Apr / May 2016
| S$4.80 (Incl. GST)
食尚品味 Gourmet Living
羊奶糕点 营养健康餐 厨师食谱大家学
独乐乐不如粽 乐乐 8 885004 110090
A Revitalising Summer with Lemongrass
The moment you savour another festive favourite of aromatic rice dumplings
Delightful Parcels of Premium Rice Dumplings 30 May to 9 June 2016 Commemorate Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) by relishing in the divine tastes of three premium handcrafted rice dumplings, from Szechuan Court - the famous “Gong Bao” Dumpling, the palatable Traditional Hong Kong Dumpling and this year’s new debut, Monkey Head Mushroom Vegetarian Abalone Dumpling. From $18++ per piece For reservations, please call +65 6431 6156, email dining.singapore@fairmont.com or book online at www.szechuancourt.com.sg.
Level 3, Fairmont Singapore singapore
SINGAPORE 65-67438883 • MALAYSIA 603-87519151
20 42
6 18
餐饮新讯Dining Out
新书推介Tantalising read 好蛋人人爱
端午节食谱Dumpling recipes 情有独“粽” • 传统港式裹蒸粽 “粽”情奢华 • 黑松露虫草花咸肉粽 • 五谷素粽 与“粽”不同 • 蔓越莓牛奶面包粽 • 荷香糯米粽 尽情放“粽” • 谷物养生粽 • 艾草香菇肉粿粽
厨师食谱Chef’s recipes 李志强-全新的味觉享受 • 白汁芝士虾球 • 草莓腩排 • 糯米鸡卷
食尚品味 GL 2
56 63
亲手制作Homemade 走进浮罗山背,感受在莎能 牧场欢歌的自如 • 百香果羊奶乳酪蛋糕 • 黑糖羊奶馒头 亲手制作Homemade 少油少盐少糖多纤维的健康 绿色路线 • 鱼油豆干蔬菌米粉 • 三蔬糙米饭
海外生活In Foreign Land 非常“美”味体验 旅·影roving Lenses 寻找夜里城市的璀璨多彩 食尚旅游Gourmet Travel 无与“轮”比的精品海上体验 食话食说Frankly Speaking 先赚未来钱 漫画时光Comics Corner
推广食谱 Advertrecipe 34
Polleney • 驴打滚
Original Flavour | Ginseng Flavour
Available all day! 1/4 Suckling Pig (Good for 2-3 pax to share) $88 1/2 Suckling Pig (Good for 4-6 pax to share) $168 Whole Suckling Pig (Good for 8-10 pax to share) $288
VivoCity HarbourFront - Singapore
Serenity Spanish Bar & Restaurant No 1 Harbourfront Walk, #01-98/99 VivoCity Singapore 098585 • Reservation Tel: +65 6376 8185 Open: Sunday to Tuesday (11.00 am to 11.00 pm) • Wednesday to Saturday & Eve of Public Holiday (11 am to 12 midnight)
per pax
Contents目录 74
快乐厨房Happy Kitchen A Revitalising Summer with Lemongrass • Double-Boiled Lemongrass Chicken Soup • Stir-Fried Pork with Lemongrass and Turmeric • Iced Lemongrass and Lemon Tea
食尚品味 Gourmet Living
Food Consultants
就爱烘焙Just Baking Baking Therapy • Pecan Magdalenas • Low-Fat Almond Butter Cake • Matcha Macadamia Nut Cookie
86 88
私房菜Home Cooking Meaty Aromas that whet the Appetite • Chicken Satay • Deep-Fried Soda Biscuit Meat Patties 市场快讯What’s in Store 订阅表格Subscription
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diningout餐饮新讯 手工粽香飘狮城 一年一度的传统节日 端 午 节 即 将 到 来 。 从5月16日至6月12 日,Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel万 豪轩献上4款别具特色 的粽子,分别是羊肚 菌干贝咸肉粽($18/每 个;$126/6个)、黑松 露虫草花咸肉粽($18/每 个;$126/6个)、蛋黄咸 肉粽($12/每个;$88/6 个)以及五谷素粽($9/每 个;$72/6个)。 推荐羊肚菌干贝咸肉 粽。专门从法国进口的羊肚菌是低热量,富含营养的优质食 材。以干贝作为天然的调味料,加上以五种辛香料和调味品腌 制隔夜的五花肉,美味可想而知!水煮超过六小时,确保所有 食材的滋味相互融合,相互渗透,鲜味加倍。 松露是公认的珍稀食材,被称为“厨房里的钻石”。这一次, 大厨研制出东西合璧的黑松露虫草花咸肉粽。荟萃了顶级黑松 露与虫草花的精华,搭配特调酱汁五花腩,每一口都让人回味 不已。 万豪轩 Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel 320 Orchard Road, 电话:6831 4605
兼具美味与健康的好粽 随着健康意识的增强,崇尚少肉多蔬食的人越来越多。 Fairmont Singapore四川阁点心师傅Mandy Yeo秀出好手 艺,为大家带来新口味的猴头菇鲍鱼素粽($18,300克重)。猴 头菇是一种富含矿物质和维生素的食材,经过水煮、油炸再焖 煮的三道工序,变成非常香口。另外,采用素汤使得素料蔬食 交织出了清雅甘甜的滋味。 喜欢热辣辣的滋味?那么你别错过了招牌四川宫保鸡丁粽 ($26,600克重)!小辣椒干、四川花椒、烤花生与滑嫩的鸡肉 相互结合,同时满足你的味觉和营养需求。 另外还有传统港式裹蒸粽($18,300克重),汇集烧腩肉、烤 鸭、日本花菇、咸蛋黄、绿豆瓣、栗子等精选食材,香气十 足。销售日期从5月30日至6月9日。 四川阁Szechuan Court Fairmont Singapore 80 Bras Basah Road, 电话:6431 6156
Osia Steak & Seafood Grill
This contemporary restaurant and bar celebrates its 10th anniversary with a second outlet that can seat up to 162 diners. Its two new anniversary dishes, prime rib steak ($40) and the Dallas meat platter ($70 for two; $130 for four) will be a delight for meat lovers, particularly on weekends when a free-flow serving of the former at $35 per person is bound to send carnivores into delirium. The platter features four different meats: grilled Australian lamb cutlets, slow-cooked pork ribs, medium-rare prime rib steak and rotisserie chicken that is roasted for three hours.
