SD Mines 2015 Annual Report

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An even greater team

Annual Report

It was just over a year ago that I was first on campus interviewing for the position of president of the Foundation. I was impressed by the rich tradition of SD Mines and the outstanding education that has been and continues to be provided. Having been on the job now for nine months, I continue to be amazed at the impact that SD Mines has on the lives of students. Today, it seems like many colleges and universities define themselves by how selective they are during the admissions process. The focus at SD Mines is on accepting students who are willing to work hard and measuring ourselves by what our students do after graduation. The 98 percent placement rate and the starting salary of $63,000 are significant measures of how well the school achieves this mission. Recognition by national publications for this success is a testament of the school’s accomplishments. In the past, you have received news and stories in the Foundation Update. In a cost neutral decision, we have decided to bring you a semi-annual update from the Foundation that matches the production and the quality you already enjoy in The Hardrock. Our goal is to provide our semi-annual updates in coordination with The Hardrock publications. As a result, you will receive quarterly publications from the School of Mines. One of our issues will be an annual report that will include updates on the size, growth and performance of our endowment and will feature our annual donor recognition. We will also include updates on our key fundraising metrics. Our goal is to demonstrate our accountability to you as alumni of the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. Due to time constraints, we were unable to deliver a print edition this year. As a result, we have provided a copy of the annual report online. Our goal is to provide our first print publication in the spring with next year’s edition being published in the fall of 2016. You will also see additional updates to our communications strategy. We will soon have an updated webpage that will be designed for today’s mobile needs. More importantly, we will focuse on how our donor’s gifts impact the school and our students. We recently launched a Foundation Facebook page and Twitter account and hope that you will follow us there. For those of you who prefer to use LinkedIn, you can follow me directly for the latest news and events from the SD School of Mines. I hope you enjoy this issue of the annual report. Go Hardrockers!

Joel B. Kincart President SD Mines Foundation

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Create a Legacy of Giving Give a Gift That Will Bring a Lifetime of Benefits

With a gift annuity, you make a gift of cash or property to us. In return, we will make payments for life to you, you and a loved one, or another person. Each payment will be fixed and the amount of each payment will depend on the age of the person who receives the payments. After all payments have been made, we will receive the remaining value of your gift to support the causes that matter to you. Your payments are fixed as of the date of your gift. This means that your payments will never change, even if interest

rates or the stock market changes. Depending upon your gift, you may receive the added benefit of mostly tax-free payments. You will also receive a charitable deduction in the year that you set up the gift annuity. Contact us for more information on creating a charitable gift annuity today. Leah Mahoney, Director of Planned Giving 605.394.6859 •





There is something for everyone at SD Mines’ summer camps, where high school students experience highquality programming through hands-on activities and field work.


Table of Contents


Mines Music Program Receives Largest Gift to Date


New Residence Hall Will Accommodate Growing Campus


Endowment Summary


Donor’s Generosity Helps Students Give Back


Donor Recognition



Mines Music Program Receives Largest Gift to Date SD Mines has received several rare guitars and other valuable musical instruments as part of a collection donated by alumnus Paul J. Rafter. The collection valued at more than $250,000 includes forty-four acoustic, electric, and bass guitars; three Hammond organs; a mint condition seven-foot Yamaha Disklavier grand piano; a Wurlitzer electric piano; amplifiers; microphones; drums; and recording equipment. The gift is the largest ever received by the music program, with many of the pieces to be sold to benefit the program. Rafter is a retired engineer living in San Jose, California, with a deep passion for music. His collection includes limited edition guitars, basses and amps manufactured by Gibson, Fender, PRS, Rickenbacker, Martin, Taylor, and Marshall, some dating back to 1958. It also includes guitar number nineteen of twenty-five handnumbered Gibson Custom Les Pauls played and signed by Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, and one of fourteen customfinished Les Pauls signed by the Edge from the band, U2.

grew to become one of the most popular high school bands in the nearby Albany area. After he graduated in 1967, Rafter continued to play with bands throughout the northeastern U.S. In 1975, Rafter changed career paths and sold almost all of his music equipment to fund his first year of electrical engineering technology studies at a two-year college in New York. In 1977, he enrolled at Mines to finish his bachelor’s degree. At Mines Rafter completed design work for General Electric in New York and IBM in Arizona. At that time, the Mines music program included the Singing Engineers, Jazz Band, and Pep Band, none of which suited Rafter’s rock-and-roll background, so he joined the Photography Club for a creative outlet. Soon after earning his bachelor’s in electrical engineering with honors in 1980, Rafter joined Hewlett-Packard (HP) and was named the number one sales representative for his product line in northern California. During his twenty-one-year career at HP, he also served as a product manager, software design engineer, and code-writer.

“Mines gave me so much opportunity, and I wanted to do something in return, especially for the students. … I also hope they take this opportunity to rock”

The keyboard instruments offer students the opportunity to use equipment only used by major recording studios and professional jazz and rock keyboardists. The Yamaha grand piano can record and play back student performances. One of the Hammond organs was owned by Joey DeFrancesco, a renowned jazz organist. An electrical engineer by trade, but a rock-and-roller at heart, Rafter wanted to show his gratitude for all Mines gave him. “Mines gave me so much opportunity, and I wanted to do something in return, especially for the students. … I also hope they take this opportunity to rock,” he said. Rafter’s love of music began well before he came to campus. The New York native began taking piano lessons in the fourth grade and received an electric bass guitar when he was a sophomore. Rafter joined a band with others from his high school, which

After retiring, he realized he needed to find a home for his instruments. Recognizing the Mines music program needed a little rock-and-roll, Rafter contacted the university’s Foundation office and asked to donate his music collection. “As someone who has spent his career promoting the value and importance of music for those who study and work in science and engineering fields, I see Paul’s gift as a testament to the impact that music can have on one’s life regardless of career path,” said Mines Director of Music James Feiszli, DMA. While some of the instruments are being stored until they are sold, some pieces are already being used by students. The grand piano was played during the spring choral concert, and Rafter’s personal 1967 Fender bass and Standel amp will be kept for student use.



Three organizations—Alumni Association, Foundation, and Hardrock Club—fundraising as one A gift to the Mines Annual Fund is an expression of support to your alma mater and will make an immediate impact on programs and student experiences. The annual fund creates flexibility for the university to leverage the areas we all care about, including scholarships, student organizations, faculty, and infrastructure. It also helps the university to achieve its goals of recruiting, retaining, and educating students with exceptional potential.

Now is the perfect time to make a gift to the Mines Annual Fund

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New Residence Hall Will Accommodate Growing Campus

The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation and the University hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on September 12, for construction of a residence hall to house 200 students. “Even though the demographics in South Dakota have seen a decline in the number of 18-year-olds in South Dakota, the School of Mines has been growing,” SD Mines President Heather Wilson says. “We’ve grown about 38 percent over the last five years, and a lot of that growth is coming from the surrounding states, and the fact that the School of Mines is getting more of a regional and national reputation as an exceptional engineering and science school.”

Dakota Board of Regents approved the proposal. “It’s something that’s a tremendous benefit to our students, both because they have housing but also because any margin for the Foundation goes back into the students,” Wilson says. The new six-story building will offer fifty-one suite-style units, each with a living room, private bathrooms and bedrooms. Community lounges, kitchens and group study spaces will also be provided throughout the building. Currently, three traditional residence halls on campus and two new university-leased apartment buildings adjacent to campus provide 865 beds for students.

The residence hall at the corner of East Saint Joseph and Maple Street will be open by the fall 2016 semester. SD Mines and the Foundation and will enter into a thirty-year lease agreement for the completed project, built on a 1.78acre site owned by the Foundation. In June of 2015, the South


$68.8 million Foundation net assets

$6M raised, including endowed gifts

2,579 number of donors



total Foundation support to university

8 reflects numbers for FY2015 Data

Greetings to alumni and friends of the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology! Thank you for your contributions and continued support of this great center of excellence for engineering and science. As Investment Committee Chair, I have the opportunity to work with the dedicated committee members listed on the next page of this report. These individuals provide hours of service to carry out the stated investment mission and goals of the Foundation. Our investment return this fiscal year was 1.8 percent. This follows two double-digit return years, 14.2 percent for FY 14 and 10.4 percent for FY 13, so a market correction was not unexpected. Investment returns have averaged 8.8 percent per year over the past five years. The Investment Committee continues to work with our investment advisor, INNOVEST, to monitor asset performance and to regularly review the strategic allocation to each asset class. The breakdown by asset class and the performance of each class and its comparison to the benchmark can be viewed in the Endowment Portfolio by Asset Class chart below. In order to reduce costs, the committee switched some funds from actively managed to index funds. Early in Fiscal WYear 2016 the Investment Committee allocated more assets to fixed income to reduce risk. For those of you who would like more information about the endowment portfolio, a link to a quarterly report from our investment advisor has been established on the Foundation’s website. Click on the link for the Quarterly Report and then sign on to the secure online community site. After twenty-four to forty-eight hours, your registration on this site will be approved, and you will be able to view these quarterly reports, update your contact information, view your giving history, and more. Thank you for your continued interest and support for the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.

Walt Jones SD Mines Foundation Investment Committee Chair

Institutional Support Net of In-Kind (Fiscal Year) 6M





Scholarships General Support

1M 2006










Total Support

Foundation Net Assets & Contributions Net of In-Kind (Fiscal Year) 70M

60M 50M 40M 30M 20M

Net Assets







Contributions Net of In-Kind

Endowment for FY15

Research Athletics Student Assistance Unrestricted Department Support Faculty Development Scholarships/ Fellowships



Donor’s Generosity Helps Students Give Back South Dakota School of Mines students Jacob Oberpriller, sophomore civil engineering major from Hot Springs, South Dakota, and Cheldon Coughlen, sophomore computer science major from Savage, Minnesota., applied for and received support from the Frank Family International Fund for a month-long project in Guatemala last summer. The fund was created by Richard and Irma Frank to emphasize the value of and create opportunities for international educational experience for Mines students with benefits to the host countries. “Going to Guatemala on a service project was the single best choice I have made in my life thus far. I had no idea what to expect when I left for the trip, and what I had envisioned the culture, people, and even terrain to be like was completely distorted from reality. I have learned many invaluable things, and each individual thing I learned was worth the trip in itself. I would like to thank the Frank Family for their generosity and for their wonderful help,” Jacob said. Their project was to help build an addition to the Casa Maria nursing home in San Felipe. The extension was to include a new kitchen and another room for living/ gathering. The one dormitory where the elderly slept included a room with about twenty-five beds and another room nearby used as a “living place” where everybody sat all day. Their project mainly consisted of building the walls and frames for the new rooms. “I learned how to mix concrete on my second day as we were building up the walls and filling in the rebar forms. We spent a lot of time working on the rebar columns, as we had to attach pieces onto it with wire to hold everything securely in place. This ended up being a tedious and intricate job but it was important because the buildings in Guatemala need to be very strong because of frequent earthquakes,” Cheldon said. At the worksite, they only had one power tool available, a skillsaw; everything else was done with their hands with a hammer or a shovel. Jacob noted, “Here in the US, most construction crews call a materials company to bring in concrete and then all you have to do is spread it and finish it. In Guatemala, we had to figure out how much dirt, rocks, cement, and water needed to be added to make a sufficient and spreadable concrete. Material

shipment days were probably the most frustrating as we had to halt building, and unload the truck of sand and rock onto the street, then move the piles inside the door, and then a third time into the site,” Jacob stated. During his stay in Guatemala, Jacob met volunteers from Europe, Asia, Australia, Central America, and other parts of the US while working on the job site. “Not many of us spoke fluent Spanish, so there were plenty of times where we would have to play charades when asking our foreman (who was still learning English) a question or looking for advice. If there was one thing that I could single out as my favorite part of the trip it would definitely be making new friends and learning about their culture,” Jacob said. The trip to Guatemala was Cheldon’s first time out of the US The trip made it possible for him to experience the culture and daily life of the country and compare it to where he was from. “The most enjoyable part of the project was knowing how much the people at Casa Maria would appreciate the finished product. Even if they aren’t capable of telling us with words, I know from the way that they smile and wave at us when we walk by that our help means a lot to them,” he said. Jacob’s two goals for his trip were personal and professional development. He returned feeling very accomplished in both areas. It was also Jacob’s first time being outside the US which made him hesitant to go, but by the end of his trip he didn’t want to leave. He used problem-solving skills having to work out complications on his own, especially with directions and the language barrier. “The passion that I left with resulting from my experiences in Guatemala has changed me as a person and a professional. I think differently about life, culture, people, and what is important. None of this would have happened if weren’t for the Frank’s and their generosity,” Jacob stated. Cheldon summarized, “This was an experience that showed me the world from a different perspective and will stay with me for the rest of my life. I am thankful for the Franks’ generosity and support.”


Lifetime Giving Society Membership to the Lifetime Giving Society is reserved for contributors who have given gift(s) totaling $10,000 or more in cash, securities, or gifts-in-kind. We also recognize members of this Society whose names are not listed but wish to remain anonymous. Gifts made by June 30, 2015.

Kenneth (ME62) & Connie Trompeter Tom & Sharon Warner Carl C. (EE57) & Margaret Wertz Marion* Westover Karen L. Whitehead John P. Wold Keith* (ME65) & Barbara Zell

Legacy Society

Sustainer Society

($1,000,000 and more)

Jim D. (CE56) & Pat Bell Judy Carrington & Dick* Millard (CE51) John* T. (EE42) & Betty* Colgan George (ME56) & Nancy (EE57) Dunham Gerhardt & Jane Fick Karen M. Johnson Revocable Trust Claire* D. LeClaire (ChemE33) Elmer* C. Mandrup (GenE37) Steven P. (EE69) & Kathleen Miller Joseph* F. Nelson Estate Stephen D. (CE75) & Terry* Newlin Larry V. (ME72) & Linda Pearson Frank H. (GeolE55) & Marilyn Richardson Elsie Rogge* Homer* (MetE24) & Margaret* Surbeck The Stensaas Family John* T. Vucurevich (HON92) Jim A. Woods (ChemE65)

Visionary Society ($500,000 and more)

Thomas* (EE50) & Mae Bolger Harry* Brown (ChemE49) Matthew & JoAnn Butler James* M. (GenE57) & Nancy Christensen Nick* & Evelyn Didier Norman* G. Flaigg Estate (CE39) Perry* E. “Pat” Goth (ChemE44 ) Paul* (HON94) & Virginia* Gries Eleanor* Harrison Estate John (ME67) & Cheryl Hoven Thomas* E. Ingvalson Estate L. F. “Bus” * Ivanhoe (MinE42) Roger E. (GenE58) & Dolores Kiel Aelred J. “Al” (EE61) & Irene Kurtenbach Bill B. (EE57) & Marka May Audrey* S. Mullin Estate Ervin* “Pete” (EE34) & Anna Pietz Maynard* S. Raasch (ChemE37) Louis A. Rensch (ME73) Larry A. Simonson (EE69)

Benefactor Society ($200,000 and more)


Carson M. & Marilyn Aasen Frank (MetE48) & Clare Aplan Sherwin (GeolE60) & Kay Artus Douglas (EE80) & Leah Beck Gale A. (Geol65) Bishop & Kata McCarville (GeogE04) William* R. Bohannan (ME52) Lorin L. (MetE75) & Mary H. (CE77) Brass Jay* A. (EE56) & Betty* Brink William (ME68) & Judy Brodsky Eugene Y. Chang (ME57) Willie (ME81), Manny (ME83), Anne (Ex83), Cathy (IE96) Chiang & their families John* G. Cover (EE67) Myrna* & William* (CE44) Coyle

James H. (ChemE64) & Darlys Curnow Monte (MetE74) & Luanne Dirks David* J. (MinE74) & Leslie Engebretson Helen* Epplen Estate Jim & Kathy Fawcett Jack* & Roberta* (Chem72) Gaines Robert* E. Gish (CE57) Donald* J. Goodwin (CE32) Hazel* Gowling Walter* G. Hansen (CE53) & Marilyn Jackson Roy L. Hoffman (EE59) William R. Hoskins (ME51) William* “Bill” (EE49) & Stella Hughes John (MinE77) & Jeane (CE77) Hull Ronald W. (CE69) & Jean Jeitz Larry (ME59) & Donna Johnson Walter (EE75) & Lyn Jones Robert E. Kelley (CE58) Joseph (GeolE61) & Josephine Kulik Daniel Lipkie (Math68) & Roberta Goodnow P. D.* McKeel (EE27) Richard* ”Dick” Monheim (EE66) Thomas R. Monheim (EE62) Lanny F. (GenE58) & Camille Outlaw Paul Rafter (EE80) Scott Richardson Dale & Luanne Russell Donald* C. Sattler (CE56) Seth* C. Schaefer (MetE47) Earl* E. Schwarzenbach (EE29) John Scully Estate* Mike (EE66) & Dorothy Stevens G. E.* Tanger (Phys50) Kate* Simmons Teskey Gary R. (ChemE72) & Ruth Veurink Ronald C. Weger Christ F. (CE48) & Alice Woods Anson* A. & Ada* M.Yeager, Sr.

