithaca Times that the $200,000 worth of bonds he holds were due on July 1 of this year, but that “…they were in default, [TC3] did not repay the principal. In addition to that, they've been in default for the last three years.” ese bonds have an interest rate of 5%, so the Foundation is currently in default on roughly $30,000 worth of interest.
Lachman told the Times that as a result of the default on these bonds he has personally lost $230,000. “I guess what's frustrating to me is that there seems to be no visibility. I've been monitoring the semi-annual reports from the Community College and if you go online you can look into nancial statements, and they make
A grant from the Ithaca Rotary Club has funded a project in Uganda to produce reusable feminine hygiene kits, allowing dozens of girls to attend school during their menstrual periods. The rst set of kits created by a cohort of girls in Gulu, Uganda, was delivered to local schools this summer. The girls began six months of training as seamstresses in May at a women’s cooperative in Gulu. The project was funded by the Ithaca Rotary Club’s Dozen Dinner Draw ra e, which this year raised $15,000 for two nonpro ts that support the menstrual hygiene of girls in Uganda, South Sudan, and Guatemala. An
has expanded and renovated its residence halls as part of an effort to transform from a commuter college to a 24/7 campus. (Photo: Holt Architects)
no reference to the fact that these bonds are in default,” said Lachman.
He continued saying, “ e only thing they reference is that they've failed to meet their debt ratio requirements. I just want to make the community aware of this situation to try to bring some visibility and transparency to what's going on there.”
Lachman said that he has held these bonds for quite some time and that the Foundation was making their interest payments but beginning two years ago they put a stop on them. “I was told it was somehow related to COVID,” he said. However, if payments stopped in 2019, that would be before the rst con rmed case of COVID-19 in the United States, which was in 2020.
e intent of the bond issue was to raise funds to build the new dormitories. TC3 is part of the State University of New York
additional $10,000 challenge grant, o ered by Backyard Brands, Inc., was provided to the project in Uganda. The project in Uganda has been championed by Rotarian Gertrude Noden, an Ithaca education consultant who founded Words into Deeds, a nonpro t that promotes youth awareness and engagement in local and global human rights issues.
At The Glen — Winners Circle Project in coordination with their partnering schools is holding its second annual Mamba Championship at Watkins Glen International on September 9. This day-long event will begin with one of the student-built cars
system and has been trying to expand over the past few years in an attempt to better compete for students with other two-year SUNY schools.
Reportedly, the Community College hasn’t generated su cient enrollment to make the investment on building the dormitories pro table. According to Lachman, “the revenue stream which is designated to repay these bonds and pay the interest is supposedly generated by the dormitory occupancy levels.”
According to Lachman, “if you look at TC3’s balance sheet they have a bond fund reserve of about $1.5 million dollars that is supposed to be used to make principal and interest payments in the event of a default and they haven't made any payments from their reserve fund.”
being driven by two-time Indianapolis 500 winner, Al Unser, Jr. in the Bugatti Parade that leaves Watkins Glen International at 9:05 a.m. and arrives at Smalley’s Garage on Franklin Street. Between 12:50 and 12:55 p.m., the three student-built cars will participate in an exhibition drive around the track by two-time defending TransAm champion, Chris Dyson, Former Trans Am champion, Tomy Drissi, and Unser. The awarding of the 2nd Annual Mamba Championship Trophy will take place afterward in the Victory Circle. The studentbuilt cars will be on display through Monday, September 12, in the Trans Am paddock area of the racetrack.
F REELANCERS : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman
All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $89 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classi ed. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the rst insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972–1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973–1978), combined in 1978.
The Home Dairy Building, as it has been known to generations of Ithacans, could potentially become the City’s next locally designated landmark building, based on the public and o cial support the idea received at a mid-August meeting of the Ithaca Landmarks Preservation Commission.
e driving motivation behind the e ort, led by Je ry Iovannone, a historian pursuing an advanced degree at Cornell, is that the second oor of the building served as the home of Firebrand Books, a nationally-recognized lesbian and feminist press from 1984 to 2000.
e Italianate-in uenced brick building was built in 1872 for the bookseller and printer Andrus & Church, who did much of the early printing work for Cornell. From 1929 to 2002 it housed the Home Dairy Cafeteria, which served a central role in the downtown business district throughout the city’s development up to and a er the creation of e Commons. In 2003 it was sold to the religious community e Twelve Tribes, which opened a café called the Maté Factor in the retail space. e Maté Factor closed in 2019 and e Twelve Tribes are currently renovating the space in anticipation of
their opening a new business called e Yellow Deli.
Firebrand Books, founded in 1984 by Nancy Bereano, a local editor and activist, is seen as the embodiment of the transition from a male-dominated publishing industry to one in which women entered into print and publishing as part of the Second Wave Feminist, Gay Liberation, and Women In Print movements of the 1970s and 1980s.
Firebrand Books is seen as being unique from other earlier women’s presses in that it was founded with an anti-racist sensibility. In addition, Bereano’s catalog included a wide variety of genres, including cartoons, science ction, mysteries, and supernatural ction alongside literary ction and poetry. Firebrand is credited with helping launch the careers of wellknown authors including Dorothy Allison, Alison Bechdel, Leslie Feinberg, and Minnie Bruce Pratt.
A number of residents spoke in favor of the proposal and had statements of support read into the record of the meeting. Bereano was present via Zoom and de ected the credit for the press’s signi cance onto its writers.
While the initial proposal suggested giving the building landmark designation under the name the Firebrand Books Building, members of the commission and Iovannone agreed a er some discussion that the best approach for a building with such a long, diverse history, was to take a chronological descrip-
tion and suggest the structure be named the “Andrus Printing / Home Dairy / Firebrand Books Building.”
Marcel Campbell of e Twelve Tribes noted that the building is already listed in the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Ithaca Downtown Historic District, and while supportive of e orts to acknowledge the building’s historic signi cance, the owners are concerned about potential obstacles they might face in maintaining and improving the building moving forward due to additional designations.
Commission members went out of their way to recognize that e Twelve Tribes have been “excellent stewards” of the building. Bryan McCracken, the City of Ithaca’s Historic Preservation Planner, o ered to meet privately with members of the Twelve Tribes to discuss any concerns they may have.
Now that Tompkins County is moving past COVID, it is nally ready to integrate its public health and mental health departments, as was proposed in a 2019 report.
e Tompkins County Public Health Department and the Mental Health Department jointly released the report that identi ed areas where the two departments could be improved and outlined a plan to integrate both departments into one cohesive unit in order to streamline operations and make government more e cient.
e county was originally given 18 months to complete the merger. So had everything gone to plan, the public and mental health departments would have completed their integration process by the middle of 2021. “But obviously COVID got in the way of that,” said Public Health Director at Tompkins County Health Department, Frank Kruppa.
“We were set to launch in 2020,” Kruppa notes. “We actually had an all-sta meeting in December of 2019 that was our launching point for the merger process. And then, of course, in January 2020 COVID began and things got a little bit o track.”
e plan to integrate the two departments into one unit is intended to improve the quality of care for patients who visit
both departments and reduce bureaucratic redundancies and make it easier for the departments to share electronic health records.
“Before we were using two smaller units that had the same strength of knowledge, skills, and abilities that this new larger unit has using the same number of people,” said Kruppa. “We've been able to strengthen our ability to support the work of our professionals and the department and do it with the same resources.”
Even though the pandemic has delayed the integration process, it didn't stop everything. Kruppa said that “even though the county had to prioritize dealing with COVID, the Mental Health Department was still able to convert to telemedicine because we felt it was important to get that plan in place.”
e next step in the integration process is reforming the county charter.
e county charter establishes the Public Health and Mental Health Departments as two separate departments, and it will need to be updated to create a single department that performs the functions of the prior two. Tompkins County is in the review process of that right now and expects that the new dra charter language
will go to the legislature for their review and approval in October.
According to Kruppa, “our goal is that by January 1, 2023, we will have that new department established in the charter, there will be updated bylaws for a Development Services Board, and an advisor will be established as a formal position.”
Kruppa also said that the Tompkins County Public Health and Mental Health Departments are already in the process of merging their administrative functions together. “Our back-o ce things like budget and state aid and contracts, and purchasing are places where we saw that we could see some of the most immediate e ciencies, because having smaller units in two departments limited the scope of what they were able to do and certainly limited our redundancies.”
e Public Health and Mental Health Departments are also looking at how to build their programming so that they can have the biggest impact with all of the services that they provide for each individual. Kruppa recently said, “that's our ultimate goal, and we're building towards making everyone aware of all of the services that our Department provides.”
According to Kruppa, “When the County Administrator o ered the report to the legislature, he was pretty clear that it wasn't to be looked at as a cost measure.” He continued saying, “For us, our goal was focused on our services, and we wanted to be able to provide the most comprehensive service.”
Kruppa says that Tompkins County Health Department “hopes that anyone who seeks our services will not only get what they think they need, but if they discover that we have something else that might be bene cial to them, and that we will be able to quickly, e ciently, and e ectively get them connected to those additional services.”
The DA’s O ce has announced that the Ithaca Kiwanis Club will present the next Frank Hammer O cer of the Month Award to Corrections O cer Graden Alpert from the Tompkins County Sheri ’s O ce.
To the Ithaca activists and advocates on both ends of the ideological spectrum who are using the troubles of real people to score political points. Despite our sophistication we’re still a small town. We should be better than that.
People are asking who is going to be publicly promoting or opposing the City Manager proposal. It’s a huge issue for the City’s future and no one seems to be paying attention.
It’s troubling to see people “sleeping rough” and more and more people panhandling in Ithaca. Whether you use the term “unhoused” or “homeless” doesn’t matter to people in distress. This may be the de ning Ithaca issue in the next few years.
IF YOU CARE TO RESPOND to something in this column, or suggest your own praise or blame, write news@ithacatimes. com, with a subject head “U&D.”
