Michael J. omas, 33, of Ithaca has now been charged with six counts of Burglary in the 3rd Degree, a Class D Felony, for his alleged involvement in six of the 11 recently reported commercial burglaries in the Ithaca area.
e recent spate of burglaries appears to have begun on Monday, June 20 at the Mr. Tire location at 361 Elmira Road.
On Wednesday, June 22 there were reported burglaries at the Newman Golf Course at 10 Pier Road and ETA Pie at 1006 W. Seneca Street.
Ithaca Grain Pet Supply was reported to have been burglarized on Monday, June 27.
Employees at e Antlers on 1159 Dryden Road say their restaurant was burglarized on Tueday, June 28. at same evening K&H Redemption Center at 900 W State was reported to have been burglarized.
On Wednesday, June 29, Papa Johns at 435 Franklin Street was reportedly broken into and B&W Supply suffered damage from what
employees say appears to have been an attempted break-in. Local business sources report that Enterprise Rent-A-Car at 803 Cascadilla Street was also hit that night
Hickey’s Music Center at 104 Adams Street was reported to have been burglarized on Wednesday, July 6. e commercial burglary spree currently seems to have concluded with the burglary of Diane’s Downtown Automotive at 435 W State Street on ursday, July 7 and with omas’s subsequent arrest that day.
As this issue went to press, the Ithaca Police Department (IPD) has charged omas for the incidents at Mr. Tire, Ithaca Grain Pet Supply, K&H Redemption, Papa John’s Pizza, Hickey’s Music Center and Diane’s Downtown Automotive.
omas was arraigned in Ithaca City Court on ursday, July 7 for the rst four counts, and again on Friday, July 8 for another two counts, and was released on his own recognizance a er both arraignments.
In its press release announcing omas’s arrest and arraignment on the h and sixth incidents the IPD noted that the crimes were not bail eligible.
Under a new controversial state law that went in e ect this year, judges are not able to set bail for a long list of misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies including some forms of robbery.
VOL. XLII / NO. 47 / July 13, 2022 Serving 47,125 readers weekly
The burglary locations flagged in red are those for which Thomas has been charged. He has not been charged with those flagged in green. Not shown on this map, due to scale, is the reported burglary of The Antlers at 1159 Dryden Road, for which Thomas has not been charged, and the burglary of Mr. Tire at 361 Elmira Road, for which Thomas has been charged.
Proponents of the legislation say it is a way to combat systemic discrimination by stopping the poor from being jailed before trial due to a lack of nancial resources. Opponents of the legislation say it raises the possibility that dangerous criminals will be le at large.
Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman
City Hall Extends hours —
Ithaca City Hall has now re-opened to the public between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Friday. The Building Division will close at 4:00 p.m. Building Permit application hours are 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or by appointment. The City Chamberlain’s O ce will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but will be closed between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. The City
Clerk’s O ce will continue to issue marriage licenses by appointment only.
New York’s perfect day — Sunday, July 17 will be New York State’s most “perfect day of the year,” according to an analysis of 36 years of weather data by FamilyDestinationsGuide. com. This date is an average of the date with the most predicted sunshine, June 29, the date with the best predicted temperature, August 31, and the longest day of the year, June 21.
Alternative income city? —
According to an analysis of Census Data by Self Financial, 62.2 percent of Ithacans earn income from sources other than wages and salaries, yielding a median $18,000 annually out of a $58,000 median household total income. These sources include self-employment, Social Security, retirement income, supplemental security, interest and dividends, rental income, and public assistance.
All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $89 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classi ed. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the rst insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012,
MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972–1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973–1978), combined in 1978.
DeFendi feels failing to pass the resolution would give Starbucks a blank check locally.
In a six to four vote Ithaca’s Common Council passed a resolution condemning “in the sharpest terms” what it describes as Starbucks’ “anti-union attacks on its own workers,” calling on the company to sign Fair Election Principles and urging the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to cite Starbucks for, “its violation of workers’ rights to organize.”
Introducing the resolution and perhaps anticipating the sentiments that the city is overstepping its role with this type of resolution, Alderperson Jorge DeFendini of the City’s 4th Ward o ered language amendments that made the resolution less confrontational and more “in line with a government document and more o cial in its nature.”
DeFendini explained, “ ere are two things we are trying to do: ensure that the law is being followed and that we are lending a voice of support for our unionized neighbors and constituents.”
At its July 6 meeting, Common Council unanimously passed a resolution amending Ithaca’s human right codes to include an Article protecting reproductive rights.
e amendment states that the purpose of the new Article “is to recognize the importance of reproductive healthcare as a matter of health, privacy, and equality and to ensure, to the greatest extent permitted by law, that those rights are
upheld for all within the City of Ithaca.”
A er the vote, Alderperson Robert Gesualdo Cantelmo of the City’s 5th Ward announced, “e ective immediately, Ithaca is now a sanctuary city for abortion.”
e amendment states that no city resources can be used for “detaining persons for performing or aiding in the performance of an abortion within this state, or in procuring an abortion in this state,” if the abortion is performed in accordance with all applicable New York State laws. It also states that no city resources can be used for “cooperating with or providing information to any individual or out-ofstate agency or department regarding the
provision of a lawful abortion performed in the state.”
While conceding that the New York State Legislature and Governor Kathy Hochul are currently working on similar legislation that would make Ithaca’s law unnecessary, Cantelmo stressed that such State protection could take time to become law while Ithaca’s protections are now in place.
After some debate over the differences between the words accepts, acknowledges and adopts, at its July 6 meeting the Common Council voted eight to two in favor of a resolution to accept the Report of the Reimagining Public Safety Working Group and commit to implementing portions of the report while continuing to seek out public input and further review the process.
Alderpersons Cynthia Brock of the City’s 1st Ward and Je rey Barken of the City’s 3rd Ward voted against the resolution.
e elements of the report that will be implemented are: establishing a civilian leadership position, with authority designated by the Mayor, to oversee the City’s public safety response systems; establishing an ad-hoc public safety committee; requiring community-centered training for both armed and unarmed rst responders; supplying improved technology for community safety e orts; and implement-
ing improved data collection and public reporting of such data.
In a separate agenda item which the Council says rea rms its support for civilian leadership, it directed Acting Mayor Laura Lewis to work with the City’s Human Resources Department to create a job description for a Deputy Chief of Sta for Public Safety and to include funding for this position in the City’s 2023 budget. It also called on the Acting Mayor to provide a written evaluation of the impact of civilian oversight to include feedback from the community and the Council no later than December 31, 2023.
In voicing her support for the resolution accepting the report, Alderperson Phoebe Brown of the City’s 2nd Ward said that reforms to the City’s police department were long overdue: “People like me have been hearing the world ‘wait’ for as long as we can remember. It is imperative that we move on.”
In voting against the resolution accepting the report, Alderperson Cynthia Brown of the City’s 1st Ward said that,
while supporting the reforms themselves, she opposes the acceptance of the report because of her ethical concerns over the process: “Outside groups were brought in and contributed signi cantly to this report; outside groups which were neither screened [nor] hired by the city.”
In response to those concerns, in another separate item, Ithaca City Attorney Aaron O. Lavine announced that the City would be hiring Kristen E. Smith, currently a labor and employment lawyer with the rm Bond Schoeneck & King to investigate potential ethics issues involved in the reimaging public safety process.
Smith served as Corporation Counsel for the City of Syracuse from 2018 to 2022 a er being appointed to the position by Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh.
According to Lavine, Smith “understands how government should work and how it shouldn’t work. She played a leading role in the Governor’s Executive Order in the Syracuse setting that gave rise to the reimagining public safety process her in Ithaca as well.”
Maguire is renovating its remaining older dealership building. Previously envious Subaru owners can now rejoice.
The Trust Company will be sponsoring free Friday food truck fare from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at its local branches on 7/15 in Dryden, 9/9 on Triphammer, 9/23 on the Commons, and 10/7 in T’burg.
Good Vibes Customs on W State is reported to have been one of the 52 stores statewide that received a ceaseand-desist letter from New York State’s O ce of Cannabis Management for “falsely depicting their operations as legal cannabis dispensaries.”
A hoax call to the Sheri ’s O ce about a violent incident at the Gaslight Village Apartments near Lansing may have been Ithaca’s rst “swatting” incident. Let’s hope it’s the last.
