The results from the primary and special elections that took place on August 23 are in, but they will not be nalized until all of the mail-in ballots are counted. According to Tompkins County Democratic Board of Elections Commissioner Steve DeWitt, winners are initially projected based on absentee ballots, early votes, and votes cast in-person on election day. However, the projected victors from last week's elections are Joe Sempolinski, Josh Riley, and Lea Webb. In the special election to ll the seat le vacant in the old 23rd Congressional District by former Congressman Tom Reed— who resigned from his position to take a job at a lobbying rm—Republican Joe Sempolinski defeated Democrat Max Della Pia. Sempolinski received 52.84% of the
vote compared to Della Pia’s 46.37%. Even though Della Pia lost the election, he won big in Tompkins County receiving 85% of votes compared to Sempolinski’s 14%. It was the only county the Democrat won in the district, which is suggestive of one of the reasons for redistricting the seat.
Following his victory Sempolinski said, “I will work to make sure that the voice of the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes is heard throughout the remainder of this Congressional term. One of the chief things that makes our nation great is that we are governed by representatives chosen by and from among the people. To be selected as one of those representatives, even for a few months, is a sacred duty.”
Della Pia lost the special election in the old 23rd Congressional District, but he is still running for election in the new 23rd Congressional District on November 8th,
a er redistricting goes into e ect. However, the Cook Political Report Partisan voter index gives the redrawn district a partisan ranking of R+12, so odds are the seat will remain under Republican control.
Sempolinski will not be running for reelection when the term for the old 23rd Congressional District expires at the end of this year.
Della Pia released a statement saying, “It’s hard to write a concession when I don’t feel as if I’ve lost…. ese results show the Midterm Election, in November, in the new NY23 is winnable and our momentum is not going to stop. is was an energizing experience, getting out the vote for November starts today.”
In the Democratic primary election to ll the seat le vacant by Antonio Delgado when he was appointed to ll the position of Lieutenant Governor of New York, and which has been redistricted into the new 19th Congressional District–which will include parts of the old 23rd District–Josh Riley defeated Jamie Cheney. With more
F REELANCERS : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman
RENTER WAGE GAP — Spending no more than 30% of one’s earnings on rent, the wage needed to rent a one-bedroom unit in Ithaca is $46,120 per year, that’s almost 27% more than the median annual wage of $33,717 for millennial renters, according to a recent report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. That’s the 14th largest millennial renter wage gap of all small U.S. metros. The report notes that rising real estate costs, stagnant incomes, and
historically high levels of debt have resulted in fewer Millennials being able to buy homes. More than 27% of Millennials are renters; that’s a larger proportion than any other generation.
COLLEGE TOWN FOR STUDENT RENTERS — A new study by the website Porch.com shows that student renters in Ithaca pay an average of $15,479
for o -campus room and board, compared to the national average of $11,327. Out of all small U.S. metro areas, Ithaca is the 5th least a ordable for student renters. The study was based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. These high costs are especially challenging for rst generation college students and students from lowincome families that lack a rental history or the savings for deposits that help get approved for a rental.
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On August 24 the City of Ithaca Community Police Board held a meeting to discuss how to move forward with choosing a new police chief and reimagining public safety. e Community Police Board (CPB) was created by the City of Ithaca to act as the community liaison to the Police Department and actively foster positive communications between police and all segments of the community.
During the meeting, Common Council member George McGonigal updated the CPB on the work being done by the committee to continue reimagining public safety, which includes ve members of Common Council. According to McGonigal, the committee is looking at possible changes or additions that can be made to the Ithaca Police Department’s current training process, as well as what unarmed community resolution o cers will be asked to do. ey are also looking into collecting data regarding call types and tra c stops in an e ort to create a record of how police o cers interact with the public.
According to McGonigal, “One of the de nite things that the committee hopes to do is study call types and what the function of the unarmed contingent will be, including how much they will interact with IPD when they're doing their jobs.” e committee is going to bring in law enforcement like police o cers and the District Attorney to make clear what
types of calls police o cers are required to respond to by state law.
McGonigal continued saying, “ ose things were not nished with the original task force. And input from police o cers about what is and what is not possible for unarmed personnel to do—legally—according to state law, was not gured out or talked about. So that's one of the de nite things this committee will be doing.” e committee is set to meet once a month starting on September 14. Acting Mayor Laura Lewis wants a report from the committee by the end of the year, so the committee only has four months to get answers.
According to McGonigal, “the report that we come up with at this short-lived committee is due at the end of December, that timeline may be extended, but data collection is going to be ongoing.”
Community Police Board member Richard Onyejuruwa said that he feels like attempts like these have been made in the past and have achieved little results. He also asked McGonigal to explain what de nition of “reimagining” the committee is working with.
“What is the current de nition that folks are operating with as far as what reimagining means?” asked Onyejuruwa. McGonigal responded saying, “I don’t think we have a clear de nition. at’s why it’s one of our goals.”
at didn’t sit well with Onyejuruwa, who responded to McGonigal saying, “People have been doing work under a particular direction for the last two years
so taking two years to come up with a denition is leaving me a little confused.”
According to Community Police Board member Bruce Beem-Miller, “that’s part of the problem here as far as making progress, it’s either too broad or it’s not de ning exactly what the de nition is.” He continued saying that “the objective of this committee should be to narrow down the de nition and start assessing priorities.”
However, Onyejuruwa responded saying, “it sounds like this committee was put together to attempt to rectify some of the mistakes that might have occurred in the last review session. But is that going to be the same situation in the future? Is there going to be another committee in the Spring? How is this a sustaining endeavor?”
e answers to these questions remain unknown, and it seems that confusion continues to surround much of the reimagining public safety process.
McGonigal also announced that the search committee that was formed to look for the next Chief of Police in Ithaca has found three quali ed candidates. However, the search process is being reopened for a short period of time so more applicants can apply. According to McGonigal, the interview process will begin once more people apply for the position.
e di culty to nd a new Chief of Police is representative of the overall sta ng crisis that has hit the Ithaca Police Department. According to IPD Deputy Chief Vincent Monticello, following the recent retirements of three police o cers, IPD currently has 52 ofcers and fourteen vacancies. Monticello told the Community Police Board, “With recent retirements we’re trying to recruit
Following a tumultuous election in May that changed the structure of the Ithaca City School Board, the Board Of Education, which is usually a nine-member organization, was le one member short.
A er longtime Board of Education member Rob Ainslie was voted out and Kelly Evens resigned, they were replaced by Karen Yearwood and Jill Tripp following a controversial election last May. However, according to the Ithaca City School District website, Board of Education member Nicole LaFave—whose term is set to expire in June 2024—has also resigned from the board. It remains unclear how the vacancy created by her resignation will be managed.
During an August 23 meeting of the Ithaca City School Board, the board discussed several options they have available to them to ll the vacancy created by the departure of LaFave. According to the Board of Education President, Dr. Sean Eversley Bradwell, there are three options on the table regarding how to ll the vacancy. e board can either organize a special election, appoint someone to ll the vacancy, or choose to leave the position vacant.
During the meeting Bradwell said, “if the board does choose to leave the seat vacant, the commissioner of education could force us to appoint somebody or force the board or command the board to appoint somebody. But that has not happened that I'm aware of for quite some time.”
According to the Board of Education, putting together a special election would cost the district somewhere between $60,000 to $80,000. As a result, very few districts hold special elections because of the costs associated with them. In addition, a special election would require the board to notify the public at least 45 days in advance of election day, and a person wouldn’t ll the seat for at least 60 days.
If the vacancy created by the departure of LaFave is lled through a special election then the replacement would remain in their position on the board until 2024. However, if the board chooses to appoint someone to ll the vacancy then their position would end in May of 2023.
While appointing someone to ll the vacancy allows the district to avoid the costs associated with organizing a special election, some board members said that they felt uncomfortable with the prospect of appointing a replacement given the “messiness” of the last election.
“I don't know who we could appoint just out of nowhere…I wouldn't be comfortable appointing anyone based on who was voted for in the spring,” said Board of Education member Erin Croyle.
According to Dr. Patricia Wasyliw, who has served on the Board of Education since 2011, “In the years that I’ve been on the board we have done one of two things. We have either appointed the next highest vote getter or le the spot vacant.”
She continued saying, “I am personally not in favor of spending another couple of months and close to $100,000 on a special election, but I have always been uncom-
fortable with the idea of eight people choosing someone to be on the board who hasn’t been voted for.”
According to Wasyliw, “we have le the position vacant just as o en as we have lled it.” However, she also said that if an appointment was made, the person should be chosen from a random pool of former board members since there is “a lot of training and knowledge” associated with doing the job.
During the meeting Wasyliw said, “there’s a former board member who got three votes fewer than the person who stepped o the board. I have no idea whether that person would be interested or not.”
Board member Eldrid Harris came out in favor of appointing someone to ll the vacancy saying, “my instinct is to use the opportunity to appoint someone who either has been with us in the trenches before or use the opportunity to look at appointing someone who’s a rising young superstar in the community.”
However Jill Tripp, who was recently elected to the Board of Education in May said, “I nd the reasons for not appointing anyone very compelling.” For example, Tripp says that by not making an appointment the board can save money and “avoid possible inter-familial con ict about who the person appointed is.”
A straw poll was conducted at the end of the meeting at the recommendation of Tripp. Following the poll, two board members voted to appoint someone to ll the vacancy, four members voted to leave the position vacant, and two members abstained.