Patron Society ($100,000 and more)

Del* Aldrich (EE51) & Bernice* (Aldrich) Heilsberg Arthur D. (EE68) & Elise Anderson Gaurdie E. (MetE80) & Simin Banister Jim (HON03) & Jean* Bauer George W. (ME62) & Donna Becker Diane (CSC91) & Michael (CSC91) Boucher David L. (ME61) & Ann Braun Violette* Brown William* Buehler Gary D. (ME70) Callahan Robert I. (EE73) & Lien Chen Paul (GenE59) & Shirley Clare Dale* M. Corrington (GenE41) John * Dunn Quentin* P. (MetE49) & Lois Dyce Thomas (ChemE76) & Joleen Eizember Michael D. Ellwein (ChemE61) Benard* (ChemE49) & Susan* Ennenga

John Duff (MinE55) & Bettie Erickson Robert A. (EE65) & Corinne Ferris Leroy (GeolE71) & Charlene Foster Richard H. (ME63) & Irma Frank Harvey R. Fraser, Jr. Douglas W. (MetE49) & Margaret P. Fuerstenau Martin T. (EE84) & LeAnne Gerber John W. “Jack” (MetE50) & Ree Goth Richard & Nancy Gowen Keith D. (Phys51) & Helen Graham James A. (ME74) & Connie Green Paul* (HON74) & Elizabeth Griebel William* A. (MetE47) & Gratia Hannan Griffith Chuck (GenE56) & Lyla Gukeisen Daniel* S. (ChemE39) & Ulele C. Hamway George* (CE39) & Gladys* Hanson Roy* W. Hanson (ME51) James M. (GenE59) & LaVonne Hayes John (EE67) & Kathy Heinemann Robert* W. (CE56) & Betty Heirigs Allan G. Hins (MetE59) William* Hoffert (EE33) Jeffrey (GeolE78) & Johanna Hohle George R. (EE52) & Phyllis* Hokenstad Neil * Isto (GenE55) Myron* (ChemE50) & Betty Kidner Ronald W. (EE50) & Mary M. Kiehn Marvin E. (MinE53) & Louise Kiel Leo E. King (ME59) Lee G. (GeolE62) & Jeanie Knudtson Robert* R. (ME52) & Clare Kooiman Bruce* (HON96) & Deanna Lien Vera* Malone Eugene (EE68) McPherson Robert J. (CE61) & Rebecca Miesen Donn* (MinE73) & Marilyn Mohrman Roger (EE71) & Vickie Musick Stephen & Betty Lou Neely Miles A. (EE47) & Sondra Nelson Tamera J. Nelson (MetE86) Lois* Oberg Stephen (GeolE83) & Donna (GeolE83) O’Rourke Harold* D. & Laura Orville Randy Parcel (MinE67) Alan R. (MetE77) & Sandra J. (ChemE78) Pelton Syd (MinE67) & Felicia Peng Marvin E. (Phys48) & Carolyn Petersen James* P. (CE44) & Mildred Peterson William* L. (EE 56) & Lori Reuter Roy E. (GeolE54) & Ramona Roadifer Samuel (Chem68) & Sandra Rokusek Don H. (ChemE49) & Olive Schoessler Clark & Molly Scovel Lin L. (ChemE69) & Barbara C. (Math70) Seder James E. (Chem52) & Karen Smith Lowery J. (GeolE51) & Mary Ann Smith David A. (GenE59) & Judy Sonstegard Peter (EE68) & Joan Stephans Allen (Math62) & Courtney Strand Larry R. (MetE78) & Jayne Todd

($50,000 and more)

Carmen R. (ChemE 75) & John Adams Frances F. (MinE81) & Thomas M. Alexander (MinE81) Timothy M. (ME77) & Diana Anderson Ed & Beverly Baker Edward (MetE60) & Mary Bane Lloyd* Banning (MetE31) Lynn (MinE80) & Nancy Bell David (ME73) & Bonnie Berg Fritz (CE69) & Susan Brunssen Russell C. (EE63) & Caroline Buyse Daniel (ChemE77) & Nancy Carlson Laurie W. (ChemE75) & Loralie Chamberlin John (MinE79) & Hayley Chandler Raymond J. (ChemE63) & Jeanne Chaussee Julie Carver (GeolE86) & Bastiaan Cornelissen (MetE87) Edward M. Corwin & Antonette M. “Toni” (CSC85) Logar Dennis W. (ChemE62) & Dianne Cullen Earl* (ME51) & Arletta Dailey Jean Daniels Lloyd L. (CE44) & Maxine Darnall John D. (ChemE71) & Carol Davies Victor J. (ME64) & Charlene DeJong Clarence “Bob” Dickey (ChemE44) Wayne* Echelberger (CE56) Jeanne M. Eha (MetE85) Stanley W. (Math74) & Bonnie Ellis Cheryl A. Engel Anthony (ME80) & Audrey Evers Harland (CE57) & Carole Fawcett Harold* L. (ME51) & Maxine Fritzsche Alan F. (MetE69) & Mary Kay Hann Wayne & Elizabeth Harrold Dean M. Harts (ChemE89) Ralph L. (MinE47) & Margaret Henry Roger* Hill (ChemE42) Stanley & Carol Howard Daniel C. (Chem70) Himelspach & Leslie Lawson Gordon* R. (MetE44) Ingwersen School of Mines & Technology Scholarship of the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation Floyd* (EE68) & Judith Kieffer Timothy (ChemE87) & Eiko Klaus Barry H. Koepke (ME80) & Karen K. Fujikawa Kurt (MinE78) & Norma Kost James (EE68) & Katherine Kotas Monte R. (ChemE72) & Beverly Krier Charles (HON77) & Barbara Lien Alan E. (ME57) & Karen Liffengren Louise* Matousek James (ME51) & Mary Ann Morrison Robert (MetE76) & Deborah Mudge Jill R. Nelson (MinE82) Marlene D. Nelson (ME74) & Curt Chenoweth

Howard (CE67) & Mary Ann Noziska Charles W. Oswald Margaret (CSc91) & Tim Parmenter William Pearson (CE64) & Janet Richardson-Pearson JoAnn Pedersen Howard C. (GeolE50) & Dee Peterson Timothy (MinE85) & Laura (CSC85) Pike Brian S. (GeolE82) & Marsha L. Powers Donald L. (EE51) & Marge Range Grove A. (MinE52) & Janet Rathbun Scott E. (EE75) & Linda L. (ChemE75) Rausch Terry (ME70) & Claire Rock David A. (ME60) & Jan Rogers Stewart (GenE43) & Marjorie Romans F. X. “Dick” (CE65) & Mary Schlumpberger Douglas (ChemE78) & Nancy Schultze John* (GenE42) & Winifred Shedd Marian* Shuck Donal L. (ME77) & Catherine A. Sieger Jane Dirksen Smith & Leon Smith C. Dean* (MetE43) & Barbara* Starr Shawn E. (GeolE95) Stickler Ray D. Strand Dennis A. (ME67) & Dorene Tiede Chen Wei* Ting Patrick (CE71) & Mary Tlustos Steve (CE74) & Julie Vanderboom Janice L. Vosika (ChemE81) Thomas & Edra Wheelock

Promoter Society ($25,000 and more)

A. L. “Tad” (ME58) & Sandra T. Addy Jerry (ChemE87) & Loretta Afdahl Chris (CEng00) & Gina Ahlers John M. (ChemE76) & Nichelle Alley Allen R. (MetE77) & Patti Anderson Randal (MinE86) & Dottie Baker Grace* Bennett David* (ME 81) & Laura Bichler Clifford (CE 79) & Debra Bienert (EE 78) Merle* Biskeborn (EE 30) James (Chem68) & Diane Borin Eugene (ChemE59) & Mary Ann Bradshaw Myrene* & Louis* Braun Scott L. (MetE63) & Susan Brekenfeld Altha A. Brink James & Mary Ann Burritt L.F. “Skip”* Bush (CE59) Rollo (ME78) & Melva (Chem69) Cain George P. (ChemE64) & Jean Callaghan James V. (ChemE 63) & Judy A. Chittick Suraj K. (MinE78) & Angshu Choudhury Mardelle Clarke Maurice* Cleland (EE39) Richard & Beverly* Cole John F. Corkill Marshall* Dale (MineE43) Wayne* Dalke (MetE51) Arden D. (GeolE79) & Tamera Davis Cecil W. (EE62) & Sheila Deisch Gerald DesJarlais (CE57) Dianne Dorland (ChemE69) L. LeRoy (GeolE69) & Cathie Draine Lawrence* (GenE47) & Arlene Dugdale Scott N. (MinE90) & Lisa M. (ChemE93) Durgin

Clyde E. (MetE72) & Anna Ericsson Monte R. (EE73) Evans Matthew (Geol01) & LeAnn (Chem00) Fechter Phillip* J. (EE58) & LaVerna Fenner Mark (ChemE79) & Melanie (CE79) Fiegen N. Douglas Fluke (ChemE82) Harvey R. & Jean* Fraser Gregory (Geol85) & Lacey French David & Corinne Friddle Karl F. Gerdes (ChemE71) & Pamela Rohrich Kory V. Gill (CSc90) Paul F. Gnirk (MinE59) Greg (CSc86) & Laurie Goldey Dennis (ChemE61) & Ada Gough Willard* D. (CE70) & Billie Goodman Ray & Barbara Graham Frank M. (CE66) & Catherine Hahn Diane (Math69) & David (GeolE69) Hammond Kenneth & Helen Han Marion R. “MR” (CE69) & Barbara Hansen Sidney A. (ChemE68) & Polly Hansen Rodney & Karen Heefner Blanche* Hanten William & Susan Hatch Kathryn Hatch Terry D. (CE71) & Deanna Helms Tim & Marilyn Henderson Harrison* G. (ChemE40) & Rose M. Herber Scott T. Herrboldt (IE92) Stacey L. (ME 74) & Debby Hieb Ronald A. Hinker (GenE 58) Paula Hix (EE 73) Kenneth C. (MetE 98) Holsten Daniel P. (CE 77) & Sheila Hoyer Edna* Hulbert Arthur L. (ME 65) & Mary Hunt Mark (CSc 92) & Christie (CE 92) Ingalls Creties (GeolE83) & Betty Jenkins Steven (Chem73) & Carla Jeschke Lowell* A. Jobe (ChemE38) & Lorraine Lucier John* Ludington (HON77) Jerald L. (ME70) & Karen Johnson Shashi (MinE93) & Jennifer Kanth Roger L. (EE50) & Darlene Kehm Stuart (EE82) & Mary Jane Kellogg Michael (MinE80) & Mary Koch Kirby (ChemE99) & Amy (ChemE99) Kozel Gordon E. (MetE64) & Lynn Lakso Daniel* (EE68) & Barbara Landguth Dave (ChemE81) & Lori (CE81) Litzen Louie L. Lu (Phys87) & Meifeng Chen Pat & Tom Mahon Deepak Malhotra (EE86) Charles (CE66) & Marian Marks Joel J. (Phys61) Martin M. Steven* McDowell D. Paul McGarvie Eugene L. (MetE66) & Patricia McKay James* McLellan (MetE29) Rodney H. (CE56) & Marlene* Meador Gary A. (ChemE64) & Karen Miller Kenneth (CE75) & Kathleen (Chem74) Miller Helen* Morganti Cheryl* L. (EE70) Mitchell

Clifford (ChemE73) & Christine Mumm Michael (CSC & Math94) & Jan Navarro Harold (GenE58) & Connie Nelson Mark Nelson (ChemE83) Warren (ChemE71) & Pamela Neufeld Craig J. (EE68) & Kristina Nordby James* Norton Robert* Odegard Thomas & Nancy* Oliver Scott (CSC 92) & Sally Oveson Rod (ME 77) & Cindy Pappel Scott (EE 86) & Rosemary (CSc 86) Pekarek Bradley K. (MinE 77) & Xin Peterson Donald F. Peterson (ME50) Daille G. Pettit Mely (CE82) & Perry Rahn Tsu-Ye (EE65) & Catalina Rai V. & Vijava Ramakrishnan Paul* (EE47) & Lorna Range John D. (MinE84) & Deborah Rathbun William J. Rensch Harold* Richardson (MinE40) Gerald J. (ChemE68) & Mary Jane Ries Kyle & Beth Riley Robert (MetE74) & Karen Ringgenberg Emilio & Mary Rios The Family of Bill* & Jean* Roberts Janelle M. Marshall Susan J. Peterson Robert B. Roberts Willard J. Roberts Rolland* Robison (EE50) Donald L. (CSC84) & Kelly Roby Michael (IE92) & Tara (IE92) Roth Debra & Peter Ruehlman Eugene A. Rye (EE84) Arnold Sattler Carla Schanzenbach (ChemE91) & Michael Zachmeier (ChemE79) Douglas D. (MetE74) & La Nette Schlepp Richard L (CSc88) & Dana Schmidt Harry J. (ME74) & DeeAnn Schunneman Randall* (CE67) & Teddy Schwandt Michael M. (EE74) & Vickie Selzer Hani (CE87) & Barbara Shafai Heather Shoup (CE95) & Kermit Velder (ME93) Paul L. Smith J.* Smith (ChemE61) Theodore (MetE63) & Bonnie Smolik Julie & Jim Smoragiewicz Michael E. Soukup (ME82) Charles B. (GeolE57) & Mary Speice Michael W. (EE86) & Marcia Stanley Lavern* R. (ME 60) & Coral-Etta Stevens Adam C. Stone (CSc95) Glen A. & Jan S. Stone Eleanor Swent (HON98) Rex (EE59) & Jo Ann Teets E. Craig Thompson (EE63) Lloyd M. & Jo Ann M. Thorndyke Marvin D. (ME67) & Nicki Truhe Donald (CE77) & Susan Turbiville Katherine L. (Chem76) Ulman Robert J. Uttecht (CSc95) Tommy* Vance (CE59) Theodore* Waale (EE31) Rollin Wagner (MetE58)

J.* Walrod (EE26) Richard C. (ME58) & Dianne Warder Robert* Warriner (EE39) Richard A. (ChemE 82) & Trudy L. (ChemE 84) Wells Robert* Wharton & Carolyn Fassi Wharton Brad (ME 74) & Debbie Wheeler Rob (Chem73) & Colette Wheeler Darwin G. (ChemE63) & Kathleen Wika Maureen C. Wilson Heather Wilson & Jay Hone Hwa-Young Yeh (MTRO76) Harry* Zeidner (EE40) Thomas J. (ME70) & Sharon Zeller