How much more would you ride TCAT if it were free? 19.0% A lot. It would become my #1 way to get around.
28.6% Some. I might use it for more trips to places right by bus stops.
52.4% Not much. I’d still use my car. It’s just more convenient.
Visit ithaca.com to submit your response.
What’s the biggest issue facing Ithaca right now?The proposed merger has been delayed because the Public Health Department has been focused on dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo: File) The Mental Health Department has been able to move forward with its telemedicine efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo: File) Frank Kruppa says the goal is that by January 1, 2023, the newly merged department will be established in the County charter. (Photo: File)
It’s an apparently inevitable problem in commercial shing that there is a portion of every catch that consists of marine animals (unwanted sh, but also marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds) that are caught unintentionally and ideally ought to be returned to their habitat. Similarly, no matter how narrow and carefully dra ed a search warrant is, there are o en items retrieved that don’t fall within the bounds of the search or are irrelevant to the law enforcement investigation. I’m kind of a court-document nerd, and I just love reading these things...
PALM BEACH DIVISION Case No. 22-CV-81294-Cornstarch
PURSUANT TO THE FINDING OF SPECIAL MASTER F. JESSICA CORNSTARCH, the following items, removed from Plainti DONALD J. TRUMP’s residence at 1100 South Ocean Boulevard, Palm Beach, Florida under the authority of a search warrant executed by the Department of Justice on August 8, 2022, are hereby directed to be returned to the Plainti forthwith:
1. Letter-sized envelope with contents marked “Herschel Walker talking point flash cards” determined to be outside the scope of the subject search warrant.
2. Four cardboard boxes with contents labeled “D. Trump Personal Income Tax Returns 1988-2020” hereby adjudicated to not be germane to the Department of Justice investigation.
3. 18” x 30” portrait painting on felt material of Emmett Kelly, previously mis-identi ed as a portrait painting of Rudolph Giuliani, Esq. Plainti ’s contention that the item is covered by attorneyclient privilege is therefore deemed moot.
4. Typewritten manuscript (379 pages), “Living With Self-Loathing by Melania Trump” determined to be outside the scope of the subject search warrant.
5. Two cardboard boxes with contents pertaining to Plaintiff’s fourth bankruptcy categorized as personal memorabilia and determined to be outside the scope of the subject search warrant.
While 2.5% of the U.S. population reported having attempted suicide at least once in their life, that number rises to 17% for lesbian, gay and bisexual adults and 40% for their transgender peers. is disparity isn’t because a LGBTQ+ identity is in itself a mental illness, but because many LGBTQ+ people are told time and time again, through actions and words, that who we are is wrong, who and how we love is revolting, our bodies are unnatural, and our mere existence a threat. To combat this, I’ve listed ve ways to support LGBTQ+ people in your life this World Suicide Prevention Day [Saturday, September 10].
A remarkable organization called e Trevor Project o ers support for LGBTQ+ youth across the U.S. through chat, call, or text. e Trans Lifeline provides transgender peer support in Canada and the U.S. e 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline isn’t LGBTQ+ speci c and is available to call or text at 988 in Spanish or English. Each of these are free, con dential and operated 24/7.
When I talk to people who only passively follow LGBTQ+ politics, I’m o en confronted by the misunderstanding that if we only wait long enough, we will eventually, gradually, inevitably reach “equality.” Many things are indeed improving, but we have a long way to go.
e highest number of anti-trans murders in the U.S. was recorded in 2021, according to the Human Rights Campaign. 2022 has been the worst year in recent history for state legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ rights. e Trevor Project’s 2022 national survey found that suicidal thoughts among LGBTQ+ youth have been on the rise for the past three years.
Anti-trans legislation and COVID-19 have contributed to LGBTQ+ youth’s deteriorating mental health. In 2021, trans and non-binary youth who wanted their legal documents updated were less likely to have attempted suicide in the past year if this was already done. Suicidality can be decreased through access to gender-a rming healthcare for trans and non-binary
youth who wish for it. ese are just a few examples of things your vote can in uence.
Despite support for both gay and trans rights consistently growing, it’s o en hard, especially for minors in the LGBTQ+ community, to nd people whom they know they can come out to and talk about their problems with.
21% of LGBTQ+ youth who perceive their community as “very unaccepting” have attempted suicide in the past year, in comparison to 8% in a “very accepting” community.
So whether you’re a friend, coach, teacher, parent, manager, healthcare professional, or librarian, letting it be known that you’re safe to talk to encourages vital conversations about LGBTQ+ mental health and needs. Even if LGBTQ+ people don’t take you up on the o er, it’s empowering to know that there are allies not only out there somewhere, but in their own community.
If the people a trans or non-binary youth live with all respect their name and pronouns, that youth is 11% less likely to have attempted suicide in the past year, in comparison to a trans or non-binary youth whose pronouns and name no one they live with use. is is why we care about pronouns: not because it’s “woke,” but because it can be life-saving.
You may think adjusting your language is hard, but please don’t complain. How are we supposed to have any self-worth if we’re made to feel like basic respect is too much to ask for?
According to a poll from Gallup every fourteenth adult in the U.S. identi ed as LGBTQ+ in 2021. Considering just how many LGBTQ+ people are at risk of suicide, you probably play a role in the lives of quite a few of them. Whether it’s your neighbor, granddad, yoga teacher, employer or hairdresser, you might be able to make a di erence. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. If there’s one thing I hope you take from this article, it’s that it’s worth it to try.
Ace Dufresne is a rising ninth grader at Ithaca High School
In this piece of my life’s mosaic—the sports guy at the Ithaca Times—September is always a sentimental month for me. I think back to a day in September of 1993, when I settled into my seat in the press box at Schoellkopf Field to watch a Cornell football game. I greeted the fellow next to me —I sat next to Kenny Van Sickle whenever I could—and I said, “Mr. Van Sickle, this game marks the one-year anniversary of me taking over the sports column.” He replied, “You can call me Kenny, and you’re catching up to me.” at prompted one of the many laughs we would share over the next several years, until Kenny’s passing eight years later. e reason that was so funny was that Kenny had begun his career at the Ithaca Journal 61 years earlier when, as a sophomore in high school in 1932, he became the high school sports stringer. A er he graduated from high school, e Journal hired him as a full-time reporter in the spring of 1935. In 1946, a er a two-year tour of duty with the Navy, he was named e Journal’s sports editor. In other words, my one-year tenure was not very exciting. 29 years later, I think Kenny would smile and say, “30 years now? You’re still catching up.”
Kenny is de nitely on the list of people I will go looking for when I cross over some day. I will also seek out a few other souls that were very helpful to me in my evolution as a sports writer/story teller/ bullshitter. I’ll look for Bob Cullen, the founder of Lightweight Football, who was one of the nicest men I have ever known.
I will look for Jim Butter eld, the Ithaca College icon that treated me like a ve-star recruit when we met, even though he knew I would never play a single down for him. I will search out George Dentes, the Tompkins County District Attorney, whose politics di ered vastly from my own, but who never failed to recognize my e orts to shine a positive light on young athletes.
I will look for Eddie Moylan, the former world-class tennis player who coached at Cornell, dismantled ne players half his age, wore crisp, white shorts year ‘round, never failed to comb in his Brylcreem hair gel, and always looked like a movie star.
I will look for my most faithful reader of all, John Murphy, who died last January 3, months before joining the ranks of the Centenarians. And of course, I will seek
A photo back from the day when Steve Lawrence might have used Brylcreem too. (Photo: File)
out the High Priest of storytelling and connecting with people, my dear friend Richie Moran, who le us in April of this year. Until my meet-up with all those dearly departed, I look forward to many more sports-related adventures. It has been a great joy to see young people—and not so young people—use sports as a platform to reinvent themselves, to dig deeper, reach higher, and do things they never thought they could do. I have loved watching young people climb the ladder from Little League or Pee Wee or Squirt players to the pinnacle of their sport, as players, coaches, or in some other capacity. It has been an honor to watch parents give up their evenings and weekends to support their kids in their travel team endeavors, and to have a front-row seat to watching my own daughter use sports to learn teamwork, and discipline, and how to come back from a loss. e time management skills she learned from being a college athlete have served her very well in her career.
I have my doubts I will be writing this column 30 years from now, but it is still a real pleasure to have some situation come across my radar and have the wheels start turning. How can I best tell this story? How can I write it in a way that will pull people in—even those with a very marginal interest in sports? eirs are the comments I most enjoy: “I don’t care about sports, but I never miss your column.” irty years...who woulda thought?
Ithaca’s Greatest Rock Concerts
Beg pardon, Bryan, but you are surely mad! e Cars’ show at Barton Hall in 1979 was perfectly glorious…if you liked e Cars. e greatest show in the modern history of Ithaca? at was surely the appearance of e Red and e Black at the Rongovian Embassy on December 21, 1989. Featuring Buck Dharma, Jon Rogers, and Ron Riddle of Burns Sisters fame playing hooky from their gig with Blue Öyster Cult. Buck explained to me why they were now presenting as a Powerpop trio: “We only have to cut the take three ways!” And speaking of the Rongo, please note Egypt, Iowa, and their appearances there. Featuring no lesser talents than Horse Flies partners Je Claus and Judy Hyman, along with Red Letter bandmates Rich DePaolo and Bill King on bass guitar and percussion. As my friend, the Rongovian Ambassador to the United States Eric Ott noted, “I’ve been wanting to see these guys together for a long time.” Yes, that too was a very special occasion.
As far as local acts, Glass Head/ Larry at e Derby from the late 70s was the epitome of serious great bar band rock and roll. And Tokyo from the Arcade during the same era. ere used to be a band called Shelob from that era that I absolutely loved. As far as national acts, Springsteen at Barton around 1979, the many appearances of Duke Robillard at e Haunt, and a triple bill at Bailey Hall in the 80s featuring Velvet Crush, Mazzy Star, and e Jesus and Mary Chain. And let me mention the great Madder Rose whose albums and live performances I loved.
