“Learning by doing”
school at home Our experience has been that no one learns just watching or reading. The way a child learns faster and throughout a life-time is “learning by doing”. This school year God provided three vocational tutors with qualities that few posses today, such as love, patience, and a great deal of excellence. We bless them for everything they have done in the lives of the children. This school year we had students from elementary through high school and our preschoolers also received early instruction, as we begin to motivate them in art, music, and athletics, developing their intelligence through all the resources God has provided. In August we were greatly challenged when we were told that two children (brother and sister) had been admitted to the hospital with speech problems because they had not received adequate training as toddlers. When they arrived at the children’s home they were not able to speak at all, but after three
months of being with us, the 7 year old girl begin to communicate clearly. The 4 year old boy begin to respond to different instructions and was able to begin to ask for things. It is such a blessing to see as God molds and changes them, in what may have seemed to be such a bad thing in our eyes, to something He could use for the good. We are grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for His wonderful work in each of us and in each of them as He confirms His Word in us: "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU HAVE PROVIDED, FOR EACH OF YOUR GIFTS HAVE FALLEN ON GOOD SOIL.
TIME TO PAINT Developing skills in wood painting!
RESPONDING TO THE MOST NEEDY Every year groups from three different churches come to support the work that we do throughout the year in the communities surrounding the town of Chisec, Alta Verapaz Region. Throughout the year our work is to train church leaders, put on evangelistic outreaches, equip and train the villagers in development projects, provide food like soy protein, mana pack, lentil soup etc., as much as we are able to. During the months of June to August we are blessed to receive different church groups from the United States who also come to support the work we do throughout the year along with medical and evangelistic outreaches. This year some of the ladies of Trinity Baptist Church gave each of the women in the communities an apron and showed them that they are valuable and important to God with this gesture of kindness and love. The Trinity Baptist student ministry shared with the children of two
Go and Preach! “ou go and make more disciples of all the nations on earth. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have taught you. I am with you always, until the end of the world. "S. Matthew 28:19-20
Sharing Love
communities, teaching them new games and crafts, but mostly they shared with them the love of Jesus Christ. In addition to their missionary work, the Trinity Baptist group visited the site where we will build the New Hope City of Children. TBC students, along with the children from the home, helped us to plant sweet-gum trees and had a good time sharing with each other. The beauty of these missionary activities and the most important thing is to bring the "Good News", but not just written or read, but carried out with our actions to impact the lives of every person living in these mountains who have felt neglected by so many. The goal is to show them that there is someone who still sees them and loves them, and has been sent by Jesus to bring love and the message of salvation. We praise our God for letting us be instruments in his hands and to be used as a message from His Word. Thanks to all the churches and missionary groups that have joined in this effort, God bless.
WE GO WHERE THERE IS A NEED Another one of our blessings during the year was to bring our free annual medical missions with support from churches like Columbia World Outreach, Hattiesburg Community, Holland Avenue and Trinity Baptist. We were able to serve families from three different communities by offering medical consultations with help from a guatemalan doctor and nurses from the united states who provided medicines absolutely free. During this medical missions we had the opportunity to see many adults and children with different physical problems, specially problems that can only be resolved by surgery or other special treatments which regrettably no one has taught them nor do they have any knowledge of these treatments since there is no service or education available to these areas by which they could be warned
and therefore prevent a lot of these sicknesses. We desire in the future to receive the necessary support and resources to be able to attend and capacitate them in their areas of weakness in which they find themselves in the midst of these mountains. God is the solution to everything and we believe He will give us the tools and strategies to be able to help these families move forward and have a better life. Thanks to the
groups from all the different churches, to professionals, to local pastors and those pastors abroad and to the youth of our children's home New Hope for their contribution in translating from spanish into the Q'eqchi language. Thanks to all who have taken the time during the year to accomplish these missions without seeking profit but only to have the satisfaction of giving to their neighbor of what we have so greatly received
LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR “Love your God with all your thoughts, with all you are worth and all that you are and everyone should love his neighbor as he loves himself. Luke 10:27!
TAKING FOOD TO THE POOREST COMMUNITIES This year God has allowed us to take food to the boys and girls of food on a monthly basis, so that we can contribute to their the poorest communities. These children do not receive the development not only in a physical manner but intellectual as adequate nutrition so they feel weak during school so they in turn well. Once again we are grateful to our God for opening the drop out of school since they no longer understand what the doors and allowing these food donations to reach our hands so teacher is teaching them and it's all due to the malnutrition they that we can be of blessing to so many children. Thanks to El are so accustomed to. Their breakfast if any consist of a cup Shaddai church in Salama for working hand in hand with us in of coffee and a tortilla with chile. The majority of the the ministry and the calling of God to fulfill his word and children we receive in our children's home come from take the Manna Pack Rice! No these communities and we have seen that they Thanks to Isabel de Fernandez nutrition specialist who produce very little in their studies, and that they are More collaborated with us in taking the bags of lentil soups slow to learn and comprehend due to the fact that they fortified with vitamins. That's how we collaborate Hunger have not received the adequate nutrition in their first together to change our country. We can not do it alone.e years of life That's the reason why we are distributing could not have achieved this alone!! 25 Just then a religion scholar stood up with a question to test Jesus. “Teacher, what do I need to do to get eternal life?” 26 He answered, “What’s written in God’s Law? How do you interpret it?” 27 He said, “That you love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence—and that you love your neighbor as well as you do yourself.” 28 “Good answer!” said Jesus. “Do it and you’ll live.” 29 Looking for a loophole, he asked, “And just how would you define ‘neighbor’?” 30-32 Jesus answered by telling a story. “There was once a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him up, and went off leaving him half-dead. Luckily, a priest was on his way down the same road, but when he saw him he angled across to the other side. Then a Levite religious man showed up; he also avoided the injured man. 33-35 “A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. When he saw the man’s condition, his heart went out to him. He gave him first aid, disinfecting and bandaging his wounds. Then he lifted him onto his donkey, led him to an inn, and made him comfortable. In the morning he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take good care of him. If it costs any more, put it on my bill—I’ll pay you on my way back.’ 36 “What do you think? Which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?” 37 “The one who treated him kindly,” the religion scholar responded. Jesus said, “Go and do the same.” Luke 10: 25-37 said, “Go and do the same.” Luke 10: 25-37 [4]
Thanks to all the churches, partners, friends and family who with their monthly support and prayers make these dreams a reality.
At the childrens home we are all a family! At our children's home New Hope we are all a family, there are no differences we are simply a great family with many members. This year was a great blessing. God allowed us to take them to the beach at Mision El Faro in Puerto Barrios. Holland avenue Baptist church blessed us by covering all the cost of the trip. Our activities for the year have included schooling, our intercessory services on Wednesdays, leadership studies on Thursdays and our Sunday services every Sunday. Every Thursday the children receive singing lessons and they participated as they do each year in the closing concert for the school of music. Thanks to all the volunteers who come for such a short time to provide such great help to our home. Thanks to Shekinah
Christian center in Guatemala because we can always count on you and your support.
This next year we are asking the Lord to provide $350,000 to be able to build the first house on the property of the City of Children New Hope. Please join us in prayer and by spreading the word so that other churches will join us in gathering funds to bring forth this great project.
You’ll say, “Give thanks to God. Call out his name. Ask him anything! Shout to the nations, tell them what he’s done, spread the news of his great reputation!” “ Sing praise-songs to God. He’s done it all! Let the whole earth know what he’s done!” Isaiah 12:4,5