Formerly known as Osia, a swanky makeover sees a new grill and sharing plates menu but for fans of the grill will be happy to know that the stone hearth oven still takes centre-stage at this modern Australian restaurant. With the menu featuring specially sourced meats and seafood, beef connoisseurs will not be disappointed with the delicate flavours and tenderness of the Mayura Station Matsusaka Signature Full Blood Wagyu Beef Rib Eye ($180 for 200g) which utilises a Japanese grain-feeding technique to achieve the desired results. A taste of the highly marbled Byron Bay Berkshire Pork ($56 for 300g) can only be savoured here exclusively and nowhere else in Singapore.
3 Temasek Boulevard, #03-302 Suntec City Sky Garden, Tel: 6333 4068
8 Sentosa Gateway, Festive Walk, Resorts World Sentosa, Tel: 6577 6688
Dallas Restaurant & Bar
食尚品味 GL 6
带给暖暖的“家”味 家常菜随家而生,不是一个菜 系,是自家炒的,讲究自个的 口味。若让厨师做出家常菜, 那是自个口味再加上色香形, 让你回味无穷。 以家常菜闻名的铁道广场的 “家”餐馆,老板兼资深中厨 陈永康师傅(原名陈勇华),最 近应常客的要求下再次推出怀 旧家常菜新菜单,把小时候妈 妈常做的家常菜和年少时吃过 的菜肴从记忆中挖出,把味道 再度呈现出来。
献给母亲的盛宴 从5月2日至8日,早上11:30至下午2:30或下午6:30至晚 上10:30,带着亲爱的妈妈到新加坡泛太平洋酒店海天楼 享受一顿丰富的美食,表达自己的敬爱之心。由主厨黎 东平主理的念亲恩套餐(每位$188,至少2人用餐),将菜 色带上更高的层次。包括脆皮乳猪三式拼、北菇花胶菜 胆炖黄鸡汤、鲍汁海龙皇大吉鲍、西京味噌烤鲈鱼伴桂 豆苗、海参玉带纸包鱼乌冬、洋参官燕炖雪梨冻与百福 万寿包,一吃难忘。 海天楼 Pan Pacific Singapore 7 Raffles Boulevard, 电话:6826 8240
由炸到香脆的黄豆干和江鱼仔配以青红椒和酱油拌炒的黄豆干 炒江鱼仔($14.80),甜咸脆感中带着微辣,味道极佳,是佐粥 配酒的开胃小菜。石锅红烧焖猪蹄根($16.80)是不容错过的一 道美肴,它是以石锅取代家用砂煲,以小火焖煮猪蹄筋、腩肉 至汁浓软嫩,酱香十足。把焖煮至透明的猪蹄筋放入口中, 哗......入口即化,满嘴留香。 至于以香港避风塘炒蟹演变过来的避风塘炸比目鱼(1.2公 斤,$48.80),陈师傅回忆说起当年他妈妈只用蒜头来将鱼肉 炒香,而他现在则添加辣椒干、胡椒、蒜蓉和盐来增添鱼香。 双冬火腩蒸童鸡($18.80)是另一道陈师傅小时候过节时会吃的 一道菜。他母亲常会把节后剩下的食物如烧肉、冬菇等拌炒一 番,然后塞入鸡腔里再拿去蒸熟,丰富的同时也给予了多种口 味的需求。 此外,Q弹的肉圆鱼鳔汤($6)、红烧猪脚焖黄面($20.80)、猪肝 面线汤($8.80)、酱皇鲜赤蚌炒时蔬($21.80)也是让你能回味的 家常菜肴。 家常菜促销活动由即日起至4月30日。 家餐馆Restaurant Home 392 Upper Bukit Timah Road, The Rail Mall, 电话:6465 1698
享受顶级精致佳肴 滨海湾金融中心迎来新 的餐饮好去处——翡翠 荟。云集顶尖厨师,为 城中食客带来精彩美食 体验。
Akari Japanese Dining & Bar This semi-fine dining Japanese restaurant introduces a new menu that further explores traditional Japanese flavours and delicacies. Under the hands of Nakano-born chef Hirotaka Murata whose forte is in kaiseki, where huge emphasis is placed on freshness, culinary methods, presentation and taste, diners can expect intricate and expertly executed dishes such as the steamed Wagyu beef (Wagyu Seiro Mushi; $48) and the wonderfully marbled kurobuta pork grilled on a magnolia leaf with miso (Kurobuta Hooba Yaki; $30; pictured). 8A Marina Boulevard, #01-02 Ground Plaza, Marina Bay Financial Centre, Tel: 6634 0100
食尚品味 GL 8
黑松露乳猪珍珠饭卷、 黑松露豆腐、茶叶熏片 皮烤鸭、椰皇茄膏龙虾 羹、牛油果金沙带子皇 拼温室番茄与脆脆扇贝 糯米饭,都具有特色。 全程需要耗时30小时的茶叶熏片皮烤鸭成为瞩目焦点。肉 和皮均散发着普洱茶叶和辛香料的淡淡香气,惹人垂涎。 也爱那脆脆扇贝糯米饭。瑶柱、虾米、香菇与咸蛋黄等丰 富材料配搭酥脆的糯米层,简直让人喜出望外! 翡翠荟Crystal Jade Prestige 8A Marina Boulevard, Marina Bay Financial Centre (Ground Plaza), #02-01, 电话:6509 9493
Melt Café A brighter and inviting entrance now beckons hungry guests to this all-day dining buffet restaurant which has recently refreshed its look to exact a more contemporary feel to its interior. Welcoming guests into the stylish within is an exquisite patisserie counter showcasing a kaleidoscope of tantalising delights available for purchase. Beyond the counter are dainty desserts and irresistible cakes all lying in ambush for the dessert lover. More temptations unfold as diners step further