Basic economics: ere is no such thing as a free lunch. Fare free rides are not free. 38% comes from NY State but ultimately from taxpayers. Only 30% comes from fare revenue. Tompkins county residents county taxes subsidize TCAT. Fare free travel bene ts mainly City residents, not rural ones. So, “fare free” is an illusion. e costs of TCAT must be paid. Just another transfer of cost from all taxpayers to those who ride TCAT. And, all Covid risk is not gone. Riding with others in a con ned space can be dangerous to health. Just because you might not pay at the fare box does not mean it is not costing you whether you ride TCAT or not.
“Cicero”Did anybody ask Senator Gillibrand why it’s called the “In ation Reduction Act” when the Congressional Budget O ce predicts it will have “a negligible e ect on in ation”? Or the Penn Warton Budget Model group who predict “the impact on in ation is statistically indistinguishable from zero”? Or that, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center, the estimated de cit reduction will be a mere 4% over the next decade? Sadly this bill provides little relief to workers and families as year-over-year in ation approaches 10%. But the name alone has convinced approximately a third of Americans that it will indeed reduce in ation. e deceptive double-speak is bothering on its own but that it is openly accepted and weakly contested is disturbing.
Jason Evans, IthacaIn response to Charley Githler’s column, “It Don’t Rain In Indianapolis”: was born in Indiana in the 40s, lived in Indianapolis for most of my life before recently moving to Ithaca. We got very little snow in central Indiana. If that could somehow be a new trend for Ithaca, it’d be alright with me. Otherwise, I’m enjoying the dark skies and lack of nightly gun re and shootings, thank you very much.
John Je erson, IthacaG et the n e w Ith a c a .c om App !
Perhaps you’ve noticed the logo at the bottom of a program for a local music concert, a dance show, or a play. In lower case: a red c, green a, blue p.
Or perhaps you’ve picked up the colorful Greater Ithaca Art Trail brochure, and even ventured out to the open studio weekends of some of the 50 featured artists in October (29,000 visitors since it was inaugurated in 1999.)
e Community Arts Partnership (CAP) was birthed 30 years ago when a wide-ranging group of Tompkins County residents gathered to brainstorm and hammer out a new organization to replace a defunct local arts council.
Since then, CAP has distributed more than $5.65 million in grants and fellowships to local artists and organizations.
Over those years CAP has moved from o ces on West MLK/State St over State of the Art Gallery, over to the Clinton House (now New Roots School), then to Center Ithaca, and nally the Tompkins Center for History and Culture on the Commons Bank Alley.
e sta has never been large. Four executive directors have le their mark: Richard Driscoll, Brett Bossard, the late John Spence and currently, Megan Barber. Other than occasional part-time bookkeepers and interns, there has been only one other sta member: the program director. Robin Schwartz answered an ad for the position three decades ago and is still going strong.
I met Robin and Meg for a chat in their quiet third oor corner o ce.
What does CAP do?
“We are a collection of services and programs and probably the biggest thing we do is the grant giving,” explains Robin. “We have now six grant programs and last year we distributed almost $398,000, which is amazing. And I think that the grants have a massive impact in Tompkins County. People develop the programs because they know they can apply for the grants and get money for them.
“And then we have our programs which are the Greater Ithaca Arts Trail, the Artists Market, the Spring Writes Literary Festival, the CAPS Art Space and the Capalooza Arts Sales. And then we have workshops, and we help artists write grants. Events, grants, services,” she sums up.
e Artists Market (29 years strong) occurs in August at the Ithaca Farmers market. In 2021, 77 artists earned over $60,000 from 2,000 visitors.
Capalooza is a December fundraiser for CAP. Rather than ask artists to donate their work, “We ask people for the art that you have in your closet, your basement, the stu that your mother gave you and you never wanted,” explains Robin.
Other programs include managing public arts and the Arts & Cultural Organizational Grants (major ongoing funding) for the Tompkins County Tourism program and the Tompkins County Poet Laureate.
“It’s all about strengthening the arts around the county,” adds Megan, “so it’s connecting artists with audiences, channeling resources towards the arts, advocating for more resources for the arts, and then helping artists thrive.”
“We have tons of motivated artists here, and not just artists who make art in their homes but artists who want to do something with the community and make a difference. Grant applications just rain down on us,” says Robin.
Both women feel the arts are integral to the life of any community and are passionate advocates. When I ask what people
don’t get about the arts, they have ready answers.
“It’s easy to think of the arts as something extra,” says Megan. “A luxury,” Robin inserts.
“ at we don’t need it,” Megan continues. “Today I was talking to the Rotary club and I asked them what’s a way in the past few months that art has touched your soul or li ed your spirits. Everybody could think of something; so it’s not really extra if you want to be a thriving human, a thriving community. It’s kind of the soil that feeds us all.”
Robin’s answer is “We would like the entire community of Tompkins County to understand that the arts is for everyone. ere are a lot of people, especially in the
rural communities, who don’t really experience the arts. at’s why these grants that we give are so important…Groton library, Groton village, they are doing programming for their constituents that they know they will enjoy.”
How do two people manage all this? How do they split up the work?
“I give money away, she asks for it,” is Robin’s quick answer.
“I often say I feel like I am facilitating the flow of resources towards the arts,” explains Megan. (Robin: “Ooh that’s good!”) I try to introduce things, then clear a path and then get out of the way.” (She laughs.)
“It’s a challenge…it is just the two of us; if someone comes to us with a fabulous
idea, it’s like that’s nice but we can’t do it. Trying to gure out how to grow is a challenge that I’ve been dealing with, and doing it in a way that is useful to the community but also sustainable for CAP—how do you envision the funding to carry someone along year a er year?”
But this year has been an especially good one, unexpected when the pandemic hit in 2020 (just a month after Megan came on board). Robin thinks maybe the extra money from their donors, the state, and local foundations, might be a result of people realizing how much they needed the arts during the early pandemic.
“Right when the pandemic hit, we started this artists emergency relief fund, says Megan, “helping people stabilize, and stay in their homes. Later we went back and said should we do that again. ey said no that’s not what we need; what we as artists want is funding for projects to help the community recover.…. We want to work, give us money to work.” And thus was born their latest grant, the Community Recovery Fund.
When I ask what they’ve done to celebrate 30 years, it takes a moment.
“We made a logo,” says Robin. And they had the online Arts Celebration, they both recall.
at brings up a memory of John Spence for Robin: “He would say ‘Robin we need to have fun—it’s art—let’s just enjoy art and love art and have a good time helping other people make art.”
The landscape of medical care in Ithaca is changing. For years the city’s needs were served from two poles, both outside the City: on West Hill was the Cayuga Medical Center and its surrounding medical buildings, and in Lansing there was the Guthrie Clinic on Hanshaw Road and Cayuga Medical’s Convenient Care Clinic and surrounding buildings o Warren Road. In February, the Guthrie Ithaca City Harbor location opened on Willow Avenue. Work is continuing on a Cayuga Medical building near GreenStar on Cascadilla Street.
“ is clinic [Guthrie Ithaca City Harbor] is serving the downtown population that has been desperately seeking care for quite some time,” notes David Ristedt, MD, Regional Medical Director, e Guthrie Clinic. “We were immediately
busy as soon as we opened the doors, far-exceeding even the most generous expectations.”
Shawn Karney, MS, Associate VicePresident, Regional Operations, e Guthrie Clinic, says that the demand for health care services in Ithaca is de nitely growing: “Since we opened the facility in February of 2022, we have had over 24,000 patient care visits at this location.”
The new 60,000 square foot Guthrie facility is home to a variety of Primary Care, Specialty Medicine, and Surgical services, including Family Medicine, Orthopedics, Breast Health – Radiology, Gastroenterology, Neurosurgery, Endoscopy, ENT services and Audiology and Specialty Eye Care along with General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery and Urology. The new facility allowed for an expansion of the Cardiology and Primary Care services at the Hanshaw
The Guthrie City Harbor location brings a much-needed WalkIn Care clinic to the downtown Ithaca area. (Photo: Provided)
Road location. The new Guthrie facility also provides for a downtown Walk-In Care clinic, open Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to Noon.
Karney explains that “ is expansion allows us to o er more robust services across all specialty groups. We have also signi cantly increased our technological capabilities with respect to online scheduling through our eGuthrie portal. is has increased the ability of patients to
receive care quickly and e ciently on their schedule.”
Ristedt has found that “Patients are loving the new ow: easy check-in and all patient needs (blood draw, schedule follow ups and referrals, and immunizations) being done in the same room where you see the doctor. Having primary care and the specialists in the same o ce along with our walk-in clinic provides for a one-stop health care facility. [ is is] patient-centered care at its best.”
People o en think of art as an escape from the dirty world of politics, but for Paul Nicholson, the new director of the Handwerker Gallery at Ithaca College this couldn’t be further from the truth. “Everything we do as artists is political, from the explicit content of the work to the public act and commercial enterprise of exhibiting in a gallery,” he explains.
“All art has an agenda to be critical, or to critique, or to be political. But I think the act of doing it, it's a political act.” He continued saying, “If you were to make meticulously realistic paintings of the Kardashians, it would ask questions like, what is the history of painting? Why do traditional, realistic images have to do with reverie usually more so than then critiquing? What is the privilege of oil painting or representation?”
Nicholson has been asking questions like those throughout his career in the
arts. Originally from Suva, Fiji, Nicholson grew up in Western New York and earned his MFA from University at Bu alo, his MS at Bu alo State College, and his BFA from SUNY Fredonia. Nicholson founded several non-pro t art galleries and spaces in New York City and Bu alo and worked in student advising and program administration at the Parsons School of Design in New York. He come to IC a er spending seven years as the director of the Martin Art Gallery at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
As director of the Martin Art Gallery, he curated dozens of contemporary art exhibitions, oversaw its permanent collection, and expanded its physical footprint. He also worked to integrate the gallery more fully into the intellectual life of the college and the wider Lehigh Valley arts community.