Right now, it looks like the Ithaca City Board of Education is going to be le with an eight-member board going into the 2022-23 school year. An o cial decision regarding how to ll the vacancy on the Board of Education has yet to be made.
While some folks are upset there are plans in place to turn the old Thai Cuisine building into a car wash, this is a site that isn’t easy to develop; that’s why it has been unused for so long. Having a respected local business develop the location would be a big improvement.
Thanks to all those who turned out to vote in the August 23 elections. Everyone would like turnout to be higher, but this was a second primary this year and it had a Byzantine combination of special elections and jumbled new and old districts. Those who voted showed a real dedication to democracy.
Bike Walk Tompkins is looking for donated used adult-sized bikes they can refurbish and pass along, at reasonable prices or even sometimes free, to other people in the community. If you want to donate a bike contact simon@bikewalktompkins.org.
That viral YouTube video of a rabid fox attacking Sherri Russo of Caroline in her yard (https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=e-gXkm_WcZM) is truly frightening. It’s a reminder for all of us that if we see a normally nocturnal animal during daytime we need to be concerned.
IF YOU CARE TO RESPOND to something in this column, or suggest your own praise or blame, write news@ithacatimes. com, with a subject head “U&D.”
OF THE WEEK Who would you support in a Subway Series?
How much more would you ride TCAT if it were free?Patricia Wasyliw said in the past either the next highest vote getter was appointed or the spot was left vacant. (Photo: Provided) Erin Croyle expressed discomfort appointing anyone based on the Spring election. (Photo: Provided) Sean Eversley Bradwell said the board can hold a special election, appoint someone, or leave the position vacant. (Photo: Provided)
You moved from a big city to a small town to simplify your life, and it worked.
By city standards your trip to work now quali es more as a jaunt than a commute. It used to be an hour each way minimum, on a four-lane highway with no control or do-overs: Namely, when a chemical truck ips over there’s no escape, the o -ramp is two miles and thousands of stuck cars ahead of you, and now your main goal is just not to combust. Eventually, with luck, you’ll be someplace else, someplace safe, someplace sane.
Well, now you are, permanently, having made that big move to littleness. Ironically, the things you thought (or knew) you’d miss have not been available much anyway since 2020, even to the closest people and most central residents.
Not that you’d deny anyone the pleasures of the theaters, museums, sports teams, parks, varied neighborhoods, historic buildings, ancient dive bars, family pizza parlors, chopsteak joints: all the old favorites and new nds. But the fact is that many points of pleasure have been closed for a while, or severely restricted in operation.
Much is coming back now, blessedly, and not a moment too soon. Now you can go back and visit. But all along you’ve been in control of the relationship. You’re the one who le .
You changed cars. You knew your transformation was complete, or at least furthered, with that rst Volvo. A station wagon, no less. When your city friends saw it they asked if you do a lot of things that require a station wagon. You had to think about it, and of course if you have to think about it the answer is no. You answered no very brightly without knowing quite why.
oreau didn’t live in the automotive age, but if he had, he wouldn’t have said beware all enterprises that require Volvo station wagons. He probably would have said the opposite.
What he did say was beware all enterprises that require new clothes, and here he nds common ground with residents of this small town.
In Ithaca we extend the exclusion to what in the olden days (not as old as oreau’s but say in 1940’s movies)
This is a suggestion that we replace what is currently being taught in American high schools regarding the Korean War, at least in part, because what the U.S. did in Korea starting immediately at the end of WWII has an echo today in the Ukraine.
e Japanese government invaded Korea and ended the 500-year-old Yi or Chosen dynasty in 1905. at same year the Ta -Katsura Memorandum was signed in which Japan’s hegemony over Korea was recognized by the U.S. in return for Japan’s pledge not to interfere with America’s control of the Philippines or Hawaii.
Japan’s occupation was hated by Koreans. Japanese Colonial land policy forced many Korean peasants o the land, and even as rice exports rose by a factor of eight from 1912 to 1935, rice consumption for most Koreans fell by over 35%. Wages in 1935 were 50% lower than in 1927, and the work day had increased from 12 to 16 hours. When a pro Korean independence rally was called on March 1, 1919, two million Koreans turned out. Repression followed. ree hundred thousand were arrested and 50,000 sent to prison. To enforce Japan’s rule the police force had increased from 6,200 in 1910, to 20,800 in 1922 and then to 60,000 in 1941. is police force was used to break up labor strikes and independence rallies, but also to enforce the public ban on the use of the Korean language.
A er Japan’s surrender and the World War Two’s end on 15 August 1945, Korea was divided between a USSR controlled northern zone and a US controlled southern zone. ere was a massive upsurge In the Korean struggle for independence. At that time there were over 30,000 Koreans in jail, most of them political prisoners. Yo Un-hyong, an anti-Japanese activist who had spent three years in prison, and others had established the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence (CPKI). By the end of August 1945 there were 145 branches functioning as basic units of government all over Korea except in four cities where the Japanese military ruled. On September 6, 1945, activists from the CPKI met in Seoul and established the Korean People’s Republic or KPR.
Unfortunately the hope for an independent and more democratic Korea was
short lived. e wealthy landowners and businessmen who had pro ted under the occupation received the backing of the U.S. military when troops landed on September 8, 1945. On September 16, these collaborators formed the Korean Democratic Party. ey, however, were tainted by their Japanese connections. Syngman Rhee, who came to the U.S. a er the repression of 1919 and claimed to be a true nationalist, returned to South Korea on General MacArthur’s plane on October 16, 1945. He denounced both the Soviet Union and the KPR. e U.S. Army Military Government in South Korea banned a KPR publication, e Traitors And e Patriots. In December it banned strikes, and in January 1946 the activities of the KPR were declared illegal.
During this time Rhee’s U.S. backed party attacked the People’s Committees that had arisen out of the KPR. Japanese trained Korean police were used by Rhee to force workers and peasants to give up control of the factories and lands which had been seized from the Japanese. e political machinery to control a 1948 election in South Korea was turned over to Rhee’s party and Koreans from the northern part of the country, who had worked or pro ted under the Japanese occupation and had ed south.
Many Southern peasants did not vote, viewing the election as rigged. One KPR candidate who was elected to the parliament, was murdered when he arrived in Seoul. It is estimated that up to 100,000 people were killed prior to June 1950, including at least 30,000 on the island of Cheju who had refused to participate in the 1948 election. Soldiers of Rhee’s government, in the mainland port city of Yosu rebelled, refused to embark for Cheju, and sided with the islanders.
e Koreans living north of the dividing line mostly supported the pro-peasant socialist policies of the KPR, as did the Soviet military. ey were also led by Koreans who had been ghting the Japanese since 1932 in Manchuria. One of those leaders was Kim II Sung. It must have seemed terribly wrong to the American veterans of the war in the Paci c to see that Koreans and Chinese, who had been allies during the war, pictured as enemies by 1948. But then again that also happened to America’s European ally, the Soviet Union.
When it came across our Ithaca Times radar that GIAC would be reviving the Friday Night Fights program, and that the upcoming event (September 16, at 7 pm) would be recognizing the 50-year anniversary of the founding of the Chet Cashman Boxing Program, I knew who to call.
In 1972, when the late Chet Cashman moved his boxing program from the Southside Community Center to the newly-opened GIAC, one of the kids that tagged along was a skinny scrapper named Danny Akers. Danny and Patrick O'Connor have been my go-to guys for boxing stories for 30 years, and when asked to re ect back on that 1972 move, Danny told me, “I started boxing when I was 13, and I was 15 when Chet moved us over to GIAC. I learned everything I know from him, and I have been training ghters since 1983. I can't believe it has been 39 years.”
When visitors come to GIAC for the Friday Night Fights, they will notice a shiny new boxing ring. Asked how that came to be, Akers said, “I was doing some work for Brett and Mindy Oaks, and she said, 'You do so much for kids needing some guidance, what can we do for you?'” Knowing that Mindy knew her way around the grant-writing world, Akers threw it out there: “Well, GIAC could use a new ring!” Scratching his head, Danny told me, “I was being sarcastic... a new ring costs 4 or 5 thousand dollars. She made it happen, and I am very grateful.” Given the new ring was in place and ready to go just prior to the onset of the pandemic, Akers expressed how pleased he is to be able to get the program up and running again. “COVID knocked us out,” Danny stated, “but we're back.”
Much of the guidance Akers has provided to young ghters over the past four decades has been conducted alongside O'Connor, and the two have seen some success and recognition in that world.
e duo trained “the two Willies”—Willie Monroe Sr. and Jr.—both Top 10 prospects. Both won some big ghts, got title shots, and Willie Jr. won the Empire State Games and the Golden Gloves.
As stated, I have known Akers and O'Connor for a long time, and although
I have written about their high-pro le success, I am also aware that the vast majority of their time has been spent out of the spotlight, mentoring young people who will never see their name on a sports page. In Akers' words, “Yeah, the winning is nice, but those aren't what I call the best results.” Asked to elaborate, Danny o ered, “When you can guide a troubled kid—like myself—and help him (or her) to get on the right track, and develop some life values, that's what matters.” He added, “I have trained kids who have become doctors and lawyers, and most of them stay in touch. ey say they learned things they have taken into their lives, and that's even harder to do now, because in the 39 years I have been training people, I have learned that kids are very di erent today. In terms of their athleticism, their attention span.” His frustration evident, Akers relayed a story about a young man with a lot of potential and innate athleticism who came into the gym and was told that the training session would be a 3-round a air. In Akers' words, “He said he only wanted to go two rounds, so he le and never came back.”
