In an e ort to keep moving the process of reimaging law enforcement forward, the Ithaca Common Council agreed to a contract with Tompkins County to jointly fund a Community Justice Center (CJC), at its July 27 meeting.
The CJC is intended to determine implementation priorities, develop budget impacts for the plan, manage and analyze data, and provide reports to the City and County about the progress of the plan.
e City and County are contracting to each contribute about $138,000 for the rst year and agree to the contract auto renewing for a second year a er a review.
Ithaca’s Common Council unanimously approved the extension of $20,000 incentives to be paid to o cers joining the Ithaca Police Department (IPD) from other law enforcement agencies without receiving a promotion in the process.
e incentive is payable in two stages: $10,000 a er the o cer’s rst pay period, and another $10,000 when the o cer completes their rst year on the job.
To be eligible, o cers must already have at least two years of police experience and agree to work for the IPD for two years. ere is a “clawback” provision in the agreement if the o cer leaves
Alderperson Cynthia Brock of Ithaca’s First Ward proposed changing the contract so that it would fully fund the CJC for two years before requiring a review, suggesting this would more fully convey the City’s commitment to the mission of reimagining law enforcement.
While the other members of the Council stressed the City’s commitment to the reimagining law enforcement process, they resisted the call to amend the contract,
citing the need for quick action.
Tompkins County Administrator Lisa Holmes, who was present at the meeting, noted that hiring people to sta the CJC was contingent on the County and City having a signed contract, and that substantive changes to the proposed contract would require going back to the County Legislature, delaying the process further.
e need for speed carried the day and the Council voted 7-1 to approve the contract with only a minimal language change.
a number of payments in order to tie the payments more closely to the recipient’s continued employment, was seen as ine ective.
before the promised two years.
In response to questions regarding the payment schedule, Schelley Michell-Nunn, the City’s Director of Human Resources, noted that incentive plans typically pay the total amount up front, so this schedule provides the City with more than they usual protection. Michell-Nunn added that the previous incentive policy of a $15,000 “signing bonus” spread out over
Rejoice The Vote — The Dorothy Cotton Institute is joining Rejoice the Vote to celebrate and remember the signing of the Voters Rights Act on August 6th, 1965. Both organizations note that they celebrate the anniversary because the passage of this act was meant to ensure that no federal, state, or local government could in any way impede people from voting because of their race or ethnicity. They also say they’re called to remember the occasion because of the incredible struggle and loss of life that so many people endured to ensure this basic right. Noting their belief that the 2013 Shelby Supreme Court took away many of those rights, they will be on the Ithaca Commons on Saturday August 6th because the democracy struggle still looms. They encourage people to stop by if they have a moment, noting that they will have cookies honoring John Lewis and posters available that honor our
Acting IPD Chief John Joly said that the incentives are vital, explaining that the department recently lost out on a potential lateral transfer to the Tompkins County Sheri ’s O ce, and that the department is competing with every department in the state to attract these individuals. He added that there are two “laterals” who are currently in the process who the department is hoping to hire.
voting heroes and heroines. They will also have information about their VOTINGEST CITY contest. Information regarding Rejoice the Vote and its VOTINGEST CITY CONTEST can be found at www.rejoicethevote.org. June Unemployment Rates Released — The New York State Department of Labor released preliminary local area unemployment rates for June 2022. Ithaca’s rate for June 2022 was 2.8%, down from a rate of 4.4% in June 2021. This is the lowest rate of any of the 15 metro areas the department looks at. Rates are calculated using methods prescribed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The State’s area unemployment rates rely in part on the results of the Current Population Survey, which contacts approximately 3,100 households in New York State each month. New York State’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate held at 4.4% from May to June 2022.
Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman
All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $89 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classi ed. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the rst insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972–1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973–1978), combined in 1978. F OUNDER G
Ithaca’s Common Council has approved lease changes that would allow the Ithaca Farmers Market to rent out about 50 spaces in the parking lot at Steamboat Landing for use as a park and ride location.
Speci c spots will not be assigned for the commuters, and this use will only be allowed on weekdays when the Farmers Market is not in operation.
e change required a multistep process due to the manner in which the location is administered. e City owns Steamboat Landing and leases the location to the Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA), which in turn leases it to the Ithaca Farmers Market.
Nels Bohn, director of the IURA, eased mild concerns raised by Council members
regarding potential City liabilities regarding this use, noting that the agreements require that the Ithaca Farmers Market and any potential operator of a park and ride operation carry insurance coverage that will provide protection for the City.
Council members voiced support for the plan, acknowledging that this was a currently underused parking location that could now be used to help reduce auto use in the City.
In preparation for the upcoming Fall 2022 semester, Cornell announced changes to some of its COVID-19 policies, rolling back most of its remaining restrictions but encouraging good COVID-19 etiquette.
Masks will no longer be required in classroom settings, though they are “strongly encouraged,” according to the announcement.
“We ask that you consider and respect the vulnerabilities of others by wearing a mask in the classroom if requested by an instructor and/or fellow classmates,” wrote Provost Mike Kotliko and Vice President for Student and Campus Life Ryan Lombardi.
Masks are still required at campus healthcare facilities, on public transit and at test sites through Aug. 31.
Another major change will come from the University’s testing capabilities. A er Aug. 31 however, the University will discontinue its PCR test sites, though antigen tests will still be available “to all students, faculty and sta who may wish to test following travel, attendance at large gatherings, illness or potential exposure.” Symptomatic individuals can seek out PCR tests at Cornell Health. More information about
antigen test availability past the Aug. 31 cuto will be available later this summer.
All campus community members are still required to provide proof of vaccination — including a primary vaccination series and all recommended boosters — or a medical or religious exemption. Students will also be asked to take an at-home antigen test before traveling to campus.
“ ese tests are widely available at most retail locations and should be taken as close to your departure date as possible,” the statement read.
According to the University’s COVID dashboard, 97 percent of students and 94 percent of faculty and sta are vaccinated. A slightly lower 92 percent of students and 89 percent of faculty and sta are boosted.
During the semester, students that test positive for COVID-19 will be granted a temporary Student Disability Services accommodation letter and asked to isolate themselves in their residence hall or apartment. Roommates of COVID-19 positive students can choose to stay with a friend or go to a hotel at their own expense if they feel uncomfortable staying in their current living facilities.
e announcement also explained that students who feel sick shouldn’t attend
class, work or social gatherings and should follow guidelines from the Center for Disease Control.
e University cited the widespread availability of vaccines, boosters, antigen testing and high-quality masks as the reason for its COVID-19 policy changes.
“As the pandemic has evolved, it is clear that SARS-CoV-2 is becoming one of many viruses that surround us. Even though it is unrealistic to expect that we will be able to eradicate COVID-19 as a disease, given its ease of transmission, there are special precautions that should be taken,” said the announcement.
If necessary, the updates leave room for change as the COVID-19 situation evolves or if CDC, New York State or Tompkins County guidelines change.
Student and Campus Life will host a virtual community forum about plans for the Fall 2022 semester on Aug. 11 at 3:30 p.m.
Julia Nagel is a reporter from e Cornell Daily Sun working on e Sun’s summer fellowship at the Ithaca Times.
Cornell’s Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science has experienced explosive growth over the past decade, with more than a six-fold increase in student enrollment.
e three disciplines within the college—computer science (CS), information science (info sci) and statistics and data science—are growing faster than any others at Cornell, with more than 2,000 total undergraduate majors and counting. In 2021, more than half of all undergraduates took one or more courses in a CIS eld, according to the University. at number has since increased to more than 76 percent.
To re ect this growth and in anticipation of future demand, the University plans to build a state-of-the-art Comput-
ing and Information Sciences (CIS) building next year and complete it in 2025. It will replace Hoy baseball eld.
“Right now [CIS] faculty and sta are distributed in di erent buildings across campus. is new, uni ed complex will allow us to grow, and bring our three departments together as a coherent and collaborative whole which has a huge intellectual bene t and will help build a strong sense of community,” stated CIS Dean Kavita Bala in an email.
Construction is already underway for the new Hoy baseball eld, which will be moved a ways out from campus to the corner of Ellis Hollow and Game Farm road, near East Hill Plaza and the McGovern soccer elds.
e new baseball diamond is scheduled for completion by the start of the 2023 season.
“Obviously, we're disappointed to move from Hoy because Hoy has so much tradi-
tion to it. But the school has done a great job of making sure we're in good shape when we make this move,” said Head Baseball Coach Dan Pepicelli.
e new baseball complex will feature a synthetic turf eld, 500-seat stadium, clubhouse and 80-car parking lot.
ough the new eld will require a longer commute for players and fans, Pepicelli has high hopes for the upcoming season on the new eld with promising recruits and a couple of players coming back from injuries.
“Over the last 10 years now, we've been looking for that thing that can make us a little more competitive in the Ivy League,” Pepicelli said. “I think the new facility is really going to provide us with the development opportunities that we need to move forward.”
According to Fred Schneider ’75, former chair of the CS department and current CS professor, the new building will enable the University to hire 20 to 30 new CS faculty members “as fast as we can get there.”
“ e faculty are ecstatic… both because we need this space, and because it sends a signal to the rest of the world that Cornell is really serious about investing in CIS,” Schneider said.
When he was an undergraduate student at Cornell, CS didn’t exist as an undergraduate major. In the years since, he’s seen rsthand how the major has developed and evolved, eventually into the Bowers College of Computing and Information Science.
“If you wanted to take computer science, you ended up sitting in classes that were populated primarily by PhD students,” Schneider said. “Cornell was a pioneer in setting up the CIS structure. A number of other institutions have followed.”
Re ecting on the forthcoming CIS building, Schneider described it as a watershed moment that will allow CIS to grow unencumbered.
According to Schneider, the additional faculty will increase the college’s strength in more specialized areas such as drones, robotics and systems building. He also hopes that the growth will allow non-majors to take higher level CS courses, which is currently not the case due to limited course seats.
“It's more than a building—the building is designed in a way so there can be a third building, which given our expectations about growth, we expect to need that in about 10 years,” said Schneider.
Watch out Barton Hall.
e Sun’s summer fellowship
The City’s teams were quick to respond to last week’s thunderstorm damage, taking down some large, stormdamaged trees downtown with alacrity.