“I use an interdisciplinary approach that employs traditional drawing, painting
and photographic processes in the service of creating objects, installation and public intervention projects,” he explains. “ e themes in my work vary from the explicitly political to the highly personal. My process, however, has remained consistently focused on exploring how the cra ed object functions against the backdrop of shi ing cultural, political and economic landscapes.
ere's an aspect of theatricality in my practice, as ultimately, art is theater.”
Some artists claim that their work is about communicating truth and beauty, but Nicholson feels compelled to explore some of today’s more nuanced issues with honesty, ingenuity, and an eye for dark humor.
“Artists aren’t immune from the e ects of our news saturated environment,” he says. “In fact, I nd it completely overwhelming at times. With my work, I hope
Ithaca watercolorist Regan Ralston is one of y artists chosen to produce creative work for the social media campaign of Amazon Studios’ “ e Lord of the Rings: e Rings of Power” series.
“I was lucky enough to be contacted by ink Jam, a company that was working with Prime Video to promote their upcoming series,” Ralston said. “ e idea of the promotion was to engage creators, to create artwork and content inspired by the upcoming series. In my case, they hired me to create an original watercolor illustration. I quickly got to work on a piece inspired by Disa, portrayed by the gorgeous Sophia Nomvete in the show.” e piece Ralston created for the series rollout was a character portrait, a task that wasn’t outside her usual realm of work. What made this project unique for her was that Disa’s a new character, written specically for the series. Because of this, her source material was primarily visual, and she based her illustrations on promotional photography of the character.
All of the images that Ralston had available only showed Disa from the waist-up, meaning she had to use a bit of creative air with the wardrobe. She ended up painting a heavy cloak-like dress, which airs in a delicate slip revealing one barefoot leg. She covered Disa’s hands and feet in a gold leaf, as she felt this went along with the Dwarven ideals of commerce, mining, and gold-lust.
Ralston supposes this was an artistic liberty in some ways because she hadn’t yet seen how Disa will develop within the show. She’s fascinated to see how her own vision compares to the character on the screen. “I feel a sense of camaraderie, having been able to add my own little vision to the massive collection of art that this source material has inspired,” Ralston said.
Ralson’s vision and creativity have been linked with lm from early on. One of her rst paintings was a vibrant portrait of Ariel from Disney’s “ e Little Mermaid.” is picture hangs in her grandmother’s house to this day. “When I was growing up, my Nana was taking classes and was part of a local watercolor society,” Ralston said. “I still have many of the books she gave me before I packed up for college. It’s a medium that has followed me, or perhaps I’ve followed it.”
Although watercolor had always been a passion, Ralston’s motivation to create revitalized upon moving to Ithaca. She was immediately struck by the scenery and the natural wonder that the city had to o er. Everything sparked inspiration for her. “I remember writing in a blog post at the time that I found myself ‘suddenly in a land of castles, deep lakes, and weeping willows,’” she said. “It felt a lot like nding Camelot.”
Ralston developed her particular style from studying the techniques of Golden Age illustrators such as Arthur Rackham and Hellen Stratton. She’s found herself aligning with a self-taught folkish approach over time, but she compares her current work to the cottage-hewn American illustrator Tasha Tudor.
In re ecting upon her involvement with the Amazon Studios’ project, Ralston has some keen advice for young artists: “You are an artist even if you’re only producing for yourself at this moment,” she said. “Trust your talent. It’s so easy to doubt your art, to doubt yourself, and to doubt what next year will hold. Still, you have to keep creating because it’s what you do. My work with Disa has taught me that magic is o en just around the corner. Dreams can come true, even in ways you never expected.”
Ralston will be exhibiting and selling her works at the Ithaca Night Bazaar on ursday, September 15, at the Farmer’s Market Pavilion. She will also be vending at the Ithaca Apple Harvest Festival between Saturday, October 1, and Sunday, October 2.
Labor Day behind us, we’re smack into another fall replete with theatrical o erings, one of Ithaca’s specialties.
e Kitchen eatre Company opens its 31st season this weekend with a comedy, Do You Feel Anger?, directed by the Kitchen’s new Artistic Director, Rebecca Bradshaw, embarking on her second season a er a stellar debut last year. e KTC’s description: “When So a is hired as an empathy coach at a debt collection agency she sees that she has her work cut out for her.” A large cast by Kitchen standards features Kitchen veterans Erik Brooks and Susannah Berryman, joined by local actors (and fellow Cherry Arts Collective vets) Michael Samuel Kaplan and
Amoreena Wade, along with three nonlocal faces. ( rough September 25)
Next up, Tyler Struble helms a popular title among regional theaters: Edith Can Shoot ings and Hit em by A. Rey Pamatmat—“a beautifully rendered portrait of three young people as they struggle to remain young in a circumstance that forces them to have the stresses of the adult world” (Cincinnati Enquirer) (November 1–20)
Spring shows include the haunting And I and Silence by Naomi Wallace (January 31–February 19), Nilaja Sun’s solo show No Child (March 28–April 16) and a h show TBA. Keep on the lookout for o erings through their Kitchen Sink series as well.
Also in September, e Cherry Arts Collective (“radically local, radically international, and formally innovative”) as part of the Worldwide Ukrainian Play
Readings movement present Voices of Ukraine, three evenings of theatre writing from Ukrainian artists. Proceeds bene t the Ukrainian people. (September 30–October 9)
For the Cherry’s main season Artistic Director Samuel Buggeln announces three shows that emphasize movement and physicality, beginning with Aguerón (December 1–11), hosting a visit by “the pan-Mexican XIPE eater Collective [who bring] their acclaimed movementtheater production of the play by Xavier Villanova. In ancient Greece, the Acheron River divided our world from the underworld, just as the Río Grande divides our U.S. world from Mexico.”
e spring features new work: Heading into Night: a clown play about [forgetting], a collaboration between Cirque du Soleil alum Daniel Passer and director Beth Milles (March 17–26); and e-motion, a collaboration between resident playwright Saviana Stanescu and choreographer Daniel Gwirtzman.
Buggeln adds that all the shows will again feature a live-streaming option. Also in September, Trumansburg’s community theatre troupe, Encore Players, will present a collection of one-act comedies. Encore Shorts: e Bermuda Edition plays weekends September 23–October 2.
The KTC kicks off Ithaca’s fall stage season with “Do You Feel Anger?” (Photo: Josh Baldo)
Up on South Hill, Ithaca College’s BFA/BA pre-professional training program has now merged with the music school to form the new School of Music, eatre and Dance. First up is Lynn
tra and cellist Joshua Jang, who won the Youth Concerto Competition.
Cayuga Chamber Orchestra (CCO) started out in an unusual way this season, with an interim music director. Previous conductor Cornelia Laemmli Orth, who began with the orchestra in 2016, resigned her post at the end of last season. Well-known and popular Grant Cooper has taken over. He was professor of music at Ithaca College from 1993 through 2003 and is currently back as a visiting professor. is fall the CCO o ers only its Orchestral Series, which opens on October 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Ithaca College’s Ford Hall. e concert features soloist Max Levinson playing Beethoven’s Fi h Piano Concerto, “Emperor” with music by Mendelssohn and Respighi also on the program. e second, on November 19, provides the world premiere of a work by local composer Sally Lamb McCune, Cornell DMA now on the faculty at IC. e program highlights the ever-popular “Carnival of the Animals,” by Camille Saint-Saëns, with newly composed verses by conductor Cooper. e annual Holiday Celebration on Saturday, December 17, at 3 p.m., also in Ford Hall, will feature holiday classics with the CCO Youth Orches-
e printed brochure includes information on subscriptions, with an order form. Anyone who purchases a subscription by September 17 will receive free admission to a pre-season chamber concert on September 18 at the First Unitarian Society at 3 p.m., to be played by mostly orchestra members and a few friends. Called “ e Gershwin In uence,” repertory highlights twentieth-century American music, with works for string quartet, wind quintet, and assorted selections for brass quintet.
On September 18 at DeWitt Park Ithaca College presents its annual Founder’s Day Concert at 2 p.m. e wind ensemble and symphony with guest soloist mezzosoprano Ivy Walz o ers a band program. If it rains, the concert moves to Ford Hall.
e Ithaca College Orchestra, conducted by Grant Cooper, performs works by Verdi, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Dvorak on October 9 at 4 p.m. in Ford Hall.
In the Cornell Concert Series the Scottish Chamber Orchestra plays music including Bruch and Mendelssohn on October 15 at 3 p.m. in Bailey Hall. e Smetana Trio plays a program of Martinù, Rachmanino , and Smetana on November 11 at 8 p.m. Subscription tickets available at cornellconcertseries.com.
New York State Baroque, our region’s early music group, opens its 2022–2023 season of live concerts in Ithaca—all to be held at the First Unitarian Society at 7:30 p.m.—on October 22 with “Vivaldi
to North and South,” chamber concertos for ve instruments. eir second concert, called “An English A ernoon” and featuring consorts and songs for singers, viols, and lute, is on December 3. Participating in both is music director Deborah Fox, best known for performing on lutes, especially the theorbo.
Ensemble X, specializing in new music and organized by Cornell pianist Xak Bjerken, returns a er a pandemic absence to present classics from the twentieth century, with music by Stravinsky, Ravel, Schulho (with fabulous saxophonist Steven Banks who wowed audiences at Mayfest this year), and the regional premiere of colleague Elizabeth Ogonek’s Septet. e concert is on November 6 at 7 p.m. in Barnes Hall.
On September 16 at 8 p.m. in Barnes, guest pianist and composer Stephen Prutsman plays “Bach and Forth,” his own arrangements of works by classical composers and jazz greats like Charlie Parker. Also on September 16 at 7 p.m. at IC’s Hockett Family Recital Hall is a student recital from the piano studio Cha-
ris Dimaris, featuring the music of Felix Mendelssohn.
