1 minute read
Diverse but united
Vilnius is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of over 600,000
Number of foreigners living in Vilnius: 68,000 (Centre of Registers, November 2022)
Language: Lithuanian
Religion: Roman Catholic 77.2%, Russian Orthodox 4.1%, Old Believer 0.8%, Evangelical Lutheran 0.6%, Evangelical Reformist 0.2%, Other 0.8%.
Local Time: GMT + 2 hours (EET), GMT + 3 hours (summer)
Working Hours: Governmental institutions work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Thursday, with shorter working hours on Fridays.
Shops are usually open from 10 a.m. to 6-7 p.m. on weekdays and until 3-4 p.m. on Saturdays.
Shopping malls are open every day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Supermarkets are usually open between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., and some are open until midnight.
During winter, when we turn our clocks an hour forward, be aware, it’s going to get dark around 4-5 p.m.
So if you’re planning on taking a nice post-sauna dip in a cold lake, make sure you book it in the first half of the day to avoid swimming in the dark!
Alcohol can be purchased from Monday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Alcohol is not sold on 1 September.
The easiest way to find a friend in Vilnius?
Get a pet, best if it’s a dog. If you’re alone, locals will most likely pass right by you with their faces serious as a stone. But if you have a four-legged friend by your side, rest assured, no one will pass you by without asking for a name! Though... not yours, unfortunately...
Are you about to read this relocation guidebook?
Well, you might not have to! BeFriend a local!
YES! Let us match you with a local Vilnietis/Vilnietė that is JUST LIKE YOU but with long-term experience living in our city.
International House Vilnius has launched a simple but amazing mentorship/ friendship, or as we say, friendorship programme that allows foreigners to find a local to help with whatever needs they may have.
Want to find the right school for your child? Need some advice on where to find the best pilates classes? Or maybe you just want to grab a beer with someone and learn why on earth Lithuanians have kefyras, which you only found out about after you poured it into your coffee instead of milk...
Register for this programme, and as we say, duodu ranką nukirsti! (meaning, I would even risk my hand being cut off, that’s how certain I am), that you won’t need to read this guidebook any further!