($10,000 and more) Suzi Aadland Michael S. Adam (EE97) Lallie Adams-Peterson (MetE80) & Ray Peterson (MetE80) Stanford M. Adelstein (HON80) Andrew A. Ainslie Douglas E. (ChemE62) & Karolyn Aldrich Michael R. Alex (CSc98) Rodney & Shirley Alexander Arthur & Joanne Alleger Patricia M. Andersen Robert P. (ChemE72) & Suzanne Apa Sanna & Ron Asmussen Darrel D. (MinE71) & Vicki Auch Donald E. Bachand (CE77) & Sandra Harris Steven (CSc93) & Tonja Bailey Roger K. (EE53) & Donna Baird Randall W. (GeolE78) Baker & Kay Stoner Baker Sangchul & Sookie Bang Reuben & Marlowe Bareis Paul Barker (ME66) Dean C. (GeolE63) & Dot Barnum Inez* & Jack Barr Denise Barton-Miller (Chem76) & Douglas Miller (GeolE75) Robbie (IS95) & Melissa (IE95) Baruth Edson A. (GenE58) & Barbara Bearg Donald (Chem65) & Barbara Becker Fred A. (GeolE50) & Bette Beeman Chad (CENG97) & Kimberly (IE97) Bishop Emiel E. “Buddy” (CE78) & Deanne Belzer Mark W. (82) & Tracy Benson Mark (MinE78) & Lee Berend Alan Bergeron (EE74) Wayne (EE68) & Jean Binfet Edwin* H. (GeolE73) & Cindy Bittner Everett E. (MetE63) Bloom Thomas L. & Judy Bonds Robert (GeolE62) & Merle Bottge Robert* Bouska David A. (EE80) & Vickie* Bradley Todd (EE88) & Laura Braun Elmer* Brevik (ChemE43) Lyle (CE74) & Gayla* Brink Hilary (GeogE81) & Ellen Brook Jerry (CE65) & Dodie Brown William Brown G.* Bryan (MinE34) Bernard* Buus (EE35) Thomas (Geol84) & Melissa Campbell (Geol97)


Sandra L. & Scott A. Carlson Neil F. Chamberlain Kenneth (EE85) & Lillian Chisolm Sharon Chontos (ChemE87) Lisa (CEng 96) & Eric Christianson Gary E. (ChemE) & Cymbre K. Christman Samuel* C. (CE26) & Helen Clark John (ChemE61) & Billie Collier Joshua L. Collison (CSc12) Danny (MinE78) & Diane Coon Harold E. Corwin Richard Costello Ralph* Craig (CE34) Julie Dahl (Math76) Bruce (MinE73) & Mary DeMarcus Andrew Detwiler Norma Dale Diede David J. (ChemE78) & Peggy L. (ChemE86) Dixon Daniel F. & Barbara F. (CSc87) Dolan J. P. Duniphan Thomas Dunn Bart (ChemE81) & Rebecca Eddy Steven E. Elrod (EE81) Richard O. & Christine R. Everett Dale A. (MinE76) & Julee Farmen Lyle & Dorothy Feisel Barbara Felderman Maurice* C. (GeolE55) & Joyce Fuerstenau Holly (CSc94) & Todd (Geol97) Gagne Robert & Mary Jane (IS96) Giacometto Robert J. (MetE67) & Amy Glodowski Donald (ME66) & Sharon Goeres Tricia E. Gomulinski (EE98) Nancy Goodwin Sherie Goppert-Keele Mary-Jane Green (CE78) Warren* (ChemE44) & Gloria Greenway Stephen (ChemE 71) & Marla Grove David (EE59) & Janice Grow Carl & Margaret Gruber James (EE87) & Jenny Gustafson Janet Hale Douglas & Sara Hamilton Albert Hamway (EE35) Martha* Hann Francis D. (CE73) Hansen & M. Katherine Knowles Gary R. (Chem62) & Barbara Hansen Sarah* Harder Stacey Hazen Kevin (MetE74) & Elaine Hegerle Estella* Helgeson DeWayne M. (ME94) & Julie Hibbert Jeffrey D. (ChemE82) & April M. Hiemstra John & Carol Hirsch Mark Hjelmfelt (MTRO75) Ronald & Margaret Hoel Timothy (ME71) & Myrna Holleman Bernard (GeolE56) & Deborah Hoogestraat Brian (MetE77) & Yvonne (MinE78) Hoop Christy & Randall Horn Fred (EE60) & Ila Hornstra Roger* Hottmann (EE59) Carlton (EE68) & Patricia Howe Duane & Royia Hrncir Cecile* Hudson Brett D. Humphrey (CSc98)


James H. & Laura Hunt Thomas Hunt Darrell* O. (Phys54) & Semiramis Huwe Andrew (CSc87) & Michele Ingalls Srinivasa L. (GeolE74) & Sarada Iyer Richard Jackson (CSc98) & April Michalov Charles* D. (ME51) & Lois James Daniel J. Janni (CSc98) Dean Jensen Bradley K. (EE92) & Brenda Johnson Odean Jukam (ME62) Blanche* Keller Scott (CE77) & Mary Ann (IS98) Kenner Todd J. (CE83) & Sally S. (GeolE83) Kenner Edward* (ChemE41) & Arvella Kiel Darold* & Eleanor King Mark A. Kirschenmann (EE84) Anthea Kjerulff Derek (CE94) & Annette Knapp J. Robert (Bob) & Doris Knecht James W. (ChemE73) & Sheri Konst Fred Kopp (PHYS69) Glen M. & Ardis Koppelman Steven T. (ME87) & Linda Korn Dean L. (CE50) & Mary Kurtz Gerard C. (ChemE44) & Anne Lammers John* (MinE33) & Ruth Lampert L. Daniel (MinE56) & Marlene Langfeldt Wayne K. (GeolE76) & Margaret Jean (MetE77) Larsen Kip (EE87) & Donna Larson Stephanie Law (ChemE73) Susan (GeolE81) & Bruce Law Gene & Pat Lebrun Carl B. (ChemE74) & Jane Leedy Norman Ligtenberg (ChemE71) V. Mitchell (ChemE47) & Janice Liss Pauline Lloyd-Davies John* R. & Tamara W. Luchini Mark A. Lukes (CSC97) Donald A. Lynch (ChemE65) Rick J. & Debra MacDonald Dorothy M. Malde Chaman (GeolE59) & Aruna Malhotra John R. “Jack” (ME63) & Patricia Mallow Robert (CE43) Malone John R. Marks, Jr.* Doug (ChemE81) & Barb Martin Wilfred R. Martis (EE92) Larry Massie (EE83) Holly F. Maudsley (ChemE95) Darlene Kovich May Matthew D. & Chris McCormick Dorothy* Mears Charles “Chuck” (EE50) & Jackie Meyers Jeffrey Meyers (ChemE78) & Erika Murphy Barbara J. Mickelson (CE76) John* C. Mickelson, Jr. (ME73) & Linda Clark Richard A. (ChemE69) & Cyndey Mickelson Brandon L. Miller (ChemE 02) Douglas (GeolE75) & Denise (Chem76) Miller James R. (MTRO71) & Catherine Miller George* R. & Eleanore Moe Richard A. (MetE62) & Mary Jo Moen Mahlon (EE62) & June Moore Renita Mollman (CE88)

Rick (MinE84) Moser & Rebecca Legner Moser Phil* (GeolE51) & Lorraine Mundt James I. (MetE68) & Birginia B. Munson Sharon* Murtha Neil B. (ME58) & Leah Nerison Clark R. (MetE83) & Jean M. Neuharth Judd M. (IE95) & Jennifer Nielsen William F. Noordermeer (CE73) James C. (CE40) & Pearl Norman Nathan Obr (CEng01) & Leslie Larsen (CEng02) Dean J. (GenE56) & Marlene Oliva Mark H. Olsen (ChemE88) Robert V. (CE74) & Cara Olson Ralph* S. O’Neill (CE36) Roger L. (Math65) & Betty Opp Harland* O’Rear (EE42) Anna D. Osenton Glen C. (EE63) & Gloria Oveson Lorraine Padden (EE83) & Robert Chin Walter* & Y’Vonne Pailing P. Palanisami (CE70) Owen (GeolE75) & Karen (MetE77) Palm Steven J. Parker (MinE68) Todd R. (EE90) & Rebecca Person Emil* Pietz (ChemE40) George Ponomareff Anne (ChemE05) & Jon Putnam Minnie* Quarnberg Douglas B. Quiett (ME73) James R. Quinn (CE73) Robert J. (CE77) & Judi Quinn Ravi (ME84) & Carol Ravichandran Charles* E. (EE34) & Ruth Reed Donald* (MinE58) & Cleo Reed Timothy A. (Math87) & Tina Reuer Steven (Math65) & Jeanette (MetE67) Reyner Anthony (MinE82) & Sharon Ritter Lance A. (CE98) & Jerilyn C. (ChemE99) Roberts Roger D. (ChemE66) & Myrna Roehl Robert (GeolE76) & Deborah (MetE76) Roggenthen Raymond E. (ME71) & Lenora Roseland Dorothy A. Roskos Rick (ME81) & Patty Ross Charles W. (CE73) & Sybil Rounds Ethel Rounds William* (ChemE51) & Verna Rowe John* K. “Keith” (Phys54) & Jean Rozendal Robert V. & Donna Rudebusch Thomas R. Rudebusch K. Delmar (GeolE68) & Janette Rumph Hans (MinE58) & LeAna Sacrison Enrique Saez (ChemE66) Duane E. (EE60) & Phyllis Sander Raymond D. (CE53) & Gay Sauer Carol* Scarborough Edward L. Schaefer (EE71) Fred E. Schafer Arlen R. (CE74) & Mary Schamber Wayne* (ChemE70) & Tove Ellen Scheibe Jerry L. (ME73) & Jaclyn Schley Lawrence G. (CE79) & Patricia Schmaltz Albert D. Schmidt (EE49) Raymond H. (ME65) & Juanita Schnabel Robert J. Schwarz (ME52) & Barbara Eilers

Bryan D. Scott (CEng97) Richard (ME 85) & Sandhya Sekar Phil R. Severance (EE63) Michael (ChemE82) & Sandra Sherrill Guy W. & Judy Shobe Kenneth (CE81) & Juvy Maranan Simon Virginia* Simpson Dell F. (MetE84) & Carrie Skluzak Duane* Skogen (ChemE56) Lansing J. Sloan (Phys69) Mitchell J. (IE95) & Lyndsi Slusarski Ward G. Spear (EE51) Roger (ME56) & Marlene Stapf David Stechmann Kathy (Math69) & Eric* (EE70) Stechmann Warren* & Florence Stechmann Cecil* Stephens (ChemE38) Kay* & Charles Steuerwald Marcia Stiles Roger W. (MinE78) & Karin Strid Robert (GeolE78) & Karen Stuard Lindell O. (ME74) & Virginia Sunde Ben C. Sutter (CSc96) James D. Swanson (Chem71) Jerome A. (EE64) & Roberta Takle Tim (Chem63) & Wendy Taylor Donna & Gus Theodosopoulos Owen C. Torrey, III (ME82) Anthony M. (EE04) & Jennifer Toscana Victor A. & Dixie Toscana John Trubisz Larry (ME67) & Carol Truhe Jerry Tystad (MinE77) Helen* & Arwin Ulrich Nuri (GeolE93) Uzunlar & Elvan Uzunlar Paul D. (ChemE83) & Pam Vammer Cindy L. Van Dover Dale O. & Donaline L. Van Every Carol (ChemE80) & John VanSickle F. Raymond* (EE37) & Pat Versaw J. Fred Voigt (CE51) Harold (MinE54) & Cora von Colln E. Dallas (CE72) & Enid Wasserburger Robert N. (ME73) & Deborah Waxdahl Ronald P. (ME86) & Mary Ann Weber Daniel Weinacht (ME84) Michael K. West Jim & Donna Whittington Miles (ME07) & Emily Wickersham Stephen (GeolE71) & Katherine Wider Melville* Williams Kenneth (MinE77) & Kelly Wrede James M. & Joan F. Yeash Jerred F. Yeash Lisa L. (Chem85) Zacher, M.D. Delbert (ME60) & Jean Zambon Richard Zarneke (ME63) Daryl (EE79) & Deborah (Chem80) Zimmerman * Deceased

Heritage Society Membership is reserved for contributors who have given a bequest or similar deferred gift, including life insurance and retirement gifts as well as gifts made through charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities. As of June 30, 2015.

Alumni & Family 1930s & before Memorial Members Lloyd Banning Estate Merle Biskeborn Estate William Buehler Estate Maurice L. Cleland Estate Roy Dean Estate Norman G. Flaigg Estate Donald J. Goodwin Estate George E. Hatch George & Gladys Hanson Harrold Hayes Trust Lowell Jobe Claire LeClaire Estate Elmer Mandrup Trust P. DeForrest McKeel Estate Thomas W. McKnew Estate James O. McLellan Estate Max Monheim Estate Ervin Pietz Estate William “Cristy” & Carlyn Pryer Estate Herbert & Mary Read Estate Earl E. Schwarzenbach Trust Cecil & Jean Stephens Homer & Margaret Surbeck Estate

Harry Troche Trust Raymond Versaw Theodore G. Waale Trust Robert & Beulah Warriner Trust

Luther White Estate

1940s Active Members Frank Aplan Lloyd & Maxine Darnall Arlene Dugdale Dawn Flittie Roy Fox Gratia H. Griffith Marvin & Dorothy Heck Ralph Henry Stella Hughes Mitchell Liss Harlan Meyer Miles Nelson Marvin & Carolyn Petersen Morland Tidemann Christ Woods

Memorial Members Anonymous John Babcock John T. Colgan J. V. N. Dorr Trust Douglas Fuerstenau Lawrence L. Dugdale

Clifford Flittie Pat & Helen Goth Robert & Hazel Gowling Warren Greenway William A. Griffith Ralph Henry Roger W. Hill William Hughes Gordon Ingwersen Edward Kiel Gordon Larson Estate Robert H. March Harland O’Rear Estate Paul Range Estate Harold L. Richardson Estate Seth C. Schaefer Harry Zeidner Estate

1950s Active Members A. L. (Tad) & Sandra T. Addy Anonymous Jim D. & Pat A. Bell Bernard A. Biberdorf Brueschke, Erich Earl Brunson Nancy Christensen Paul & Shirley Clare A. L. Dougal John Duff & Bettie Erickson Albert Gilles, Jr. Paul Gnirk Charles D. Goodart Keith & Helen Graham James & LaVonne Hayes Allan Hins Roy Hoffman Bernard Hoogestraat A. David & Barbara Johnson Robert E. Kelley Louise Kiel Roger & Dolores Kiel Dennis & Sandra Krause Aelred & Irene Kurtenbach Glenn Madsen Dr. Bill B. & Marka May Susann Molnar Donald F. Peterson Don & Marge Range Loreli Reuter Frank & Marilyn Richardson Bob Schwarz Dennis D. Shoener Jim Smith Lowery Smith David & Judith Sonstegard Chuck & Mary Speice Carl Wertz Wayne F. Wilcox John Wooley

Memorial Members Anonymous William R. Bohannan Thomas E. Bolger L. F. “Skip” Bush James Christensen Wayne Dalke Estate Dr. Wayne F. Echelberger, Jr. Robert Gish Estate Roy Hanson Robert Heirigs Roger H. Hottmann Trust Marvin E. Kiel Richard Millard Estate William L. Reuter Duane & Arliss Skogen Harrold & Mary Swarm Gerald E. Tanger Tommy K. Vance