At Ithaca College on September 18, faculty pianist Vadim Serebyany provides a program called “Music and Memory”— works of Beethoven, Schumann, and Sammoutis in Hockett at 4 p.m. Also at IC on November 1 at 8:15 p.m. in Hockett the Louis K. aler Concert Violinist Series o ers violinist Chee-Yun, with Henry Kramer piano.
Cornell chamber-music specialist Miri Yampolsky is providing two recitals with longtime friends from Israel in Barnes on October 21 and 23 at 8 p.m. e rst, with cellist Ariel Tushinsky, features music of Brahms, Schumann, Grieg. In the second they are joined by violinist Yural Hertz for music of Haydn, Brahms, and Beethoven including the famed “Archduke Trio.” is is their rst time playing together.
Five years ago St. Luke Lutheran Church on Oak Avenue in Collegetown installed a French Romantic Juget-Sinclair organ. A h-anniversary celebration (postponed from last year) will be on October 23 at 4 p.m. with the world premiere
to slow things down a bit in order to look a little more closely at how we think about di cult issues. I’m fascinated by how our beliefs are shaped by objects and cultural artifacts, as much as they are by arguments, proposals, and endorsements by people we trust.”
Nicholson’s artistic process involves altering cultural artifacts in ways that work to explore issues such as immigration, heroism, health care, and belief structures. He says that everyday objects and installations employ small but signi cant changes that reveal contradictions that exist hidden within deeply held convictions. roughout this process he hopes to invoke the viewer to ask themselves questions about moral and ethical frameworks that are o en overlooked.
According to Nicholson, much of what he calls “capital A – Art” occurs when an artist makes some small discovery and wants to think it through more completely, adding their own perspective to it in the process. e artwork that comes out of Nicholson’s process is evidence of thinking through di cult issues. “Making, thinking, and even dreaming with a critical lens are about the most democratic things we can do,” he says.
Art was something Nicholson was always passionate about, but he wasn’t aware of it right away. “I was taking art classes in high school, but what I was doing outside
of high school, in hindsight, was some of the more interesting art.” He continued saying, “I made an electric guitar and I was doing some physical computing. And I didn't really think of that as art, or I didn't really know that was art because my mother wasn’t artistic. She didn't really know about contemporary art in a small town and she was a single mother.”
According to Nicholson, “it wasn't until that hindsight hit that I realized I really was incorporating art in all aspects of my life, from skateboarding as a young person to making stu outside of school that I didn't even realize was art, like sewing projects, building projects: I made shoes; I sold shirts; I built things…and I didn’t even realize that was art.”
Nicholson got into gallery work “by necessity.” He explained that in grad school he and his friends needed a place to show work that they had created, so they put together a small, short run gallery in Bu alo. Nicholson then started some showrooms in New York and did a lot of curating at Parsons. “I just found that I had an interest in supporting students and supporting the new school community at that time. And so I opened a gallery in Bushwick outside of the school.”
During this time, Nicholson said that he found that he was “kind of an artists’ artist. I feel like I can relate and work with a lot of di erent kinds of artists from di erent disciplines and specialties. And helping people realize exhibitions and bringing them to communities, I found is also an art.” He continued saying, “it's kind of like how some people write music and
Nicholson believes helping people realize exhibitions and bringing them to communities is also an art. (Photo: Josh Baldo)
some people perform music. It’s the same with art: there are all di erent elements, and there's sort of a cra and a joy that comes with each of those contributions.”
e Handwerker Gallery will open during the Fall 2022 semester to the IC community and visitors from the public. e gallery will follow CDC guidelines and Ithaca College campus policy for safety precautions and prevention of spread of COVID-19. Gallery Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and ursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekend hours are from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
of the Organ Sonata #2 “St. Luke,” performed by the composer, Rachel Lauren (born 1961). e work was commissioned by Music at St. Luke.
e Cornell Center for Historical Keyboards (CCHK) has posted a full and complicated accounting of its concerts for keyboard instruments including historical pianos and various organs on the campus.
e Midday Music for Organ provides informal 40-minute programs at 12:30 p.m. on alternate Wednesday a ernoons. As for the piano concerts, the Salon Project presents one-hour programs of music plus conversations on select Friday a ernoons in the small Auditorium at the A.D. White House, at 5 p.m. On September 9 pianists Mike Cheng-yu Lee, artist-in-residence at CCHK, and his wife, Ji-Young Kim, with soprano So a Scattarregia, give us “Haydn as composer, poet, and pianist.” On November 18 is “Conjuring with Mozart” with Roger Moseley and Nathan Mondry. On December 2, pianist Ryan McCullough and his wife, soprano Lucy Fitz Gibbon, present a Brahms song cycle. Seating at the AD White House is limited, and one should register in advance.
Nottage’s Pulitzer Prize winner, Sweat, in which class and racial divides collide in a Reading, PA factory, directed by Cynthia Henderson (September 27–October 2). Following is Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s beloved Into the Woods (October 19–27), directed by Gavin Mayer, music direction by Christopher Zemliauskas. A studio production of Pas de Trois or The Dancing Witch play by IC alumna Aaliyah Warrington '21, directed by Dean Robinson, plays November 11–18. The semester wraps up with a dance concert, Momentum , featuring choreography by Daniel Gwirtzman, Amy O’Brien, and Aimee Rials (November 30–December 4).
Look for e Pirates of Penzance, e Language Archive by Julia Cho, Shaina Taub’s musical adaptation of Twel h Night, and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in the spring.
Cornell’s Schwartz Center’s fall o erings o er two evenings of dance:
Santee Smith, a Kahnyen’kehàka (Mohawk) multidisciplinary artist, dancer, designer, producer, and choreographer of the Turtle Clan from Six Nations of the Grand River, returns to the Schwartz Center with the Kaha:wi Dance eatre to present the acclaimed “ e Mush Hole.” A piece that re ects the realities of the Mohawk Institute residential school experience and o ers a way to open dialogue and to heal. (October 28)
December 1-3 brings the annual Mini Locally Grown Dance showcase (a preview of the full LGD concert in Spring 2023). Fall play o erings include a “bill of one-acts” from advanced acting students (November 11 and 12) and student Taylor Bazos presents a bilingual Spanish and English children’s play, Baby Rock (November 18 and 19).
November will also see productions by local companies Walking on Water (WoW) and House of Ithaqua (HOI).
Over the past year, WoW’s Artistic Director Priscilla Hummel has been running their inaugural competition o ering workshop productions of new musicals (WoW
NoW: Walking on Water’s New Original Works.) ree newly hatching shows hit the boards at the Cherry Arts November 4–20: Extended Stay by Jenny Sta ord and Scotty Arnold; Onward and Upward by Charlie Ramon and Will Wegner; and Something Blue by Julia Meinwald and Gordon Leary. Composer Julia Meinwald might be familiar to some Ithacans as she grew up here.
HOI specializes in “dark theatre and lm,” o en works that intersect with the horror genre. Artistic Director A.J. Sage writes that the pandemic inspired them to produce an audio drama version of Tony Burgess' Pontypool based on the cult classic Canadian horror lm of the same name. Je Hodges directs. It premieres with an opening night listening party at Cinemapolis on November 18; and will be available for streaming November 18–December 3. Look for HOI again in February with inperson live theatre at the Cherry Arts. More theater will inevitably pop up: look for work from the youth troupe Running to Places, from Civic Ensemble, Triphammer Arts and many more.
Two vocal concerts are on the CCHK Salon schedule, but the big item here is the rst-ever Opera Ithaca Festival, running between October 23 and November 6. e two mainstage productions are modern adaptations of Verdi’s early opera Nabucco (1843), on November 4 at 7:30 p.m. and a contemporary double bill Proving Up and Highway 1 USA to be seen November 3 at 7:30 p.m. and November 6 at 2 p.m. All productions are in the Hangar eatre. Nabucco is a collaboration with the Cayuga Vocal Ensemble, which will sing the opera’s well-known chorus “Va, pensiero.” e nal event features Opera Ithaca’s Apprentice Artists in a small recital at the CRS Barn on North Triphammer Road.
e Cayuga Vocal Ensemble on December 4 at 4 p.m. presents their fall concert at St. Luke Lutheran Church. Called “Radiant Dawn,” it includes the premiere of “Sorrow into Song,” by Christine Donkin. e concert will be repeated on December 11 at 4 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena.
Two Met in HD productions will be shown at the Regal Cinema at e Shops at Ithaca Mall. Cherubini’s Medea—which opens the Met season—on October 22 and Verdi’s La Traviata, on November 5. Both start at 1 p.m. It makes sense to be there no later than 12:55.
continued from page 3
Lachman's attorney, Robert Alt, told e Ithaca Times, “when you fall behind on debt there's a reserve fund set up so that you start tapping that to pay interest. It o en happens that during tough times you tap the reserve fund, but they’ve never tapped that fund.”
According to TC3 nancial reports the college spent $3,942,370 on student housing costs in 2022 and has received a total of $1,421,875 in revenue from student housing in the same year. Overall, reports indicate that so far this year TC3 has lost $3,472,353.
Normally, defaulted assets can be sold with monies going to the holders of the bonds. But according to Alt, his client and other bond holders are stuck in a Catch 22 situation because TC3 is saying that they can't sell the buildings since they’re on Community College land but they also insist that they’re not responsible for the building’s debt either: it’s the Foundation that is responsible.
While Alt claims that TC3 created the Foundation in an attempt to evade responsibility for the bond repayments, that is not the case. e TC3 Foundation
continued from page 4
Campbell is correct, however, in that local landmark designation will require additional approvals for work done on the building. National landmark designation does not place obligations on a building’s owners, nor does it require review of alterations to the building. State designation usually mirrors National designation and also does not require review. Local designation, on the other hand, means that protective measures are put in place to review changes to build-
was incorporated in 1978. According to the Foundation’s website, TC3 itself cannot legally expand property holdings so the Foundation assumes the role of active owner and manages properties including the TC3 Farm in Dryden, extension centers in Ithaca and Cortland, and apparently, the dormitories. e Foundation reports that since 2001 it has awarded more than $5 million in scholarships to students in need.