IF YOU CARE TO RESPOND to something in this column, or suggest your own praise or blame, write news@ithacatimes. com, with a subject head “U&D.”
He stressed that, “It is not for the city to dictate that a store remain open or that it close. It is not pretending to have those powers. What [the City] is encouraging is that a body that does have power over these situations [the NLRB] intervene.
He warned that, “failure to do this would not only give Starbucks a blank check to act [like this] in the other stores throughout the city but also around the country.”
While stressing their sympathy for and support of the Collegetown Starbucks
workers and all local and national unionizing e orts, a number of Council members shared their concerns.
Acting Mayor and 5th Ward Alderperson Laura Lewis said “I agree with a number of my county legislator colleagues who voted against a similar resolution in seeing it as overreach. I too see such a resolution as overreach. I do not believe this is a legislative responsibility.”
Alderperson Je rey Barken of the City’s 3rd Ward, who also voted no, feared the resolution could set a dangerous precedent: “When labor forces at di erent stores unionize, are we going to get behind them in such a robust way to leverage a resolution like this on their behalf. What
happens when it's a local shop, not a Starbucks involved in a national confrontation? What happens when it's a small mom and pop shop whose labor force has, by all rights authorized unionization and is advocating for a boycott of that shop. Are we sort of duty bound because of this precedent, to get behind that action? What if that local store or company locally then fails?”
Proponents and opponents of the measure seemed to coalesce around a supplementary e ort in which a letter could also be sent to the NLRB on behalf of the city and perhaps even the county legislature.
Mike, my time-traveling letter carrier, likes to surprise me every so o en. Just this week, he dropped o the Cornstarch Adventure Clothing Catalog for Winter 2032. Kind of reassuring to think that they’ll still be publishing hard-copy catalogs in ten years, and using the U.S. Postal Service to boot, and some of the items were quite interesting. e prices, too. Check these out:
Classic All-Season Kevlar Vest: Our versatile Level IIIA vest is a trusty companion, whether popping out to the store, heading o to class, or sheltering in place. Certi ed to stop bullets, but also strike and slash resistant, it’s got mid-waist snaps that adjust for a more tailored look when that’s what you want. Zippers on the pockets keep ammo clips secure, while side vents allow you to move freely even when fully zipped. Center front antique brass zipper and nickel snaps give it a traditional look, and the interior chest pocket meets Second Amendment standards. e 100% recycled polyester eece outer layer combines a sweater-knit aesthetic with easy care. Fair Trade Certi ed™ sewn. $1179. Available in Heather and Charcoal Gray. Sizes XS-3XL.
Ultralight Winter Parka: With winter temperatures likely to dip into the 80s, you’ll want this minimalist single-layer nylon jacket with ultralight breathability that o ers solid protection against weather and can be carried in a small daypack. Fully-taped seams for added weatherproo ng during extreme precipitation events enhances the longevity of the jacket. A new feature this season, the parka is equipped with a nitrogen auto-in ation canister that will in ate an emergency lifeboat in case of ash oods. Washable. Imported. $1275. Sizes XS-3XL. Available in International Orange, School bus Yellow, Soylent Green.
Cornstarch Waterproof Lightweight Holster: ere are times when all it takes is a single, small caliber handgun, tastefully displayed. is best-selling holster has been updated and improved not only for durability, but with innovative new convenience features as well. Designed to o er easy, intuitive accessibility while staying completely out of your way whether shopping or dining out. New features include the recessed storage station with Velcro ap that pro-
vides instant, fumble-free access for up to three extra ammunition clips. $975. Available in cloned de-extinct mastodon leather or recycled camo-patterned polyester mesh.
Tactical Inquisition Robe: A favorite of six of the sitting members of the United States Supreme Court, this unisex garment features center pleats, a hidden front zipper, elbow patches, and a handy side pocket large enough to accommodate a standard King James Version, thumb-indexed reference bible. Weathertreated, matte nish military grade nylon will resist the e ects of acid rain. $1100. Consult size chart for length. Available in Retro Black and Breaking With Precedent Republican Red.
Organic Cotton Yale Graphic Tee: Constructed to be a staple in your wardrobe, this essential lightweight tee shirt is great for trail, water, or staging a coup. It’s quick-drying, has stretch for comfort, and is emblazoned with the Yale University logo, making it a favorite of alumni Reich Fuhrer DeSantis and Minister of Propaganda Hawley. A responsible garment made of 100% Organic Certi ed™ cotton from factories held to the highest Bangladeshi labor standards. $835. Sizes XS-3XL. Available in MAGA Red, Bulldog Blue, and Desert Camo.
Unbleached Muslin Bloomers: Easy on you—and easy on the planet—our naturally breathable muslin natural t, wide leg bloomers feel so and lived-in from day one thanks to our secret prewashing process and are designed to be worn under all approved red or blue woolen Modesty Robes. With a traditional drawstring waist and wooden buttons, they’re an equally great choice for child-rearing or a day of poking around the farmers’ market. Each garment is tted with federally-mandated birthing aps. $475. Sizes XS-3XL.
Laminated State-By-State Voting District Maps: Say goodbye to confusion over state legislatures’ gerrymandered voting districts. These durable and convenient maps will take all the wear and tear your campaign can dish out. The heavy-duty laminated design allows you to make notes and then wipe the surface clean. A must-have for election officials and campaign committees. $235 per state.
Women’s healthcare decisions are theirs to make, nobody else’s–not politicians’, not the government’s, and not the courts’. e Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs—which overturned Roe v. Wade—is an afront to liberty, justice, and equality. Candidates for Congress owe you a plan to put anger into action. Below are some highlights of mine, a complete version of which is available on my website (www. joshrileyforcongress.com).
First, Congress must pass H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe’s protections in federal statute. It states that a health care provider has a right to provide abortion services, and the provider’s patient has a right to receive them—and that’s exactly the way the law should be.
But it is not enough for Congress simply to codify Roe; Congress also must close the loopholes that states have used to create “bounty programs” to circumvent Roe’s protections. Congress should make clear that the Justice Department and aggrieved individuals have recourse in the courts when their freedom is infringed.
Second, we must ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. In Dobbs, the Supreme Court (wrongly) concluded that the 14th Amendment’s protections for liberty do not cover abortion. Instead of relying on the 14th Amendment—and the Supreme Court’s (again, wrong) interpretation of it—let’s create a new amendment making women’s reproductive freedom crystal clear. As an attorney, I submitted federal court briefs arguing for rati cation of the ERA, and I’ll continue that ght in Congress.
ird, the Justice Department should do everything it can to protect women’s access to FDA-approved abortion medications, which are approved for the rst ten weeks and are used for about 50% of abortions today. A er a dra of the Dobbs decision was leaked in May, I sent a letter to the Justice Department, urging it to le lawsuits against states that try to ban those medica-
tions. Under the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, the federal government’s ruling authorizing the use of abortion medications takes precedence over state laws prohibiting them–so I believe women have a legal right to abortion medications today even with Roe being overturned. e Justice Department must enforce that right. In addition, I have written a letter to the FDA, urging it to extend its approval for these medications from 10 weeks to 12.
Fourth, the congressional appropriations process may be a useful tool to ght back against the Dobbs decision. A few years a er Roe was decided, anti-choice lawmakers attached the Hyde Amendment to government funding bills to prohibit the use of federal funds for abortion services, thereby denying necessary medical care to low-income women. Now, in response to Dobbs, it is time for pro-choice lawmakers to turn the tables by attaching amendments to appropriations bills to withhold certain funding from states that restrict women’s access to reproductive healthcare.
If “liberty and justice for all” is to mean anything, it must mean liberty and justice for women, including the freedom to decide for oneself when and whether to start a family, and Congress must act to restore that freedom in law.
Josh Riley is a h-generation native of Broome County and a resident of Ithaca. A former law clerk to federal appeals judge Kim Wardlaw and a former attorney on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, he is now running for Congress in New York’s 19th District.
Publishing a guest editorial from a candidate for o ce does not constitute an endorsement of that candidate by the Ithaca Times. We are open to submissions from all announced candidates for public o ce.
