The Ithaca Police Department has applied for a grant to fund three crisis intervention specialists that will work closely with IPD, according to the City of Ithaca’s acting Chief of Police, John Joly.
During the most recent meeting of the Common Council's Reimagining Public Safety special committee, Joly described the funding request and other steps being taken by the Police Department to meet the goals established in the reimagining public safety plan.
Joly said that the number one recommendation the city has made to IPD is to “evaluate discrete alternatives to law enforcement response for crisis intervention in wraparound health and human service delivery.”
According to Joly, the idea behind bringing three crisis intervention specialists on board is that it will decrease the workload for armed o cers that don’t necessarily need to respond to a mental health crisis and allow them to be better trained when they do have to deal with a mental health situation.
Joly told the committee, “We are ofcers dispatched to a call, and if it turns out it’s really not criminal, but maybe a mental health situation, a crisis intervention specialist would be better trained.” He continued saying, “then we could relieve the o cers from that call and they can go on to other criminal complaints.”
IPD should nd out whether or not they will receive any of the funding that they applied for by January.
Joly noted that Tompkins County is working on adding three crisis intervention specialists to the Health Department. ese specialists will be paired directly
with law enforcement — two will be assigned to the County and there will be two Sheri ’s deputies that work directly with those crisis intervention specialists — and one will be assigned to the City to work directly with IPD.
According to Joly, “due to our staing and the constraints in our collective bargaining agreement, we can't assign a single o cer to work directly with that crisis manager specialist.” However, he continued saying that IPD has a plan to put together “a group of four or so o cers that are trained in crisis intervention, critical incident negotiation, or something similar and we'll pair those four with that crisis management specialist.”
Based on IPD’s availability, one of that group will work closely with this crisis manager specialist. “ ere's still more work to be done. But that is what's in process right now,” said Joly.
Dragon Day Gets Noticed — Cornell’s Dragon Day, in which architecture students battle engineering students, ostensibly by proxy, using giant dragon and phoenix sculptures was named the most unusual U.S. college tradition by InterestingFacts.com. The website tells the tale of how it began in 1901 and eventually evolved into a scu e after which the dragon was burned to a crisp. Scu e is a very polite word for what used to transpire on the Arts Quad.
Joly told the Reimagining Committee that the IPD currently has 52 o cers on sta , though several are on light duty due to injuries and medical restrictions. ere is a retirement anticipated and a new hire that will be graduating the Police Academy in October.
e Acting Chief then o ered updates on the Department’s work on the list of recommendations that were part of the City’s Reimagining Plan. Joly noted that more than 1,000 hours were spent last year on cultural competency training, including de-escalation, anti-bias, ethics, addressing the homeless population, and community policing. He said that the IPD and Community Justice Center have been working together on coordinating meetings throughout the community between o cers and citizens. A consultant has been
F REELANCERS : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman
gloves, a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, and insect repellant.
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Recounting the obstacles she faced when a student, Ithaca College’s new president, La Jerne Terry Cornish, advised students and the IC community of the importance of persistence. “Losing my mother on the rst day of nals freshman year was something that knocked me down,” President Cornish said. “My GPA su ered. As a result of that, I had to work really hard to get back up. I’ve encountered hard things, yet and still I persisted. What I want my students to know is you’re going to experience ups and downs, but you have to keep going.”
Cornish was speaking at a September 14 webinar which began what is being called her Ithaca Together Inaugural Tour during which she will discuss her commitments to the IC community including her goals to connect with Ithaca alumni and friends across the country. Cornish said that the tour is a way to provide Ithaca alumni and friends with a way to connect with each other in their own communities. “So it’s perhaps tting that this rst tour engagement takes place in a virtual setting,” she added; “one that enables us to connect in solidarity wherever we are in the world.”
“I want to hear your stories,” Cornish said. “I want to develop relationships. I want to know what Ithaca College did for you. I want to know how the experience you had on this campus changed your life and changed the life of someone else.”
Cornish emphasized her excitement for this fall semester because it is the rst semester since the COVID-19 pandemic where all classes o ered are completely inperson. “ is one truly feels like a new beginning,” she said. According to Cornish, more than 1,400 new students have been enrolled in IC this fall. She noted that IC has launched a successful graduate physician assistant program aimed for students to enhance skills that are in a high demand and provide expertise.
Noting the continuing specter of COVID-19, Cornish acknowledged that the campus on South Hill is still not completely back to normal. She admitted it will take years to restore the campus’ position as “a world-class comprehensive college.” “ ree to ve to restore, three to ve to soar, and I’m betting that we’re going to soar in six or before,” she added.
Cornish assured the IC community that she is dedicated to the institution for the long-game, but she can only do this if everyone in the IC community comes together. “Our ability to move forward as a college is directly bound to our ability to move forward as a community,” she explained. Cornish asked the IC community to share campus news on their social media and wear IC apparel in their local communities to help raise IC’s pro le. She also urged alumni to increase their engagement by acting as mentors, providing internship opportunities, Zooming into classrooms, visiting the campus, and helping with recruitment of new students. at recruitment e ort won’t stop at the border. Cornish discussed plans to collaborate with Cornell University and other New York State colleges and universities to recruit international students. Ithaca College, Cornell University, Colgate University and Hamilton College will be working together to travel and recruit students from the UK and throughout Europe, she announced, noting that the IC London Center will help by hosting a gathering in the future.
Cornish also shared her pride for IC’s annual Cortaca Jug football game taking place November 12 in New York City’s Yankee Stadium. She said she is a big sports fan and that one of her fondest memories at IC thus far has been being able to watch a football game and have a view of Cayuga Lake in the background.
As president, Cornish said she will always believe in her students, but that they also need to have faith in themselves. “I need you to believe in you,” President Cornish said. “We can believe in you, but it doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t believe in you.”
Timothy Downs, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial O cer, weighed in on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the college. He said challenges are driven by low enrollments in the fall 2020 and fall 2021 classes, adding that the next
couple of years will be an operating budget challenge. He agreed with Cornish that it will take three to ve years to return to normal enrollment which will allow the IC community to soar yet again.
Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Strategy Laurie Koehler spoke on concerns relating to the value of an education at Ithaca College. “We built on a bunch of di erent strategies to create what we call the Ithaca commitment,” Koehler said. is commitment includes simplifying the aid application process, revamping the nancial aid package and creating a 4-year nancial forecast which will bene t the class that just began at IC. e 4-year forecast breaks down the student's maximum investment in IC when they are admitted to the college, which is rare as it is a common practice for college costs to rise each year, Koehler said.
Provost Melanie Stein explained that bringing the theater, music and dance programs under one roof was for students’ own academic and career achievement.
“ e world is not separated into departments that we in academia like to separate our curriculum into,” Stein explained.
“Our students who are going out there to be artists, they’re going to be multidisciplinary out there in the world. In bringing all of these artistic departments together under one roof, we are really putting our students in the strongest position to prepare them for careers in this ever-changing world.”
The Tompkins County Legislature announced the launch of the Tompkins Community Recovery Fund (TCRF), which will provide more than $6.5 million in grant funding to eligible organizations, government entities, and small businesses in the County.
According to Tompkins County Administrator Lisa Holmes, the program leverages funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to invest directly in the parts of the community that have been most impacted by the pandemic. e program will grant $6.5 million to local organizations and businesses to undertake projects that address and aid in the recovery from the impacts of the pandemic.
e TCRF also aims to support local not-for-pro t organizations and small businesses impacted by COVID-19 shutdowns. and build long-term capacity and resilience by addressing critical gaps in services such as child care, job training, and a ordable housing.
Organizations that qualify to receive recovery grant funding include nonpro ts, small businesses, small educational institutions, healthcare providers, and government entities that have been impacted by the pandemic. ese organizations
will be able to apply for grants of $10,000 or more to support projects and provide services that will aid in the recovery from the pandemic and improve community resilience moving forward.
Projects and services covered by the grant include but are not limited to childcare resources, small business and nonpro t relief, education, healthcare, social justice, broadband internet, critical infrastructure, and housing.
In order to qualify for the grant, eligible organizations will need to submit evidence such as nancial records that would prove that the organization has been impacted by the pandemic. Additionally, most projects funded by the grant will have to be completed by 2026.
Shawna Black, Chairwoman of the Tompkins County Legislature, said “ is is a transformative investment in our community. We’re looking forward to seeing applications from local organizations recovering from the pandemic or investing in critical projects moving forward.” She continued saying, “ e Legislature has heard loud and clear that the pandemic’s impacts on our local economy and organizations have been serious and ongoing for a few years now. is is our opportunity to support a more resilient and sustainable recovery for Tompkins County.”