While some things have indeed changed over the years, some things have stayed the same. “I have been fortunate to train thousands of kids over the years,” Akers said, “and 11 years a er Chet's passing – and 50 years a er he straightened me out and put me on the right path - I am still doing it in his honor.”
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Friday Night Fights will take place at GIAC on Friday, September 16th at 7 p.m. Tickets will be $19.72 (in recognition of the year GIAC opened), while other tickets will be available for $10. Seating will be limited.
Twenty years ago, Congress authorized the use of force against Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. Saddam is long gone, but the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iraq remains on the books and open for abuse. Last summer, Senator Chuck Schumer spoke passionately about his “strong and full support” for repealing the 2002 AUMF and stated it was his “intention as majority leader to bring this matter to a oor vote.” I urge Senator Schumer to make good on his promise by doing everything in his power to ensure a bipartisan proposal to repeal the 2002 AUMF is included in the annual National Defense Authorization Act. e e ort is supported by veterans’ groups, peace groups, and organizations across the political spectrum. Senator Schumer: keep your promise and show that peace is possible.
Carolyn Kenyon, IthacaIwas shocked to read that the property at 417 South Aurora Street was sold against the will of the owner for $6,662 because of unpaid taxes. I don’t agree that local o cials had an obligation to nd someone who spoke the owner’s native language. I think the owner and resident of 40 years should have learned basic English words like “legal,” “important,” “urgent,” “foreclosure,” “eviction,” etc., or found a translator. But the fact that her home of 40 years was sold for $6,662 to an organization with net assets
continued from page 4
through lateral transfers, as well as the tests that will be given in the Fall. But 14 vacancies…that’s a huge task that we’re faced with regarding recruitment and hiring new people.”
“We’re not going to be able to hire fourteen o cers overnight, it’s going to
of $305,000,000 is obscene. Zillow estimates the value of her home at $186,000. It’s tragic that the owner may lose her home, but to steal well over $150,000 in equity from her on top of eviction seems needlessly evil. As a local small time real estate investor/owner, I know how quickly real estate sells in this area, and at premium prices. It would have been very easy to sell this property for close to the Z[illow] estimate. e local government could then have collected back taxes, nes, legal fees, etc. and returned the balance to the owner, which probably would have exceeded $150,000. is level of grand the should be illegal, and in my opinion, the people responsible for this obscenity should pay restitution to the owner (appraised value minus back taxes and fees), apologize, and consider nding a line of work that doesn’t require a moral conscience.
Henry Hansteen, IthacaHas TCAT looked into the numerous reports of issues with Proterra buses ranging from problems with them melting and catching re (Foothill Transit in California) to the weight of the batteries cracking the frames (Philadelphia) and causing brake issues on hills (Duluth, MN). Are these buses even that green given the tremendous amount of energy the lithium batteries require during manufacturing and recycling (assuming they are recycled)? Who will be paying for them to be properly disposed of at the end of their lives? Does the technology even exist yet to do so safely (some “recycling” requires the use of such dangerous chemicals that it can’t really be called green)? In order to choose the best technologies for the environment, we need to know ALL of the negatives as well as positives of the technologies in question. e companies selling these technologies and politicians making fortunes o of them are the last people we should be relying upon for this information.
Posted on Ithaca.com by “BongRyun”
take some time to build back up,” said Monticello. As a result, the department will be looking to expand technology such as stationary license plate readers and bodycams to assist investigations.
According to Monticello, “One of the things that we’re looking at is technology, not to replace o cers, but to assist us in some of the major investigations and ag safety.”
Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) has been one of the most important elements in forging the communities of the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, Cornell University, Ithaca College, and Tompkins Cortland Community into a uni ed region. e past few weeks have been busy for TCAT, involving labor shortages, mandated route cuts, ongoing transportation agreement negotiations, and demands from local activists to make TCAT travel fare free. ese have contributed to a perception, justi ed or not, of uncertainty surrounding the future of the much-admired organization.
Conversations about making TCAT free and renewing the organization's transportation agreement between the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County and Cornell University dominated the beginning of the City of Ithaca Administration meeting that took place on August 24.
During the meeting Ithaca Democratic Socialists of America and Free TCAT Campaign member Sabrina Leddy asked for the transportation agreement to be extended on a short-term basis while the TCAT Board conducts a one-year study into the logistics of going fare free. According to Leddy, “the results of that study could signal drastic alterations to TCAT’s budget and as such a renewal for years or even decades seems very unwise.”
According to City Attorney Ari Lavine, “the agreement is currently scheduled to expire on October 9 with no auto-renew. If this does not move forward in time for the city, the county, and Cornell to sign a new
agreement prior to October 9 then TCAT would nd itself e ectively unfunded in the near future, which would be a disastrous consequence.”
In order to meet the October 9 deadline, the TCAT Board, the City, the County and Cornell must come to terms on making changes to section 6.3 of the transportation agreement.
Currently, what 6.3 says is that each of the underwriters will automatically absorb a third of any additional losses TCAT sustained that year. e revised version of 6.3 proposes that each of the underwriters will consider absorbing those losses, and that if they absorbed them, they all need to absorb them in equal measure.
So the question Common Council needs to ask itself is do they prefer that the TCAT Board have the ability to make what amounts to budgetary determinations that the Common Council has to pay for, but did not get to vote on? Or do they prefer to leave those determinations as to absorbing TCAT’s losses within the budgetary determinations of the Common Council and the County legislature and Cornell respectively?
According to Lavine, the changes being considered to section 6.3 “provide agency to each of the three underwriters to evaluate their own budgetary outlook and what they want to support.” He continued saying, “in order to get this agreement renewed, we need all three underwriters to agree on renewing it and what the terms look like. And Cornell clearly also wants this term… so it’s unclear whether the deal would get done if this term is not in there,”
TCAT is unable to meet the current demands for service due to labor shortages. Fare free service would likely exacerbate the problem. (Photo: Josh Baldo)
ese negotiations are happening at the same time as public pressure to make TCAT fare free is growing.
Ithaca DSA member, Annika Rowland, who is also part of the Free TCAT Campaign, urged local elected o cials to support making TCAT free for all residents during last week's meeting of the Tompkins County Legislature.
According to Rowland, the county should transition to fare free transporta-
tion since free public transportation creates equitable transportation options for people of all income levels while at the same time reducing vehicle emissions that contribute to climate change.
e Free TCAT Campaign mission statement says that the working people who support our daily lives are “underpaid and under supported” and nd it di cult to meet their basic needs. ey say expensive housing costs in the city of Ithaca have
“pushed lower-income residents to outlying areas, o en forcing them to drive as the only means to get around.” Additionally, they say private vehicles account for 30-40% of local carbon emissions that contribute to climate change and incentivizing public transportation by making it free can reduce the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.
According to the Free TCAT Campaign, “We can slash this gure by dramatically increasing ridership on mass transit, something we could easily achieve by eliminating fares and providing frequent reliable service on a wide spectrum of routes.”
Rowland said that the TCAT Board is on the verge of spending $1 million on a new farebox system, which would further delay a transition to fare free transportation.
Instead of spending $1 million on a new farebox system, Rowland said she would rather see that money allocated towards other essential services such as increasing pay for TCAT drivers or expanding service for people who need transportation at odd hours of the day—such as the many service workers that the City wouldn’t be able to operate without.
In addition, if the farebox funds were reallocated to the essential services mentioned above, the TCAT Board would be able to use that money to hire more drivers to ll service gaps that have been discussed extensively.
According to TCAT General Manager Scot Vanderpool, TCAT currently has between 65 to 68 full time bus operators, but they need a number closer to 90 to meet their full-service needs. As a result of these sta ng issues remaining unsolved, the TCAT Board has announced that they will be cutting back routes that serve Cornell University and the surrounding areas.
During a special board meeting on August 17, the TCAT Board of Directors approved major reductions on routes 11, 13, 20, and 82. e board said that the agency will restore service “as soon as sta can overcome sta ng and parts shortages.”
Vanderpool also says that these shortages are a barrier to making public transportation in Ithaca free since TCAT simply couldn’t withstand the increase in ridership that would result from going fare free.
According to Vanderpool, other cities that have transitioned to fare free public transportation, like Chapel Hill, North Carolina, have seen a roughly 30% increase in ridership. As a result, he says, “we’re really not equipped, due to our driver shortage for one thing, to go fare free right now.” He continued saying, “if we can’t support the service we’re currently providing it would be a challenge to go fare free, but not a challenge we can’t overcome in the near future.”
Vanderpool is aware of the challenges associated with going fare free, but he recently said, “I’m not against fare free…we just have to gure out how we’re going to make it happen.” According to Vanderpool, making TCAT fare free is going to “help us in a few ways.” Speci cally, he says “loading would be quicker, and there is a potential retention piece for our drivers who would no longer be burdened with the process of error collection.” He continued saying, “And obviously it’s great for the community. at’s the main thing.”
Even though TCAT is cutting back its service to Cornell, on June 15 the TCAT Board of Directors came to an agreement with Cornell to extend the Cornell University Bus Pass Program—a contract that allows the transportation company to continue providing bus service on the uni-
versity's campus—for another year without asking them to increase their contribution to cover in ation.
Under the bus pass program, Cornell University is responsible for covering the ridership fees of its students, faculty, and sta in lump sum amounts. For example, Cornell paid TCAT a total of just over $3.3 million in monthly payments to provide transportation service on campus from July 2021 to June 2022.