inwards – a parade of enticing fresh seafood on ice followed by a delectable cold station featuring salads, appetisers, sashimi, sushi and charcuterie paired with a selection of house-made breads. With the revamp, the international spread continues to satisfy every foodie’s desire for variety. Amidst the European and Asian spreads, the Indian cuisine has always been the crowd favourite, particularly the tandoori selection with their arresting aromas, alongside hearty curries and dhals. Lunch Buffet: $62 (Monday to Saturday) Dinner Buffet: $78 (Sunday to Wednesday) / $88 (inclusive of barbecue selections from Thursday to Saturday) Sunday brunch: $98 (free-flow juices and soft drinks) / $158 (free-flow champagnes, other alcohols and nonalcoholic beverages) 5 Raffles Avenue, Level 4 Mandarin Oriental, Tel: 6885 3500
LaBrezza Chef de cuisine Luca Moioli works his culinary flair once again to come up with a delightful ensemble of new treats using seasonal ingredients and fresh produce from Italy. His refreshing seafood salad of prawns, octopus, scallops, mussels, clams and calamari (insalata di mare; $29; pictured) makes for a good start and is the first of many highlights. The wonderful marriage of mushroom and hazelnut presents itself in the zuppa di porcini e pollo ($18), a rich and heartwarming porcini mushroom velouté with slowroasted chicken breast, mushroom espuma, hazelnut powder and a cheese bread stick coming together to lend a textural interplay. Seafood aficionados can go for the cod done in two ways (baccalà in due maniere; $36) – oven-stewed with braised onions and milk reduction for a robust taste, and panseared with organic polenta and charcoal radicchio for a pleasant bitterness accompanying a more solid bite of the fillet. 29 Tanglin Road, Level 2 The St. Regis Singapore, Tel: 6506 6884
东西合璧煮炒 以亲民的价格呈献美味煮炒菜色的源小厨,深获本地食客喜 爱。置身于具有亚洲风情的木制家具环境中,尽享西式摆 盘,精巧细致的煮炒菜色。 来自马来西亚的厨师拥有超过15年的烹饪经验。招牌香茅排 骨外焦里嫩,以香茅提味,十足爽口开胃,而那零星散落的 果仁碎更增添丰富的口感。 也推荐咸蛋鱼皮。薄薄的鱼皮以南洋香料调和,再入油锅炸 脆。酥脆之余还散发咸蛋黄的香气,让人垂涎。其他美食包 括菜脯豆腐、夏果莲香蔬、石锅鲜淮山鸡汤与黑椒小牛柳等 等。还可以用葡萄酒来搭配这些美食,如阿根廷马尔贝克或 新西兰长相思等等,煮炒也能展现优雅! 源小厨 225 River Valley Road, 电话: 6333 6003
食尚品味 GL 10
品尝阿根廷在地料理 BoCHINche是本地名气响当当的阿根廷餐厅。用小碟呈上的 阿根廷料理,确实让人眼前一亮。 清爽开胃的烤西瓜沙拉别处少见。西瓜用火炙烤后味道更香, 搭配番茄、奶酪、葵花籽等。烧烤牛肉也是阿根廷文化重要元 素之一。在这儿就可以尝到香气四溢且多汁的沙朗牛排和肉眼 牛排。 新推出的菜单包括北海道带子刺身配番茄汁与牛油果、酥脆鸡 皮配肝冻、糖核桃与葡萄酸辣酱、烤甜菜根配山羊奶酪与龙蒿 草,值得一尝! BoCHINche 22 Martin Road, #02-01, 电话:6235 4990
美式海鲜豪迈吃法 Cajun On Wheels推出路易斯安那风味的海鲜料理。海鲜 料理都装在桶里,供客人用手拿着吃,也有一些如乳酪薯 条、Cajun香料饭、松露炸番薯的小吃。 Olympian Bucket售价$158,包括苏格兰珍宝蟹、斯里兰卡 蟹、大虾、白蛤蜊、淡菜、玉米、马铃薯和炸鸡肉午餐肉, 与卡加乳酪酱、乳酪奶油、咸蛋黄酱或泰国红咖哩酱相融交 汇。海鲜味、酱味在舌尖一起狂舞,好不过瘾!其他选择包括 Poseidon Bucket($108)、Reel Crabby Bucket($108)与Just Be Shellfish Bucket($68)。 Cajun On Wheels 3 Temasek Boulevard #01-455/456/459/460/461, Unit 01-K41, Suntec City Mall
苗族老奶奶坐在椅子上, 侧耳聆听花草间的互诉。
Yàn Diners at this Cantonese restaurant now have the option of leaving it all up to chef Chan Kung Lai who will find what is fresh at the morning market or seasonal ingredients to come up with fresh dishes that they will not normally get to taste. For instance, diners might be offered a dish of sautéed giant grouper fillet with preserved vegetables and lily bulb, or marinated goose web and bean curd, depending on their seasonality. At each visit, diners will be surprised by new dishes.