Having to drive to Cortland to get a Fribble after Ithaca’s sole remaining Friendly’s closed is depressing, even if it’s good for our waistline.
We now know that Alderperson George McGonigal lost his appendix when he was 10 years old. While his aside was funny, we’re hoping Council meetings don’t start including regular reports on medical histories. They’re already long enough.
The morning lines at the Dunkin drive throughs are getting longer. Is this a result of people choosing to boycott Starbucks due to their Collegetown actions or the realization that Dunkin’s co ee drinks are surprisingly good?
IF YOU CARE TO RESPOND to something in this column, or suggest your own praise or blame, write news@ithacatimes. com, with a subject head “U&D.”
What’s your favorite swimming setting? 27.8% The lake. Can’t get much better than Cayuga. 52.8% A pool. I hate the feeling of mud on my feet. 19.4% In a gorge. Legally, of course.
Marvel or DC?
Visit ithaca.com to submit your response.
If you’ve taken your cat, dog or ferret to one of the local free rabies clinics, you’ve probably crossed paths with Skip Parr, Senior Environmental Health Specialist in the Division of Environmental Health in the Tompkins County Health Department.
Twenty years ago, Skip and his soon to be wife, Bernadette moved to Ithaca, so that Bernadette could begin work at Cornell. Over time, although Skip loved his former environmental science work in Syracuse, he joined Tompkins County, rst as a recycling specialist, and then on to the Department of Health. Living and working in Tompkins has been good for Skip and his family, and it surely has been good for all of us in this area.
Working with 19 other Environmental Health sta led by Director Liz Cameron and two other Senior Environmental Health Specialists, Kristee Morgan and Adriel Shea, plus Public Health Engineer Scott Freyburger, Skip and team cover a vast territory:
“ e Environmental Health Division is an educational and regulatory agency dedicated to protecting, preserving, and promoting the health of the residents of Tompkins County through management
“How Can I Miss You When You Won’t Go Away?” is the musical question from Dan Hicks’ old would-be standard.
Even in jest, it’s been a pertinent question during the pandemic. For a while much of the world was in lockdown.
ings have eased up a er two years, and while the ultra-careful note that virus cases still propagate widely, many of the vaccinated feel free to act normally as of old, with the understanding (or belief) that inoculation protects them, if not from the virus completely, at least from its worst e ects.
us this summer is vacation season again, although now there is peril to one’s pocketbook, with what is considered by the cynical, or the aware, rampant price gouging among oil companies.
Recent air travelers I know in Ithaca report that while there are few bargains among the airlines, at least procedures are careful and considerate, and passengers cordial and cooperative. I’ve heard this about arrivals at Ithaca Tompkins International Airport (its o cial name now) from this country and from overseas, all of which involved connecting ights and multiple airports, as most Ithaca air travel does. at means plenty of potential hazards, or at least complications, but things seem to be functioning smoothly.
Car travel is simpler. Air travel once involved compensatory glamor, but those days are long gone. e car is a pleasant enough means of transit, except for the gas tank.
It used to be you could get to most places in New York from Ithaca, isolated as it is but also quite central, with a ll-up that gave change back from two twenties (in the vernacular of those who still occasionally use cash). Like airline allure, this is no more.
But when you gotta go, you gotta go, and like a lot of people this summer, I felt I hadda, not having had a vacation since 2019. A y-dollar tank of gas (even in a Corolla) was not a disincentive.
My destination was the Adirondacks. I’d never been there, though the region is mere hours away, in fact closer than New York City, where I generally journey every few months. I’ve been everywhere else in the state, from Niagara Falls to Montauk, and have long recognized that the omission of this beautiful, vast area, a natural wonder and entirely one- h of the state,
is practically an infamy for a proud New Yorker. So, north I went.
On the topic of gas, I can report that it’s a good idea in the Adirondacks to top o your tank frequently, if you don’t mind stopping occasionally, lest you stop completely, on empty. It can be a long way between stations up there.
While stopping you can get to know the natives, who are also sparsely sighted (not many population centers), and get con rmation on directions, because road signs are also rarer than you might expect.
Travel broadens by revealing both similarities and di erences between oneself and others. Sometimes it’s hard to decide which is more surprising.
I stayed with friends in Saranac Lake. I’d been told it is “a little like Ithaca,” as one o en hears about various places: Boulder, Asheville, nearby Burlington. On Saturday mornings everyone goes to the Farmers Market.
It was a strange scene, as it indeed felt a little like Ithaca, but with a certain oddness. It took me a while to realize that below my threshold of consciousness, a ecting my mind without my being aware of it, I was subliminally preparing to greet myriad people hither and yon, as one must at continual intervals at the Farmers Market, as almost a physical re ex. But this was a di erent Farmers Market, with di erent people, despite surface appearances.
One obvious di erence which cleared the air irrevocably was the role of co ee at the two markets. In Ithaca there’s a long line for it, and you can get espresso drinks in a wide range of con gurations.
In Saranac Lake, one vendor has it, o to the side: plain co ee, which you dispense yourself from an Igloo jug. ere was no line. I was their rst customer, and when I returned for a second cup, I was their second. When I went to hand them another three dollars they said oh, no, re lls are free. If this were the policy in Ithaca, people would never leave.
I stayed ten days, in Saranac Lake and on Lake Champlain. It was a lovely environment, although I think the Finger Lakes are just as scenic, unless you consider altitude.
Ten days is long enough to refresh one, and even change perception. When I got back my apartment seemed smaller, like one’s childhood home. Two years between vacations is possibly too long.
It was a bad end of the month as the crime wave across New York continues. In July, we tragically lost Rochester police o cer Anthony Mazurkiewicz.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, last week called an attack on a police o cer a “clear case” for rolling back NY bail reform a er the attacker was arrested for another violent crime days earlier, and released under the new system.
e Southern Tier and Finger Lakes Region have also seen recent criminal activity as police investigated multiple commercial burglaries in Ithaca, Lansing and Dryden.
And in Homer, the Police Department is reminding residents to lock their vehicles a er a recent rash of break-ins.
We must repeal the cashless bail system that allows for the release of dangerous criminals and restore judicial discretion in bail determinations, especially for defendants that pose a threat to the public.
State agencies must be transparent about the e ects of public safety policies and enact policies that get dangerous criminals o our streets. I support more victim’s services and investing in proven mental health, addiction, and homeless programs.
Every person I talk to, regardless of politics, is concerned about crime and the safety of their family and neighbors.
My experience as Binghamton Mayor, President of the New York Conference of
Mayors, and the only candidate directly responsible for overseeing a police department, provides me with the quali cations necessary to be the most e ective State Senator for our region.
No matter where we live, we must elect o cials who prioritize public safety. Our families and businesses deserve nothing less.
Rich David is the Republican candidate for the 52nd Senate District. (Photo: Provided)
Publishing a guest editorial from a candidate for o ce does not constitute an endorsement of that candidate by the Ithaca Times. We are open to submissions from all announced candidates for public o ce.
On Tuesday, August 23rd we face an unusual situation. ere will be a Special Election to ll the empty seat in Congressional district 23 vacated by Tom Reed. Candidates will be Max Della Pia (Democrat) and Joseph Sempolinski (Republican), chosen by their respective parties. Whoever wins will immediately become our Congressman until the term expires in January.
Regardless of party a liation or none, all registered voters living in the “old” district 23 can vote. It includes the counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tompkins and Yates, plus parts of Ontario and Tioga. Tell friends there and urge them to vote.
e same day on a di erent ballot in Tompkins County there will be a Democratic Primary Election for candidates running in new district 52 (for State Senate) and 19 (for Congress). ere is no Republican Primary. Nominees run in the General Election in November; winners start their two-year terms in January.
clear the snow and ice, and provide countless other vital functions for the community.
e City of Ithaca received approximately $17 million from the American Rescue Act—money that was intended to bolster public services impacted by the global pandemic—but are unwilling to o er its employees a contract deserving of the dedication they showed throughout COVID-19. CSEA also even agreed to a change in health insurance with a savings of $351K.
e city’s current ve-year proposal wage increase averages out to 2.26% a year, and they don’t even want to pay employees retroactively in 2022, which would mean it would even be less since we are already almost eight months into 2022.
ere is zero excuse for the City to not o er its DPW employees a fair contract now.
Kenny Greenleaf, CSEA Region 5 Presidentof the natural and man-made environments.”
e extent of what Skipp and his coworkers do is extraordinary:
• Rabies Control: Prevent human rabies by exposure investigation, enforce pet vaccination requirements, and provide free vaccinations clinics for dogs, cats and ferrets. Respond to inquiries 24/7.
• Food Program: Permit and inspect facilities; review and approve plans. Provide educational information (handouts, posters, stickers, etc.), seminars and training.
• Water Systems: Monitor public water systems to ensure safe drinking water
quality and aid homeowners with water problems.
• Sewage Systems: Ensure on-site systems are designed and constructed to protect neighborhoods and county water resources.
• Child Lead Poisoning: Investigate the environments of children with elevated blood lead levels and make improvements through education and enforcement.
• Temporary Residences (hotels/ motels), Children’s Camps, Campgrounds, and Swimming Pools and Beaches: Permit and inspect for adequate sta ng, re safety, drinking water quality, and swimming water quality.
• Mobile Home Parks: Permit and inspect for safety, sanitation, and drinking water quality.
For more information go to the League of Women Voters’ election website Vote 411 (https://vote411.org) or call Tompkins County Board of Elections (607-274-5522). Election day is August 23rd. Don’t forget to vote!
Kay Wagner, Co-president, League of Women Voters of Tompkins County
The City of Ithaca and the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) has been unable to reach a nal contract for the city Department of Public Works employees without the help of a mediator due to the city’s inability to put forth a fair contract o er for the dedicated public employees that keep Ithaca running.
e City DPW employees have been working without a contract since December of 2020. ese are the hard-working people that keep roads and sidewalks clean, maintain sewer and water lines,
As current and former Planned Parenthood volunteers, supporters, and sta , we’ve dedicated ourselves to protecting access to and advocating for reproductive health services. We’ve spent countless hours making sure our local clinics meet the varied needs of our clients, including access to abortion. e overturning of Roe is a stark reminder that we must elect the best advocates who will continue to defend our reproductive rights and support our region’s health care needs in general.