Legislator Dan Klein, who chairs the committee of the Legislature overseeing the fund said, “I want to thank local businesses and organizations for your patience as we’ve worked to get this fund set up and running. We have a real opportunity to make lasting change, and for the County to help in key areas of community recovery.” Klein continued saying, “I hope all of the local businesses, nonpro ts, small governments, and healthcare providers consider applying to this fund—and I’m glad that we’re on track to announce awards around the end of this year.”
e program guidelines, application, and other relevant
documents and information are available on the program web page at https://www. tompkinscountyny.gov/communityrecoveryfund.
e TCRF splits funding into three di erent categories. Organizations can qualify for a grant ranging from $10,000 to $25,000; $25,001 to $250,000, and $250,001 or more. ere is not a clear maximum amount regarding how much grant funding an organization can receive. roughout the process of cra ing the TCRF, the County Legislature has worked alongside MRB Group and WCP Consultants to assist with administering the recovery fund grant program. Members of the consulting team will be available to provide technical assistance and guidance to potential applicants during upcoming public information sessions.
e Tompkins County Human Services Coalition already hosted one webinar focused on non-pro t applicants. Additionally, the Tompkins County Chamber, Ithaca Area Economic Development, and Downtown Ithaca Alliance will co-host a meeting focused on small business applicants — and one general session meeting will be held in person at the Tompkins County Public Library on September 23.
Tracy Verrier, project manager at MRG Group, will provide an overview including program priorities, eligibility criteria, application guidelines and project timelines. According to Verrier, it is anticipated that applications will be accepted beginning later this month. e deadline for applications is October 31.
To the expanding appreciation of the local cider scene. The Finger Lakes have been called the Napa Valley of cider. And Tompkins County is seen as the epicenter of the cider world. Has anyone thought of creating a cider trail?
To our excessive self-criticism. We’re far from perfect, but others sometimes have a better perspective on our hometown. TravelTrivia.com recently named Ithaca the 8th most beautiful college town in America. Another glowing review to add to our list.
Paul Glover, best known locally for being the founder of Ithaca Hours, has been in failing health for some time. He’s currently in a nursing home outside Philadelphia. Sporadic updates from visitors, including some from Ithaca, can be found on his Facebook page.
There’s no longer just one “Jungle.” There are now four distinct homeless encampments, each with its own unique character, according to those who work with the residents. One is said to be particularly problematic. This issue may fade in winter, but it’s not going away.
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With COVID receding will you shop locally and in-person more?
24.2% Yes. I’ve missed browsing and searching and want to buy local. 48.5% A bit. But there are some things that are just cheaper online. 27.3% No. Amazon, InstaCart and DoorDash are just too convenient.
Visit ithaca.com to submit your response.
How do you feel about another dock-less bike sharing program?Shawna Black sees these grants as transformative investments in the community. (Photo: Provided) Dan Klein believes the Legislature is on track to announce awards by the end of the year. (Photo: Provided)
It’s been quite a two weeks since the last column. For one thing, the Queen of England died, which apparently came as a shock to a lot of people. e words “died unexpectedly” don’t o en gure into the obituaries of people who pass away at age 96, but whatever. Some of my more democratic-minded friends have ruminated on the fact that she was a world gure only because of the family into which she was born. She won (I guess) the accidentof-birth lottery. All of which is true, but she handled it well and carried o being a gurehead with aplomb and seemliness for a really long time. I can’t manage aplomb for more than a couple hours, and she did it from when Harry Truman was president until last week.
Also since the last column, I was jolted out of my everyday reverie by a television commercial for a product called the Ballsy B2 Ball Trimmer. It’s what it sounds like, and it’s a real commercial on real television. “Here at Ballsy, we know how hard it is to trim your balls.” I’m afraid that is a direct quote. e spokesperson holds nothing back as she carries on about the product’s many features in details that would make Dirk Diggler blush and signs
o by declaring that “here at Ballsy, we know balls.” I’ve long since surrendered to the reality that advertising copywriters are trying to kill us, but are there literally no lines le ? Is there nothing that is beyond the bounds of good taste? I’m really not an excessively modest person. I just want to live in a world where the condition of one’s testicles remains the exclusive province of one’s self, one’s partner, and Dr. Vohra.
My point is that as long as Queen Elizabeth II was alive, I knew that there was at least one other person who would also be staring in trans xed horror at the TV if she were sitting in my living room. King Charles III, even as big a sti as he is, is not that person. It wasn’t that long ago (1989, to be exact) that we were all treated to a recording of a telephone conversation in which His Majesty the King expressed a fervent desire to be one of Her Majesty the Queen Consort Camilla’s tampons. ere’s no forgetting that, Sire. And we need not go into sordid detail about his brother Prince Andrew, now Keeper of the Royal Corgis.
Sure, the monarchy is an antiquated institution, thoroughly steeped in a history
Lucia Sciore loved music all her life and in 1990 she became a dancer at age 40. Here’s her story in her own words: “Enjoying the Ithaca Festival, I watched Maurice Haltom’s African Dance group performing. I was drawn by the music, the rhythm, the drumming and I signed up for dance classes right away.
“Two or three times a week I attended Maurice’s classes. First, we met in the “Taj” on State Street, moving next to the City Health Club. I loved the way Maurice taught the classes. In addition to African Dance, I took Qi Gong classes whenever I could. Over time, I also studied and danced at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY.
“As time went on the heavy pounding beat and steps of African Dance were causing knee pain.
“When I watched Katharyn Machal Howd’s Mirage belly dance group perform, I was ready to broaden my horizons. I took Zajal’s (Katharyn’s dance persona) Egyptian style belly dance classes at Community School of Music and Art, as well as Tessa’s tribal style belly dancing in the Fingerlakes Health Club. Alicia, another belly dancer, along with Tessa, hosted Dance Events at the old Lot 10. Now I go once a week to Mirage sessions at the Foundation of Light.
“Over the years I’ve performed with belly dancers in many Ithaca Festival
Parades and performances, also at the Library, at Longview, and at nursing homes in the area. is June we performed at the delightful, rural, laid-back Faerie Festival, east of Binghamton. I enjoyed all the classes, festival and performances and I learned something from everyone I encountered.
“Good dance teachers push us to work harder. Even non-dancers can be taught to listen to the music and learn the rhythms for dance. In 2015 I toured Cuba with a Cornell travel group and danced with a Cuban dance partner. We visited the famous Bueno Vista Social Club and watched the only living member of the original Club perform. Dance is truly a universal language.
“Dancing and walking and exercising are part of my routine. When I was surviving the loss of my husband, I realized how crucial having a routine is. In retirement, I work three days a week at a job I love at the ReUse Center. e other four days of the week I meet friends for a walk or weightli ing or I walk alone.
“Dance and exercise can be anything you want to do. Walking can be a kind of dance. Movement of all types is renewing,” “When I look back and think about my family, my career, my life in Ithaca, I am very grateful to be able to enjoy this time in my life. I feel blessed a er lots of struggles to have these opportunities. I’m glad to still be dancing and savoring my life now, just as it is.”
Iwas talking to a friend about a sports rivalry that is really gaining some traction, and he said, “Yankees/Red Sox?” I replied, “No, the Sox suck. at rivalry’s going backward.” He scratched his head... “Cortaca Jug? at’s not until November.”
I explained that I was talking about “the Battle for the Paddle,” the golf rivalry—now in its 6th year—in which teams assembled by the Fall Creek House and the Glenwood Pines square o to claim (temporary) ownership of the prized Paddle. Cory Hohwald—the Pines’ owner—has had bragging rights three times thus far, while Frank Welch of the “Creeker” has had the paddle twice—has it currently—and hopes to even the score and hold onto it on September 25th.
According to Mike Addicott, the Club Manager at Newman Golf Course, “ e majority of the competitors call Newman or the Trumansburg Golf Course ‘home,’ and the tournament alternates locations each fall.” Joe Ciaschi (Newman’s “unocial PR guy”) piped in, “We have fourteen 2-person teams, they compete in a Match Play format, and it’s a really fun group of guys that sometimes don’t see each other for another year.” at said, Addicott added, “It’s a friendly rivalry between a group of golfers that have, for the most part, known each other forever.”
Joe—carrying the Paddle around like a mob boss protecting a bag of loot—said, “ ese guys will take it seriously. You want to win eight of those fourteen pairings.” Asked to share some highlights, Mike recalled, “In 2020, Greg Weatherby had a hole-in-one on #3 at T-Burg. at was a highlight for sure.” Mike added, “It’s growing in popularity. It started out as a joke, and everybody really looks forward to it.” Joe added, “Like the Cortaca Jug.” Okay...the Cortaca Jug now draws over 40,000 people and will be played in Yankee Stadium this year, but the Battle for the Paddle just might be catching up in popularity. I saw the way Ciaschi was holding that paddle. I’m not arguing with him...
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Many college teams are in Week 3 by the time Cornell opens its season, but for the Big Red, it was worth the wait, Taking the eld against VMI—on the Keydet’s home eld in Lexington, VA—and com-
ing away with a 28-22 win is a great way to open the season.
If a Defensive Coordinator writes a script he would like to see come to fruition, he dictates that his troops force a three-and-out to give his o ense the ball. An O ensive Coordinator’s scripts says that the QB converts on big third downs, and as requested, sophomore signal caller Jameson Wang did so three times before connecting with senior William Enneking to put the visitors on the board.