“When there was a decision made to build this, there was debt raised to fund it. People put up real capital. And we were given data on Tompkins Cortland Community College, we weren't given data based upon some Foundation. We were given data on enrollment and stability and their ability to pay,” said Alt.
He continued, claiming that “during the COVID period, the college received a lump sum of money that could be used to pay off debts and instead they chose to fund other parts of their operations.”
Alt acknowledges that “not every bond has a happy experience. Companies, unions, communities, counties, and states all go through tough times. We understand that, but usually there's accountability. And this is one organization that is not responsive to bond holders and has not been accountable.”
ings to decide if they are appropriate and compatible. All work undertaken on the exterior of locally designated historic properties, including but not limited to, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, reconstruction, alterations, and additions, are subject to review and approval by the Ithaca Landmark Preservation Commission and its sta .
e Commission unanimously supported moving the process forward to designate the building a City of Ithaca landmark. A er review by the Planning and Development Board the proposal would be sent to the Common Council.
10. ree-ring binder labeled “Nuclear Launch Codes”. Wait. e Department of Justice should hang on to those.
7. 1,200 3.5-inch vintage Taj Mahal Casino cocktail sword swizzle sticks hereby also categorized as personal memorabilia.
8. 1-page Trump University course catalog determined to be outside the scope of the subject search warrant.
9. 400 shrink-wrapped copies of “Breaking History.” Nobody wants those.
11. Laminated map detailing the location of intercontinental missile silos in the contiguous 48 United States, with the words “Top Secret” crossed out with a National Weather Service sharpie should also remain in the custody of the Department of Justice. Okay, I think we’re done here.
Entered this 7th day of September, 2022
Special Master F. Jessica Cornstarch
As a contemporary artisanry goes, printmaking nds a natural kinship in the arts of bookmaking and papermaking. Although many ne art printmakers use commercial papers and create frameable pieces for the wall, others explore the physicality of the formed sheet or the possibilities of imagery and text in sequence. Some of the most ambitious make objects that enter the realm of sculpture.
Together, two current local shows o er the public some sense of possibilities. Located downtown, e Ink Shop Printmaking Center is a cooperative studio and gallery with a longtime focus on what might be called the paper arts. Opened recently, their “Member Show 2022” includes prints and books by newer as well as long familiar names.
Up at Cornell’s College of Architecture, Art, and Planning through this Friday, “Pulp Fiction” surveys current possibilities in papermaking. Featuring undergraduate work alongside pieces by mentor—and Ink Shop associate—Julianne Hunter, the show is roughly presented and tentative but still worth checking out.
“Member Show” o ers few if any revelations. Still, the opportunity to see mostly unfamiliar work by some of Ithaca’s most estimable artists is not to be passed up. It is worth highlighting the work of the gallery’s newer members— some showing here for the rst time.
Melissa Conroy, a pandemic-era recruit and a lecturer in Human Centered Design at Cornell, is an interdisciplinary artist in the best sense. Her recent work swaps imagery and ideas about process between machine-woven textiles and works on paper. It’s hard to gainsay the exuberance of her two pieces here, which combine bubbles of thinned-down and full throttle color ink with interconnecting lines in black.
Although she has shown at the Shop before, Leslie Ford is still a newcomer by the cooperative’s standards. Like Conroy, Ford works between diverse media—in her case, painting, printmaking, and photography. In three “Study for Curtain Wall” monoprints, she uses pigmented beeswax on ai paper. Bright iridescent slabs of color—they resemble stacked stone—pop out from the delicate black wrinkled sheets.
Sadly, I was unable to appreciate everything here. A pair of gray-to-black acrylic canvases by brand new member Nathan Dann render occult, pagan-looking gures in a distinctly rudimentary technique. Likewise, I have long tried to appreciate the digitally altered photography of Rebecca Godin, which has a sort of garish, post-Pop a ect, applied to what are usually ordinary scenes.
is evident that the work here is tentative and exploratory in nature.
Drawing from the aesthetic of Minimalism and Post-Minimalism, work here is arranged on the wall in serial grids or alternately stacked or scattered. It’s a willfully limiting set of approaches—arguably academic in the pejorative sense. Much of what was made here could be displayed in a high-end gi shop. at we are invited to consider this as avant-garde art ought to inspire questions in the thoughtful viewer.
Julianne Hunter was the Ink Shop’s 2021-2022 Kahn Fellow and currently serves as a visiting critic and print studio manager at Cornell. A show of her work entitled “Ghost Collective” lled the downtown gallery early this year. It includes handmade paper works and innovative cut paper sculpture as well as relatively traditional prints incorporating personal photographs or hand drawing.
Regular visitors to the Shop will recognize o en-excellent work here by many long-time members. Whether the cartoon-like woodcut ora and fauna of Jenny Pope, the uid expressionistic monotypes of Christa Wolf, or the intricate monochrome color etchings of Judy Barringer, there is a lot here to engage with.
Kumi Korf (a 1977 Cornell M.F.A.) is a bookmaker and an abstract painter-printmaker of unabashedly lyrical sensibility. Here she presents “Modernist Crossing River.” e upright print, relatively small for her, submerges calligraphic lines and Pollock-like spatters in an amorphous, translucent color-space.
New member Laura Rowley presents several traditional books from her Illuminated Press imprint. ese are lovely, thoughtful works and the ability to peruse them (gloves are provided) is most welcome.
More interesting, though, in the gallery art context, is new member Melody Wu’s “Being,” an experimental “book” work composed of pages of Japanese paper printed with letterpress text and individually suspended from wire, like sheets on a laundry line.
Given the student self-curation and the Cornell art department’s hectic exhibitions schedule, one may forgive “Pulp Fiction” for lacking the gallery polish of an Ink Shop show. Likewise, even lacking previous familiarity with the work of these B.F.A. artists, it
Save for the sculpture, all of these elements are present in her varied contributions here. Particularly notable are two large, gridded works: “things le I” and “things le II”—both dating back to her 2017 M.F.A. thesis at SUNY New Paltz. Both are in identical square frames and each features a seven-by-seven grid of small square sheets. We see gradations, ranging from deep blue at the top to white at the bottom.
Anna Laimo’s “No Sleep” is perhaps this show’s most striking piece. Using dyed denim and cotton pulp, the sheets stitched together with bright red thread, the otherwise blackand-white work revels in its varied, abstract texture making.
One hesitates to publicly judge the contributions of undergraduate artists, particularly outside the context of their other work and the pedagogy to which it is a response. My hope would be that the young papermakers of “Fiction” incorporate whatever it is that they have learned here into work that engages traditions of drawing, painting, and sculpture in ways that are more personal and more varied.
“Member Show 2022” through October 28 at e Ink Shop Printmaking Center,330 East State/MLK Jr. Street; open 12-6 p.m. TuesdayFriday, 12-4 p.m. Saturday; www.ink-shop.org. “Pulp Fiction” through September 9 at the Experimental Gallery, Tjaden Hall, 815 University Ave; open 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday; www.aap.cornell.edu.
If your restaurant is located at the intersection of Aurora Street and e Commons, you’ve got yourself a great head start toward success. row in Mexicaninspired food and a dozen variations of Margaritas in a college town like Ithaca, and you’re now more than half way to success. And that’s exactly what’s been transpiring at Viva Taqueria, a Mexican/American restaurant, since 1995.
Viva Taqueria’s location may give it a head start toward success but its reasonably-priced comfort food is what ensures popularity. (Photo: Josh
of pickled onions, some rice, and a small dish of guacamole.
e menu is deceptively simple: lunch and dinner menus are the same and they don’t o er desserts. ey only serve four entrées: tacos, burritos, quesadillas, and fajitas. Somehow, they manage to turn those four Mexican basics into almost three dozen variations. Many of them include the same ingredients and are similar. During recent visits I tried some of those variations.
e Chicken Fajita Quesadilla ($15.99) was wrapped in foil with onions, peppers, rice, and refried beans. It was a large quesadilla, cooked well, and made for a quite pleasant lunch.
e Chicken Fajita Platter ($19.99) was excellent. When the dish was brought to the table, I was concerned by the seared blackened edges on the thin chicken slices, however the chicken turned out to be tender and juicy and was perfectly complimented by onions, peppers, rice, refried beans, cheese, guacamole, sour cream, shredded lettuce, and chopped tomatoes. ree tortillas accompanied the main dish waiting for me to ll them.
I also ordered Vegan Enchiladas ($13.50). e menu didn’t tell me how many I would get. I was hoping for three but received two. e lling included black beans, onions, and some barely discernable spinach. Also on the dish were some thickly sliced, cold, very vinegary picked carrots. ere also were a couple of pieces
With several of the dishes you’re asked to choose a sauce—either “red or green.” e green is tart and made with tomatillos. e red is a spicy Ranchero made with tomatoes. Your choice of sauce will be important as many dishes come “smothered” in them.
Something to be aware of: At Viva, tortilla chips are not complimentary. ey are a “side” for $1.50. If you want salsa with them it’s $2.99. If you also want sour cream, add another $1.50.
e beverage menu makes it clear that their clientele drinks more margaritas (the aforementioned dozen concoctions, $9-$11) than wine (only two total) or beer (six dra and nine in bottles, $5-$8).
I want to address a comment I o en hear about Viva. Some Ithacans complain that it doesn’t serve authentic Mexican food. My thought: So what. It’s like Mexican-American comfort food, reasonably priced, served in a pleasing atmosphere, and whenever I eat there I have a pleasant meal and an enjoyable experience.
Tid Bit: I couldn’t gure out how to turn on the water in either unisex restroom so I asked an employee. I learned that you must use your right knee to push a lever located on the bottom of the sink.