Okay, friends and readers...this is a call to action. I would be very grateful if you would go to the Caring Bridge link I am providing and send a message of support to Sivasangari “Sivi” Subramaniam, the Cornell student featured in this column in March a er winning the NCAA Division 1 individual squash national championship. Sivi was seriously injured in an automobile accident in her home country of Malaysia a few days ago, and it will be some time before it is known just what lies ahead for the world class squash player.
I spoke to David Palmer, Sivi’s coach at Cornell, and he said, “ is was a major shock to all of us.” Given Malaysia is 12 hours ahead of New York, Coach Palmer received one of those chilling middle-ofthe-night phone calls that no one ever wants to get. “Wen Li Lai–her teammate here at Cornell who is also from Malaysia–called me and informed me that Sivi was in a car accident, and she was in surgery,” Palmer said. “It was a long night, waiting for further word.”
A few hours later, Palmer was able to connect with his number one player, and he said, “I spoke to her, and while she has serious facial injuries, and a broken cheekbone and jaw, she was able to feel her legs and upper body.” He added, “She also has a small fracture in her C-1 vertebrae, and she will be wearing a body brace for a few weeks. A er that, we will see to what extent the injury heals on its own, and it will then be determined whether she will need to have a bolt inserted.” Taking a deep breath a er explaining Sivi’s situation yet again, David said, “I believe that over the long term she will be back to where she was, or even better.”
Prior to the accident, Sivi was having an incredible 2022. A er reaching the semi nals and nals in her rst two seasons, Subramaniam capped o a dominant 19-0 junior year by winning the NCAA individual championship with a dramatic ve-game victory over Harvard’s Hana Moataz. A er that historic accomplishment, she returned home and joined the professional tour. She was number 16 in the world (according to Palmer, “She was close to breaking into the top ten on the pro circuit,”) and she was chosen to be her country’s ag bearer at the Commonwealth Games. But that honor will have to wait.
According to Palmer, Sivi has plenty of support on her path to recovery. He said, “It’s so ironic that Sivi travels around the world for competitions, and she gets injured so close to home.” I asked David if his initial impulse a er getting that jarring phone call was to get on a plane, and he said, “Believe me, it crossed my mind,” and he added, “All things considered, she is in the perfect place, with her mom and dad, and she has tremendous support from the Malaysian Sports Government, and from Cornell.” Palmer called Sivi “one of the biggest sports personalities in Malaysia,” and he added “She is on track to be one of our sport’s next superstars.”
Looking ahead, the coach said, “Sivi’s plan was to play in the Asian Games, the Commonwealth Games (as well as several pro tournaments) and return to Cornell in the Spring. Right now, we are taking it one week at a time.” He too is grateful that the passerby had the courage and compassion to pull Sivi from the car a er the collision with a truck, and he acknowledged that “a lot of things could have gone long-term bad.”
As promised, the Caring Bridge link: www.caringbridge.org/visit/getwellsiva
Please join me in sending well wishes to this Big Red athlete.
Irecently had the pleasure of meeting Lea Webb and came away from that encounter with great enthusiasm for her candidacy for State Senate. Lea is a di erent kind of candidate--she’s a public servant, not a politician. She is deeply concerned with the needs of people in the district and in the state and focuses her energy on promoting solutions to those needs, rather than self-promotion. In addition to serving eight years on the Binghamton City Council (the rst Black person ever to serve) she worked for Citizen Action promoting health care for all, and has been a leader with Vote Run Lead, training women around the country to run for elected o ce. We need to elect a highly quali ed candidate with experience and the ability to understand the complexity of voters’ lives. As someone who worked for many years in human service organizations, including as executive director of Hospicare and Suicide Prevention and Interim Director of Planned Parenthood, I am especially enthusiastic about Lea Webb’s humanitarian background and commitment.
Nina Miller, IthacaIgrew up in Binghamton and live in Ithaca, and I support Leslie Danks Burke in the Democratic primary for New York State Senate. With these two cities that I love together in a newly-drawn district, I’m looking for the candidate with experience and dedication to ght hard for our region, and I know that’s Leslie. She ran before when the district was gerrymandered, even though other Democrats sat aside, and now her dedication means we have a foundation to win. As a special education teacher, I know that Leslie has been standing up for years for public education and the needs of all children in our schools.
Jennifer Curley, IthacaLeslie Danks Burke is my choice in the Democratic primary to be our next State Senator. I’ve known Leslie for 16 years. Back when we rst met, Leslie was the mom of a toddler, and also a lawyer doing interesting international work, but she also made time to volunteer with me to get out the vote. I then worked closely with Leslie when she became chair and I was secretary of our local Democratic committee. Over the years, I’ve seen Leslie ght hard for the Democratic values I care about, and I want her ghting on the Senate oor for us. I’ve watched Leslie stand up for truth and honesty, even when it meant she had to have hard conversations with others, and I want her honesty in politics.
Patricia Leary, IthacaThe 30th annual Fingerlakes GrassRoots Festival of Music & Dance will take place at the Trumansburg Fairgrounds (2150 Trumansburg Rd) from July 21 through July 24. ere will be over 80 bands of musicians present and performing, including favorites like George Jones, King Sunny Ade, and Ralph Stanley, and featuring a variety of genres ranging from Native American, Cajun, Bluegrass, Country, Old-time, Latin, World-Beat, Reggae, and Rock-n’-Roll. e festival is returning a er a two-year hiatus as a result of the e ects of the Coronavirus pandemic.
“It feels great to be preparing for GrassRoots again,” said Maddy Walsh, lead singer of Maddy Walsh and e Blind Spots. “In the weeks leading up the festival, the buzzy energy around town is palpable. As usual, I'm prepping for multiple sets and guest spots with some di erent projects, so there are a lot of rehearsals, stage production meetings, always some project with spray paint. And this year we have GrassRoots Culture Camp back as well, so I'll be spending Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday leading up to the festival at the fairgrounds teaching a singing workshop and enjoying the nightly dinners and dances between my own rehearsals. It's amazing how one event can transform a whole region, and I give big props to the organizers, crew, and volunteers for pulling o something so large-scale that gives so many people something to look forward to.”
GrassRoots began in 1990 as a charity concert. e concert was meant to both bring awareness to and advocate for those with AIDS. It was hosted by Donna the Bu alo, e Horse Flies, and Neon Baptist.
e concert was a hit, raking in over $10k in pro ts, and pioneering an annual GrassRoots tradition that is now in its third decade. e concert is still active in the ght against AIDS but has expanded its charitable mission to include funding and advocacy for local and international organizations in arts and education. It has also expanded to include signi cantly more artists and genres, creating a polyphony of sound that unites the Ithaca community with a variety of musical backgrounds.
Attendees of GrassRoots frequently return for multiple years of concerts, o en having younger generations accompany them. “Because this festival has been going
on for thirty years, you have someone who went to the rst one, who had kids, and their kids are having kids, and they might also bring their parents,” explains GrassRoots co-organizer Russ Friedell. “You can see four generations at this family event, sitting up in their lawn chairs in front of the dance tent, hanging out all weekend. at is one of the most beautiful things about this festival.”.
Musicians also tend to return to GrassRoots festivals. “As a performer, I love our time on those stages more than pretty much any show we play all year,” said Walsh. “It's our chance to play for the largest concentration of our hometown fans, and the fes-
tival setting inspires in them a very real kind of liberation and joy that you don't get to see in your fans if they're just coming out to see a show for one night. We gather at festivals to celebrate life and each other through our shared appreciation of music and art, and it's very freeing to be there together in that celebration for several days in a row. As an attendee, my favorite part of the festival is, hands down, the Saturday night Donna the Bu alo set. I've been attending GrassRoots since I was fourteen years old, which means I've been a Donna fan for a long time. ey are always on re for their Saturday night set, and their songs, so o en centering around themes of
community/unity, family, travel, and love, have been the soundtrack to the better part of my life. Each year I also get blown away by some artist I had never heard of, usually one of the African or international acts, which is a credit to the people booking the talent.”