While Enneking made the most of his rst two career receptions—scoring touchdowns on both catches—another senior picked up where he le o . Linebacker Jake Stebbins put eight tackles in the stat book, and also came up with a highlight lm fumble recovery. A er Max Lundeen overpowered his opponent to get to the quarterback, perfectly timed his swipe at the ball, and caused the QB to lose the ball, Stebbins alertly pounced on it, completing the kind of big play that puts a lot of wind in a team’s sail. In summary, Cornell started strong, never let up, and I love seeing the Big Red start on such a high note. I unabashedly love the energy, passion and loyalty that Head Coach Dave Archer brings to his alma mater and I would love to see him lead the program for another 20 years.
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ere was far less drama here in Ithaca, as the Bombers went to 3-0 with a punishing 52-3 steam rolling of Alfred.
e Bombers have a bye next Saturday, and then travel to Hobart on October 1 for their Liberty League opener. ey will host their next game at Butter eld Stadium on October 8, when the University of Rochester comes to South Hill.
Thank you so much, Ithaca.com, for highlighting how much this amazing organization [Community Arts Partnership] does! e amount of grant funding, programming, and services that this dynamic duo integrate into the community is astounding—I always feel like my donations to CAP are powering art and creativity in Tompkins County!
Hardy Gri n
On Friday, August 19, more than a dozen Cornell U. rst-year Law Students joined with Trees Up Tompkins (TUT) to remove extensive portions of invasive privet and to create open spaces for future tree planting near the inlet of Cayuga Lake at Lighthouse Point. For an entire morning, this cohort of students lent their hearts and hands unreservedly to backbreaking tasks in humid, late Summer weather. ese gi ed young adults turned an orientation into sustainable service, as they immersed themselves in preparing land for an upcoming Fall Tree Planting. We are immensely grateful for their spirited presence among us and we commend CU for arranging their placement with us. All are welcome to join in TUT’s Fall Tree Planting from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on September 24. Contact: www.TreesUpTompkins.org
Patricia & Peter Ladley, Ithaca
continued from page 6
of imperialism and part of a centuries-old caste system. We ditched it in the 1770s, and if they dismantled it this a ernoon I wouldn’t bat an eye. ( at being said, it’s been 337 years since England last had a King Charles, and as a fellow Charles, I have to say that’s just too long.)
e waites Glacier, a/k/a the ‘Doomsday Glacier’, is poised to disintegrate, and when it does it seems likely to raise sea levels by 25 inches over the course of six months. Like if it happens this week, the
Whether one likes or dislikes a lm is very subjective. It’s obvious you are a huge Miller fan and it is pretty amazing that he has such range. But your generous appraisal of 3000 Years of Longing ignores some pretty basic principles of cinema—show, don’t tell. e lm was beautifully shot, designed, and acted—what’s not to love about Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba? But the insistent voice-over narration of scenes from Jin’s past came across like extravagant pantomimes. ere were moments of poignant connection between Tilda and Idris that almost were worth the price of the ticket. Almost. I am a cinephile and believe in the power of collective lm watching. But this is one where I could just have easily enjoyed those few moments at home.
Amala LaneRichie Havens at the State eater in the 90s.
mary14889There were sooo many iconic shows at Barton Hall! How could anyone forget Blue Oyster Cult, Boston (my personal favorite), Pat Benatar. And Bailey Hall hosted an AMAZING trio of blues masters George Strait (my memory is failing me on this rst one), BB King, and Steve Vaughn, all in the same year. I was lucky enough to see 2 of the 3. As for the WORST band to play Barton I would say it was e Pretenders. A lot of people walked out and went down to the Arcade Nightclub and when the show was over the band themselves came down and the doorman, having heard how bad the show was, wanted to charge them cover. Of course they were upset and wouldn’t pay and eventually just le . Not a good night for them.
suepr3oceans will rise two feet by March. (I’m going somewhere with this.) at’s the kind of news we’re treated to these days. ere are ads for ball trimmers on television. More Americans can identify an image of Kim Kardashian than one of Ben Franklin. And then there was Elizabeth II, who promised 75 years ago on her 21st birthday, “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service,” and never once broke that promise. She lived her life for other people, according to her own lights, and that made her an island of integrity and grace in the rising sea of horrors that is today’s world. I’m going to miss having her around.
For two years Lime Bikes were ubiquitous in the City of Ithaca. But that doesn’t mean they were universally loved. And while many regret their departure, others don’t miss the side e ects of the program.
Back in 2018 the City of Ithaca, Bike Walk Tompkins and the Center for Community Transportation (CCT) partnered with a company called Lime Bike to bring a dock-less bike-sharing program to Ithaca. However, in March 2020 the company decided to end its operations in the city and pull all their bikes o the streets—citing a decrease in revenue and safety restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. ere were hints, however, that the company le because of objections to expanding its program to include more powerful rentable scooters.
Although many residents were appreciative of increased accessibility to a more environmentally friendly means of transportation, the city ran into problems with Lime’s dock-less bikeshare protocol. In a dock-less program there are no centralized locations for bikes to be picked up or le o . Instead, riders nd an unused bike, rent it, and then leave it wherever they choose when they’re done. At City meetings residents and business owners would regularly voice complaints about bikes being irresponsibly scattered around causing increased congestion on sidewalks.
Despite the issues with the Lime program, there was almost universal support for the idea of bike sharing as a way to encourage a more environmentally friendly and healthy means of transportation in the city.
According to CCT Executive Director Jennifer Dotson, when Lime shut down operations in Ithaca in March of 2020, the company le the city with the knowledge and infrastructure in place to create its own local bikeshare service, one with the goal of sustainability, not pro tability.
“It's really typical for large corporations to pull out of a small market where there isn't a lot of money to be made. ey're not going to stick around.” e implication is that a lower pressure for pro tability will mean that more resources can be devoted to ensuring that inactive bikes don’t become an eyesore and sidewalk hazard.
Dotson continued saying that while “we're not interested in making a huge pro t, we're interested in paying our sta really healthy wages because they do good work. And the entire team is very valued.” said Dotson.
Recently, as part of a collaborative search process that involved the City of Ithaca and other community stakeholders, the CCT announced that Je Goodmark will be serving as the CCT Director of Micromobility. Goodmark was General Manager of Collegetown Bagels and was previously the Operations Manager for Lime. According to the CCT, he is charged with leading the launch of a new communityrun e-bikeshare program for the city.
Regarding his past experience with Lime, Goodmark said, “Launching a micro-mobility program in Ithaca was a valuable and rewarding experience.” He continued saying, “As part of the CCT team, I am excited to partner with the city and other community stakeholders in launching a new e-bikeshare program enabling local control and long-term sustainability.”
Acting Mayor Laura Lewis expressed her support for the selection of Goodmark saying, “I’m pleased to hear of Je ’s selection as Director of Micro-Mobility at CCT. He brings a tremendous depth of experience and commitment. I look forward to our work together in the future.”
According to CCT Executive Director Jennifer Dotson, “Je brings a wide range of experience in micro mobility.” She continued saying, “We worked with him when he was managing the Lime eet locally and got to know his responsiveness and dedica-
tion. We are con dent that under his leadership, Ithaca’s bikeshare will be extremely successful.”
Dotson recently told e Ithaca Times that “we have been planning for a spring launch, but there is the possibility we may be able to put things together to have some bikes on the streets this fall.”
If it’s fully implemented Ithaca Bikeshare will have a eet of roughly 300 to 400 DROP electric pedal assist bikes. However, due to supply chain issues and nancial constraints of nonpro ts
the program is expected to launch with around 100 bikes.
Dost Bikes, the company that produces the DROP e-bike says, “ e DROP has a traditional drivetrain that uses the SRAM X5 derailleur to change gears and KMC roller chain to transmit power to the rear wheel. is tried and tested design boasts the lightest weight and highest energy efciency of any design, translating into longer range for those looking to squeeze every last mile from their e-bike.” e Dost Bikes website lists the cost of one DROP ebike at $3,199.
According to Dotson, the industry is really focused on electric pedal assist bikes. “We’re not talking about like the really, really Zippy ones that you see going 25 miles an hour. What we're talking about is something that when you pedal, it gives you a little boost,” said Dotson.
While exact prices remain unknown, Dotson says that residents will probably be able to rent a bike using an app on their phone for “between $1.50 and $3 depending on the ride length.” She continued saying, “there’s a fee to unlock and then some number of cents per minute.”
In addition, there will be an a ordable option to give more people the ability to participate. Dotson said that there will “almost certainly be an extremely low cost if not free option for something like a monthly pass.”
According to Dotson, this more a ordable option will likely resemble the Ithaca Carshare Easy Access program. Membership of the Easy Access program pay a $10 per month fee in exchange for a $15 per month driving credit that can be used for hourly and mileage rates. Unused monthly credits rollover for up to 6 months.
e DROP bikes can be charged with the battery in place, or the battery can be removed to be charged externally. Since CCT is anticipating having hundreds of bikes, they’re planning on having a large reserve of charged batteries that their sta would use to replace depleted bike batteries. According to Dotson, CCT employees will be changing the batteries whenever necessary and putting the bikes back on the street.