1960s Active Members Arthur Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Civil Engineer John Aronson D. Sherwin Artus Larry B. Ayres Edward J. Bane George & Donna Becker Charles R. Benson Kelly Biddle Everett Bloom James Borin Russ & Caroline Buyse Ronald L. Cullum Jim & Darlys Curnow Cecil De Lange John R. Erickson Ron Foster Donald J. Goeres David R. Hammond Diane Gleason Hammond Kathleen & John Heinemann Fred Jr. & Ila Hornstra Ronald W. & Jean M. Jeitz Gary D. Johnson George Ketterling Creties Jenkins Doug & Manalee Johnson Floyd C. & Joan C. Kirschenmann

Lee & Jeannie Knudtson Gilbert E. Linkswiler, Jr. Charles F. Marks Joel J. Martin Frederick & Elizabeth Minter Michael Mitchell Charles J. Mize Thomas R. Monheim James I. Munson III

James Nissen Peggy Nissen Steven J. Ogden Randy L. Parcel Bill F. Pearson Samuel & Sandra Rokusek Lin Seder Larry Simonson Michael Stensaas Robert Stofft Walter Sutherland John W. Synhorst Dennis Tiede Kenneth & Connie Trompeter Marvin Truhe Thomas Warborg Harold (Gary) Wharton Jim Woods Richard Zarneke

Memorial Members Gary Barber Carol Bloom David Goebel Gerald Goodwin Thomas E. Ingvalson Trust Richard Monheim Charles Schmidt Keith D. Zell

1970s Active Members Alan Bergeron Dennis Bryan Gary Callahan John Chandler Paul Ching John D. Dolan Karl Gerdes & Pamela Rohrich Robert Gjere W. D. “Bill” Goodman Daniel & Leslie Himelspach David Hobler Tim Holleman Joan F. Howard Monte & Beverly Krier Wayne & Margaret Larsen Robert & Deborah Mudge Rita Neff Stephen Newlin William & Dian Nowell Owen & Karen Palm Louis Rensch Kay Rogerson Dennis & Cheryl Schnabel Barbara Seder David Shaddrick Pat and Mary Tlustos Larry & Jayne Todd Don & Susan Turbiville Gary & Ruth Veurink Stephen & Katherine Wider Thomas Winkler Michael Zachmeier

Memorial Members Edwin H. Bittner Estate Drs. Jack & Roberta Gaines Estates

Cheryl Kaufman Estate

Terry Newlin Wayne Scheibe Gary Zoodsma

1980s, 1990s, & 2000s Active Members Anonymous Douglas & Leah Beck Cheryl A. Breidenbach Philip J. Breidenbach DeDe Crough Charlie Dunham Tricia (Schwaller) Gomulinski Ervin & Janet Harmdierks Mike Jahraus Thomas H. Kelley Derek & Annette Knapp Dan & Erin Lacher Louie & Meifeng Lu Michael Maisey Jill R. Nelson Tamera J. (Tami) Nelson Brian & Marsha Powers Dean Psiropoulos Terrence Simon Mitchell J. Slusarski Srinivasan Sundaramoorthy Dan & Barb Watson Rich & Trudy Wells Carla Schanzenbach

Memorial Members John Paul Gries Trust Ken Holsten Larry & Marilyn Owen Kay Riordan Steuerwald

Other Friends Active Members Anonymous Ken Brown Matthew & JoAnn Butler Dr. Craig Clark Arletta Dailey Evelyn Didier Cheryl Engel James & Kathy Fawcett Priscilla Gaiser Elizabeth Griebel Lisa Griebel Dr. Richard & Nancy Gowen Bernice M. Heilsberg Sammy Huwe Ann Knecht Kirkham Gregori Lebedeff Clara Mastrovich JoAnn Pedersen V. Ramakrishnan William J. Rensch Jean Rotter Dale & Luanne Russell Dr. Arnold Sattler Jane Dirksen Smith & Leon Smith

Kurt Solay Florence Stechmann John Trubisz Ron Weger Dr. Carolyn Fassi Wharton

Memorial Members Anonymous M. F. & Velma Anderson Estate

Inez Barr Florence Bell Estate Marilyn Rose Bell Estate Charles Bennett Estate Ethel Boland Trust Robert F. Bouska Estate Leslie Boyd Estate Joseph Brackett Trust Violet Brown Estate Verna Butler Estate Esther N. Cook Estate Royal C. Crawley Estate Earl Dailey Nick Didier Nel Doering Estate Marvin M. Enderby Estate Helen Epplen Estate Blanche Sweeney Eyrich Estate Bertal & Marguerite Flisnes Estate

Malachi Foley Estate Thelma Foster Estate Catherine Fowden Estate George F. French Estate Edwin Gaiser Dorothy Graham Trust Della Haft Estate Morris Hallett Blanche Hanten Eleanor Harrison Estate Alvin & Aleitha Haugen Estate

Everett “EP” Howe Trust Karen Johnson Trust Louise A. Johnson Estate J. Hayworth Jonte Vida Mackey Estate Vera Malone Trust John R. Marks Ruby Mauch Estate Dorothy Mears Estate Romaine Mohr Audrey Mullin Estate Sharon Murtha Estate Joseph Nelson Estate Lois Oberg Annie Phillips Estate Richard & Elaine Schleusener Eva Stenger Phillips Estate Paul A. Porter, Sr. Elmer & Elsie Rogge Peggy Arbuckle Rose Trust Martha Russell Estate John Scully Trust Esther A. Turner Estate Portia & Frank VanLeuven Estate

Harriet Waggoner Estate Howard Wells Estate Marion Westover Dr. Robert A. Wharton Melville Williams John P. Wold Mary Zimmerman Estate


Corporate Donors

Gifts made during the period of July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015. 3M Foundation Daktronics, Inc. A2D Technologies, Inc. Dave Schmidt Insurance Agency, Inc. Ace Steel & Recycling, Inc. Dean Kurtz Construction Company Advanced Engineering & Environmental Dells Materials Company Services, Inc. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Air Comm Corporation Destination Rapid City Albemarle Corporation DGS Metallurgical Solutions Inc. Alcoa Dissinger Reed Alternative Health Care Center Dow Chemical USA American Indian Science & Engineering Society

American Public Works Association American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Nebraska

Apache Corporation Applied Control Applied Control Equipment ARAMARK Corporation Archer Daniels Midland Foundation Arthur & Florence Davis Family Limited Partnership


ASM World Headquarters ASME International Associated General Contractors of SD, Inc. Austin International, Inc. Avago Technologies U.S. Ball Corporation Banner Associates, Inc. Barr Engineering Company Barrick Gold of North America, Inc. Bautechnical Consulting, Inc. Beka Corporation Bicommerce, LLC Bierschbach Equipment & Supply Black Hills Area Community Foundation Black Hills Chapter-ISEE Black Hills Corporation Black Hills Federal Credit Union Black Hills Power, Inc. Black Hills Regional Eye Institute Black Hills Runners Club Black Hills Service Company, LLC Black Hills Society of Mining Engineers Black Hills State University Black Hills Vision BNSF Railway Boeing Company BP Amoco BP Fabric of America Fund The Brass Family Foundation Brenneman Properties LLC Burns & McDonnell BXCC Cargill, Incorporated The Carlyle Group Wealth Sharing Program Caterpillar Inc. Chamberlin Architects The Charles J. Strosacker Foundation Chevron Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, LP Clark Engineering Corporation Clarkson Family Foundation Cliffs Natural Resources Cloud Peak Energy ConocoPhillips Constellation Energy Courtesy Subaru Inc Craig & Barbara Barrett Foundation Crazy Horse Memorial Cub Scout Pack 273 CVL Consultants of Colorado, Inc.

Dow Corning Downing Teal Inc Dream Design International, Inc. Duhamel Company E. Lawrence Brevik Foundation Ecolab Electro Rent Corporation Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Emerson Electric Emerson Electric Company Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. Equifax Evening Star Lion’s Club ExxonMobil Foundation The Falkirk Mining Company Family Boosters Fast Enterprises, LLC Fastenal Ferber Engineering Company Fermi Research Alliance LLC First Interstate Bank First National Bank Fisher Controls International LLC Flint Hills Resources/Koch Industries FM Global Foundation FMG Engineering Fred J. Brunner Foundation Freeman’s Electric Service, Inc. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation

Freese Family Charitable Trust GCC Dacotah General Electric Foundation GenPro Energy Solutions, LLC GIGAVAC GoldCorp, Inc. Gordon A. Larson Foundation, Inc. Graco Foundation Greenlife Gardens Halliburton Foundation, Inc. Hardrock Club LLC Helms & Associates Herbert Weisz Philosophy Society Hewlett Packard Hibbing Taconite Company Hills Materials Company Hormel Foods Corporation IBM Corporation Ifrit’s Hookah Lounge Ingersoll-Rand Company Innovative Materials and Processes, LLC Innovest Portfolio Solutions LLC Institute for Defense Analyses Intel Foundation Intergalactic Marketing, Inc. Interstates Companies Interstates Foundation IPC Ironmind Consultancy LLC John Deere Foundation

John T. Vucurevich Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation Johnson Environmental Concepts Joy Global Inc. Kent Corporation Ketel Thorstenson, LLP Kiewit Energy Group Kiewit Mining Group, Inc. Kimberly-Clark Kinross Gold Mining Kolberg-Pioneer, Inc. Komatsu America Corporation Korean War Veterans Chapter 160 L. G. Everist, Inc. Lafarge Lehigh Hanson Linnergy Lockheed Martin Corporation Lynn Jackson Shultz & Lebrun PC Main Street Square, Inc. MAPTEK Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Mayo Clinic MDU Resources Foundation Medtronic Foundation Merck & Company, Inc. Micron Technology Foundation, Inc. Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Corporation Midcontinent Testing Laboratories, Inc. Midland National Individual Matching Gift Program Mining Foundation of the Southwest, Inc. Mitzi’s Books Monsanto Fund Montana-Dakota Utilities Company The Mosaic Company MTS Systems Corporation Murdo Lions Club National Coal Transportation Association, Inc. Nelson Brothers Mining Services, LLC New Gold Inc. Newell Lions Club Newmont Mining Corporation NIKE Nooney Solay & Van Norman, LLP NorthWestern Corporation NRG Energy, Inc. Nucor Corporation Nucor Steel Bar Mill-Norfolk Nucor Vulcraft Occidental Petroleum Foundation, Inc. Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary Oracle Corporation Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Peabody Energy Corporation Peabody Powder River Mining, LLC Pella Rolscreen Foundation Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. PG&E Corporation Foundation Plan It Inc POET Prairie Edge Procter & Gamble QEP Resources, Inc. Quick Fast Systems Inc. R.A. Mcclure, Inc. Range Rocks and Minerals, Inc. Rapid City Chamber Of Commerce Rapid City Rotary Club

Raven Industries, Inc. Raytheon Company RCS Construction, Inc. RE/SPEC, Inc. Regional Health Reyelts Construction, Inc. RMS-AAPG Foundation Rockwell Collins Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute Rotary District 5610 Royal Gold, Inc. RPM & Associates, Inc. RPM Innovations, Inc. RPM Solutions, Inc. Rushmore Lions Club Charities Rushmore Rotary Club of Rapid City Sage Project Consultants Scott Engineering Company Scull Construction Service, Inc. Scully Foundation SD Engineering Society SDSM&T Alumni Association SECO Construction, Inc. Security First Bank Shell Oil Company Foundation Shimadzu Scientific Instruments SM Energy Company Society of Economic Geologists Foundation, Inc. South Dakota Community Foundation South Dakota Science & Technology Authority Southern Company Services, Inc. SPX Foundation Stanley J. Johnsen Concrete State Farm Companies Foundation Strider Sports International SymCom, Inc. TCF Foundation Technology Housing, LLC Terex Corportation Textron, Inc. The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation TIPS Group II (Friday Egg & I) Transco Inc Travelers Companies True North U.S. Bank UBS Matching Gift Program United Technologies Corporation Valley Express ValvTechnologies, Inc. Videon Central, Inc. VRC Metal Systems Wells Fargo Foundation WEM, Inc West Plains Engineering West River Dermatology Clinic Western Dakota Gem & Mineral Society Western States Fire Protection Westhills Village Wheeler Manufacturing Company Whiting Petroleum Corporation Who’s Hobby House Wipro Technologies Women of the Moose WOW! Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. Wyoming Energy Consultants, LLC Xcel Energy Foundation

Friends Giving

Gifts made during the period of July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015.

Patron Society - $100,000+ John P. Wold

Promoter Society - 25,000.00+ Luanne Dirks Richard and Nancy Gowen Leon Smith and Jane Dirksen Smith

Founder/Diamond $10,000.00+ James K. and Marian Fawcett Stanley M. Carol Howard Dean H. Jensen Anthea Kjerulff Clare Kooiman Deanna Lien Marilyn J. Mohrman Heather Wilson and Jay Hone Platinum Club - ($5,000.00+) Rose Marie S. Abbott Carolyn R. Fassi Dorothy Graham Trust Laura M. Orville Paul L. Smith Karen L. Whitehead Joan and James Yeash

Gold Club - $1,000.00+ Suzi Aadland Marsha Ahrenkiel Andrew A. Ainslie Patricia M. Andersen Laurie Anderson Dale R. Bachwich and Vera Kowal Sangchul and Sookie Bang Reuben J. and Marlowe Bareis Helen R. Brauner Sandra L. and Scott Carlson Malcom and Cheryl Chapman Florence R. Chisolm Craig E. Clark John F. Corkill Harold E. Corwin Jane and Marshall Crouch Elaine Dahme Marcia J. Diagostine Tish Dirks Daniel Dolan Jeanne Enderson Joseph and Helen Ertl James D. and Michelle Feiszli Nancy Goodwin Darren and Jennifer Haar Duane Haugen Stacey Hazen Betty Heirigs Tim and Marilyn Henderson Cathleen Hinrichs Christy and Randall Horn Jason and Linda Humpal Phil Hunt Marie K. Huwe Betty Hye Carter J. and Colleen Kerk Bruce Kitterman Umesh Korde Barbara Landguth Tamara W. Luchini Tom and Pat Mahon Marjorie M. Marken Jan A. Marler Matthew and Paula Martin Matthew D. and Chris McCormick

Soonkie Nam Richard and Paulette Nankivel Thomas K. Oliver Leland L. and Judy Olson Jan Puszynski Dave Raml David and Karen Rebol Loreli M. Reuter Peter and Debra C. Ruehlman Brian Schanilec Teddy Schwandt Donna Shafranek Kathleen Shaw Eric Shuman Brent and Kimberly Siekman Robert Stilwell Alan Stuckle Marcia Taylor The Skolaut Family Gus and Donna Theodosopoulos David M. Vetch Ronald C. Weger

Silver Club - $500.00+ Alison Abella Raymond and Annabel Aga Rodney J. and Shirley Alexander Shon Anderson Betty Anderson Sanna C. and Ronald Asmussen Theresa Bell Steven P. and Debora Billings Alfred R. Boysen Denise Brogdon Gregory and Mary Brown Stacy Collins Robert Corey Robert E. and Allesha Cortez Edward Corwin Samuel Cowan Andrew Detwiler Sharon Dominicak Joshua Drake and Danielle Hudson Drake David E. and Joan Durand Leslie Engebretson Lyle D. and Dorothy Feisel Gregg Fullerton Gene R. and Elaine Gillen George W. Gladfelter Gratia Griffith Bobak Ha’Eri Kenneth N. and Helen Han Fernando Jacquez Jennifer N. James Jeffrey Johnson Edward Keller Joel B. Kincart Glen M. and Ardis Koppelman Luke Lucas Joel N. and Melissa Lueken Stephen Malott David and Laura Martin Emmett Mckenzie Linn Miller Andrew Montoya Molly Moore Martha Myers Don E. and Jeannette Oliver Andre and Marina Petukhov Maribeth H. Price Melvin and Isa Riley