But the festival consists of more than just music performances. Unlike many popular music festivals, GrassRoots is family-oriented, even encouraging children to attend (kids 12 and under have free admission, but need to be accompanied by an adult), with spaces exclusive to kids’ activities. e Kids’ Area, which allows children to engage in creative activities with one another, has its own schedule of daily activities and performances from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. each day. Children’s activities include: arts and cra s, human checkers, hula-hooping, face-painting, stilt walking, and juggling.
e Healing Arts & Yoga tents o ers another set of activities that all attendees can participate in. e Healing area is meant to be a place of rejuvenation. People can meditate, get a massage, enjoy a sound healing session, take a movement workshop, experience deep healing bodywork, engage in breath work, explore energy exchange, learn about meridian alignment, discover esoteric spiritual practices, and get some retail therapy from nearby cra vendors. Yoga and other movement activities are in a separate tent. Yoga is taught by Diane Fine, a Kripalu trained and certi ed teacher, who has led GrassRoots yoga since 1996. Fine teaches yoga poses for everyone from the beginner to the more advanced.
Attendees 21 and older can drink regionally-brewed beers and locally-made wines from three di erent beer and wine gardens near the Grandstand Stage on the track, to the right of the In eld stage, and in front of the GrassRoots World Café
just across from the Art Barn. On Saturday, producers from ve Finger Lake farm cideries will be at the World Café Beer & Wine Garden o ering their small-batch artisanal ciders. Attendees can also bring their own alcohol, but no glass beer bottles are allowed inside the fairgrounds in order to prevent bare feet from being impaled by broken glass.
is year as the festival welcomes the return of internationally-renowned Ukrainian folk quartet DakhaBrakha in the midst of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the GrassRoots Festival community will build the Peace Bin: a children’s play place built out of a repurposed grain bin, in the week prior to the festival. roughout the festival, donations will be welcomed tosupport organizations dedicated to assisting Ukrainians in their recovery. anks to sponsorships by e Maguire Family of Dealerships and Travis Hyde Properties, all funds raised throughout the festival weekend will be donated to charitable organizations. To help support Ukrainian relief e orts by way of the GrassRoots Peace Bin, attendees can donate at the Peace Bin itself.
GrassRoots also hosts a Culture Camp, which takes place four days before the festival, from Sunday July 17 to Wednesday July 20. ese four days consist of workshops categorized into songwriting, rhythm, dance, youth, song, and yoga. ere are also nightly themed dinners and dances. People can choose to immerse themselves however they choose, whether it’s the full experience, just popping in for a dinner and dance on one evening, or anything in between.
GrassRoots also has its own community outreach programs. One of them is Roots In e Schools, an initiative that aims to inspire youth. It’s a collaborative outreach program that brings musicians into schools, exposing students to local music
through performance, classroom presentations, and hands on experiences meant to foster a connection to musical creativity. It’s a no-cost program to participating schools.
GrassRoots’ organization is a 501(c)3 not-for-pro t. It relies on over 500 volunteers in order to set up, maintain, and clean up post-event. In return for their time and service, volunteers earn their tickets to the festival itself. Eight hours of volunteering
translates to a three-day pass at the festival. Anyone can volunteer, but those under the age of 18 need to have a parental consent form signed, and those under the age of 16 need to have their parent or guardian with them during their volunteer shi .
ose interested in volunteering can sign up at https://www.GrassRootsfest.org/ be-a-volunteer. Tickets can be purchased at https://www.GrassRootsfest.org/tickets
He began his return to illustration by drawing and selling fan art, though a er a while he developed an urge to create something of his own. He developed the character Beorn, a rambunctious, short-statured barbarian warrior, and began writing the story as a full Sunday page comic strip before realizing that he was going to need a larger medium to properly tell the plot.
By Andrew SullivanThe tale of Beorn: e Littlest Viking opens at the site of a tavern where the story’s main character, Beorn, throws back a couple mugs of chocolate milk while he expresses his desperate desire for any sort of adventure or journey, something that would carve out his own legacy.
Ben Bender, the author of the comic book saga, found himself in a som ewhat similar situation about 10 years ago. e Texas native and Cornell graduate (2007) had rekindled his childhood passion for illustration a er attending a Comic-Con event in Austin. As a nine- or ten-year-old he’d spent time doodling sketches of iconic comic book/strip characters such as Gar eld, Ninja Turtles and Spider Man.
“I hadn’t drawn for like 20 years, but whenever I saw that it made me remember like I really used to love drawing,” Bender said.
In 2020, Bender launched his rst Kickstarter campaign to fund a single-issue comic book. His campaign asked for $750 to fund the project. In just the rst day the campaign was launched, he received roughly $20,000.
“I launched it on my 40th birthday and a friend of mine texted me kind of late in the morning,” Bender said. “I launched the rst thing in the morning. He texted me late in the morning, ‘Hey man. Have you gone to check out your Kickstarter,’ and I was like, ‘Nah dude I gotta wait.’ I just had knots in my stomach [from] nerves. And he goes, ‘Well, you need to go look,’ and so I went to look and it was already funded, well past where it was that I needed.”
Now, two years later, the rst issue of Beorn: e Littlest Viking is set to hit the shelves of comic book stores July 13.
As much as he enjoyed drawing as a kid, Bender does not recall writing his own comic strips growing up. He does remember reading comics o en, though, which le an impression on him at a young age and can be seen in his illustrations.
“I had people hit me up and say, ‘Oh man, I really like it. Your style reminds me of,’ and they would mention things like Asterix and Obelix and Smurfs, things from that Franco Belgian style of comics. And as I went and was looking at it…it smacked me in the face. My mom was in the Air Force and we had traveled, and when we lived in Germany, I had a diet of the Smurfs and the Smurfs comics and Asterix and Obelix. So it was these crazy seeds that were planted well before I started really doing it.”
Bender’s style exhibits strong in uences from famous cartoonist Bill Watterson, the author of Calvin and Hobbes, and Beorn is, as he describes it, a sort of “love letter” to such a comic strip.
“ ere’s just something about the…the aesthetics of it,” he said. “How vibrant [Watterson’s] inking is. All of my favorite artists, I’ve realized, I’m drawn to their inking styles and it usually has something to do with and energy to the lines, to the way that they do it. And I feel like he is just—and so many people in the comics world say the same thing—a master of using that brush in his own way.’”
e concept of originality and developing one’s unique style of illustration was something that Bender grappled with early on,
“Kiss Me, Kate”, music and lyrics by Cole Porter, book by Sam and Bella Spiwack. Directed by Mark Reynolds, music direction by Canaan Harris, choreography by Bryan Knowlton, scenic design by Rebekah Clark, costume design by Emily N. Brink, lighting design by Jessica Winward, sound design by Cory Kosman. Performances through July 16.
Brush up your Shakespeare And they’ll all kow tow.
I’ve never been a big fan of “ e Taming of the Shrew”, but I love Cole Porter’s “Kiss Me, Kate”, rst for its classic songs and second because it takes “Shrew” down a peg and nds true love next to the misogyny. Unlike “ e Taming of the Shrew”, “Kiss Me, Kate” never leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and the Cortland Repertory eatre’s third production of its 50th anniversary season rocked a nearly full house last Wednesday for its opening night performance.
“Kiss Me, Kate” was the “Noises O ” of its day, and with all those Cole Porter tunes to boot. We’re in a eabag theater in Baltimore as the cast and crew of Fred Graham’s (Jahmar Ortiz) production of “Shrew”. In the title role, he’s lured his ex-wife Lilli Vanessi (Briana Gantsweg) back onto the boards to play Catherine opposite his Petruchio, despite the fact that they really can’t stand each other. More intrigue: the inveterate gambler Bill Calhoun (Dereck Atwater) is trying desperately to salvage his romance with the over- irty Lois Lane (Emily Madison). ey both have reason to ask the musical question “Why Can’t You Behave?”
Even more intrigue: With ve minutes le to the opening curtain and places, two comedically menacing leg breakers (Derek Powell in his CRT debut and Mikey LoBalsamo, seen this season in “Hair”) turn up in Graham’s dressing room with an IOU for ten grand, and they’ll do anything to make sure the show goes on so they can collect their money, even if it means stealing a few costumes and getting into the onscreen action. (I love these guys.)
Rebekah Clark’s set is established with dappled lights, brown tones and a sort of 20th mid-century show biz feel – rehearsal lights, and a proscenium arch – that’s also re ected in the clothes the actors wear backstage: lots of hats, ties, and vests. “Kiss Me, Kate” hits CRT’s scenic sweet spot, in that we transition from backstage to onstage with the actors moving ats, doorframes and furniture on and o stage. e changeovers are much fun to watch unfold.