Dotson recently said that CCT is “working with the City on an agreement to allow to proposed program to operate on city streets.” She continued saying, “We don't want to put bikes out before we have an agreement with the City, so we really want to work with the Common Council to make sure that's actually happening and I’m hoping that we can do that very quickly.”
CCT is also in conversations with Cornell about whether or not the university is going to authorize the planned bike share program to operate on campus. However, Dotson recently said, “we're not sure it's exactly going to happen there.”
Ithaca cyclists, whether riding their own bicycle or using a sharing bike from a new program, will soon nd it easier to safely ride through the City. Amongst the provisions of President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is billions in funding for the Transportation Alternatives Program, which supports projects for small-scale transportation like beefing up local bicycle facilities and funding the construction of accompanying trails. In Ithaca, $2.2 million has been dedicated towards connecting the Black Diamond Trail and the Gateway Trail, two major bike paths on opposite sides of Ithaca.
e Black Diamond Trail is an 8.5mile trail that connects Taughannock Park with Ithaca, allowing people in Trumansburg to commute via bike.
e Gateway Trail runs from the South Hill Recreation Way to the parking lot of Home Depot on Route 13, where it will likely connect to the Black Diamond Trail.
When completed, the Dryden Rail trail will be a 14-mile trail that connects Dryden and Ithaca. Currently, the trail is being completed a er U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand secured $700,000 in federal funding to cover extra budget expenses.
Nicole Friske is the associate director of Bike Walk Tompkins, a non-pro t
organization in Ithaca that advocates for the expansion of bicycling accessibility in the county. Friske said that while many use the bike trails in the county for the purpose of exercise and leisure, many also use it as a transportation path to get into Ithaca from surrounding towns.
“When we’re talking to the local businesses, to the schools and to people who are biking, we hear tons of stories of people using the Dryden Rail Trail and the Black Diamond Trail for commuting,” Friske said.
While the Ithaca area has miles of bikefriendly trails and paths that are used for exercise and leisure, accessibility of biking as a mode of transportation is still limited. Currently, there are only two streets in the City of Ithaca that have two-way bike lanes: Elmira Road and North Cayuga Street. While some streets have one-way bike lanes or have been optimized to accommodate bicyclists, much of the city’s streets have no bike infrastructure.
In addition to overseeing the federal grant, Bike Walk Tompkins has introduced a proposal to the city government called the “Better Bike Network.” e proposal calls for two networks of new bike paths—an “Ithaca’s Flats” network and an “East Hill” network—that would add bike lanes to key streets in both downtown Ithaca and on East Hill.
e paths would connect together areas of the city with large commercial activity.
e additional lanes would improve safety, not just connectivity. In Ithaca, there have been notable bicycle accidents that have occurred in intersections with heavy tra c. Additionally, the uneven roads and high amount of potholes can make biking a risk. A study from 2019 by University of Colorado Denver found that American cities that invest in building bicycle infrastructure have signicantly lower rates of cyclist fatalities.
Armin Heurich is the former president of the Finger Lakes Cycling Club, a group that coordinates group rides and advocates for bike safety. In 2017, Heurich’s daughter survived an accident while riding her bicycle on Albany Street a er a motorist ran a red light. Since traveling to cities in Europe and seeing their bike infrastructure, Heurich has been supportive of more robust street infrastructure to increase road safety for cyclists.
“If you’re a young cyclist it can be very challenging and dangerous,” Heurich said. “I think a lot of parents don't want their kids to ride on the streets without them being present. Sometimes I feel like there's a profound lack of imagination or lack of creative thinking about how we can do these things right.”
Friske said they believe that by improving the streets of Ithaca for biking, potential new bikers will then feel safer to begin biking through Ithaca.
“I imagine that through all of these necessary changes in infrastructure, anyone can make a choice to safely use a bicycle to get to where they need in Tompkins County,” Friske said. “ at's what I envision.”
— Elijah de Castro
The Apple Harvest Festival—returning Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 2—is celebrating 40 years. As always, it will take over the streets of Ithaca, closing down roads to make room for delectable food, timeless memories, and endless fun.
Coinciding with New York Cider Week, Apple Fest will bring farmers, cider makers, and the community together to share quality apple products and ciders—both alcoholic and nonalcoholic cider options will be accommodated.
Beyond the apple theme, downtown Ithaca looks forward to welcoming more than 50 artisans from around the region. Whether you’re interested in photography, spirituality, fashion, art, jewelry, soaps, or cra s, there’s certainly something for you. ese shops will line the streets, attracting passersby from every direction. Walk along the roads void of cars with a seasonal treat in hand, allowing yourself to wander into any vibrant tent demanding your attention.
No matter what, you’ll get lost in the excitement in the best way possible. As you’re looking ahead to plan for the festival, here’s what you need to know.
Because Apple Fest is hosted downtown, there will be many street closures throughout the weekend. Check the event map for details. Signage along the streets will also be available to detour and direct tra c.
ere are a few di erent parking options for this event. ere will be limited on-street parking, which is $1.50 per hour until 6 p.m. during the week and free on weekends—just be aware that you might be forced to park far away from the event because of street closures.
You can also park in the Seneca, Green, or Cayuga Street garages. ese are convenient because of their close proximity to the festival, but they ll up fast, so plan accordingly. On Friday, parking in the garages will cost $1 per hour; it’ll be free during the rest of the weekend.
Avoid parking altogether by riding the TCAT or your bike. Buses run
through the downtown area all-day, giving you plenty of opportunities to catch a ride to and from the festival.
You can nd bus schedules on the 2022 Ride Guide, https://tcatbus.com/ride/ current-ride-guide/. If you decide to cycle downtown, there are art bike racks everywhere. Just look for one of these uniquely designed structures along your path.
More than 20 local farmers will be selling a variety of apples, cider, maple products, and other seasonal goodies. Among these are Schweigarts Sugar Shack, Schoolyard Sugarbush, Maple River Sugar Company, and MacDonald Farms. Littletree Orchards is set to return with their famous cider donuts.
An additional 20 or more vendors will be available, including stands selling lemonade, kettle corn, tacos, and barbeque. ere will be conventional amusement treats as well, such as funnel cake, fried dough, and corn dogs— some o ering seasonal avor options.
e lingering scent of sugary goodness will ll the streets all weekend. e smells alone are known to attract patrons. It’s almost impossible to ignore the distinct smell of cider donuts that makes its way across Ithaca.
Nine cider houses and wineries will also be represented along the trail of tents downtown. ese are always a big hit for the adult crowd. If cider is your style, be sure to read up on what the larger New York Cider Week festival entails and how you can attend these events, https://ciderweeknewyork.com/.
A full list of vendors can be found on the Downtown Ithaca Alliance’s website,
Music of all genres will be performed at the Bernie Milton Pavilion on Saturday and Sunday, starting at noon and stretching to 6 p.m. each night. If you need a break from all the walking, feel free to revert back to the Commons for some quality entertainment. Music brings people of all ages together, and these performances are no exception. Here's who you can expect (and when!)
Saturday, Oct. 1:
• 12 p.m. Rachel Beverly
• 1 p.m. Sunny Weather
• 2 p.m. Fire y Jazz Quartet
• 3 p.m. Janet Batch
• 4 p.m. Leo + e Maydays
• 5 p.m. Neo Project
Sunday, Oct. 2:
• 12 p.m. Ageless Jazz Band
• 1 p.m. Yamatai
• 1:30 p.m. Fall Creek Brass Band
• 3 p.m. Viva Mayhem
• 4 p.m. Noon Fi een
• 5 p.m. Ariel Arbisser
Vendor and performance sign ups are closed, but if you’re interested in getting involved with the Apple Harvest Festival, there’s still time to volunteer. is is a community event, so your support is both welcome and appreciated. e Downtown Ithaca Alliance has created a SignUpGe-
If you’ve had your fill of apples, there will other traditional festival foods available.
nius link for your convenience, https:// www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=s. signup&urlid=10c0e48aca72aabf8cf82022&view=standard.
Most vending machines sell chips, candy or drinks. But in the main lobby of Cornell’s Mann Library, there’s a vending machine stocked solely with apples.
For just a dollar, students, faculty and visitors can sink their teeth into one of these refreshing, juicy apples, which are grown at the nearby Cornell Orchards.
“ e apples are all from the orchards in Ithaca. So they are about as local as you can get, considering that they're [grown] less than a mile away from the machine itself,” said Andrew Scheldorf, a Cornell grad student and a former Society for Horticulture (SoHo) president.
All proceeds from the machine go to SoHo, an organization for and by Cornell graduate students in horticulture. SoHo members take on the task of picking the apples as well as stocking and maintaining the vending machine.
e vending machine is stocked with at least a couple and as many as nine di erent apple varieties throughout most of the aca-
demic year, though the timing varies slightly based on when the apple harvest starts.
“It's stocked when apples start getting harvested. So depending on what cultivars are available that year, we might be able to stock it when the students return at the end of August, but de nitely as it goes into September,” Scheldorf explained.
O entimes, the machine holds wellknown apple varieties—Honeycrisp, Gala or McIntosh—in addition to newer varieties developed by Cornell’s apple breeding program like SnapDragon or Firecracker.