Diners might find these pan-fried chilli crabmeat buns for their omakase. This omakase experience is available for lunch and dinner, starting from $60 per person for six courses. Diners looking at more courses can let restaurant manager CK Shek know their budget a few days in advance and the chef will create a menu accordingly. 1 St. Andrew Road, #05-02 National Gallery Singapore, Tel: 6384 5585
This rooftop restaurant offers French, Japanese and Chinese cuisines with a spectacular view of Marina Bay. Each cuisine is helmed by different head chefs who have recently revamped the menu with items that score on flavours, textures and presentation, particularly the Japanese starter of kani salad ($30) – a colourful choreography of Japanese yam, tomato, water shield and bonito vinaigrette jelly topped with a succulent and meaty crab claw. From the Chinese kitchen, where celebrity chef Chen Kentaro presides, is the highly recommended braised cod ($45; pictured) with springy vermicelli swimming in a light and spicy broth, while Michelin-starred chef Jérémy Gillon puts his signature French touch to his pistachio-crusted lamb rack ($60). 50 Collyer Quay, Rooftop Level OUE Bayfront, Tel: 6634 4555
追求个性化的美食体验 Dehesa餐馆老板兼主厨Jean-Philippe Patruno说:“没有任何噱头,没 有固定章法,有的只是技巧和对烹饪的激情,就这么简单!” 他在法国成 长,父亲是意大利人,母亲是西班牙人,从而奠定了扎实的烹饪基础。其 后他到伦敦工作,并在名师的指导下,使得烹饪技艺更上一层楼。 你可以在这家餐馆尝到非常有特色的食物。招牌冻肉拼盘、雪利酒辣椒蛤 蜊、章鱼佐薯泥、块根芹鳀鱼牛舌、炸蛋皮面包佐李子与鲜奶油,都体现 了大厨深厚的功力和独到的手艺。 Dehesa 12 North Canal Road, 电话:6221 7790
省荷包的奢华美食时光 餐馆取名999.99(Five Nines),上口易记。来自日本的厨师 Masanao Saito,曾在东京的意大利餐馆和日本驻瑞典大使馆积 累了丰富的烹饪经验。在这家现代欧风餐馆内,你可以找到卖相十 足,物超所值的开胃菜、主菜与甜品。例如大蒜风味鲜蚝的价格是 $13, 烤旗鱼佐青葱的价格是$15,牛里脊肉佐鹅肝的价格是$29, 奶汁烤龙虾的价格是$29,是不是让你无从抗拒?此外,可以选择 五道菜套餐,每位价格$59。 999.99 (Five Nines) 29 Keong Saik Road, 电话:6221 7098
食尚品味 GL 12
情 有 独
蒸粽是广东出名的端午节传统粽子。今年,Fairmont酒店的点心师傅 Mandy Yeo就以烧鸭腿、烧肉、叉烧和栗子等制作馅料,再以粽叶外搭荷叶 包裹蒸煮。带荷叶清香的糯米配搭馅味醇香,让吃后齿颊留香。 食谱提 供与制 作: Ma Fairmo ndy Yeo, nt四川 阁点心 师傅
传统港式裹蒸粽 Traditional Hong Kong Rice Dumpling 用料 白糯米1公斤,浸泡2小时,与1汤匙花生油和1茶匙盐 拌匀 开边绿豆300克,浸泡隔夜,与1汤匙花生油和半茶匙 盐拌匀
Ingredients 1kg white glutinous rice, soaked for 2 hours then mixed well with 1 tbsp peanut oil and 1 tsp salt 300g split mung beans, soaked overnight then mixed well with 1 tbsp peanut oil and 1/2 tsp salt
馅料 肥油100克 烧鸭腿100克 ,切块 烧肉100克,切块 叉烧100克,切块 咸蛋黄4个 栗子16个,去膜 炒香虾米100克 干花菇4朵,浸软去蒂,切块
Filling Ingredients 100g fat oil 100g roasted duck drumstick, cut into pieces 100g roasted pork, cut into pieces 100g char siew, cut into pieces 4 salted egg yolks 16 chestnuts, membrane removed 100g fried dried shrimps 4 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked till soft then stemmed and cut into pieces
调味料 花生油50克 糖1茶匙 盐半茶匙 玫瑰露酒1汤匙 五香粉1茶匙 其他 干荷叶4片,浸泡过夜再洗净 粽叶16片,用热水稍煮,冼净,切去头尾 油适量 草绳适量 作法 1 将馅料与调味料拌匀,均分成4份。 2 打开一片荷叶,铺上三片粽叶,并扫上一层薄薄 的油。先放入一份糯米和一份绿豆片,接着在中 间放入一份馅料,铺上绿豆片,再放入糯米。盖 上一片粽叶,包裹成粽子,用草绳捆绑。重复步 骤至用料用毕。 3 用热水煮4小时即可。
Seasoning 50g peanut oil 1 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp Chinese rose wine 1 tsp five-spice powder Others 4 dried lotus leaves, soaked overnight then rinsed 16 bamboo leaves, blanched and drained with ends cut off some oil some straw strings Method 1 Mix filling ingredients and seasoning well. Divide into 4 portions. 2 Open a lotus leaf. Top with 3 bamboo leaves. Smear with a layer of oil. Add 1 portion glutinous rice and 1 portion split mung beans. Then add 1 portion filling in the middle. Top with split mung beans followed by glutinous rice. Top with a bamboo leaf and wrap into a dumpling. Tie with a straw string. Repeat step to use up ingredients. 3 Poach with hot water for 4 hours. 食尚品味 GL 21
情 奢 华
食尚品味 GL 22
午节临近,Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel 中餐行政总厨Brian Wong特 为读者提供两款奢华中兼具营 养的粽子食谱。中西合并的黑 松露虫草花咸肉粽不但让你品 出黑松露的特殊鲜香,还同时 尝出腩肉的肥而不腻,鲜美滋 味让你停不了口。至于五谷 素粽,则是注重健康养生者所 爱,以五谷米、黑白糯米、杏 鲍菇和黑木耳等制作,不但味 道清香,还具养生功能,一举 两得。
黑 松 露 虫 草 花 咸 肉 粽
食谱提 供与制 作: Chef B rian W ong Singap ore Ma rriott Tang P laza H otel
用料 五花腩100克,切块 黑松露酱10克 黑松露(冷藏)5克,切薄片 黑松露油5克 白糯米100克,浸泡隔夜 虾米10克 虫草花10克
Ingredients 100g pork belly, cut into pieces 10g black truffle sauce 5g black truffle (frozen), sliced thinly 5g truffle oil 100g white glutinous rice, soaked overnight 10g dried shrimps 10g Cordyceps flower
调味料 鸡精粉少许 糖少许 盐少许 麻油少许 胡椒粉少许
Seasoning a little chicken seasoning powder a little sugar a pinch of salt a little sesame oil a dash of pepper
其他 粽叶适量 草绳适量
Others some bamboo leaves some straw strings
作法 1 将五花腩快、黑松露酱与调味料拌匀,腌 制隔夜。 2 将黑松露片和黑松露油浸在一起。 3 将全部用料用粽子叶包裹,用草绳扎好。 4 把包裹好的粽子放入热水里,煮约6至7小 时即可。
Method 1 Mix pork belly, black truffle sauce and seasoning well. Leave to marinate overnight. 2 Soak black truffle slices in truffle oil. 3 Wrap up all ingredients with bamboo leaves and secure with a string. 4 Poach the wrapped dumpling in hot water for 6 to 7 hours.