And did I mention the songs? “Kiss Me, Kate” also has “Another Opening, Another Show”, the goon’s scene-stealing “Brush Up Your Shakespeare”, “Tom, Dick and Harry” and more. I wish I had the space to mention all the talented performers in the ensemble, but Maclain Rhine’s Paul, who serves as Graham’s dresser, leads the group in a tremendous performance of “Too Darn Hot”, which kicks o Act II and practically leaves scorch marks on the stage.
e sets of comic lovers are well matched, particularly Atwater and Madison. She’s a shameless ham with an amazing voice, and she gets a hilarious showcase in Act II’s “Always True to You In My Fashion.” Ortiz’s singing voice is not always as strong as Gantsweg, who steals Act I with her rendition of “I Hate Men”.
Ind reviewing Japanese restaurants a challenge. I always choose raw sh— usually Sushi or Sashimi—and frankly, I’m unable to di erentiate a cold, fresh, unseasoned, uncooked slice of tuna in one restaurant from a cold, fresh, unseasoned, uncooked slice of tuna in another.
So I have established several of my own personal criteria when eating at Japanese restaurants. First and foremost: is the raw sh kept cold? en, does it look fresh when served? I watch the slicers, dicers and preparers work their magic behind an open Sushi bar and it’s not beyond me to put my hand on the glass display case to see if it’s cold.
Sumo always comes out a winner. e raw sh is fresh and cold and looks and tastes wonderful and the presentations brought to the table are invariably attractive.
I always order the soup, which is included, rather than the salad, also included, as it seems healthy with seaweed, scallions, and tofu and comes in a generous portion in a small bowl.
At Sumo, I eschew the “Sashimi Regular”, 15 pieces for $23.95 for the “Sashimi Deluxe”, 19 pieces for $25.95. e extra four pieces of raw sh for $2 seems like a bargain. e presentation is very attractive and features tuna, salmon and six other types of sh stacked in individual groups of two, three and four and garnished with bits of small parsley, green leaves, and ample portions of grated horseradish, and pickled ginger.
Sushi is available in o erings for one or two people. “Sushi for 2” came with literally a boatload (wood platter) of 10 pieces of sushi plus 18 pieces of sashimi and assorted veggie rolls. “ e Love Boat for 2” ($58.95) is amazing. Have your camera handy when it’s delivered to your table and enjoy a lot of variety. If you’d prefer a smaller portion, there are more than 60 various rolls, cooked and uncooked to choose from $6.25 to $16.95.
If raw sh isn’t your thing, there are eight Teriyaki dishes and ve Tempuras to choose from. In addition, you can select from the Donburi section of a half dozen o erings from $14.50 to $15.95. If you’re not familiar with Donburi, is a bowl lled with steamed white rice topped with vegetables, meat, or seafood. In Japan It’s meant to be a full meal. If you prefer noodles to rice, there are eight dinners featuring noodles ($14.50-$19.95). ere are also a gazillion Hibachi Dinners. Hibachi entrées that are prepared in the Hibachi rooms are also available at the booths and tables in the main dining areas. ere are too many, 29, to describe, (Eight dinners $18.99 to $32.99 served with soup or house salad, fried rice, and a vegetable and an additional 21 more Hibachi dinner combos $24.99 to $40.99).
e Hibachi Chicken & Shrimp Combo ($24.99) was ne. It arrived with eight medium grilled shrimp and some tender diced chicken and bits of onions, mushrooms, carrots, and zucchini all in a pleasant brown sauce.
e Tempuras are a huge disappointment. e only thing I liked about the Seafood & Vegetable Tempura ($22.95) was the artful arrangement when it arrived at the table. Six heavily breaded shrimp were stacked in a pyramid atop two crab legs, a heavily breaded onion ring, and some heavily breaded broccoli, butternut squash, and sliced sweet potatoes. e breading was so thick and oily I tried to pick it o with my hands in order to get to the seafood and veggies.
Shrimp Teriyaki ($19.95) was tasty and pleasant. ere were 10 medium shrimp mixed in with some broccoli and small bits of mushrooms, and onions.
I enjoy eating at Sumo – except it can be extremely noisy. e walls are fashioned out of an unforgiving hard vinyl tile and the Hibachi rooms are invariably raucous.
Tid Bit: Plenty of o -street parking and comfortable, clean restrooms.
NYSEG will soon be upgrading to smart meters throughout the region. Learn more about the benefits of smart meters at an open house near you or visit nyseg.com/SmartMeters
July 26, 2022 | 5–7 p.m.
Moravia Town Hall 1630 State Route 38, Moravia, NY
July 27, 2022 | 5–7 p.m.
Tompkins County Public Library 101 East Green Street, Ithaca, NY
July 28, 2022 | 5–7 p.m.
Trumansburg Village Fire Station 74 West Main Street, Trumansburg, NY
Food is a source of enjoyment for people of all ages, and the idea of giving up any favorite or healthy food may seem confusing. The elderly are particularly susceptible to having reactions to certain foods that, at one time, they were able to eat without any issues. As people age, it gets harder for their bodies to fight off certain food-borne infections. Uncooked or lightly cooked foods such as sushi, ceviche, and steak tartare may increase a senior’s risk of contracting food poisoning. Soft cheeses including Brie, Camembert, and Blue may also cause adverse effects. It’s also important to avoid raw eggs, such as in Hollandaise sauce.
Additionally, any foods that contain undercooked eggs should be avoided.
From preparing nutritious meals to making healthy lifestyle choices, seniors may need assistance with an array of tasks. Some seniors only require help with a few daily tasks so they can maintain their independence. However, those living with serious illnesses may need more extensive assistance. Call the marketing team at (607) 2665300 to schedule a tour to see our facilities and learn more about lifecare at Kendal at Ithaca. Find us on the web at http://kai.kendal.org/
P.S. Bananas are good food choices for seniors since they have been known to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.
which made him feel tentative in the early stages of illustrating Beorn. It was not until he heard animator Erik Larson say he utilized certain aspects of individual styles in the creation of his own style that Bender came to terms with the fact that such a concept is truly unattainable.
“I learned that it’s not gonna matter how I draw,” he said. “People are still gonna make those comparisons. So I may as well just kind of stop ghting it and just draw.”
e story of Beorn:
e Littlest Viking is one about a small warrior that believes he is destined for greatness who receives a map from a stranger before embarking on an adventure full of myths, legends, gods, heroes, monsters, fantastical creatures, and more.
“For me, it’s about the kind of relationships that he forms and the impacts and interactions that he has with the people that he meets along the way,” he said. “So still very keeping to its roots of sort of a slice of life newspaper comic strip. It just happens to have this running epic adventure going on behind it.”
Despite the adorable depictions of characters and the sense of light-heartedness in the story’s spirit, there are moments of violence and horror along the way, something that Bender said was important for him to include in the book. One of his biggest artistic in uences is Jim Henson, creator of e Muppets and director of fantasy lms e Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, who emphasized that children should be scared and that it is okay to do so.
“My takeaway from it was the sense of like, it’s okay to scare them so that they can
learn why it’s okay to be scared but also how it’s going to work out okay through the story, through the narrative,” Bender said. “And so when I was writing Beorn, there are things in it sometimes where I wanted people to feel like, ‘Oh my gosh, is he gonna make it?’”
One example from the book is in the second chapter where one of the characters carves one of his eyes out and casts it into a well, though Bender does not illustrate the gorey act itself.
“I didn’t show him cutting his eye out, but I showed everything in between where you see him holding the knife up to his eye and then the very next panel is this disembodied, this removed eye being tossed across the panel right before it plops into the well,” he said.
Bender said he feels a sense of responsibility as the author to include scenes like these in the book for the sake of the audience as well as himself. He said he received a lot of feedback from parents saying that they loved it and enjoyed reading it together with their child.
“I have a three-year-old and honestly, if she were four, I’d [probably] let her see it,” he said. “If she were six, I’d [de nitely] let her see it. But I know not everybody would, and I had to start balancing what I really thought was necessary for the story and what was the best way to kind of show that darkness, that danger. Was it showing a chopped out eyeball, or was there some way to do it narratively?”