“We had Snapdragon in there last fall at some point, and that's a really popular one that was de nitely selling out very quickly, so that had to be restocked o en,” Brittany Cook said. Cook was the SoHo treasurer last year and is currently the webmaster.
e machine itself is quite high-tech; the apples sit in individual compartments so that on the o chance an apple rots, it won’t spoil the whole bunch. e machine also has a built-in refrigeration system.
“It's refrigerated which is really awesome because the apples last longer…. When you want to buy an Apple, it just
opens up the entire slot. It doesn't fall out to the bottom, which is nice so it avoids bruising,” said Brittney Chew of SoHo.
Cornell’s apple vending machine has an extensive history, which can be traced back to the mid-1950s. An October 1954 copy of the Cornell Countryman magazine stated that “Even fruit vending has gone modern! e old wooden box which used to hold apples for sale on the honor system, (in the lobby of Plant Science) has been replaced by this ultramodern machine.”
ere have been a few di erent iterations since then, and the machine also migrated from the Plant Science Building to its current location in Mann. Funds for the most recent machine were donated by the Smart family a er the previous machine broke down and was deemed unrepairable. Christine Smart directs the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell, and her husband Larry Smart is a plant science professor and an ’87 alum.
According to Larry Smart, the reason for this donation was to maintain the tradition of the apple vending machine for future generations of students.
“My mother also went to Cornell; she was class of ’57. And she remembers
buying an apple in the apple machine. So it's been around for quite a while,” Larry Smart said. “We just think it's important to demonstrate to students, the outcomes of [Cornell’s apple] research while also giving them a healthy snack.”
“I know that the apples that we grow at the orchards go to the Cornell dining halls and they also go to local grocery stores, but you don't really know what's a Cornell apple or what's an apple from somewhere else,” Cook explained. “If you really want to buy and be sure that it’s a Cornell apple, then the vending machine is pretty much the only place to do it.”
Anybody wishing to familiarize themselves with the local exhibitions scene would do well to attend downtown Ithaca’s monthly Gallery Night, held on the rst Friday of every month (from 5 to 8 p.m.). For anybody with a di erent schedule or anybody looking for a less social setting, a self-guided tour will also do. Most galleries rotate shows every month or two and it is possible to see everything important in town.
Several longer-term and upcoming shows and events are worthy of particular notice. (Almost all are free of charge.)
Among independent local venues, Corners Gallery (cornersgallery.com) in Cayuga Heights consistently has one of the most interesting and diverse programs. Ariel Bullion Ecklund, who owns and directs the frame shop and display space, is professional and ambitious in all her work.
Derived from life drawings, “Figurative” (September 10-October 28), a show of paintings by veteran local abstractionist Michael Sampson, is characteristic of the searching work presented at Corners. Next up is “Quartet” (November 5-December 30), featuring the work of Ithaca College-associated artists Susan Weisend, Carla Stetson, Minna Resnick, and Lin Price. All are known for their eclectic approaches to style, media, and/or technique.
Ecklund is an artist herself, working in ceramics and photography. She will be showing next month (October 1-October 23) with local abstract painter Domenica Brockman at e Gallery at South Hill, inside the South Hill Business Campus (southhillbusinesscampus.com).
Owned and run by Wendy Gherity, the new Mix Gallery (mixartgallery.com) on the Commons appears to still be nding its footing. With “Non-Zero-Sum,” an exhibition by abstract painter Je rey Hansen of Saint Paul, Minnesota up for most of the summer, the future of the walk-up gallery has seemed unclear.
Recently announced, their October show “Duality” will feature painter Joy Adams, of
Trumansburg, and sculptor Jason Griego. I can’t speak here to Griego’s work, which I have yet to see in person. Adams, however, is a superb artist—bending “old master” styles and motifs in a way that is playful and distinctly contemporary. Both artists will also be showing at Mix in the future.
Cornell University holds an overwhelming number of exhibitions and events: most notably at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (museum.cornell.edu) and in galleries run by the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning (aap.cornell.edu).
One lower pro le event deserves special notice. Julianne Hunter, a visiting critic at the AAP college, is reprising her exhibition from last fall at the Ink Shop Printmaking Center downtown, where she was the 2021-2022 Kahn Family Fellow. e show takes place in the Experimental Gallery in Olive Tjaden Hall and runs through this Friday (September 19-23).
As they have done since 1973—with an intermission during the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic—the Johnson hosts several concurrent exhibitions, open to the general public. (Admission is free.)
Sadly, the museum’s calendar of special events has yet to make a full recovery. Of particular note is their upcoming annual Stoikov Lecture, to be held on September 29, starting at 5:15 p.m. Curator and art historian Navina Haidar, head of the Department of Islamic Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, will be presenting on the “new” Islamic galleries there—which she helped to establish. e lecture will be accessible online as well as at the museum.
e Cornell Council for the Arts (cca.cornell.edu) is hosting their 2022 Biennial on the characteristically lo y theme of “Futurities, Uncertain.” Curated by council director Timothy Murray, and running from July through December, the extravaganza includes forty artists, showing at both the Ithaca campus and at Cornell Tech in New York City.
e sprawled displays will appeal most to devotees of the “radical” and the outlandish— others may nd some of the work perplexing. I was struck by an installation by Canadian artist Sara Jimenez, “At what point does the world unfold?” (September 15-October 27). Bright pink, elaborately textured suspended fabrics currently ll the university’s Arts Quad. e manifest beauty of the piece carries a subtext of political critique—nearly obligatory in contemporary academic art.
In connection with the goings-on on campus, e Cherry Arts theatre (thecherry.org) is hosting an in-town group exhibit, “Local Futurities” (September 23-October 30), in their new Cherry Gallery. A reception will be held this Friday evening (5-8pm). Look out for the work of sculptor Grace Sachi Troxell, a recent Cornell M.F.A. graduate.
Folks interested in literature as well as the visual arts—and a broader geographic perspective—would do well to attend open house events at the Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts (saltonstall.org). Founded in 1995, the foundation hosts juried residencies for New York State artists on the beautiful Ellis Hollow property of the late artist and activist Constance Saltonstall. Upcoming open houses at Saltonstall will take place on October 9 (from 2-4pm) and 27 (5:30-7:30pm).
e Syracuse University Museum of Art (museum.syr.edu), an important regional venue, is hosting “Anni Albers: Work With Materials” this fall (August 25-December 11). Featuring textiles and prints by the great German-Jewish Bauhaus artist, the show includes “over 100 objects from the collection of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation.”
Another regional show will be of particular interest to Ithacans. Mary Shelley’s folk-style painted wood reliefs have long been a memorable part of the local culture. She is having a solo exhibition at the Fenimore Museum (adults $10, children free) in Cooperstown (fenimoreartmusem.org). Opening this week, “Mary Michael Shelley: Art of the Everyday” will run through the end of the year (September 21-December 31).
For years I just drove past Spicy Asian restaurant on Meadow Street because I was put o by the name. I don’t go out of my way for spicy food and I assumed “Asian” meant pan-Asian to include Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and ai. Since there are other alternatives in Ithaca that aren’t necessarily spicy, I was never tempted to eat at Spicy Asian. So, when my editor included it on a list of assignments, I wasn’t thrilled. But now that I’ve been there several times, I really like it and am sorry to have let so much time go by.
First of all, it’s not pan-Asian: It’s exclusively and, according to those I trust, authentically Chinese. Second, there’s a myriad of choices that aren’t spicy and the extensive, illustrated, eight-page menu clearly identi es the spicy choices with one to four red pepper icons.
Spicy Asian has a minimalist interior with covered lamps hanging from the ceiling and it was a welcome relief to nd a restaurant that operates without any pipedin music. ere are leatherette booths around the perimeter and tables and chairs in the center. Fortuitously, the large picture windows overlook trees and bushes which block out the Meadow Street tra c.
About one half of the menu is devoted to “Szechuan Style” o erings.
Szechuan refers to the largest province in China: It’s twice the size of Great Britain and has a population of over 80 million.
Szechuan fare leans heavily to sh and beef dishes, (they raise a lot of oxen) and can be very spicy, however they need not be. e strong avors come, primarily, from the use of red chili peppers and garlic.
I selected an appetizer, Scallion Pancakes Rolled with Beef, ($10.75). I received four deep fried, aky, rolled pancakes, two of which went home with me as it was a generous portion. e rolls are designed to be eaten in by hand since otherwise they come apart, however being deep fried, they’re slightly greasy. Still, it’s a very tasty dish.
Moving on to the entrées, I eschewed the red pepper icon items and selected Braised Lamb in Hot Pot ($17.95). My server presented me with a handled, very hot, personal, cast-iron pot with chunks of tender lamb and small scallion slices immersed in a tasty brown sauce.