贴 士 TIP
用生糯米包着腌制的材料,这样可以让糯米在水煮的过程 产生粘性时紧紧封住肉汁肉香。 During poaching, the raw glutinous rice wrapping the marinated ingredients will turn sticky, locking in the flavours and juices of meat.
Black Truffle with Cordyceps Flower and Pork Belly Rice Dumpling (制作1个,250克重 / Makes 1 dumpling about 250g)
食尚品味 GL 23
食尚品味 GL 24
五 谷 素 粽
用料 油适量 沙葛30克,去皮磨碎 红萝卜30克, 去皮磨碎 杏鲍菇20克,切片 素肉干20克 黑木耳10克,切片 罐头焖花生80克 黑糯米20克,浸泡隔夜 白糯米20克,浸泡隔夜 五谷米60克
Ingredients some oil 30g turnip, peeled and grated 30g carrot, peeled and grated 20g king oyster mushrooms, sliced 20g vegetarian jerky 10g black fungus, sliced 80g canned braised peanuts 20g black glutinous rice, soaked overnight 20g white glutinous rice, soaked overnight 60g mixed grain rice
调味料 盐少许 胡椒粉少许
Seasoning a pinch of salt a dash of pepper
其他 粽叶适量 草绳适量
Others some bamboo leaves some straw strings
作法 1 锅中烧热适量油,放入沙葛碎、红萝卜碎 和杏鲍菇片一起翻炒,接着放入盐和胡椒 粉调味,翻炒至蔬菜的水分收干。 2 然后加入素肉干、黑木耳片和花生翻炒均 匀。 3 将黑白糯米加入五谷米中混匀,然后将全 部用料用粽子叶包裹,用草绳扎好。 4 把包裹好的粽子放入热水里,煮约3至4小 时即可。
Method 1 Heat some oil in pan. Stir-fry turnip, carrot and king oyster mushroom, then season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir-fry till no moisture remains from the vegetables. 2 Add vegetarian jerky, black fungus and braised peanuts to mix well. 3 Mix white and black glutinous rice with mixed grain rice. Wrap up all ingredients with bamboo leaves and secure with a string. 4 Poach the wrapped dumpling in hot water for 3 to 4 hours.
贴 士 TIP
五谷米粽子是注重健康意识的人的最佳选择,因为五谷米 是高纤维的食材,具有降低血压等作用。 The mixed grain dumpling is the perfect choice for anyone who is health-conscious because mixed grains are high in fibre and help to lower blood pressure, amongst other benefits.
Vegetarian 5-Grain Rice Dumpling (制作1个,250克重 / Makes 1 dumpling about 250g)
食尚品味 GL 25
chef’srecipes厨师食谱 用料 蛋黄酱200克 芝士酱100克 虾仁8只 鸡蛋半个, 打散 风车粉适量 油适量 培根1片,切丝炸脆 调味料 盐半茶匙 糖半茶匙 作法 1 取一个容器,将蛋黄酱和芝士酱 拌匀,备用。 2 将虾仁和调味料拌匀,接着放入 蛋液,均匀沾上风车粉。 3 锅 中 烧 热 适 量 油 , 七 成 热 时 放 入虾仁,油炸约2分钟至呈金黄 色,捞起沥干油分。 4 在虾仁上淋入芝士混合酱,搅拌 好后摆入盘中,撒上培根丝即 可。
全新的 味觉享受 来 来去去都一样,了无新意?别着急,让“龙碗”主厨
李志强教大家怎么颠覆传统,碰撞出一种全新的味道,就连嘴 刁的亲朋好友的心也被俘获! 中西合璧的白汁芝士虾球,口感软嫩,芝香满溢。李主厨透露 这款醇美的白汁还可用来搭配海鲜。不妨将蛤蜊、白汁与碎芝 士联袂,放入烤箱焗烤,相当简单且美味。 因为加了草莓酱,腩排的味道偏向酸酸甜甜,比较清新,一份 绝对的美味诱惑。李主厨说:“草莓酱可以提前准备。喜欢的 话,可以在草莓酱中添加打碎的蓝莓或蛋黄酱兜匀。” 再熟悉不过的腊味糯米饭,与鸡肉卷缱绻,材料丰富,香浓惹
味。李主厨畅谈心得,可以将拌好的糯米饭塞入去骨的鸡翅 里,开口处用竹签封严,再炸至金黄色。 食尚品味 GL 36
Ingredients 200g mayonnaise 100g cheese sauce 8 prawns 1/2 egg, beaten some potato starch some oil 1 piece bacon, shredded and deep-fried till crispy Seasoning 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp sugar Method 1 Mix mayonnaise and cheese sauce well in a container then set aside. 2 Mix prawn and seasoning well. Add beaten egg then coat evenly with potato starch. 3 Heat some oil in a pan till 70% hot. Deep-fry prawns for about 2 minutes till golden brown. Remove and drain. 4 Drizzle with cheese sauce mixture. Mix well before plating. Sprinkle with shredded bacon.