“Some of the things that I had written took on that lens of, is it essential to show that…or can I hint at it, in some way that maybe really subtle? Sometimes it is just visually scary because it needs to be visually scary’”
ose interested in learning more about Beorn: e Littlest Viking can visit thelittlestviking.com
Everclear’s Art Alexakis is very clear about one thing: he likes to have fun, and right now, making albums doesn’t sound like fun. He’s happy enough playing his hits and sticking to rock and roll. Everclear, whose 90’s and 00’s hits included “Father of Mine”, “Santa Monica” and “I Will Buy You a New Life”, comes to Hammondsport on July 16 for a 30th anniversary show with opening acts Fastball (“ e Way”) and e Nixons.
IT: I was a DJ and worked at Sam Goody in the 90’s so I was de nitely there for that rst wave of Everclear.
AA: Well now, how long were you at Sam Goody?
IT: ‘Til the retail industry basically imploded.
AA: Like 2000, 2001?
IT: When customers said, “I’ll just order it online,” I said, “ at’s the end.”
AA: “ at’s the end of that, man,” I remember that, man. I was trying to tell people in the industry that they were gonna win in their ght against Sean Napster [Parker]. I’m like, “You need to take what he’s got and gure out a way to monetize it. Do you really think people are gonna say no to free music?” [laughs] Come on. at was stupid. It’s funny – I grew up always wanting to work in a record store. When I became 17, I started working in a record store in California called Licorice Pizza.
IT: e movie!
AA: Yeah. And there was Licorice Pizza Warehouse; there was all these other stores. Sam Goody was a thing back East. But of course, there was Tower Records. [ at] wasn’t near where I lived, I had to take four buses to get to Tower Records on the Sunset Strip. Ouch. at took a lot of work.
IT: is is Everclear’s 30th anniversary.
AA: is is my life’s work.
IT: I love what you did with the Summerland tours, bringing back bands like Fastball, who you’re bringing to Hammondsport.
AA: Well, because I love Fastball. I think they’re a f**king great band. I like the Nixons a lot. ey’re bands that don’t play with [pre-recorded] tracks. We’re three bands that don’t use auxiliary tracks and Pro Tools. We’re a rock and roll band. Just go up there and play. Y’know? And that’s important to me, because we’re becoming kind of a rarity, you know. Bands that you would think would just be balls to the wall, old school rock bands are using tracks and Pro Tools and stu like that. To me, it feels like older people getting shots in their face, and getting work done. As we call it on the West Coast, “getting work done” on their face, because they feel, y’know, they’re getting older. ey don’t want their granny panties to show. You get what you get with me. at’s the way I look at my music as well. We’re playing our music.
IT: I’m not familiar with e Nixons.
AA: e Nixons came up in the Dallas music scene. Deep Blue Something, there were a bunch of bands that that got signed and had success out of that Dallas scene of the early-mid 90’s. And even though
e Nixons are from Oklahoma, that’s the scene they broke in with, Dallas. ey had one hit that was kinda big in radio called “Sister”. ey kinda sounded like a grunge band. ey kinda sounded like that early Seattle scene, y’know, with a little bit of Americana thrown in there. But they’re not American like Fastball. I f**kin’ love Fastball so much. I mean, you can call it what you want, call it 90’s stu or whatever works for you, that’s cool. But to me, Bryan, it’s rock and roll, and I f**king love rock and roll.
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Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Jessie Gray | 6 p.m. | Mill Park | Free
The Small Kings | 6 p.m. | Ithaca Beer Co., 122 Ithaca Beer Dr
Homer Summer Concert Series: Stiv Morgan | 7 p.m. | Village Green | Free
Joe Hayward’s Friends | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road | Free
CFCU Summer Concert Series: Kitestring| 6 p.m. | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons | Free
Sunset Music Series: The Ravines| 6 p.m. | Six Mile Creek Vineyard, 1551 Slaterville Rd
Music in Myers Park: Tailor Made | 6:30 p.m. | Myers Park | Free
Cortland Youth Bureau Summer Concert Series: The Cortland OldTimers Band | 7 p.m. | Courthouse Park, Court House Park
Iron Horse | 6:00PM | Lucas Vineyards
Cortland Main Street Music Series: The Roos; Sydney Irving & The mojo; Quona Hudson | 6 p.m. | Main Street, Cortland
Rita Venuti & John Blume | 6 p.m. | Buttonwood Grove, 5986 State Route 89
Friday Night Music - Go Gone | 6 p.m. | Hopshire Farms and Brewery, 1771 Dryden Rd
Friday Night Farm Jams: Black Mountain Symphony | 6:30 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider, Interlaken
Cornell Arts Quad Concert Series: Neo Project | 7 p.m. | Cornell University Arts Quad, 144 East Ave | Free
Jim Sheridan | 1 p.m. | Buttonwood Grove Winery, 5986 State Route 89
Taughannock Falls Concert Series: Party of Four | 7 p.m. | Taughannock Falls State Park, 1740 Taughannock Blvd | Free
Cider Sunday Concert Series: Party of Four | 1 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider House, 4017 Hickok Road
Live music feat. The Inner Crazy | | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road
Mondays with MAQ @ South Hill Cider | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
Summer Concert Series - Grass Roots Edition w/ Cortadito | 6 p.m. | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons
Homer Summer Concert Series on the Green: Doc Weismore w/ Real Country | 7 p.m. | Homer Village Green, 28 S. Main St
Panloco Steel Drum Band | 7 p.m.
| Wells College AA House, Route 90 | Free
Sixth Annual Bastille Day Organ Concert | 7 p.m. | St. Luke Lutheran Church, 109 Oak Avenue
Paul Davie | 1 p.m. | Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road
Righteous Brothers | 8 p.m. | Tioga Downs, 2384 West River Rd | $20.00 - $40.00
I Love the 90’s ftg.Tone Loc, Coolio, Rob Base, Young MC, & Vanilla Ice | | Tag’s Summer Stage
Cabaret | 7:30 p.m., 7/13 Wednesday | Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd. |
CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate | 7/13 Wednesday | Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion, 6799 Little York Lake Road | July 6-16.
ComedyFLOPs 3rd Friday Improv Show To Support WRFI Community Radio | 7 p.m., 7/15 Friday | Virtual, https://www.youtube.com/comedyflops | ComedyFLOPs’ 3rd Friday streaming Improv Shows in support of local area non-profit organizations. This month we’re supporting WRFI Community Radio. | Free Open Mic Stand Up Comedy Night @ The Downstairs at Downstairs | 7 p.m., 7/19 Tuesday | First and third Tuesdays of the month! Kenneth
McLauren hosts Open Mic Stand Up Comedy Night at The Downstairs. View on site | Email this event
Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Two Gentlemen of Verona | 6 p.m., 7/20 Wednesday | Robert H. Treman State Park, 105 Enfield Falls Rd. | A play that ISC has never produced in any form -- a sparkling romantic comedy featuring smart women, foolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of course, a bit with a dog...
Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra | 6 p.m., 7/21 Thursday | Robert H. Treman State Park, 105 Enfield Falls Rd. | The very first play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women.
Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 | 7:30 p.m., 7/21 Thursday | Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd. | Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 by Dave Malloy Transport yourself to Imperial Russia, during the time of the Napoleonic Wars.
Ulysses S. Grant’s Friendship with Abraham Lincoln | 6 p.m., 7/22 Friday | Newfield Fire Hall, 77 Main Street | General Ulysses S. Grant returns to talk about his friendship with President Lincoln. Join the Newfield Public Library and Newfield Historical Society for this exciting living history program! Free and open to the public! Refreshments will be served. | Free Singtrece’s Open Mic for Singers, Rappers, Songwriters & Poets @ The Downstairs at The Downstairs | 7 p.m., 7/26 Tuesday | The Downstairs and SingTrece Publishing Production Presents Ithaca’s Best Open Mic for
Singers, Rappers, Songwriters, Poets and Spoken Word.
Jari Poulin | Mirage at Ink Shop Studio Gallery | 1 p.m., 7/13 Wednesday | Jari Poulin | Mirage features a series of images that combine monoprints and black and white photographic transfers to create dream-like worlds that speak to memory and imagination.