We strongly believe Lea Webb is the State Senate candidate who will serve the women and children of our region and New York State the best. Among Lea’s many endorsements, we’re most impressed by the endorsement by Eleanor’s Legacy, which has been supporting prochoice Democratic women running for state and local o ce throughout New York State for more than 20 years. eir selection of Lea Webb in this primary speaks volumes about the Lea’s bona des as a erce and e ective advocate for reproductive justice for all.
Lea has always advocated for women and has secured real results for them. For example, in 2013-2015, she was the Southern Tier Coordinator for the Women’s Equality Coalition, organizing seven counties to help get the Women’s Equality Agenda passed in 2015. For years before that, she was a Citizen Action organizer for health care for all, working to ensure
City of Ithaca DPW union workers deserve better
Two Cornell student athletes stepped onto much larger stages last week, and wrestler Jonathan Loew and volleyball player Sydney Moore did their university—and their programs—proud.
Loew won Gold (and two other medals) at the Maccabiah Games in Israel, winning the Freestyle competition with a dramatic 6-4 come-from-behind victory over homecountry favorite Uri Kalashnikov, a U-23 World Freestyle Bronze medalist. In that match, Loew game from a 4-0 de cit to take the top podium spot.
According to the New York State Wrestling News' Facebook post, Loew was “playfully dubbed ' e Hebrew Hammer' by his family,” and his wrestling career continues on an upward arc. Loew came into Cornell as a NYSPHSAA champion, having won the NYS title a er a dazzling 53-1 senior season at Wantagh High School, where he won over 200 matches as a six-year varsity starter. He also helped lead his school to two state titles.
At Cornell, a er a pandemic-abbreviated sophomore season, Jonathan came back strong to win his rst EIWA title at 184 pounds, and earned Division 1 All-American recognition, nishing 8th at the NCAAs.
I caught up to Jonathan a er his return from Israel, and he said, “Competing at the Maccabiah Games was my rst international competition, and it was the chance of a lifetime. It was really cool to see that many athletes following their passion.”
I asked how his spot on the team came to be, and he said, “My dad, Irwin Loew, (who was also a collegiate wrestler) competed in the Maccabiah Games in the 1980s, and his coach—a gentleman named Dave Groverman—is still around! He reached out to my dad in late-April and asked if I was interested.” Jonathan's parents and his sister were able to make the trip too, and Jonathan said, “It was an amazing experience, from a competition standpoint, but also form a cultural standpoint. Seeing Israel, seeing the sights, meeting the people... it was great.”
Loew sees the Maccabiah experience as not just a fun summer diversion, but as a stepping stone in his collegiate career. “It was a real con dence boost to know that I could compete with a guy with experience in the World Championships, and while the style of international wrestling I saw featured a slower pace and was much more
methodical than I am accustomed to, I learned a lot of good stu to bring back to my next collegiate season.”
Anyone familiar with elite collegiate wrestling knows that Loew is just one of many Cornell wrestlers competing in various tournaments around the world. e level of competition—internal as well as external—faced by these guys pretty much means that they have little time to relax. According to Jonathan, “ ere are a ton of guys at every weight class, and we're all good friends and we're all hungry to win.” He laughed and added, “We de nitely beat the hell out of each other in practice, so when we compete against other programs, we can't wait to get our hands on other guys. It's tough, for sure, but it's all the result of a great system run by Coach (Mike) Grey and his sta .” (Jonathan also expressed his appreciation for the support put forth by the Maccabiah Games wrestling sta , led by coach Rob Prebish.)
● ● ●
Congratulation also to Sydney Moore, a rising junior on the Big Red volleyball team. Sydney was among ve women honored last week at the 2022 ESPY awards in Los Angeles as one of ve the Billie Jean King Youth Leadership Award winners. According to Cornellbigred.com, “Moore's work in various avenues throughout campus and the community was recognized on a national platform alongside many of the top athletes in the world. In March, Moore addressed members of Congress about NCAA reform, gender equity and Title IX. On June 23, Moore led a panel discussion in the United States Capitol Building to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the passing of Title IX legislation, representing both Cornell and Voice In Sport, an advocacy group that creates community and connects and inspires girls and women to drive positive change in athletics. She is also actively involved in the Women of Color in Athletics (WOCA) and has helped drive programming around promoting positive body image for women athletes.”
that health insurance in New York would cover birth control and abortion.
Lea understands that without reproductive justice, the burden falls hardest on people of color, immigrants, people in rural areas, and those without the money to travel for their care. Further, she knows that access to reproductive health care is just part of the picture.
at’s why, when she served for eight years on Binghamton City Council, she worked to expand a ordable housing, passed legislation supporting equal pay for women, remove lead paint from homes, provide access to a ordable healthy food, and prevent the privatization of nursing homes—actions that center the needs of women and children across the lifespan.
Lea is an accomplished public servant with the experience needed to represent
continued from page 7
• Smoking Regulations: Enforce no smoking laws in worksites and public places. Prevent retail sales to minors. Investigate complaints and educate.
• Communicable Disease Control: Investigate food and water-borne illnesses.
• Complaints: Investigate situations that may cause public health problems, such as indoor air, animal manure, trash and rubbish, rodents, violation of regulations, etc.
• Emergencies: Respond to situations with health hazards or where the public’s health or safety is in jeopardy, such as water treatment process failures, spills of hazardous materials, and serious violation of regulations.
• Education: Provide guidance to operators and owners of regulated facilities, and the public about environmental public health issues.
When Skip and his co-workers are not addressing one of the concerns listed above, they work with municipal code o cers to address public health concerns such as indoor air, animal manure, trash and rubbish, rodents, violation of regulations.
“We never know when we answer the phone who is calling and what we will be called upon to do…Calls cover a wide range of topics which keep our sta on their toes,” Skip explains.
With so much turf to cover, a ecting so many of us, how does Skip feel about
us well in Albany. A lifelong resident of the Southern Tier, she has the depth of knowledge about the needs of our communities that we are looking for. As our State Senator, she will work to ensure that reproductive rights are further protected and abortions remain accessible by supporting the equality amendment in New York State’s Constitution, and by pushing for adequate funding for our clinics, to meet the increased volume that is expected as people come here from out of state.
Importantly, our elected o cials must work e ectively with others. Lea has proven herself to be a tireless collaborator and problem solver, always thinking of those who need our services most. We wholeheartedly endorse Lea Webb for State Senate in the August 23 primary.
Judith Ashton, Mark Ashton, Zillah Eisenstein, Marty Hatch, Susie Hatch, Carol K. Kammen, Dan Lamb, Nina Miller, Alice Moore, Martha Robertson, Robert Smith, Bruce ompson, Kathryn ompson
his public health work, especially during challenging times due to the pandemic?
“A er 15 years of service with the Health Department, I still enjoy the work I do. I work with a great group of people who are committed to making the community a safer and healthier place for everyone who lives or visits Tompkins County.
“As people are out and about more interacting with other people and pets, I remind individuals that if they are bitten by a dog or cat, to get the contact information of the pet owner and report to the Health Department. is allows the us to e ciently follow-up on the animal bite to ensure that we can rule out the risk of a rabies exposure and avoid unnecessary treatment of the individual who was bitten.
“Also, bats become more active in the summer months, especially at the end of July and into August. Occasionally a bat will end up entering a person’s home. If you find a bat in your home, contact the health department before you release it to ensure that testing is not needed. Again, this can prevent unnecessary rabies treatment in most cases.”
“Whether it is a rabies concern or other environmental health issue, we are here to assist the community and can be reach at 607-274-6688.”
More information on the Tompkins County Health Department’s Environmental Health Division can be found online here: https://www.tompkinscountyny.gov/health/eh.
As monkeypox cases trend upwards across the U.S. and the world, the Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) has identi ed two cases among county residents.
“We've had several [additional] cases that tested, but tested negative” TCHD Senior Community Health Services Nurse Rachel Buckwalter explained.
According to the TCHD, no local close contacts were identi ed with either of the two cases.
ough the county currently has access to monkeypox tests, no vaccines are available in the area yet.
In the U.S., there are two vaccines that can protect against monkeypox: JYNNEOS (also known as Imvamune or Imvanex) and ACAM2000. Both of these vaccines were originally intended for use against smallpox, but are at least 85% e ective against monkeypox as well, ac-
cording to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
For now, it seems as though monkeypox vaccines are largely going to or being used in places with high case counts—i.e., not Tompkins County.
“[Vaccines are] being allocated for high risk [individuals or] con rmed close contacts of positive cases. And New York City (NYC) has over 1,000 cases right now. So the vaccine is going towards places that are harder hit,” Buckwalter explained.
More vaccines are on their way and will arrive over the next four to six weeks, a press release from Governor Hochul’s O ce explained. Of the 110,000 vaccine doses, around 80,000 will be allocated to NYC and 30,000 will be sent elsewhere in the state, though the exact destinations were unspeci ed.
At the moment, the virus seems to be spreading mostly in large cities, and almost exclusively within the gay and bisexual communities. About 98% of people
a icted with monkeypox have been gay or bisexual men, according to a study published in mid-July by the New England Journal of Medicine.
Although the virus currently has a foothold within the men who have sex with men (MSM) community, Stella Safo, an HIV primary care physician and the founder of Just Equity for Health, explained the dangers of characterizing Monkeypox as solely a “gay disease,” as HIV has all too o en been framed.
“I see the consequences of the framing around an infectious disease day-to-day when I’m taking care of my patients,” Safo said in a press release from the Institute for Public Accuracy. “If you think about the way monkeypox spreads––through skin-to-skin contact, uids, materials like bedding and towels––there’s no way it will just stay among MSM.”
And sure enough, two pediatric monkeypox cases have been reported in the United States so far—one in California, and the other a child from the United
Kingdom that was visiting Washington D.C. with their family. Several cases have been reported among U.S. women as well.
Monkeypox is signi cantly less infectious than COVID, because it spreads mainly through prolonged skin-to-skin contact. It’s also much less deadly.