Demands for fare free transportation have increased budgetary pressures on the local transportation conglomerate because fare revenue has decreased since the start of the pandemic as a result of decreased ridership. At the same time, in ation has resulted in increased costs for everything from bus parts to the people that drive them. According to Vanderpool, “in ation has resulted in the costs of almost every aspect of TCATs operations increasing. For example, the cost of buses, gas, parts, and wages have all gone up.”
e TCAT website says that “In 2019, annual ridership was about 4.2 million, a 54 percent increase in the span of 15 years. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, TCAT’s ridership has dropped.” It continues saying, “the pandemic, which started showing up in Tompkins County in midMarch 2020, prompted an abrupt decline in rides by 90 percent, and overall ridership for 2020 fell by 66 percent to about 1.4 million.” However, by the end of 2021 ridership increased to just over two million—
around 50 percent of what it was before the pandemic.
Fare revenue accounts for a total of roughly 30 percent of TCAT’s budget. at includes Cornell University's annual fare payment program. In addition, the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and Cornell University each provide 18 percent of the total operating budget.
Cornell supplies more funding for TCAT than Ithaca College, the City of Ithaca, or Tompkins County. However, TCAT’s largest single source of revenue comes from the New York State Operating Assistance fund. is fund accounts for about 38 percent of TCAT’s $18 million annual operating budget.
Vanderpool recently told e Ithaca Times, “we're actually running at a decit right now, but we don't expect that to continue.” He continued saying, “but if that trend does continue, we will not have the ability to go fare free until this economic situation subsides.” However, he also said, “if our underwriters continue to provide similar payments to support our operation, I think that's going to be critical to going fare free.”
Speci cally, Vanderpool is referencing Cornell University's $3.3 million annual bulk payment to TCAT, in addition to annual payments by the city of Ithaca and Tompkins county—which total roughly $2.8 million. However, according to Vanderpool, “if these payments don't continue, we will likely not be able to go fare free.”
When great Ithaca concerts are discussed, all some people want to talk about is the Grateful Dead show at Barton Hall on May 8, 1977. ere have even been books written about that show. But I challenge its status as Ithaca’s ultimate Rock show, because I’ve seen shows at Barton Hall (Worst Show Ever: e Cars in 1979) and I ques-
tion that much great music ever happened inside a gymnasium.
My favorite Ithaca show was Squeeze at Bailey Hall in the spring of 1992. I’m a huge Squeeze fan and I got legit emotional when they played their “ nal” show on a 1982 SNL episode hosted by Drew Barrymore.
erefore, Squeeze was the rst band I’d ever seen that had broken up and re-
formed. eir tempos had grown somewhat lugubrious, and when they got back together, they picked up the pace on numbers like “Pulling Mussels From the Shell” and “Black Co ee in Bed.” ey sounded like a veteran Motown band, with lead singer Glenn Tillbrook breaking out solo a er solo on his Fender Telecaster. Plus, Bailey Hall sounds a thousand times better than Barton Hall. ● ● ●
When I put out a call on Facebook for concert memories in town, I got a barrage of bands, names and long-gone venerated venues – nearly 100 folks reached out to share their favorite shows.
Check out these recollections.
William Moratz: e nal Zobo Funn Band concert (September 1981 at the Strand eater). It was their reunion concert, a year a er high school. Most people I knew had moved on to college so I didn’t really see anyone that I knew there. I was still in town since I had an interesting job at
The second annual Hupstate Circus Festival will set out to dazzle Ithaca over Labor Day weekend, Friday, September 2 through Monday, September 5. is event brings dozens of circus artists from all over North America right into the heart of the city. In this ve-day period, guests can catch up to 15 shows varying in length, content, and maturity.
e Cherry Artspace will be hosting “Circus Shorts”—a double feature of playful groups blending the cra of circus with storytelling—and “Contemporary Circus Night”—an evening of intricate aerial, juggling, and acrobatic performances. e theatre recently installed rigging equipment, making their venue more accessible for this mode of entertainment. e Cherry Artspace is located at 102 Cherry St.
“Circus Shorts” will be performed at 7 p.m. on Friday and 5 p.m. on Saturday. “Contemporary Circus Night” will feature at 9 p.m. on Friday and 7 p.m. on Saturday.
“Stars Above: An All American Open Air Circus,” one stand-out group from last year’s event, will return to the Press Bay Backlot, located at 118 West Green St. ese shows will be performed outside and will re ect upon the intimate connections between love, loss, and family. ese performances will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday, and 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
Brand new to the festival this year is a show called “Branché.” is technically skilled ensemble, coming from Montreal and New England, will build their routines using Ithaca’s natural environment—an e ort to limit their carbon footprint.
“Branché” will perform at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and 7 p.m. Monday. e plan is they will start their show at the Stewart Park Carousel and then move around the park. Both shows are free of charge.
e Hupstate Festival was brought to fruition by Amy Cohen—founder and director of Ithaca’s own Circus Culture—to showcase the artform’s true depth. In the United States, there is rich circus history, but Cohen believes it lacks the representation and creative invention evident in other parts of the world.
Cohen received her Master of Arts in Circus as a Tool for Social Change, Education, and Creative Expression from New York University and extended her studies with a Fulbright scholarship in the United Kingdom.
“When talking about circus, especially in the states, people just think about P.T. Barnum and his extravagance,” Cohen said. “But it can be so much more. People are always shocked to discover the similarities that exist between circus and artforms such as dance. But it’s entertainment like any other. It can be culturally speci c, highying, intimate, and provocative. It can showcase very di erent aesthetics. It can be whatever you make it. You just need to open yourself up to seeing it that way.”
In honor of the budding circus culture in America—and in anticipation of its
future—Cohen titled this festival, “Hupstate.” is merges Ithaca’s upstate location with “hup”—an insider circus term meaning “to go.” While a small detail, this play on words serves a big purpose.
“Above all else, I want this festival to do for others what my time with circus has done for me,” Cohen said. “I want every patron to feel a sense of ease in exploring how circus relates to their life. I want them to really challenge their perceptions. I want them to recognize that circus thrives on its exibility, its inclusion, its diversity. Maybe one day these festivals will appear all over the states, but for now? Appreciate the presence of circus right in your very backyard.”
For more information about all these events, and for a complete schedule, refer to the festival’s website. https://www.hupstatecircus.org/
Ticketing can also be found online, but true to Circus Culture’s philosophy, nancials should never be a barrier to circus access. All ticketed shows will o er a sponsored, free option. Feel free to contact hupstatecircus@gmail.com with any questions about this opportunity.
What started as a small event in the City of Ithaca in 2007 has since turned into an internationally recognized way to celebrate local
musicians and create a sense of community in neighborhoods across the continent. Of course, I’m talking about Porchfest. A er three long years of social isolation, Ithaca Porchfest is nally making a comeback. e rst Porchfest since the
start of the pandemic is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 25, in Ithaca’s Fall Creek and Northside neighborhoods. Porchfest began in Ithaca as a means for neighbors and local community members to highlight their musical skills on front porches. e original event in Ithaca only started with about 20 musicians, but it has expanded to more than 100 musicians—and the event has spread to other cities across the United States and Canada.
Bands, singers, and instrumentalists participate in the festival for no other reason than to showcase their talents and engage the community. e music is diverse and can range from country to pop, classical, reggae, blues, rock, jazz, Latino, R&B, folk, and more. During the event, musicians voluntarily take to the "stage" on porches (hence the name Porchfest) at their designated times and perform for the public. Signs with artists' names and performance times are usually posted in front of porches and online.
Due to the fact that this is a neighborhood event, people walk, ride bikes or scooters, or push strollers as they move from one porch to another to partake in the festivities. Children o en build lemonade stands to help quench thirst on hot days while vendors o entimes provide ice cream, hot dogs, and other snacks. Schedules and maps will be available online at http://www.porchfest.org.
Porchfest wouldn’t be possible without the support of the public. Volunteers and other organizations facilitate the event
By the time you read this, Cornell Cinema will have already unspooled a ton of lm, but then again, that’s what they do. If you come to town indi erent to lm, you may become a fan. And if you love cinema, you still won’t have time to see every event on the calendar unless you give up things like “light” and “people.” With the departure of longtime Cornell Cinema director Mary Fessenden, acting director Douglas McLaren is your guide to a few of the semester’s upcoming highlights. And whatever you do, get a Cornell Cinema Flick Sheet for your refrigerator and a really reliable Sharpie.
IT: I take it that this upcoming semester is the last calendar that Mary Fessenden assembled before retiring.
DM: I handled the bulk of programming for this semester, but it was with invaluable guidance and input from Mary Fessenden. Wrapping up 35 years of work and organizing things for one's successor takes quite a bit of time, which drew her away from directly working on this Fall calendar. at said, there are a number of titles this semester that were organized by Mary, including our Sage Chapel screening of “Nosferatu” with live music, and our screening of “ e Janes” with lmmakers Tia Lessin ’86 and Emma Pildes in person. Both are marquee features of our Fall calendar, and all credit goes to Mary Fessenden for making it happen.
IT: Cornell Cinema always selects at least one lmmaker whose lmography could play over the semester and it looks like it’s David Lynch’s turn.
DM: We are very eager to showcase the new remastering of two David Lynch lms: “Lost Highway” (1997) and “Inland Empire” (2006), both from Janus Films. ese new 4K re-releases served as a great opportunity to revisit earlier works like 1977’s “Eraserhead” (showing on 35mm!) and “Blue Velvet” (1986). What we have assembled is a cross-section of Lynch’s cinematic work, checking in roughly every 10 years.
