2 minute read
Building on Yesterday
The first-ever Gamma Phi Beta Convention took place in the Sorority’s founding city, Syracuse, from November 8-9, 1883 — 140 years ago! A total of 69 Alpha Chapter (Syracuse) members attended the event along with Isadore Thompson (Michigan, 1882), who attended as Beta Chapter’s (Michigan) sole delegate.
The purpose of Convention then was the same as today: to gather with sisters, conduct Sorority business and celebrate cherished traditions and rituals. Most of the discussion at Convention 1883 revolved around expansion, including the price of chartering new chapters. The Constitution was also revised for
Conventions to be held on or as near as possible to November 11 and held in order of the chapter. The password, the same used to this day, was also presented.

Convention 1883’s closing banquet took place at a conventioneer’s home. Balance Shove (Syracuse, 1878) gives us a look into what the evening was like, concluding her minutes writings with the following:
“After a feast which exceeded our wildest dreams, we adjourned to the parlors for a good time. May all future Conventions prove as pleasant and enjoyable as this — our first one.”