“People are like, ‘Do you know if monkeypox is going to spread to me on the subway or in the grocery store?’ I don't think we're gonna see that,” Buckwalter
The Ithaca Common Council unanimously approved a proposal last November that would change the structure of Ithaca’s city government from a Mayor-Council government to a Council-Manager government. Residents will have the nal say in whether or not the change will be made through a referendum that will take place this November. If approved, the position of City Manager will be created to relieve the Mayor of administrative and oversight responsibilities.
e current Mayor-Council government has a Mayor, currently Acting Mayor Laura Lewis, who is elected separately from the Council, in an at-large election by the entire City. e job of the Mayor has historically been part-time. However, over time the responsibilities of the Mayor have grown with the city and the consensus belief is that the position now calls for fulltime attention.
Under the current structure members of the Common Council are elected and as a group holds legislative powers. In Ithaca there are ten Alderpersons on the Council, who represent individual wards, and the Mayor votes on resolutions in case of a tie. Additionally, the Mayor is tasked with managing more than 400 employees across 11 departments, while simultaneously overseeing 18 city facilities that cover a wide range of activity and infrastructure and preparing and administering a $79 million budget. ese responsibilities simply don’t align with the Mayor’s $58,000 salary.
Former Mayor Svante Myrick told e Ithaca Times, “…we're in a place right now, where the Mayor’s salary has just not kept up with the demands of the job.” He continued saying, “…when I le I was something like [the] 200th lowest paid employee, and it’s tough to convince people who would be quali ed to do the job to run when they've got some loans and mortgages and child [care] responsibilities.”
e Mayor, Executive Assistant, and the Chief of Sta currently cost the city about $225,000 annually. If a City Manager position is created, it is believed the Mayor's salary as well as responsibilities will both decrease. In addition, the responsibilities carried out by the current Chief of Sta position that former mayor Svante Myrick got approval for will be carried out by the City Manager position.
Acting Mayor Lewis told e Ithaca Times, “we currently have a paid Chief of Sta position. If the City Manager position passes in the November referendum, there will not be a Chief of Sta , there will be a City Manager…right now we have a budget line for Chief of Sta , which we would not have [if we have a] City Manager.” e current Chief of Sta makes about $120,000 per year—the City Manager will probably make slightly more. e plan is that the shi in government structure would not have a budgetary impact.
When asked how much the city manager would be paid, Lewis said that she was unable to comment on the di erential, even if there is one between salary for Chief of Sta and salary for City Manager. According to Lewis, “the two positions would
If the referendum on changing to a CouncilManager form of government passes in November there will be more changing at City Hall than just its neighbor on Green Street. (Photo: Ash Bailot)
be redundant in some ways, and the City Manager would have far greater authority.”
When asked the same question, former Mayor Svante Myrick said creating the City Manager will cost the city “some more money for sure” but that he couldn’t give an exact number.
Myrick introduced the idea of creating a city manager position in January 2021, roughly one year before stepping down from his position as the longest serving
Mayor in Ithaca history to accept a position as Executive Director at People for the American Way. PFAW is a progressive think tank whose website says that it’s “founded to ght right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all.”
e group is organized as a 501(c)(4) organization and is only required to disclose their donors publicly under certain
circumstances. In March 2022, PFAW was advertising Ithaca-speci c job openings online looking to hire lobbyists for public relations and community outreach for the 2022 City Manager referendum and police reimagining plan. e organization's involvement in lobbying in favor of the reimagining plan has led to Tompkins County opening up an ethics investigation into the former Mayor at the request of Alderperson Cynthia Brock.
Advocates of the shi in city government organization believe that creating the City Manager position would allow for more e ciency in city government because it would put a professionally trained administrator in charge of administrative duties. It would also provide more consistency to the city government rather than being subject to shi s due to changes in the mayor position. ese advocates believe that such e ciency and consistency will, for example, be important in following through on the police reimagining plan.
However, some residents have expressed concern about the fact that the City Manager would not be an elected position and would instead be appointed by the mayor and common council.
Alderperson Phoebe Brown, who represents Ithaca’s 2nd Ward on the Common Council, told e Ithaca Times that she thinks the City Manager should “have to be elected by the people. I think anything we do should be involved with the people.”
When asked how he would convince a concerned resident that an unelected city manager would still be accountable to the public, Myrick admitted some concern himself saying, “that's the main drawback to this system…that the [City Manager] is not as directly accountable.” He continued saying, “it's a tradeo for sure. I don't want to downplay that. Not being able to directly elect the city's chief executive is a change, but I think it's a change that's worthwhile.”
Acting Mayor Lewis responded to these concerns by saying that a City Manager would make government more e cient and that residents' in uence over the City Manager would be felt through their votes for Common Council members. “ e [City Manager] is publicly accountable be-
cause they report to the Common Council and the Common Council is elected,” Lewis explained. “If the public views the City Manager as not being e ective in their role, residents would contact the Common Council because that would be the overseeing body.”
e Council would have the opportunity to hold the Manager accountable at monthly meetings. However, the proposal to create a City Manager says that the position would have a four-to- ve-year contract. While any such contract would contain grounds and procedures for termination of the City Manager prior to expiration, ring a City Manager prior to the end of their agreement would not be simple.
Supporters of the proposal say that giving up the ability for voters to elect the CEO of the city is a positive thing because an elected Mayor is not required to have relevant administrative experience, and that potentially continuous four-year turnover could lead to instability in administrative oversight and accountability.
Any manager appointed by the Common Council would have to be quali ed and have experience handling major administrative and budgetary responsibilities. While anyone can be elected Mayor, only professional managers meet the eligibility requirements for the City Manager position.
Alderperson Cynthia Brock, who represents Ithaca’s 1st Ward on the Common Council, told e Ithaca Times, “by adopting a City Manager structure, we allow our organization to have continuity in leadership over the long term, which I think would be a tremendous asset to the city of Ithaca.” She continued saying, “we would be able to bring in a trained professional administrator with experience and expertise in overseeing large, complex organizations such as ours.”
e proposal passed by Common Council last November says that the City Manager would serve as the Chief Executive Ocer of the City. e manager would monitor the e ectiveness and performance of City departments and make recommendations to the Common Council about changes in departments that would decrease costs or improve services. e manager would also
The Mayor’s responsibilities don’t align with the current salary or its role as CEO of a complex growing organization, according to those advocating the shift in structure. (Illustration: City of Ithaca Government Structure Working Group)
have authority over monitoring the annual budget to ensure compliance with its provisions.
According to Acting Mayor Lewis, “the city manager would have administrative management responsibilities”
e City Manager would be directly responsible in overseeing sta , to make sure that those priorities and policies are put in place. “ ey would be that day-to-day contact person interacting with department heads and overseeing capital projects. All of those administrative functions would be the responsibility of the City Manager.” said Brock.
e Mayor would appoint members of boards and commissions or advisory committees and continue elected service as a member of the Common Council. As a result of becoming a voting member of the common council, the Mayor will lose veto power since allowing them to maintain it would create a vast imbalance of power among the council. e Mayor has also rarely used veto power, so the change is likely to go unnoticed.
According to Brock “Common Council will continue to have authority over approving the budget, setting priorities, setting policy, and establishing zoning. All of those things would be retained, even with a City Manager.”
If the referendum is passed this November then the Common Council will start their search for a City Manager in 2023, creating a search committee and conducting interviews. e position won’t be lled until 2024 at the earliest.
Acting Mayor Lewis said, “A City Manager would not come on board until January 2024. So we will continue in our current con guration until then.” Lewis also said that she will be running for re-election “to complete the current mayoral four-year term” and that “if I'm elected this November, my term as Mayor would expire December 31, 2023—Which by the way is the date of expiration for all of the current ten members of the Common Council.”
The plan is that the shift in government would have no budgetary impact. These numbers are estimates by the Ithaca Times based on published data and other sources.
Alderperson Brock said that “the Mayor and Common Council will continue to set priorities in terms of policies.” She explained “… we will still have the ability to approve a budget. So if the Common Council determines that we want to see more resources go towards particular departments or redesign those resources in terms of types of equipment, types of technology, and so on, we still have the power to do that.”
The new structure would potentially clear up some confusion over the role the current Chief of Staff plays in working with City departments.