Viva Taqueria, 101 N. Aurora Street, is open for takeout and indoor seating Wednesday through Saturday, 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. You can order online at https://www.vivataqueria.com/.
How do you top “Mad Max: Fury Road,” quite possibly the greatest pure action-chasefemale-empowerment epic ever made? (Seriously, name a better lm.) If you’re George Miller (“ e Road Warrior”), you make a fairy tale, right down to the simplicity of that eternal opening line, “Once upon a time.” “ ree ousand Years of Longing” (Metro Goldwyn Mayer-FilmNation Entertainment-Elevate Production Finance-Sunac Culture-Kennedy-MillerMitchell, 2022, 108 mins.), or, as I’m calling it, “George Miller’s Aladdin,” is a fairy tale for the 21st century.
turn the traditional genie genre on it’s head in George Miller’s “Three Thousand Years Of Longing” (Photo: Provided)
Why is this a 21st century fairy tale?
Tilda Swinton (“Dr. Strange”) is our narrator, and she tells us right at the top that the only way we’ll accept the following story is to resort to “Once upon a time.” We get it right away: is is a world with too much technology and too many people glued to their cell phones, and too little magic and imagination. Swinton plays a lonely, bookish academic specializing in mythology and storytelling. She buys a curio in an out-of-the-way shop—I thought it looked like one of those glass pipes you can nd in Ithaca’s many head shops—and that night in her hotel room, as she tries to clean the thing with a toothbrush, she breaks the seal, great clouds of smoke pour out, and a giant djinn (Idris Elba) appears, naked and sporting el n ears.
It takes Swinton a few moments to accept the reality of a genie in her hotel room, and because she has such a sharp educational background, the movie is able to get nearly every trope and cliché associated with these stories out of the way. e djinn tells her that she can’t ask for a million wishes, and he can’t bring eternal peace and harmony to the world. Swinton must make three wishes from her heart. But she knows the tropes, too, and that the genie paradigm usually ends badly for the wish-maker.
And so, both clad in white terrycloth hotel robes, Swinton and Elba have an interview of sorts, and she turns the table on her visitor. He begins to tell her how he was imprisoned in various vessels over the
centuries, and Miller’s “Aladdin” morphs into Scheherazade from “A ousand and One Nights.” Neat reversal, Mr. Miller. Well played.
Turning the tale on Elba’s imp opens up the lm to the kind of lush, sand-swept fantasy ashbacks that may remind you of Ray Harryhausen Sinbad epics and “Lawrence of Arabia” (1962), as well as more modern homages like Chuck Russell’s “ e Scorpion King” (2002).
It’s George Miller’s world, it seems, and I’ve been living in it for the past two weeks or so. Before seeing “ ree ousand Years of Longing,” I had just nished reading Kyle Buchanan’s excellent and surreal oral history “Blood, Sweat and Chrome: e Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road,” and I’ve been pondering Miller’s singular lmography ever since. How is it that the same guy who made “ e Road Warrior” (1982) also made “Babe” (1995) and “Happy Feet” (2006), an animated lm about a dancing penguin?
Idris Elba’s having quite the year. I’d just seen him playing a gru , Shakespearean video game character in “Sonic the Hedgehog 2”; now here he is playing an enigmatic creature of myth for Miller. (Elba also stars in the new African thriller “Beast” at Regal, which I hope to see soon.) Elba may get the 2022 “Range” Award for his work this year.
“ ree ousand Years of Longing” is playing at Cinemapolis, 120 East Green Street, (607) 277-6115, https://cinemapolis. org/page/now-showing and Regal Stadium 14, 40 Catherwood Road, https://www. regmovies.com/theatres/regal-ithaca-mall/
Wovenhome | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
Radio London | 6 p.m. | Six Mile Creek Vineyard
The Sim Redmond Band- 2022 Summer Concert Series | 6 p.m. | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons
Brewhouse Blues Jam | 6:30 p.m. | Hopshire Farm and Brewery
Friday Night Music - Noon Fifteen | 6 p.m. | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, 1771 Dryden Road
NEW PLANETS | 6 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
Friday Night Farm Jams: Soul Benders | 6:30 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider
Music & Mimosas: 90 Proof | Hosmer Winery | 1 p.m.
Sunday Music Series: Erich with an H | 1 p.m. | Red Newt Cellars, 3675 Tichenor Road | Free
Mike Titlebaum & Catherine Gale | 5:30 p.m. | Maxie’s Supper Club | Free
Live music feat. Shawn Halloran | | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road
Jazz Monday with Dave Davies RhythmMakers | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
I Draw Slow | 7:30 p.m. | La Tourelle, 1150 Danby Road (96B) | $20.00
Recovery Rocks! | Stewart Park Large Pavilion | 5 p.m.| A celebration of Recovery to Bene t the Alcohol & Drug Council. Free admission & Family Friendly, with games and Luna Food Truck onsite. Featuring musical performances by Maddy Walsh & Miami Whizzdom and Kitestring
Cornell Center for Historical Keyboards Salon: CU Music | 5 p.m.
| A. D. White House, 121 Presidents Dr | Free
Dinosaur Jr | 8 p.m. | State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State St | $28.50
Junior Recital: Aaron Suttle, trombone at Hockett Family Recital Hall | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
MAQ Brazilian Jazz: CU Music | 7:30 p.m. | Klarman Hall, 232 Feeney Way | Free
CCCP presents percussionist Greg Stuart | 7 p.m. | Milstein Hall Dome, 921 University Ave | Free
Noah DeGarmo, guest pianist: CU Music | 8 p.m. | Barnes Hall, 129 Ho Plaza | Free
Midday Music for Organ, 9/14: CU Music | 12:30 p.m. | Sage Chapel, Ho Plaza | Free
Jon Pardi - The “Ain’t Always the Cowboy Tour” | 6:30 p.m. | Tag’s Summer Stage, 3037 State Route 352
Charis Dimaras Piano Studio Recital at Hockett Family Recital Hall | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Stephen Prutsman, piano: CU Music | 8 p.m. | Barnes Hall, 129 Ho Plaza | Free
Senior Recital: Alec Dorris, baritone | Ford Hall | 8:15 p.m.
O The Vine Festival | Robert H. Treman State Park | ft Gun Poets, Rena Guinn, Kitestring, Leo and the Maydays and The Ilium Works]Feed the Fire, Secret Service Men, Rachel Beverly, Metasequoia, and many more! 10 a.m.
Glenn Tilbrook | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St
Founder’s Day Concert | DeWitt Park | 2 p.m.
Pre-season Chamber Music Concert: The Gershwin In uence | 3 p.m. | First Unitarian Church
Faculty Recital: Vadim Serebyany, piano at Hockett Family Recital Hall | 4 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Composition Premieres at Hockett Family Recital Hall | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd Amanda Shires | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St
An Evening With They Might Be Giants | 8 p.m. | State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State St | $25.00$35.00
Do You Feel Anger? | Kitchen Theatre | 7:30 p.m., | Open Friday, 9/9| See Weekend Planner for details. ComedyFLOPs 3rd Friday Improv Show To Support Loaves & Fishes | 7 p.m., 9/16 Friday | Virtual, https:// www.youtube.com/comedy ops | ComedyFLOPs’ 3rd Friday streaming Improv Shows in support of local area non-pro t organizations. This month we’re supporting Loaves & Fishes! | Free
2022 Cornell Biennial: Ken Feingold Installation | 11 a.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114| Through October 21, 2022. | Free 2022 Ink Shop Member Show | 1 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | The Ink Shop, 330 E. MLK/State St . | Free Passages | 12 p.m., 9/8 Thursday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 West State Street | Passages Exhibit of Eva Capobianco and Patricia Brown about racial injustice | Free
“Love Your Mother” | 5 p.m., 9/9 Friday | The Gallery at South Hill, 950 Danby Road | Based on Environmental Philosophy Nicholas Gecan’s paintings explore the spectrum of human involvement with the natural world.
| Free
GALLERY OPENING: Rock Garden Art Group | 5 p.m., 9/9 Friday | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St | 18th Rock Garden Art Group Exhibit Featuring work by: Cheri Sheridan Terri Gardner Fendya Dave Yaman Patty Brown David LoParco
FIGURATIVE | 4 p.m., 9/10 Saturday
| Corners Gallery, 903 Hanshaw Rd. | Join us on Sat Sept. 10, from 4- 6pm for the opening reception for FIGURATIVE, new work by Michael Sampson. | Free
2022 Cornell Biennial Screening of “Gated Commune” by Camel Collective at Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art | 10 a.m., 9/14 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | Created by Anthony Graves (b. 1975, South Bend, IN) and Carla Herrera-Prats (b. 1973
120 E. Green St., Ithaca
September 9-15, 2022. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes.
The Good Boss | Awaiting a visit by a committee that could give his company an award for excellence, the owner of an industrial scales manufacturing business tries to resolve any problems from his workers in enough time. | 120 mins NR
The Territory | When a network of Brazilian farmers seizes a protected area of the Amazon rainforest, a young Indigenous leader and his mentor must ght back in defense of the land and an uncontacted group living deep within the forest. | 83 mins NR
Three Thousand Years of Longing | A lonely scholar, on a trip to Istanbul, discovers a Djinn who o ers her three wishes in exchange for his freedom. | 108 mins R
Bodies, Bodies, Bodies | 95 mins R Marcel the Shell with Shoes On | 89 mins PG
Nope | 135 mins R
All lms are shown at Willard Straight Hall on Cornell campus. RR | 9/7 at 7:00pm | RR consists of 43 static shots, lmed in 43 locations in the USA, crossed by passing freight trains.
The Girl & the Spider | 9/8 at 7:00PM; 9/11 at 9:15pm | Lisa is
moving out. Mara is left behind. As boxes are shifted and cupboards built, abysses begin to open up and an emotional roller coaster is set in motion.