Thomas R. Rudebusch Rich and Kelly Sager Darrell and Karla Sawyer Jerald R. Schafer Lennie and Mary Skillingstad Kent Smith Milton Styron Angelyn Summers Steve Thames Lana Thom Lycia Thornburg Donaline and Dale Van Every John and Kitty Walker Mark and KarenWendling Lonnie and Linda Wilbanks Bruce Williams Elizabeth B. Williams Ronald F. Williamson Adam Ziegler

Bronze Club - $250.00+ Jeff Alejandro Arthur and Joanne Alleger Darrell Anderson Kathy Antonen Paula K. Bauer and John Lewis Ruth Beyer Justin Braun Bob and Barbara Britt Lisa Carlson Donna Cassidy Stacey Cassidy Otis and Allison Cliatt Joel A. and Carol Cowan Carl Crater John D. Cunningham and Robin Nilson Cunningham Eric and Dionne Eastmo Anne Ekern Martha Even Kevin and Dina Fitzgerald Dawn Flittie Gary Glenn Tana Gnose Craig Goodrich Terry Gukeisen Ellen and Ronald Haffner Barbara Hansen Ted and Bonnie Hanson Tammy Hatting Terri Jacini Lance E. and Jennifer James Peggy Janecek Paul C. and Cynthia Josephson Justin Kelly Marlin and Joni Kinzer Holly Kjerulff Chance Knutson Les and Cora Koss James Kramer and Colleen Meyers Paul Laufman Gene and Pat Lebrun Judy Lehner Alvis Lisenbee Larry E. and Teresa Longseth Joseph M. and Nonie Lytle Ernest Martin Alfred and Barbara Martinez Fred Matthews David McKnight Carolin Meinhardt Jean Moore James Nielsen Vincent Nihipali Georgine Panui William Patterson

Richardand Lavon. Pendleton Jesse and Glynda Rahn Cleo Reed Ryan Reprogle Rodney Rice Richard and Addie Roush Donna Rudebusch Jennifer Sanchez Mark Sanchez Sally Shelton Susan Shirley Kelli Shuman Paul and Mary AnnSkolaut Kazem Sohraby Debora Starkman John and JoAnn Sterner Andy and Glorianne Ten Braak Cherry Tinker Charles and Laura Tolle Gina Tomoson Frank Van Nuys Brady Vinson Chris Waldron Arnold Wensinger Heather Wranek Nagel Vincent M. Wysocki Zhengtao Zhu Stacy Ziegler

Prospector - $0.01+ Brent and Julie Albrecht Stan and Ivy Allard Judy Allen Linda B. Allen Kate E. Alley Kirk S. Allison Avital Anders Brandon Anderson Angela Anderson Chris and Cori Angel Jennifer Ardouin Isela Arellano Wanda Artz Leonard and Lila Bachman Wendy Backes Scott Baird Shannon Balavitch Keith Bandy Zeynep Baran Jill Barber Dawn Bargmann John Barley and Rae Smith-Barley John and Anne Barlow Bob O. Barringer Stacy Barthel Ebonie Bates Pam Bates Kenneth and Mary Bauman Sarah Beaman Robert Bechtold Ruth Beck Dennisse Bedard Jennifer Bell Jack and Kathleen Belleque Vickie M. Bender Kenneth M. and Kara Benjamin Pat A. Beu Dan Beyer Perry and Lorie Bicek Victoria Bierwirth Mary Birch Jamison Bisch Alfred Borgen Lucile J. Bradley Karen Braman Erik and Nina Braun


Wayne and Susie Braun Marilyn Brenner Alcina M. Brick-Miller Douglas A. and Janis Bright Luetta Brink Cherril Brown Rachel Brown Nate Brown Kailila Brown Scott and Terri Buchholz Paula Buck Karen Bulman Patrick J. and Lucy Burchill Joseph B. Burger Joseph Calistro Jim Callahan Peter J. Cappa Michael D. and Charlotte Carda Brandon M. Carda Barbara M. Carda Heidi Carda M. A. Carland Patrick J. and Nyla Carney Pauline Carrillo Gloria Carrillo Marlynn Carter Renee Catron-Blair Kyle Caudle Danny Chan Shari Chavez Efraim Chavez Grandparents Ching Henry Ching Michael and Dana Christensen Barbara Christianson Christopher Clark Marilyn A. Clark Paula M. and Ronald Clark Mary Catherine Clark Lanny C. and Marily Clary Noriko Clement Lorre and Vicki Colburn Richard E. Cole John Coleman Curtis Collins Forest P. Cooper Mark Cornelison Kelly Corwin Patricia Couch Robert Couch Michael Couch Mark Couch Mindy Couch Dale M. and Beverly Coughlin Robert L. and Jean Cowherd Cody Crater William Crowl Kay Curran Jeffrey R. and Lori Daane Howard G. and Cathleen Dahlgren Arletta Dailey Kylie Daniels Martin Davidson Reta J. and Richard Davies Timothy Davis Tammy Deer Bradley N. and Janis Delcamp Thomas Delgado Mary Beth and David DeMaranville Daniel DeMarco Anne DeMersseman Christi Deming Victor DeNigris June D. Deutscher Tara Devoll


Lisa and Vandal DeVries Cheryl Dillon Johnnie Dills Mike Dinger Jamie Dinger Susan Dinges Phyllis S. Dixon Jarod Dodson Chrisina Doyel Annie Dozier Dennis and Donna Dressen Ronald and Hilary Dubois Kaye Duffield Judith R. Duhamel Cathy and Thomas Durkin Dorrance A. and Ernestine Dusek Terry Dykes Susan Eason Julia Easton Marcia J. Elkins Thomas Ellery Daniel Ellifson Arnold Elzy Donald Emerson John M. and Lois Erickson Rob Erwin Dan Espericueta Amie L. and Hugh Estes John Etchison Rodney L. and Kay Everson Walter Fant Merrianne Farquhar Mary J. Farrington Chris Fatilua Nancy Feiler Renee Fischer Jacob Fitzgerald Judith Fitzgerald James and Mary Jo Fitzgerald Darren Floyd Caren Flynn Hao Fong Emily Forbush Trina Foreman Roger Frank Clifford I. Franks Cheyenne Frazier Devin Frohling Jon and Stephanie Frohling Derek Melissa Gackle Donald and Eunice Gandre Donna Gandre Dennis and Mimi Garstang Patty Geffre Allen R. and Kathleen Gibbs Troy A. and Karen Gibler Patrick C. Gilcrease Ed Goheen Judy Goldhammer Henry Golembesky Greg Gonzales Jim and Edna Goodman Thyonne Gordon Sidney G. and Diane Goss Nela Govic Gricelda Gracia Kevin Graff Lisa L. Griebel Keymon Griffin Brad Grimsted Jeannie Groves Jason Gruba Christina Guilbault Diann Habicht Liz Hagaman

Rick Hagaman Brian Hagan Jeffrey A. and Kris Haines Charles Hall JR Hamblet Arlene Hamm Ray E. and Betty Hannah Vivian C. Hansen J. T. and Patricia Harlan Carrie Harlan Mark Hartman Sandi Haviland Heather Heaton Dan Heglund Jason and Anne Henry Gene Herder Jesus Herrera Misty Hester Grant Hester Terri Hicks Scott Hofstrom William Holder Douglas Nancy Holm Barry Holmen Wilbur L. Deborah Holz Pat Horner Norma Horvath Lori Hoven Charles Howard Cynthia Howell Michael and Susan Hudgens Ky and Imelda Hudson Carol Hudson Doug Huneycutt Douglas H. and Holly Hunt Gerald D. Hunter Matthew C. Hunter Pamela K. Hunter Rick Hustead JT and Tessa Iszler Tish Izquierdo-Purcell Maria Jacini Lynda Jacquot-Imberi Jessica Janney Leon M. and Kaye Janovy Margaret Jenne Alan J. and Noel Johnson Dylan Johnson Thomas Johnson Jecory Johnson Gene Johnson Robert Jolly Sally Jonas Elizabeth Judson Donna Justus Richard A. Kaiser Jeff Kamariotis Bryce Kampa Lawrence and Carol Kane Sofia Kane Michael Keegan Marsha Kelly Jesse Kelsey Alan L. and Elaine King Nat and Diane Kinlund Cynthia Kinzley Samantha Klampe Summer Klescewski Richard Knuppe Genevieve Knych-Rohan Susan Kocourek Ann A. Kolbet David M. and Debra Kolbet Howard and Judy Kraenzlein Mary Lou Kredit

David and Paula Kretz Joshua Kretz Connie E. Krosschell Perry and Gaylene Kudrna Yvonne Kuehn Dwayne and Emily Kuntz Tracy Kurzenberger Cathy Labor Ron LaFaye Richard LaFaye Randy LaFaye Roger LaFaye Colten Lamb Bernadette Lambert David LaPorte Donna Lara Ryan Larsen Edward G. and Jean Latimer Letitia Lawford Desire’ Leaf Derrick Lecy Susan Lee Melissa Lee Robert P. and Mary Lee Sharon I. Lee Gary A. and Debora Leopold Michael Leopold William J. and Nancy Lester Jim and Janet Levy Karen Lewin Corinna Lewis Regina Lewis Shirley N. Licht Rebecca Linder Stephanie Lindsley David Little Glenda Lock Debra Long Jeffrey Love Elizabeth Love El Lucerito David and Elizabeth Lyons Keishea Mack Yvette Mahone Denise Maier Cody and Jennifer Malloy Barbara Mann Bryce Mann Michael D. Mannhalter Rachel Mannhalter Kelly Marcus Trude Marquez Michelle Martian Henrietta Martin Michelle L. Martin Desiree Martin Cindy Martin Toni Martin Eric Martinez Barbara Marzan Randy Masek Pepper Massey Christina Mathieu Julie Matthews Kermit Matthews Leslie Matthews Olivia Matthews Lawrence Matthews Terrance and La Ree Mayes Larry and Pat Mayes Marcus Mayo Sheri McAllister Tiffany McCampbell Jolie and Alan McCoy Gregory M. and Linda McDonald

Raymond and Betty McDorman Carla McDougal Debra McFadden Jay McFadden Ryan McFadden Laura McKnight Michael and Holly McQuay Dave and Daphne Medina Dean and Amy Meinen Dave Meland Anthony Mendoza Justin P. Meyer Jon Michaels Loren Miles Pamela D. Miller Gary L. Miller Wade Miller Dawn Miller Deborah Mitchell Eleanore Moe Russell C. and Patti Molstad Mary Monia Mary Moore Lloyd and Wilma Moore Betty Morrissey Gary and Sue Morrissey Sue Mossbarger Mitchell Mudlin Barbara Mustard Mary Ann Naasz George Nagato Heather A. Nagel Hakeem Nizar David Nolan Neltha Norby Penny Novak Bradley O’Brien Thomas Oh Ellen Olive Shane Olney Christopher Olofson John Olson Kay Opgrande Martha Ortiz Christos and Cheryl Ouzounis Sherry Oyler Audrey Painter Susan E Palmer Sally B. Palmer Georgene Parker Michelle Parlier James Patterson Audry Patterson Ketty Paula Orland and Mary Lou Paulsen Andrew Pedersen Ashour Peera Tanisha Perkins David Petersen Darold Petersen Renee M. Peterson Troy Peterson Tyler Peterson Pat Phelps Philina Phillips-Howard Lynda Plank Daniel Plante Dorothy Plate David and Patricia Ploof Richard and Gloria Pluimer Sharon Polenz Marvella Porter Ezequiel Prado Dana Pray Mike Pritchard

Bart Pursley D. Ann Quirk Timothy and Karen Raben Deborah Radomski V. and Vijaya Ramakrishnan Nick Ramos Dave Ramsey Lawrence Red Wing Megan Reder-Schopp Stacy Reetz Michael and Jilene Reimnitz Daryl Reinicke Tessa Reister LeNard Rhone Mary Richert Mike Riley Barry and Wendy Ritchie Tom and Barbra Rizzo Phil Roberts Leslie Roberts Marc J. Robinson Richard D. Rogers Douglas and Jane Rogers Riley Rohde Ronald and Mildred Roland Mary Rollins Stephanie Rollins Geoffrey Rooker Judy Rosenblith Deborah Rosene Marcus and Tamela. Ross Galen Rowe Anna Ryshkus Troy Sakuta Amir Saleh Robert Sales Barbara J. Salget Leeandra Sanchez Leo Sanchez Gary Sanders Janet Sanders Hayden Sanders Rajesh Sani Chris Sawdey Jim and Susie Sayer Roger Schat Tonette Schauer Zachary Scheuffele Steve and Diane Schirber Brett Schlemme Earl and Audrey Schmitten Melody Schopp Theresa Schreiner Deborah Schrock Jerry and Cassie Schweigerdt Darla Seger Ed and Peg Seljeskog John and Traci Sellens Trudy Severson Sarah Shaw Saundra Shaw Chris Shearer Rajesh and Anuradha Shende Lois M. Sherwood Cathy Shipp Mark Shlanta James Shultz Helene Siekman Lori Sigurdson Maryanne Simonitsch Derek Skillingstad Lennie Skillingstad James Krislyn Skjod Bill and CelesteSkolaut Jennifer Smith

Steve and Patrice Smith Randi Smith Judy E. Sneller Karl and Suzanne Snepp Vladimir Sobolev Lloyd and Janet Sohl Valerie C. Solano Abena Songbird Thelma Sorrell Kristen Sorrell William and Lynna Speier Tyshawna Spell Daniel Spenker Norman and Holly Steiner Tracy Steiner Craig and Patrice Steinman Susan Stelter Sheryl Stephens Maxine Stepina Frederick and Lorraine Steppat Thomas and Phyllis Stevens Paula Stolebarger Jeff Stone Bridget Stone Michael and Onita Stout Brian and Kelly Strampe Frank Strieder Warren R. Stumpe Elizabeth Styers Kris Summers Scott H. Sumner Pallaoor Sundareshwar and Shalini Kanekar John and Kathy Sundby Casey Swearingen Anthony Taitingfong Raquel Taitingfong Gina Taitingfong James and Jeanne Taylor Donald and Christine Teets Letia Tenhave Christina Tenhave Amy Thames Dave Thibodeau Kiwaukee Thomas Laura Thompson Cassandra Tillman Anthony Tillman Ellen Titus Dan and June Toby Geraldine Tone Tonya M. Tordsen Andrea Torres Jean Torve Christine Townsend Robert and Ranae Truman Thomas and Sharon Tucker Brant Tunstall Edward Tunstall Gerald and Joy Tyburec Brad Tyler Thomas Udager Mark Urban James Van Dam Lillian E. Vancel Larry and Carol Vavruska Joe Veracco Ira Verbal Louise Vinson Peeranut Visetsuth David and Laura Vollmer Gayenelle R. Wakely Elaina Ware Will Watkins Mike Welker Douglas Wells

Michael K. West Vanessa Whitehead Meredith Wiersma Bethany Wilcox Donald I. Williams Robert Williams James Williams Roger and Dianne Wilson G.L. Winchell George and Joan Wolfe Aaron R. Wood Walter and Sylvia Wood Chanda Woods Selena Woods Jake Wranek Dave Wranek Matthew D. Wranek Antwonette Wright Ron Wuerth Edith Yamaguchi Shawnja Yamaguchi George Yamanaka Haeyeon Yang Jacob Yordy Dawn J. Zamora Wendy Zawada Lois A. Zens Yanxiao Zhao Fred Ziegler Jane Zilles


President’s Circle Membership in the President’s Circle is reserved for donors who make a minimum annual gift of $1,000 to the Mines Annual Fund between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. Platinum- $25,000+ Roger Hill* Dorothy & Mike Stevens