摄影:Lim Hee Peng
Béchamel Prawns
白 汁 芝 士 虾 球
无与 ‘ ‘轮’ ’ 比的 精品海上体验 近
式,并有逐年升温的趋势。这是因为现时邮轮上的服务设 施齐备多样化,除了丰盛的自助餐、豪华赌场之外,船上 每天举办的活动也丰富精彩,让大家在不需每天拿行李换 酒店的行程上,彻底放松心情和尽情玩乐。
食尚品味 GL 56
图片提供:Marina of the Sea
海洋水手号(Mariner of the Seas)是皇家加勒比国际邮轮 (Royal Caribbean International)旗下世界十大邮轮之一,也 是亚洲霸级邮轮。这艘重13万8279吨的游轮共有15层甲板, 最大载客量为3,807人,船员方面也多达1,185名。它只在每 年的11月份至来年2月来到东南亚,除了其亲民的价格,它 舒适的客房、各国美食佳酿、免税购物、皇家娱乐等奢华 的享受,使之深受众多邮轮爱好者的青睐。 这次有幸受邀随船从新加坡出发,停靠兰卡威和槟城之5天 4夜游,体验了完全不一样的旅游。轻松办理了拍照刷卡 登记进船手续上船,只觉整艘邮轮犹如一座海上城邦,心 里很自然的涌上了一种感觉,兴奋!跟着指示牌东转转西 弯弯的来到主餐厅,在热情服务员的带领下来到一长桌, 同一桌有来自不同国家的游客,隔阂丢一边,大家愉快的 边吃边聊天,说说美食,说说旅游......那多姿多彩的文化碰 撞,有若身处小小的多民族国度里。之后参加了海上安全 演习,这是每位乘客都必须参加的。 邮轮客房 海洋水手号邮轮客房主要分为阳台房,海景房,内舱房和 景观大道房。阳台房设在船舱的高层,通风好,景观也 好,坐在椅子上吹海风看日出日落,或看书喝茶,都是那 么的写意。设于船舱中部的海景房则有个圆形的不可打开 的玻璃窗让你观看海景。内舱房则没有窗户。至于景观大 食尚品味 GL 57
热闹的皇家大道(Royal Promenade)。
卡的标示分批对号入座的,时间上分为傍晚6点和晚上8点 两场。
船上活动很多,从早到晚其节目都排得满满的,肯定不会 让你觉得无聊,只会嫌时间不够。
另一个是位于11楼的帆船咖啡餐厅(Windjammer Cafe),以
的蓝色狂想曲(Rhapsody In Blue)、第四层的礼帽与燕尾
服(Top Hat and Tails) 和第五层的音乐之声(The Sound of Music),设计豪华优雅,以西餐为主。点餐包括开胃菜,
食尚品味 GL 58
年1月18日至22日,从新加坡出发,停靠兰卡威和 槟城之旅的海洋水手号更邀请了星级名厨夫妻档
Sam和Forest Leong上船,让客人一睹名厨风采。Sam和 Forest更为是次晚宴精心挑选了三道佳肴,即前菜的炖 羊肚菌干贝鸡汤(Oriental Double Boiled Morel Mushroom Consomme with Conpoy and Chicken)、主菜为青咖喱牛柳 配奶油马铃薯(Green Curry Carved Fillet of Beef Tenderloin with Creamy Whipped Potatoes),甜品方面则为香茅
名 厨 登 场
芦荟冻(Chilled Lemongrass Gelo with Aloe Vera and Wild Berries)。 除了晚宴佳肴,Sam和Forest也在隔天的烹饪示范会上各别示范了别具营 养的中式凉拌虫草花枸杞金针菇和令人回味的香茅芦荟冻。现场示范期间 两位名厨的诙谐有趣话语把大家都逗乐了,有说有笑的把整个气氛炒热了 起来,欢愉的度过两个小时。除了示范,夫妻俩在问与答时间也派送了其 精美烹饪书予客人,再次获得了大家热烈的掌声。 之后大家除了品尝他们提前准备的约千份甜点和沙拉,还抓紧时间很守秩 序的排队和夫妻两合影留念。看一看.....哗......不止是Aunty啊,还有好多 好多的年轻粉丝.....