Eraserhead | 9/8 & 9/10 at 9:15pm | David Lynch’s rst feature is a darkly humorous romp into a degenerate urban world where monster babies and beheadings are strangely normal. 35mm
Happening | 9/9 & 9/11 at 7:00pm |
The autobiographical drama of writer Annie Ernaux, who pursued an illegal abortion in 1960s France. A mixture of heartfelt coming-of-age narrative and crucial social critique that feels tragically pertinent to our current events.
Neptune Frost | 9/9 at 9:15pm; 9/10 at 7:00PM | From the mind of actress and playwright Anisia Uzeyman, and her husband, poet and rapper Saul Williams comes a queer sci- musical about hacking computers, gender, and reality itself that is as politically astute as it is artistically invigorating.
The Society of Spectacle | 9/14 at 7:00PM | An avant-garde essay lm in which Situationist thinker and political theorist Guy Debord uses a montage of lm clips and text to formulate a Marxist critique of capitalism, mass marketing, and consumer culture, inspired by his own landmark 1967 book of the same title.
Erie Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 3 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | (Men’s Soccer)
Erie Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 5:30 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | (Women’s Soccer)
Ithaca Field Hockey vs Misericordia University | 7 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Higgins Stadium |
Cornell Volleyball vs Colgate University | 7 p.m., 9/9 Friday | Ithaca, NY, Newman Arena at Bartels Hall |
Cayuga Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 10 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | (Women’s Volleyball)
Je erson Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 11:30 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | (Women’s Volleyball)
Ithaca Football vs SUNY Brockport | 1 p.m., 9/10 Saturday | Butter eld Stadium |
Ithaca Field Hockey vs Hartwick College | 1 p.m., 9/10 Saturday | Higgins Stadium |
Cornell Volleyball vs Colgate University vs. Temple University | 1 p.m., 9/10 Saturday | Ithaca, NY, Newman Arena at Bartels Hall |
Onondaga Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 2:30 p.m., 9/10 Saturday | (Women’s Volleyball)
Cornell Volleyball vs Temple University | 7 p.m., 9/10 Saturday | Ithaca, NY, Newman Arena at Bartels Hall |
Herkimer College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 1 p.m., 9/11 Sunday | (Women’s Soccer)
Herkimer College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 3:30 p.m., 9/11 Sunday | (Men’s Soccer)
Ithaca Men’s Soccer vs Oswego State | 4 p.m., 9/11 Sunday | Carp Wood Field | I
Cornell Men’s Soccer vs University of Vermont | 7 p.m., 9/13 Tuesday | Ithaca, NY, Berman Field |
Ithaca Women’s Soccer vs SUNY Cortland | 4 p.m., 9/14 Wednesday |
Carp Wood Field |
Ithaca Men’s Soccer vs Hamilton College | 4:30 p.m., 9/14 Wednesday | Higgins Stadium |
SUNY Broome Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 6 p.m., 9/14 Wednesday | (Women’s Volleyball)
CAMPUS CLUB FALL OPEN HOUSE | 10 a.m., 9/8 Thursday | Ithaca Farmers Market, 545 3rd St. | The Campus Club at Cornell is a social and educational organization open to all women in the Ithaca area, providing opportunities for newcomers in the area to meet others through participation in our activity groups, social events and programs. | Free
NEEMFest 2022 | 3 p.m., 9/9 Friday | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St | See Weekend Planner for more details.
Watkins Glen Grand Prix | 9/9 Friday | Watkins Glen |
AIDS Ride for Life 2022 | 6 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | Stewart Park, 1 James L Gibbs Dr | The AIDS Ride For Life is our 24th annual fully supported cycling event around Cayuga Lake in Upstate New York. Challenge yourself - choose to Ride 14, 25, 42, 90 or 102 miles…or choose our indoor cycling option! | $25.00 - $45.00
Poetry Reading | 6 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Tompkins Public Library, 101 E Green Street | A poetry reading by poets Monty Campbell Jr. and Michael Czarnecki. | Free
SCBWI (Society Childrens Book Writers, Illustrators) | 6 p.m., 9/12 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Open Mic Night at Center for the Arts | 7 p.m., 9/13 Tuesday | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St | Want to play music to a live audience? Have you crafted a poem or short story you’d like to share or want to tell some jokes? Come join us Tuesday nights for a weekly Open Mic!
Tween Book Club: Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key | 3:45 p.m., 9/14 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Ulysses Philomathic Library - Fall Book Sale | 5 p.m., 9/14 Wednesday | Ulysses Philomathic Library, Main St | 9/14: Member Night ; Thursday & Friday, 9/15 & 16: All welcome! TCSD classes will be enjoying library eld trips and free books from the children’s tent! Saturday, 9/17: UPL joins the libraries of Waterloo, Seneca Falls, Ovid, Lodi, and Interlaken for the “Between the Lakes Book Sale Trail.”
Family Science Workshop: Take Apart | 3 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Sciencecenter, 601 1st Street | Wednesday, September 7 at 3 pm Sciencenter Community Room Bring the whole family and join us as we use tools to take apart electronics and see what’s inside!
FLIP IT Workshops | 5:30 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main Street | Join Family Educator, Joan Fi eld, for 6 free workshops in September that provide advice, strategies, and tools on how to address children’s day to day behavior. | Free
Preschool Art Session 1 | 3 p.m., 9/8
Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Preschool Art Session 2 | 4 p.m., 9/8 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Lego Club | 10 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | Ulysses Philomathic Library | Drop in and show o your building skills at this open Lego build, each Saturday in September. For children of all ages.
Jazz Ensemble Concert for Children and Families at Ford Hall | 10 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | Saturday, 9/10/2022 10:00am | Ford Hall Jazz Ensemble Concert for Children and Families Mike Titlebaum, director Free, open to the public View on site | Email this event
Families Learning Science Together: Polymers | 1 p.m., 9/10 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
LEGO Build Night for Families | 5 p.m., 9/13 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Live in Ithaca: Welcome Home Wednesday at the Ithaca Children’s Garden | 5:30 p.m., 9/14 Wednesday | Have you relocated to the area in the past year to live or work in Tompkins County? | Free
Senior Support Group Online | 11 a.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Mental Health Association in Tompkins County | Online mental health support group for seniors. | Free
Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. |
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | Free Free Community Cruise | 7 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Allan H. Treman Marina, 1000 Allan H. Treman Road | Free 1.5 hour cruise with presentations by community members on board. | Free
Home Diagnosis with Grace and Corbett Lunsford | Science Pub at Boyce Thompson Institute 533 Tower Rd Ithaca | 6 p.m., 9/8 Thursday |
WSKG Public Media presents: Home Diagnosis with Grace and Corbett Lunsford | Science Pub Guests: Grace and Corbett Lunsford, Hosts of PBS
Home Diagnosis Home Diagnosis is a deep dive show into the
Sunset Boat Cruise on Cayuga Lake | 7 p.m., 9/8 Thursday | Allan H. Treman Marine State Park | Come aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal for a 1.5-Hour Sunset Cruise on Cayuga Lake.
Ovid Farmers Market | 3 p.m., 9/9 Friday | Three Bears Complex, Main St. | Every Friday from 3-7. Bars
Ithaca Farmers Market - Saturdays at Steamboat | 9 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | Steamboat Landing, 545 Third Street |
Brooktondale Farmers Market | 10 a.m., 9/10 Saturday | Brooktondale Community Center, 526 Valley Rd |
Ballet Class by Ballet Flow | 1 p.m., 9/11 Sunday | Small Studio, FLX Fitclub, , 798 Cascadilla St. | Adult to late teen ballet class. Sign up per class. Drop-in attendance isn’t doable. Masks are required.
Preferably at least 2 years prior training. Full class, $20. Barre-Only, $10. Sundays 1:00-2:30 PM. More info & to sign up: signupgenius.com/ go/10C0F44ADAD2FA3FAC25-ballet
Tree “Buds”: Weekly Tree Phenology | 3 p.m., 9/12 Monday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd | Be our tree “buds” and join our weekly citizen science walk to observe and collect data on seasonal changes in trees. | Free
Online Teen Game Group | 4:30 p.m., 9/12 Monday | Mental Health Association in Tompkins County | Online Teen Game Group | Free
CAYUGA BIRD CLUB VIRTUAL MEETINGS | 7:30 p.m., 9/12 Monday | Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 156 Sapsucker Woods Rd. |
Live Show! Music, Comedy, and More! | 5 p.m., 9/13 Tuesday | Ooy’s Deli and Cafe, 201 N Aurora Street | Live Show at Ooy’s Deli! | Free
Internet: www.ithaca.com Mail: Ithaca Times Classified Dept PO Box 27 Ithaca NY 14850 In Person: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm 109 North Cayuga Street
Bundy Rd. and Hopkins Rd. Saturday, September 10, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Rain date: Sunday, September 11
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John Serferlis - Tailor 102 The Commons 273-3192
New, Used & Vintage Instruments & Accessories ITHACA GUITAR WORKS DEWITT MALL 607-272-2602
No Long waits for Dermatology Appointments Finger Lakes Dermatology
Brad Yentzer, MD, FAAD 607-708-1330 fingerlakesderm.com
** Peaceful Spirit Tai Chi ** Yang style all levels Fridays 6-7 pm at NY Friends House 120 3rd St., Ithaca 607-272-0114
Rebuilt, Reconditioned, Bought, Sold, Moved Tuned, Rented
Complete Rebuilding Services No job too big or too small Ithaca Piano Rebuilders (607) 272-6547 950 Danby Rd, Suite 26 South Hill Business Campus, Ithaca
Upgrade your home with replacement windows, we manufacture and install. SOUTH SENECA VINYL 315-585-6050
Every life story deserves to be told, and told well. Steve Lawrence, Celebrant 607-564-7149
WEGMANS FOOD MARKET NOW HIRING 607- 277-5800 500 S. Meadow St., Ithaca JOB.WEGMANS.COM