Alicia Wittink
Alison Fromme
Alison Pritz
Alison Smith
Alissa Norman
Allison Milverton
Alyson Adelman-Wells
Amanda Sidle
Amber Gilewski
Amber Harris
Amy Cardace
Amy Eliason
Amy Fuhr
Amy O'Brien
Amy Seldin-Murphy
Andrea Volckmar
Angie Pendergrass
Anita Henry
Ann Costello
Anna Bishop
Anna Kelles
Anne Norby
Aoise Stratford
Ariana Shapiro
Ashley Keister
Ashley Rackl
Audrey Hopkins
Ayla Yagan
Barbara Baird Holowka
Barbara Eckstrom
Barbara Logan
Beatriz Almeida
Becca Myers
Bekah Snow
Beth Bowen
Beth Harris
Beth Howland
Beth Lovejoy
Beth Plocharczyk
Blair Eckensen
Bridget Meeds
Brigitta Putnam
Caitlin Costello
Caitlin Hart
Carol Ann Saggese
Carol Arnosky
Caroline Rasmussen
Casey Phifer
Catherine Shane
Cayla Sharp
Charlene Revette
Cheryl Miller
Christie Czebiniak
Christina Schaefer
Christina Stark
Christine Agresta
Christine Ibert
Christine Leuenberger
Colleen Brown
Colleen Cole Valletta
Constance Colbert
Courtney Ter-Velde
Daniela Gonzalez
Danielle Hunt
Danielle Lee
Danielle Prince
Dawna Cerney
Debbi Kruszewski-Warner
Deborah Griffen Deborah Starr
Debralee Street
Denise Price
Devin Craven
Diane Jerdan
Diane Matyas
Eileen Hagerty
Elaina Sheiman
Eleanor Goldfarb
Elissa Palmer
Elizabeth Coyle
Elizabeth Goldberg
Elizabeth Honis
Elizabeth Klohmann
Elizabeth LoPinto
Elizabeth Porter
Elizabeth Sheldon Ellen Abrams
Ellen Morris-Knower
Emily Madan Emily Mahr
Emily Mallar
Emily Plummer
Erianna Flores
Erin Grainger
Erin Lewter
Erin Morris
Francisca Struve-Entelis
Gail Fulkerson
Gail Tremblay
Gerri Wiley
Gina Bland
Gina Giambattista
Grace Barcheck
Grit Matthias Phelps
Gundy Lee
Gwen Elizabeth Bullock
Heather Scott
Heather Wilcox
Heather Zane
Helen Bigsby
Isabelle Corgel
Jacqualine Valentin
Jaime Hazard
Jamie Becken
Jane Leff
Jane Powers
Janet Dragojevic
Jaymi Morris
Jean Cares
Jeanine Peters-Kennedy
Jeanne Grace
Jenna Schaefer
Jenni Campoli
Jennifer Bland Jennifer Karr
Jennifer Moorehead
Jennifer Morgan Jenny Ross
Jessica Glick
Jill Freidmutter
Jillian Bain
Joan Shikowitz
Judith Kolkman
Judy Caves
Judy Tennant
Juliana Karr
Julie Azzam
Julie Carmalt
Julie Parsons
Julie Steacy
Julie Tang
Karen Hollands
Karen Rampton
Karen Schindler
Karli Buday
Kate Barth
Kate Brashear
Kate Canino
Katherine Porter
Kathleen Jordan
Kathleen Lacson
Kathleen MacQueen
Kathryn Herr
Kathryn Sheldon
Kathy Eliason
Kathy Hopkins
Kayleigh Coda
Kaysee Nedrow
Kelly Chapman Kelly Greene
Kelly Lyboldt
Kelly Quinn
Kerry Barnes
Kerry Demarest
Kim Conrad Kim hunt
Kim Niefer
Kimberly Anderson
Kimberly Kenyon
Kimberly Phoenix
Kirsten Miller
Kristen Hychka
Kristen Slater-Verity
Kristin Herman
Kristin Matheny
Kristine Averill
Laura Bishop Laura Sabatini
Laura Ward
Laurel Conneely
Lauren Cranidiotis
Lauren Putnam Davenport
Laurie Johnston
Lauryn Blake
Leah Schinasi
Leah Yonker
Leslie Appel
Leslie Danks Burke
Lin Zhou
Lisa Amato
Lisa Sepesy
Lisa Smith
Liz Billiot
Lucia Jander
Lydia Waterman
Lynn Klankowski
Margaret Royall
Mariette Geldenhuys
Marin Clarkberg
Marissa Rice
Martha Fischer
Mary Ball
Mary Catt
Mary Grover
Mary Howson
Mary Lisa Gustafson
Mary McKellar
Maura Cody May Boggess
Meggan Tobin VanNess
Meghan Fitzgerald Meira Braun
Melinda Oltz
Melissa Dhundale
Meredith Salmon
Michaela Omecinsky
Michelle Contreras
Milagros Cartagena-Cook
Molly Brown
Molly Pritz
Monica Sherman
Morgan Aloia
Nancy Compese
Nancy Connelly
Nancy Corwin Malina
Nancy Fuhr
Nancy Spero
Natalie Strohm
Natalie Sweeney
Neely Ferraro
Nichole Schultz
Nicole Fernandez
Nika lauraitis
Norma Jayne
Olivia Cosden
Paula Aiken
Paula Cohen
Paulette Salmon
Poppy Singer
Rachael Shapiro
Rachel Ash Rachel Casano
Rachel Myers
Randi Beckmann
Rebecca Costello
Rebecca Schillenback
Rebecca Sessions
Rene Rogers
Renee Wing
Rileigh DiDomenico
Rita King
Robin Wilburn
Rory O'Connor
Roz Guterman
Ruth Siegel Sabine Mann Sabrina Pritz
Sally Ezra Sally Gibbins
Sara Bernal
Sara Yagan Sarah Brainard Sarah Brown
Sarah Deutsch
Sarah Gould
Sarah Harrington Sarah Kager
Sarah Lewis
Teresa Craugh
Teresa Gentile
Tobi Hines
Tori Knapp
Tyler Thomas
Vanessa eastman
Veronica Guiry
Vivian Molina Whitney Antczak Whitney Simone Yessica Martinez Zoe Glick Zoe Vadney
Sarah Rubenstein-Gillis
Sarah Searles
Selena Dardia
Shannon Buffum
Sharon Howrey
Shelly Jones
Sherilyn Hammond
Stacey O'Brien
Stephanie Colombo
Stephanie Mulinos
Susan Arnsten-Russell
Susan Austern
Susan Cares
Susan Cowdery
Susan Dean
Susan Mehringer
Susan Robinson
Susan Shrog
Susanne Quagliata
Suzanne Organ
Tam Marion Warren
Illustration by Emily Hopkins
Thank you to our swimmers, boaters, volunteers, and everyone Going the Distance, fundraisin', or donatin'!
As one of the four mainstage productions at the Glimmerglass in Cooperstown this summer, opera lovers can see a leading and masterful work in the entire opera canon, Carmen, by French composer Georges Bizet. e opera premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris in 1875 and is considered by most historians and musicologists as one of the greatest operas ever written, admired especially for its almost perfect balance of music and drama.
Over the years Carmen has been very popular, and former staging challenges have faded as overt sexuality, illegal activities, murder, and violence can be seen every day on opera stages. is production, directed by the Festival’s artist-in-residence Denyce Graves (who has sung the role many times at the Met and elsewhere), was particularly strong, due to a special understanding of the characters and the staging.
Playing Carmen was Briana Hunter, whose voice is forceful and dusky. Her two major arias come early by way of introduc-
tion. One only wishes she could have exuded more sex appeal and conveyed somewhat better the reasons why all the men in sight are drooling over her. e famous Habanera spells out her particular attitude toward love while the Seguidilla invites the hapless hero Don José to fall for her and help her escape from going to prison. Young American Artist (YAA) at Glimmerglass Matthew Pearce, stepped in at the last minute to play Don José and was admirable. His singing of the “Flower Song” was both moving and beautiful. roughout, he was particularly e ective in conveying the way his love for Carmen basically destroyed his life. As Micaëla, the pure and gentle girl from the country who loves him, YAA soprano Symone Harcum had too big a voice and could have bene tted from a sweeter tone. As the toreador Escamillo, baritone Richard Ollarsaba was handsome, agile, and sang with great style and assurance. A er all, he has the most famous music in the whole opera. Unfortunately, most performers did not shine in their singing of French.
e ensemble scenes were lively and very colorful. e women bursting out of the factory was a vivid mob scene. Here is a group of young artists, moving like professionals, danc-
ing as gypsies, singing in amazing ensembles. Staging and lighting were excellent. Following the Overture, energetically led by Glimmerglass music director Joseph Colanari, the stage glows in dark red suggesting blood. e lights go up on the wall of the factory where Carmen works and causes endless trouble. Once she appears she basically controls the action. Here is a ghter, who is the center of attention and knows it. She is angry, and strong, and, as we see at the end, absolutely fearless. We see her as a free and independent person. She uses her sex appeal to control the action and to bring all the men onstage into her orbit. She appears at the end, beautifully dressed (in red with black mantilla) and radiantly happy, to perish all too soon.
e staging and lighting helped set o the divisions in the story. In the scene where the smugglers are accumulating their booty, they carry in barrels and boxes, which provide seating for the singers. e lighting made some scenes magical. e beautiful orchestral interlude with ute solo, which introduces the scene in mountains, was done with silhouettes that showed the action in pantomime against a pale background. And this moonlit break in the action gave the audience a chance to breathe before the nal death scene. is is a show to see.
e Glimmerglass Festival opened this season with e Sound of Music, by Rodgers and Hammerstein, a show of boundless popularity. e cast includes soprano Mikaela Bennett as Maria and baritone Michael Mayes as Captain van Trapp. One matinee and two evening performances remain before the festival closes on August 21.
To add some levity to the season there’s Tenor Overboard, which not only provides music from Rossini but includes a crazy plot with two sisters whose father has decided whom they will marry, who dress up as men and audition for e Singing Sicilians, entertainers on a cruise ship called the S.S.Lindoro (a name known to Rossini lovers). Two evening performances remain.
e fourth mainstage production is a double bill: Taking Up Serpents / Holy Ground. Both operas deal with issues of religious belief and understanding and both are directed by women making their debuts at Glimmerglass. Two evenings and two matinees remain.
e Festival o ers two performances, on August 15 and 16, of e Passion of Mary Cardwell Dawson, the true story of founding of National Negro Opera in Washington. e show had two performances last year, with Graves playing the lead. It will be repeated this year with Alyson Cambridge replacing Graves and the addition of three songs.
For more information, consult information@glimmerglass.org or call the box o ce, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at (607) 547-2255.
Masks are required.
James Morosini’s dark farce “I Love My Dad” (Magnolia-Hantz Motion Pictures-Atlas Industries-Burn Later Productions-American High, 2022, 90 min.) opens with a sentence: “ e following actually happened.” en: “My dad asked me to tell you it didn’t.”
Based on a true incident involving Morosini’s dad, “I Love My Dad” stars Patton Oswalt as Chuck, a toxic father and compulsive liar, the kind of guy who steals a lost dog in the opening scene. Chuck has spent his whole life disappointing his son Franklin (Morosini), extremely fragile a er a suicide attempt. Fed up, Franklin blocks Chuck from his social media, and Chuck, a tech wiz, hacks the identity of Becca (Claudia Sulewiski), a local waitress, creates a bogus online pro le and actually cat shes his own kid just to get back into his life.
I think of “I Love My Dad” as a farce, since the story kick-starts with a lie, and then another, and then another until the whole thing pops like a balloon.
is is the rst time I’ve seen Morosini, who writes, directs and co-stars in “I Love My Dad”. In the production notes, Morosini says, “I’ve long been a fan of discomfort comedy. I laugh the hardest when I’m the most uncomfortable.” His movie is like Phoebe Cates’ speech in “Gremlins” (1984) about her hatred for Christmas. It’s only funny because it’s not happening to you. If it’s happening to you, it’s profoundly messed-up.