治、披萨、汉堡、水果、果冻、咖啡和茶等,让你随时逛 累了玩累了,坐下吃点喝点解馋解渴。 在11楼甲板两侧的冰淇淋摊和热狗屋(Boardwalk Dog House),也是免费派送的。其烤得鲜嫩多汁的香肠配上冰 冰凉凉的Ice Cream,是看池畔露天电影或游泳间中休息的 最大享受。 若你不想被干扰或在人多的地方吃饭,那24小时客房免费 送餐服务(除了凌晨时段送餐需加收服务费),也可让你舒舒 服服的待在房里用膳。 此外,乔凡尼意式餐厅(Giovanni’s Table)、牛排烧烤餐厅 (Chops Grille)、尊尼火箭美式餐厅(Johnny Rockets)等也更 进一步丰富游客的餐饮选择。 食尚品味 GL 59
邮轮上的莲花酒廊(Lotus Lounge)、维京皇冠酒廊(Viking
Crown Lounge)、九霄鸡尾酒吧(Cloud Nine)、思古诺钢琴酒 吧(Schooner Piano Bar)、Boleros酒吧、广场酒吧(The Plaza
各类的表演巡游、欢迎酒会和欢送活动等都在这举行,所 以这里永远是最热闹的。
海洋水手号的体育和休闲设施主要是分布在顶层甲板,这 里的露天运动场有攀岩墙、迷你高尔夫球场、乒乓球、篮
萨沃伊豪华大剧院(Savoy Theater)每天都会有精彩绝伦的
歌舞演出,不论是音乐歌舞剧《画廊夜之梦》(Gallery of Dreams)、还是著名乐队La Forza的表演以及Tamara Guo的
倾情演唱,或是Duck Cameron的诙谐魔术表演,场场都获
旋涡按摩池里待个数十分钟,或泡在温泉里观赏大屏幕上 的电影,或静静的在躺椅上来个日光浴,还真可把疲惫消
每一刻都精彩万分的冰上表演(Ice Under The Big Top)也是不
美妙的花样滑冰绝对称得上是世界水准。由于座位有限, 因此它是以用餐时间和救生集合地点的单双数来划分观看 时间的。 不要错过《梦工厂》动画明星如《怪物史瑞克》里的史瑞 克和费欧娜公主、靴猫、《马达加斯加》的狮子亚历斯或
位于邮轮中央核心的皇家大道(Royal Promenade)设有多
Kors、IWC名表店、美酒佳酿,施华洛世奇饰品等奢华品。 这些免税“品牌专卖店”里的时尚新品可让你尽情挑选,
赌场(Casino Royale)试一试运气。这里有着各式各样的赌博
皇家加勒比海洋水手号的 各项娱乐设施 第2层: 放映室、会议中心、萨沃伊大剧院、Studio B溜冰场 第3层: 萨沃伊大剧院、龙的传说舞厅、Studio B溜冰场、画廊和 照相馆、蓝色狂想曲餐厅 第4层: 萨沃伊大剧院、皇家赌场、礼帽与燕尾服餐厅、思古诺 钢琴酒吧、波莱罗酒吧 第5层: 莲花酒廊、皇家大道精品专卖店、皇家大道咖啡馆、音 乐之声餐厅、雪茄俱乐部 第6层: 商务中心 第7层: 图书馆 第8层: 皇家网吧 第9层: 礼宾俱乐部 第11层: 泳池、水疗和健身中心、按摩池、日光浴场、泳池吧、 冰淇淋摊、热狗屋、意式乔凡尼餐厅、牛排烧烤餐厅、 帆船咖啡餐厅、池畔露天电影、广场酒吧 第12层:水疗和健身中心、慢跑径、天空酒吧、尊尼火箭美式餐 厅、“海上历奇”青少年活动中心、青少年活动区域 (The Living Room, Fuel Teen Disco和The Back Deck) 第13层: 攀岩墙、篮球场、直排轮滑道、迷你高尔夫球练习场 第14层: 爵士俱乐部、钻石俱乐部、维京皇冠酒廊、七心棋牌 室、九霄鸡尾酒吧 第15层: 圣光教堂
厨房背后的男人 Chef Garry Smith
果说上邮轮游玩最‘享受’的地方是吃时,没有人会反 对!
想一想,每天除了娱乐就是吃吃吃,一天至少可以吃5餐,早 餐、午餐、下午茶点、晚餐、夜宵.......当然还有客房餐饮服 务.....结果是一趟旅游下来,体重可能就会增加1至3公斤,如果 你吃饱后没做运动! 现就让我们来揭开好吃的食物背后的真相。来自苏格兰,海 洋水手号的行政总厨凯利(Executive Chef Garry Smith)与我 们分享其中较不为人知的厨房一面。“霸级邮轮海洋水手号 每趟平均载有约3,400名乘客和1,200名工作人员,因此每趟旅 程的消耗总食材量可谓惊人。试想每一天都要准备约15,000至 18,000份餐点给约5,000个客人和船员,所以我们必须确保有 足够的食物。这其中的干货和冷冻食品一般上都是来自美国的 迈阿密,至于新鲜蔬菜和水果则在途径其他港口时停靠采购 补充。” “除了要有足够的食物,我们也尽量确保不会浪费食材,而且 尽量不要囤积一些比较容易腐烂的食材,如蔬菜、水果和奶类 品,它们很快就会变质,而最后造成浪费。”总厨凯利说道。
节 目 活 每 动 表
那厨房需要多少人来准备餐点呢?“Woh......我们需要约超过 200余名厨师和清洁员工来帮忙准备餐饮和收拾,按轮班制工 作,每天24小时不间断的在不同层楼准备餐饮,确保每位客人 随时都能享用美食。” 天晚上舱房服务员都会把第二天的节目表放在床 上,每一项活动都会仔细的列出来。此外,房
邮轮两头每层的电梯边都有相应的指示牌。此外,有一 块电子版可让你点一下上面的“现在要做什么”,就能 显示出当前的节目。
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A Revitalising
Lemongrass with
Considered a diuretic, tonic and stimulant, lemongrass is widely used as a culinary herb in Asian cuisine. Linda Choo reveals how we can pick the best lot from the market to use it for her three recipes
ymbopogon, better known as lemongrass, is a popular ingredient used by many in Asia to incorporate that subtle citrus flavour into their dishes, particularly the spicy cuisines of Indochina where this stalky plant with a lemony scent is in abundance. The zesty lemon flavour carries a scallion undertone, tasting milder and sweeter than lemons. This flavour harmonises well with coconut milk, especially with chicken or seafood, making it a combination that is widely exploited by Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan and Indian cooking, particularly meat, poultry, seafood and vegetable curries. Known to promote good digestion and induce perspiration to cool the body down, the fresh stalks and leaves of this tall tropical grass have a clean lemonlike note because they contain an essential oil which is also present in lemon peel. Well known as a mild insect repellent, this oil is also used in perfumery and research has shown that the oil has antifungal properties as well. USAGE AND SELECTION The leaf of the lemongrass ends with a solid portion towards the root end. Select stalks that are firm to the touch, smell fragrant, and look fresh. Look for tight bulbs and pale to bright green stems and leaves. The leaves may be somewhat dry, but avoid any that appear overly dried out, brown or yellow. Although the entire stalk is edible, it is the tender middle section that is used in general. The bulbous portion can be pounded and used whole or cut in slices for cooking. For salads, smaller slices work better as they would not be overly chewy. The stems are also used in teas, pickles and in flavouring marinades.