“Inland Empire” in particular is a fascinating example of a possible future
for lm/video restoration. As David Lynch’s rst foray into video, it was shot on a prosumer digital-video camera and released theatrically on 35mm lm, which meant at one point upscaling the SD video to HD and then printing the video frames to a 35mm negative. For this remaster, they went back further than that 35mm negative and decided to upscale the original SD video to 4K, which involved using arti cial intelligence to interpolate the “missing” pixels. e result is closer to a new work altogether (hence the term “remaster” and not “restoration”) and it truly needs to be seen on a big screen.
IT: Cornell Cinema has a tradition of screening live music with silent movies and this is the 100th anniversary of F.W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” (1922).
DM: We’re quite excited to celebrate the 100th anniversary of “Nosferatu”, and do to so, we’re bringing back the Austin, TX group e Invincible Czars, who are in the midst of a 40-date tour of the country presenting an updated version of their
the lm. “Nosferatu”
Cornell. For everyone there it felt like goodbye to the good times. People had traveled from all over the country to be there. e place was packed. I recorded it and still have the tapes somewhere. I enjoyed their music so much then and still do to this day.
Tom Gibson: I remember that night very well.
Damian Arthur Carr: I worked security at that show. What a blast! Danced in the orchestra pit (And I don’t dance). Found a silver ask of good whiskey. Ran into the woman I would share my life with.
Michael Wellen (Zobo Funn Band drummer): I was at that show…not sure how much I remember.
Susan Gilmore: So many happy memories of the Burns Sisters and Joe Salzano playing at the Ithaca Festival and at Stewart Park. Also Jonathan Richman at the Haunt.
Nick Reynolds (former Ithaca Times editor): I’d read an oral history of Merle Haggard at Grassroots.
David R. Waterman: Does Wolfman Jack at Nite Court count as a concert? I think it was a WVBR thing on a Sunday a ernoon at 4pm, circa 1981-’83-ish.
Matt Ryan: Megadeth in Bailey Hall, 1988. I was searched at the door and they found half a Reuben sandwich in my Korean War-era army pants. We broke a row of seats moshing.
Dan Aloi: Elvis Costello & e Imposters’ most recent show at the State eater. Dylan’s 2019 show at the IC Events Center. Pete Anderson at the Rongo. Gurf Morlix at the Cayuga Grange. Drive-By Truckers at Grassroots a er a hurricane & ooding.
Je Claus (Horse ies, A Boy With a Fish): St. Vincent at Castaways.
Judy Hyman (Horse ies, A Boy With a Fish): Je Claus, we must be married. I was gonna say the same thing.
Gretchen Gilbert: Squirrel Nut Zippers at the Haunt.
Polly Kiely: Gretchen Gilbert: Squirrel Nut Zippers at the State eater!
Fred Cederstrom: Polly Kiely: Squirrel Nut Zippers at Bailey Hall!
Dan Kiely: Levon Helm and family at the State eater six weeks before he passed. I saw Pearl Jam open for Dracula Jones at the original Haunt in 1991. It was like two months before “Ten” dropped and mainstreamed grunge.
Hillel Ho man: Legendary for the right reasons: Patti Smith at Bailey in 1978. Opener: Zobo Funn Band.
Nicole DeMotte: ey Might Be Giants at the State was cool.
Bob Proehl: Arcade Fire at Noyes Hall, Dean & Britta with the Warhol screen tests at Cornell Cinema, Solomon Burke at the State, Neutral Milk Hotel at the State.
Pete Magnus: Neutral Milk Hotel at the State was everything I hoped it would be. Probably is my favorite concert of all time.
Steve Gollnick: Every Candypants show ever.
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Consider this last anecdote an encore, so get out your lighters, but don’t start any res like those tools at Woodstock ‘99. Peter Bakija teaches high school and hosts “Burning Airlines” on WRFI. Bakija chose to talk about an opening act: Mike Watt at the (second) Haunt on Willow Avenue.
IT: When was this? at’s so Ithaca.
PB: Mike Watt came to Ithaca and opened for the Meat Puppets, I think in the fall of 2017. So it was not that long ago. is was at the Haunt that isn’t there.
IT: As of now, there are no Haunts.
PB: Exactly. [laughs] No Haunts at all. IT: What was it about this particular show?
PB: Mike Watt was the bassist for the very in uential punk-rocky band e Minutemen, from L.A. ey were a very well-loved, early 80’s complex punk rock band. All their songs were very short, thus the name Minutemen. But they were more complex than your standard three-chord rock n’ roll, and they were very politically minded, and they fell apart when their lead singer died in a tragic car accident in 1985. Mike Watt carried on a er that, doing various musical projects and has been kicking around for the last 30, 40 years, just being a really nice guy in the rock n’ roll industry. He just kept playing and kept doing things. And so when he came to Ithaca to open for the Meat Puppets, I was super, super excited because I’d never seen him before. e show was the most packed room I have ever been to in in a small theater in Ithaca, the most packed-to-the-gills room I’d ever been to. Again, this is prepandemic, so the fact that it was packed to the gills was novel, not terrifying.
IT & PB: [laughs]
PB: I have no problem with the Meat Puppets, but I was not going there to see the Meat Puppets. I was going there to see Mike Watt. I was stuck up on the bar platform and couldn’t get any closer. All sorts of people from town that I knew were there. And Mike Watt blasted through—in an hour, he played 30 songs or something. It was half Minutemen songs, half new original stu that he was doing. He covers regularly Iggy Pop and Blue Oyster Cult, because he and D. Boon were really into them. ey had very wide-ranging musical tastes that they brought into e Minutemen.
And the show was fantastic. e room was lled with people who were superexcited. A er their set, Mike Watt was just sitting at the merch table, just interacting with all the people. He signed the singles that I bought, and he just kept shaking my hand and chatting with me. He just seemed genuinely interested in interacting with the people around him. It was just a spectacular Ithaca rock n’ roll moment, that whole show.
And then the Meat Puppets came on, and I was like, “Ah, I’m going home, I gotta get up in the morning.”
IT & PB: [laughs]
scary 100 years later, but it’s also a great family-friendly Halloween event. We last screened a movie in Sage Chapel back in the Fall of 2019, so we’re thrilled to welcome an audience back to this beautiful and unique venue for silent lm!
IT: Can you talk about some of the lms premiering and some of the guests you have lined up this fall?
DM: In September alone, we’re presenting eleven Ithaca premieres, four of which are part of the Cine con Cultura Film Festival. One of those lms, “Cadejo Blanco”, will feature a post-screening discussion with its lmmaker (and Cornell alumnus) Justin Lerner ’02 on Wednesday, September 21. We’re also quite pleased to
host the venerable director Whit Stillman on Friday, September 23 for a belated thirtieth anniversary screening of his debut lm “Metropolitan” (1990). Later, on October 13, documentary lmmakers Tia Lessin ’86 and Emma Pildes will present their new HBO documentary “ e Janes”—and we’ll be one of the few cinemas in the country to screen the lm. e following night, October 14, Tia Lessin will show a 35mm double-feature of two lms she saw at Cornell Cinema back when she was a student, which made a lasting impression on her: Lizzie Borden’s “Born in Flames” (1983) and Marlene Gorris’s Dutch feminist lm “A Question of Silence” (1982).
IT: Is there any one title in the calendar you’re most looking forward to? I’m sure it’s hard to pick just one.
DM: It’s hard to pick just one title I’m most looking forward to, but I think it would have to be “The Devil, Probably” (1977), screening November 9 on a new 35mm print. It was the penultimate film by French master Robert Bresson (“Au hasard Balthazar”, “Pickpocket”) and many of the topics raised in the film—capitalism, climate change, the difficulty of social movements to affect change against the status quo—were ahead of its time in 1977 and are all too relevant today. It’s a film I believe everyone should watch, but especially college students today. It’s important to see that the struggle isn’t new; it’s been going on a long time, but we’re making progress. Ok, one other title: the return of the “Cat Video Fest” on September 30 and October 1.
by selecting appropriate dates, acquiring musicians, and publicizing the event. Residents volunteer their own porches as a way to support the local music scene and interact with their neighbors.
According to Porchfest organizers, they are “urgently looking for volunteers.” because it takes a lot of people to make Porchfest happen safely. Most volunteers will be stationed at barricades near street closures, to redirect tra c and escort residents’ vehicles in and out as needed. Other volunteers will be stationed at information tents or circulate on bikes to help keep up with crowds in the street and excessive performer volume.
You can sign up to volunteer at https:// forms.gle/2PNJTmYL5rAXpwi69.
than 95% of votes counted, Riley received a total of 61.52% of the vote compared to Cheney’s 35.29%. ose results were closely re ected in Tompkins County where Riley received 64% compared to Cheney’s 29%.
“I am so honored to be the Democratic nominee for Congress here in New York’s 19th District,” said Riley a er he was announced as the projected winner. He continued saying, “For too long Upstate New Yorkers have been sold out by professional politicians and special interests. I’m running for Congress to bring change and new leadership.”
Cheney released a concession statement saying, “I fully support Democratic nominee Josh Riley, and look forward to helping him beat anti-choice politician Marc Molinaro and keep the House blue this fall.”
Democratic nominee Josh Riley will now advance to face Republican Marc Molinaro in the general election for the 19th Congressional District on November 8th. According to the non-partisan Cook Political Report, the new 19th Congressional District is one of the most competitive districts in New York State.
might have jovially been called “swell” clothes: nice clothes, stylish clothes, fancy clothes.
ere’s no call for them here. Go to a wedding in too ne an ensemble and you might show up the assembly, and maybe even the principals. Too nice a jacket worn to a job interview, forget about a suit, might cost you that job. Your thin leather shoes are not your best foot forward.