Chuck gets everyone so tied up in knots that the lm is almost too excruciating to bear; it feels like a car wreck in slow motion, and as Burt Reynolds said of drinking
and driving in “Hooper” (1978), “Eventually, there’s gonna be a hell of wreck.” Patton Oswalt is my favorite contemporary comic, and I love him when he goes dark in movies like “Big Fan” (2009) and “Young Adult” (2011). Morosini nds a way to visualize the impact of Franklin and Becca’s “relationship” in more and more twisted ways. Lil Rel Howery (“Free Guy”) is hilarious as the movie’s moral conscience, and Rachel Dratch gets the kind of layered, complex comic character that she’s long deserved; she’s so funny yet sad as one of Chuck’s co-workers who reluctantly agrees to help with his scam and regrets her decision.
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“Marcel the Shell With Shoes On” (A24-Cinereach-You Want I ShouldSunbeam TV & Films-Human WomanChiodo Brothers Productions, 2021, 89 min.) is just charming as hell. It’s sweet and winsome, and a cynic would say it’s more twee than ten Wes Anderson movies in a blender. It’s about this teeny shell named Marcel – voiced by Jenny Slate – who’s kicking it (Did I mention Marcel has shoes on?) in a nice air b’n’b with his grandmother Connie (Isabella Rosellini), also a shell. e two have created a cozy little scaled-down world to share, and Marcel zips around inside a tennis ball, like one of those plastic party balls I saw in “Community”’s Lava World episode. And just when the lm seems to veer into cloying territory, Slate as Marcel says something sharp that cuts the syrup.
Whenever I eat at Luna, it feels like I’m having a picnic without ants. Although it’s located on Aurora Street in Ithaca, the only way you can eat inside the restaurant is by sitting on a hardwood bench at one of a half dozen picnic tables. e popular outdoor street tables have about the same capacity as inside. On their menu, they refer to themselves as serving “inspired street food,” which to me, equates to comfort food.
When you peruse their menu, you’ll discover their major categories include street plates, street tacos, burgers, sandwiches, mac and cheese, melts and bowls. ere’s not a single item over $17.99. And there’s more good news: the food at Luna is very good.
In the street plate category, I’ve had the Cuban option which includes a conglomeration of items including pulled chicken, shredded pork, black beans, yellow rice, mango lime salsa and fried plantains. I don’t know any place in town where I’ve had a better plantain. ese were blackened on the outside with a crisp nish and perfectly mashed and cooked on the inside.
I tried another street plate on a subsequent visit: Sticky Pineapple Chicken Bowl. It had crispy chicken, Jasmine rice, fresh pineapple chunks, ai chili peppers, scallion, and sesame seeds with a sweet and slightly spicy sauce, all served inside a grilled half pineapple. e presentation was dramatic. When I nished everything inside the pineapple half, I had fun scraping out the remaining innards of the warm pineapple with a fork.
From the burger section, I chose a Maple Bourbon Bacon Burger. e burger came well done and the bacon was signi cantly undercooked. I forgot to tell the server I prefer meat rare or medium rare, and she didn’t ask, so the well-done burger is on me. However, the bacon should have de nitely been cooked more. ere were maple bourbon caramelized onions along with some goat cheese and lettuce. I didn’t notice any bourbon avoring in the onions; however I did enjoy the burger.
When you order a street taco, you get to choose how many you want. I chose three
tacos and a side ($16.99) which turned out to be an appropriately sized luncheon selection. I selected Burnt End Pork Belly Tacos. e pork belly bits were diced ne and burnt crisp which got rid of most of the fat. Sesame seeds, scallions and fried diced shitake mushrooms completed the llings. e Korean BBQ glaze was a perfect complement to the avor pro le. For a side, I chose a corn salad which came in a bowl and included jalapeno peppers, scallions and roasted red peppers.
From the bowls section I ordered the Chicken Shawarma Salad. What a winner this was. Served in a deep, circular, metal bowl, it was like a surprise grab bag. Strewn across the top were multiple bits of crispy roasted chicken. Underneath them was sliced cucumber, raw onions, halved grape tomatoes, smoky tahini and tzatziki. Next I discovered kalamata olives on one side of the bowl and three pieces of Naan bread tucked into the other. And nally, lining the bottom of the bowl was a generous portion of fresh eld greens. Accompanying all of this was a dish of vinaigrette and lemon oil for dipping or just pouring over the whole salad.
With the street food served at Luna, I prefer to have a beer rather than a glass of wine and in fact, the beer o erings outnumber the wine two to one. ere is an excellent variety of beers o ered on tap and in bottles and cans.
ere could be a problem with the wine menu for diners who aren’t familiar with wines because the reds and whites are
Warren Haynes has decades of gigs behind him, playing with the Allman Brothers and e Dickey Betts Band and Phil Lesh. He and Matt Abts and the late Allen Woody formed the jam band Gov’t Mule as a side project in 1994, and since then, the side project became the project. Gov’t Mule will play Point of the Blu Vineyards on August 6th.
Warren Haynes talked to the Ithaca Times about Gibson guitars, in uences and how to “Dance with the one that brung ya.”
IT: I’m a Fender guy and you’re on record as being a Gibson guy. Warren, what is it about Gibson guitars that you love?
WH: I dunno, I just always gravitated toward the Gibson sound, and a lot of my early in uences were playin’ di erent Gibsons and stu . My rst two good guitars were a Gibson SG Junior and then a Gibson SG Custom. I didn’t get a Les Paul for decades, you know. But when I nally started playin’ a Les Paul, it seemed more like the voice I was lookin’ for, and I think eventually I realized, I love Fenders, a lot of people are playin’ Fenders, playin’ di erent guitars, I love hearing someone else with that sound, but it never felt like my voice. And then I eventually realized I was trying to have my singing voice and my guitar voice kind of complement each other and be an extension of the same thing. When I [ rst heard] B.B. King, I had not put it together, but that was always important to me.
IT: Watching live clips on YouTube, I got the sense that you’ll throw in anything from Prince to Pink Floyd. Where is Gov’t Mule musically these days?
WH: We’re playin’ more blues these days, but we’re also kind of visiting every kind of period of our career. A little bit of everything. And then, we also recorded another record that’s in the can that’s gonna come out early next year that sounds like what people would expect a
Gov’t Mule record to sound like, but it doesn’t sound like anything we’ve done in the past. I think in some ways it’s more “song” oriented, and in some ways, it’s more adventurous from an arrangement/ improv sort of aspect. It’s hard to describe, I’m not good at describing music, but….
IT: Is that something you can verbalize, or is it all feel?
WH: A little bit of both. As with any band, we’re a product of our in uences. We have a lot of di erent in uences, and some of ‘em haven’t found their way to the surface yet. And so, any time something comes up that doesn’t resemble anything that we’ve done in the past, it’s always comforting and inspiring. You know? But it’s also important to kind of feel like you’re re-doing what you’ve already done. At the same time, you have to straddle the fence and, as they say, “Dance with the one that brung ya.” We have some hardcore fans that have been with us from the very beginning that have similar tastes to ours, but somewhere along the way, we’ve picked up a lot of fans and a lot of di erent directions. So I think the only way to be true to that is to please yourself and make yourself happy, and then your fans can tell when you’re feeling inspired. is band has done way over a thousand shows together, which is kind of hard to imagine in some ways, but the key to growing is to play night a er night a er night. at’s something you only get from being in a band.
Intimate, idiosyncratic approaches characterize a great deal of contemporary abstract painting and drawing. Freed from the heroic imperatives of historical abstraction, recent artists have felt free to cultivate aesthetic gardens on their own terms.
Working on modestly scaled sheets of paper in ink, graphite, and other materials, Trumansburg’s transplant Achala Wali is a welcome addition to the region’s art. A small show of her work, “Surface Densities,” is currently in its nal week at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse.
Wali is one of six artists chosen for this year as part of the museum’s new CNY Artist Initiative. Open to submissions from artists residing within a 75-mile ra-
dius of Syracuse, the exhibitions program promises to expand the museum’s longstanding commitment to regional art.
Wali’s exhibit samples several series. On the evidence here, the artist is a master of grisaille, deriving palpable weight and nuance from her subtly color-in ected elds of gray.
A key with art of this sort is to embrace all the metaphorical and cultural associations that one comes upon without becoming too hung up on any of them.
Many contemporary abstractionists have cultivated an interest in the natural sciences. Wali’s patient, methodical approach, and abstracted allusions to natural and manmade worlds, however, suggests what one might consider a science ction.
Likewise, although none of Wali’s work makes overt reference to map-making, her
densely rendered images have a kinship with a group of cartography-inspired contemporary artists. Her slowly improvised work combines the schematic and the painterly in a way that recalls the topographical emphasis and imaginary worldmaking of these artists.
Wali’s paintings con ate intimate bodily experience with free- oating residues of cultural memory. is is true of all her work here but it is signaled quite literally in pieces from two series.
Adapting a distinctive modeling of human hair found in Archaic Greek statues, “Arachaea,” “Study,” and “Tumble Over” are covered in densely tangled, tendril-like curls. Subtle, atmospheric washes and lls of tone and color enliven the artist’s tight line drawing. A silvery, shivering background su uses the rst, perhaps most striking piece.
Recalling the distinctively elongated ears in traditional depictions of the Buddha, another series turns these paperclip or embryo-like forms into a repetitive motif. In “ e Taj Fate,” one of the few wide format pieces here, they join a gridded arrangement of graphite dots and clouds of pink- and blue-purple ink. Adding to
the stylized, palimpsest feel, are scattered strips of collaged text—Marathi, from the library of her late linguist mother Kashi Wali, a noted expert on the South Asian language.
ough inevitable, given the size of the allotted gallery, I was le wanting to see more of this complex, intriguing work.
“Achala Wali: Surface Densities” rough August 7
Everson Museum of Art at 401 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY
Open 11am-5pm Wed., 11am-8pm urs., 11am-5pm Fri., 10am-5pm Sat., 10am5pm Sun.
said. “It can spread via the respiratory route, but usually closer contact and for longer periods of time than COVID.”
However, case numbers have certainly been rising. In the middle of June, there were 84 reported monkeypox cases in the U.S. and 2,103 laboratory con rmed cases worldwide.
As of July 28, there have been 4,907 total con rmed cases in the United States and more than 21,000 cases worldwide, according to statistics published by the CDC.