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Lemongrass can also be dried and powdered. One teaspoon of powdered lemongrass is equivalent to one fresh stalk. It is recommended to soak dried sliced lemongrass for two hours before use. STORAGE AND COOKING The lemongrass is no alien to Linda Choo who is very much into gardening and botany. In her backyard are lush clumps of lemongrass that often reward her with their energising scent as they sashay in the gentle breeze. To harvest this stalky plant, she dons thick gloves to avoid getting cut by its sharp edges or bristles on the sheath. The plants last three to four years and are harvested every three to five months. Choo recommends refrigerating the lemongrass stems in ziplock bags so that they can last two to three weeks. The stems can also be frozen for several months. Lemongrass should be wrapped and stored separately to keep its flavour from imparting to other foods. Lemongrass in cold storage can keep its aroma far better. Choo enjoys the scent released when she cut the lemongrass to prepare her favourite recipe – the double-boiled lemongrass chicken soup which is featured on the following page. Out of habit, Choo also uses the lemongrass and turmeric in her pork dishes. Try out her stir-fried pork recipe to see how these additions can not only tone down the porkiness but enhance the flavour as well. Oftentimes, Choo makes tea with lemongrass and pandan leaves – an inexpensive, easy and tasty concoction that is known to keep the flu away. The recipe is also featured here. On hot days, try having it cold to dispel the sweltering heat!
Stir-Fried Pork with Lemongrass and Turmeric 用料 猪肉300克,切片 麻油5汤匙 姜丝3汤匙 香茅5根,只取白色部分,切片 蒜蓉1汤匙 米酒2汤匙
Ingredients 300g pork, sliced 5 tbsp sesame oil 3 tbsp shredded ginger 5 stalks lemongrass, white portion sliced 1 tbsp minced garlic 2 tbsp rice wine
腌料 黄姜1小块,去皮捣碎 胡椒粉1/4茶匙 盐半茶匙 糖1茶匙 麻油半茶匙 料酒1汤匙 粟粉1汤匙
Marinade 1 small knob of turmeric, peeled and smashed 1/4 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp sesame oil 1 tbsp cooking wine 1 tbsp cornflour
作法 1 将肉片和腌料一起腌制约30分钟。 2 热锅,倒入麻油,中火爆香姜丝至金黄色,捞 起备用。 3 锅里留下2汤匙油,倒入香茅片和蒜蓉炒香。 加入肉片,翻炒至熟透(必要时加一点清水)。 4 绕着锅边倒入米酒,略烧片刻即可起锅,撒上 炸姜丝增香。
Method 1 Marinate meat for about 30 minutes. 2 Heat oil in pan. Pour in sesame oil. Fry ginger over medium heat till fragrant and golden brown. Remove and set aside. 3 Retain 2 tbsp oil in pan. Fry lemongrass and garlic till fragrant. Add meat and stir-fry till thoroughly cooked (add a little water if necessary). 4 Pour rice wine into pan in a circular fashion. Cook awhile then dish out immediately. Sprinkle with shredded fried ginger to enhance the fragrance.
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低脂杏仁奶油蛋糕 Low-Fat Almond Butter Cake 用料 水手牌特级粉心粉120克 杏仁粉70克 无铝泡打粉1茶匙 盐1/4茶匙 无盐优质牛油125克 ,室温软化 细砂糖130克 香草豆荚半条,剖开,刮出籽 大鸡蛋4个 鲜牛奶150毫升 杏仁片适量
Ingredients 120g Blue Jacket unbleached all-purpose flour 70g ground almond 1 tsp aluminium-free baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 125g unsalted premium butter, softened 130g castor sugar 1/2 vanilla bean, halved and seeded 4 big eggs 150ml fresh milk some almond flakes
作法 1 将面粉、杏仁粉、泡打粉和盐放入碗中,搅拌 均匀。 2 用电动搅拌器,以中速搅打牛油和细砂糖约 2分钟直到蓬松。 3 加入香草籽,逐渐打入鸡蛋直到混合均匀。 4 改用低速。将面粉分为3部分(1/2、1/4和 1/4),与牛奶交替加入。 5 调到中速,搅打10秒,直到面糊均匀。 6 倒入铺有油纸的8寸蛋糕模或迷你心形硅胶蛋 糕模,用橡皮刮刀抹平表面。撒些杏仁片在面 糊表面。 7 放入预热烤箱以上下火摄氏150度烘烤30分钟 后,把温度调高到摄氏160度,继续烘烤20至 30分钟或竹签插入中心后抽出而没有沾粘面糊 就代表熟了。
Method 1 Whisk flour, ground almond, baking powder and salt together in a bowl. 2 Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and castor sugar on medium speed for about 2 minutes till fluffy. 3 Add the vanilla seeds and beat in eggs gradually till well-combined. 4 Switch mixer to low speed and add flour mixture in 3 parts (1/2, 1/4 and 1/4), alternating with milk. 5 Switch to medium speed and beat for 10 seconds, just till batter appears uniform. 6 Pour into an 8-inch cake pan lined with nonstick baking paper or into mini silicone heart-shaped muffin pans. Smooth the top with a spatula. Sprinkle with some almond flakes. 7 Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C (top and bottom heating) for about 30 minutes then increase the temperature to 160°C and continue to bake for 20 to 30 minutes more or till an inserted skewer comes out clean.
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