New Members’ Show | 12 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 W State St #2 | New Members’ Show at State of the art Gallery: Carol Spence and Vincent Joseph
Essence: Opening Art Reception wit Yen Ospina and Mike Sullivan | 5 p.m., 7/15 Friday | The Cherry Gallery, 130 Cherry St. Ithaca, NY | The Cherry Arts presents an Opening Reception for Essence, a collaborative art exhibition featuring artists Yen Ospina and Mike Sullivan from Jul 15-Aug 31.
Observing The Observer - Artwork by Kim Schrag | 5 p.m., 7/15 Friday | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St | Opening Reception:Friday, July 15 5:00 - 8:00pm Exhibit Dates:July 8 - August 26
Common Thread Invitational | 11 a.m., 7/16 Saturday | corners gallery, 903 HANSHAW RD | Common Thread Invitational showcases work by five contemporary artists working in fiber and textiles.
Handcrafted Ceramics | 11 a.m., 7/16 Saturday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main St. | For ages 14+: Join Angela Cartwright of Angel Art Pottery for Handcrafted Ceramics at the Edith B. Ford Memorial Library in Ovid, NY. This program is free with all materials provided. Registration is required! | Free
The Gallery at South Hill opening reception for Andrew Paine: New and Recent Work | 5 p.m., 7/16 Saturday | The Gallery at South Hill, 950 Danby Road | The Gallery at South Hill Opening reception for Andrew Paine: New and Recent Work. Andrew’s new and recent work exhibit examines process using industrial materials and methods. | Free
Let’s Meditate at the Museum Summer Session 8 | 12:15 p.m., 7/20 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | During each halfhour session, a trained Cornell Health
“Let’s Meditate” program guide will lead participants through exercises designed to focus on the breath and quiet the mind.
Art at BTI - “Patterns in Nature: How They Emerge and Inspire” | 4:30 p.m., 7/20 Wednesday | Boyce Thompson Institute, 533 Tower Rd | June B.W. Szabo and Dr. Magdalena Julkowska are featured speakers in this year’s Art at BTI, an annual series that explores the connection between art and science. BTI displays the work of a local artist on the Institute’s walls, while inviting the greater community to view, celebrate and learn. | Free
120 E. Green St., Ithaca
July 15- July 21, 2022. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New films listed first. *
Both Sides of the Blade* | The tale of a passionate love triangle set in Paris in winter. | 116 mins NR
Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down*
| The extraordinary story of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, her relentless fight to recover following an assassination attempt in 2011, and her new life as one of the most effective activists in the battle for gun violence prevention and in promoting understanding of the language condition aphasia.| 98 mins NR
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris* | A widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, and decides that she must have one of her own. | 92 mins PG
Where the Crawdads Sing* | From the best-selling novel comes a captivating mystery of Kya, an abandoned girl who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of North Carolina. For years, rumors of the “Marsh Girl” haunted Barkley Cove, isolating the sharp and resilient Kya from her community.|
Everything Everywhere All At Once | A hilarious and big-hearted sci-fi action-adventure about an exhausted Chinese American woman (Michelle Yeoh) who can’t seem to finish her taxes. | 140 mins R
Elvis | From his childhood in Tupelo, Mississippi to his rise to stardom
starting in Memphis, Tennessee and his conquering of Las Vegas, Nevada, Elvis Presley becomes the first rock ‘n roll star and changes the world with his music.| 159 mins NR
Osprey Eco-Cruise at Allan H. Treman Marina | 4:30 p.m., 7/13 Wednesday | Experience the ecology of Cayuga Lake through the lens of Osprey from the comfort of our spacious boat, the MV Teal.
Guided Tour - Prohibition Era Ithaca at The History Center in Tompkins County | 5:30 p.m., 7/15 Friday | See Weekeknd Planner for more details. TOUR DATES Thursday 7/14 (5:30pm), Friday 7/15 (5:30pm), Saturday 7/16 (11am and 4pm) and Thursday 7/21 (5:30pm), Friday 7/22 (5:30pm), Saturday 7/23 (11am and 4pm)
Ithaca Night Bazaar at Steamboat Landing, Ithaca Farmers Market Pavilion | 6 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | A monthly festival of musicians, makers, artists, performers, doers and dreamers.
Night Sky Cruise at Allen Treman State Park | 9:30 p.m., 7/15 Friday | Come enjoy the wide, open skies for yourself and see if you can recognize some zodiac signs from our boat, the spacious MV Teal!
POP’d PROM: Dry Party 18+ | 9:30 p.m., 7/15 Friday | The Cherry Arts, 102 Cherry Street | A super-inclusive, consent-oriented, pop-up nightclub experience dedicated to creating a safer nightlife experience. | $15.00 - $75.00
POP’d PROM: 21+ | 9:30 p.m., 7/16 Saturday | The Cherry Arts, 102 Cherry Street | POP’d at The Cherry is a super-inclusive, consent-oriented, safer nightlife experience with DJs, performers, snacks and refreshments. Holiday in Homer | 7/16 Saturday | Downtown Homer | The Holiday in Homer festival includes over 125 artisans and crafters, lots of great food, live music and entertainment for all ages. Holiday in Homer is held on the beautiful church green in downtown Homer.
Gorge Hike at Cayuga Nature Center at Cayuga Nature Center | 10 a.m., 7/17 Sunday | Join an educator as we hike up the Cayuga Nature Center’s gorge to get an up close view of Denison Falls!
When Dermatology Associates of Ithaca had outgrown their office space, Dr. Josie McAllister turned to a team who has been there for the practice every step of the way: Tompkins and Tompkins Insurance Agencies.
With guidance and financing help from Tompkins, Dr. McAllister was able to purchase and renovate a beautiful 8,000 square foot facility in Ithaca.
p.m., 7/13 Wednesday | St. John’s Episcopal Church, 210 N. Cayuga St. | Free hot meals are served every weekday. Lunch: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon -1:00 pm. Dinner: Tuesday, Thursday from 5:30-6:30 pm. Interested in volunteering? email info@loaves.org, or go to www.loaves. org. All are Welcome! | Free
Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 7/13 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. | On the corner of Route 227 & 96 … In the heart of Trumansburg
Live in Ithaca: Welcome Home Wednesday at the State of the Art Gallery | 5:30 p.m., 7/13 Wednesday
| State of the Art Gallery, 120 West State Street | Have you relocated to the area in the past year to live or work in Tompkins County?
circle and sharing time. Sliding scale donations
Ovid Farmers Market | 3 p.m., 7/15 Friday | Three Bears Complex, Main St. | Every Friday from 3-7.
Ithaca Farmers Market - Saturdays at Steamboat | 9 a.m., 7/16 Saturday | Steamboat Landing, 545 Third Street | Shop all of the best food, art and ag within 30 miles!
Brooktondale Farmers Market | 10 a.m., 7/16 Saturday | Brooktondale Community Center, 526 Valley Rd | The Brooktondale Farmers Market offers a relaxed combination of live music, food from the grill, and friendly vendors, every Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.
Visit TompkinsBank.com or TompkinsIns.com.
Guided Nature Walks at Cayuga Nature Center | 10 a.m., 7/20 Wednesday | Join us as we take a stroll along one of CNC’s hiking trails! We’ll keep an eye out for what’s in bloom, signs of wildlife, and more!
Special Book Launch Party with Zingology Band | 5 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | North Star Art Gallery, 743 Snyder Hill Road | Music performance by Zingology and book signing by artist Brian Keeler. | Free
Author Reading: From the Finger Lakes: A Memoir Anthology | 3 p.m., 7/16 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | The reading will be a celebration of ten years of publishing poetry, essays, and fiction of regional and national interest. Attendees will read memories with familiar local settings. | Free
Meet an Entomologist! | 11 a.m., 7/14 Thursday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Do you have a question about insects? Ask an expert!
Storytime with Jae | 10 a.m., 7/15 Friday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main St | At 10am every Friday in June and July, join Jae, the Edith B. Ford Memorial Library’s Storytime Facilitator, for several fun activities and a craft!