Most people with monkeypox will develop a rash, and other symptoms include a fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, and exhaustion.
Monkeypox typically lasts between two and four weeks and is infectious from the start of symptoms until a fresh layer of skin has formed over a healed rash.
Most Monkeypox cases resolve with use of over-the-counter medications for symptomatic care. More severe cases can be treated with an antiviral medication called TPOXX (also known as Tecovirimat) which was approved in 2018 for the treatment of smallpox in adults and children. While it
All this is being lmed documentary style by Dean Fleischer Camp, the lm’s director and co-creator, and put up on the web to show Marcel o to the rest of the world. I can’t imagine how the lm was made; stop-motion animation is traditionally done with locked o cameras, but Camp’s cameras are able to be funky and hand-held, using extreme focus shi s and zooms and rack focuses. Marcel’s animation was handled by the Chiodo brothers (“Killer Klowns From Outer Space”), who also created the articulated marionettes for Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s “Team America” (2004). ey are clearly mad geniuses. Two last thoughts. is is the greatest movie ever made that includes a cameo from Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes”. It would
has not been directly studied in Monkeypox, clinical trials have shown that there is some e cacy in treating all diseases caused by orthopoxviruses, which includes Monkeypox.
At the moment, Tompkins County recommends residents “take precautions to prevent infection and contact your health care provider right away if you suspect you may have come in contact with someone who has the disease or if you are experiencing symptoms,” Tompkins County Public Health Director Frank Kruppa stated.
For more resources or information about monkeypox locally and across New York State, Buckwalter recommends people refer to the TCHD website at https:// www.tompkinscountyny.gov/health/monkeypox or the NYS Department of Health website at https://health.ny.gov/diseases/ communicable/zoonoses/monkeypox/.
For text mesage alerts related to monkeypox, NYS residents can text "MONKEYPOX" to 81336 or "MONKEYPOXESP" for texts in Spanish. New Yorkers can also opt-in for location-based messages by providing a zip code.
Julia Nagel is a reporter from e Cornell Daily Sun working on e Sun’s summer fellowship at e Ithaca Times
make a great double bill with “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure” (1985).
● ● ●
“I Love My Dad” opens August 5th at Cinemapolis. “Marcel the Shell With Shoes On” is playing at Cinemapolis until August 11.
RIP Bob Rafelson (“Head”, “Five Easy Pieces”, “ e King of Marvin Gardens”, “Mountains of the Moon”, “Man Trouble”, “Blood and Wine”)
RIP David Warner (“ e Omen”, “Time A er Time”, “Time Bandits” “Tron”, “ e Man With Two Brains”, “Star Trek V: e Final Frontier”, “Star Trek VI: e Undiscovered Country”, “Titanic”)
RIP Paul Sorvino (“Where’s Poppa?”, “Oh, God!”, “ e Brink’s Job”, “Reds”, “ e Stu ”, “Dick Tracy”, “Goodfellas”, “ e Rocketeer”, “ e Firm”, “Nixon”)
mixed together. For example, a Riesling is listed just above a Cabernet Sauvignon which is listed just above a Chardonnay, etc. ere are about a dozen wines by the glass ($6-$8) and bottle ($21-$28) and the selection of grape varieties and locales is adequate.
ere are also a dozen cocktails which look like fun.
Luna o ers a large selection of wellcooked comfort food at very reasonable prices and it’s all done in a friendly lighthearted way.
Tid Bits: Inside, the picnic table benches don’t have backs, and outside, it can get noisy if trucks are unloading at nearby restaurants.
Some diners could be uneasy that there is only one unisex restroom with a single toilet that is utilized by all the outdoor diners, the indoor diners and the entire restaurant sta .
Homer Summer Concert Series: Travis Rocco | 7 p.m. | Village Green | Free
Fall Creek Brass Band- 2022 Summer Concert Series | 6 p.m. | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons
Erin & The Backwoods Blues Project | 6:00pm| Six Mile Creek Vineyard Music in Myers Park: Bad Alibi | 6:30 p.m. | Myers Park | Free
Cortland Youth Bureau Summer Concert Series: GoGone | 7 p.m. | Courthouse Park, Court House Park
Friday Sunset Music Series - ft. Bad Alibi | 5 p.m. | Wagner Vineyards, 9322 State Route 414
Afrobeta and Dom Martyr with DJ Jesse Hill | 6 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
Friday Night Farm Jams: Wingnit | 6:30 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider
Erin & The Backwood Blues Project | 6:00 p.m.| Hopshire Farm & Brewery
Taughannock Falls Concert Series: Zydeco Trail Riders | 7 p.m. | Taughannock Falls State Park, 1740 Taughannock Blvd | Free
Music & Mimosas : Marc & Tom | Hosmer Winery | 1 p.m.
Sunday Music Series: Tenzin Chopak & Emmett Scott | 1 p.m. | Red Newt Cellars, 3675 Tichenor Road | Free
Cider Sunday Concert Series: Rick Manning & Naomi Sommers | 1 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider House, 4017 Hickok Road
Live music feat. Roadhouse Prophets | | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road
Jazz Monday with Dave Davies RhythmMakers | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
New eld Music Series at Mill Park: Good Dog | 6 p.m. | Mill Park | Free
Homer Summer Concert Series: Madd Daddy | 7 p.m. | Village Green | Free
OSFL Stories With Music Library Concerts | 8 a.m. | Horseheads, Corning, Elmira Libraries and others, 405 South Main Street | Free
Virgil C.O.V.E. Concert Series at Virgil Town Hall | 6 p.m. | Virgil Town Hall, 1176 Church Street
Grad Session Concert at Hockett Family Recital Hall | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd
Skaneateles Festival: The Brass Project & David Higgs | 8 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church, 97 E Genesee St. | $30.00 - $40.00
Skaneateles Festival: Ayano Ninomiya & Maxim Lando | 8 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church, 97 E Genesee St. | $30.00 - $40.00
Govt Mule | 7 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road
Skaneateles Festival: Maxim Lando; Xian Zhang, conductor; and the Festival Orchestra | 8 p.m. | Anyela’s Vineyard, 2433 West Lake Road | $40.00 - $60.00
Bill Knowlton’s Bluegrass Ramble Picnic | | Dwyer Memorial Park, 6799 Little York Lake Road
Dashboard Confessional w/ Andrew McMahon | 7 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road
Croce plays Croce | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St| SOLD OUT
Skaneateles Festival | Concerto Night: The Knights | 8 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church, 97 E Genesee St. | $30.00 - $40.00
Ferrario Elmira Jazz Festival - Day 2 | 12 p.m. | Thorne Street Park, 504 Thorne Street | $20.00 - $45.00
Skaneateles Festival: The Knights & Gil Shaham | 8 p.m. | VariousCheck schedule, 2443 West Lake Road | $40.00 - $60.00
Here and There Festival w/ Courtney Barnett | 5:30 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road
An Evening with Adrian Belew | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St
Sharon Van Etten | 6 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road
Garden of Earthly Delights - Burlesque | 8 p.m., 8/6 Saturday | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St | Tessa and Jo from Team Belly Set Go in Cortland NY bring together some of the nest performers in NY and the result is a show that’s somehow hysterical, shocking, and heartwarming at the same time.
Swingin’ on Cayuga | 2 p.m., 8/7 Sunday | Large Pavilion, Stewart Park, James L Gibbs Drive | Diana Leigh Quartet plays a swing dance with two dance workshops. | $5.00 - $10.00
Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am | 7:30 p.m., 8/10 Wednesday | Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd. | The Great Leap at Hangar Theatre | 2:30 p.m., 8/13 Saturday | The Great Leap by Lauren Yee When an American college basketball team travels to Beijing for a “friendship” game in the post-Cultural Revolution 1980s, both countries try to tease out the Open Mic Stand Up Comedy Night @ The Downstairs at Downstairs | 7 p.m., 8/17 Wednesday | First and third Tuesdays of the month! Kenneth McLauren hosts Open Mic Stand Up Comedy Night at The Downstairs. View on site | Email this event
ArtA Gathering: From Baskets to Brownstones by Elizabeth Wickenden McMahon | | Kendal Gallery , 2230 Triphammer Rd. | A mid-career retrospective by Elizabeth Wickenden McMahon that brings together works that stretch across di erent years and di erent media, and between representation and abstraction. A common theme emerges, each work explores the energetic interplay of spontaneity and structure. | Free
Installation - Ken Feingold (artist) | Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art | 11 a.m., 8/3 Wednesday | As part of Cornell 2022 Biennial, artist Ken Feingold is exhibiting his installation that features interactive talking heads and AI-generated existential conversations.
Screening of Madre Drone by Patricia Dominguez | 11 a.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | Come experience the work of Patricia Dominguez, one of the invited artists of Cornell Biennial 2022! | Free
New Work: Jane Dennis and Harry Littell | 12 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 West State Street | New work by Jane Dennis and Harry Littell at SOAG | Free
Art Show: Two Pals Painting: Sharing a love of painting and the outdoors | 9:30 a.m., 8/5 Friday | Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | Come see works by Sandra Cowan and Danielle Bellumori in the library’s gallery. This exhibit will be on display through August.
The Gallery at South Hill | 5 p.m., 8/5 Friday | The Gallery at South Hill, 950 Danby Road | The Gallery at South Hill exhibition of Andrew Paine: New And Recent Paintings. | Free “ESSENCE” Art Exhibit | 5 p.m., 8/5 Friday | The Cherry Gallery, 130 Cherry St | The Cherry Arts presents Essence, a collaborative art exhibition featuring the elaborate masks, prints, and performative works | Free Opening Reception for Two Pals Painting: Sharing a love of painting and the outdoors | 5 p.m., 8/5 Friday | Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | Join Sandra Cowan and Danielle Bellumori for the opening of their art show in the library’s gallery. This exhibit will be on display through August.
Gallery Night Ithaca at Downtown Ithaca | 8/5 Friday, around Downtown | First Friday Gallery Night is a monthly community celebration of the latest art showings taking place in and around Downtown Ithaca.
Common Thread Invitational | 11 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | corners gallery, 903 HANSHAW RD | Common Thread Invitational showcases work by ve contemporary artists working in ber and textiles.