It won’t o end me one bit if you skip my review of writer-director Zach Cregger’s “Barbarian” (20th Century Studio—Regency Enterprises—New Regency—Almost Never Films—Hammerstone Studios—Vertical Entertainment—Boulderlight Pictures, 2022, 107 min.), as long as you see it. e best way to experience the lm is the way I experienced it: knowing as little about the story as possible. Well, I knew Justin Long was in the picture, and I’ve been a big fan since 1999’s “Galaxy Quest”. I can con rm that Justin Long is in “Barbarian” but no way am I going to spoil how he’s in “Barbarian”. No beating around the bush: the only lame aspect of the lm is its generic title. Like Kevin Smith’s 2010 “Red State”, “Barbarian”’s twisty plot just gets twistier as its perspective keeps shi ing and changing. I really can’t remember the last time a movie had me so unbalanced and uneasy from start to nish.
On a dark and stormy night, Georgina Campbell plays a young woman who has rented a rundown house on the outskirts of Detroit because she has a job interview the next day. She nds that a man played by Bill Skarsgard (Pennywise the Clown in the “It” lms) has also rented the house. It turns out the house has a basement with a particularly nasty back room. And that’s as much as you’ll get from me regarding plot. Trust me: I haven’t scratched the surface, and you’ll thank me later. “Barbarian” has a truly diabolical story to tell.
I hope Roger Corman appreciates that sixty-something years a er he made his AIP cycle of Poe lms, characters in horror movies are still creeping down dark, scary corridors. ey may be lighting their ways with ashlights or cell phones, but it’s nice to see they’re still creeping.
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Ti West’s “Pearl” (A24—Little Lamb, 2022, 102 min.) is a prequel to this year’s “X”, shot back-to-back in New Zealand during COVID lockdown. If you haven’t seen “X” which follows a band of people in Texas circa 1979 that drive to an isolated cabin in the woods to make a porno lm, spoilers lie ahead that you might not want.
Mia Goth in “Pearl”, which is part horror movie, part diseased character study. (Photo: Provided)
If West’s “X” is a thoughtful, funny and accurate homage to Tobe Hooper’s 1974 classic “ e Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, the prequel “Pearl” is even riskier and more stylized, a study of a burgeoning psychopath shot in 50’s Technicolor, the Douglas Sirk version of “Carrie” (1976). In “X”, Mia Goth played two roles, a wannabe porn starlet, and a decrepit EC Comics horror hag out to get the lmmakers; Goth was unrecognizable under extensive prosthetics, and I for one didn’t gure out the gag until the end credits. “Pearl” takes the hag character back in time to the previous pandemic in 1919, where Pearl (Goth) has married a soldier currently overseas ghting in WWI.
Pearl dances around the family barn, dreaming of movie roles and stardom so she can escape her small town, her domineering mother (Tandi Wright) and her paralyzed father (Matthew Sunderland). “Pearl”, which Goth and West cooked up as an idea while shooting “X”, is structured like a classic “I wanna be a star” melodrama, except that from the very beginning we see hints and glimpses that underneath Pearl’s go-get-‘em facade is a woman that doesn’t care about anyone but herself, to a psychotic degree.
She kills a goose with a pitchfork in the opening scene, and she knows where the alligators like to gather at the lake….
Part horror movie, part diseased character study, “Pearl” doesn’t feel like anything else on the shelf.
“Barbarian” is playing at Regal Stadium 14; “Pearl” is playing at Regal Stadium 14 and Cinemapolis.
RIP Jean-Luc Godard (“Breathless”, “Band of Outsiders”, “Alphaville”)
Ithaca is lled to the brim with restaurants.
From quiet dinner spots to lively tap rooms, this area now has more restaurants per capita than New York City. In order to stand out in this food-centric crowd, you have to o er something memorable, and that is exactly what Lev Kitchen does.
As one of the newest additions to the commons, Lev Kitchen makes a statement with its eclectic style and unique avors. Upon entering you’ll pass spacious outdoor seating and make your way towards the bustling kitchen. Being able to watch the food being prepared cultivates a warmth and connectedness that makes Lev Kitchen special.
e restaurant opened earlier this year with hopes to go against the status quo of the food industry. Prioritizing sustainable practices, food security and overall transparency has allowed Lev Kitchen to create a more ethical business model. Knowing where your food comes from, how it is prepared and who it is prepared by is a privilege in the current environment that fast-food corporations have created.
e name “Lev Kitchen” comes from the area known as the Levant. is region includes Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Iraq. A majority of the Ithaca community would not be able to identify the culinary aspects of this area, but Lev Kitchen provides many opportunities to introduce these exceptional avors. Its trademark use of malawach is utilized in almost every dish, and it is the backbone of all of their wrap variations. But, before we get to the main event, we must give credit to the opening act: the Kennebec French Fries. Topped with creamy aioli, tangy goat cheese and spicy peppers, these fries are far from basic. e vibrant tray o ers a fun start to any meal as a sharable and unexpected appetizer. e menu also o ers a variety of fresh salads. e toasted freekeh salad features hearty grains coated in a sweet silan date syrup and topped with mushrooms and greens. e chewy freekeh o ers a unique textural depth, while the greens give a fresh bite against the sweet silan syrup. e roasted beet salad refreshes the palette with mint and cucumber. Covered
in calamansi dressing, this citrusy salad leaves you feeling light and eager for the next course.
Now back to the true star of the show: malawach. is Yemini bread is utilized in almost every dish on Lev Kitchen’s Menu. According to their website, malawach is “a crispy, aky atbread” that serves as a “carrier of avor”. e shashuka malawach was packed with greens, a creamy soboiled egg and a rich and spicy shakshuka spread. Pair all of that with tangy feta and you have a perfectly balanced bite. If you are someone who craves the sweeter things in life you will de nitely be a fan of the haloumi malawach. Haloumi is a type of cheese made from a combination of cow, goat and sheep milk. It has a mild avor and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Complemented by seasonal jam, almonds and greens, this wrap combines smooth and savory cheese with tart and sweet fruit, making an addictive and tasty combination. Lastly, the za'atar chicken malawach brought velvety hummus and sharp scallions together for a delicious collaboration. e chicken was juicy and each piece was seasoned perfectly. Overall this was a satisfying meal that introduced a plethora of new avors.
Lev Kitchen is a fantastic new addition to the commons, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes an Ithaca staple. As a new business, there is a lot of room to grow, and I cannot wait to see what new and exciting developments come.
Lev Kitchen, 222 E State Street, has hours listed online as 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, and 11 a.m. to 11 p.m ursday, Friday, and Saturday.
brought in to help develop an inclusive recruiting strategy for law enforcement, Joly explained, adding that the IPD is working with the City’s Human Resources team and the Civil Service Board to see what revisions could be made to hiring procedures and policies that might eliminate potential obstacles for applicants. Finally, he noted that the department has held more than 20 community outreach events which have been very well received.
Joly also reported on what appears to be a Catch-22 when it comes to recruiting. He noted that one of the elements that in the past made the Ithaca Police Department an attractive alternative to other law enforcement agencies in the area, was the extensive training it o ered to o cers, giving them opportunities to build their own career ladders. While stressing that he believes the IPD still provides the best training, he said that sta ng shortages have forced training reductions. ose training reductions, in turn, may make it harder to recruit, leading to a problematic cycle.
Tompkins County District Attorney Matthew Van Houten also met with the
In some Asian cooking, including Indian and Chinese, the bones of animals are crudely chopped with a cleaver and included with the meat. Consequently, some lamb and goat dishes, this one included, are served with all sizes of sharp-edged bones.
e menu does state, in small print, there are skin and bones in the dish, however I feel compelled to emphasize it.
All that being said, I nished all the tasty, thick sauce with the soup spoon that was provided. I enjoyed the dish and would recommend it to adults who like lamb.
Another entrée I enjoyed was Sauteed Udon Noodles, ($12.95) which came with small bits of pork, four medium shrimp, and some vegetables.
e balance of the menu is “Chinese Cuisine”. In that Section, under Chef’s Specialties, I had a wonderful Seafood Delight ($19.95). e platter came with a few succulent shrimp, some tender, juicy scallops, a small half lobster tail, and some crab meat. All of these were surrounded by a hearty collection of veggies including carrot slices, broccoli, mushrooms, baby corn and pea pods. e carrots and broccoli were barely cooked,
special committee to provide some input on the reimagining process moving forward. He stated his belief that "the overall goal of this process was to address the systemic inequities in our criminal justice system," and to "increase the con dence that the community has in our justice system, especially the marginalized parts of our community."
While noting that "we would love to decrease the number of arrests and increase the number of de-escalations," and that arrests are "the last resort," Van Houten said not all arrests are bad.
"When there's somebody in the community who was victimized by crime, whether it's physical violence or violation of their home or their business or sexual offense or being affected by shots fired in your neighborhood," Van Houten continued, "those things have consequences to the rest of the community. And in those cases, when the safety of the community is at risk, the right thing to do is to arrest someone. And the right thing to do is to do it fairly, to do it competently, to do it professionally with as little violence as possible, with as little disruption to the community as possible. But we have to recognize that arrests are part of the world, and they always will be."
which could be a problem for some readers. But since these veggies are o en served raw as part of a crudité mixture, I had no problem.