Gold- $10,000+ Carmen & John Adams Linda & Willie Chiang Luanne & Monte Dirks Roy Hanson* Dolores & Roger Kiel Marka & Bill May Margaret & Tim Parmenter Karen & James Smith Karen & Robert Stuard

Silver- $5,000+ Kay & Sherwin Artus Simin & Gaurdie Banister Jan & Larry Baruth Joyce Fry & Michael Buswell Sheila & Cecil Deisch Sharon & Donald Goeres Nancy & Richard Gowen Mary-Jane Seeley Green Kathy & John Heinemann Lyn & Walt Jones Mark Kirschenmann Marian & Charles Marks Virginia & James Munson Pamela & Warren Neufeld Linda & Larry Pearson Janet & Grove Rathbun Janet Richardson & William Pearson Victoria & Steven Sanborn Susan & Donald Turbiville

Bronze- $2,000+ Deborah & Michael Alley Mary & Edward Bane Dot & Dean Barnum June & Samuel Begeman Bonnie & David Berg Elizabeth& Alan Bergeron Debra & Clifford Bienert David Bradley Mary & Lorin Brass Jean & George Callaghan Judith & James Chittick Rebecca & Bart Eddy Jeanne Eha Joleen & Thomas Eizember Bettie & Duff Erickson Darlene & Berton Fedt Doug Fluke Ada & Dennis Gough Connie & James Green Diann & David Habicht Duane Haugen James Hicks April & Jeff Hiemstra


Sheri & Paul Hohn Patricia & Carlton Howe Jean & Ron Jeitz Sally & Todd Kenner Karen & Barry Koepke Sheri Wilson & James Konst Beverly & Monte Krier Irene & Al Kurtenbach Jennie & Ying-Chieh Lee Robert Malone Renita Mollman Donna & Stephen O’Rourke Karen & Owen Palm Steven Parker Douglas Quiett Martin Ramos Tina & Timothy Reuer Gay & Raymond Sauer Mary & Arlen Schamber Vickie & Mike Selzer Sandra & Michael Sherrill Judy & David Sonstegard Michael Soukup Marcia & Ralph Taylor Julie & Steve Vanderboom Emily & Miles Wickersham Cindy & Steven Wiederrich

Member- $1,000+ Loretta & Jerry Afdahl Arthur Anderson Mary & Thomas Anderson Donna & Roger Baird Nadine & Kevin Beacom Leah & Douglas Beck Barbara & Donald Becker Lee & Mark Berend Susan & William Betten Robyn & Eric Brandner Dorothy & Jerrold Brown Dennis Bryan Nancy & Daniel Carlson Danielle & Mark Carpenter Sharon Chontos William Coddington Sharalyn & Sam Colvin Diane & David Crumrine Beth & Ronald Cullum Darlys & James Curnow Julie Dahl Susan & Timothy Dake Maxine & Lloyd Darnall Gail & Lester Davis Joseph Deng Jacquelyn & Lon Denison Marlene & Raymond Dennis Rita & Donald Deschamp Sally & Danny Deveraux

Judy & Archie Doering Barbara & Daniel Dolan Steven Elrod Kim & Douglas Feterl Rosemary & David Frerk Tricia & Curtis Gomulinski Sheila & Patrick Halley Diane & David Hammond Nina Veas& Timothy Hanks Leslie Lawson & Daniel Himelspach Mary & Bruno Himmler Ronald Hinker Libby & Gregory Hintgen Cheryl & John Hoven Roberta & Everett Hoyt Jeane & John Hull Betty Hye Pamela & Jerome Jarding Brenda & Brad Johnson Michael Johnson Tracy & Brandon Johnson Sandye & Lynn Kading Mary Ann & Scott Kenner Yvonne & Karl Knapp Fred Kopp Cathy & Thomas Lamp Scott Lehr Rhonda & Gregory Lofstedt Patricia & Tom Mahon Patricia & John Mallow Joel Martin Jan Matousek Bonnie McCourtie Linda & Douglas Michael Rebecca & Robert Miesen Kathleen & Kenneth Miller Kelli & David Muck Vickie & Roger Musick Sherry & Keith Mutchler Tamera Nelson Rosemary & Scott Pekarek Lallie Adams & Ray Peterson Janis Sines & Steven Piatz Marsha & Brian Powers Judi & Robert Quinn Linda & Scott Rausch Brenda & David Rawlins Louis Rensch Kileen & Mark Rezac Kelly & Donald Roby Sandra & Samuel Rokusek Eugene Rye Karen Satrang Harold Schaefer Alice & Benjamin Schatz Patricia & Lawrence Schmaltz Juanita & Raymond Schnabel

Barbara & Lin Seder Donna Shafranek Juvy Maranan & Kenneth Simon Sandra & Donald Solmonson Maurita Kaufman & David Springhetti Mary & Joel Stehlik Beth & Merle Symes Roberta & Jerome Takle Wendy & Tim Taylor Jayne & Larry Todd Katherine Ulman Ruth & Gary Veurink Cora & Harold Von Colln Janice Vosika Evangeline & Peter Vossos James Ward Mary & Ronald Weber Marilyn & James Webster Emily & Miles Wickersham Kimberly & Dana Wolk Dora Smith & William Wood Alice & Chris Woods Jean & Delbert Zambon Richard Zarneke Sharon & Tom Zeller Deborah & Daryl Zimmerman * Deceased

Honor Roll of Contributions The following list recognizes individuals and organizations making annual gifts to the SD Mines Foundation from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. In the listing of the Alumni Giving by Class, we list on the class member’s name but recognize their spouse/significant other for their part in making these contributions. Contributions from those who have requested to remain anonymous are also recognized. The foundation thanks everyone for giving to the School of Mines during this past fiscal year.

Class of 1940 Romauld W. Bachmayer James C. Norman

Class of 1942

Morris A. Range Lennis F. Shafranek*+ Lowery J. Smith** Carl W. Tilus Robert E. Welch

Roger W. Hill***+

Class of 1952

Class of 1943

Harold V. Christensen David E. Erickson Albert P. Gilles Grove A. Rathbun*** Robert J. Schwarz* James E. Smith*** Wesley E. Strampe

Roy L. Fox Curtis L. Graversen Robert E. Malone*

Class of 1944 Lloyd L. Darnall* Richard A. Erickson Gordon R. Ingwersen*+ Gerard C. Lammers Donald A. Thorson

Class of 1948 Frank F. Aplan** Don R. Mansfield Norman Menyuk Christ F. Woods*

Class of 1949 Warren J. Bush John W. Dykstra Douglas W. Fuerstenau** Donald C. Kalda Lowell V. Plooster James W. Ward* Richard W. Wiggin

Class of 1950 Frederick A. Beeman Alva L. Dougal John W. Goth Roger L. Kehm Robert E. Kittleson Donald F. Peterson R. Jerry Ray Seth E. Wilson

Class of 1951 Stephen J. Barich Wilfred A. Brown Arthur S. Childers Douglas F. Clarke Victor F. Dosch John O. Garrison Keith D. Graham* Roy W. Hanson***+ Russell C. Hendrick Lars Jorgensen E. Calvin C. Kautz Eugene L. Matteson James A. Morrison Donald O. Myrabo Leland J. Nitteberg Harold C. Oban Ralph M. Oliva Michael R. Owens E. H. Pederson Donald L. Range**

Class of 1953 Roger K. Baird* Thomas E. Beyer Daniel J. Brennan Dale G. Bridenbaugh Leon D. Estes* Berton W. Hoyt Wallace L. Larsen Raymond D. Sauer* Wesley J. Simmons Eugene H. Skinner Roy E. Strom Robert L. Thune Doran D. Wara William W. Yates*

Class of 1954 Darrell G. Brekke Orville N. Dobson Franklin H. Dvoracek Joseph D. Hansen Robert L. Humphrey Hilary A. Larsen Arnold G. Mueller Roy E. Roadifer*** Francis J. Smit Harold M. Von Colln** Donald K. Zimmerman

Class of 1955 Dale W. Bowen William T. Cohan Daniel Dake Charles B. Dougherty John Duff Erickson*** Berton R. Fedt* Terrence J. Heil Loren G. Henry Everett J. Holgate Edwin L. Hubbeling Vernon J. Meyers Dewayne L. Misterek Kenneth C. Parsons Frank H. Richardson***

Class of 1956 Robert D. Annett Roland E. Baker James R. Brooks George F. Dunham** Wayne F. Echelberger***+

Neil T. Elliott Charles A. Gukeisen Harlan G. Hartman Bernard L. Hoogestraat** Louis D. Langfeldt* John E. Linn Chao-Ning Liu George A. McCaskey John L. Mohr Richard L. Muchow Lavalle D. Ptak Donald O. Schlegel Roger A. Stapf Peter H. Vossos* Robert F. Zeigler

Class of 1957 Harold J. Bell William L. Benda James R. Bump Roger L. Dean Gerald J. DesJarlais*** Nancy W. Dunham** Harland K. Fawcett Charles D. Goodart Lee A. Hanson Clyde H. Jundt Alan E. Liffengren+ Bill B. May*** John M. Nicknish William I. Nissen Charles H. Parks Benjamin P. Schatz* Norman A. Shyne* Laverne L. Vigoren+ Carl C. Wertz

Class of 1958 James M. Adams* Alva L. Addy* Edson A. Bearg Richard O. Berg John F. Burggraff Fred W. Ehrman Ronald A. Hinker* D. Richard Iltis Robert E. Kelley* Roger E. Kiel*** Frederick C. Klawiter Leslie G. Larson Errol C. Matzke Harold D. Nelson*** Donald H. Orts Lanny F. Outlaw*** Eugene F. Poch John R. Ritter Hans E. Sacrison*** David R. Seefeldt Ernest D. Sundstrom Richard A. Todd Stuart E. Ulfers James W. Webster* Curtis E. Westley Wayne K. Wilcox James F. Wilsey

Class of 1959 Eugene B. Bradshaw Carl J. Buttemeier Paul D. Clare William S. Coddington* Francis M. Coulson Veryl G. Eschen Conrad E. Fuchs Paul F. Gnirk* Duane O. Gustad Allan G. Hins*** Roy L. Hoffman*** Donald L. Houck Robert D. Howe Bruce R. Johnsen Larry J. Johnson*** Clark L. Johnson Emmett W. Kotrba Clark N. Kurtz Jan W. Matousek* Dale R. Schoenfield John B. Shoemaker David A. Sonstegard*** Landy A. Stinnett Edward R. Tegland Baard H. Thue

Class of 1960 D. Sherwin S. Artus*** Warren L. Bamesberger Edward J. Bane* Glenn C. Barber Dale S. Bryson* Robert J. Cash Carl E. Coad C. Tom Gorder Frederick M. Green Fred Hornstra* Dale E. Kjerulff* Carolyn P. Mohn Terrence L. Myers Neil A. Olien Douglas R. Olson George R. Peacore* Gary A. Radford Gene A. Raetz David A. Rogers*** Daryl D. Schultz Donald W. Solmonson* Walter W. Sutherland Kenneth L. Yocom Delbert M. Zambon*

Class of 1961 Peter P. Aberle Peter V. Avotins Larry A. Blair David L. Braun** John R. Collier* David J. Cowling Gerald A. Daughenbaugh Michael D. Ellwein*** John P. Evans Charles F. Fishel David P. Frerk* Dennis J. Gough**

William H. Green Irwin O. Hasenwinkle James W. Hauck Jim L. Hennen Larry D. Henry Everett E. Hoyt* Aelred J. Kurtenbach* Joel J. Martin** Kenneth G. May Robert J. Miesen*** Robert A. Nelson Edward A. Olson Loren W. Peters Arthur J. Pontius Dennis C. Price Theodore Roghair Patrick D. Serry

Class of 1962 Douglas E. Aldrich* Theodore N. Andrews Gerald L. Boehrs Robert Bottge*** Fredrick T. Coyne Dennis W. Cullen*** Cecil W. Deisch** Val D. Dutcher Gary R. Hansen* Leland L. Harms Odean H. Jukam* Melvin L. Klasi Lee G. Knudtson*** S. Edward Mead Richard A. Moen Thomas R. Monheim John P. Penzien Clyde S. Pietz Robert F. Pritchett* Robert W. Rardin Kendall W. Sageser John W. Sibert* Thomas A. Snyder Robert E. Stofft Kenneth M. Trompeter James M. Wilhelm

Class of 1963 Dean C. Barnum* Ronald J. Begier Everett E. Bloom** J. Kent Carlson Raymond J. Chaussee** James V. Chittick* Guy L. Cowing Archie M. Doering* Guy F. Everhart Carl H. Gehring Lloyd M. Greiner Gary D. Johnson Ing-chang Jong Floyd C. Kirschenmann Keith A. Kitzman Fred J. Knight Gilbert E. Linkswiler Lonnie C. Ludeman John R. Mallow*

Daniel W. Matthaidess Lawrence O. Merkle Allan C. Peterson Jay L. Price Harlan J. Rosin Harold D. Schaefer* Charles T. Schmidt+ Theodore J. Smolik* Charles E. Snyder* Michael L. Stensaas** Tim N. Taylor* Thomas E. Warborg Darwin G. Wika*** Richard D. Zarneke*

Class of 1964 Larry B. Ayres John C. Baker Samuel R. Begeman* Paul E. Besselievre+ Dennis L. Buswell George Callaghan* James L. Campbell David J. Christensen James H. Curnow*** Lon L. Denison* John R. Erickson Michael J. Fischbach James A. Fry Tedford E. Haley William J. Harris Gerald C. Hohman Richard L. Howard Andrew M. Johnson Gordon E. Lakso* Jeremy A. Landt Jon O. Lehner Jason A. Lillegraven William F. Lindgren Clarence R. Longcor* Wayne C. Lotz Thomas B. McLaughlin Gary A. Miller* Richard R. Morris William F. Pearson*** Laurel L. Peterson* Raymond F. Rossi Alois B. Sommer Jerome A. Takle* Robert W. Wedwick Richard E. Weller

Class of 1965 Ronald K. Anderson Donald A. Becker* R. Kenneth Berg* Roger J. Bosch Jerrold L. Brown* William R. Campbell Donald W. Chambers Ronald L. Cullum* William G. Delinger Ernest G. Endes Robert A. Ferris*** Warren R. Germer Douglas I. Hanson


Donald G. Harbaugh Joseph L. Harris David G. Hill Danny K. Hoshino Arthur L. Hunt* John D. Logue William R. McDowell Gerald L. Meyer Gary L. Nelson David A. Novotny Roger L. Opp* Jerald O. Ott Thomas H. Parker Daryl G. Pratt Tsu-Ye Rai* Steven W. Reyner** Francis X. Schlumpberger* Raymond H. Schnabel* David R. Sorum

Class of 1966 James P. Ackermann Paul E. Barker*** Larry E. Baruth** Eric R. Batchelder* Clarence F. Beauvais William R. Berndt Larry D. Brusse Shirley L. Church Ray C. Cottingham Lynn E. Englehorn James F. Erpenbach Donald J. Goeres** Frank M. Hahn*** Marvin A. Hoshaw Ronald L. Hulbert Duane A. Huston Gary N. Johnson George B. Jongeling Joseph L. Lippert Charles F. Marks*** Tom A. Marty Eugene L. McKay* Edward G. Opbroek Larry L. Pater Jerry J. Pekarek Carol A. Reed Herbert P. Reichert Roger D. Roehl* Laurence E. Rohl Tim M. Sagen LaRon L. Smith Galen R. Smolik Joseph M. Stevens*** Alan W. Swanson Dwight L. Will James K. Yoss Gary D. Young

