3 minute read
WELCOME: James Day
An inclusive food and lifestyle on-line priority membership club, for gourmands who seek extraordinary rewards and immersive experiences to share with others.
Including access to immersive cookery courses and virtual experiences. Destinations, ‘At-Home’ experiences, with exclusive introductions, content, savings and extra ‘secret’ ingredients that often money cannot buy.

For gourmands who love to experience and gift memories.
Join Us
Visit gourmet-experiences.co.uk/greatest-british/club
@GBexperiences GBGourmetExperiences
Published in the UK by ‘GREATEST BRITISH (PUBLISHING) Co.’ Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or changes since going to press, or for consequential loss arising from such inaccuracies or changes, or for any other loss direct or consequential arising in connection with information contained within this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Business Enquiries: E: info@gourmet-experiences.co.uk W: gourmet-experiences.co.uk All rights reserved © Gourmet Lifestyle-Leisure Marketing LTD 2020/21 Published in conjunction with Not-for-Profit Independent Cookery School Association (ICSA) Creation, content, images and photography by ‘GREATEST BRITISH (PUBLISHING) CO.’ Part of Gourmet Lifestyle-Leisure Marketing LTD © unless otherwise stated. All other credits with kind permission. All information correct at the time of going to press.
Editorial Team: Lara Page & James Day Director: James Day Design: Phil ‘The Don’ Donnelly Accounts: Peter Ainsworth Thank you to all, for going the extra E-Mile!
Printed in partnership with Anglia Press: Printed with chemical free inks. Certified by The Carbon Neutral Company. Winners of The Queens Award for Enterprise – Sustainable Development 2016. Zero landfill.
For Henry. My lock-down companion.
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WELCOME: James Day
Hospitality Action: Bright Future Love British Food Flavours of Yorkshire: Chef Shaun Rankin, Grantley Hall Heart of England Experiences Sustainable Spirits of Wales: Aber Falls Distillery Eating Out At Home: Chef Adam Handling, London Foraging: The Rewards of Nature’s Harvest
Partnership in Quality & Passion: Lakeland Retail, Cumbria
WELCOME TO ICSA: Stella West-Harling MBE Cookery Courses On Line: Camilla Schneideman, Leiths Academy The Perfect Cookery School Experience: Andrew Maxwell Sustainability Flexitarianism: Chef Day Radley Vegetarian Eating: Chef Sam Platt Sourcing Regionally Supporting A Healthy Immune System: Dr Lucy Williamson Chasing Wellness: William Chase
Supporting British Farmers & Suppliers: James Day
Thank you to our partners, members, supporters and creative team.
This unique collection brings together some of the incredible chefs, food producers, artisans and education providers which we partner, who have each played a part in supporting our nation, particularly through the challenges of this turbulent year.
As health has become a stronger focus, many of us have developed a greater awareness and appreciation of the food we eat; some of us have even used this time to develop new skills and uncover new passions for cookery.

Others have explored the inspiring new trends that have been born during national lockdowns; At Home dining, virtual learning, foraged ingredients, local produce and a host of other new and exciting ways to enjoy food.
The pioneers behind these trends are included herewith, many of our very own ‘GourmetXperience’ partners, and through this bespoke collection of experiences providers, we hope to inspire you to sample some of these culinary delights for yourself, engage with and inspire others.
I would personally like to thank all those who have taken time out of their ‘new normal’ or indeed ‘abnormal’ schedules to help contribute, create and craft these pages, alongside the features, ideas and shop items you’ll discover on our website.
James Day
@GBexperiences GBGourmetExperiences E: Info@gourmet-experiences.co.uk