Now those clothes are like friends you don’t see anymore. ey even have names: Christian Dior, Bill Blass, Marc Anthony, J. Crew, Lanvin. ey’re like fading entries in an old address book. Are they even still alive?
On some occasions it might make sense to break out the apparel not from the bottom of a barrel: when going to the doctor, for instance. Mightn’t they treat you better the more professional you look? Maybe, but then you arrive and you’re the only one in the waiting room not wearing jeans, sweats, shorts, sneakers or sandals, and the staff all wear sneakers, including the practitioner.
If you’re ready to hang up, as in give up, the haberdashery, there are options.
In the Democratic primary election for State Senate District 52, Lea Webb defeated Leslie Danks Burke. With all districts reporting Webb received a total of 58.83% of the vote compared to Danks Burke’s 37.27%. Similarly to the 19th Congressional District, Tompkins County closely re ected these results with Webb receiving 55% of the vote compared to Danks Burke’s 40%.
A er Webb was announced as the projected winner she said, “Tonight we celebrate, but tomorrow we get back to work.” She continued saying, “ is campaign was never about me, alone. It was always about building a platform for those voices who have gone neglected and unheard for so long…I’m con dent we will ride this people-powered wave to victory in November.”
Burke responded to her defeat with an election night statement saying, “I’m not able to reach Lea Webb by phone, but I have le her messages congratulating her on her successful campaign, recognizing the honor that it has been to join her in this race, and wishing her every success.”
Former Binghamton City Councilmember Lea Webb will now advance to face former Binghamton Mayor and Republican Rich David in the general election on November 8th.
e Recycling Center o Route 13 accepts clothing. ey are slightly fussy in that the material must be of donatable quality, i.e. not ragged, and brought in clear plastic bags, or it will be refused.
e Salvation Army, a bit further south on Route 13, is less strict, which seems ironic for an army. My experience there is seeing people bring things in all types of bags and everything is accepted. ey do make a point of asking that nothing be le there during o hours.
Catholic Charities on W. Bu alo Street has a service of providing free clothing from donations. I was told they might be particular about acceptances because of space limitations, and because with the pandemic fewer people than usual have been coming in to take things. But when I went they were happy with what I brought, which was of fairly high-toned provenance, but also simply because it was men’s wear, which they said they get much less than women’s.
It reminded me of the biblical verse, particularly apt in that setting, that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. I know this is generally construed as a moral exhortation, but it always seemed to me a mere statement of fact, because it means you have something to give in the rst place. I was blessed enough to have had a full closet once, and not to need one now.
Having grown up, gone to school, and worked in several countries, Monica Franciscus was exposed to various cultures, and art, architecture, and design were always pointed out. In anticipation of an exhibit of her work at e Cherry Gallery, opening September 9, she sat down with me to discuss her unique approach to art and where it came from.
“As a child my mother would whisk us into museums, galleries, and cathedrals, introducing us to unique things, such as Paris’ famous stained-glass windows and dazzling blue glass at Saints-Chapelle. She opened our eyes to
creations, and details in art and design in ways that made me want to learn more. Our uncle,” Franciscus added, “was an architect, and he pointed out the importance of the mechanism of things—even in his door handle, or the Peugeot pepper mill on the table (designed by the French car company).” She points to this combined childhood encouragement as the source for her belief that “Aesthetics and mechanical performance in any creation are important and share equal value.”
As an example of this belief in equal value, Franciscus says that “ e car parts I utilize in my sculptures are highly designed, meticulously engineered, aerodynamic parts, painted in vibrant metallic, re ective colors. Repurposing the car bumpers that I nd in dumpsters means that the pieces dictate what they will become: a
composition where the formal elements (color and form) and aesthetics are considered.”
Franciscus says, “My work is about intimacy. I am interested in people’s relationship to this planet and our relationships with each other. e concept behind these pieces is that science created incredibly advanced thing, such as cars, but these vehicles are the biggest contributors to greenhouse gasses. Corporations collaborate with politicians who set rules. Because of ubiquitous robots in factories unemployment is on the rise. Our system needs an overhaul!”
Pointing to one of her works, Franciscus notes, “ is red and grey metallic sculpture has shiny aerodynamic lines that used to be beside the car wheels, where the rounded form is. Plastic bumpers are the rst to absorb impact and protect people. is and other technology surround us and provide conveniences on which we rely, yet ironically now threaten our existence.”
“We are at the end of the Industrial Age,” Franciscus believes. “Too much is produced, imported and sold, yet all this has not brought us peace or equality. e gap between rich and poor is increasing—and is intimately intertwined with inequality, poverty, and unemployment. In 2022, in the U.S. immense poverty exists in the midst of great wealth.”
“Our endangered, and damaged environment manifests its destruction in what has become habitual heatwaves, severe storms, drought, oods, and res around the globe,” she suggests, explaining that she wanted to portray the dichotomy between progress and decline. “I chose to use discarded car parts to symbolize the advances in science and the devastation to our air, water, soil and oceans. Science/technology got us here. It can lead us to a solution.”
Opening September 9 at e Cherry Gallery, 130 Cherry Street, www.thecherry. org; Open 5 to 8 p.m. Fridays and 3 to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.
One of the many things I like about Ithaca is its diversity. Souvlaki House on Eddy Street in the heart of Collegetown is a microcosm of that variety. Whenever I’m there 80% of the clientele seem to be students, who lend a wonderfully positive energy. ere are invariably large groups of exuberant students squeezing themselves around tables at all times of the day, as it’s open continuously from lunch through dinner. e restaurant, specializing in Italian and Greek fare, has a capacity for about ve dozen diners and is o en packed.
Souvlaki House has been in Collegetown for over 50 years, (1970). Part of the attraction is most of the food is homemade and cooked beautifully and the prices are student-friendly ($8.50-$24.95).
In the Seafood (Frutti de Mare) category, I’ve really enjoyed Seafood Alfredo ($22.95). e portion was huge—I’m still having it at home two days later.
ere were copious amounts of shrimp, scallops, and crabmeat mixed in with pasta with a thick and creamy homemade Alfredo sauce. For three dollars less, you could have the same dish with just shrimp. If you prefer something simpler, for $9.95 you could have pasta with just Ricotta and Parmesan cheese garnished with parsley.
I also liked Moussaka ($15.95) in the Special Greek Platters section. e regional version of this Balkan dish that I’m used to is made with eggplant and ground, or minced, lamb. e one at Souvlaki House is made with ground beef. It was a bit oily, and the eggplant was barely discernable, however it was still very enjoyable.
I’m sure one of the reasons Souvlaki House is so popular with students is the wide variety of pizzas on o er. ere are about two dozen di erent toppings in three di erent sizes: 10-inch, 14-inch, and 16-inch. ere are also nine “gourmet” combinations. I’ve recently tried two of
these. e menu description for “Mediterraneo” is that it is topped with grilled chicken, broccoli, artichoke hearts and Calamata [sic] olives. (Souvlaki House’s menu is the only place I’ve ever seen the name of the olive spelled this way.) When the pizza was brought to the table, the main ingredient, chicken, was nowhere in sight. I asked the owner about this (he did not know I was reviewing) and he apologized and took it o the bill. e Vegetarian gourmet pizza’s toppings are feta, spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms, and olives, which were very salty. Mozzarella cheese is part of every pizza. e pizzas are good and the toppings portions are generous.
A salad bowl for the table is o ered with many dishes. It includes four simple ingredients: iceberg lettuce, sliced tomatoes, olives (with pits), and feta cheese.
I doubt that the students who can drink legally, go there for wine…which is a good thing as there is an extremely limited selection of three whites and three reds.
ere’s a slightly larger selection of beers at $5.25 and $5.95, including two of my favorites: Ithaca Beer Flower Power and Heineken.
Tid Bit: In Greece there’s a popular dish called souvlakia. It’s meat marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and herbs, then skewered and grilled--a Greek shish kebab. Perhaps that’s where the name for the restaurant originated.
Souvlaki House is located at 315 Eddy Street, (607) 273-1650. It is usually open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week.
Icite this Roger Ebert quote all the time: “It’s not what a movie is about, but how it’s about it.” at’s certainly true of Domee Shi’s “Turning Red” (Walt Disney Pictures-Pixar Animation Studios. 2022, 100 min.) Set in Toronto in 2002, the movie’s all about this young girl named Mei who’s a straight A student and classic overachiever. She’s also her mother’s daughter, in more ways than one, when she turns into a giant shaggy red panda every time she gets stressed out—a family genetic quirk that’s part of her lineage.
Mei and her three gal pals from school need to make $800 to buy tickets to a boy band concert, so I gured that the big show would feature prominently in act three, but per Ebert, for the life of me, I couldn’t have gured out how the concert would be portrayed. at’s all part of the Pixar spirit. ey’re not afraid of going to extreme emotional places and staying there. e best Pixar movies are all about
imaginative plot twists and turns. (Remember the end of 2001’s “Monsters Inc.”? I didn’t see that coming, either.)
Pixar is encouraging a new breed of animators with very speci c cultural backgrounds and perspectives, leading to imaginative and features like “Coco” (2017) and “Luca” (2021) that feel progressive and curious about other cultures. It goes without saying that nearly 30 years on, Pixar’s visual aesthetic has just gotten more nuanced and distinctive; Domee Shi is a welcome talent, and she has a very personal and idiosyncratic comedic voice.
“Turning Red” feels like the rst Pixar movie to delve into the troubled waters of puberty and adolescent changes.