Class of 1967


Raymond J. Aberle Vincent A. Bertolotto Kelly L. Biddle* Gary L. Britton Lester L. Davis* Robert J. Ebbesen Dean P. Edmundson Robert J. Glodowski* William N. Guetz Wally V. Gutzmer John L. Heinemann*** Ralph Heinert Donald G. Hollister John P. Hoven* Eliot R. Johnson Bashir A. Master

V. Charles McCann Ervin E. Nesheim David W. Niven Charles M. Olson Randy L. Parcel*** Dana J. Peterka* James R. Roehr Roger D. Rollins Jeanette Reyner** Dean A. Shroll J. Walter Strobel Leslie L. Thiel Dennis A. Tiede*** Duane D. Trythall Bernard W. Wilcox Walter L. Williams

Class of 1968 Gary M. Amble Arthur D. Anderson* Wayne F. Binfet* James L. Borin** James D. Bradfield Harold E. Bross* Alfred L. Broz James F. Crouch Ronald G. Dahlinger Robert H. Dominicak Thomas J. Flakoll Thomas H. Gaidry Sidney A. Hansen Larry L. Hieb Carlton D. Howe* Vincent H. Humann Gary L. Keffeler James Keil* James L. Kotas*** Dennis L. Krause Eugene W. McPherson* James I. Munson** James H. Neuharth Peggy A. Nissen Steven J. Parker* Jerl E. Pringle Samuel H. Rokusek* William Roth* K. Delmar Rumph Halvdan T. Saethre Steven H. Sanborn** Martin R. Schock Richard J. Storm* John W. Synhorst Brian E. Tucholke Kenneth D. Wessel

Class of 1969 Ronald L. Albertson Bruce W. Apland James H. Brady Fritz H. Brunssen Ronald R. Burge Melva G. Cain Timothy H. Carlson Krishen K. Chand William G. DeGroot Richard J. Digiantonio Dianne Dorland* LeRoy Draine John J. Etienne Paul A. Fauss David R. Hammond* Diane M. Hammond* Alan F. Hann Marion R. Hansen Maysel P. Jay Ronald W. Jeitz***

Daniel T. Johnson* Fred J. Kopp* Thomas P. Lamp* V. Kay Long Gary D. Lower Rodney A. Michael* Richard A. Mickelson* Glenn E. Morgan* Leonard C. Neugebauer Steven J. Ogden Jeffrey G. Ransom* Larry J. Richards Larry D. Roduner Lin L. Seder** Larry A. Simonson*** Lansing J. Sloan* Kathleen M. Stechmann* Gary G. Vaplon David J. Wagner Robert D. Westby Roger D. Wilson

Class of 1970 Kathleen D. Ammon Michael T. Basham Robert W. Bickett Vernon W. Brown Dennis P. Bryan* Gary D. Callahan* Jarle H. Dahl Randall J. Daughenbaugh Arthur R. Donnell Terry L. Downing Terry W. Fuller Dennis M. Gusse Dennis W. Harry Daniel C. Himelspach** David R. Jackson* William L. Jensen* Jerald L. Johnson* Steven R. Kramer H. Keith Long Larry R. McKee John G. Nedrud Dennis N. Olsen* Gary J. Oyler Irshad A. Rana Ronald A. Rehfuss K. Fred Rist Tanya R. Rist Russ K. Roeber* Craig E. Scott Jerome F. Sechser Barbara C. Seder** Thomas W. Sheldon Grant L. Shelton Wallace Sieck Ronald S. Steelman Lyle J. Steffen Richard T. Twigg Thomas J. Zeller**

Class of 1971 Darrel D. Auch Scott H. Barber Rose M. Bartels Terry M. Bartels Curtis M. Belden Peter S. Birrenkott Wayne M. Buck Richard L. Bue Steven D. Danekas John D. Davies* Jan W. Dunker Leroy B. Foster*** Karl F. Gerdes*

Robert K. Gjere James A. Goodman Wayne R. Greaves* Stephen A. Grove* Don M. Hamann Douglas C. Hartman Daryl J. Hegedus* Timothy W. Holleman*** Gordon L. Hollenbeck Randall R. Ice Norman R. Kolb Norman D. Ligtenberg* Ross E. Lushbough* James R. Miller Paddy D. Moore Roger D. Musick* Keith D. Mutchler* Prasad K. Nair Roger T. Nelsen Randall S. Nelson Kenneth A. Nelson Warren R. Neufeld** Raymond E. Roseland Edward L. Schaefer* James R. Swartz* Donn R. Taylor Joseph P. Vig Eric A. Warren Steven L. Weeldreyer Carl M. Welch Dale R. Westendorf Jerome T. Wright

Class of 1972 Robert P. Apa Gary A. Baker Jerald N. Byg Stuart J. Calhoon Thomas H. Callan Dan E. Daniels David L. Daughters* Robert M. Deis Jeffrey T. Dietz Harald Flatoen Steven C. Gerlach Lester M. Goldstine Kenny M. Graves James B. Hall Jacob J. Hess* Donald R. Hixson Kenneth E. Juell Keith E. Kostlan Monte R. Krier* Michael A. Langerman Steve P. Lux Kirby D. Mellegard Douglas L. Michael* James M. Munro Donald R. Pawlowski Larry V. Pearson*** Steven M. Pirner Neil L. Quitsch Vasudevan Rajaram* Leo Van Sambeek Gary R. Veurink*** Robert W. White Class of 1973 Michael F. Alley* David L. Berg* Dennis P. Brady Bruce P. DeMarcus* Vickie M. DeNeui Monte R. Evans*** Mark S. Fischbach Richard B. Glover Gordon L. Guenthner

Russell W. Guenthner Francis D. Hansen* Arne Hatlestad Paula C. Hix Neil W. Hodges Steven S. Jeschke* Lynn R. Kading* Dennis Kalvels Wayne D. Kellogg James W. Konst* Glenn A. Lambert Gerald F. Lipovsky* Gregory M. Lofstedt* Vinod K. Malhotra** Michael D. Matson Lawrence D. Muellenberg Roy A. Nixon Dale A. Novstrup Dale L. Patterson Brook Plavec Douglas B. Quiett* James R. Quinn Louis A. Rensch* Randy R. Sauter Neil A. Simmons William J. Siok David Springhetti* Dale M. Stevens Merle R. Symes* David A. Thomas Douglas L. Todd Robert N. Waxdahl William C. Weber John T. White George A. Young

Class of 1974 Thomas P. Anderson* Lawrence O. Anna John H. Becker Emiel E. Belzer* Alan A. Bergeron* Lavonne E. BlucherNameny Douglas E. Bradfield Lyle E. Brink Lon O. Buehner Micheal D. Buswell** Ronald L. Christensen Gary E. Christman Lynn P. Crane Ronald D. Davis Monte S. Dirks*** Kip H. Dopp Larry D. Dresch Timothy E. Edwards* Tony L. Eichstadt Stanley W. Ellis*** James A. Green*** David R. Habicht* Michael A. Hafner Stacey L. Hieb*** Jerome L. Jarding* Donald J. Kellar Charles J. Konechne Candace M. Krebs Ying-Chieh Lee* Tsang-Cherng Lin Kathleen M. Miller* Chin-Hoh Moeng* Fanthune Moeng* Audra Mollet Robert A. Morcom** Jeffry C. Muffat* Marlin C. Nielson John M. Pullen

Thomas H. Reiners Arlen R. Schamber** Douglas D. Schlepp Steven R. Schmidt Harry J. Schunneman** Michael M. Selzer* Robert J. Steever Lindell O. Sunde* Ellen T. Thompson Francis A. Toscana Steve A. Vanderboom*** William R. Wahl Jeffrey J. Walker

Class of 1975 Carmen R. Adams*** Lorin L. Brass*** Robert H. Case Richard A. Chancellor Douglas W. Emme Paul H. Fuoss Patrick G. Halley* Mark R. Hjelmfelt Robin R. Johnson Walter D. Jones*** Ardean R. Larsen* Yung-Kwong T. Lo David R. Lolley Kenneth R. Miller* Douglas F. Miller Stephen D. Newlin* Dale F. Obenauer Mark W. Olson John D. Osnes* Owen A. Palm* James F. Patterson Judy A. Patterson Eileen K. Peterson Randy N. Powell Linda L. Rausch*** Scott E. Rausch*** Ralph A. Wagner

Class of 1976 Denise M. Barton-Miller Mark H. Berggren Albert J. Berreth Daniel L. Bjerke* Harold G. Bound Julie J. Dahl* Gregory J. Deis Thomas R. Eizember*** Kenneth J. Erickson Dale A. Farmen** Brant C. Grote Joan F. Howard Rodney E. Jerger Monty J. Jost John A. Klube+ Wayne K. Larsen Steven T. Mitchell Michael H. Morgenstern Robert P. Mudge*** Jerry L. Neal Jeffrey D. Peters Carrie A. Pulfrey Kathy J. Rodgers Deborah K. Roggenthen* Robert L. Roggenthen* Charles J. Schoenfelder Les Siewert William H. Sydow Katherine L. Ulman Robert C. Von Der Ahe Sue-Lee Wang

Christine Welch Thomas J. White Hwa-Young Yeh***

Class of 1977 Jeffrey S. Allen Timothy M. Anderson*** Allen R. Anderson* Donald E. Bachand* Gary L. Bertelson William R. Betten* Mary Brass*** Gregory J. Bucknell Daniel K. Carlson** Thomas E. Cheney Steven C. Cooper* James R. Crompton Raymond W. Dennis* Louis J. Dorland Susan A. Douglas Paula M. Fairbank James E. Gebhardt Michael L. Heil* James E. Hughes Jeane L. Hull*** John C. Hull*** Scott J. Kenner* Margaret Jean Larsen Karl P. Martin Roger M. McCambridge Karen Palm* Lyle R. Pappel* Alan Pelton* James S. Pompy* Robert J. Quinn* Mark A. Rezac* Thomas B. Stovall Terry E. Straetker Chester A. Teaford Donald A. Turbiville*** Jerry R. Tystad** Henry Waldman*+ Kenneth L. Wrede*

Class of 1978 Gregory T. Adel Bruce O. Barnes* Mark D. Berend* Debra Bienert** Randy N. Burggraff Rollo Cain Linda Cheney Sam C. Colvin* Sharalyn Colvin* Danny R. Coon Clark C. Dailey David J. Dixon Peter A. Eckhoff Glen M. Giacoletto* Alan W. Gloe Mary-Jane S. Green** Judd A. Hansen* Monty E. Hintz Jeffrey W. Hohle*** John J. Hovanec Kurt D. Kost* Carol C. Lyell Paul J. Millea* Dan S. Moss Don N. Oakland Sandra J. Pelton* Samuel G. Polino Llewellyn K. Rabenberg James M. Rankin David M. Rawlins* Stanley N. Roberts

R. A. Sarma Curtis W. Struck Robert M. Stuard*** David W. Thompson Larry R. Todd*** Linda B. Wiley

Todd A. Stewart John K. Stieha Gary H. Walker Daniel E. Watson Gregory A. Wermers* Deborah Zimmerman*

Class of 1979

Class of 1981

Roger A. Anderson Sandra Anderson Jane B. Barnes Steven J. Bauman Clifford J. Bienert** Hugh T. Boyle* Steven A. Butherus Donald L. Deschamp* Ronald L. Dilly Rick Eide Mark D. Fiegen*** Melanie Fiegen*** Tamera Frandsen Gary R. Gabe Richard C. Gage Kim R. Haarberg John E. Hamak Jeffrey Hartman David L. Hoffman* Morris M. Hunt Paul D. Kuhlmeier* Ying-Hwa Kuo* Harlan Malsom Edward J. Pulscher Richard A. Redder Lawrence G. Schmaltz* Bruce E. Weeks Timothy D. Wilcox Thomas F. Winkler Amanda Young Daryl P. Zimmerman*

Thomas M. Alexander** Frances Alexander** Ronald R. Banning Daniel J. Brett Hilary J. Brook Mark V. Carpenter* Willie C. Chiang*** Reah Dahl-Stamnes Timothy B. Dake* Charlene R. Dubs Bart J. Eddy* Dwight J. Eisenbraun Steven E. Elrod* Barry M. Granger* Michelle K. Hall Timothy W. Hanks* James K. Hildebrand Paul P. Hohn* Karen F. Jass Dulci Jensen Michael L. Johnson* Sharon L. Jones Joni F. Kachelhoffer Martin E. Kidner Susan L. Law David B. Litzen* Lori L. Litzen* Douglas D. Martin* David E. McCarthy Tamara J. McKenzie Timothy L. Nelson* Jesse J. Ortega Tim A. Osswald Rick A. Ross*** Kenneth D. Simon* Joel B. Stehlik* Karen L. Stoner-Wagner Janice L. Vosika* Chris L. Walla Brian J. Williams

Class of 1980 Lallie Adams-Peterson* Steven M. Adamson Stanford M. Adelstein John T. Alden Gaurdie E. Banister*** Douglas C. Beck*** David A. Bradley* Gregory A. Brekken Tammie R. Candelario Peggy M. Carder James A. Cole Knut H. Dahl-Stamnes Susan L. Dake* Danny Deveraux* Troy M. Eisenbraun Natalie M. Eslinger Randal S. Evans Anthony V. Evers** Thomas P. Farrell Dean A. Frickey Dwight W. Gemar* Joseph Gersic Joel J. Hrachovec Barry H. Koepke* Stephanie A. Lane Todd A. Lloyd Mark P. Lux Leah C. Mahoney Bonnie R. McCourtie* Craig L. Nowak Tim A. Ogdie Ray D. Peterson* Steven B. Rohde Paul M. Smith

Class of 1982 Michael E. Barnes James A. Baue E. Kevin Beacom* Mark W. Benson Faye Bice Dean G. Bierwagen Brian S. Bunsness James G. Bush Randall D. Campbell Joseph R. Corbett* M. Bonnie B. Ernst Ronald W. Espeland Douglas R. Feterl* N. Douglas Fluke* Bruce A. Frandsen Joyce Fry** Joel W. Gengler Jeanne Goodman Allen K. Haberman Jeffrey D. Hiemstra* Donna L. Johnson Carolyn F. Johnson Scot K. Keith Stuart D. Kellogg* Douglas L. Kopren Cheryl J. Leiferman

Thomas J. McCarthy Jill R. Nelson** Joseph F. Novotny Kurtis L. O’Bryan Brian S. Powers* Alvin L. Punt Martin L. Ramos* Steven M. Rice Anthony A. Ritter*** Michael S. Sherrill* Michael E. Soukup** Michelle R. Tibke Richard A. Wells*** Linda K. Weltzin Tammy D. Williams

Class of 1983 Lea K. Anderson* James T. Baumberger Douglas W. Birkeland Daniel R. Britton Rod Determan Helene M. Eddy Karen R. Eidsness RosaLea Grav Michael D. Harris Creties D. Jenkins Steven A. Johnson Todd J. Kenner** Sally Kenner** Tamara Klein Kenneth J. Koemmpel Leighton D. Lien Zhong-Hao Lu Steven R. Malone Larry W. Massie Mark A. Nelson*** Clark R. Neuharth* Donna L. O’Rourke*** Stephen T. O’Rourke*** Lorraine K. Padden* Michael A. Perkovich Kent B. Polenz Mark W. Sewell Thomas E. Stalcup* Perry L. Sweet* Trent A. Thompson Tod A. Torgerson Paul D. Vammer Brian L. Vognild Barbara A. Watson Todd M. Williams

Class of 1984 Glenn E. Alexander Warren T. Barnum Leo J. Beer James J. Bier Charles J. Binder James K. Bober Richard P. Brooks Randal L. Bures William M. Cross Monte J. Denton Constance Determan Michael A. Doyle Todd A. Eckstaine* Mark A. Falk Martin T. Gerber*** Bhargav R. Gollabinnie Donald G. Grunig Kristi Hafner* Kevin K. Heine Jeffrey J. Hoffman* Kathleen Hoffman* Nicole Hoogestraat