Ithaca Art Trail Open Gallery Hours | 11 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | Corners Gallery, 903 Hanshaw Road | Ithaca Art Trail Gallery Hours Sat. Aug 6, from 11-4 pm | Free
Quilt Divas Looking In, Looking Out, Looking Forward at Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts | 7 p.m., 8/6 Saturday | Quilt Divas: Looking In, Looking Out, Looking Forward Art show opening reception: Saturday 8/6/2022, 7:00-9:00 With music by pianist Joe Pepper, wine and light refreshments Show runs 8/6/2022Illustration Club: Arthropods & Watercolor | 2 p.m., 8/8 Monday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | In celebration of the new exhibit, Six-Legged Science, learn about all kinds of arthropods and use watercolor in your artwork.
Queer Craft Club | 6:30 p.m., 8/8 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Join other LGBTQIAP+ adults to do arts and crafts, hang out, and have fun. TCPL will provide a simple craft each month, but participants are also free to bring in current projects to work on. | Free
Movies in Stewart Park: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings | 7 p.m., 8/5 Friday | Stewart Park, 1 James L Gibbs Dr | Tompkins Chamber, in collaboration with Serendipity Catering, presents Movies in the Park, showing ve free community movies on Friday nights at Stewart Park. We welcome families and kids of all ages! So, grab your blankets or chairs, enjoy dinner or a snack while the sunsets and the movie beings! | Free
Potorti Gorge Walks | 10 a.m., 8/5 Friday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Join us
for our annual James Potorti Museum of the Earth/State Parks Gorge Walks on Fridays in August.
GO ITHACA Outdoor Tours at Bernie Milton Pavilion | 11:30 a.m., 8/5 Friday | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons | GO ITHACA is excited to be a 2022 recipient of the Tompkins County Outdoor Recreation Grant.
Night Sky Cruise at Allen Treman State Park | 9:30 p.m., 8/5 Friday | Come enjoy the wide, open skies for yourself and see if you can recognize some zodiac signs from our boat, the spacious MV Teal!
Watkins Glen Italian American Festival | 8/5 Friday | Clute Park |
Arts o Main Festival | 10 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | McNeil Building, 17 -29 Main St Ste 208 | The Arts O Main Festival is a reimagining of the twelveyear-old Arts & Wine Festival being held on August 6th, 2022, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Animal Encounters! at Cayuga Nature Center | 12 p.m., 8/6 Saturday | Join us in the courtyard at noon to learn all about the Cayuga Nature Center’s animal ambassadors!
Club Cayuga Sunset Cruises at Allen Treman State Park | 7:30 p.m., 8/7 Sunday | Club Cayuga Sunset Cruises feature lively music on board the MV Teal, operated by Discover
Cayuga Lake, with some of our favorite local DJs!
Guided Nature Walks at Cayuga Nature Center | 10 a.m., 8/10 Wednesday | Join us as we take a stroll along one of CNC’s hiking trails! We’ll keep an eye out for what’s in bloom, signs of wildlife, and more!
111th Spencer Picnic | 8/10 Wednesday | Nichols Park |
Sturgeon Moon Bike Ride at Ithaca Farmers Market | 7 p.m., 8/11 Thursday | Vie Cycle presents... a collaboration event with Bike Walk Tompkins and Black Cat Cyclery... with music from Sounds Familiar...
30th Annual Ithaca Artist Market | 12 p.m., 8/12 Friday | Ithaca Farmers Market | The 2022 juried show and sale, will feature local and regional artists, community groups, food and wine, a boat tour, and jazz.
Fillmore Days | 11 a.m., 8/13 Saturday
| Fillmore Glen State Park, Route 38 | Bathtub Races and Pedal Cars! Music, Vendors, Food, Beverages, Family Fun Field, and an Evening Movie! | Free
Annual National Brockway Truck Parade | 8/13 Saturday | Village of Homer | Cortland County will celebrate its Annual Brockway Truck Parade on Saturday, August 13 in the Village of Homer.
10 a.m., 8/14 Sunday | Join an educator as we hike up the Cayuga Nature Center’s gorge to get an up close view of Denison Falls!
Cortland County Historical Society Book Sale | 9 a.m., 8/6 Saturday |
Cortland County Historical Society, 25 Homer Ave | Book sale at the Cortland County Historical Society! Find history books, yearbooks, programs, and more. All proceeds will go back into the care of the collections.
Meet an Entomologist! | 1 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Do you have a question about insects? Ask an expert!
Science Together: Ice Melting | 10:30 a.m., 8/4 Thursday | Sciencecenter, 601 1st Street | Thursday, August 4, 10:30-11 am What will make ice melt the fastest? Science Together activities are designed for ages 0-4.
Toddler & Preschool Music | 11 a.m., 8/4 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
NO PRESCHOOL STORY TIME | 8/4 Thursday | Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | No program today. See you next week!
Stu ed Animal Sleepover | 10 a.m., 8/5 Friday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main Street | For families with children ages 0-6: Have you ever wondered what happens at the library when it’s closed? We will share our secret world with your stu ed animal friends at our Stu ed Animal Sleepover. | Free Summer Baby Storytime | 10:30 a.m., 8/5 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Get up close with a roach! | 10 a.m., 8/5 Friday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Get ready to ‘bug out’ and get up close with a roach! Join us on Fridays at 10am in July and August to meet-andgreet a cockroach and learn about this incredible insect!
Arthropod or Insect Tour | 1:30 p.m., 8/5 Friday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Crawl around the Museum on an arthropod or insect tour this summer! These ‘ANTastic’ tours will be on Fridays at 1:30pm in July and August.
admission at the Museum of the Earth on the rst Saturday and Sunday of every month in 2022.
Wild Edible Walk for Families | 11 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | with Debbie Biltonen on Know Your Roots Herbs and Orchard in Trumansburg leading us on a wild edible walk around the library and teaching us all about the helpful plants growing right in our own Families Learning Science Together | 1 p.m., 8/6 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | LEGO Build Night for Families | 5 p.m., 8/9 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Osprey Eco-Cruise at Allan H. Treman Marina | 4:30 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Experience the ecology of Cayuga Lake through the lens of Osprey from the comfort of our spacious boat, the MV Teal.
Loaves & Fishes of Tompkins County -Indoor Meal Service | 12 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | St. John’s Episcopal Church, 210 N. Cayuga St. | Free hot meals are served every weekday. Lunch: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon -1:00 pm. Dinner: Tuesday, Thursday from 5:30-6:30 pm. Interested in volunteering? email info@loaves.org, or go to www.loaves. org. All are Welcome! | Free Red Cross Blood Drive | 1 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | The Shops at Ithaca Mall, 40 Catherwood Rd. | Come give blood in August and get a $10 e-gift card, plus automatically be entered for a chance to win gas for a year (a $6,000 value), or a $250 Gas Card! | Free Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. | On the corner of Route 227 & 96 … In the heart of Trumansburg Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | Marijuana Anonymous in-person meeting every Wednesday @ 7pm at Ithaca Community Recovery, 518 West Seneca St, 2nd oor in Room #2. Enter from back door of building. For more info: maithacany@gmail.com | Free
Nutrition Workshop SeriesVegetables on Parade | 3 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Candor Farmers Market | 3:30 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | Candor Town Hall Pavilion, 101 Owego Road | Local vendors with produce, crafts, cheese, meat, maple products, baked goods, food truck | Free
Community Garden | 4 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main St. | For ages 16+: Join Library Director Andrea Tillinghast and new Teen Advocate Brooke Donnelly for some leisurely gardening at the Library’s Community Garden Plot at the Ovid Community Garden. | Free
Ecstatic Dance Sanctuary | 7:30 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd | Ecstatic Dance at the Foundation of Light. 7:30pm: Doors open, intro music set begins 8pm: opening circle 8:30pm: full music set begins 9:45pm: closing circle and sharing time. Sliding scale donations
Shursave Monthly Cruise-in | 5 p.m., 8/5 Friday | T-burg Shur Save, Route 96N | Join Car Pride for our monthly Cruise-in 2022. Held on the rst Friday of each month (weather permitting), CAR PRIDE hosts a dish to pass and cruise-in near the back half of the Trumansburg Shur-save parking lot.
Tompkins County Amateur Radio Association HamFest | 7 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | Trumansburg Fairgrounds, 2150 Trumansburg Road / NYS 96 | Meet Amateur Radio enthusiasts and learn about Amateur Radio volunteer opportunities, licenses, and equipment. | $5.00
Ithaca Farmers Market - Saturdays at Steamboat | 9 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | Steamboat Landing, 545 Third Street | Shop all of the best food, art and ag within 30 miles!
Summer Fest | 9 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | Jacksonville Community United Methodist Church, 1869 Trumansburg Rd. | Jacksonville Summer Fest on Saturday, August 6th from 9 AM- 1 PM at the Jacksonville Methodist Church, 1869 Trumansburg Rd. Jacksonville, NY | Free
Tween Board Game Club | 3 p.m., 8/4 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Pay-What-You-Wish Weekends at Museum of the Earth | 10 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | We will be o ering Pay-What-You-Wish
Free Community Cruise | 7 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Allan H. Treman Marina, 1000 Allan H. Treman Road | Free 1.5 hour cruise with presentations by community members on board. | Free
Cayuga Trails Club Hike at Various trails in the Ithaca region. | 10 a.m., 8/6 Saturday | Various | Explore local trails on weekly Saturday hikes starting at 10:00am. Hike length varies from 2.5-4 miles. Click here to see the location of the hikes for each week. View on site | Email this event
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Ithaca Times is seeking an experienced journalist with strong organizational, reporting and editing skills. You would oversee both the news and arts &entertainment sections of our community weekly. Duties include copy editing all content, layout coordination, some reporting, and feature and editorial writing. You need to develop stories, plan several weeks ahead, and set the course for the editorial direction of the newspaper. A staff reporter,and several freelancers report directly to you. You must have a strong sense of place to do this job; the Ithaca Times is about Ithaca, and Ithaca is fascinating. Respond with cover letter, writing samples, and resume to jbilinski@ithacatimes.com and Larry@ithacatimes.com
The Ithaca Times is seeking a part-time photographer to work on a per assignment basis. Please send letter of interest, and indicate photography experience to: jbilinski@ ithacatimes.com
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