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Aboriginal Studies

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Aboriginal Studies in Year 9 and 10 is designed to enable and encourage students to deepen their understanding of the commonalities and diversity of Aboriginal cultures, experiences and perspectives. They will have opportunities to explore the continuity and dynamism of Aboriginal identities, communities and cultural expressions, the importance of selfdetermination and autonomy, and assess the roles of Aboriginal Peoples locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Students will also be instructed as to how to conduct research in Aboriginal communities, both locally and distant, which is respectful, enriching, and God honouring.

If students are hoping to undertake Aboriginal Studies, Community and Family Studies, History, or Society and Culture in Years 11 and 12, they are encouraged to undertake Aboriginal Studies in Years 9 and 10.

Students will participate in excursions in both years 9 and 10.

Topics studied in Aboriginal Studies in Years 9 and 10:

2 Core Units • Aboriginal Identities • Aboriginal Self-Determination and Autonomy

6 Electives • Aboriginal Enterprises and Organisations • Aboriginal Peoples and the Visual Arts • Aboriginal Peoples and the Performing Arts • Aboriginal Peoples and Oral and Written Expression • Aboriginal Peoples and Technologies • Aboriginal Peoples’ Interaction with Legal and Political Systems

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