Stanley N. Ihekweazu Mike J. Jahraus Martin C. Jensen Tony A. Jensen Jon J. Kellar Mark A. Kirschenmann** Karl E. Knapp* Camille T. Kovarik David P. Kyllonen Scott L. Lehr* Sharon McDaniel Milton D. McPeek Robert C. Miller Rick R. Moser* Lance L. Mriden* Mark E. Mudlin Paul E. Nelson* Carrie L. Nettles Mark A. Ochsner Joseph H. Odegaard Larry D. Powell Dean G. Psiropoulos John D. Rathbun** Ravi G. Ravichandran Donald L. Roby* Marty J. Ryberg Eugene A. Rye* Mark A. Stafford James H. Unruh Daniel J. Weinacht* Trudy Wells*** Abbie Wickersham Steven W. Wiederrich* Jerald K. Zutz

Class of 1985 Michael J. Blote Delano R. Carter Kenneth D. Chisolm* Chandanaveetil Dhananjayan Jeanne M. Eha*** Troy J. Fierro Victoria L. Franzen* David C. Grimm Thomas P. Hagstrom Dennis A. Hulm Eric H. Johnson Christine A. Jundt Joel M. Jundt Kenneth G. Konst Vickie L. Konst Barbara A. Lanter Antonette M. Logar Richard K. Lyman David J. Markel Michael R. Mueller Joel D. Nieland Monica L. Parrish Bradley S. Pekas Timothy R. Pike** Laura B. Pike** Alan G. Pretre Richard R. Sekar* Jonathan D. Swenson Gregson G. Syvertson James M. Wald Todd R. Zweifel Class of 1986 Keith Adamski Randal W. Baker** Iona J. Branscum Todd D. Brewster* Julie Carver* David E. Christensen Dennis G. Clark

David G. Coble* David A. Crumrine* Daniel G. Driscoll Thomas V. Durkin Darryl C. Feterl Gregory K. Goldey** Michael N. Golliher James K. Hicks* Bryce W. Hoppie Scott M. James Kari J. Karst John G. Konechne Carroll L. Lanter Deepak Malhotra Tamera J. Nelson* Scott J. Pekarek* Rosemary E. Pekarek* James P. Pembroke James J. Pirtle William C. Potmesil Randy L. Reynolds Eric E. Rice Kurt A. Selzle Jeffrey C. Stickle Ronald P. Weber*

Class of 1987 Jerry A. Afdahl* Thomas L. Albrecht James F. Benjamin* Raymond T. Bettmeng Donald D. Charron* Sharon L. Chontos* Neal A. Coddington Bastiaan Cornelissen* Kerry L. DeVries* Barbara Dolan * Christopher J. Dressen Terry A. Frank Loyd D. Garrison Lane S. Hawkins David M. Holcomb Zhiliang Hu Brett W. Jelkin Timothy J. Klaus*** Steven T. Korn* Georgina M. KosteleckyShankle Kip M. Larson** Ray J. Leahy David J. Miller Thomas P. Montoya Timothy A. Reuer* Joseph P. Rust Patrick J. Slowey Donna M. Speirs Jeffrey P. Steen Karl M. Steffes Kenneth R. Wells Class of 1988 John A. Bauler Todd A. Braun* Stacey R. Brink-Brown Jehiel W. Cass Susan C. Christensen Jean E. Countryman Kenneth C. Ferris Joseph W. Fott Mary Himmler* Lawrence J. Kramer Jeffrey H. Lincoln Renita M. Mollman* David G. Rynders* Richard L. Schmidt** Ralph Taylor * Shannon L. Thornburg


Janelle M. Williams

Class of 1989 Narasimhan K. Ayyangar* Matthew Bowers Neal P. Countryman Gregory D. Crowser Dean M. Harts** Jon W. Hauger Steven T. Howe Zane T. Huffman James A. Jung Lance L. LeTellier Gary D. Liknes Elaine K. Linde Arne M. Rimmereide David W. Ryan Lisa Rynders* Bryan J. Schumacher Sarah Suek Andrew J. Svitak Michelle M. Vondenkamp* Kimberly A. Wolk*

Class of 1990 Keith C. Beck Peggy A. Bowers Ma Cheng Scott N. Durgin** Bradley A. Heilman Charles D. Hewitt Sondra L. Iverson Sheila M. Iverson Yan Lu Chris A. Mollet Mark A. Monson Todd R. Person* John F. Sawyer Jaysen B. Schock David M. Soukup

Class of 1991 Michael J. Bestgen William A. Chidester Bryce B. Chord Wendy J. Craig Troy W. Diede Ronda L. Ferguson Bradley L. Gall Richard Hardegger* Julie C. Heinrich* Angela Oberlander Steve V. Ochsner Margaret A. Parmenter*** Ramakrishna D. Vedullapalli

Class of 1992 Thad W. Allen David A. Bender Scott E. Gaeth Andrew J. Hambek Scott T. Herrboldt*** Bradley K. Johnson* Donald E. Lapp Paul D. Larson Susan M. Moore* Jeffrey S. Nab Marcus W. Schock Darren E. Titze Steven D. Uttecht John F. Veit Michael S. Vernon Richard J. Wendland Thomas J. Wilker


Ronnie D. Williams Scott C. Wuitschick Linhua Zhao Weixin Zhou

Class of 1993 Darin D. Baumberger Lisa Durgin** Julie Erickson Cheryle Hauger Shashi N. Kanth** John B. Larson Stephanie M. Law* Schuyler J. Nicolaisen Anthony J. Oehlerking Jeffery P. VanCuren Kermit A. Velder** Wenhong Xue James S. Zwijack

Class of 1994 Paul R. Adam Ben F. Andrick Patrick S. Carver* Chad W. Ericsson John W. Frederick Brent D. Garrison David J. Hartmann DeWayne M. Hibbert Brian S. Jenner Michael J. Kisse Derek S. Knapp* John C. Ludeman Trisha Ludeman David M. Muck* Michael A. Navarro* Michelle L. Pearson Karen R. Satrang* James M. Schwarz Mark J. Svitak Miriam Tullis Kevin T. Welsh

Class of 1995 Brian C. Anderson Travis J. Bacon Robert A. Barrish Robbie J. Baruth Melissa Baruth Robin L. Bosshart Rob R. Christensen* Charles E. Edwards Mark D. Fahrenbach Sarah Fersdahl Scott L. Frerichs Eric M. Glaser Paige M. Hilton William S. Huber* Preston K. Janzen* Brandon Johnson* Jason Jorgenson Gregory G. Kondrasuk* Tiara Marcus Holly F. Maudsley* Judd M. Nielsen* Michael P. Oberlander Manuel A. Penaloza Sean M. Rinzel Avery J. Schick Heather Z. Shoup** Edward D. Simon Mitchell J. Slusarski* Shawn E. Stickler** Shannon K. Stocks* Clayton R. Voyles

Class of 1996

Class of 2000

Jesse J. Suek

Wayne J. Baumberger Zane E. Brink Elizabeth Christensen* Lisa A. Christianson* William P. Jones Lisa Larson Leah M. Novicki Keith J. Plavec Carson R. Schott Richard L. Wass Scott W. Wickersham Terri Wilcox

Charles E. Cox Marius D. Ellingsen LeAnn M. Fechter* Jeffrey D. Fleck Edwin R. Friend Dominique Mettler* Kevin J. Millslagle Todd M. Morrison Jennifer L. Nelson Kemp Julie L. Richter Naveen K. Rojanala* Donald J. Watzel

Class of 2005

Class of 1997

Class of 2001

Jason A. Beens Chad A. Bishop Kimberly A. Bishop Eric R. Broughton* Ryan L. Carlson Christine Carlson Jason R. Erickson Jason B. Fink Joshua G. Goddard Tracy R. Johnson* Laurie Keith Christopher A. Kinney Christopher M. Klein Jason T. Love* Lisa Patterson Rebecca L. Pope Jay M. Van Hove Todd J. Youngman Michael S. Zacher

Steven D. Acheson Christopher E. Blankenbaker Seth R. Dewey Paul J. Elder Matthew S. Fechter* Dawn Greenwood Jay R. Nopola Rogue R. Richardson Daniel J. Stanton Eric Swanberg Ryan J. Thompson Jason J. Thuringer Jody Titze David A. Tullis Marissa A. Wood* Ryan L. Wood* Fawen Zheng

Class of 1998 Nathan J. Chupka Richard Dahl Andrew R. Durbin Brian T. Goetsch Tricia E. Gomulinski* Tami R. Heilman-Adam* Brett D. Humphrey Daniel J. Janni* Paula J. Jensen Lisa A. Jorgenson Mary Ann Kenner* Rita K. Krebs Alyssa M. Mattecheck Ryan J. Mettler* Ryan D. Miller** Christopher E. Misterek Jeremy A. Ochs Ardell L. Ochsner Scott Quiett John C. Redmond* Lance A. Roberts* Tory A. Snetsinger Troy P. Thorson John R. Van Beek Yongchen Yang

Class of 1999 Jason T. Ash Andrea J. Brickey Christopher Brickey Dana R. Foreman Gregory J. Hintgen* James R. Lang Keith E. Mattecheck Nicholas N. Phillips Jerilyn C. Roberts* Fernando P. Rodrigues*

Class of 2002 David J. Brecht Lang-Ping Chang Mark C. Fersdahl Bryce C. Grote Dara Hartmann Garret J. Johnson Melvin E. Kemp Anne-Marie Lamont* Jason R. Lamont* Mary Lapp Jeremiah M. O’Hara Mark E. Rinn* Stephen M. Snater Xingjun Zhang

Class of 2003 Jim Bauer Matthew K. Dahl Andrew A. Farke Christopher K. Fischer Jessica L. Hartman Andrea K. Johnson Abran J. Kean Nicholas D. Koch* Ping Li Mark J. Rieger Nicole M. Stengle Gregory Thies Nicholas R. Wald William M. Wood* Julie F. Wood

Class of 2004 Michael J. Henrickson Cory D. Lillesve Kevin J. McGinnis Nicholas B. Newell Robert W. Oliver Rebecca A. Robbennolt Eric W. Sauer

* Gold $1,000 or more, **Platinum $5,000 or more, ***Diamond $10,000 or more, +Deceased

Cori L. Burnett David R. Burnett Bradley G. Eisenbeisz Frank E. Fidjestoel Crystal M. Hocking Bharat K. Jasthi Korey J. Kirschenmann David A. Lowe William E. Mallory Matthew W. Moor Grant J. Neff* Mitchell A. Olson* Stacie J. Olson* Anne M. Putnam*** Thomas M. Severson

Class of 2006 Briana B. Baker Wayne Baker Nathan E. Barnes Daniel J. Breitbarth Marcus E. Graham David T. Higaki Brandy S. Kean Timothy J. Lystad Jennifer A. Pazour Vance Schauer Billie Thies Justin C. Wenner Travis K. Whitehead

Class of 2007 Adam E. Bauerle Charles F. Gwynn Galen K. Hoogestraat Brent J. Kovash Marc I. Lewis James Moisan Kyrian C. Onyeukwu Blake M. Tideman Matthew P. Westendorf Miles A. Wickersham* Troy L. Wormsbecker Kyle L. Young

Class of 2008 Kevin K. Baker Karl L. Barfuss Eric J. Brandner Trinidad Brink Joel D. Crandall Brandon D. Fredrickson* Sterling R. Greni Adam J. Lungren Jason W. Neitzert Wesley A. Snaza Jason S. Wilner

Class of 2009 Michael D. Grave Karleen James Lisa K. Quiett Michelle L. Redmond Ashley E. Reynolds Jesse C. Robbennolt Adam L. Schulz Melanie J. Toney

Class of 2010 Anastasia M. Baker Marcus A. Baue Brett E. Belzer

Robyn S. Brandner Michael J. Fischer Sean M. Hayes Bethany K. Kovash Zachary P. Marcus Nathaniel K. Priegnitz Peter P. Rausch* Bruce D. Struckman*

Class of 2011 Gayle D. Cox Mark E. Hughes* Korey M. Kelly* Timothy J. Luchini Brian McDaniel Ivar H. Melby Garrett M. Monson Logan J. Smidt Andrew D. Smith* Wyatt G. Stangohr Katherine F. Toscana*

Class of 2012 Joseph R. Berke Abigail M. Carda* Joshua L. Collison** Shaylyn M. Fischer Samuel L. Harrington Kolten P. Jelden* Jonathan A. Tristao

Class of 2013 Muhannad A. Al-Tarifi Joseph A. Deng Ryan J. Hopfinger* Matthew A. Keller Brian R. Ruppelt Brandon J. Soulek

Class of 2014 Zachary L. Boysen Anne R. Christensen Bret A. Dahme Jerald D. Farke Spencer T. Ferguson Miguel A. Flores Benjamin R. Johnson Cathene J. Malin** Kristy G. Rennick Jonathan W. Richardson* Patrick H. Shaw

Class of 2015 Md. N. Anjum Tyler R. Artz Alexander R. Bachwich Paul D. Blasi Rebecca R. Dressler Haley C. Dunn William G. Eldridge Steven J. Gates Thomas R. Gladson Heather A. Goka Zachary B. Hochhalter Patrick K. Jenkins Cole S. Jolovich Elizabeth R. Kreher Nicole J. MacDonald Kaitlyn M. Mahlik Charles K. Parsons Derrick T. Schell Roshan Shrestha Miho Soma Antoinette Winckel

2015-2016 Foundation Board of Trustees Gaurdie E. Banister (MetE 80) *Mark W. Benson (MetE 82) Clifford J. Bienert (CE 79) *Lorin L. Brass (MetE 75), Chair Nate Brown Julie Carver (GeolE 86) Willie C.W. Chiang (ME 81) Sharon Chontos (ChemE 87) Robert R. Christensen (Phys 95) Ed Corwin Gary W. Dirks (Chem 73) Daniel F. Dolan John Duff Erickson (MinE 55) Anita Freeman (EE 76) *James A. Green (ME 74) Daniel C. Himelspach (Chem 70) John C. Hull (MinE 77) *Walter Jones (EE 75) *Lynn R. Kading (CE 73) Scott J. Kenner (CE 77) *Todd J. Kenner (CE 83), 2nd Vice Chair Roger Kiel (GenE58) Gene N. Lebrun Kenneth R. Miller (CE 75) *Stephen T. O’Rourke (GeolE 83) Owen A. Palm (GeolE 75) *Larry V. Pearson (ME 72), 1st Vice Chair *Linda L. Rausch (ChemE 75) Lawrence G. Schmaltz (CE 79) Marcia Taylor Janice L. Vosika (ChemE81) Heather Wilson, SD Mines President Jerry Wright (CE 71) Thomas Zeller (ME70)

* Executive Committee

The SDSM&T Foundation is a non-profit corporation operating under the 501(c)(3) designation assigned by the Internal Revenue Service.

Joel Kincart, President Peggy Dixon, Program Administrator Anne Ekern, Regional Development Officer Janice Horner, Officer Manager Jay Hrachovec, Volunteer Coordinator Ron Jeitz, Regional Development Officer Brad Johnson, Vice President of Development Leah Mahoney, Director of Planned Giving Andy Myscofski, Financial Analyst/Accountant Brianna Pesek, Director of Stewardship and Communications Stephani Powers, Director of Campaign Communications Michael Selzer, Regional Development Officer Larry Simonson, Development Officer Lana Thom, Director of Financial Services Jim Wilson, Real Estate Property Manager

SD Mines Foundation 306 East Saint Joseph Street, Suite 200 Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 (605) 394-2436 • (800) 211-7591 Fax: (605) 394-6679 E-mail: Web site:

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