Monotype with Stencils for Parent & Child | 12 p.m., 7/16 Saturday | The Ink Shop, 330 E. MLK/State St | Saturday, July 16, 1pm-3pm $30 for Parent + 1 Elementary Age Child ($10 for materials)$40 for Parent + 2 Elementary Age Children ($10 for materials) This workshop is a fun family
Secrets of the Library - Every Picture Tells a Story: Children’s Writing Workshop with Anne Mazer | 1:30 p.m., 7/16 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Comic Camp with Ken Wheaton | 11 a.m., 7/18 Monday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main St | For ages 8+: Learn how to plan, create, and draw a comic with published artist, Ken Wheaton! | Free
Loaves & Fishes of Tompkins County -Indoor Meal Service | 12
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 7/13 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | M
Red Cross Blood Drive | 12 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | The Shops at Ithaca Mall, 40 Catherwood Rd. | Be kind and become a blood donor! Donate in July for chance to win a Shark Week merch package thanks to Discovery! Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit redcrossblood.org to make your appointment today!
Candor Farmers Market | 3:30 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | Candor Town Hall Pavilion, 101 Owego Road | Local vendors with produce, crafts, cheese, meat, maple products, baked goods, food truck | Free
A Quilt Top with Ties to Dryden | 7 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | Dryden United Methodist Church, 9 E. Main St. | The quilt top was found several years ago at a flea market in Massachusetts by a member of a local quilting club and displayed at a club meeting. The quilt top is embroidered with over fifty names dating from 1846 – 1849; all from Tompkins County and most from Dryden.
Ecstatic Dance Sanctuary | 7:30 p.m., 7/14 Thursday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd | Ecstatic Dance at the Foundation of Light. 7:30pm: Doors open, intro music set begins 8pm: opening circle 8:30pm: full music set begins 9:45pm: closing
Farmer’s Market Cruises on weekends! at Ithaca Farmers Market | 11 a.m., 7/16 Saturday | The Dock, 415 Taughannock Blvd. | Enjoy a ONE Hour cruise from the dock aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal at the iconic Ithaca’s Farmer’s Market!
Sunday Morning Meditation | 9 a.m., 7/17 Sunday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Road | Sunday morning meditation, free and open to all.
The Glen Haven Summer Market | 10 a.m., 7/17 Sunday | The Glen Haven, 7434 Fair Haven Rd |
Sound Healing | 2 p.m., 7/17 Sunday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd | Sound healing experience with Neko, 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month2pm—3pm $22-33 sliding scale. Email: nekothreesixty@gmail. com to register
LEARN Workshop: Restoring Connections and Wellness: From Resilience to Thriving | 9 a.m., 7/19 Tuesday | Tompkins County Health Department, 55 Brown Road | Nationally recognized organization wellness expert, Dr. Joel Bennett, will join us in Ithaca for this interactive, uplifting workshop!
Why Do You Parent The Way You Do? (Ithaca, IN-PERSON) | 6 p.m., 7/19 Tuesday | CCE-Tompkins Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue
| Many factors influence our children and how we parent. Every family, every child is different and unique. Why do we do what we do? Why do we make the decisions we make?
Driver with SUV-sized car and good driving record to deliver newspapers 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesdays year-round in and around Ithaca. Call 607 2777000 x 1214.
OCM BOCES Career & Technical Education Department has the need for a School Counselor located at the Thompson Road Campus. Provide ongoing career planning for students in grades 9-12. Maintain open communication with home school district counselors and Special Education staff; oversee enrollments and academic progress; schedule student visitations and tours; provide academic and personal counseling; and assist in facilitating job shadowing and keeping track of work-based hours. New York State School Counselor certification required. Applications accepted online only. Register and apply at: www.olasjobs. org/central. For more information, visit our website at: www.ocmboces. org EOE
We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled – it doesn’t matter! Get free towing and same day cash! NEWER MODELS too! Call 866-535-9689 (AAN CAN)
Wheels For Wishes benefiting MakeA-Wish Northeast New York. Your Car Donations Matter NOW More Than Ever! Free Vehicle Pick Up ANYWHERE. We Accept Most Vehicles Running or Not. 100% Tax Deductible. Minimal To No Human Contact. Call: (877) 798-9474. Car Donation Foundation dba Wheels For Wishes. www. wheelsforwishes.org. (NYSCAN)
Loaves & Fishes of Tompkins County is now open for inside meal service! Free hot meals are served every weekday at St. John’s, 210 N. Cayuga St: Lunch: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon -1:00 pm. Dinner: Tuesday, Thursday from 5:30-6:30 pm. Interested in volunteering? email info@loaves.org, or go to www. loaves.org
DIRECTV for $79.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE package. Watch your favorite live sports, news & entertainment anywhere. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV: 1-888-534-6918 (NYSCAN)
Use Happy Jack Kennel Dip as an area spray to control lyme disease , ticks, fleas, stable flies & mosquitoes where they breed. At Tractor Supply www.fleabeacon.com (NYSCAN)
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. Gibson Mandolins & Banjos: 877-589-0747. (AAN CAN)
Ultimate Medical Academy Online | Medical Billing and Coding. Prepare for a Career in Medical Billing & Coding w/an Online Degree at Ultimate Medical Academy! Students Come First. Flexible Online Learning. Student support services. Call 877568-2462 (NYSCAN)
Ithaca Times is seeking an experienced journalist with strong organizational, reporting and editing skills. You would oversee both the news and arts &entertainment sections of our community weekly. Duties include copy editing all content, layout coordination, some reporting, and feature and editorial writing. You need to develop stories, plan several weeks ahead, and set the course for the editorial direction of the newspaper. A staff reporter,and several freelancers report directly to you. You must have a strong sense of place to do this job; the Ithaca Times is about Ithaca, and Ithaca is fascinating.
Respond with cover letter, writing samples, and resume to jbilinski@ ithacatimes.com and Larry@ithacatimes.com
SCHOOL COUNSELOR K-12. OCM BOCES is looking for a dynamic, experienced counselor to support students in the K-12 Virtual Learning Academy at OCM BOCES. This position is primarily remote, but the successful candidate will be expected to work at our main campus location approximately 2-4 days per month. The ideal candidate is positive, professional, flexible, and dedicated to helping all students achieve success in a virtual environment. Candidates must have strong instructional technology skills, be well versed in virtual learning, or have an aptitude for virtual learning and be a quick learner. Experience with the Schooltool platform is required and knowledge with master scheduling is strongly preferred. Candidates should possess excellent communication skills, be focused on supporting students both academically and socially, as well as be able to meet the needs of a variety of stakeholders in order to serve the many districts who will be a part of the Virtual Learning Academy. Applications accepted online only. Register and apply at: www.olasjobs. org/central. For more information, visit our website at: www.ocmboces. org EOE
Full-time 12 month opening located at OCM BOCES, Regional Information Center, Syracuse. Successful candidate will be an instructional leader assisting districts in using data to meet state reporting requirements and improve student outcomes. District locations may range from Ithaca to Oswego to Syracuse and surrounding areas. NYS administrative certification required. Experience with data analysis, Excel, state reporting, or data team facilitation preferred. $80,500-$85,000. Applications accepted online only. Register and apply at: www.olasjobs.org/central. For more information, visit our website at: www.ocmboces.org EOE
The Ithaca Times is seeking a parttime photographer to work on a per assignment basis. Please send letter of interest, and indicate photography experience to: jbilinski@ ithacatimes.com
OCM BOCES has an anticipated need for a Full-time (10 months + 20 days) Teacher Trainer – Professional Development to support ELA and Social Studies instruction. This position will be located at the OCM BOCES Main Campus, 110 Elwood Davis Road, Liverpool, NY. Assist component districts to implement ELA Next Generation Learning Standards and the Social Studies Framework and assessments. Implement data driven instruction to improve practice. Provide classroom coaching and support for ELA and Social Studies in classrooms. Support the implementation of the Seal of Civic Readiness and the CRS-E Framework. Represent OCM BOCES statewide at meetings in ELA and Social Studies. Facilitate regional professional learning. Other duties as assigned. Minimum of 5 years teaching experience. Childhood Education (1-6), ELA (7-12), or Social Studies (7-12) certification required. Applications will only be accepted on-line. Register and apply at: www.olasjobs.org/central. For more information, visit our website at: www.ocmboces.org EOE
Love what you do at Wegmans Food Market. 607-277-5800, Ithaca, 500 S. Meadow St., Ithaca, NY 14850
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