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Phf Df Rain Gauge 1220 Lot

Lot 11 Lot 12

If you’re wanting to stamp a set of replacement heifers to retain in herd, 1220 is a great option to do just that. This Rain Gauge son combines three of the most powerful cow families in the Angus business in one package - Blackcap May, Emblynette, and Georgina. His Sky High sired mother is one of the leading young females coming up through our program. Moderate, big bodied, plenty of muscle, and sound.

Phf Rain Gauge 1221 Lot

Lots of positives all around with this Rain Gauge son. Double digit CED, negative BW, and a CAB stamp with a Marbling figure in the top 10% of the Angus breed! His Final Answer sired dam is one of the easiest fleshing, low maintenance cows on the farm. Extra soft rib shape and dimension, here’s a really good herd bull option. Recommended for use on heifers.

Phf Rain Gauge 1222 Lot


The laboratory was very kind to this bull again, as genomics reveal he covers all the bases! 15 different traits in the top 25% of the breed, including $M, $C, Claw, Angle, and growth figures! His Black Magic sired dam has done a good job for our program since she entered production.

Phf Atlantis 1216 Lot

With a pedigree that includes Atlantis, Bismarck, and Connealy Right Answer within three generations, you’d expect nothing less than high maternal figures all throughout his genomics. Top 15% HP, top 15% Milk, and top 10% $M!

Phf Atlantis 1217 Lot

Lot 14

Here is a stout, dense, moderate Square B Atlantis son produced from a Connealy Consensus dam. Another age-advantaged bull with a proven pedigree ready to service mature cows. Top 15% for WW, Top 20% for HP, and top

Lot 15

Delivery available in Bowling Green, Nashville and surrounding areas.

For more information or to place an order please call Mary Taylor Cowles at (270) 791-0000 or Corbin Cowles at (270) 991-2534

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