Also in the Chef’s Specialties section of the menu I ordered, and liked, Crispy Duck ($16.95). It was boneless so consequently I received about ten thick slices of beautifully seasoned duck with crunchy skin. is dish, too, came with lots of veggies—basically the same as came with the seafood dish—plus some chopped scallions and some thinly sliced mild onions. Everything was surrounded by a tasty brown sauce.
It should be noted that neither of these dishes had any red pepper icons next to their listing and neither was the slightest bit spicy. Both were accompanied by a bowl of white rice.
Tid Bits: If you want a knife or chop sticks, you’ll have to ask. ere are two entrances, one directly o Meadow Street and one around the back parking lot that services other retail establishments.
Spicy Asian, 335 Elmira Road, is open Tuesday through ursday from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Take out is available by calling (607) 277-7017 or online at https://www.spicyasianfood.com/menu
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COTTAGE MANAGER: A full-time position as a manager of Youth Care Specialists within a residential unit at a private residential treatment center for adolescents. Treatment programs focus on specific treatment issues such as Substance Abuse, Trauma, etc. One year direct care supervisory experience required. Bachelor or Associate degree in related field preferred. Must have a valid NYS Driver’s license. Starting salary of $60,000.00 with full benefits package.
CASE PLANNER: A full time position in a residential treatment center for adolescents. Responsible for the development and coordination of individual treatment planning for residents and their families. Implementation of treatment planning and discharge planning, along with appropriate continuing care recommendations. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with a major in Human Services related field. One or more year’s direct work experience working with youth in a counseling position.
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Valid NYS Driver’s License Diploma/License
Horns and Ivory | 6:30 p.m. | Salt Point Brewing Co., 6 Louis Bement Lane, Lansing
Freight | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road, Ithaca
Brewhouse Blues Jam | 6:30 p.m. | Hopshire Farm and Brewery
Friday Night Farm Jams: Small Kings| 6:30 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider, Interlaken
City Limits | 6:00pm | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road |
An Evening with Nashville’s Je rey Steele | 6:00pm | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road | $15.00
Caleb Liber | Hosmer Winery | 1 p.m.
Sunday Music Series: Lynn Wiles & Jessica Bindel | 1 p.m. | Red Newt Cellars, 3675 Tichenor Road | Free
Live music feat. The Ende Brothers | 1:00 pm | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road
Jazz Monday with Dave Davies RhythmMakers | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
An Evening With They Might Be Giants | 8 p.m. | State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State St | $25.00$35.00
Midday Music, Original Cornell Syncopators: CU Music | 12:30 p.m. | Lincoln Hall B20, 256 Feeney Way | Free
Elective Recital: Louis Menchaca, conductor | Ford Hall, IC | 7 p.m. Gary Clark Jr. | 8 p.m. | State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State St | $45.00 - $85.00
Elective Recital: Allie Lewis, mezzo-soprano | 8:15 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Junior Recital: Wyatt Weldum, trombone | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd Cornell Chorus and Glee Club Homecoming Concert: CU Music | 7 p.m. | Bailey Hall, 230 Garden Ave | $8.00 - $15.00
Elective Recital: Josh Ballinger, bassoon | Nabenhauer Recital Room | 2 p.m.
Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers Bene t Concert- Feed My Starving Children | 3 p.m. | Ford Hall Auditorium Ithaca College, 146 Conservatory Dr
After Dinner Mint Faculty Showcase | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Faculty Recital: Mike Truesdell, percussion | 8:15 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Music of Jorge Grossmann | 8:15 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Do You Feel Anger? | Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Running thru 9/25.
Covered Bridge Dance in New eld | 5 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | New eld Covered Bridge, 20 Bridge Street | Covered Bridge Dance in New eld Saturday, Sept. 24, 5-8:00 pm.
Celebrate 100 years of Old Home Days with an old-fashioned contra-dance in the New eld Covered Bridge, with Uncle Joe and the Rosebud Ramblers. Refreshments available. Fun times and free for all! Visit: https://new eldny. org/ | Free
2022 Cornell Biennial: Ken Feingold Installation | 11 a.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | Experience Ken Feingold’s new media installation, “The Animal, Vegetable, Mineralness of Everything,” at the Johnson Museum of Art from July 18 through October 21, 2022. | Free
2022 Ink Shop Member Show |
1 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | The Ink Shop, 330 E. MLK/State St | Opening Reception 9/2. The Ink Shop launches a Member show annually giving our membership the opportunity to exhibit their newest work. | Free
2022 Cornell Biennial “At what point does the world unfold?” by Sara Jimenez at Goldwin Smith Hall | 9/21 Wednesday | Cornell University, 144 East Ave | At what point does the world unfold? is a new installation by Sara Jimenez on Cornell University’s Arts Quad.
Cornell Biennial “Circulating Matters” by Felix Heisel and Circular Construction Lab at Arts Quad | 9/21 Wednesday | Circulating Matters is an outdoor installation for the 2022 Cornell Biennial, Futurities, Uncertain, that identi es the potential of a future, local circular construction industry in Ithaca, New Passages | 12 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 West State Street | Passages Exhibit of Eva Capobianco and Patricia Brown about racial injustice | Free
2022 Cornell Biennial “To Rent or Own On Bene ts Absolute and Vulgar” by Wendy S. Walters at A. D. White House | 5 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | Cornell University, 144 East Ave |
Ribbon Cutting for The Cherry Gallery | 5 p.m., 9/23 Friday | Please join the Tompkins Chamber and City of Ithaca o cials for a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the inaugural exhibit in the Cherry Gallery! | Free Cornell Biennial “Between Nothingness and In nity” by Mellon Public Curatorial Expression at Human Ecology Building | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | Funded by the Mellon Public Curato-
rial Expression Program and curated by Lauren Siegel, Sarah Then Bergh, Marie Lambert, and Romain Pasquer, Between Nothingness and In nity asks: What are the
Exhibit Grand Opening: Nuclear Dump Fight in Cortland County Revisited | 12 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Cortland County Historical Society, 25 Homer Ave | A new exhibit will display costumes, objects, and photographs that showcase the 1989-1995 ght against a nuclear waste dump site in Cortland County! | Free
120 E. Green St., Ithaca
September 23-29, 2022. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New lms listed rst.*
Moonage Daydream* | A cinematic odyssey exploring David Bowie’s creative and musical journey. From lmmaker Brett Morgen, and sanctioned by the Bowie estate.| 135 mins PG-13
Don’t Worry Darling* | A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company could be hiding disturbing secrets.| 122 mins R
The Silent Twins | Based on the lives of June and Jennifer Gibbons, real-life identical twins who grew up in Wales and became known as “the silent twins” because of their refusal to communicate with anyone other than each other.| 113 mins R
God’s Country| When a college professor confronts two hunters she catches trespassing on her property, she’s drawn into an escalating battle of wills with catastrophic consequences.| 102 mins R
Pearl | The story of how Pearl became the vicious killer seen in “X”.| 102 mins R
See How They Run | In the West End of 1950s London, plans for a movie version of a smash-hit play come to an abrupt halt after a pivotal member of the crew is murdered.| 98 mins PG-13
All lms are shown at Willard Straight Hall on Cornell campus.
Cadejo Blanco | 9/21 at 7:00PM | w/ Filmmaker Justin Lerner ‘02 via Zoom. A young woman, Sarita, plunges into Guatemala’s criminal underworld to seek the truth behind her sister’s mysterious disappearance.
Alma’s Rainbow | 9/22 at 7:00pm; 9/25 at 9:00pm |Rainbow Gold is entering womanhood – awkwardly – under the watchful supervision of her strait-laced mother Alma, when free-spirited Aunt Ruby suddenly pops in from Paris.
Lost Highway | 9/22 & 9/24 at 9:00pm | David Lynch’s spooky tale of murder, pornography, and something that may be the transmigration of souls. Screening from a new 4K digital transfer of the 35mm original camera negative.
Metropolitan | 9/23 at 7:30PM | w/ lmmaker Whit Stillman in person! A comic look at Manhattan’s endangered debutante scene. A group of young Park Avenue socialites gather nightly to discuss love, honor, and the impending demise of their class.
Taming the Garden | 9/24 & 9/25 at 7:00pm | An anonymous wealthy man has a passion for the removal, and subsequent replanting, of foreign trees into his own man-made Eden.
Los Conductos | 9/27 at 7:00pm | Winner of the Best First Feature at the Berlin International Film Festival, the lm follows a man’s revenge on the leader of a cult he used to belong to, and that action’s aftermath.
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans | 9/28 at 7:00pm | One of the last and perhaps the greatest of all silent lms, Murnau’s Sunrise is a visually stunning and dramatic picture about an idyllic country marriage shattered by a big city temptress.
Ithaca Volleyball vs University of Scranton | 6 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Ben Light Gymnasium
Cornell Field Hockey vs Dartmouth College | 4 p.m., 9/23 Friday | Ithaca, NY, Dodson Field |
Tompkins Cortland Community College vs. SUNY Broome Community College | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday
| Corning | (Women’s Volleyball)
Ithaca Field Hockey vs Union College | 1 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Higgins Stadium |
(Women’s Volleyball) Hudson Valley Community College vs.
