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subject areas such as Hospitality, Information and Digital Technology, Retail, Business Services (Office Admin.), Property Services (Real Estate), Tourism. Students need to obtain an employer who will offer the part time work involved in the Traineeship. A course associated with the Traineeship also needs to be available for the student to study. Course costs need to be determined for the Traineeship. See Mr Russell for more details.

A school-based apprenticeship is similar to a traineeship. In an apprenticeship, a student studies and works (e.g. Plumber) and effectively does the first year of the apprenticeship while at school and commences the second year of the apprenticeship at the start of the year following Year 12. See Mr Russell for more details.


If there is a subject that you particularly want to study but it is not available through the school (e.g. Italian), or there are too few numbers to form a class for that particular subject in the school, you may be able to study the subject by correspondence. Not all subjects, however, are available by correspondence. Generally, we do not encourage students to study by correspondence as it is difficult to sustain an individual disciplined effort over 2 years. Please be aware that there is a cost associated with studying a course by correspondence, some of which is paid by the parent and some by the College. Given that there are costs associated with Distance Education courses, the expectation is that for any student who wants to enrol in a Distance Education Course, the student’s College fee account will be up-to-date and not in arrears. Information about the various courses available and their cost, is available from Mrs Van Wyk in the Library. As with other Senior courses, students will need to purchase the required textbooks for any course studied by correspondence.

The Government provides some distance education Year 11 and 12 courses through the Government’s Distance Educations Schools. TAFE also provides some distance education Year 11 and 12 courses.

Government’s Distance Education Schools

For most subjects offered by the Government’s Distance Education schools, there are a limited number of places available for us to access, so not all students can necessarily gain a place in a Correspondence Course. In many instances a student cannot study a course with one of the Government’s Distance Education schools if the course being applied for is also available in the student’s home school. Some Distance Education schools - those that are Government run, eg Sydney Distance Education High School, NSW School of Languages (formerly Open High School), have a rule that students cannot be doing more than 13 Preliminary units and not more than 11 HSC units in order for them to approve an application for study. Please be aware of this in terms of how it might affect your Year 11 and 12 study program over the two years of Year 11 and 12. The Government Distance Education schools charge for students from private schools to access their courses. Please speak to Mrs Van Wyk regarding correspondence courses and the costs involved.

TAFE Digital (previously known as OTEN)

Another Distance Education provider is the distance education arm of TAFE. A variety of courses are available through TAFE Digital – some are listed below. There is a fee involved for students studying TAFE Digital courses.

The fees and subsidy arrangements for TAFE Digital TVET courses are the same as for TVET courses mentioned earlier in this booklet, noting that the Government funding is limited to only one external VET course. See Mr Russell about TAFE Digital VET Courses.

For TAFE Digital courses that are not VET courses, such as Standard Mathematics, Ancient History, Chemistry, Economics, Food Technology, Modern History and PDHPE, there is NO Government VET subsidy and these courses have the same cost arrangements as other correspondence courses. Please speak to Mrs Van Wyk if you are interested in any of the non-VET courses.

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