● ● ●
In my 2020 review of “Sonic the Hedgehog”, I wondered if kids even cared about that l’il blue furball a er all these years because it took so long to adapt the Sega video game into a lm. It seemed that such
a picture would be nostalgia for the kids’ parents, a relic from the age of grunge and (hello!) boy bands. (I certainly played my share of Sonic back in the day.)
Enough ticket buyers cared to justify “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” (Paramount-Sega Sammy Group-Original Film-Marza Animation Planet-Blur Studio, 2022, 122 min.) and part three is on tap for 2024. I called part one an entry-level kid picture, and at rst I thought we were in for two more hours of the same: e evil Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) nds his way back to Earth and enlists the aid of Kn uckles (Idris Elba) to get revenge on Sonic (Ben Schwartz), holding down the fort while his human pals (James Marsden and Tika Sumpter) go to Hawaii for the wedding of Sumpter’s sister (Natasha Rothwell). Sonic gets a new pal, Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey), a critter with a talent for inventing cool gadgets and gizmos.
Part two surprised me by nding a really cool way of blending two stories I assumed would stay separate, with the whole Sonic-Robotnik chase spilling over into the Hawaii wedding, giving Rothwell the chance to steal the whole picture. Robotnik acquires his own assistant in dealing out mayhem, a tech genius posing as a barista, another scene thief played by Lee Majdoub. Also, I just love the fact that there’s a movie out there where Idris
Elba plays a video game character, and the lmmakers have a lot of fun making Elba’s sti , formal speech its own running joke. ere are three kinds of family movies: the movies that entertain the whole world regardless of age; the middling ones that have enough MCU and Channing Tatum gags to keep parents from falling asleep; and the crap that parents drop their kids o at the theater to see, because they want no part of it. “Sonic 2” falls into the second category, It’s no classic, but it has some plot surprises and zippy humor, particularly a moment when Carrey tests out a motion-capture suit by rocking out to Pantera’s “Walk”. Kids should know more about Pantera, and if I ever start a nursery school….
“Turning Red” is on home video and Disney +; “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” is on home video.
Gunpoets- 2022 Summer Concert Series | 6 p.m. | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons| Free Singer/songwriter night hosted by Dan Forsythe | 6 p.m. | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, 1771 Dryden Rd | Free
Friday Sunset Music Series - ft. The Dart Brothers | 5 p.m. | Wagner Vineyards, 9322 State Route 414 River Diver/Jennie Lowe | 6 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road
Friday Night Farm Jams: Burns & Kristy| 6:30 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider, Interlaken Terrapin Station | | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, 1771 Dryden Rd | Free
Jesse Collins Quartet - Outdoor Summer Concert Series | Brooktondale Community Center | 1 p.m.
Hot Dogs & Gin | 1 p.m. | Hosmer Estate Winery, 7020 State Route 89
Lub Dub Acoustic Duo | 1 p.m. | Buttonwood Grove Winery, 5986 State Route 89
Special Summer Saturday Music - The Fall Creek Brass Band | 5 p.m. | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, 1771 Dryden Road
Live music feat. Petty Thieves CNY | 11 a.m. | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road
Marc & Tom | Hosmer Winery | 1 p.m. Mike Titlebaum & Catherine Gale | 1 p.m. | Red Newt Cellars, 3675 Tichenor Road | Free Elowyn | 1 p.m. | Buttonwood Grove Winery, 5986 State Route 89
Victor Wooten | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St
38 Special | 6:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage Nelly | 8:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Alex Miller | 1:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage Riley Green | 8:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Tai Verdes | 1:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage
Gin Blossoms | 6:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage 24K Goldn | 8:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Syracuse JAMS Funkfest 2K22 | 12:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage
Midnight Star | 8:30 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage COIN | 2:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Dropkick Murphys | 8:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Noah Thompson | 2:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage
ERNEST | 6:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage
NONEWFRIENDS | 2:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage City Girls | 8:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
The Prince Experience | 12:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage Night Ranger | 4:00 p.m. | NY State Fair: Chevy Court Stage
Resurrection: A Journey Tribute | 1:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Dire Straits Legacy | 6:00 p.m.| NY State Fair: Chevy Park Stage
Narek Arutyunian, clarinet and Ying Li, piano: The William and Angela Haines Young Concert Artist Series | 8:15 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd, IC
Dinosaur Jr | 8 p.m. | State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State St | $28.50
Jazz Ensemble Concert for Children and Families | Ford Hall, IC| 10 a.m.
Junior Recital: Aaron Suttle, trombone | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd, IC
Wanda & the 3 Potions puppet show | 10:30 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | The Cherry, 102 Cherry St | See the singing Lips, the Opera Cat and Wanda the wizard making a magical mess in this interactive puppet show! | $4.00 - $12.00
Contra Dance with Con uence and callers Casey Carr and Nancy Spero | 8 p.m., 9/3 Saturday | Community School of Music and Arts, 330 East State Street | Sponsored by Hands Four Dancers of Ithaca: members $10, nonmembers $12. Proof of vaccination and masks (N95, KN94, surgical) required. Beginners welcome; all dances taught and easy to learn. Soft-soled shoes please. Info: hands4dancers.org
Do You Feel Anger? | Kitchen Theatre | 7:30 p.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Preview show for KTC’s season opener
Open Mic Night at Center for the Arts | 7 p.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St | Want to play music to a live audience? Have you crafted a poem or short story you’d like to share or want to tell some jokes? Come join us Tuesday nights for a weekly Open Mic!
2022 Cornell Biennial: Ken Feingold Installation | 11 a.m., 8/31 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | Experience Ken Feingold’s new media installation, “The Animal, Vegetable, Mineralness of Everything,” at the Johnson Museum of Art from July 18 through October 21, 2022. | Free
Passages | State Of The Art Gallery | 12 p.m., 9/2 Friday | Artists: Eva Capobianco and Patricia Brown Show dates: September 1 to October 2. Opening reception Friday, September 2, 5-8 pm.
September Gallery Night @ Grayhaven Motel! | 4 p.m., 9/2 Friday | Grayhaven Motel, 657 Elmira Rd | Join us for Gallery Night @ Grayhaven Motel this Friday, September 2nd from 4 – 7pm in our gallery guest lounge, welcoming Eva Capobianco’s striking collection, Exploring the Trail; pieces inspired by (+ including photos of) our local Finger Lakes Trail. | Free
2022 Ink Shop Member Show | 5 p.m., 9/2 Friday | The Ink Shop, 330 E. MLK/State St | Opening Reception 9/2. The Ink Shop launches a Member show annually giving our membership the opportunity to exhibit their newest work. | Free
The Gallery at South Hill Exhibition of Nicholas Gecan’s “Love Your Mother” | 5 p.m., 9/2 Friday | The Gallery at South Hill, 950 Danby Road | The Gallery at South Hill presents Nicholas Gecan’s “Love Your Mother”. Based on Environmental Philosophy Nicholas Gecan’s paintings explore the spectrum of human involvement with the natural world.
| Free
Gallery Night Ithaca at Downtown Ithaca | 9/2 Friday, around Downtown | First Friday Gallery Night is a monthly community celebration of the latest art showings taking place in and around Downtown Ithaca.
120 E. Green St., Ithaca
September 2-8, 2022. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes.
New lms listed rst. *
The Good Boss* | Awaiting a visit by a committee that could give his company an award for excellence, the owner of an industrial scales manufacturing business tries to resolve any problems from his workers in enough time. | 120 mins NR
Burial* | A small group of Russian soldiers have the task of taking Hitler’s discovered remains back to Stalin in Moscow. | 95 mins NR
The Territory | When a network of Brazilian farmers seizes a protected area of the Amazon rainforest, a young Indigenous leader and his mentor must ght back in defense of the land and an uncontacted group living deep within the forest. | 83 mins NR
Three Thousand Years of Longing | A lonely scholar, on a trip to Istanbul, discovers a Djinn who o ers her three wishes in exchange for his freedom. | 108 mins R
Bodies, Bodies, Bodies | When a group of rich 20-somethings plan a hurricane party at a remote family mansion, a party game turns deadly in this fresh and funny look at backstab-
bing, fake friends, and one party gone very, very wrong.| 95 mins R
On | A beloved character gets his big-screen debut in this hilarious and heartwarming story about nding connection in the smallest corners. | 89 mins PG
Nope | Jordan Peele’s latest lm in which the residents of a lonely gulch in inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery. | 135 mins R
All lms are shown at Willard
Straight Hall on Cornell campus.
Vengeance is Mine | 8/31 & 9/1 at 7:00PM | Filmed in 1984 but never released theatrically, this masterful New England drama about a woman (Brooke Adams) nding her balance in life is nally seeing the light of day in a brand-new 35mm lm print.
Sundance Film Festival Shorts | 9/1 at 9:30pm; 9/2 at 7:00pm | A 95-minute theatrical program of 7 short lms curated from the 2022 Sundance Film Festival short lm program, including three titles that won Festival awards.
Everything Everhwhere All At Once| 9/2, 9/3, 9/4 at 9:00pm | The multiverse movie to end all multiverse movies.
Il Buco | 9/3 & 9/4 at 7:00PM | The extraordinary adventure of the young members of the Piedmont Speleological Group who, having already explored all the caves of Northern Italy, changed course and went South to explore other caves unknown to man.
RR | 9/7 at 7:00pm | RR consists of 43 static shots, lmed in 43 locations in the USA, crossed by passing freight trains.