Tompkins Cortland Community College | 1 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Corning |
Ithaca Men’s Soccer vs Clarkson University | 2 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Carp Wood Field |
Cornell Volleyball vs Columbia University | 2 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Ithaca, NY, Newman Arena at Bartels Hall |
Cornell Big Red Football vs. Yale Bulldogs Football | 2 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Schoellkopf Field, 513 Campus Rd |
Ithaca Women’s Tennis vs Northeast ITA | 9/24 Saturday |
Cornell Sailing vs MAISA Top 9/Susan Rogers ’75 Memorial Regatta | 9/24 Saturday | Ithaca, N.Y., Merrill Family Sailing Center |
(Women’s Volleyball) SUNY Adirondack vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 9/24 Saturday | Corning |
(Men’s Cross Country) Harry F. Anderson Invitational | 9/24 Saturday |
(Women’s Cross Country) Harry F. Anderson Invitational | 9/24 Saturday |
(Men’s Soccer) Genesee Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland
Community College | 12 p.m., 9/25 Sunday |
Cornell Field Hockey vs Colgate University | 2 p.m., 9/25 Sunday | Ithaca, NY, Dodson Field |
(Women’s Soccer) Genesee Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 2:30 p.m., 9/25 Sunday |
Fall Foliage Eco-Cruise at Allen Treman State Park | 4:30 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | A relaxing afternoon cruise when the light is just right for leaf-peeping from the lake aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal.
Finger Lakes Festival | 7:45 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Finger Lakes Festival | One of the premier Willow Running events is moving to Montour Falls (Watkins Glen), NY for 2022 and will o er various race distances on the beautiful Catherine Valley Trail.
Moore Family Farm - Fall Festival & First Responders Weekend | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Moore Family Farm, 570 Auburn Rd | Moore Family Farm - Fall Festival & First Responders Weekend. FREE Admission for First
Responders 9/23 & 9/24 | $14.95$18.50
National Alpaca Farm Days at Shepherds Creek Alpacas | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Shepherds Creek Alpaca Farm, 5797 Stilwell Road | Visit Shepherds Creek Alpaca Farm for our National Alpaca Farm Days Event! | Free
En eld Harvest Festival | 11 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | En eld Community Building, 162 En eld Main Rd. | En eld Harvest Festival | Free IPA Festival and CoHOPeration Release | 12 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Hopshire Farms and Brewery, 1771 Dryden Rd | The Hopshire IPAs This is the one time of the year when we have 3 di erent IPAs on tap. That’s right...lupulin gone wild.
Porchfest | 12 p.m., 9/25 Sunday | Fall Creek Neighborhood |
Women of WWII On the Front Lines & the Home Front | 5 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | CAP ArtSpace, 110 N Tioga st | Lecture & book signing with local author Barb Warner Deane! | Free Aftershocks: Geopolitics since the Ukraine invasion | 5:30 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | Kiplinger Theatre of the
Schwartz Center, 430 College Ave | Prominent journalists with expertise in Europe and Russia will join Cornell professors to discuss the global implications of the war in Ukraine. | Free DISSIDENCE Exiled Writers on Resistance and Risk at Community School of Music and Arts | 7 p.m., 9/23 Friday | A speaking and reading tour presented by the International Cities of Refuge Network Panel and reception Friday, September 23, 7 p.m. S.T.E.A.M. Book Club: AstroNuts | 3:45 p.m., 9/28 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
FLIP IT Workshops | 5:30 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main Street | Join Family Educator, Joan Fi eld, for 6 free workshops in September that provide advice, strategies, and tools on how to address children’s day to day behavior. | Free
Preschool Art Session 1 | 3 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Preschool Art Session 2 | 4 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Autumn Baby Storytime | 10:30 a.m., 9/23 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Lego Club | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Ulysses Philomathic Library | Drop in and show o your building skills at this open Lego build, each Saturday in September. For children of all ages.
Animal Encounters! | 12 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd | Join us at noon to learn all about the Cayuga Nature Center’s animal ambassadors! We will bring out a few animals for visitors to visit with and discuss their adaptations, personalities, and more! | Free Ballet and Books | 1 p.m., 9/25 Sunday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Senior Support Group Online | 11 a.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Mental Health Association in Tompkins County | Online mental health support group for seniors. | Free Community Relations & Outreach Committee Mtg | 3:30 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. | On the corner of Route 227 & 96 … In the heart of Trumansburg
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | Marijuana Anonymous in-person meeting every Wednesday @ 7pm at Ithaca Community Recovery, 518 West Seneca St, 2nd oor in Room #2. Enter from back door of building. For more info: maithacany@gmail.com | Free Free Community Cruise | 7 p.m., 9/21 Wednesday | Allan H. Treman Marina, 1000 Allan H. Treman Road | Free 1.5 hour cruise with presentations by community members on board. | Free
Montour Falls Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | Firemen’s Field (Carnival Grounds), 301 Clawson Blvd | Montour Falls Farmers Market every Thursday, 4-7pm June 16 - September 29, 2022. | Free
Soup-er Supper | 5 p.m., 9/22 Thursday | Salvation Army, 150 N. Albany Street | Dinner- Soup, salad and dessert.
Ovid Farmers Market | 3 p.m., 9/23 Friday | Three Bears Complex, Main St. | Every Friday from 3-7. Be sure to purchase fresh, local produce and other local products. Support your local farmers and producers and keep your hard-earned dollars in your local community. | Free
Ithaca Farmers Market - Saturdays at Steamboat | 9 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Steamboat Landing, 545 Third Street | Shop all of the best food, art and ag within 30 miles!
Cayuga Trails Club Hike at Various trails in the Ithaca region. | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Various | Explore local trails on weekly Saturday hikes starting at 10:00am. Hike length varies from 2.5-4 miles. Click here to see the location of the hikes for each week. View on site | Email this event
Brooktondale Farmers Market | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Brooktondale Community Center, 526 Valley Rd | The Brooktondale Farmers Market o ers a relaxed combination of live music, food from the grill, and friendly vendors, every Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.
Homestead Heritage Fair Day 2022 | 10 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | Southworth Homestead | With lots of great demonstrations, activities, food, and music! | Free
Farmer’s Market Cruises on weekends! at Ithaca Farmers Market | 11 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | The Dock, 415 Taughannock Blvd. | Enjoy a ONE Hour cruise from the dock aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal at the iconic Ithaca’s Farmer’s Market! En eld Harvest Festival | 11 a.m., 9/24 Saturday | En eld Community Building, 162 En eld Main Rd. | Join us for chicken BBQ, the band “Under Construction”, vendors, games, cake wheel, petting zoo, wine tastings, Fire Dept., Car Pride, Silent Auction, Quilt ra e and many more fun fall activities.
Food Pantry | 12 p.m., 9/24 Saturday | GYM-Southside Community Center, 305 S Plain St |
Wheels For Wishes benefiting Make-A-Wish Northeast New York. Your Car Donations Matter NOW More Than Ever! Free Vehicle Pick Up ANYWHERE. We Accept Most Vehicles Running or Not. 100% Tax Deductible. Minimal To No Human Contact. Call: (877) 798-9474. Car Donation Foundation dba Wheels For Wishes. www.wheelsforwishes.org. (NYSCAN)
DIRECTV for $79.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE package. Watch your favorite live sports, news & entertainment anywhere. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV: 1-888-534-6918 (NYSCAN)
Buying antique dolls, doll parts & early 1900s teddy bears. 607-429-9888.
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. Gibson Mandolins & Banjos: 877-589-0747. (AAN CAN)
Gene’s Barber Stylist is currently looking for a licensed, talented and friendly barber or stylist to rent a chair. Be a part of a busy and established barbershop with a great location and parking. Rental days available are Friday, Saturday and Sunday which are our busiest days. Call Jen 607 342-6820 for more details.
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Love what you do at Wegmans Food Market. 607-277-5800, Ithaca, 500 S. Meadow St., Ithaca, NY 14850
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OCM BOCES Special Education program (Turning Point) located at the Cortlandville Campus in Cortland. Successful candidate will provide individual and group counseling along with social skills training to students (7-12) with disabilities. Must possess strong crisis intervention skills and be able to work collaboratively with the instructional staff to create a team approach that ensures student success. NYS certification as a School Social Worker required. MSW required. Register and apply at: www.olasjobs.org/ central. For more information, visit our website at www.ocmboces.org EOE
Cortlandville Campus, Cortland, NY
OCM BOCES has a need for an Occupational Therapist to be located at the Cortlandville Campus in Cortland. Qualifications: Licensed and currently registered as an Occupational Therapist. Applications accepted online only. Register and apply at: www.olasjobs.org/central. For more information regarding this vacancy please visit: www.ocmboces.org EOE
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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off and 0% financing for those who qualify. PLUS Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-877-763-2379. (NYSCAN)
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Do you need a Roof or Energy Efficient Windows & Help paying for it? YOU MAY QUALIFY THROUGH NEW RELIEF PROGRAMS (800) 944-9393 or visit NYProgramFunding.org to qualify. Approved applications will have the work completed by a repair crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING. Not affiliated with State or Gov Programs. (NYSCAN)
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21–27, 2022