Microsoft Industry Perspective: Windows To Go

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D eveloping N ew and A ffordable Opportunities for the Mobile Workforce in a Secure Environment

Windows Go to

or IT professionals, there is an opportunity for government IT to be instrumental in creating a modern, agile, and efever, IT professionals have great responsibility to support agency-

ment agencies are even better positioned to be more agile, moreimagined for today’s govern-

Advancements in technology provide opportunities for government agencies to modernize, These elements are essential to meet organizational demand, es-

chitecture to the user interface port highlights one of the latest

states: “Microsoft’s recommended us-

be carried on an encrypted USB

ing users to roam to different

any PC to access information on ios such as managed free seating, agency continuity of operations ties for government agencies and retains security in a mobile environment to accommodate an

solution, such as DirectAccess, can provide a trusted environment for remote access into an

ployees can easily access and share information on the go, and

Travel amongst sites often re-

or location to access their desk-

To Go could be used as a solu-

their desktop and managed neteverything from the system ar-


Fac ilita ti n g Co n ti n u it y of O p e r at ion s


and broader consumer adoption, there is an increasing reliance on technology to deliver core Considering that many government computers -


To Go, stating, “Enterprise customers utilizing Vol-


ing the ability for employees to access their deskGo: Computer is USB boot capable ments To Go, and the relationship to assisting in develdrives can use the same image that enterprises use for their desktops and laptops, and can be manto replace desktops or laptops, or supplant other -

In this scenario, selected employees receive a USB drive with a Windows To Go workspace, which includes all of the applications that the employees use at work. The employees can keep the device at home, in a briefcase, or wherever they want to store it until needed.When the users boot their home computer from the USB drive, it will create a corporate desktop experience sees that Windows is installing devices; after that one time, the Windows To Go drive boots like a normal computer. If they have enterprise network access, employees can use a virtual private network (VPN) connection or DirectAccess to access corporate resources. If the enterprise network is available, the Windows To Go workspace will automatically be updated using your standard client management processes.


Ope ning N ew Oppor t u nit ie s recent, Susie -


states, “The Digital Government Strategy pushes



cies must provide security and IT support for a adopting a mobile strategy, especially as opposed -

nect to their desktop from a variety of different


provisioned for employees using various methods or other deployment tools and then distributed

devices in bulk and optimize service plans based

“Windows To Go could be used as a solution allowing employees to travel lighter while still having access to their desktop and managed network environment.” National Security Agency “The Digital Government Strategy pushes for agencies to look at bring your own device and mobility. The directive calls for federal employees to have access to the data they need anywhere, anytime on any device.”

“In this situation, you have employees who are moving from site to site, but who always have access to a compatible host computer on site. Using Windows To Go workspaces allows them to travel without the need to pack their PC.”

Susie Adams Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft





I mp ro v ed S ecu ri ty F e a t u r e s protect the drive from being compromised if the environment is a necessity to meeting organizaproviding mobile and multiple channels to access

this helps prevent unauthorized users from booting the drive and using it to gain access to your

to protect information, and ensure that security



Microsoft continues to provide insights to improved security features throughthe use of Bit-


The Way F o rw a rd


Across all areas of government, services rely on -

reason for optimism that technology can enable


ues to evolve, it is critical that agencies adopt and

There is no doubt that the current government lenges for improved services, cost reductions and

For mor e i n f o r m a t i o n o n M i c r o s o f t W i n d ows 8 , p le ase see the f ollow ing r e s ou r c e s : Frequently Asked Questions Deployment Considerations Security and Data Protection Considerations Best Practice Recommendations

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