Annual Golf Tournament 2022 | 10 a.m., 9/1 Thursday | RaNic Golf Club, 189 Pleasant Grove Road | Play, network, and have fun during Ithaca’s premier Golf Tournament at the newly owned and operated RaNic Golf Club!
Registration starts at 10 am. | $575.00
Fall Foliage Eco-Cruise at Allen Treman State Park | 4:30 p.m., 9/1 Thursday | A relaxing afternoon cruise when the light is just right for leaf-peeping from the lake aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal.
Hupstate Circus Festival | 8 a.m., 9/2 Friday | This Labor Day weekend, September 2 through 5, treat your family and friends to the second annual Hupstate Circus Festival in Ithaca. Featuring circus shows big, small, free, ticketed, indoor, outdoor, and everything in-between.Various locations - check web site for details.
Crown City Mural Fest | 12 p.m., 9/2 Friday | Cortland Corset Building, 75 E. Court St | You are cordially invited to the rst Crown City Mural Fest on September 2nd, 2022!
Ithaca Volleyball vs Gustavus Adolphus vs. SUNY Geneseo | 3:30 p.m., 9/2 Friday | Ben Light Gymnasium | I
Ithaca Volleyball vs Swarthmore College | 6 p.m., 9/2 Friday | Ben Light Gymnasium |
Ithaca Volleyball vs SUNY Geneseo vs. Swarthmore | 10:30 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | Ben Light Gymnasium |
Ithaca Men’s Cross Country vs Jannette Bonrouhi-Zakiam Memorial Alumni Run | 11 a.m., 9/3 Saturday |
Ithaca Women’s Cross Country vs Jannette Bonrouhi-Zakiam
Memorial Alumni Run | 11 a.m., 9/3 Saturday |
Ithaca Volleyball vs SUNY Geneseo | 1 p.m., 9/3 Saturday | Ben Light Gymnasium |
Alumni Game | 2 p.m., 9/3 Saturday | Ithaca, NY, Schoellkopf Field | Cornell Sprint Football vs Alumni Game
Ithaca Volleyball vs Gustavus Adolphus vs. Swarthmore | 3:30 p.m., 9/3 Saturday | Ben Light Gymnasium |
Ithaca Field Hockey vs St. John Fisher College | 1 p.m., 9/4 Sunday | Higgins Stadium |
Cornell Women’s Soccer vs Villanova University | 1 p.m., 9/4 Sunday | Ithaca, NY, Berman Field |
Erie Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 3 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | (Men’s Soccer)
Erie Community College vs. Tompkins Cortland Community College | 5:30 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | (Women’s Soccer)
Ithaca Field Hockey vs Misericordia University | 7 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Higgins Stadium |
Comic Book Club Meeting | 7 p.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Topic: Famous Fan Clubs of the Marvel and DC Universes
Poetry Reading | 6 p.m., 9/7, Wednesday | Tompkins Public Library, 101 E Green Street | A poetry reading by poets Monty Campbell Jr. and Michael Czarnecki. | Free
Science Together: Kinetic Sand | 10:30 a.m., 9/1 Thursday | Sciencecenter, 601 1st Street | Thursday,
September 1, 10:30-11 am Let’s explore the exciting properties of kinetic sand! Science Together activities are designed for ages 0-4.
Animal Sleepover Storytime | 6 p.m., 9/1 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Pay-What-You-Wish Weekends at Museum of the Earth | 10 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | We will be o ering Pay-What-You-Wish admission at the Museum of the Earth on the rst Saturday and Sunday of every month in 2022.
Wanda & the 3 Potions puppet show | 10:30 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | The Cherry, 102 Cherry St | See the singing Lips, the Opera Cat and Wanda the wizard making a magical mess in this interactive puppet show! | $4.00 - $12.00
LEGO Build Night for Families | 5 p.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | FLIP IT Workshops | 5:30 p.m., 9/7 Wednesday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main Street | Join Family Educator, Joan Fi eld, for 6 free workshops in September that provide advice, strategies, and tools on how to address children’s day to day behavior. | Free
Senior Support Group Online | 11 a.m., 8/31 Wednesday | Mental Health Association in Tompkins County | Online mental health support group for seniors. | Free Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 8/31 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. | On the corner of Route 227 & 96
Downtown Ithaca Revitalization Public Input Session | 5:30 p.m., 8/31 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street
| The Downtown Ithaca Alliance, in partnership with the City of Ithaca and other community entities, will be making another application to the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative
Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 8/31 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | Free Free Community Cruise | 7 p.m., 8/31 Wednesday | Allan H. Treman Marina, 1000 Allan H. Treman Road | Free 1.5 hour cruise with presentations by community members on board. | Free Nutrition Workshop Series - It’s Apple Time! | 3 p.m., 9/1 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |
Candor Farmers Market | 3:30 p.m., 9/1 Thursday | Candor Town Hall Pavilion, 101 Owego Road | Local vendors with produce, crafts, cheese, meat, maple products, baked goods, food truck | Free Board of Directors Meeting | 5 p.m., 9/1 Thursday | This event is online | The CCE-Tompkins Board of Directors usually meets on the rst Thursday of the month. Meetings begin at 5:00pm and typically end by 7:00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. | Free Ovid Farmers Market | 3 p.m., 9/2 Friday | Three Bears Complex, Main St. | Every Friday from 3-7. Be sure to purchase fresh, local produce and other local products. Support your local farmers and producers and keep your hard-earned dollars in your local community. | Free Shursave Monthly Cruise-in | 5 p.m., 9/2 Friday | T-burg Shur Save, Route 96N | Join Car Pride for our monthly Cruise-in 2022. Held on the rst Friday of each month (weather permitting), CAR PRIDE hosts a dish to pass and cruise-in near the back half of the Trumansburg Shur-save parking lot.
Ithaca Farmers Market - Saturdays at Steamboat | 9 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | Steamboat Landing, 545 Third Street | Shop all of the best food, art and ag within 30 miles!
Cayuga Trails Club Hike at Various trails in the Ithaca region. | 10 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | Various | Explore local trails on weekly Saturday hikes starting at 10:00am. Hike length varies from 2.5-4 miles. Click here to see the location of the hikes for each week. View on site | Email this event
Brooktondale Farmers Market | 10 a.m., 9/3 Saturday | Brooktondale Community Center, 526 Valley Rd | The Brooktondale Farmers Market o ers a relaxed combination of live music, food from the grill, and friendly vendors, every Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.
Dance Church | 11:30 a.m., 9/4 Sunday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd | Dance Church Ithaca continues in person — and online — every Sunday from 11:30 AM to 1 PM at the Foundation Of Light. Come join the dance!Masks are required, and air puri ers are running inside. Dancing on the lawn is encouraged! | Free
Tree “Buds”: Weekly Tree Phenology | 3 p.m., 9/5 Monday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd | Be our tree “buds” and join our weekly citizen science walk to observe and collect data on seasonal changes in trees. | Free
Social Knitting | 6 p.m., 9/5 Monday
| Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | Why work alone when you can work with others? Knitting, crocheting, sewing – bring whatever it is you are working on! Open to all skill levels (ages 12 and up).
Meet with an Excellus Medicare Representative! | 10 a.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Cortland Area Chamber of Commerce 83 Main St | Sit with a Medicare expert to get all of your Medicare questions answered! Email Timothy. Shadle@Excellus.com to register. Planning Board | 7 p.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Town Hall | YOUTUBE LINK Meetings are now virtual.
Comic Book Club Meeting | 7 p.m., 9/6 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Topic: Famous Fan Clubs of the Marvel and DC Universes
TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. Gibson Mandolins & Banjos: 877-589-0747. (AAN CAN)
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The Town of Ulysses (10 Elm Street, Trumansburg NY 14886) is seeking quotes for completion of the following:
• Painting and repair of the exterior of the Town Hall
• Attic insulation
• Removal of duct work from decommissioned HVAC system, and related sealing and insulation
• Sealing work throughout the building
• Assessment of possible roof leak
• Installation of an ADA compliant door
• ADA compliance for public bathroom and courtroom
Quotes for 2024 projects:
• Renovation of the Clerk’s office
• Sidewalk repair and sealing
• Parking lot repaving
Other information:
• If you are unable to provide quotes for this entire list, we are still interested in hearing from you.
• Email a suggested time to tour the facility. Evenings and weekends are available if required.
• Please note that as a public facility, a contract will include prevailing wage requirements. Liability insurance is also required.
• If you are interested in providing a quote, contact townofulysses@gmail.com
• Quotes are desired before September 9th.
OCM BOCES has the need for a full-time Typist II to be located at the Main Campus, Liverpool, NY. Successful candidate will provide direct secretarial support for programs within OCM BOCES. Duties include answering telephones, interfacing with employees and district personnel, typing correspondence and forms utilizing Microsoft Office suite and Google apps; processing paperwork and recordkeeping; other duties as assigned by the supervisor. Two years of full-time clerical experience is required. This is a Civil Service class position and continued employment is contingent on successfully passing the required exam. To apply, send letter of interest and resume to: OCM BOCES, Recruitment Department, PO Box 4754, Syracuse, NY 13221 or email to: recruitment@ocmboces.org. For more information, visit our website at: www. ocmboces.org EOE
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Do you need a Roof or Energy Efficient Windows & Help paying for it? YOU MAY QUALIFY THROUGH NEW RELIEF PROGRAMS (800) 944-9393 or visit NYProgramFunding.org to qualify. Approved applications will have the work completed by a repair crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING. Not affiliated with State or Gov Prgrams. (NYSCAN)
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